Commit Graph

896 Commits (b4a7ab66ab2175d28f3519c86c128ee38caedcaf)

Author SHA1 Message Date
dnk-88 67a114e766 merge from default
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 5f8789e98f Changed: Updated other plugins with latest API changes to OVQT plugin system. Added the plugin-spec files for each plugin.
dnk-88 7471561ba0 Changed: Updated object viewer plugin with latest API changes to OVQT plugin system. Added the plugin-spec file.
dnk-88 54b76eec02 Changed: Updated core plugin. Added the plugin-spec file.
dnk-88 2eac5ab064 Changed: Now plugin system reads plugin information from plugin-spec file(ovqt_plugin_*.xml) for each plugin.
cemycc 86daa90ded Changed: Merge from default and fixing the bug when you switch windows
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
kaetemi 8c10508b0f Added: Some extra log info.
kaetemi a61b82fe1e Changed: Fixed several issues concerning export with lightmaps.
dnk-88 0f86e107b7 merge from default
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 470a00a2c4 Changed: Added the feature of enable/disable plugins on startup program.
aquiles 52a6e8010c Changed: some focus (in terms of widget focus) related additions, to provide expected usabillity (Tab/Click Focus etc.)
dnk-88 cbeb115244 Changed: Fix typos in comments/code.
aquiles 16b3e28b7a Changed: added basic editing possibillities for normal and parent values (no default values and no saving of changed values yet); added possibillity to expand/collapse whole tree by header click
dnk-88 0415894b57 GSOC FINAL
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 0c8bbd7e5b Changed: Added "unload primitive" and "unload landscape" undo command. Update doxygen comments.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
cemycc 2a9293b72a Changed: Added documentation and minor fixes
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
dnk-88 3ccb85e0a4 Changed: Added "delete primitive" undo command.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
sfb f43774765d Changed: Turned off zone painter, fixed nelns and snowballs CMake builds for gcc 4.4.3
dnk-88 da6828daf0 Changed: Fix typos in comments/code.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 eb3c9d2b90 Changed: The value angle can save in file.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
cemycc ec3fcf5ef3 Changed: Making some little modifcations in code. Open now saves the last directory
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
cemycc b83fb39a94 Changed: Added support for unicode format on editors
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
dnk-88 adbcdcd9f0 Changed: Clean up code for undo commands.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 0918a42060 Fixed: Fixed crash program(LoadRootPrimitiveCommand and AddPrimitiveByClassCommand do not work with selection model, and edit points mode does not work with mouse panning).
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
aquiles de16eef8fa Changed: small additions/bug fixed here and there for your viewing pleasure :)
dnk-88 6f6477eb1c Changed: When selecting graphics items in scene will be selected the appropriate primitives in the primitives dialog.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
aquiles 232712531c Changed: added pill icon to object_viewer tab
dnk-88 82f6999b47 Changed: Added save/saveAs action for primitive item.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 782425f9df Changed: Added save/saveAs action for primitive item.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 054e5c521c Changed: When create zone or path initially has minimal 3 points and path 2 points resp.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 434ce9d6a9 Changed: Added empty property dialog.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 3ede2b845b Changed: Added edit points mode with undo/redo commands and turn undo/redo command for PointWorldItem.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
aquiles 1e4a4b6724 Changed: added basic sheet viewing
kervala cba94924e2 Merge
kaetemi 37b7c76d7b Merge
kaetemi d98511337d Fixed: Support 3ds Max 2012 SDK.
aquiles 28c4623f27 Changed: fixed bug when exception in sound system wouldnt close the settings group leading to inconsistent ini file
kervala c648ff15cc Fixed: Dll symbols export under Windows for qtpropertybrowser
dnk-88 9c303dbf2f Changed: When selecting primitives in the primitives dialog will be selected the appropriate graphics items in scene.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
kervala 067c045855 Fixed: Moc'ed files not being generated by CMake for qtpropertybrowser
cemycc ba7dfeb907 Changed: Added undo/redo for Phrase Editor. Works great
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
dnk-88 14964373fb Changed: Added drawing of circle for point primitive
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 8116d76d1e Changed: Added the turn undo command.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
cemycc a983374b2a Changed: Added tab view on QMdiArea, new syntax highliter and added base functions for Undo/Redo framework
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
dnk-88 e39cc48a3a Fixed: Fixed crash program.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 f4d699c534 Fixed: Fixed undo/redo zoom items.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 89a92f1e4c Changed: Added undo command (move, rotate, scale)
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 a65eb22feb Changed: Used setData(QVariant) instead setGraphicsData().
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 1b1bab4cd8 Changed: Improved selection model.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 c4c7fe06c0 Changed: Added status bar and inactive world editor settings page.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 3a96a8f8e3 Fixed: Added max and min zooming.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 d19feac70c Changed: Added additional visual elements (Point, Path, Zone) in 2d render without undo/redo operations(move, rotate, scale).
