// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Update character position notes
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* The update of the character position is done as followed :
* For each character
* updatePreCollision
* updatePos
* PACS : : move
* The characters know where they want to be in 2 d ( pos ( ) . x and pos ( ) . y valid ) .
* PACS : : evalCollision
* For each character
* updatePostCollision
* pacsFinalizepos
* PACS : : getGlobalPosition
* If real position too far from PACS position
* PACS : : setGlobalPosition
* - - Here pos ( ) . z is estimated
* snapToGround
* NL3D : : visualCollisionEntities
* - - Here pos ( ) . z is good
* updateDisplay
* updateCluster
* updateHeadDirection
* - - Here the character is setuped in the engine
# include "stdpch.h"
// Client.
# include "character_cl.h"
# include "pacs_client.h"
# include "net_manager.h"
# include "entity_animation_manager.h"
# include "time_client.h"
# include "ingame_database_manager.h"
# include "client_chat_manager.h"
# include "motion/user_controls.h"
# include "color_slot_manager.h"
# include "sheet_manager.h"
# include "debug_client.h"
# include "animation_misc.h"
# include "entities.h" // \todo GUIGUI : try to remove this dependency.
# include "misc.h"
# include "string_manager_client.h"
# include "interface_v3/interface_manager.h"
# include "fx_manager.h"
# include "interface_v3/group_in_scene_user_info.h"
# include "interface_v3/group_in_scene_bubble.h"
# include "client_cfg.h"
# include "user_entity.h"
# include "projectile_manager.h"
# include "init_main_loop.h"
# include "nel/misc/cdb_branch.h"
# include "animation_fx_misc.h"
# include "attack_list.h"
# include "animation_fx_id_array.h"
# include "cursor_functions.h"
# include "interface_v3/bar_manager.h"
// sheets
# include "client_sheets/item_fx_sheet.h"
# include "client_sheets/attack_id_sheet.h"
// Misc
# include "nel/misc/geom_ext.h"
# include "nel/misc/random.h"
// 3D
# include "nel/3d/u_scene.h"
# include "nel/3d/u_camera.h"
# include "nel/3d/u_driver.h"
# include "nel/3d/u_play_list.h"
# include "nel/3d/u_particle_system_instance.h"
# include "nel/3d/u_bone.h"
# include "nel/3d/u_track.h"
# include "nel/3d/u_instance.h"
# include "nel/3d/u_instance_material.h"
# include "nel/pacs/u_global_position.h"
# include "nel/sound/sound_anim_manager.h"
// Std.
# include <vector>
// Game share
# include "game_share/intensity_types.h"
# include "game_share/multi_target.h"
# include "game_share/visual_fx.h"
# include "game_share/range_weapon_type.h"
// DEFINE //
# define INVALID_POS CVectorD(-1.0,-1.0,-1.0)
# define INVALID_DIST -1.0
# define INVALID_TIME -1.0
//#define MAX_HEAD_H_ROTATION Pi/2.5
# define MAX_HEAD_H_ROTATION Pi / 3.0
# define MAX_HEAD_V_ROTATION Pi / 4.0
static const double AURA_SHUTDOWN_TIME = 1.f ; // number of seconds for auras and links to shutdown
// USING //
using namespace NLMISC ;
using namespace NL3D ;
using namespace NLPACS ;
using namespace NLSOUND ;
using namespace std ;
using namespace MBEHAV ;
using namespace CLFECOMMON ;
// EXTERN //
extern UScene * Scene ;
extern UDriver * Driver ;
extern CEntityAnimationManager * EAM ;
extern CClientChatManager ChatMngr ;
extern UTextContext * TextContext ;
extern UMaterial GenericMat ;
extern UCamera MainCam ;
// MACRO //
std : : string LastMethod ;
# define ADD_METHOD(header) \
header \
{ \
LastMethod = # header ;
# define CHECK(param) \
if ( ( param ) = = false ) \
{ \
nlwarning ( " entity:%d: Test '%s' " , _Slot , # param ) ; \
nlwarning ( " entity:%d: Last Method called '%s' " , _Slot , LastMethod . c_str ( ) ) ; \
nlstop ; \
# define METHOD_NAME(param) LastMethod = (param);
# else
# define ADD_METHOD(header) \
header \
# define CHECK(param)
# define METHOD_NAME(param)
# endif
// STATIC //
const std : : string CCharacterCL : : _EmptyString = " " ;
const uint8 CCharacterCL : : _BadHairIndex = 0xFF ;
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Character_CL_Update_Pos_Combat_Float )
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Pos_Pacs )
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Pos_Combat_Float )
H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Pos_Compute_Motion )
// dirEndAnim :
// Set the direction that should have the character at the end of the animation.
// \param vect : vector used to set the direction at the end of the animation.
void CCharacterCL : : dirEndAnim ( const CVector & vect )
setVect ( _DirEndAnim , vect , true , true ) ;
} // dirEndAnim //
// CCharacterCL :
// Constructor.
CCharacterCL : : CCharacterCL ( )
: CEntityCL ( )
Type = NPC ;
_FirstPos = INVALID_POS ; // Initialize the first with a bad position.
_FirstTime = INVALID_TIME ; // Initialize the time for the first position with a bad one.
dist2FirstPos ( INVALID_DIST ) ; // Initialize the distance to the first position with a bad value.
_RunStartTimeNoPop = INVALID_TIME ;
_DestPos = INVALID_POS ;
_DestTime = INVALID_TIME ;
dist2Dest ( INVALID_DIST ) ;
_OldPosTime = INVALID_TIME ;
// Initialize the time for the last loop with the current time when entity created.
_LastFrameTime = 0.0 ;
// The animation should be played from the begin to the end.
_AnimReversed . resize ( animTypeCount , false ) ;
// Id among all the animations for each slot
_AnimId . resize ( animTypeCount , NL3D : : UPlayList : : empty ) ;
// Index in the state of the current animation for each slot.
_AnimIndex . resize ( animTypeCount , CAnimation : : UnknownAnim ) ;
// ID of the current sound animation for each slot.
_SoundId . resize ( animTypeCount , - 1 ) ;
// ID of the current animation state for each slot.
_AnimState . resize ( animTypeCount , CAnimationStateSheet : : Idle ) ;
// Time offest in the current animation for each slot.
_AnimOffset . resize ( animTypeCount , 0.0 ) ;
// Subsidiary Key for the Animation State (emote).
_SubStateKey = CAnimationStateSheet : : UnknownState ;
// The character does not accept special "job animation" by default
_AnimJobSpecialisation = 0 ;
// Reset Lod.
_LodCharacterAnimEnabled = false ;
_LodCharacterMasterAnimSlot = MOVE ;
// default POS scale to 1.
_CharacterScalePos = 1.f ;
// No sheet pointed.
_Sheet = 0 ;
// Unknown gender at the entity creation.
_Gender = GSGENDER : : unknown ;
// The bone for the name is not known for the time
_NameBoneId = - 1 ;
// No UTransform for the name needed if there is no name so not allocated for the time.
_NameTransform = 0 ;
// default Clod apparition => force compute the bone
_NameCLodDeltaZ = NameCLodDeltaZNotComputed ;
// There is no anim set for the time.
_CurrentAnimSet . resize ( animTypeCount , 0 ) ;
// Same as the animation at the beginning.
_RotationFactor = 1.f ;
_CurrentState = 0 ;
_RightFXActivated = false ;
_LeftFXActivated = false ;
dirEndAnim ( CVector ( 0.f , 1.f , 0.f ) ) ;
// No item associated at the beginning but there is a room for them.
_Items . resize ( SLOTTYPE : : NB_SLOT ) ;
_HeadIdx = CEntityCL : : BadIndex ;
_FaceIdx = CEntityCL : : BadIndex ;
// No frame remaining forthe blend at the beginning.
_BlendRemaining = 0 ;
// Scale for the skeleton according to the gabarit. Default : 1
_CustomScalePos = 1.f ;
// Start with "unknown mode wanted by the server"
_TheoreticalMount = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT ;
_TheoreticalRider = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT ;
_OwnerPeople = MOUNT_PEOPLE : : Unknown ;
// Default is : entity has no bone for the head and Neck.
_HeadBoneId = - 1 ;
_IsThereAMode = false ;
_ImportantStepTime = 0.0 ;
_StartDecreaseLCTImpact = 0 ;
// Entity has no look and so is not displayable for the time.
_LookRdy = false ;
// Index of the instance in the right hand (0xFFFFFFFF = no index).
_RHandInstIdx = CEntityCL : : BadIndex ;
// Index of the instance in the left hand (0xFFFFFFFF = no index).
_LHandInstIdx = CEntityCL : : BadIndex ;
_HairColor = 0 ;
_EyesColor = 0 ;
// No Hair Index at the beginning.
_HairIndex = _BadHairIndex ;
_ClothesSheet = 0 ;
_NbLoopAnim = 0 ;
_MaxLoop = false ;
setAlive ( ) ;
_InSceneUserInterface = NULL ;
_CurrentBubble = NULL ;
// Initialize the head offset with a Null Vector.
_HeadOffset = CVector : : Null ;
_HeadOffsetComputed = false ;
// Initialize the Run Factor
runFactor ( 0.0 ) ;
// Initialize the Speed
speed ( 0.0 ) ;
_CurrentAttack = NULL ;
_CurrentAttackID . Type = CAttackIDSheet : : Unknown ;
//_PelvisBoneId = -1;
_ChestBoneId = - 1 ;
_HideSkin = false ;
_GuildNameId = 0 ;
_GuildSymbol = 0 ;
_EventFactionId = 0 ;
_PvpMode = PVP_MODE : : None ;
_LeagueId = 0 ;
_OutpostId = 0 ;
_OutpostSide = OUTPOSTENUMS : : UnknownPVPSide ;
_SelectableBySpace = true ;
_LastSelectBoxComputeTime = 0 ;
_CustomScale = 1.f ;
} // CCharacterCL //
// ~CCharacterCL:
// Default Destructor
// \warning : Do not remove sheets before the entity.
CCharacterCL : : ~ CCharacterCL ( )
// Delete the UTransform used to compute the Bone for the Name.
if ( ! _NameTransform . empty ( ) )
if ( Scene )
if ( ! _Skeleton . empty ( ) )
_Skeleton . detachSkeletonSon ( _NameTransform ) ;
Scene - > deleteTransform ( _NameTransform ) ;
_NameTransform = 0 ;
// No more sheet pointed.
_Sheet = NULL ;
// Release items (but not their mesh, because they are managed by _Instances)
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < _Items . size ( ) ; + + k )
_Items [ k ] . release ( ) ;
// Delete previous interface
releaseInSceneInterfaces ( ) ;
if ( _CurrentBubble )
_CurrentBubble - > unlink ( ) ;
// computePrimitive :
// Create (or re-create) a primitive.
void CCharacterCL : : computePrimitive ( )
// Initialize the primitive.
if ( _Sheet )
initPrimitive ( _Sheet - > ColRadius * getScale ( ) , _Sheet - > ColHeight * getScale ( ) , _Sheet - > ColLength , _Sheet - > ColWidth , UMovePrimitive : : DoNothing , UMovePrimitive : : NotATrigger , MaskColNpc , MaskColNone , _Sheet - > ClipRadius , _Sheet - > ClipHeight ) ;
initPrimitive ( 0.5f , 2.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , UMovePrimitive : : DoNothing , UMovePrimitive : : NotATrigger , MaskColNpc , MaskColNone ) ;
if ( _Primitive )
_Primitive - > insertInWorldImage ( dynamicWI ) ;
// Set the position.
pacsPos ( pos ( ) ) ;
} // computePrimitive //
void CCharacterCL : : removeAllAttachedFX ( )
_AttachedFXListForCurrentAnim . clear ( ) ;
_AttachedFXListToRemove . clear ( ) ;
_StaticFX = NULL ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < MaxNumAura ; + + k )
_AuraFX [ k ] = NULL ;
_LinkFX = NULL ;
void CCharacterCL : : releaseInSceneInterfaces ( )
if ( _InSceneUserInterface )
CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) - > unMakeWindow ( _InSceneUserInterface ) ;
if ( _InSceneUserInterface - > getParent ( ) )
_InSceneUserInterface - > getParent ( ) - > delGroup ( _InSceneUserInterface ) ;
delete _InSceneUserInterface ;
_InSceneUserInterface = NULL ;
// stopAttachedFXForCurrrentAnim
// Stop all attached fxs linked to current animation
void CCharacterCL : : stopAttachedFXForCurrrentAnim ( bool stopLoopingFX )
// shutdown fxs for current anim
std : : list < CAttachedFX : : TSmartPtr > : : iterator itAttachedFx = _AttachedFXListForCurrentAnim . begin ( ) ;
while ( itAttachedFx ! = _AttachedFXListForCurrentAnim . end ( ) )
std : : list < CAttachedFX : : TSmartPtr > : : iterator tmpItAttached = itAttachedFx ;
+ + itAttachedFx ;
if ( ! ( ! stopLoopingFX & & ( * tmpItAttached ) - > AniFX & & ( * tmpItAttached ) - > AniFX - > Sheet - > RepeatMode = = CAnimationFXSheet : : Loop ) ) // dont remove looping fx if it is requested
// test if emitters should be shutdown at the end of the anim
if ( ( * tmpItAttached ) - > AniFX & &
( * tmpItAttached ) - > AniFX - > Sheet - > RepeatMode ! = CAnimationFXSheet : : Respawn & &
( * tmpItAttached ) - > StickMode ! = CFXStickMode : : SpawnPermanent
if ( ! ( * tmpItAttached ) - > FX . empty ( ) )
if ( ! ( * tmpItAttached ) - > FX . removeByID ( ' STOP ' ) & & ! ( * tmpItAttached ) - > FX . removeByID ( ' main ' ) )
( * tmpItAttached ) - > FX . activateEmitters ( false ) ;
_AttachedFXListToRemove . splice ( _AttachedFXListToRemove . begin ( ) , _AttachedFXListForCurrentAnim , tmpItAttached ) ;
_AttachedFXListToRemove . front ( ) - > TimeOutDate + = TimeInSec ; // compute absolute timeout date
/** Removes fx that lives on more that a given count of animation
* Useful if framerate is low to avoid that fx overlap
itAttachedFx = _AttachedFXListToRemove . begin ( ) ;
while ( itAttachedFx ! = _AttachedFXListToRemove . end ( ) )
std : : list < CAttachedFX : : TSmartPtr > : : iterator tmpItAttachedFX = itAttachedFx ;
+ + itAttachedFx ;
if ( ( * tmpItAttachedFX ) - > AniFX )
if ( ( * tmpItAttachedFX ) - > MaxAnimCount ! = 0 ) // if there a limit to the number of animation during which the fx can live ?
( * tmpItAttachedFX ) - > MaxAnimCount - = 1 ;
if ( ( * tmpItAttachedFX ) - > MaxAnimCount = = 0 )
// remove the fx
_AttachedFXListToRemove . erase ( tmpItAttachedFX ) ;
// applyColorSlot :
void CCharacterCL : : applyColorSlot ( SInstanceCL & instance , sint skin , sint userColor , sint hair , sint eyes )
CColorSlotManager : : TIntCouple array [ 4 ] ;
// Skin
array [ 0 ] . first = ( uint ) 0 ; array [ 0 ] . second = ( uint ) skin ;
// User Color
array [ 1 ] . first = ( uint ) 1 ; array [ 1 ] . second = ( uint ) userColor ;
// Hair Color
array [ 2 ] . first = ( uint ) 2 ; array [ 2 ] . second = ( uint ) hair ;
// Eyes Color
array [ 3 ] . first = ( uint ) 3 ; array [ 3 ] . second = ( uint ) eyes ;
// Set Values.
UInstance inst = instance . createLoadingFromCurrent ( ) ;
if ( ! inst . empty ( ) )
instance . setColors ( skin , userColor , hair , eyes ) ;
ColorSlotManager . setInstanceSlot ( inst , array , 4 ) ;
} // applyColorSlot //
// changeColors :
void CCharacterCL : : changeColors ( sint userColor , sint hair , sint eyes , sint part ) // virtual
// Color Just a part of the entity.
if ( part > = 0 )
if ( ( uint ) part < _Instances . size ( ) )
applyColorSlot ( _Instances [ part ] , skin ( ) , userColor , hair , eyes ) ;
// Color the whole entity.
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < _Instances . size ( ) ; i + + )
applyColorSlot ( _Instances [ i ] , skin ( ) , userColor , hair , eyes ) ;
} // changeColors //
// addColoredInstance :
uint32 CCharacterCL : : addColoredInstance ( const std : : string & shapeName , const std : : string & stickPoint , sint texture , uint32 instIdx , sint color )
// Get the instance
uint32 idx = addInstance ( shapeName , stickPoint , texture , instIdx ) ;
SInstanceCL * instance = idx2Inst ( idx ) ;
if ( instance )
applyColorSlot ( * instance , skin ( ) , color , _HairColor , _EyesColor ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH::addColoredInstance: cannot create the instance for the shape '%s'. " , shapeName . c_str ( ) ) ;
return idx ;
} // addColoredInstance //
// buildEquipment :
// \param slot: structure of the equipement.
// \param visualSlot: visual slot used by this item.
// \return uint32 : index of the instance or 0xFFFFFFFF.
// \todo GUIGUI : find a better choice to avoid all visualSlot checks
uint32 CCharacterCL : : buildEquipment ( const CCharacterSheet : : CEquipment & slot , SLOTTYPE : : EVisualSlot visualSlot , sint color , uint32 instIdx )
uint32 idx = CEntityCL : : BadIndex ;
// Do something only if the slot is not empty.
if ( slot . getItem ( ) . empty ( ) )
return idx ;
sint slotColor = slot . Color ;
// This is a reference on an item (the file is store with an UPPER case so check in UPPER CASE).
string ext = CFile : : getExtension ( slot . getItem ( ) ) ;
if ( ( ext = = " item " ) | | ( ext = = " sitem " ) )
// IS the item a valid one ?
CSheetId itemId ;
if ( itemId . buildSheetId ( NLMISC : : strlwr ( slot . getItem ( ) ) ) )
// Is it stored in the database ?
CEntitySheet * entitySheet = SheetMngr . get ( itemId ) ;
if ( entitySheet )
_Items [ visualSlot ] . Sheet = dynamic_cast < CItemSheet * > ( entitySheet ) ;
if ( _Items [ visualSlot ] . Sheet )
const CItemSheet & itemSheet = * ( _Items [ visualSlot ] . Sheet ) ;
// Compute the bind point
string bindBone ;
switch ( visualSlot )
// Right Hand
if ( itemSheet . ItemType ! = ITEM_TYPE : : MAGICIAN_STAFF )
bindBone = " box_arme " ;
break ;
// Left Hand
// Shields are not stick to the same point.
if ( itemSheet . getAnimSet ( ) = = " s " )
bindBone = " Box_bouclier " ;
bindBone = " box_arme_gauche " ;
break ;
default :
bindBone = slot . getBindPoint ( ) ;
break ;
// Choose the right colour.
if ( color = = - 1 )
// Color in the item
if ( slotColor < 0 )
// Get the item color
slotColor = itemSheet . Color ;
// Bad item color -> set to 0
if ( slotColor < 0 )
slotColor = 0 ;
slotColor = color ;
idx = createItemInstance ( itemSheet , instIdx , visualSlot , bindBone , slot . Texture , slotColor ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH::buildEquipment: the sheet '%s' is not an item one. " , slot . getItem ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH::buildEquipment: the sheet '%s' is not stored in the database. " , slot . getItem ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH::buildEquipment: item '%s' is not in the Sheet Id list. " , slot . getItem ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
// This is a shape.
if ( color = = - 1 )
if ( slotColor < 0 )
slotColor = 0 ;
slotColor = color ;
// Get the instance
idx = addColoredInstance ( slot . getItem ( ) , slot . getBindPoint ( ) , slot . Texture , instIdx , slotColor ) ;
// Return the index.
return idx ;
} // buildEquipment //
// computeSomeBoneId :
// Compute the bone for the name, head...
// \warning This method do not check the bone is valid, nor there is a Scene.
void CCharacterCL : : computeSomeBoneId ( )
// **** Get the Bone for the name.
_NameBoneId = _Skeleton . getBoneIdByName ( " name " ) ;
// Dummy found -> return the name position.
if ( _NameBoneId ! = - 1 )
// Just to force the bone to be compute (else not computed if not used).
_NameTransform = Scene - > createTransform ( ) ;
if ( ! _NameTransform . empty ( ) )
_Skeleton . stickObject ( _NameTransform , _NameBoneId ) ;
// No Bone for the Name.
pushDebugStr ( " The Bone for the name is missing. " ) ;
# endif // FINAL_VERSION
// **** Get the head bone.
_HeadBoneId = _Skeleton . getBoneIdByName ( " Bip01 Head " ) ;
// Bone found
if ( _HeadBoneId = = - 1 )
pushDebugStr ( " The Bone for the Head is missing. " ) ;
# endif // FINAL_VERSION
_TargetAnimCtrl . EyePos = CVector : : Null ;
_Skeleton . setBoneAnimCtrl ( _HeadBoneId , & _TargetAnimCtrl ) ;
// **** Get the "chest" bone. take spine1.
_ChestBoneId = _Skeleton . getBoneIdByName ( " Bip01 Spine1 " ) ;
if ( _ChestBoneId = = - 1 )
pushDebugStr ( " The Bone for the Chest 'Bip01 Spine1' is missing. " ) ;
# endif // FINAL_VERSION
} // computeSomeBoneId //
// createPlayList :
// Create the play list for this entity.
void CCharacterCL : : createPlayList ( )
// Release the old animation playlist.
if ( _PlayList )
EAM - > deletePlayList ( _PlayList ) ;
_PlayList = 0 ;
// Create the new animation playlist.
_PlayList = EAM - > createPlayList ( ) ;
if ( ! _PlayList )
pushDebugStr ( " Cannot create a playlist for the entity. " ) ;
return ;
// Initialize the new playlist.
// MOVE Channel
_PlayList - > setSpeedFactor ( MOVE , 1.f ) ;
_PlayList - > setWrapMode ( MOVE , UPlayList : : Clamp ) ;
// ACTION Channel
_PlayList - > setSpeedFactor ( ACTION , 1.f ) ;
_PlayList - > setWrapMode ( ACTION , UPlayList : : Clamp ) ;
} // createPlayList //
// getGroundFX :
// retrieve ground fxs for that entity
const std : : vector < CGroundFXSheet > * CCharacterCL : : getGroundFX ( ) const
return & ( _Sheet - > GroundFX ) ;
// build :
// Build the entity from a sheet.
bool CCharacterCL : : build ( const CEntitySheet * sheet ) // virtual
// Cast the sheet in the right type.
_Sheet = dynamic_cast < const CCharacterSheet * > ( sheet ) ;
if ( ! _Sheet )
pushDebugStr ( " This is not a character sheet -> entity not initialized. " ) ;
return false ;
// Type
Type = ( _Sheet - > Race > = EGSPD : : CPeople : : Creature ) ? Fauna : NPC ;
// Names
if ( Type = = Fauna )
// Get the fauna name in the sheet
const ucstring creatureName ( STRING_MANAGER : : CStringManagerClient : : getCreatureLocalizedName ( _Sheet - > Id ) ) ;
if ( creatureName . find ( ucstring ( " <NotExist: " ) ) ! = 0 )
_EntityName = creatureName ;
// Name and title will be send by the server
// Get the DB Entry
if ( IngameDbMngr . getNodePtr ( ) )
CCDBNodeBranch * nodeRoot = dynamic_cast < CCDBNodeBranch * > ( IngameDbMngr . getNodePtr ( ) - > getNode ( 0 ) ) ;
if ( nodeRoot )
_DBEntry = dynamic_cast < CCDBNodeBranch * > ( nodeRoot - > getNode ( _Slot ) ) ;
if ( _DBEntry = = 0 )
pushDebugStr ( " Cannot get a pointer on the DB entry. " ) ;
if ( ! ClientCfg . Light & & ! _Sheet - > getSkelFilename ( ) . empty ( ) )
// Create the Playlist for the entity.
createPlayList ( ) ;
// Compute the first automaton.
_CurrentAutomaton = automatonType ( ) + " _normal.automaton " ;
// Get the Character gender.
_Gender = ( GSGENDER : : EGender ) _Sheet - > Gender ;
// Initialize the internal time.
_LastFrameTime = ( ( double ) T1 ) * 0.001 ;
// Set the skeleton.
if ( ! ClientCfg . Light & & ! _Sheet - > getSkelFilename ( ) . empty ( ) & & skeleton ( _Sheet - > getSkelFilename ( ) ) )
// Set the skeleton scale.
skeleton ( ) - > setScale ( getScale ( ) , getScale ( ) , getScale ( ) ) ;
// Can create all characters except NPC.
if ( isNPC ( ) = = false )
// Eyes Color
if ( _Sheet - > EyesColor > = SheetMngr . nbEyesColor ( ) )
if ( SheetMngr . nbEyesColor ( ) = = 0 )
_EyesColor = 0 ;
_EyesColor = rand ( ) % SheetMngr . nbEyesColor ( ) ;
_EyesColor = _Sheet - > EyesColor ;
// Hair Color
if ( _Sheet - > HairColor > = SheetMngr . nbHairColor ( ) )
if ( SheetMngr . nbHairColor ( ) = = 0 )
_HairColor = 0 ;
_HairColor = rand ( ) % SheetMngr . nbHairColor ( ) ;
_HairColor = _Sheet - > HairColor ;
// -- Dress the character --
// Top Items
buildEquipment ( _Sheet - > Body , SLOTTYPE : : CHEST_SLOT ) ;
buildEquipment ( _Sheet - > Arms , SLOTTYPE : : ARMS_SLOT ) ;
buildEquipment ( _Sheet - > Hands , SLOTTYPE : : HANDS_SLOT ) ;
// Bottom Items
buildEquipment ( _Sheet - > Legs , SLOTTYPE : : LEGS_SLOT ) ;
buildEquipment ( _Sheet - > Feet , SLOTTYPE : : FEET_SLOT ) ;
// Face
_FaceIdx = buildEquipment ( _Sheet - > Face , SLOTTYPE : : FACE_SLOT ) ;
// -- Manage the Head --
// Display the helm.
if ( ! _Sheet - > Head . getItem ( ) . empty ( ) )
// Create the Helm.
_HeadIdx = buildEquipment ( _Sheet - > Head , SLOTTYPE : : HEAD_SLOT , - 1 , _HeadIdx ) ;
// Hide the face
SInstanceCL * pInstFace = getFace ( ) ;
if ( pInstFace )
if ( ! pInstFace - > Current . empty ( ) )
pInstFace - > Current . hide ( ) ;
pInstFace - > KeepHiddenWhenLoaded = true ;
// Display the Hair.
// Create the Hair.
if ( _HairIndex ! = _BadHairIndex )
_HeadIdx = buildEquipment ( _Sheet - > HairItemList [ _HairIndex ] , SLOTTYPE : : HEAD_SLOT , - 1 , _HeadIdx ) ;
// Display the face.
SInstanceCL * pInstFace = getFace ( ) ;
if ( pInstFace )
if ( ! pInstFace - > Current . empty ( ) )
pInstFace - > Current . show ( ) ;
// Objects in Hands
_RHandInstIdx = buildEquipment ( _Sheet - > ObjectInRightHand , SLOTTYPE : : RIGHT_HAND_SLOT , - 1 , _RHandInstIdx ) ; // In The Right Hand
_LHandInstIdx = buildEquipment ( _Sheet - > ObjectInLeftHand , SLOTTYPE : : LEFT_HAND_SLOT , - 1 , _LHandInstIdx ) ; // In The Left Hand
// Look is now ready.
_LookRdy = true ;
// Cannot build as long as the alternative look property not received, so hide the entity.
skeleton ( ) - > hide ( ) ;
// Compute the animation set (after weapons are set to choose the right animation set).
computeAnimSet ( ) ;
// Check the animation set is correct.
if ( _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE ] = = 0 )
pushDebugStr ( " Bad animation set " ) ;
// Set the animation to idle.
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : Idle ) ;
// Compute the bone for the name.
computeSomeBoneId ( ) ;
// Compute pelvis bone
//_PelvisBoneId = _Skeleton.getBoneIdByName("Bip01 Pelvis");
// Setup Lod Character skeleton and shapes colors, if skeleton exist
// Get Lod Character Id from the sheet.
sint clodId = getLodCharacterId ( * Scene , _Sheet - > getLodCharacterName ( ) ) ;
if ( clodId > = 0 )
// Setup Lod Character shapes, if enabled.
skeleton ( ) - > setLodCharacterShape ( clodId ) ;
skeleton ( ) - > setLodCharacterDistance ( _Sheet - > LodCharacterDistance ) ;
// Instances
uint32 idx = buildEquipment ( _Sheet - > Body , SLOTTYPE : : CHEST_SLOT ) ;
// must set the scale for the BotObject too
if ( idx < _Instances . size ( ) )
float s = getScale ( ) ;
_Instances [ idx ] . setScale ( CVector ( s , s , s ) ) ;
// Setup _CharacterScalePos
_CharacterScalePos = _Sheet - > CharacterScalePos ;
// Adjust the custom scale position according to the entity scale.
_CustomScalePos * = getScale ( ) ;
// Create PACS Primitive.
initPrimitive ( _Sheet - > ColRadius * getScale ( ) , _Sheet - > ColHeight * getScale ( ) , _Sheet - > ColLength , _Sheet - > ColWidth , UMovePrimitive : : DoNothing , UMovePrimitive : : NotATrigger , MaskColNpc , MaskColNone , _Sheet - > ClipRadius , _Sheet - > ClipHeight ) ;
// Compute the element to be able to snap the entity to the ground.
computeCollisionEntity ( ) ;
// Initialize properties of the entity (selectable/attackable/etc.).
initProperties ( ) ;
// copy some properties (special bot objects). before buildInSceneInterface
_DisplayInRadar = _Sheet - > DisplayInRadar ;
_DisplayOSDName = _Sheet - > DisplayOSDName ;
_DisplayOSDBars = _Sheet - > DisplayOSDBars ;
_DisplayOSDForceOver = _Sheet - > DisplayOSDForceOver ;
_Traversable = _Sheet - > Traversable ;
_CanTurn = _Sheet - > Turn ;
_SelectableBySpace = _Sheet - > SelectableBySpace ;
// Rebuild interface
buildInSceneInterface ( ) ;
initStaticFX ( ) ;
// Entity created.
return true ;
} // build //
// isKami()
bool CCharacterCL : : isKami ( ) const
if ( ! _Sheet )
return false ;
return ( _Sheet - > Race = = EGSPD : : CPeople : : Kami ) ;
// isUnknownRace()
bool CCharacterCL : : isUnknownRace ( ) const
if ( ! _Sheet )
return false ;
return ( _Sheet - > Race = = EGSPD : : CPeople : : Unknown ) ;
// getAttackHeight :
// Return the atk height.
// \todo GUIGUI : height relative to attacker instead of global height
CCharacterCL : : TAtkHeight CCharacterCL : : getAttackHeight ( CEntityCL * target , BODY : : TBodyPart localisation , BODY : : TSide side ) const
// Check there is a target.
if ( target = = 0 )
return CCharacterCL : : AtkMiddle ;
// Get the position for a bone.
float height ;
if ( target - > getBoneHeight ( localisation , side , height ) )
// Low
if ( height < 1.0f )
return CCharacterCL : : AtkLow ;
// High
else if ( height > 2.0f )
return CCharacterCL : : AtkHigh ;
// Default is Middle atk.
return CCharacterCL : : AtkMiddle ;
} // getAttackHeight //
// getBoneHeight :
bool CCharacterCL : : getBoneHeight ( BODY : : TBodyPart localisation , BODY : : TSide side , float & height ) const // virtual
// If there is no skeleton return false
if ( _Skeleton . empty ( ) )
return false ;
// Get the Bone Name
const char * boneName = getBoneNameFromBodyPart ( localisation , side ) ;
if ( boneName = = 0 )
return false ;
// Get the Bone Id
sint boneId = _Skeleton . getBoneIdByName ( std : : string ( boneName ) ) ;
if ( boneId = = - 1 )
return false ;
if ( _Skeleton . isBoneComputed ( boneId ) = = false )
return false ;
NL3D : : UBone bone = _Skeleton . getBone ( boneId ) ;
CMatrix BoneMat = bone . getLastWorldMatrixComputed ( ) ;
height = ( float ) ( BoneMat . getPos ( ) . z - pos ( ) . z ) ;
if ( height < 0.0f )
height = 0.0f ;
else if ( height > 10.0f )
height = 10.0f ;
return true ;
} // getBoneHeight //
// lookAtItemsInHands :
// Look at items in hands to change the animation set.
// \return true if the mode is a mode where items in hands should be hidden
bool CCharacterCL : : modeWithHiddenItems ( ) const
return ( ( ClientCfg . PutBackItems & & ! isFighting ( ) ) | | isSit ( ) | | _Mode = = MBEHAV : : SWIM | | isRiding ( ) | | _Mode = = MBEHAV : : SWIM_DEATH | | _Mode = = MBEHAV : : REST ) ;
} // lookAtItemsInHands //
// automatonType :
string CCharacterCL : : automatonType ( ) const // virtual
return _Sheet - > getAutomaton ( ) ;
} // automatonType //
// computeAutomaton :
// Compute the current automaton for the entity.
void CCharacterCL : : computeAutomaton ( )
_CurrentAutomaton = automatonType ( ) + " _ " + NLMISC : : strlwr ( MBEHAV : : modeToString ( _Mode ) ) + " .automaton " ;
} // computeAutomaton //
// computeAnimSet :
// Compute the animation set to use according to weapons, mode and race.
void CCharacterCL : : computeAnimSet ( )
if ( ClientCfg . Light )
return ;
// Use the generic method to compute the animation set.
if ( ! : : computeAnimSet ( _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE ] , _Mode , _Sheet - > getAnimSetBaseName ( ) , _Items [ SLOTTYPE : : LEFT_HAND_SLOT ] . Sheet , _Items [ SLOTTYPE : : RIGHT_HAND_SLOT ] . Sheet , ! modeWithHiddenItems ( ) ) )
//nlwarning("CH:computeAnimSet:%d: pb when trying to compute the animset. Sheet Id '%u(%s)'.", _Slot, _SheetId.asInt(), _SheetId.toString().c_str());
} // computeAnimSet //
// adjustPI :
// Adjust the Predicted Interval to fix some errors according to the distance.
NLMISC : : TGameCycle CCharacterCL : : adjustPI ( float x , float y , float /* z */ , const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & pI )
NLMISC : : TGameCycle adjustedPI = pI ;
if ( ClientCfg . RestrainPI & & adjustedPI > 0 )
double dist = ( x - UserEntity - > pos ( ) . x ) * ( x - UserEntity - > pos ( ) . x ) + ( y - UserEntity - > pos ( ) . y ) * ( y - UserEntity - > pos ( ) . y ) ;
// If under 50m check Predicted Interval
if ( dist < 50 * 50 )
NLMISC : : TGameCycle maxPi = ( NLMISC : : TGameCycle ) ( sqrt ( dist ) / 5.0 ) + 1 ;
if ( adjustedPI > maxPi )
adjustedPI = maxPi ;
if ( VerboseAnimSelection & & _Slot = = UserEntity - > selection ( ) )
nlinfo ( " CH:updtVPPos:%d: dist'%f' PI'%d' newPI'%d'. " , _Slot , sqrt ( dist ) , pI , adjustedPI ) ;
return adjustedPI ;
} // adjustPI //
// updateVisualPropertyPos :
// Received a new position for the entity.
// \warning Do not send position for the user
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyPos ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & gameCycle , const sint64 & prop , const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & pI )
// Check the DB entry (the warning is already done in the build method).
if ( _DBEntry = = 0 )
return ;
// Get The property 'Y'.
CCDBNodeLeaf * nodeY = dynamic_cast < CCDBNodeLeaf * > ( _DBEntry - > getNode ( CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSY ) ) ;
if ( nodeY = = 0 )
nlwarning ( " CH::updtVPPos:%d: Cannot find the property 'PROPERTY_POSY(%d)'. " , _Slot , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSY ) ;
return ;
// Get The property 'Z'.