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 b93f59ae10 Changed: Landscape scene works correctly in world editor plugin. Replaced dynamic_cast on more faster qgraphicsitem_cast.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
cemycc 2cd1527656 Changed: Added undo/redo for editor and a little syntaxhighliter
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
dnk-88 4c9614d841 Changed: Added methods for keeping graphics data (QGraphicsItem and future the 3d_WorldEditor classes).
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 9e3fd003d6 Changed: Landscape scene works correctly in world editor plugin.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 e7118b3996 Fixed: Smooth Panning and Zooming.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
cemycc b226300450 merge from default
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
dnk-88 a1a207cf6a merge from default
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 51a8add985 Fixed: Now works correctly with translucent tiles.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
sfb 5414a32525 Update: Changed log plugin plugin name to LogPlugin.
sfb 4462383a26 reverting log plugin to rev 1660
cemycc 44804ea770 Changed: Added some features and making little modifications
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
sfb bdac2b9489 merge branch-mission-compiler-qt into default
cemycc 23f1309995 Changed: Added Phrase editor files and base functions
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
dnk-88 7ab6c38496 Changed: Redesigned the primitives database and added undo\redo commands for database.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 ebd48bccc1 Changed: Added new utils functions.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
sfb bd2768ec89 Added: 3rd party library - Qt Property Browser 2.5
branch : branch_ovqt_3rdparty
dnk-88 a41a662edb Changed: Improved ZoneBuilderBase for using in undo/redo commands.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 3e9e103dea Changed: Added 2d render in world editor plugin.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 14272b5e79 Changed: Added world edit mode toolbar.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 c5dbe3cc82 Changed: Fix typos in comments/code.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 55f7ee692f Changed: Fix typos in comments/code.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 d0e4d17656 Changed: Updated LandscapeSceneBase and ZoneBuilderBase classes for world editor plugin.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 b74413dd55 Changed: Added operations creating and deleting primitives without undo/redo.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 0c1a463b97 Changed: Added LandscapeSceneBase and ZoneBuilderBase classes for world editor plugin (ZoneBuilder and LandscapeScene classes are being divided on two separatly classes).
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
cemycc 6fb8d197cf Changed: Added the base files for phrase editor and new method to save the editor type
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
sfb a5c0026d23 Update: Fixed a specific crash when only one server was checked and configured. Added mission publication.
branch : branch-mission-compiler-qt
sfb a431e62539 Update: Completed settings page, loading and saving of settings and preferences (checked publish servers.) Changed namespace from 'Plugin' to 'MissionCompiler'.
branch : branch-mission-compiler-qt
dnk-88 29f78e79fe Changed: Added initial database of primitives (model/view) (loading of *. primitive file)
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
sfb 63caf64438 merge default
branch : branch-mission-compiler-qt
dnk-88 2baa68b89c Changed: Improved appearance of landscape editor.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 676e468137 Changed: Added transition mode.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 4832fc6a37 Changed: Added new icons.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 6d12690641 Changed: Added the add transition method.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
cemycc cfa7244074 Added Full support for FTP merge options and icons for FTP window. This is the last commit for the first milestone.
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
cemycc 10d5831ac4 Changed: I have clean my branch, removing temp files
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
cemycc 6fbe07b6f4 Changed: Added Undo Commands for edit, insertand delete items on table and for words extraction
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
cemycc 8ad55aae36 Changed: Fixing a bug with the extraction options
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
dnk-88 e054d87d01 Fixed: A temporary fix instead of the future of undo command delete landscape.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 14459c702f merge from default
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 a5749c75f5 Changed: Added status info and each zone tile has small text in graphics view.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
cemycc d035dfcb05 Changed: Minor fix on QMainWindow reported here:
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
cemycc 03e08b730a Changed: Added implementation of undo/redo framework partial
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
dnk-88 018fcac076 Changed: Removed a hard coded value.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 13ddd2d01b Changed: Improved Landscape plugin.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 415ad3e594 Changed: Added basic shell of World editor plugin.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 15d72ea9e7 Changed: Improved performance landscape plugin under Linux.
cemycc 4c01411840 Added: Ui deffs for merge source selection and ftp selection
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
cemycc bc6096ff61 merge from default
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
cemycc 766420cd11 Added: Merge options for translation files from local directory and from FTP server
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
dnk-88 22175df8d3 Changed: Fixed crash ovqt, when clicked on the apply button in settings dialog.
dnk-88 e338e9ca51 merge from default
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 ae0a26855f Changed: Added icons for undo/redo actions.
dnk-88 d67fa1668d Changed: Added dialog with a list of landscapes and operations (setActive, save, saveAs, delete).