CCDBNodeLeaf * nodeZ = dynamic_cast < CCDBNodeLeaf * > ( _DBEntry - > getNode ( CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSZ ) ) ;
if ( nodeZ = = 0 )
nlwarning ( " CH::updtVPPos:%d: Cannot find the property 'PROPERTY_POSZ(%d)'. " , _Slot , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSZ ) ;
return ;
// Convert Database into a Position
float x = ( float ) ( prop ) / 1000.0f ;
float y = ( float ) ( nodeY - > getValue64 ( ) ) / 1000.0f ;
float z = ( float ) ( nodeZ - > getValue64 ( ) ) / 1000.0f ;
// Theoretical Position
_TheoreticalPosition = CVectorD ( ( double ) x , ( double ) y , ( double ) z ) ;
// First position Managed -> set the PACS Position
if ( _FirstPosManaged )
pacsPos ( CVectorD ( x , y , z ) ) ;
_FirstPosManaged = false ;
return ;
// Wait for the entity to be spawned
if ( _First_Pos )
return ;
// Stock the position (except if this is the user mount because it's the user that control him not the server)
if ( ! isRiding ( ) | | _Rider ! = 0 )
// Adjust the Predicted Interval to fix some "bug" into the Prediction Algo.
NLMISC : : TGameCycle adjustedPI = adjustPI ( x , y , z , pI ) ;
// Add Stage.
_Stages . addStage ( gameCycle , PROPERTY_POSX , prop , adjustedPI ) ;
_Stages . addStage ( gameCycle , PROPERTY_POSY , nodeY - > getValue64 ( ) ) ;
_Stages . addStage ( gameCycle , PROPERTY_POSZ , nodeZ - > getValue64 ( ) ) ;
} // updateVisualPropertyPos //
// updateVisualPropertyOrient :
// Received a new orientation.
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyOrient ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & gameCycle , const sint64 & prop )
// Backup the last orientation received.
_TheoreticalOrientation = * ( float * ) ( & prop ) ;
// New Mode Received.
if ( verboseVP ( this ) )
float ori = * ( float * ) ( & prop ) ;
nlinfo ( " (%05d,%03d) CH::updateVPOri:%d: '%f' received. " , sint32 ( T1 % 100000 ) , NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) , _Slot , ori ) ;
// if no skeleton we set the orientation
if ( _Skeleton . empty ( ) )
// server forces the entity orientation even if it cannot turn
front ( CVector ( ( float ) cos ( _TheoreticalOrientation ) , ( float ) sin ( _TheoreticalOrientation ) , 0.f ) , true , true , true ) ;
dir ( front ( ) , false , false ) ;
if ( _Primitive )
_Primitive - > setOrientation ( _TheoreticalOrientation , dynamicWI ) ;
if ( ! isRiding ( ) | | _Rider ! = 0 )
// Add in right stage.
_Stages . addStage ( gameCycle , PROPERTY_ORIENTATION , prop ) ;
} // updateVisualPropertyOrient //
// updateVisualPropertyMode :
// New mode received.
// \warning For the first mode, we must have received the position and orientation (but this should be the case).
// \warning Read the position or orientation from the database when reading the mode (no more updated in updateVisualPropertyPos and updateVisualPropertyOrient).
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyMode ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & gameCycle , const sint64 & prop )
if ( verboseVP ( this ) )
nlinfo ( " (%05d,%03d) CH:updtVPMode:%d: '%s(%d)' received. " , sint32 ( T1 % 100000 ) , NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) , _Slot , modeToString ( ( MBEHAV : : EMode ) prop ) . c_str ( ) , ( MBEHAV : : EMode ) prop ) ;
// New Mode Received : Set the Theoretical Current Mode if different.
if ( _TheoreticalMode ! = ( MBEHAV : : EMode ) ( prop & 0xffff ) )
_TheoreticalMode = ( MBEHAV : : EMode ) ( prop & 0xffff ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:updtVPMode:%d: The mode '%s(%d)' sent is the same as the current one. " , _Slot , modeToString ( _TheoreticalMode ) . c_str ( ) , _TheoreticalMode ) ;
return ;
// If it is the first mode, set the mode.
if ( _Mode = = MBEHAV : : UNKNOWN_MODE )
// Check the DB entry (the warning is already done in the build method).
if ( _DBEntry = = 0 )
return ;
// Get The property 'PROPERTY_POSX'.
CCDBNodeLeaf * nodeX = dynamic_cast < CCDBNodeLeaf * > ( _DBEntry - > getNode ( CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSX ) ) ;
if ( nodeX = = 0 )
nlwarning ( " CH::updtVPMode:%d: Cannot find the property 'PROPERTY_POSX(%d)'. " , _Slot , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSX ) ;
return ;
// Get The property 'PROPERTY_POSY'.
CCDBNodeLeaf * nodeY = dynamic_cast < CCDBNodeLeaf * > ( _DBEntry - > getNode ( CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSY ) ) ;
if ( nodeY = = 0 )
nlwarning ( " CH::updtVPMode:%d: Cannot find the property 'PROPERTY_POSY(%d)'. " , _Slot , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSY ) ;
return ;
// Get The property 'PROPERTY_POSZ'.
CCDBNodeLeaf * nodeZ = dynamic_cast < CCDBNodeLeaf * > ( _DBEntry - > getNode ( CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSZ ) ) ;
if ( nodeZ = = 0 )
nlwarning ( " CH::updtVPMode:%d: Cannot find the property 'PROPERTY_POSZ(%d)'. " , _Slot , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSZ ) ;
return ;
// Next position will no longer be the first one.
_First_Pos = false ;
// Insert the primitive into the world.
if ( _Primitive )
_Primitive - > insertInWorldImage ( dynamicWI ) ;
// float makes a few cm error
double x = ( double ) ( nodeX - > getValue64 ( ) ) / 1000.0 ;
double y = ( double ) ( nodeY - > getValue64 ( ) ) / 1000.0 ;
double z = ( double ) ( nodeZ - > getValue64 ( ) ) / 1000.0 ;
// Set the primitive position.
pacsPos ( CVectorD ( x , y , z ) ) ;
// Get The property 'PROPERTY_ORIENTATION'.
CCDBNodeLeaf * nodeOri = dynamic_cast < CCDBNodeLeaf * > ( _DBEntry - > getNode ( CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_ORIENTATION ) ) ;
if ( nodeOri = = 0 )
nlwarning ( " CH::updtVPMode:%d: Cannot find the property 'PROPERTY_ORIENTATION(%d)'. " , _Slot , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_ORIENTATION ) ;
return ;
const sint64 & ori = nodeOri - > getValue64 ( ) ;
float angleZ = * ( float * ) ( & ori ) ;
// server forces the entity orientation even if it cannot turn
front ( CVector ( ( float ) cos ( angleZ ) , ( float ) sin ( angleZ ) , 0.f ) , true , true , true ) ;
dir ( front ( ) , false , false ) ;
_TargetAngle = angleZ ;
if ( _Primitive )
_Primitive - > setOrientation ( angleZ , dynamicWI ) ;
// Set the mode Now
_Mode = _TheoreticalMode ;
_ModeWanted = _TheoreticalMode ;
if ( ( _Mode = = MBEHAV : : MOUNT_NORMAL ) & & ( _Rider = = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT ) )
_Mode = MBEHAV : : NORMAL ;
_ModeWanted = MBEHAV : : MOUNT_NORMAL ;
// See also updateVisualPropertyRiderEntity() for the case when _Rider is received after the mode
computeAutomaton ( ) ;
computeAnimSet ( ) ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : Idle ) ;
// Add the mode to the stage.
_Stages . addStage ( gameCycle , PROPERTY_MODE , prop ) ;
computeAutomaton ( ) ;
computeAnimSet ( ) ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : Idle ) ;
// Not the first mode -> Add to a stage.
// Add the mode to the stage.
_Stages . addStage ( gameCycle , PROPERTY_MODE , prop ) ;
// Float mode push the orientation
if ( _TheoreticalMode = = MBEHAV : : COMBAT_FLOAT )
// Get The property 'PROPERTY_ORIENTATION'.
CCDBNodeLeaf * nodeOri = dynamic_cast < CCDBNodeLeaf * > ( _DBEntry - > getNode ( CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_ORIENTATION ) ) ;
if ( nodeOri = = 0 )
nlwarning ( " CH::updtVPMode:%d: Cannot find the property 'PROPERTY_ORIENTATION(%d)'. " , _Slot , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_ORIENTATION ) ;
return ;
_Stages . addStage ( gameCycle , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_ORIENTATION , nodeOri - > getValue64 ( ) ) ;
// Any other mode push the position
if ( _TheoreticalMode ! = MBEHAV : : MOUNT_NORMAL )
// Check the DB entry (the warning is already done in the build method).
if ( _DBEntry = = 0 )
return ;
// Get The property 'PROPERTY_POSX'.
CCDBNodeLeaf * nodeX = dynamic_cast < CCDBNodeLeaf * > ( _DBEntry - > getNode ( CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSX ) ) ;
if ( nodeX = = 0 )
nlwarning ( " CH::updtVPMode:%d: Cannot find the property 'PROPERTY_POSX(%d)'. " , _Slot , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSX ) ;
return ;
// Get The property 'PROPERTY_POSY'.
CCDBNodeLeaf * nodeY = dynamic_cast < CCDBNodeLeaf * > ( _DBEntry - > getNode ( CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSY ) ) ;
if ( nodeY = = 0 )
nlwarning ( " CH::updtVPMode:%d: Cannot find the property 'PROPERTY_POSY(%d)'. " , _Slot , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSY ) ;
return ;
// Get The property 'PROPERTY_POSZ'.
CCDBNodeLeaf * nodeZ = dynamic_cast < CCDBNodeLeaf * > ( _DBEntry - > getNode ( CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSZ ) ) ;
if ( nodeZ = = 0 )
nlwarning ( " CH::updtVPMode:%d: Cannot find the property 'PROPERTY_POSZ(%d)'. " , _Slot , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSZ ) ;
return ;
// Add Stage.
_Stages . addStage ( gameCycle , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSX , nodeX - > getValue64 ( ) ) ;
_Stages . addStage ( gameCycle , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSY , nodeY - > getValue64 ( ) ) ;
_Stages . addStage ( gameCycle , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSZ , nodeZ - > getValue64 ( ) ) ;
} // updateVisualPropertyMode //
// updateVisualPropertyBehaviour :
// New Behaviour received.
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyBehaviour ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & gameCycle , const sint64 & prop )
// New Behaviour Received.
CBehaviour beh ( prop ) ;
if ( verboseVP ( this ) )
nlinfo ( " (%05d,%03d) CH::updateVPBeha:%d: '%s(%d)' received. " , sint32 ( T1 % 100000 ) , NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) , _Slot , behaviourToString ( ( EBehaviour ) beh . Behaviour ) . c_str ( ) , ( sint ) beh . Behaviour ) ;
// Add in right stage.
_Stages . addStage ( gameCycle , PROPERTY_BEHAVIOUR , prop ) ;
} // updateVisualPropertyBehaviour //
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyTargetList ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & gameCycle , const sint64 & prop , uint listIndex )
// Add in right stage.
_Stages . addStage ( gameCycle , PROPERTY_TARGET_LIST_0 + listIndex , prop ) ;
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyVisualFX ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & gameCycle , const sint64 & prop )
_Stages . addStage ( gameCycle , PROPERTY_VISUAL_FX , prop ) ;
// updateVisualPropertyName :
// Received the name Id.
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyName ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & /* gameCycle */ , const sint64 & prop )
// Update the entity name (do not need to be managed with LCT).
uint32 nameId = * ( uint32 * ) ( & prop ) ;
// Store the name Id
_NameId = nameId ;
// STRING_MANAGER::CStringManagerClient::instance()->waitString(nameId, this, &_Name);
STRING_MANAGER : : CStringManagerClient : : instance ( ) - > waitString ( nameId , this ) ;
// nlwarning("CH::updateVPName:%d: name Id '%d' received but no name allocated.", _Slot, nameId);
//else if(verboseVP(this))
// nlinfo("(%05d,%03d) CH::updateVPName:%d: name '%s(%d)' received.", sint32(T1%100000), NetMngr.getCurrentServerTick(), _Slot, getEntityName().toString().c_str(), nameId);
updateMissionTarget ( ) ;
} // updateVisualPropertyName //
// updateVisualPropertyTarget :
// Received the new target for the entity
// \todo GUIGUI : should be added in a stage.
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyTarget ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & gameCycle , const sint64 & prop )
// New target Received.
sint targ = ( sint ) prop ;
if ( verboseVP ( this ) )
nlinfo ( " (%05d,%03d) CH::updateVPTarget:%d: '%d' received. " , sint32 ( T1 % 100000 ) , NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) , _Slot , targ ) ;
// New entity target
_TargetSlotNoLag = ( CLFECOMMON : : TCLEntityId ) targ ;
// Add in right stage.
_Stages . addStage ( gameCycle , PROPERTY_TARGET_ID , prop ) ;
} // updateVisualPropertyTarget //
// updateVisualPropertyVpa :
// Received the new target for the entity
// \todo GUIGUI : should be added in a stage.
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyVpa ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & /* gameCycle */ , const sint64 & prop )
// VPA only useful for NPC
if ( isNPC ( ) = = false )
//nlwarning("CH:updtVPVpa:%d: VPA received but NOT an NPC. Sheet Id '%u(%s)'.", _Slot, _SheetId.asInt(), _SheetId.toString().c_str());
return ;
if ( _Skeleton . empty ( ) )
return ;
// Get the alternative look property.
SAltLookProp altLookProp = * ( SAltLookProp * ) ( & prop ) ;
// Display debug infos
if ( verboseVP ( this ) )
nlinfo ( " (%05d,%03d) CH:updtVPVpa:%d: TopColor(%d) BotColor(%d) RH(%d) LH(%d) Hat(%d) Seed(%d) HairColor(%d) " ,
sint32 ( T1 % 100000 ) , NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) , _Slot ,
( uint ) altLookProp . Element . ColorTop , ( uint ) altLookProp . Element . ColorBot ,
( uint ) altLookProp . Element . WeaponRightHand , ( uint ) altLookProp . Element . WeaponLeftHand ,
( uint ) altLookProp . Element . Hat , ( uint ) altLookProp . Element . Seed ,
( uint ) altLookProp . Element . ColorHair ) ;
// Dress the character.
if ( ! _LookRdy )
// The entity is now visually ready.
_LookRdy = true ;
// Generate a new random.
NLMISC : : CRandom rnd ;
rnd . srand ( ( sint ) altLookProp . Element . Seed ) ;
// Retrieve the right sheet for clothes.
_ClothesSheet = _Sheet ;
if ( _Sheet - > IdAlternativeClothes . size ( ) > 0 )
sint32 num = rnd . rand ( ) % ( _Sheet - > IdAlternativeClothes . size ( ) + 1 ) ;
if ( num > 0 )
CSheetId altClothesId ( _Sheet - > getAlternativeClothes ( num - 1 ) ) ;
const CEntitySheet * sheetAlt = SheetMngr . get ( altClothesId ) ;
if ( dynamic_cast < const CCharacterSheet * > ( sheetAlt ) )
_ClothesSheet = dynamic_cast < const CCharacterSheet * > ( sheetAlt ) ;
// Eyes Color
if ( _Sheet - > EyesColor > = SheetMngr . nbEyesColor ( ) )
if ( SheetMngr . nbEyesColor ( ) = = 0 )
_EyesColor = 0 ;
_EyesColor = ( sint8 ) ( rnd . rand ( ) % SheetMngr . nbEyesColor ( ) ) ;
_EyesColor = _Sheet - > EyesColor ;
// Hair Color
if ( SheetMngr . nbHairColor ( ) = = 0 )
_HairColor = 0 ;
_HairColor = ( sint8 ) altLookProp . Element . ColorHair % SheetMngr . nbHairColor ( ) ;
// Hair Index
if ( _Sheet - > HairItemList . size ( ) > 0 )
sint32 num = rnd . rand ( ) % _Sheet - > HairItemList . size ( ) ;
if ( num > = 0 & & num < _BadHairIndex )
_HairIndex = ( uint8 ) num ;
nlwarning ( " CH:updtVPVpa:%d: Bad Hair Index '%d' " , _Slot , num ) ;
// -- Dress the character -- (all parts that should not change)
/** tmp : remove all fx item
* \ TODO delete an item only if changed
buildEquipment ( _ClothesSheet - > Body , SLOTTYPE : : CHEST_SLOT , altLookProp . Element . ColorTop ) ; // Chest
buildEquipment ( _ClothesSheet - > Arms , SLOTTYPE : : ARMS_SLOT , altLookProp . Element . ColorArm ) ; // Arms
buildEquipment ( _ClothesSheet - > Hands , SLOTTYPE : : HANDS_SLOT , altLookProp . Element . ColorGlove ) ; // Gloves
buildEquipment ( _ClothesSheet - > Legs , SLOTTYPE : : LEGS_SLOT , altLookProp . Element . ColorBot ) ; // Legs
buildEquipment ( _ClothesSheet - > Feet , SLOTTYPE : : FEET_SLOT , altLookProp . Element . ColorBoot ) ; // Boots
// Face
_FaceIdx = buildEquipment ( _Sheet - > Face , SLOTTYPE : : FACE_SLOT ) ;
// Entity is now dressed
skeleton ( ) - > show ( ) ;
// -- Manage the Head --
// Display the helm.
if ( altLookProp . Element . Hat ! = 0 & & ! _ClothesSheet - > Head . getItem ( ) . empty ( ) )
// Create the Helm.
_HeadIdx = buildEquipment ( _ClothesSheet - > Head , SLOTTYPE : : HEAD_SLOT , altLookProp . Element . ColorHair , _HeadIdx ) ;
// Hide the face.
SInstanceCL * pInstFace = getFace ( ) ;
if ( pInstFace )
if ( pInstFace - > Current . empty ( ) = = false )
pInstFace - > Current . hide ( ) ;
pInstFace - > KeepHiddenWhenLoaded = true ;
// Display the Hair.
// Create the Hair.
if ( _HairIndex ! = _BadHairIndex )
_HeadIdx = buildEquipment ( _Sheet - > HairItemList [ _HairIndex ] , SLOTTYPE : : HEAD_SLOT , altLookProp . Element . ColorHair , _HeadIdx ) ;
// Display the face.
SInstanceCL * pInstFace = getFace ( ) ;
if ( pInstFace )
if ( ! pInstFace - > Current . empty ( ) )
pInstFace - > Current . show ( ) ;
// -- Manage weapons -- (weapons can change)
// Right Hand
const CItemSheet * newRightHand = SheetMngr . getItem ( SLOTTYPE : : RIGHT_HAND_SLOT , ( uint ) altLookProp . Element . WeaponRightHand ) ;
if ( newRightHand ! = _Items [ SLOTTYPE : : RIGHT_HAND_SLOT ] . Sheet ) // item changed ?
// Remove the old Item in the right hand
if ( _RHandInstIdx ! = CEntityCL : : BadIndex )
// remove shape
_RHandInstIdx = addInstance ( " " , " " , - 1 , _RHandInstIdx ) ;
// remove fxs
_Items [ SLOTTYPE : : RIGHT_HAND_SLOT ] . release ( ) ;
// set new one
_Items [ SLOTTYPE : : RIGHT_HAND_SLOT ] . Sheet = newRightHand ;
if ( newRightHand )
if ( newRightHand - > ItemType ! = ITEM_TYPE : : MAGICIAN_STAFF )
_RHandInstIdx = createItemInstance ( * newRightHand , _RHandInstIdx , SLOTTYPE : : RIGHT_HAND_SLOT , " box_arme " , - 1 , - 1 ) ;
_RHandInstIdx = createItemInstance ( * newRightHand , _RHandInstIdx , SLOTTYPE : : RIGHT_HAND_SLOT , " " , - 1 , - 1 ) ;
// update fx for right hand (trail may have been activated, or advantage fx)
if ( newRightHand )
SInstanceCL * instCLRH = idx2Inst ( _RHandInstIdx ) ;
if ( instCLRH )
NL3D : : UInstance itemInstance = ( ! instCLRH - > Loading . empty ( ) ) ? instCLRH - > Loading : instCLRH - > Current ;
if ( ! itemInstance . empty ( ) )
// update fxs
_Items [ SLOTTYPE : : RIGHT_HAND_SLOT ] . enableAdvantageFX ( itemInstance ) ;
if ( _CurrentBehaviour . Behaviour ! = MBEHAV : : EXTRACTING )
_Items [ SLOTTYPE : : RIGHT_HAND_SLOT ] . setTrailSize ( altLookProp . Element . RTrail ) ;
// Left Hand
const CItemSheet * newLeftHand = SheetMngr . getItem ( SLOTTYPE : : LEFT_HAND_SLOT , ( uint ) altLookProp . Element . WeaponLeftHand ) ;
if ( newLeftHand ! = _Items [ SLOTTYPE : : LEFT_HAND_SLOT ] . Sheet ) // item changed ?
// Remove the old Item in the left hand
if ( _LHandInstIdx ! = CEntityCL : : BadIndex )
// remove shape
_LHandInstIdx = addInstance ( " " , " " , - 1 , _LHandInstIdx ) ;
// remove fxs
_Items [ SLOTTYPE : : LEFT_HAND_SLOT ] . release ( ) ;
// set new one
_Items [ SLOTTYPE : : LEFT_HAND_SLOT ] . Sheet = newLeftHand ;
if ( newLeftHand )
string bindBone ;
if ( newLeftHand - > getAnimSet ( ) = = " s " )
bindBone = " Box_bouclier " ;
bindBone = " box_arme_gauche " ;
_LHandInstIdx = createItemInstance ( * newLeftHand , _LHandInstIdx , SLOTTYPE : : LEFT_HAND_SLOT , bindBone , - 1 , - 1 ) ;
// update fx for left hand (trail may have been activated, or advantage fx)
if ( newLeftHand )
SInstanceCL * instCLLH = idx2Inst ( _LHandInstIdx ) ;
if ( instCLLH )
NL3D : : UInstance itemInstance = ( ! instCLLH - > Loading . empty ( ) ) ? instCLLH - > Loading : instCLLH - > Current ;
if ( ! itemInstance . empty ( ) )
// update fxs
_Items [ SLOTTYPE : : LEFT_HAND_SLOT ] . enableAdvantageFX ( itemInstance ) ;
_Items [ SLOTTYPE : : LEFT_HAND_SLOT ] . setTrailSize ( ( uint ) ( 2 * altLookProp . Element . LTrail ) ) ;
// -- Update Animation -- (after all those changes animation could change).
computeAnimSet ( ) ;
setAnim ( animState ( MOVE ) ) ;
} // updateVisualPropertyVpb //
// updateVisualPropertyVpb :
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyVpb ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & /* gameCycle */ , const sint64 & prop )
// Get the alternative look property.
SAltLookProp2 altLookProp = * ( SAltLookProp2 * ) ( & prop ) ;
// Display debug infos
if ( verboseVP ( this ) )
nlinfo ( " (%05d,%03d) CH:updtVPVpb:%d: Scale(%d) " , sint32 ( T1 % 100000 ) , NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) , _Slot ,
( uint ) altLookProp . PropertySubData . Scale ) ;
// Save old scale
float oldCustomScale = _CustomScale ;
// Set new scale
if ( altLookProp . PropertySubData . Scale = = 0 )
_CustomScale = 1.f ;
_CustomScale = ( float ) altLookProp . PropertySubData . Scale / 100.f ;
// Apply modification
_CustomScalePos / = oldCustomScale ;
_CustomScalePos * = _CustomScale ;
// change the scale of the skeleton according to the new people
USkeleton * skel = skeleton ( ) ;
if ( skel )
skel - > setScale ( getScale ( ) , getScale ( ) , getScale ( ) ) ;
// modify the stick bone scale to not propagate scale to child
sint boneID = skel - > getBoneIdByName ( " stick_1 " ) ;
if ( boneID ! = - 1 )
UBone bone = skel - > getBone ( boneID ) ;
CVector newBoneScale = bone . getScale ( ) * oldCustomScale / _CustomScale ;
bone . setScale ( newBoneScale ) ;
// must set the new scale for the BotObject too
else if ( ! _Instances . empty ( ) )
float s = getScale ( ) ;
_Instances [ 0 ] . setScale ( CVector ( s , s , s ) ) ;
} // updateVisualPropertyVpb //
// updateVisualPropertyEntityMounted :
// Update Entity Mount
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyEntityMounted ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & gameCycle , const sint64 & prop )
// New target Received.
sint mountSlot = ( sint ) prop ;
_TheoreticalMount = ( CLFECOMMON : : TCLEntityId ) mountSlot ;
if ( verboseVP ( this ) )
nlinfo ( " (%05d,%03d) CH::updateVPMount:%d: '%d' received. " , sint32 ( T1 % 100000 ) , NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) , _Slot , mountSlot ) ;
// Add in right stage.
_Stages . addStage ( gameCycle , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_ENTITY_MOUNTED_ID , prop ) ;
} // updateVisualPropertyEntityMounted //
// updateVisualPropertyRiderEntity :
// Update Entity Rider
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyRiderEntity ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & gameCycle , const sint64 & prop )
// New target Received.
sint riderSlot = ( sint ) prop ;
_TheoreticalRider = ( CLFECOMMON : : TCLEntityId ) riderSlot ;
if ( verboseVP ( this ) )
nlinfo ( " (%05d,%03d) CH::updateVPRider:%d: '%d' received. " , sint32 ( T1 % 100000 ) , NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) , _Slot , riderSlot ) ;
// Add in right stage.
_Stages . addStage ( gameCycle , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_RIDER_ENTITY_ID , prop ) ;
} // updateVisualPropertyRiderEntity //
// updateVisualPropertyBars :
// Update Entity Bars
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyBars ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & gameCycle , const sint64 & prop ) // virtual
CBarManager : : CBarInfo barInfo ;
// Encode HP to 7 bits
barInfo . Score [ SCORES : : hit_points ] = ( sint8 ) ( ( prop & 0x7ff ) * 127 / 1023 ) ;
// NB: barInfo are sint8, but no problem, since anything following is 7 bits.
barInfo . Score [ SCORES : : stamina ] = ( uint8 ) ( ( prop > > 11 ) & 0x7f ) ;
barInfo . Score [ SCORES : : sap ] = ( uint8 ) ( ( prop > > 18 ) & 0x7f ) ;
barInfo . Score [ SCORES : : focus ] = ( uint8 ) ( ( prop > > 25 ) & 0x7f ) ;
// update The Bar manager
CBarManager * pBM = CBarManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
/* ***********
WHY gameCycle + 1 ? ? ? ? ? ( yoyo )
It ' s because sometimes I have a bug With target DB update and VP update . This is the scenario
where I suppose the problem rises :
tick = 320 : EGS : : tickUpdate ( ) : player . DBTargetHP . setProp ( 49 )
tick = 321 : EGS : : combat update , target ennemy receives a Hit , VPHp = 10 = > transmitted to client with timestamp = 321
EGS : : databaseUpdate ( ) , DB updated , with timestamp = 321 ! ! !
Thus I receives on client :
first the VP with Hp = 10 , timestamp = 321
second the DB with Hp = 49 , timestamp = 321 too = > replaced = > BUG
NB : DB is typically sent at low frequency by FrontEnd , thus received later on client .
Since databaseUpdate ( ) is called every 2 ticks , adding + 1 to VP timestamps solve easily the problem .
NB : the problem occurs because tickUpdate ( ) and databaseUpdate ( ) are called typically with 1 tick shift ( tickUpdate ( )
on even ticks , and databaseUpdate ( ) on odd ticks for instance ) .
NB : moreover , tickupdate ( ) is called every 8 ( or 16 ) ticks , and databaseUpdate ( ) every 2 ticks . So there is one more
possible bug :
318 : EGS : : tickUpdate ( ) : player . DBTargetHP . setProp ( 49 )
319 : EGS : : combat update , target ennemy receives a Hit , VPHp = 10 = > transmitted to client with timestamp = 319
EGS : : databaseUpdate ( ) , BUT decide to send only a small subset of DB ( because lot of things to send )
= > our TargetHP is not updated
320 : nothing . tickupdate ( ) is not called , since every 8 ticks
321 : EGS : : databaseUpdate ( ) , update TargetHP , with timestamp = 321 ! ! ! ! ! = > Bug
( remind that we cannot store a timestamp for each DB property , else would be too big to store and to send . . . )
BTW , this last bug should be very rare , so don ' t care .
* * * * * * * * * * * */
pBM - > updateBars ( dataSetId ( ) , barInfo , gameCycle + 1 ,
CBarManager : : HpFlag | CBarManager : : StaFlag | CBarManager : : SapFlag | CBarManager : : FocusFlag ) ;
} // updateVisualPropertyBars //
// updateVisualPropertyGuildSymbol :
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyGuildSymbol ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & /* gameCycle */ , const sint64 & prop )
_GuildSymbol = prop ;
// maybe need to rebuild the in scene interface
if ( _InSceneUserInterface & & _InSceneUserInterface - > needGuildSymbolId ( ) )
buildInSceneInterface ( ) ;
} // updateVisualPropertyGuildSymbol //
// updateVisualPropertyGuildNameID :
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyGuildNameID ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & /* gameCycle */ , const sint64 & prop )
_GuildNameId = uint32 ( prop ) ;
// maybe need to rebuild the in scene interface
if ( _InSceneUserInterface & & _InSceneUserInterface - > needGuildNameId ( ) )
buildInSceneInterface ( ) ;
} // updateVisualPropertyGuildNameID //
// updateVisualPropertyEventFactionID :
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyEventFactionID ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & /* gameCycle */ , const sint64 & prop )
// ODD Hack by Ulukyn
//_EventFactionId = uint32(prop);
_PvpMode = uint32 ( prop ) ;
buildInSceneInterface ( ) ;
if ( isUser ( ) )
uint i ;
uint numEntity = ( uint ) EntitiesMngr . entities ( ) . size ( ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numEntity ; i + + )
CEntityCL * entity = EntitiesMngr . entity ( i ) ;
if ( entity )
CCharacterCL * character = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( entity ) ;
if ( character )
if ( character - > getPvpMode ( ) ! = 0 & & ! character - > isUser ( ) )
character - > buildInSceneInterface ( ) ;
} // updateVisualPropertyEventFactionID //
// updateVisualPropertyPvpMode :
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyPvpMode ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & /* gameCycle */ , const sint64 & prop )
//_PvpMode = uint32(prop);
} // updateVisualPropertyPvpMode //
// updateVisualPropertyPvpClan :
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyPvpClan ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & /* gameCycle */ , const sint64 & prop )
_LeagueId = uint32 ( prop ) ;
buildInSceneInterface ( ) ;
if ( isUser ( ) )
uint i ;
uint numEntity = ( uint ) EntitiesMngr . entities ( ) . size ( ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numEntity ; i + + )
CEntityCL * entity = EntitiesMngr . entity ( i ) ;
if ( entity )
CCharacterCL * character = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( entity ) ;
if ( character )
if ( character - > getPvpMode ( ) ! = 0 & & ! character - > isUser ( ) )
character - > buildInSceneInterface ( ) ;
} // updateVisualPropertyPvpClan //
// updateVisualPropertyStatus :
// Update Entity Status
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyStatus ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & /* gameCycle */ , const sint64 & /* prop */ ) // virtual
nlinfo ( " CH:updtVPStatus:%d: received. " , _Slot ) ;
} // updateVisualPropertyStatus //
// updateVisualPropertyContextual :
// Update Entity Status
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyContextual ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & gameCycle , const sint64 & prop )
bool precAttackable = _Properties . attackable ( ) ;
// call parent
CEntityCL : : updateVisualPropertyContextual ( gameCycle , prop ) ;
// if attack modified, and npc/fauna, must rebuild the in scene interface,
// cause sheets 'Attackable' property not always correclty filled
if ( ( isNPC ( ) | | isFauna ( ) ) & & precAttackable ! = _Properties . attackable ( ) )
buildInSceneInterface ( ) ;
// updateVisualPropertyOwnerPeople :
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyOwnerPeople ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & /* gameCycle */ , const sint64 & prop )
if ( _OwnerPeople ! = MOUNT_PEOPLE : : TMountPeople ( prop ) )
// reset scale pos
float oldPeopleScaleFactor ;
switch ( _OwnerPeople )
case MOUNT_PEOPLE : : Fyros : oldPeopleScaleFactor = ClientCfg . FyrosScale ; break ;
case MOUNT_PEOPLE : : Matis : oldPeopleScaleFactor = ClientCfg . MatisScale ; break ;
case MOUNT_PEOPLE : : Tryker : oldPeopleScaleFactor = ClientCfg . TrykerScale ; break ;
case MOUNT_PEOPLE : : Zorai : oldPeopleScaleFactor = ClientCfg . ZoraiScale ; break ;
default :
oldPeopleScaleFactor = 1.f ;
_CustomScalePos / = oldPeopleScaleFactor ;
// set the new scale pos
float newPeopleScaleFactor ;
_OwnerPeople = MOUNT_PEOPLE : : TMountPeople ( prop ) ;
switch ( _OwnerPeople )
case MOUNT_PEOPLE : : Fyros : newPeopleScaleFactor = ClientCfg . FyrosScale ; break ;
case MOUNT_PEOPLE : : Matis : newPeopleScaleFactor = ClientCfg . MatisScale ; break ;
case MOUNT_PEOPLE : : Tryker : newPeopleScaleFactor = ClientCfg . TrykerScale ; break ;
case MOUNT_PEOPLE : : Zorai : newPeopleScaleFactor = ClientCfg . ZoraiScale ; break ;
default :
newPeopleScaleFactor = 1.f ;
_CustomScalePos * = newPeopleScaleFactor ;
// change the scale of the skeleton according to the new people
USkeleton * skel = skeleton ( ) ;
if ( skel )
skel - > setScale ( getScale ( ) , getScale ( ) , getScale ( ) ) ;
// modify the stick bone scale to not propagate scale to child
sint boneID = skel - > getBoneIdByName ( " stick_1 " ) ;
if ( boneID ! = - 1 )
UBone bone = skel - > getBone ( boneID ) ;
CVector newBoneScale = bone . getScale ( ) * oldPeopleScaleFactor / newPeopleScaleFactor ;
bone . setScale ( newBoneScale ) ;
} // updateVisualPropertyOwnerPeople //
// updateVisualPropertyOutpostInfos :
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisualPropertyOutpostInfos ( const NLMISC : : TGameCycle & /* gameCycle */ , const sint64 & prop )
_OutpostId = ( ( uint16 ) prop ) & 0x7FFF ;
uint16 side = ( ( ( uint16 ) prop ) & 0x8000 ) > > 15 ;
_OutpostSide = ( OUTPOSTENUMS : : TPVPSide ) side ;
nldebug ( " <CCharacterCL::updateVisualPropertyOutpostInfos> prop = %d, id=%d side=%d " , ( uint16 ) prop , _OutpostId , _OutpostSide ) ;
buildInSceneInterface ( ) ;
} // updateVisualPropertyOutpostInfos //
// skin :
// Get The Entity Skin
sint CCharacterCL : : skin ( ) const // virtual
return _Sheet - > Skin ;
} // skin //
// initProperties :
// Initialize properties of the entity (according to the class).
void CCharacterCL : : initProperties ( )
properties ( ) . selectable ( _Sheet - > Selectable ) ;
properties ( ) . talkableTo ( _Sheet - > Talkable ) ;
properties ( ) . attackable ( _Sheet - > Attackable ) ;
properties ( ) . givable ( _Sheet - > Givable ) ;
properties ( ) . mountable ( _Sheet - > Mountable ) ;
properties ( ) . invitable ( false ) ; // You cannot group with a bot.
properties ( ) . afk ( false ) ;
switch ( _Sheet - > HLState )
properties ( ) . lootable ( true ) ; // You can loot the creature
properties ( ) . harvestable ( false ) ; // You cannot harvest the creature
break ;
properties ( ) . lootable ( false ) ; // You cannot loot the creature
properties ( ) . harvestable ( true ) ; // You can harvest the creature
break ;
properties ( ) . lootable ( true ) ; // You can loot the creature
properties ( ) . harvestable ( true ) ; // You can harvest the creature
break ;
default :
properties ( ) . lootable ( false ) ; // You cannot loot the creature
properties ( ) . harvestable ( false ) ; // You cannot harvest the creature
break ;
} // initProperties //
// computeTimeStep :
// Compute the elapsed time since last call.