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
cemycc d54daf3ef2 Added: Added extraction from primitives
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
dnk-88 808d0f1b8e Changed: Completed snapshot dialog.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 5d2c7b0a89 Changed: Added checking for the overlaps when adding a new landscape. Added blackout inactive landscapes. Operations adding and removing landscapes work correctly.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 bdda6ac1c6 Fixed: Fixed "full cycle" flag with empty list and added comments in list_zones_widget.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 e487fac6c7 Changed: Added flag "modified" in ZoneRegionObject.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
cemycc a4f222c651 Changed: Added extraction words options for: item, creature, sbrick, sphrase
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
dnk-88 500fb8fdfd Changed: Class PixmapDatabase was moved to a separate file.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 8f223b7950 Changed: Added random and full cycle modes(for rotation and flip values too) adding zone on landscape.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 b2d4da1653 Fixed: Fixed build landscape plugin under linux.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 b1d6db2668 Fixed: Fixed incorrect work landscape plugin with other plugins which use opengl (object_viewer plugin).
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
cemycc e55bbed5b4 Changed: New structure for subwindows from QMdiArea
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
sfb db7a3321c2 Merging default changes into branch.
branch : branch-mission-compiler-qt
sfb c83fd1832b Changed: Implementing server list in settings page. Added dialog for editing/adding entries. Can add, remove and edit entries. Still need to implement read/write settings and provide a method to connect the table to the publishing options table.
branch : branch-mission-compiler-qt
dnk-88 883981fcaa Changed: Fixed incorrect rendering of rotated elements.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 b390026b76 Changed: Improved 2d render. Fixed adding empty undo/redo operations in command list, improved performance when adding new zones.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 7c98cba1f5 Changed: Binding 2d renderer to NELLIGO.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
cemycc f19ebefbe6 Changed: Added option to extract the botnames from primitives.
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
cemycc fe125bbaeb Changed: Added option for SaveAs and a windows list
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
cemycc ed92fd2a78 Changed: Added editor for worksheet files.
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
dnk-88 7099b96a90 Changed: Added load landscape from file. Added initial snapshot dialog.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
cemycc 32c07d0b62 Changed: Added extract_bot_names
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
dnk-88 0a870aeb12 Changed: Added max\min scale view. Improved drawing of the grid.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
cemycc 624cb70813 Changed: Update the plugin to work with the latest plugin system
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
dnk-88 5c47e96d79 Added: Added undo/redo command list.
dnk-88 02e34cd7f8 Changed: Experiments with undo\redo and QGraphicsScene.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
sfb c41a312a86 Changed: Fixed the 'QMetaObject' linking error and commented out most of the old code to be replaced.
branch : branch-mission-compiler-qt
sfb 36445503cd merge from default
branch : branch-mission-compiler-qt
sfb ba23190a9d Changed: Started to add dialogs for server and publishing settings.
branch : branch-mission-compiler-qt
dnk-88 894a41cf97 Changed: Added select path button in project settings dialog. Main window landscape editor is saving own state.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
cemycc f90215a550 merge from default
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
sfb 884017a65d Changed: Mission Compiler add/remove selected/all and reset filter functions.
branch : branch-mission-compiler-qt
sfb 21db83a0ed Changed: Added 'data directory' box and re-arranged filters.
branch : branch-mission-compiler-qt
kervala 23e49c5f27 Merge
kervala 4ab971d2fe Changed: Fix typos in comments/code
cemycc b7a5722150 merge from default
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
kervala 4027e82360 Changed: Remove all warnings when compiling Ryzom
dnk-88 b25f78234b Changed: Added project settings dialog.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
kervala 714bb3aa3b Changed: Fix typos in comments/code
kervala 7c27c233eb Changed: Exceptions catched by reference
dnk-88 f6bcb791ec Added: Added filter for list zones in landscape editor.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
sfb f7ebb89d94 Changed: Implemented basic mission compilation without publishing.
branch : branch-mission-compiler-qt
sfb 9e3a19e654 Changed: Implemented mission validation.
branch : branch-mission-compiler-qt
kervala f9cc842b82 Changed: Exceptions catched by reference
dnk-88 92e553802a Added: Added pixmap database
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
sfb 00e65b1015 Changed: Added some more UI tweaks - most of the UI design is now done.
branch : branch-mission-compiler-qt
sfb bdbeaa29e8 Changed: Initial footwork on OVQT-based mission compiler plugin.
branch : branch-mission-compiler-qt
sfb 947d69c97e Changed: Added the primitive file path and ligo config file to the "data section" - automatically applied these paths to addSearchPath.
branch : branch-mission-compiler-qt
sfb 5be81c6487 Changed: Fixed a bug with the log plugin causing crashes when the apply button was clicked for settings.
branch : branch-mission-compiler-qt
sfb 511d735dc9 Changed: Starting to change the zone manager to handle loading, saving and displaying zones.
sfb 334b76a0dd merge
sfb 14e41c2c07 Changed: Merged in latest API changes to OVQT plugin system.
cemycc 0371b04509 Changed: Added extract bot names and UI dialog for plugin settings.