// \param currentTime : current time in sec.
// \return double : elapsed time.
double CCharacterCL : : computeTimeStep ( const double & currentTime )
// Last Time greater than Current Time.
if ( _LastFrameTime > currentTime )
nlwarning ( " CCharacterCL::computeTimeStep : Time since last frame is negative (%f). Set _LastFrameTime with currentTime " , _LastFrameTime - currentTime ) ;
_LastFrameTime = currentTime ;
// Time since last Time >= 0
return currentTime - _LastFrameTime ;
} // computeTimeStep //
// computeSpeed :
// \todo GUIGUI : to do an average speed, there is a problem if time become very small because small frame or _LastFrameTime increase when looping
double CCharacterCL : : computeSpeed ( )
double spd ;
double t = _DestTime - _LastFrameTime ;
if ( dist2Dest ( ) < = 0.0 ) // Already at destination.
spd = 0.0 ;
else if ( _LastFrameTime = = 0.0 ) // First frame
spd = 1.0 ;
else if ( t < 0.0001 ) // We should already be at destination.
spd = 1000.0 ; //-1.0;
spd = dist2Dest ( ) / t ;
if ( spd > 0 & & spd < 0.001 )
spd = 0.001 ;
if ( spd > 1000.0 )
spd = 1000.0 ;
speed ( spd ) ;
return spd ;
} // computeSpeed //
// computeSpeedFactor :
// Compute and return the speed factor to apply to the animation.
// \param speedToDest : evaluted speed to destination.
// \return double : the speed factor to use for the current animation.
// \todo GUIGUI : review this scale problem and optimize it.
double CCharacterCL : : computeSpeedFactor ( double speedToDest )
double speedFactor = 1.0 ;
// \todo GUIGUI : optimize emotes, currently it's badly designed.
const CAnimationState * animStatePtr ;
// If the current animation is an emote, get the right animation state.
if ( animState ( MOVE ) = = CAnimationStateSheet : : Emote )
animStatePtr = _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE ] - > getAnimationState ( _SubStateKey ) ;
animStatePtr = _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE ] - > getAnimationState ( animState ( MOVE ) ) ;
if ( animStatePtr )
// Get the animation
const CAnimation * anim = animStatePtr - > getAnimation ( animIndex ( MOVE ) ) ;
if ( anim )
// If the animation is a move (not idle, turn, etc.).
if ( _CurrentState )
// Move : adjust speed factor according to the animation.
if ( _CurrentState - > Move )
// Check for oo speed.
if ( speedToDest ! = - 1 )
// Compute the animation average speed according to the scale.
double animSpeed = EAM - > getAnimationAverageSpeed ( anim - > id ( ) ) * getSheetScale ( ) * _CustomScalePos * _CharacterScalePos ;
if ( animSpeed > 0.0 )
speedFactor = speedToDest / animSpeed ;
nlwarning ( " The animation is a move but animation speed is %f ! " , animSpeed ) ;
// \todo GUIGUI : unlimited speed, perhaps return a special value.
// We should be arrived so speed is maximum.
speedFactor = 1000.0 ;
// The current animation is a rotation so adjust the rotation speed according to the angle.
if ( _CurrentState - > Rotation & & _RotationFactor > 0.0 )
speedFactor / = _RotationFactor ;
speedFactor = std : : min ( speedFactor , 1.5 ) ;
speedFactor = std : : max ( speedFactor , 0.5 ) ;
// This animation must be play in a maximum time when there is someting to do after.
// (must be done after the rotation speed adjustment)
if ( _CurrentState - > MaxAnimDuration > 0.00f )
if ( dist2Dest ( ) > = 0.0 )
double animLength = EAM - > getAnimationLength ( anim - > id ( ) ) ;
double speedFactorBackup = speedFactor ;
speedFactor = animLength / _CurrentState - > MaxAnimDuration ;
// If the animation speed should have been greater, let it play faster.
if ( speedFactor < speedFactorBackup )
speedFactor = speedFactorBackup ;
// Panic mode (too late => accelerate)
if ( ! _CurrentState - > Move & & _ImportantStepTime ! = 0.0 )
const float beginPanic = 1.5f ; // start panic when too late of 1.5 seconds
const float endPanic = 5.f ; // max panic factor at 5 seconds of interval
const float maxPanicSpeedFactor = 10.f ;
float t = float ( TimeInSec - _ImportantStepTime ) ;
if ( t > beginPanic )
float lerp = ( t - beginPanic ) / ( endPanic - beginPanic ) ;
clamp ( lerp , 0.f , 1.f ) ;
float panicSF = lerp * maxPanicSpeedFactor ;
if ( panicSF > speedFactor )
speedFactor = panicSF ;
// Special panic mode because there is a position just after
// NB: don't accelerate animations that can be breaked because of move
// But still allow acceleration for mode animation transition (_Mode!=_ModeWanted)
if ( ! _CurrentState - > Move & & _RunStartTimeNoPop ! = INVALID_TIME & &
( ! _CurrentState - > BreakableOnMove | | _Mode ! = _ModeWanted ) )
const float maxPanicSpeedFactor = 1.5f ;
// compare time of rest of animation, to remain time to the first move
float remainAnimTime = float ( EAM - > getAnimationLength ( anim - > id ( ) ) - animOffset ( MOVE ) ) ;
remainAnimTime = max ( remainAnimTime , 0.f ) ;
float panicSF ;
// if already too late, then maximize speed
if ( TimeInSec > = _RunStartTimeNoPop )
panicSF = maxPanicSpeedFactor ;
// else target the animation speed so it ends at estimated start of move
panicSF = float ( remainAnimTime / ( _RunStartTimeNoPop - TimeInSec ) ) ;
panicSF = min ( panicSF , maxPanicSpeedFactor ) ;
// only if greater than prec
if ( panicSF > speedFactor )
speedFactor = panicSF ;
// TestYoyo
if ( _Slot = = WatchedEntitySlot & & EntitiesMngr . isLogingStageChange ( ) )
sint64 refLT = EntitiesMngr . getLogStageChangeStartLocalTime ( ) ;
NLMISC : : createDebug ( ) ;
NLMISC : : DebugLog - > displayRawNL ( " ** Entity %d: (t=%3d) animState %s: %.2f/%.2f. move: %d. rstnp: %d. sf: %.2f " ,
( sint32 ) _Slot , sint32 ( T1 - refLT ) ,
CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( animStatePtr - > state ( ) ) . c_str ( ) ,
float ( animOffset ( MOVE ) ) , float ( EAM - > getAnimationLength ( anim - > id ( ) ) ) ,
uint ( _CurrentState - > Move ) , _RunStartTimeNoPop = = INVALID_TIME ? - 1 : sint32 ( sint64 ( _RunStartTimeNoPop * 1000 ) - refLT ) ,
) ;
// \todo GUIGUI : corriger pour enlever le speed factor min.
// Adjuste speed factor
if ( speedFactor < 0.5 )
speedFactor = 0.5 ;
// Check negative or null speed factor.
if ( speedFactor < = 0.0 )
nlwarning ( " CCharacterCL::computeSpeedFactor: speedFactor = %f and this should never be <= 0. " , speedFactor ) ;
speedFactor = 1.0 ;
// Return the speed factor.
return speedFactor ;
} // computeSpeedFactor //
// endAnimTransition :
// Call it at the end of the current animation to choose the next one.
void CCharacterCL : : endAnimTransition ( )
// One more animation played.
_NbLoopAnim + + ;
// Hide the entity if needed.
if ( _HideSkin )
hideSkin ( ) ;
// Debug Animation for the selection
if ( VerboseAnimSelection & & _Slot = = UserEntity - > selection ( ) )
nlinfo ( " CH:endAnimTransition:%d: current animation finished. " , _Slot ) ;
// If the animation is a rotation, set the character direction he should have at the end of the animation.
if ( _CurrentState - > Rotation )
if ( isUser ( ) )
nldebug ( " <CCharacterCL::endAnimTransition> rotation : set dir as end anim dir " ) ;
dir ( dirEndAnim ( ) ) ;
// Fit the current direction to the target when attacking.
if ( _CurrentState - > Attack )
dir ( front ( ) ) ;
// If user is in range attack and not moving, set dir to target
if ( isUser ( ) )
if ( _CurrentBehaviour . Behaviour = = MBEHAV : : RANGE_ATTACK & & _Mode = = MBEHAV : : COMBAT & & ! UserControls . isMoving ( ) )
dir ( dirToTarget ( ) ) ;
float frontYawBefore = frontYaw ( ) ;
front ( dir ( ) ) ;
float frontYawAfter = frontYaw ( ) ;
float deltaYaw = frontYawAfter - frontYawBefore ;
UserControls . appendCameraDeltaYaw ( - deltaYaw ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . AutomaticCamera )
UserControls . resetSmoothCameraDeltaYaw ( ) ;
// If the next mode in the automaton != Current Mode
if ( _CurrentState - > NextMode ! = _Mode )
if ( ClientCfg . UsePACSForAll & & _Primitive )
_Primitive - > setCollisionMask ( MaskColNone ) ;
//// AJOUT ////
switch ( _CurrentState - > NextMode )
// Combat
case MBEHAV : : COMBAT :
if ( ClientCfg . UsePACSForAll & & _Primitive )
_Primitive - > setCollisionMask ( MaskColPlayer | MaskColNpc | MaskColDoor ) ; // Collision with player and npc.
break ;
// Mount
parent ( _Mount ) ;
// Remove collisions if needed.
if ( _Mount ! = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT )
if ( _Primitive )
_Primitive - > setOcclusionMask ( MaskColNone ) ;
break ;
// Death
case MBEHAV : : DEATH :
setDead ( ) ;
break ;
if ( ClientCfg . Check )
nlstop ;
// NO BREAK is Normal here
// Normal
case MBEHAV : : NORMAL :
dir ( front ( ) ) ;
front ( CVector ( 1.f , 0.f , 0.f ) ) ;
dir ( front ( ) ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
// Change the current mode.
if ( _ModeWanted ! = MBEHAV : : UNKNOWN_MODE )
_Mode = _CurrentState - > NextMode ;
// nlinfo( "NO mode change from %u to %u, %s S%hu", _Mode, _CurrentState->NextMode, _SheetId.toString().c_str(), _Slot );
// Change the current automaton.
computeAutomaton ( ) ;
// Update the animation set according to the new automaton.
computeAnimSet ( ) ;
// Select the Default Next Animation.
setAnim ( _CurrentState - > NextState ) ;
} // endAnimTransition //
// onMove :
CCharacterCL : : TOnMove CCharacterCL : : onMove ( const CAutomatonStateSheet & curAnimState )
// Animation is breakable if the distance to destination is long enough (at least > 0).
if ( curAnimState . BreakableOnMove & & dist2Dest ( ) > 0.0 )
// \todo GUIGUI : take the next position to current one (it could be possible this position was the same as the first).
CVectorD dirToFirstPos = _FirstPos - pos ( ) ;
dirToFirstPos . z = 0.0 ;
if ( dirToFirstPos ! = CVectorD : : Null )
dirToFirstPos . normalize ( ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:onMove:%d: First pos == pos -> take the dir(%f,%f,%f) instead. " , _Slot , dir ( ) . x , dir ( ) . y , dir ( ) . z ) ;
dirToFirstPos = dir ( ) ;
// Compute Angle between the front and the first position.
double angToDest = computeShortestAngle ( atan2 ( front ( ) . y , front ( ) . x ) , atan2 ( dirToFirstPos . y , dirToFirstPos . x ) ) ;
if ( ! _MaxLoop )
// Strafe Left
if ( curAnimState . OnMoveLeft ! = CAnimationStateSheet : : UnknownState )
if ( ( angToDest > Pi / 3.0 ) & & ( angToDest < 2.0 * Pi / 3.0 ) )
return OnMoveLeft ;
// Strafe Right
if ( curAnimState . OnMoveRight ! = CAnimationStateSheet : : UnknownState )
if ( ( angToDest < - Pi / 3.0 ) & & ( angToDest > - 2.0 * Pi / 3.0 ) )
return OnMoveRight ;
// Backward
if ( curAnimState . OnMoveBackward ! = CAnimationStateSheet : : UnknownState )
if ( fabs ( angToDest ) > 1.92 )
return OnMoveBackward ;
// Forward (default)
if ( curAnimState . OnMoveForward ! = CAnimationStateSheet : : UnknownState )
// if(_MaxLoop || fabs(angToDest)<=1.92)
return OnMoveForward ;
nlwarning ( " CH:onMove:%d: the current state is breakable on Move and the dist to dest is not Null, but there is no animation to move. " , _Slot ) ;
// No Move
return OnMoveNone ;
} // onMove //
// onRotation :
CCharacterCL : : TOnRot CCharacterCL : : onRotation ( const CAutomatonStateSheet & curAnimState , CVector & dirEndA )
// Turn and About Face
if ( curAnimState . BreakableOnRotation )
CVector bodyDir = dir ( ) ;
CVector destDir = front ( ) ;
// when user is attacking, his dest is his target
if ( isUser ( ) & & _CurrentBehaviour . Behaviour = = MBEHAV : : RANGE_ATTACK & & _Mode = = MBEHAV : : COMBAT & & ! UserControls . isMoving ( ) )
destDir = dirToTarget ( ) ;
// Compute the angle between the current heading and computed heading.
double angToDest = computeShortestAngle ( atan2 ( bodyDir . y , bodyDir . x ) , atan2 ( destDir . y , destDir . x ) ) ;
// Rotation to the left.
if ( angToDest > = ( ClientCfg . AnimatedAngleThreshold * Pi / 180.0 ) )
dirEndA = destDir ;
return OnRotLeft ;
// Rotation to the right.
if ( angToDest < = - ( ClientCfg . AnimatedAngleThreshold * Pi / 180.0 ) )
dirEndA = destDir ;
return OnRotRight ;
// No Rot
return OnRotNone ;
} // onRotation //
// onBigBend :
CCharacterCL : : TOnBigBend CCharacterCL : : onBigBend ( const CAutomatonStateSheet & curAnimState , CVector & dirEndA )
// If the current direction is too different of the direction to the first destination -> play a rotation.
if ( curAnimState . BrkOnBigBend )
CVector dirToFirstPos ;
if ( setVect ( dirToFirstPos , _FirstPos - pos ( ) , true , false ) )
dirToFirstPos = curAnimState . getMatrix ( ) * dirToFirstPos ;
double angToDest = computeShortestAngle ( atan2 ( dir ( ) . y , dir ( ) . x ) , atan2 ( dirToFirstPos . y , dirToFirstPos . x ) ) ;
// Rotation to the left.
if ( angToDest > = 1.5 )
dirEndA = dirToFirstPos ;
return OnBendLeft ;
// Rotation to the right.
if ( angToDest < = - 1.5 )
dirEndA = dirToFirstPos ;
return OnBendRight ;
// Smooth dir
if ( fabs ( angToDest ) > 0.1 )
double newAngle = atan2 ( dir ( ) . y , dir ( ) . x ) + angToDest / 2.0 ;
dir ( CVector ( ( float ) cos ( newAngle ) , ( float ) sin ( newAngle ) , dir ( ) . z ) ) ;
dir ( dirToFirstPos ) ;
// No Bend
return OnBendNone ;
} // onBigBend //
// onBadHeading :
bool CCharacterCL : : onBadHeading ( const CAutomatonStateSheet & curAnimState )
// Bad Heading
if ( curAnimState . BreakableOnBadHeading & & ! _MaxLoop )
CVector dirToFirstPos ;
if ( setVect ( dirToFirstPos , _FirstPos - pos ( ) , true , false ) )
// Compute the angle between the front and the next body direction.
double angToDest = computeShortestAngle ( atan2 ( front ( ) . y , front ( ) . x ) , atan2 ( dirToFirstPos . y , dirToFirstPos . x ) ) ;
if ( curAnimState . BadHeadingMin < = curAnimState . BadHeadingMax )
if ( ( angToDest < curAnimState . BadHeadingMin ) | | ( angToDest > curAnimState . BadHeadingMax ) )
return true ;
if ( ( angToDest < curAnimState . BadHeadingMin ) & & ( angToDest > curAnimState . BadHeadingMax ) )
return true ;
// No bad Heading
return false ;
} // onBadHeading //
// setAnim :
// Select a new animation for the entity.
// \todo GUIGUI : better manage when there is no skeleton
// \todo GUIGUI : simplify head control
ADD_METHOD ( void CCharacterCL : : setAnim ( TAnimStateKey newKey , TAnimStateKey subKey , uint animID ) )
if ( ClientCfg . Light )
return ;
// Debug Animation for the target
if ( VerboseAnimSelection & & _Slot = = UserEntity - > selection ( ) )
nlinfo ( " CH:setAnim:%d: state '%s'. " , _Slot , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( newKey ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
TAnimStateId lastAnimStateId = animState ( MOVE ) ; // Bkup the current anim state Id.
// \todo GUIGUI : Faire une fonction pour savoir si on a changer de type d'animation.
// Reset loop counter
if ( ( newKey ! = animState ( MOVE ) ) | | ( _OldAutomaton ! = _CurrentAutomaton ) )
_NbLoopAnim = 0 ;
_HideSkin = false ;
CAnimation : : TAnimId buIndex = animIndex ( MOVE ) ;
animIndex ( MOVE , CAnimation : : UnknownAnim ) ; // Reset the current animation Index
animState ( MOVE , CAnimationStateSheet : : UnknownState ) ; // Reset the current animation state
animOffset ( MOVE , 0.0 ) ; // Reset the current animation offset
animIndex ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT , CAnimation : : UnknownAnim ) ; // Reset the current animation Index
animState ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT , CAnimationStateSheet : : UnknownState ) ; // Reset the current animation state
animOffset ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT , 0.0 ) ; // Reset the current animation offset
_RotationFactor = 1.0 ; // New animation -> default rotation factor for the time.