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
aquiles d9c7bc8128 Changed: added leveldesign path dock widget
sfb 2039038973 merge
aquiles 7fdf6776df Changed: basic structure for georges editor plugin added
aquiles 16e379084f Changed: log plugin saves changes now and loads/unloads displayer on the fly
aquiles c39bd25ef3 Changed: fixed bug on context update when only core plugin is loaded
dnk-88 a613b2f60b merge from default
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 279d765e38 Changed: Added undo/redo framework in core plugin.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 79c5f51c0e Changed: Each context must have its own file open dialog, which will be called when the context is active. The beginning of work on adding undo/redo.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
sfb 824243a7af merge
rti 4da03cdf6e Changed: Let Qt handle events in GraphicsViewport widget as well (solves focus problem, tested on mac)
rti 4a8749b06f merge
dnk-88 92b51b46ce Merge
dnk-88 9a9c737794 Changed: Added a button to clear the zone list in settings page.
rti 5ab6fb56db Changed: only search for plugins having the ovqt_plugin prefix in its name
sfb fa9c83ee5f merge
dnk-88 7e4d8a53a5 Changed: Fix typos in comments/code
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 bbae1b9180 Changed: Completed work on the context manager.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 93f443a55c Added: Added initial context manager.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 c1691be14b Merge
dnk-88 0005bc9b38 Fixed: Correct save recursive search paths.
dnk-88 226d52405e Merge
dnk-88 a314832bdb Added: Added recursive search paths settings page.
dnk-88 c2fa4f7ccc Added: Added initial basic shell of Landscape editor plugin.
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
rti 24a42b583c Added: Error message when building OVQT with WITH_STATIC on UNIX
cemycc 9dab149983 first stage for my plugin
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
cemycc f47f5a3799 first stage for my plugin
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
dnk-88 e0df09fbeb merge from default
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
dnk-88 a2c71aba53 Fixed: Updated icon.
dnk-88 351047bb51 Fixed: Settings of "remap extensions" loads from settings file.
dnk-88 15ef109f58 Fixed: Fixed flickering graphics viewport under windows.
dnk-88 3079e1d2f7 Fixed: Crash the ovqt in ps editor.
dnk-88 cba0e9844d Changed: Added general settings page. ICore emits a signal changeSettings() when changing settings. Enabled sound in object viewer plugin.
dnk-88 ef9e358b4f Changed: The user can specify the ovqt plugins path if not using the default path.
dnk-88 1637ec17f9 Fixed: Compilation with GCC (SchemeManager). Fix typos in comments/code.
sfb f5a42f16de Changed: Started fixing up the menus.
dnk-88 65b8f494e9 Fixed: The program crashes after preview ps.
dnk-88 e6e126b3e3 Changed: Added particle system animation.
dnk-88 403cb36539 Fixed: Mouse zoom correct works in geqt.
cemycc cddb66027e Create directory for the Translation Manager plugin
branch : gsoc2011-translationovqt
cemycc 33b90e28df Create directory for the Translation Manager plugin
branch : gsoc2011-worldeditorqt
sfb a8a052c2d8 Changed: Added QSettings load/save to Zone Painter plugin
sfb 61e65e6bde Changed: Added background color dialog to zone painter.
sfb e76dad6859 Changed: Added background color changer to Zone Painter
dnk-88 a945ad784d Changed: Updated menu stuff.
dnk-88 f9f2ccb2a2 Changed: Updated mac menu stuff.
dnk-88 589fd30e8a Fixed: Updated mac menu stuff.
dnk-88 8680766a2e Changed: Added new actions. Added fullscreen mode.
dnk-88 ad597cc457 Changed: Core::IContext does not factory.
dnk-88 870308c754 Changed: Core::IContext is not factory.
dnk-88 8d42a10f4c Changed: Updated ovqt icons(thanks Kaetemi). Updated layout value gradient dialog. Added initial scheme bank work for particle system editor.
dnk-88 bd1f293b5d Changed: ovqt has been changed main logo.
dnk-88 01312c8edb Corrected layout in zone painter.
sfb d8cc8a4987 merge
sfb e8dade84fa Added: Initial UI work for Zone Painter conversion.
dnk-88 54a11cf74d Changed: Update translations.
dnk-88 3e00576cc0 Changed: Removed nel configuration module, is used only QSettings.
rti 312e52625e Fixed: OVQT build on Mac OS X
dnk-88 62bd6a9ba5 Changed: All dock widgets by default tabbed. And default size main window 1014x768.
kervala 5baccb8b54 Changed: Fix typos in comments/code
dnk-88 d74082c9c2 Changed: Update example plugin. Rendering should stop when the widget becomes invisible
dnk-88 15f9937b99 Changed: Update log plugin.
dnk-88 50dccfa5e9 Changed: Update settings dialog, object viewer plugin and translations.
dnk-88 6ec8ebab4b Changed: Update PCH. Example plugins correct works under Linux.
dnk-88 0becdd2252 Changed: Polish code and layout dialogs.
aquiles 7739a43750 Merge
dnk-88 a58624791b Changed: moved OV actions in a separatly menu.
aquiles 553f11d111 Changed: Added splash screen & new dialog + minor changes
dnk-88 cf39fcd06c Changed: Polish sheet id view plugin code.
dnk-88 6297bfbad3 Changed: Update sheet builder plugin. Now plugin is using ICore for reading and writing settings, and it adds action in menu Sheet.
dnk-88 4b7371ea62 Changed: Update plugin system. Now plugin manager takes into account dependencies between plug-ins. Update core, object viewer and example plugin.
dnk-88 d48e50472f Changed: Object Viewer is converted into a plug-in to the Object Viewer Qt
dnk-88 b22fc1392a Changed: Update translations files.
dnk-88 fdb9f9fccf Changed: Polished layout dialogs and code.
dnk-88 4f5bf6e7d6 Changed: Works search settings page. Update core and example plugin.
dnk-88 4eb4248102 Changed: Added display sheet id plugin (plugin provided pemeon).
aquiles cb294a76e4 Changed: added some german translations; changed some ui
kervala a8d8ec6e07 Changed: Fix typos in comments/code
dnk-88 9937f56978 Changed: Update core and example plugin.
aquiles 8665899abf Changed: missing files for log plugin
aquiles 4603e5e8b0 Changed: adapted log plugin to latest interface changes; removed obsolete translation entries and added few german sample translations
dnk-88 33a66b8c47 Changed: Added Qt translation files.
dnk-88 1655afcb49 Changed: Polished layout dialogs and code.
dnk-88 d86ce847d6 Changed: Added menu manager. Update core and example plugin.
dnk-88 65d69747e4 Changed: code cleanup.
dnk-88 c7ed914c01 Changed: Update core and example plugin. Plugin should delete your own objects from the pool.
dnk-88 37f44cd2ba Changed: Added reading and writing settings in core plugin.
dnk-88 0dd5a405ab Changed: Added the ICoreListener which is the interface for providing a hook for plugins to veto on close event emitted from
the core plugin.
dnk-88 a77156a92f Changed: code cleanup.
dnk-88 c7b860c0f6 Changed: Settings are located in a centralized place(plugin manager). Update core and example plugin.
dnk-88 7f0ab6e48c Changed: Update core and example plugin. Update camera control panel.
dnk-88 b6211689a6 Merge
dnk-88 31c5b60d3f Changed: Update core plugin. Added IAppPage.
kervala 56dc241c3d Fixed: Compilation under Linux with STLport
dnk-88 51c4c01968 Changed: Code cleanup.
dnk-88 4baece714a Changed: Added camera control panel.
dnk-88 fa63539729 Changed: Tune timer dialog.
dnk-88 46764a3b1e Changed: Tune MRM dialog.
dnk-88 cfa86c35ff Changed: Added new icons and tune MRM dialog.
dnk-88 6b6caa0435 Changed: Changed the order of initialization. OVQT weather & sun color dock window.
rti ecef8fdbfd Fixed: OVQT core plugin build on Mac OS X
dnk-88 54a85be586 Changed: New icons set for particles editor.
dnk-88 eb09095e2f Changed: Added menu entry reload textures.
kervala 6c01af4ec1 Fixed: Mouse wheel and keyboard events problem in object_viewer_qt
dnk-88 c520ed900f Changed: Code cleanup.
dnk-88 4a21b27daa Changed: Added menu entry change camera mode.
dnk-88 ca767adf7b Changed: Added menu entry change render mode.
dnk-88 33354758a7 Changed: added ability to load IGs and reset camera.
dnk-88 68964b2cc2 Changed: The status bar displays profiling information. Particle texture widget displays texture name.
dnk-88 5eed88050b Changed: added ability changing render mode.
dnk-88 d363a22011 Changed: Update core plugin.
dnk-88 2038f462b5 Changed: eventFilter is used instead of the CGraphicsInfoWidget
dnk-88 fdcd2d3240 Changed: Correct works new settings dialog.
dnk-88 46aa4700fe Changed: Update example plugin.
dnk-88 b97a78ce0b Changed: Update core plugin.
dnk-88 37d672ba69 Changed: Code cleanup.
dnk-88 2539e40403 Changed: Update plugin system. Added experimental core plugin. Added new settings dialog.
dnk-88 f2ffe4fcea Changed: Improve layers in dialogs.