_RightFXActivated = false ;
_LeftFXActivated = false ;
_RotationFactor = 1.0f ; // Rotation factor as the animation for the time.
_SubStateKey = CAnimationStateSheet : : UnknownState ; // No SubStateKey for the time.
dirEndAnim ( dir ( ) ) ; // For the time the direction at the end of the animation is the current direction.
// If there is no animation set ->There is nothing we can do properly.
if ( _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE ] = = 0 )
return ;
if ( ! animationStateKey ( MOVE , newKey ) )
nlwarning ( " CH:setAnim:%d: automaton '%s': animation state key '%s' asked is not valid -> trying Idle. " , _Slot , _CurrentAutomaton . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( newKey ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( ! animationStateKey ( MOVE , CAnimationStateSheet : : Idle ) )
nlwarning ( " CH:setAnim:%d: Idle is not warking too " , _Slot ) ;
// Compute Speed
double speedToDest = computeSpeed ( ) ;
// Compute the direction to the first position (direction = front if there is not first pos)
CVector dirToFirstPos ;
if ( dist2FirstPos ( ) > 0.0 )
dirToFirstPos = ( _FirstPos - pos ( ) ) . normed ( ) ;
dirToFirstPos = front ( ) ;
uint antiFreezeCounter = 0 ;
// Loop until the process find a steady state.
KeyChosen :
// Get the state for the current animation.
const CAutomatonStateSheet * state = EAM - > mState ( _CurrentAutomaton , animState ( MOVE ) ) ;
if ( state = = 0 )
nlwarning ( " CH:setAnim:%d: State '%s' not in the automaton '%s'. " , _Slot , CAnimationStateSheet : : getAnimationStateName ( animState ( MOVE ) ) . c_str ( ) , _CurrentAutomaton . c_str ( ) ) ;
// No animation playing
if ( _PlayList )
_PlayList - > setAnimation ( MOVE , UPlayList : : empty ) ;
return ;
const CAutomatonStateSheet & curAnimState = * state ;
// If too many loop, display some infos
if ( antiFreezeCounter > 10 )
nlwarning ( " CH:setAnim:anitFreeze:%d: Automaton '%s' " , _Slot , _CurrentAutomaton . c_str ( ) ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:setAnim:anitFreeze:%d: _IsThereAMode '%s' " , _Slot , _IsThereAMode ? " true " : " false " ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:setAnim:anitFreeze:%d: dist2Dest '%f' " , _Slot , dist2Dest ( ) ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:setAnim:anitFreeze:%d: Mode '%s(%d)' " , _Slot , modeToString ( _Mode ) . c_str ( ) , _Mode ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:setAnim:anitFreeze:%d: Mode Wanted '%s(%d)' " , _Slot , modeToString ( _ModeWanted ) . c_str ( ) , _ModeWanted ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:setAnim:anitFreeze:%d: Anim State Move '%s(%d)' " , _Slot , CAnimationStateSheet : : getAnimationStateName ( animState ( MOVE ) ) . c_str ( ) , animState ( MOVE ) ) ;
// Once too many more time reached, leave the method.
if ( antiFreezeCounter > 20 )
return ;
// Update antiFreezeCounter.
+ + antiFreezeCounter ;
// Is there a mode in the queue
// if(_IsThereAMode && (dist2Dest()==INVALID_DIST))
// Is the current mode not already the mode wanted.
if ( ( _Mode ! = _ModeWanted ) & & ( dist2Dest ( ) = = INVALID_DIST ) )
TAnimStateKey transition ;
// Check Default Mode Connection.
if ( curAnimState . getModeConnection ( _ModeWanted , transition ) )
// Mode Mount need to be synchro
if ( _ModeWanted = = MBEHAV : : MOUNT_NORMAL | | _ModeWanted = = MBEHAV : : MOUNT_SWIM )
// The Mount
if ( _Rider ! = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT )
if ( animationStateKey ( MOVE , transition ) )
goto KeyChosen ;
nlwarning ( " CH:setAnim:%d: Mode Wanted '%d' : automaton '%s': state '%s': Transition '%s' is not valid. " , _Slot , _ModeWanted , _CurrentAutomaton . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . MoveState ) . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( transition ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
// The Rider
else if ( _Mount ! = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT )
CEntityCL * mountTmp = EntitiesMngr . entity ( _Mount ) ;
CCharacterCL * mount = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( mountTmp ) ;
if ( mount )
if ( mountTmp - > mode ( ) = = _ModeWanted )
if ( animationStateKey ( MOVE , transition ) )
goto KeyChosen ;
nlwarning ( " CH:setAnim:%d: automaton '%s': state '%s': MountDefaultModeTransition '%s' is not valid. " , _Slot , _CurrentAutomaton . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . MoveState ) . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( transition ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:setAnim:%d: Mode Wanted '%s' but the mount does not exist. " , _Slot , MBEHAV : : modeToString ( _ModeWanted ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
// Other modes have the same code.
if ( animationStateKey ( MOVE , transition ) )
goto KeyChosen ;
nlwarning ( " CH:setAnim:%d: Mode Wanted '%d' : automaton '%s': state '%s': Transition '%s' is not valid. " , _Slot , _ModeWanted , _CurrentAutomaton . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . MoveState ) . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( transition ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
// Should we stop the animation once at destination.
if ( curAnimState . BrkAtDest & & ( dist2Dest ( ) < = ClientCfg . DestThreshold ) )
_MaxLoop = false ;
if ( animationStateKey ( MOVE , CAnimationStateSheet : : Idle ) )
goto KeyChosen ;
nlwarning ( " CH:setAnim:%d: automaton '%s': state '%s': BrkAtDest 'idle' is not valid. " , _Slot , _CurrentAutomaton . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . MoveState ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
// On Move
switch ( onMove ( curAnimState ) )
// On Move Forward
case OnMoveForward :
if ( animationStateKey ( MOVE , curAnimState . OnMoveForward ) )
goto KeyChosen ;
nlwarning ( " CH::setAnim:%d: automaton '%s': state '%s': OnMoveForeward '%s' is not valid. " , _Slot , _CurrentAutomaton . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . MoveState ) . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . OnMoveForward ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
break ;
// On Move Backward
case OnMoveBackward :
if ( animationStateKey ( MOVE , curAnimState . OnMoveBackward ) )
goto KeyChosen ;
nlwarning ( " CH::setAnim:%d: automaton '%s': state '%s': OnMoveBackward '%s' is not valid. " , _Slot , _CurrentAutomaton . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . MoveState ) . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . OnMoveBackward ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
break ;
// On Move Left
case OnMoveLeft :
if ( animationStateKey ( MOVE , curAnimState . OnMoveLeft ) )
goto KeyChosen ;
nlwarning ( " CH::setAnim:%d: automaton '%s': state '%s': OnMoveLeft '%s' is not valid. " , _Slot , _CurrentAutomaton . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . MoveState ) . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . OnMoveLeft ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
break ;
// On Move Right
case OnMoveRight :
if ( animationStateKey ( MOVE , curAnimState . OnMoveRight ) )
goto KeyChosen ;
nlwarning ( " CH::setAnim:%d: automaton '%s': state '%s': OnMoveRight '%s' is not valid. " , _Slot , _CurrentAutomaton . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . MoveState ) . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . OnMoveRight ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
// On Rotation/About Face
CVector dirEndA ( 0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f ) ;
switch ( onRotation ( curAnimState , dirEndA ) )
// On Rot Left
case OnRotLeft :
if ( animationStateKey ( MOVE , curAnimState . OnLeftRotation ) )
dirEndAnim ( dirEndA ) ;
goto KeyChosen ;
nlwarning ( " CH::setAnim:%d: automaton '%s': state '%s': OnLeftRotation '%s' is not valid. " , _Slot , _CurrentAutomaton . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . MoveState ) . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . OnLeftRotation ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
break ;
// On Rot Right
case OnRotRight :
if ( animationStateKey ( MOVE , curAnimState . OnRightRotation ) )
dirEndAnim ( dirEndA ) ;
goto KeyChosen ;
nlwarning ( " CH::setAnim:%d: automaton '%s': state '%s': OnRightRotation '%s' is not valid. " , _Slot , _CurrentAutomaton . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . MoveState ) . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . OnRightRotation ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
// Max Loop
if ( curAnimState . MaxLoop & & curAnimState . MaxLoop < = _NbLoopAnim )
if ( animationStateKey ( MOVE , CAnimationStateSheet : : Idle ) )
_MaxLoop = true ;
_NbLoopAnim = 0 ;
goto KeyChosen ;
// On Bad Heading
if ( onBadHeading ( curAnimState ) )
if ( animationStateKey ( MOVE , CAnimationStateSheet : : Idle ) )
goto KeyChosen ;
nlwarning ( " CH::setAnim:%d: automaton '%s': state '%s': 'Idle' is not valid. " , _Slot , _CurrentAutomaton . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . MoveState ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
// On Big Bend
switch ( onBigBend ( curAnimState , dirEndA ) )
// On Bend Left
case OnBendLeft :
if ( animationStateKey ( MOVE , curAnimState . OnBigBendLeft ) )
dirEndAnim ( dirEndA ) ;
goto KeyChosen ;
nlwarning ( " CH::setAnim:%d: automaton '%s': state '%s': OnBigBendLeft '%s' is not valid. " , _Slot , _CurrentAutomaton . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . MoveState ) . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . OnBigBendLeft ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
break ;
// On Bend Right
case OnBendRight :
if ( animationStateKey ( MOVE , curAnimState . OnBigBendRight ) )
dirEndAnim ( dirEndA ) ;
goto KeyChosen ;
nlwarning ( " CH::setAnim:%d: automaton '%s': state '%s': OnBigBendRight '%s' is not valid. " , _Slot , _CurrentAutomaton . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . MoveState ) . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . OnBigBendRight ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
// If the animation change according to a high speed and speed high enough or oo.
if ( ClientCfg . BlendForward = = false )
if ( curAnimState . OnMaxSpeed . Breakable )
if ( speedToDest > = _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE ] - > speedToRun ( ) | | speedToDest = = - 1.0 )
if ( animationStateKey ( MOVE , curAnimState . OnMaxSpeed . NextStateKey ) )
goto KeyChosen ;
nlwarning ( " CH::setAnim: Char '%d': automaton '%s': state '%s': OnMaxSpeed.NextStateKey '%s' is not valid. " , _Slot , _CurrentAutomaton . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . MoveState ) . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . OnMaxSpeed . NextStateKey ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
// If the animation can change with a low speed.
if ( curAnimState . OnMinSpeed . Breakable )
// If the speed is low enough (check this is not -1 (infinite speed)) -> update the animation to play.
if ( speedToDest ! = - 1.0 & & speedToDest < = _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE ] - > speedToWalk ( ) )
if ( animationStateKey ( MOVE , curAnimState . OnMinSpeed . NextStateKey ) )
goto KeyChosen ;
nlwarning ( " CH::setAnim: Char '%d': automaton '%s': state '%s': OnMinSpeed.NextStateKey '%s' is not valid. " , _Slot , _CurrentAutomaton . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . MoveState ) . c_str ( ) , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( curAnimState . OnMinSpeed . NextStateKey ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
//// END LOOP /////
// \todo GUIGUI : better manage automate change
// Current animation is not of the same kind as the old one.
bool sameAnim = lastAnimStateId = = animState ( MOVE ) & & _OldAutomaton = = _CurrentAutomaton ;
if ( ! sameAnim )
// Stop FXs.
stopItemAttackFXs ( ) ;
stopAttachedFXForCurrrentAnim ( true ) ; // stop all anim fx, including looping fxs
stopAttachedFXForCurrrentAnim ( false ) ; // stop all anim fxs, but do not stop looping fxs (because the same anim is repeating)
// Compute the current animation state.
_CurrentState = EAM - > mState ( _CurrentAutomaton , animState ( MOVE ) ) ;
// If the state does not exist.
if ( _CurrentState = = 0 )
nlwarning ( " CH:setAnim:%d: State '%s' not in the automaton '%s'. " , _Slot , CAnimationStateSheet : : getAnimationStateName ( animState ( MOVE ) ) . c_str ( ) , _CurrentAutomaton . c_str ( ) ) ;
// No animation playing
if ( _PlayList )
_PlayList - > setAnimation ( MOVE , UPlayList : : empty ) ;
// The state is valid.
double angToDest = 0.0 ;
// If the new state is a rotation.
if ( _CurrentState - > Rotation )
angToDest = computeShortestAngle ( atan2 ( dir ( ) . y , dir ( ) . x ) , atan2 ( dirEndAnim ( ) . y , dirEndAnim ( ) . x ) ) ;
// Get the right animation state and choose an animation.
// Get the animation state
const CAnimationState * animationState = 0 ;
if ( animState ( MOVE ) = = CAnimationStateSheet : : Emote )
_SubStateKey = subKey ;
animationState = _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE ] - > getAnimationState ( _SubStateKey ) ;
animationState = _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE ] - > getAnimationState ( animState ( MOVE ) ) ;
if ( animationState )
// Choose the animation
CAnimation : : TAnimId index ;
if ( sameAnim )
index = buIndex ;
index = CAnimation : : UnknownAnim ;
animIndex ( MOVE , animationState - > chooseAnim ( _AnimJobSpecialisation , people ( ) , getGender ( ) , angToDest , index ) ) ;
if ( animID ! = NL3D : : UAnimationSet : : NotFound )
animId ( MOVE , animID ) ;
// Should the objects in hands be displayed ?
_ObjectsVisible = animationState - > areObjectsVisible ( ) ;
showOrHideBodyParts ( _ObjectsVisible ) ;
// in case of user manage the internal view
if ( isUser ( ) )
UserEntity - > updateVisualDisplay ( ) ;
// Initialize the animation
if ( animIndex ( MOVE ) ! = CAnimation : : UnknownAnim )
// If the new state is a rotation.
if ( _CurrentState - > Rotation )
// Get the animation rotation.
double animAngle = CAnimationMisc : : getAnimationRotation ( EAM - > getAnimationSet ( ) , animId ( MOVE ) ) ;
// Compute the rotation factor.
if ( animAngle ! = 0.0 )
_RotationFactor = fabs ( angToDest / animAngle ) ;
_RotationFactor = - 1.0 ; // \todo GUIGUI : see which value we should use if we have a rot anim without rot and which should rotate character
// If the animation is an atk or forage extraction -> Start all dynamic FXs.
if ( _CurrentBehaviour . Behaviour = = MBEHAV : : EXTRACTING )
// True Extract Animation only for Use AnimationState type
// \todo yoyo: ugly?
if ( animState ( MOVE ) = = CAnimationStateSheet : : UseLoop )
_Items [ SLOTTYPE : : RIGHT_HAND_SLOT ] . setTrailSize ( _CurrentBehaviour . ForageExtraction . Level ) ;
startItemAttackFXs ( true , 1 ) ;
else if ( _CurrentState - > Attack )
if ( _CurrentBehaviour . Behaviour = = MBEHAV : : RANGE_ATTACK )
startItemAttackFXs ( _CurrentBehaviour . Range . ImpactIntensity ! = 0 , _CurrentBehaviour . Range . ImpactIntensity ) ;
startItemAttackFXs ( _CurrentBehaviour . Combat . ImpactIntensity ! = 0 & & _CurrentBehaviour . Combat . HitType ! = HITTYPE : : Failed , _CurrentBehaviour . Combat . ImpactIntensity ) ;
// Initialize the new animation.
if ( _PlayList )
// Blend the last animation and the new one.
if ( ClientCfg . BlendFrameNumber & & _BlendRemaining < = 0 // Blend On ?
& & animIndex ( ACTION ) ! = CAnimation : : UnknownAnim // Last Animation Valid ?
& & ( ( lastAnimStateId ! = animState ( MOVE ) ) | | ( _OldAutomaton ! = _CurrentAutomaton )
| | ( animState ( MOVE ) = = CAnimationStateSheet : : Emote ) ) // Last anim != or automaton != ?
& & ! isRiding ( ) ) // No Blend on a mount. \todo GUIGUI trouver un meilleur moyen.
// Get the rotation of the last animation for the blend.
if ( ! _Skeleton . empty ( ) )
_OldRotQuat = _Skeleton . getRotQuat ( ) ;
_BlendRemaining = ClientCfg . BlendFrameNumber ;
// Set animation
_PlayList - > setAnimation ( ACTION , animId ( ACTION ) ) ;
// Compute weight step.
float w = 1.f / ( ( float ) ( ClientCfg . BlendFrameNumber + 1 ) ) ;
// Set Old Anim Weight.
_PlayList - > setWeight ( ACTION , 1.f - w ) ;
// Set New Anim Weight.
_PlayList - > setWeight ( MOVE , w ) ;
// Copy Reverse
_AnimReversed [ ACTION ] = _AnimReversed [ MOVE ] ;
// Set Animation.