kervala ed64aaeb62 Changed: Remove VC++ projects and solutions which are not needed by Nevrax Linux makefiles
aquiles 3ce6514c26 Changed: icon location; reinit timer on visible
dnk-88 b8ed8b208a Merge
dnk-88 188bb5384a Changed: update plugin system.
kervala 7d093d04ac Fixed: Compilation with STLport
rti b9e852ca54 Fixed: workaround for OVQT mouse wheel on Windows and Mac
rti 9526715c55 Changed: plugin and resource handling
dnk-88 77915e0035 Merge
dnk-88 442d6324de Changed: Implement 'make_sheet_id' as an Object Viewer Qt plugin. Thank you kharvd.
rti 8ff3df26b3 Fixed: Run Georges Editor Qt on Mac OS X
aquiles 1c19d17a29 Changed: fixed missing stuff
kervala 50926ae62b Fixed: Compilation under Linux
kervala 2763a3ece2 Changed: Fix typos in comments/code
dnk-88 53b25193a2 Changed: Code cleanup.
rti dab1bec1aa Fixed: Build object viewer widget on Mac OS X (and line terminator consistency)
rti 587d1820c4 Fixed: Build tile_edit_qt on Mac OS X
kervala 90ad8da878 Changed: Fix typos in comments/code
sfb 4b38fc730b Changed: Fixed the context initialization check for the log plugin
sfb 2748e34f27 Changed: Fixed non-PIC context initialization check in OVQT example plugin.
sfb 960db188c1 Changed: Commented out 'makeCurrent' call. Class does not have a widget() method and QNLWidget is not a defined type.
dnk-88 55c9802c55 Changed: fixed nelContext bug
aquiles 499f2d83c1 Changed: logPlugin is now in view and toggleable
aquiles b564f8988a Changed: fixed nelContext bug
aquiles ea7b339d39 Changed: added another example plugin (log as dockWidget)
dnk-88 730409943a Changed: Update doxygen documentation.
dnk-88 db31312b11 Changed: Code cleanup.
dnk-88 a0d7327d69 Changed: Improved settings dialog.
dnk-88 21edaf9861 Changed: correct fix is to load the plugins and update ovqt example plugin.
dnk-88 f2dd3cd061 Changed: correct fix is to load the plugins
dnk-88 5fbb37d106 Added: Added plugin view dialog. And if there are errors while loading plugin displays a diagnostic message.
dnk-88 1c69bb9409 Changed: Update ovqt_example plugin.
"Matt Raykowski" a2dd91019a Changed: Fixed build of OVQT Example Plugin - sources the extension system correctly.
"Matt Raykowski" 0075ce8b2e Changed: OVQT Plugins - added additional Qt define to example plugin.
"Matt Raykowski" 9018783cb1 Added: OVQT Plugin system CMake build
dnk-88 16ac4234d8 Changed: Added example plugin.
dnk-88 e59ad4d6c1 Changed: Added settings qt style.
dnk-88 1ea4ee67ee Changed: code cleanup.
dnk-88 181bff3a2d Changed: ovqt plugin system.
dnk-88 376bc221df Changed: Code cleanup.
dnk-88 68891726db Added: Added ovqt plugin system.
aquiles c4041824e9 Changed: Added first version of a possible 3d view qt widget plugin
timon ffb5b2678b Changed: Code cleanup.
timon 6934b285e2 Changed: If switch between the located and sound properties in a workspace erroneously marked that the particle system has been changed.
timon bc84e25db4 Changed: If switch between the zone properties in a workspace erroneously marked that the particle system has been changed.
timon 6a657037b1 Changed: If switch between the force properties in a workspace erroneously marked that the particle system has been changed.
kervala 2efa82be4e Changed: Change the wrong header in the source code
sfb e663794d09 merge
sfb 4ee53acaf1 Changed: Fixed paths that reference a moved NLLIGO header.
sfb 2ce5720983 Changed: Eliminated unnecessary method.
dnk-88 acd96ae72b Changed: If switch between the emmiter properties in a workspace erroneously marked that the particle system has been changed. Added some source groups to cmake for better file structuring
kervala 54b6685a9e Changed: Fix typos in comments/code
kervala 9550ed9d36 Changed: Fix typos in comments/code
dnk-88 4bcaa06896 Update: (ovqt) CBinOpDialogT<NL3D::CPlaneBasis> not supported all operations.
dnk-88 3c3f3124d7 Update: (ovqt) Correct works emitter properties.
aquiles 44f61912ae Changed: OVQT weather & sun color dock window
kervala 8155320149 Fixed: nel_export compilation
dnk-88 6dfa34c9d9 Fixed: (ovqt) If switch between the particle systems in a workspace erroneously marked that the particle system has been changed.
rti fb0c6b9636 merge
rti bcbde9df16 Fixed: Make OVQT work on MacOS
dnk-88 581acea1e4 Update: correct works edit_range_widget
kervala 8399175d8c Changed: Remove all warning when compiling Ryzom
dnk-88 0dc7b47cec Update: improved values gradient dialog and located bindable properties(texture , tail and mesh param) page.
kervala 5ae29fbc63 Fixed: Crash when clicking on an empty area
sfb 5672f44e5d Changed: Fixed the MAX plugin build for CMake.
kervala 61b62360ca Changed: Remove all warning when compiling Ryzom
kervala 77b5aab4f5 Changed: Remove all warning when compiling Ryzom
kervala 9e2b357e5a Changed: PCH optimization for object_viewer_qt
kervala e98889ae89 Changed: Libraries linked to object_viewer_qt
kervala df521bb90d Fixed: Segmentation fault while compiling objject_viewer_qt
sfb 75e49ffcce merge
sfb adb4963102 Added: Object Viewer Qt tool. Thank you dnk-88!
kervala 4e7609b939 Fixed: Moved zone_bank.h from src to include
kervala f77ca1992c Changed: Replace atoi and sscanf by fromString when it's possible
kervala 5c55cd1221 Fixed: Avoid VC++ to relink all projects when using CMake generated projects
kervala 9e058f053d Changed: Compare GetFileAttributes with INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES to check if attributes are valid
kaetemi d6c99a6d9c Changed: Properly update nel material texture changes in viewport/render, handle more cases for max file path conversion, added conversion log, allow use of a timestamp tag file to facilitate resuming the conversion process.
kaetemi 5d9db22b91 Changed: Reliability improvements for batched anim export from max
kervala 08bcbc3451 Changed: Updated CMake projects
kervala 5a68440aa5 Changed: object_viewer warnings
kervala 7be61404af Fixed: tile_edit compilation
kervala c86d923901 Changed: Change the wrong header in the source code
kervala 25eabdf305 Changed: Removed using namespace in *.h
kervala 243b1e7d38 Fixed: tile_edit compilation
"Matt Raykowski" e22b5c02f1 Fixed: C++-style comments in PIC C code, eliminates errors on recent gcc compilers for tile editor.
mattraykowski b625859997 Changed: Explicitly linking nelmisc to zviewer tool.
mattraykowski efa0e7a017 Changed: Explicitly linking nelmisc in build_shadow_skin
mattraykowski c425329719 merge
mattraykowski 399eeebf8e Changed: Added source groups to Tile Edit Qt.
mattraykowski 3a3d2137ea Changed: Explicitly link nelmisc in ig_lighter.
kaetemi 7f739bed8a Changed: Reliability improvements for 3dsmax nel export
kaetemi 74b6430afb Fixed: Compile error with object viewer exe missing windows.h
kaetemi 2f61e2200c Changed: Allow setting hls info dir in panoply config.
kervala 256062307b Changed: Remove all warnings when compiling Ryzom (patch provided by Abelgar)
kervala 5764efeace Changed: Remove all warnings when compiling Ryzom
kervala b81696a2a1 Fixed: Some tools compilation
kervala 7a95148eef Fixed: shapes_exporter compilation
kervala a6c5356761 Fixed: Use debug or release versions of C++ libraries (CppTest, STLport, Squish and Luabind)
kervala 968a752e55 Fixed: Windows compilation problems
mattraykowski cc43911ccb Change: More root-build paths changes for NeL and Ryzom. Fixed some bad merges.
mattraykowski c3e4ffbe26 merge while working on rebase root source dir
mattraykowski 972e141687 Changed: Added more project prefixes to project labels (aka NeL, Ryzom), converted some more Ryzom projects to the new layout.
kaetemi 411f2893c8 Changed: Max asset batch converter now also shows maps in older max versions.
mattraykowski 1b511949c9 Update: Added "NeL" before NeL project labels, moved some files, fixed Qt builds, fixed libwww find on Windows.
kervala e9c9345826 Changed: Updated tools CMake projects
kervala 6781fcf098 Fixed: warning when destination file doesn'texist
kervala 44ae363d64 Changed: removed MFC dependencies to object_viewer
kervala 16535f7e84 Changed: Updated tools and samples CMake projects
kaetemi c8ee84fbe4 Changed: Some more rules for batched max convert paths.
kaetemi f362c9363b Changed: Skip over deleted bones in skinning when exporting from max.
kervala e3ea920741 Changed: Updated 3dsmax plugins CMake projects
kervala aceaccc3c0 Fixed: 3dsmax plugins compilation (64 bits and STLport)
kervala ca710cdac4 Changed: Updated tools CMake projects
kaetemi 328dc084ac Added: Some more path fixing rules for max batch asset convert.
kaetemi 42aa859245 Added: Added the objects build project and updated the max file batch convert script.