_PlayList - > setAnimation ( MOVE , animId ( MOVE ) ) ;
// Blend between Walk and Run.
if ( ClientCfg . BlendForward & & ( animState ( MOVE ) = = CAnimationStateSheet : : Walk ) )
_CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE_BLEND_OUT ] = _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE ] ;
animState ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT , CAnimationStateSheet : : Run ) ;
const CAnimationState * animationBlendState = _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE_BLEND_OUT ] - > getAnimationState ( animState ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT ) ) ;
if ( animationBlendState )
animIndex ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT , animationBlendState - > chooseAnim ( _AnimJobSpecialisation , people ( ) , getGender ( ) ) ) ;
_PlayList - > setAnimation ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT , animId ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT ) ) ;
_PlayList - > setWeight ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT , 1.0f ) ; // \todo GUIGUI : verify what is happening if animId is "empty".
nlwarning ( " setAnim:%d: animationBlendState is Null. " , _Slot ) ;
// Set children animation.
std : : list < CEntityCL * > : : iterator it = _Children . begin ( ) ;
while ( it ! = _Children . end ( ) )
if ( * it )
CCharacterCL * child = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( * it ) ;
if ( child )
// Set the Child as the parent.
child - > computeAnimSet ( ) ;
child - > currentAutomaton ( ) = _CurrentAutomaton ; // \todo GUIGUI : CA VA PAS MARCHER A CAUSE DU TYPE !!!
child - > animOffset ( MOVE , animOffset ( MOVE ) ) ;
child - > animState ( MOVE , animState ( MOVE ) ) ;
child - > currentState ( currentState ( ) ) ;
child - > animIndex ( MOVE , CAnimation : : UnknownAnim ) ;
const CAnimationState * animStatePtr = child - > currentAnimSet ( ) [ MOVE ] - > getAnimationState ( child - > animState ( MOVE ) ) ;
if ( animStatePtr )
child - > animIndex ( MOVE , animStatePtr - > chooseAnim ( _AnimJobSpecialisation , people ( ) , getGender ( ) , angToDest ) ) ;
child - > playList ( ) - > setAnimation ( MOVE , child - > animId ( MOVE ) ) ;
// TEMP : \todo GUIGUI : Pour le moment on enlever le Blend sur les montures.
child - > playList ( ) - > setAnimation ( ACTION , UPlayList : : empty ) ;
child - > currentAnimSet ( ) [ ACTION ] = child - > currentAnimSet ( ) [ MOVE ] ;
child - > animState ( ACTION , child - > animState ( MOVE ) ) ;
child - > animIndex ( ACTION , child - > animIndex ( MOVE ) ) ;
child - > animOffset ( ACTION , child - > animOffset ( MOVE ) ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:setAnim:%d: Child is not a 'CCharacterCL'. " , _Slot ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:setAnim:%d: Child not allocated. " , _Slot ) ;
// Next Child
+ + it ;
// Get the animation.
const CAnimationState * animStatePtr = _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE ] - > getAnimationState ( ( animState ( MOVE ) = = CAnimationStateSheet : : Emote ) ? subKey : animState ( MOVE ) ) ;
if ( animStatePtr )
const CAnimation * anim = animStatePtr - > getAnimation ( animIndex ( MOVE ) ) ;
if ( anim )
_HideSkin = anim - > hideAtEndAnim ( ) ;
// Reverse ?
_AnimReversed [ MOVE ] = anim - > isReverse ( ) ;
// Is the head controlable.
_TargetAnimCtrl . Enabled = anim - > headControlable ( ) ;
// Select the sound ID
_SoundId [ MOVE ] = anim - > soundId ( ) ;
// look in behaviour if there's a spell to play
if ( _CurrentAttack )
if ( _CurrentAttackInfo . Intensity > = 1 & & _CurrentAttackInfo . Intensity < = MAGICFX : : NUM_SPELL_POWER )
MAGICFX : : TSpellCastStage attackStage ;
switch ( newKey )
case CAnimationStateSheet : : OffensiveCastBegin :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : CurativeCastBegin :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : MixedCastBegin :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : AcidCastInit :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : BlindCastInit :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : ColdCastInit :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : ElecCastInit :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : FearCastInit :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : FireCastInit :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : HealHPCastInit :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : MadCastInit :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : PoisonCastInit :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : RootCastInit :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : RotCastInit :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : ShockCastInit :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : SleepCastInit :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : SlowCastInit :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : StunCastInit :
attackStage = MAGICFX : : CastBegin ;
break ;
case CAnimationStateSheet : : OffensiveCastLoop :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : CurativeCastLoop :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : MixedCastLoop :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : AcidCastLoop :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : BlindCastLoop :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : ColdCastLoop :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : ElecCastLoop :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : FearCastLoop :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : FireCastLoop :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : HealHPCastLoop :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : MadCastLoop :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : PoisonCastLoop :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : RootCastLoop :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : RotCastLoop :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : ShockCastLoop :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : SleepCastLoop :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : SlowCastLoop :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : StunCastLoop :
attackStage = MAGICFX : : CastLoop ;
break ;
case CAnimationStateSheet : : OffensiveCastSuccess :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : CurativeCastSuccess :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : MixedCastSuccess :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : AcidCastEnd :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : BlindCastEnd :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : ColdCastEnd :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : ElecCastEnd :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : FearCastEnd :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : FireCastEnd :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : HealHPCastEnd :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : MadCastEnd :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : PoisonCastEnd :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : RootCastEnd :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : RotCastEnd :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : ShockCastEnd :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : SleepCastEnd :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : SlowCastEnd :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : StunCastEnd :
attackStage = MAGICFX : : CastEnd ;
break ;
case CAnimationStateSheet : : OffensiveCastFail :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : OffensiveCastFumble :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : CurativeCastFail :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : CurativeCastFumble :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : MixedCastFail :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : MixedCastFumble :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : AcidCastFail :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : BlindCastFail :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : ColdCastFail :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : ElecCastFail :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : FearCastFail :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : FireCastFail :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : HealHPCastFail :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : MadCastFail :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : PoisonCastFail :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : RootCastFail :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : RotCastFail :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : ShockCastFail :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : SleepCastFail :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : SlowCastFail :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : StunCastFail :
attackStage = MAGICFX : : CastFail ;
break ;
// attacks
case CAnimationStateSheet : : DefaultAtkLow :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : DefaultAtkMiddle :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : DefaultAtkHigh :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : PowerfulAtkLow :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : PowerfulAtkMiddle :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : PowerfulAtkHigh :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : AreaAtkLow :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : AreaAtkMiddle :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : AreaAtkHigh :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : Attack1 :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : Attack2 :
case CAnimationStateSheet : : FirstPersonAttack :
attackStage = MAGICFX : : CastEnd ;
break ;
default :
attackStage = MAGICFX : : SpellCastStageCount ;
break ;
const CAnimationFXSet * afs = NULL ;
switch ( attackStage )
case MAGICFX : : CastBegin : afs = & _CurrentAttack - > AttackBeginFX ; break ;
case MAGICFX : : CastLoop : afs = & _CurrentAttack - > AttackLoopFX ; break ;
case MAGICFX : : CastEnd : afs = & _CurrentAttack - > AttackEndFX ; break ;
case MAGICFX : : CastFail : afs = & _CurrentAttack - > AttackFailFX ; break ;
default : break ;
playCastFX ( afs , _CurrentAttackInfo . Intensity ) ;
// start forage prospection anim fx(s)
if ( ( behaviour ( ) = = MBEHAV : : PROSPECTING ) | | ( behaviour ( ) = = MBEHAV : : PROSPECTING_END ) )
const CAnimationFXSet & fxSet = anim - > getFXSet ( ) ;
std : : vector < UParticleSystemInstance > fxInstances ;
CAttachedFX : : CBuildInfo bi ;
CAttachedFX : : CTargeterInfo ti ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < fxSet . FX . size ( ) ; + + k )
CAttachedFX : : TSmartPtr fx = new CAttachedFX ;
bi . Sheet = & ( fxSet . FX [ k ] ) ;
fx - > create ( * this , bi , ti ) ;
if ( ! fx - > FX . empty ( ) )
attachFXInternal ( fx , FXListCurrentAnim ) ;
if ( k = = 0 )
// Set user param for size of prospection area
fx - > FX . setUserParam ( 0 , ( ( float ) ( _CurrentBehaviour . ForageProspection . Range ) ) / 127.0f ) ;
float up [ 3 ] ;
switch ( _CurrentBehaviour . ForageProspection . Angle )
case 0 : up [ 2 ] = up [ 1 ] = up [ 0 ] = 0.0f ; break ;
case 1 : up [ 0 ] = 1.0f ; up [ 1 ] = 0.0f ; up [ 2 ] = 0.0f ; break ;
case 2 : up [ 0 ] = 1.0f ; up [ 1 ] = 1.0f ; up [ 2 ] = 0.0f ; break ;
default : up [ 0 ] = 1.0f ; up [ 1 ] = 1.0f ; up [ 2 ] = 1.0f ; break ;
fx - > FX . setUserParam ( 1 , up [ 0 ] ) ;
fx - > FX . setUserParam ( 2 , up [ 1 ] ) ;
fx - > FX . setUserParam ( 3 , up [ 2 ] ) ;
//nlinfo( "Prospection %s %u %u", behaviour()==MBEHAV::PROSPECTING?"PROSPTG":(behaviour()==MBEHAV::PROSPECTING_END?"PRO_END":"OTHER"), _CurrentBehaviour.ForageProspection.Range, _CurrentBehaviour.ForageProspection.Angle );
else if ( k = = 1 )
// Set user param for level of prospection
float up [ 4 ] ;
switch ( _CurrentBehaviour . ForageProspection . Level )
case 0 : up [ 3 ] = up [ 2 ] = up [ 1 ] = up [ 0 ] = 0.0f ; break ;
case 1 : up [ 0 ] = 0.0f ; up [ 1 ] = 1.0f ; up [ 2 ] = 0.0f ; up [ 3 ] = 0.0f ; break ;
case 2 : up [ 0 ] = 1.0f ; up [ 1 ] = 1.0f ; up [ 2 ] = 0.0f ; up [ 3 ] = 0.0f ; break ;
case 3 : up [ 0 ] = 1.0f ; up [ 1 ] = 1.0f ; up [ 2 ] = 1.0f ; up [ 3 ] = 0.0f ; break ;
default : up [ 3 ] = up [ 2 ] = up [ 1 ] = up [ 0 ] = 1.0f ; break ;
fx - > FX . setUserParam ( 0 , up [ 0 ] ) ;
fx - > FX . setUserParam ( 1 , up [ 1 ] ) ;
fx - > FX . setUserParam ( 2 , up [ 2 ] ) ;
fx - > FX . setUserParam ( 3 , up [ 3 ] ) ;
// start standard anim fx
CAttachedFX : : CBuildInfo bi ;
CAttachedFX : : CTargeterInfo ti ;
bi . MaxNumAnimCount = MAX_FX_ANIM_COUNT ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < anim - > getFXSet ( ) . FX . size ( ) ; + + k )
// if the fx is in looping mode, & the anim has already done a loop, then don't recreate it
if ( anim - > getFXSet ( ) . FX [ k ] . Sheet - > RepeatMode = = CAnimationFXSheet : : Loop & & sameAnim ) continue ;
CAttachedFX : : TSmartPtr fx = new CAttachedFX ;
bi . Sheet = & ( anim - > getFXSet ( ) . FX [ k ] ) ;
//bi.StickMode = &bi.Sheet->FX[k].StickMode;
if ( anim - > getFXSet ( ) . FX [ k ] . Sheet )
bi . StickMode = & ( anim - > getFXSet ( ) . FX [ k ] . Sheet - > StickMode ) ;
fx - > create ( * this , bi , ti ) ;
if ( ! fx - > FX . empty ( ) )
attachFXInternal ( fx , FXListAuto ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:setAnim:%d: cannot get the pointer on the animation. " , _Slot ) ;
// No animation found -> check if it is just a transition or is there really an animation missing
// INFO : Verbose mode for Animations of the selection.
if ( VerboseAnimSelection & & _Slot = = UserEntity - > selection ( ) )
nlinfo ( " CH:setAnim:%d: Anim Not Found, state '%s'. " , _Slot , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( animState ( MOVE ) ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
// If the next animation or automaton is not the same -> this is a transition -> no animation needed.
if ( _CurrentState - > MoveState ! = _CurrentState - > NextState | | ( _CurrentState - > NextMode ! = _Mode ) )
// Choose the next animation.
endAnimTransition ( ) ;
// Else -> Animation Missing.
// Set the LOD Animation.
setAnimLOD ( ( ( lastAnimStateId ! = animState ( MOVE ) ) | | ( _OldAutomaton ! = _CurrentAutomaton ) ) ) ;
} // setAnim //
// playCastFX
void CCharacterCL : : playCastFX ( const CAnimationFXSet * afs , uint power )
if ( ! afs ) return ;
if ( power < = 0 | | power > 5 ) return ;
static const float castFXUserParams [ MAGICFX : : NUM_SPELL_POWER ] [ 4 ] =
{ 0.f , 0.f , 0.f , 0.f } ,
{ 1.f , 0.f , 0.f , 0.f } ,
{ 1.f , 1.f , 0.f , 0.f } ,
{ 1.f , 1.f , 1.f , 0.f } ,
{ 1.f , 1.f , 1.f , 1.f }
} ;
CAttachedFX : : CBuildInfo bi ;
CAttachedFX : : CTargeterInfo ti ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < afs - > FX . size ( ) ; + + k )
CAttachedFX : : TSmartPtr fx = new CAttachedFX ;
bi . Sheet = & afs - > FX [ k ] ;
fx - > create ( * this , bi , ti ) ;
if ( ! fx - > FX . empty ( ) )
for ( uint l = 0 ; l < 4 ; + + l )
fx - > FX . setUserParam ( l , castFXUserParams [ power - 1 ] [ l ] ) ;
attachFXInternal ( fx , FXListCurrentAnim ) ;
// showOrHideBodyParts
void CCharacterCL : : showOrHideBodyParts ( bool objectsVisible )
// UnHide all user body parts.
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < _Instances . size ( ) ; + + i )
if ( ! _Instances [ i ] . Current . empty ( ) )
_Instances [ i ] . Current . show ( ) ;
// hide or show the face
if ( _Items [ SLOTTYPE : : HEAD_SLOT ] . Sheet & & _Items [ SLOTTYPE : : HEAD_SLOT ] . Sheet - > Family = = ITEMFAMILY : : ARMOR )
// Get the face
SInstanceCL * face = getFace ( ) ;
// hide if helmet
if ( face )
if ( ! face - > Current . empty ( ) )
face - > Current . hide ( ) ;
face - > KeepHiddenWhenLoaded = true ;
// Get the face
SInstanceCL * face = getFace ( ) ;
// hide if helmet
if ( face )
if ( ! face - > Current . empty ( ) )
face - > Current . show ( ) ;
face - > KeepHiddenWhenLoaded = false ;
// get the instance index for right hand and left hand
uint32 rHandInstIdx ;
uint32 lHandInstIdx ;
if ( isPlayer ( ) | | isUser ( ) )
// hide gloves(armor) if player has magician amplifier
if ( _Items [ rHandInstIdx ] . Sheet & & ( _Items [ rHandInstIdx ] . Sheet - > ItemType = = ITEM_TYPE : : MAGICIAN_STAFF ) )
if ( ! _Instances [ SLOTTYPE : : HANDS_SLOT ] . Current . empty ( ) )
_Instances [ SLOTTYPE : : HANDS_SLOT ] . Current . hide ( ) ;
_Instances [ SLOTTYPE : : HANDS_SLOT ] . KeepHiddenWhenLoaded = true ;
rHandInstIdx = _RHandInstIdx ;
lHandInstIdx = _LHandInstIdx ;
// if not already hidden and need to hide :
if ( ! objectsVisible )
// Right Hand
if ( rHandInstIdx < _Instances . size ( ) )
if ( ! ( _Items [ rHandInstIdx ] . Sheet & & _Items [ rHandInstIdx ] . Sheet - > NeverHideWhenEquiped ) )
if ( ! _Instances [ rHandInstIdx ] . Current . empty ( ) )
_Instances [ rHandInstIdx ] . Current . hide ( ) ;
_Instances [ rHandInstIdx ] . hideStaticFXs ( ) ;
// Left Hand
if ( lHandInstIdx < _Instances . size ( ) )
if ( ! ( _Items [ lHandInstIdx ] . Sheet & & _Items [ lHandInstIdx ] . Sheet - > NeverHideWhenEquiped ) )
if ( ! _Instances [ lHandInstIdx ] . Current . empty ( ) )
_Instances [ lHandInstIdx ] . Current . hide ( ) ;
_Instances [ lHandInstIdx ] . hideStaticFXs ( ) ;
// Right Hand
if ( rHandInstIdx < _Instances . size ( ) )
if ( ! _Instances [ rHandInstIdx ] . Current . empty ( ) )
_Instances [ rHandInstIdx ] . Current . show ( ) ;
_Instances [ rHandInstIdx ] . showStaticFXs ( ) ;
// Left Hand
if ( lHandInstIdx < _Instances . size ( ) )
if ( ! _Instances [ lHandInstIdx ] . Current . empty ( ) )
_Instances [ lHandInstIdx ] . Current . show ( ) ;
_Instances [ lHandInstIdx ] . showStaticFXs ( ) ;
// setAnimLOD :
// Set the LOD animation.
ADD_METHOD ( void CCharacterCL : : setAnimLOD ( bool changed ) )
// reset LOD animation.
_LodCharacterAnimEnabled = false ;
// Setup new LOD animation.
if ( skeleton ( ) )
// if the entity has a lod Character
sint lodId = skeleton ( ) - > getLodCharacterShape ( ) ;
if ( lodId > = 0 )
// Setup Lod anim.
_LodCharacterAnimEnabled = true ;
_LodCharacterMasterAnimSlot = MOVE ;
_LodCharacterAnimTimeOffset = 0 ;
// do complex stuff only if the anim state has really changed.
if ( changed )
// get the anim state from the set.
const CAnimationState * animStatePtr = _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE ] - > getAnimationState ( animState ( MOVE ) ) ;
// if animStatePtr found.
if ( animStatePtr )
// get Lod Character animation Name from the anim state.
const string & lodAnimName = animStatePtr - > getLodCharacterAnimation ( ) ;
// Find the anim in the UScene LodCharacterManager
sint animId = Scene - > getCLodAnimIdByName ( lodId , lodAnimName ) ;
// if Anim not found, get the "idle" anim, with the Id 0.
if ( animId < 0 )
animId = 0 ;
// setup the skeleton.
skeleton ( ) - > setLodCharacterAnimId ( animId ) ;
} // setAnimLOD //
// updateAnimationState :
// \todo GUIGUI : precalculate distance to destination when receiving Stages.
// \todo GUIGUI : improve, we are setting often 'idle' to recompute orientation at the end of animation instead of doing directly the right one.
ADD_METHOD ( void CCharacterCL : : updateAnimationState ( ) )
// If the current state is invalid -> return.
if ( _CurrentState = = 0 )
return ;
// Get the Animation Length.
double animLength = EAM - > getAnimationLength ( animId ( MOVE ) ) ;
// Check Anim length
if ( animOffset ( MOVE ) > = animLength )
// Choose the next animation.
endAnimTransition ( ) ;
// Last animation not finished check for some chances to break current animation.
// Check Modes.