kervala 06ec6effa8 Fixed: tga2dds compilation under Linux
kervala 47b3d5ce60 Changed: Use of CFile::getApplicationDirectory
kervala 65062f5dee Changed: Remove all warnings when compiling Ryzom
kervala c962ee318b Changed: Added tga2dds project if libsquish is found (s3tc dependency removed)
kervala a1fcd412b1 Changed: code simplification for s3tc_compressor_lib
kervala 1ff44fdb50 Changed: Added DDSD_LINEARSIZE in tga2dds to avoid warning in CBitmap
kervala b2417a68ab Changed: Bad parenthesis
kervala 7610d61b80 Changed: Allow to write interface into a PNG file
kaetemi 4cf6235095 Changed: Some reliability fixes for the max export plugin.
Matt Raykowski 80b478b408 Changed: Fixed warning/error about C++ comment blocks in C code.
kervala 55d518498d Changed: Removed uneeded dependency to libxml and using new macros
kervala ab11ddb805 Changed: Remove all warning when compiling Ryzom
kervala 57bbdf7a85 Changed: Removed useless dependencies
kervala c693c47cac Changed: Remove all warning when compiling Ryzom
kervala 5bb012883d Changed: Remove/convert/update old projects
kervala 64a175ff09 Fixed: tile_edit_qt compilation
kervala 8a9208b24c Changed: Change the wrong header in the source code
kervala b9750904f1 Changed: Make sure all debug files are created in log directory
kervala c535f83ea3 Changed: Use PCH under Linux with CMake
kervala 220a3458c2 Changed: USE_JPEG is only used when building NLMISC now
kervala 082676ea80 Changed: CFile::copyFile takes now 2 std::string as parameters
kervala ae239a6b94 Changed: Use PCH under Linux with CMake
kervala 7cb5099a1c Changed: Remove all warning when compiling Ryzom
kervala f33365ea10 Changed: Added WITH_PCH to activate Precompiled Header (default is ON)
kervala 7d7ded9528 Changed: Added new optimizations for VC++ linker and compiler
kervala 6eda3d5039 Changed: Added SOVERSION property to shared libraries
kervala fc22fcb3de Changed: Change the wrong header in the source code
kervala f5e591486f Changed: Compilation on 64-bits platforms
kervala 7a8e9b3198 Changed: Remove all warning when compiling Ryzom
kervala 7cbe65d2ef Changed: Fix typos in comments/code
kervala f381f335e1 Changed: Fix typos in comments/code
kervala 74150b80b6 Added: shapes_exporter in NeL tools
"Matt Raykowski" ede3c57553 Changed: panolpy_maker finds libsquish, OpenAL driver finds EFX-Util on Windows.
kaetemi 2ef597aaae Added: Maxscript for automatically fixing paths and png extensions of all max files in the asset database.
kaetemi 0b54c00362 Changed: Build max plugins with debug information.
kaetemi c7c9f927c7 Changed: Stability fixes for exporting with max plugins.
kaetemi cdc72262be Changed: Use nlinfo instead of printf in build_coarse_mesh tool so build output is logged.
kaetemi 9c258ad628 Fixed: Export crashes caused by incorrect delete of objects created by max.
kaetemi 196dc070e7 Changed: Max plugins now share the same NeL context.
kervala e065046317 Changed: Remove/convert/update old projects
kaetemi 6ae9a74e21 Changed: Tga2dds tool no longer complains on every file that doesn't have _usercolor.
kervala 0668dc8408 Changed: Remove/convert/update Visual C++ projects
kaetemi 93277088e1 Fixed: Nel application context missing in build far bank tool.
kaetemi a2f203f7a9 Fixed: Correctly update 3ds Max NeL Material parameters from v11 to latest version.
kaetemi c290f234b4 Fixed: Some files in object viewer missing dot comma after nlassert(...).
kaetemi 7e6f6c3e5a Fixed: Compile error when using 3ds Max 2011 SDK.
kervala 3c6c83bf03 Changed: Compilation on 64-bits platforms
kervala cecb9d646b Changed: Compilation on 64-bits platforms
kervala cb39bf549d Changed: Remove all warning when compiling Ryzom on Linux
kervala cdc1dde0aa Fixed: Missing ; after two nlassert calls (patch provided by vhelsing)
kervala 29a57b3efe Changed: Remove/convert/update old projects
kervala 0391b3fad6 Changed: Remove/convert/update Visual C++ projects a9c74710fe Removed: Some files generated by VS compiler. 1a162a7fb9 Changed: VS2008 project for max vertex tree paint. 29b38937a5 Fixed: set the good agpl header 4d3a73dfc4 Fixed: Picture files in tile edit exe project don't use precompiled header. 670a95686a Added: Scripts for cleaning up asset paths in .max files, and for fixing texture filenames to .png extension. d5c601ffa5 initial version