// if(_IsThereAMode && (dist2Dest()==INVALID_DIST))
// Is the current mode not already the mode wanted.
if ( ( _Mode ! = _ModeWanted ) & & ( dist2Dest ( ) = = INVALID_DIST ) )
if ( ( _ModeWanted ! = MBEHAV : : MOUNT_NORMAL & & _ModeWanted ! = MBEHAV : : MOUNT_SWIM ) | | ( _Rider ! = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT ) )
// Is there a possible connection with the mode wanted.
TAnimStateKey transition ;
if ( _CurrentState - > getModeConnection ( _ModeWanted , transition ) )
setAnim ( transition ) ;
return ;
//InfoLog->displayRawNL("(%d)_Rider=%d _Mount=%d _ModeWanted=%s _Mode=%s offset=%f length=%f",_Slot,_Rider,_Mount,MBEHAV::modeToString(_ModeWanted).c_str(),MBEHAV::modeToString(_Mode).c_str(),animOffset(MOVE),animLength);
// anti-bug : sometimes _rider is not set yet and we stay in an infinite move
_Rider = _TheoreticalRider ;
// Should we stop the animation once at destination.
if ( _CurrentState - > BrkAtDest & & dist2Dest ( ) < = ClientCfg . DestThreshold )
_MaxLoop = false ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : Idle ) ;
return ;
switch ( onMove ( * _CurrentState ) )
// On Move Forward
case OnMoveForward :
setAnim ( _CurrentState - > OnMoveForward ) ;
return ;
// On Move Backward
case OnMoveBackward :
setAnim ( _CurrentState - > OnMoveBackward ) ;
return ;
// On Move Left
case OnMoveLeft :
setAnim ( _CurrentState - > OnMoveLeft ) ;
return ;
// On Move Right
case OnMoveRight :
setAnim ( _CurrentState - > OnMoveRight ) ;
return ;
default :
break ;
CVector tmp ;
switch ( onRotation ( * _CurrentState , tmp ) )
// Rotation Left
case OnRotLeft :
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : Idle ) ;
return ;
// Rotation Right
case OnRotRight :
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : Idle ) ;
return ;
default :
break ;
if ( onBadHeading ( * _CurrentState ) )
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : Idle ) ;
return ;
switch ( onBigBend ( * _CurrentState , tmp ) )
// Big Bend Left and Right
case OnBendLeft :
case OnBendRight :
setAnim ( _CurrentState - > MoveState ) ;
return ;
default :
break ;
// \todo GUIGUI : changer de place cette partie je pense.
// Adjust the direction to fit the front
if ( ! ( isUser ( ) & & ClientCfg . AutomaticCamera = = false ) )
if ( _CurrentState - > AdjustOri )
// Adjust before the half of the attack animation.
const double animL = animLength / 2.0 ;
// Half already reatch, dir should be as the front now
if ( animOffset ( MOVE ) > animL )
dir ( front ( ) ) ;
double ang = computeShortestAngle ( atan2 ( dir ( ) . y , dir ( ) . x ) , atan2 ( front ( ) . y , front ( ) . x ) ) ;
if ( ang )
double ang2 = ( animOffset ( MOVE ) / animL ) * ang / animL ;
double angleZ = ang2 + atan2 ( dir ( ) . y , dir ( ) . x ) ;
dir ( CVector ( ( float ) cos ( angleZ ) , ( float ) sin ( angleZ ) , 0.f ) ) ;
} // updateAnimationState //
// computeMotion :
ADD_METHOD ( double CCharacterCL : : computeMotion ( const double & oldMovingTimeOffset , TAnimationType channel ) const )
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Pos_Compute_Motion )
// Check the state is valid.
if ( _CurrentState = = 0 )
return 0.0 ;
// Calculate movement for given animation segment.
if ( _CurrentState - > Move )
// Animation is unknown, no move in it.
if ( animIndex ( channel ) = = CAnimation : : UnknownAnim )
return 0.0 ;
CVector oldPos , newPos ;
uint animID = animId ( channel ) ;
if ( EAM - > interpolate ( animID , oldMovingTimeOffset , oldPos ) )
if ( EAM - > interpolate ( animID , animOffset ( channel ) , newPos ) )
CVector mov = newPos - oldPos ;
// Scale it by the CharacterScalePos, if needed, according to the animation.
bool mustApplyCharacterScalePosFactor = true ;
const CAnimationState * animStatePtr = _CurrentAnimSet [ channel ] - > getAnimationState ( animState ( channel ) ) ;
if ( animStatePtr )
const CAnimation * anim = animStatePtr - > getAnimation ( animIndex ( channel ) ) ;
if ( anim )
mustApplyCharacterScalePosFactor = anim - > applyCharacterScalePosFactor ( ) ;
// scale it according to the species.
if ( mustApplyCharacterScalePosFactor )
mov * = _CharacterScalePos ;
// Scale according to the gabarit.
mov * = _CustomScalePos ;
// Return a significant move.
double distDone = mov . norm ( ) ;
if ( distDone > 0.0 & & distDone < ClientCfg . SignificantDist )
distDone = ClientCfg . SignificantDist ;
return distDone ;
// Miss the position's track.
nlwarning ( " CCharacterCL::computeMotion : Animation should have a track for the position. " ) ;
return 0.0 ;
// The animation is not one to move.
return 0.0 ;
} // computeMotion //
// beginCast :
void CCharacterCL : : beginCast ( const MBEHAV : : CBehaviour & behaviour )
// if the player has a target, force him to face this target
CEntityCL * target = EntitiesMngr . entity ( targetSlot ( ) ) ;
if ( target & & ! target - > isUser ( ) )
CVectorD dirToTarget = target - > pos ( ) - pos ( ) ;
dirToTarget . z = 0 ;
dirToTarget . normalize ( ) ;
front ( dirToTarget ) ;
dir ( dirToTarget ) ;
switch ( behaviour . Behaviour )
case MBEHAV : : CAST_OFF :
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : OffensiveCastInit ) ;
break ;
case MBEHAV : : CAST_CUR :
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : CurativeCastInit ) ;
break ;
case MBEHAV : : CAST_MIX :
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : MixedCastInit ) ;
break ;
case MBEHAV : : IDLE :
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : Idle ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : AcidCastInit ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : BlindCastInit ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : ColdCastInit ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : ElecCastInit ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : FearCastInit ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : FireCastInit ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : HealHPCastInit ) ;
break ;
case MBEHAV : : CAST_MAD :
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : MadCastInit ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : PoisonCastInit ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : RootCastInit ) ;
break ;
case MBEHAV : : CAST_ROT :
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : RotCastInit ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : ShockCastInit ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : SleepCastInit ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : SlowCastInit ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : StunCastInit ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
} // beginCast //
// endCast :
void CCharacterCL : : endCast ( const MBEHAV : : CBehaviour & behaviour , const MBEHAV : : CBehaviour & lastBehaviour )
if ( ! ( isUser ( ) & & isSit ( ) ) )
switch ( lastBehaviour . Behaviour )
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : AcidCastEnd ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : BlindCastEnd ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : ColdCastEnd ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : ElecCastEnd ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : FearCastEnd ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : FireCastEnd ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : HealHPCastEnd ) ;
break ;
case MBEHAV : : CAST_MAD :
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : MadCastEnd ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : PoisonCastEnd ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : RootCastEnd ) ;
break ;
case MBEHAV : : CAST_ROT :
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : RotCastEnd ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : ShockCastEnd ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : SleepCastEnd ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : SlowCastEnd ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : StunCastEnd ) ;
break ;
case MBEHAV : : IDLE :
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : Idle ) ;
break ;
// Old One
default :
switch ( behaviour . Behaviour )
// END CAST //
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : OffensiveCastFail ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : OffensiveCastFumble ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : OffensiveCastSuccess ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : OffensiveCastLink ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : CurativeCastFail ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : CurativeCastFumble ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : CurativeCastSuccess ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : CurativeCastLink ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : MixedCastFail ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : MixedCastFumble ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : MixedCastSuccess ) ;
break ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : MixedCastLink ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
break ;
} // endCast //
// *************************************************************************************************
void CCharacterCL : : updateCurrentAttack ( )
// This is a behaviour for the magic.
if ( _CurrentBehaviour . isMagic ( ) )
_CurrentAttackID . Type = CAttackIDSheet : : Magic ;
_CurrentAttackID . SpellInfo . Mode = ( MAGICFX : : TSpellMode ) _CurrentBehaviour . Spell . SpellMode ;
_CurrentAttackID . SpellInfo . ID = ( MAGICFX : : TMagicFx ) _CurrentBehaviour . Spell . SpellId ;
// This is a behaviour for the combat.
else if ( _CurrentBehaviour . Behaviour = = MBEHAV : : RANGE_ATTACK )
_CurrentAttackID . Type = CAttackIDSheet : : Range ;
_CurrentAttackID . RangeWeaponType = ( RANGE_WEAPON_TYPE : : TRangeWeaponType ) _CurrentBehaviour . Range . WeaponType ;
else if ( _CurrentBehaviour . isCombat ( ) )
_CurrentAttackID . Type = CAttackIDSheet : : Melee ;
else if ( _CurrentBehaviour . isCreatureAttack ( ) )
_CurrentAttackID . Type = CAttackIDSheet : : Creature ;
_CurrentAttackID . CreatureAttackIndex = _CurrentBehaviour . Behaviour = = MBEHAV : : CREATURE_ATTACK_0 ? 0 : 1 ;
// the behaviour does not generate an attack
_CurrentAttack = NULL ;
_CurrentAttackID . Type = CAttackIDSheet : : Unknown ;
return ;
_CurrentAttack = getAttack ( _CurrentAttackID ) ;
// update current attack infos
if ( _CurrentBehaviour . isMagic ( ) )
_CurrentAttackInfo . Intensity = _CurrentBehaviour . Spell . SpellIntensity ;
// physical damge are irrelevant for magic
_CurrentAttackInfo . DamageType = DMGTYPE : : UNDEFINED ;
_CurrentAttackInfo . HitType = HITTYPE : : Undefined ;
_CurrentAttackInfo . Localisation = BODY : : UnknownBodyPart ;
_CurrentAttackInfo . PhysicalImpactIntensity = 0 ;
// This is a behaviour for the combat.
else if ( _CurrentBehaviour . Behaviour = = MBEHAV : : RANGE_ATTACK )
_CurrentAttackInfo . Intensity = _CurrentBehaviour . Range . ImpactIntensity ;
_CurrentAttackInfo . DamageType = DMGTYPE : : UNDEFINED ;
_CurrentAttackInfo . HitType = HITTYPE : : Undefined ;
_CurrentAttackInfo . Localisation = ( BODY : : TBodyPart ) _CurrentBehaviour . Range . Localisation ;
_CurrentAttackInfo . PhysicalImpactIntensity = 0 ;
else if ( _CurrentBehaviour . isCombat ( ) )
_CurrentAttackInfo . Intensity = _CurrentBehaviour . Combat . ImpactIntensity ;
_CurrentAttackInfo . DamageType = ( DMGTYPE : : EDamageType ) _CurrentBehaviour . Combat2 . DamageType ;
_CurrentAttackInfo . HitType = ( HITTYPE : : THitType ) _CurrentBehaviour . Combat . HitType ;
_CurrentAttackInfo . Localisation = ( BODY : : TBodyPart ) _CurrentBehaviour . Combat . Localisation ;
_CurrentAttackInfo . PhysicalImpactIntensity = _CurrentBehaviour . Combat . ImpactIntensity ;
else if ( _CurrentBehaviour . isCreatureAttack ( ) )
// creature attack is the most general form
_CurrentAttackInfo . Intensity = _CurrentBehaviour . CreatureAttack . MagicImpactIntensity ;
_CurrentAttackInfo . DamageType = ( DMGTYPE : : EDamageType ) _CurrentBehaviour . CreatureAttack2 . DamageType ;
_CurrentAttackInfo . HitType = ( HITTYPE : : THitType ) _CurrentBehaviour . CreatureAttack2 . HitType ;
_CurrentAttackInfo . Localisation = ( BODY : : TBodyPart ) _CurrentBehaviour . CreatureAttack . Localisation ;
_CurrentAttackInfo . PhysicalImpactIntensity = _CurrentBehaviour . CreatureAttack . ImpactIntensity ;
_CurrentAttackInfo . Side = ( rand ( ) & 1 ) ? BODY : : Left : BODY : : Right ;
// utility function for performCurrentAttackEnd
inline static void getResistAndDistance ( uint8 packedInfo , bool isDirectAttack , bool isCombat , bool & resist , uint & distance )
// get the distance from attacker to defender (consider 0 if a direct attack)
if ( isDirectAttack )
distance = 0 ;
distance = packedInfo & 127 ;
// resisted?
if ( isCombat )
resist = false ;
resist = ( packedInfo & 128 ) ! = 0 ;
// *********************************************************************************************
void CCharacterCL : : performCurrentAttackEnd ( const CBehaviourContext & bc , bool directOffensifSpell , vector < double > & targetHitDates , TAnimStateKey animForCombat )
if ( ! _CurrentAttack ) return ;
if ( ! _CurrentAttack - > Sheet ) return ;
if ( bc . Targets . Targets . empty ( ) )
nlwarning ( " No target available for current attack. " ) ;
return ;
nlassert ( targetHitDates . size ( ) = = bc . Targets . Targets . size ( ) ) ;
CAttackInfo attackInfo = _CurrentAttackInfo ;
const CAttackSheet & sheet = * _CurrentAttack - > Sheet ;
// should cast FX for static Objects like towers be used ?
bool usesStaticCastFX = _Sheet & & ! _Sheet - > ProjectileCastRay . empty ( ) ;
CProjectileBuild pb ;
// ray of cast for static object with several cast points
CVector castWorldOrigin ;
CVector castWorldPos ;
CVector additionnalOffset = NLMISC : : CVector : : Null ;
bool castRayValid = false ;
uint mainCastFXIntensity = attackInfo . Intensity ;
// *** Compute castStartTime (time at which the projectile is casted)
// *** Compute castStartTime (time at which the projectile is casted)
float delay = 0.f ; // by default, no delay before impact
double timeFactor = 1 ;
// Combat (range or melee) => no resist (yoyo: legacy code. Actually the server should set the resist bit to 0 in Target.Info)
bool isCombat = _CurrentBehaviour . isCombat ( ) ;
// An attack is said 'direct' when no projectile is casted (Generally those are melee attack, but also pistol range attack for instance)
// In this case, all targets are hit at the same time, no matter what date is supplied for them.
bool isDirectAttack = sheet . ProjectileFX . empty ( ) ;
if ( isDirectAttack )
// compute impact date. It is given by the trigger on right hand in the animation
// Get the current animation id.
if ( sheet . ForceUseProjectileDelay )
delay = sheet . ProjectileDelay ;
if ( ! directOffensifSpell )
if ( ( _CurrentAttackID . Type ! = CAttackIDSheet : : Range ) & & ( _PlayList ! = NULL ) )
// default
delay = 0.5f ;
// if the animation has been correctly chosen
if ( animForCombat ! = CAnimationStateSheet : : UnknownState )
// try to get the MeleeImpactDelay that is stored in the sheet (given by graphists)
const CAnimationSet * animSet = currentAnimSet ( ) [ MOVE ] ;
if ( animSet )
const CAnimationState * animState = animSet - > getAnimationState ( animForCombat ) ;
if ( animState )
delay = animState - > getMeleeImpactDelay ( ) ;
// see if weapon is known, and in this case, delay the impact by the same amount
const CItemSheet * sheet = _Items [ SLOTTYPE : : RIGHT_HAND_SLOT ] . Sheet ;
if ( sheet ) delay = sheet - > FX . ImpactFXDelay ;
// all target are reached at the same time
timeFactor = 0 ;
// there's a projectile
if ( usesStaticCastFX )
delay = sheet . StaticObjectProjectileDelay ;
if ( ! directOffensifSpell )
// if object has a list of cast rays, then we assume it is a static object (like guard towers)
// projectile cast from a character
delay = sheet . ProjectileDelay ;
// then castStartTime is just start of behav + animation delay
double castStartTime ;
// Special for direct attack. because of lag sometimes behavTime<TimeInSec, which results
// on too early played hits regarding animation played
if ( isDirectAttack )
// start at max(behavTime, TimeInSec), but with a limit of bc.BehavTime+0.5 sec
if ( TimeInSec > bc . BehavTime + 0.5 )
castStartTime = bc . BehavTime + 0.5 ;
else if ( TimeInSec > bc . BehavTime )
castStartTime = TimeInSec ;
castStartTime = bc . BehavTime ;
// add the delay
castStartTime + = delay ;
// In case of magic or range (with projectile), this is not required because the projectilemanager should take cares of
// cast start time and current time (and therfore advance the projectile if required)
castStartTime = bc . BehavTime + delay ;
// *** Casts projectiles and Impacts
bool resist ;
uint distance ;
// there's a projectile
switch ( sheet . ProjectileMode )
// TODO: homin code for projectile look quite similar, maybe can merge ?
case MAGICFX : : Bomb :
getResistAndDistance ( bc . Targets . Targets [ 0 ] . Info , isDirectAttack , isCombat , resist , distance ) ;
double mainStartDate = castStartTime ;
double mainEndDate = mainStartDate + timeFactor * double ( distance * MULTI_TARGET_DISTANCE_UNIT / MAGICFX : : PROJECTILE_SPEED ) ;
CCharacterCL * mainTarget = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( EntitiesMngr . entity ( bc . Targets . Targets [ 0 ] . TargetSlot ) ) ;
if ( mainTarget )
computeTargetStickMode ( * _CurrentAttack - > Sheet , attackInfo , pb . ProjectileAimingPoint , * mainTarget ) ;
if ( usesStaticCastFX )
// compute the cast pos
computeBestCastRay ( * mainTarget , pb . ProjectileAimingPoint , castWorldOrigin , castWorldPos , additionnalOffset ) ;
castRayValid = true ;
// the target hit date
targetHitDates [ 0 ] = mainEndDate ;
// Add the projectile to queue
if ( createCurrentAttackEndPart ( pb ,
_CurrentAttack ,
* mainTarget ,
mainStartDate ,
mainEndDate ,
true ,
sheet . PlayImpactAnim ,
resist ,
sheet . IsImpactLocalised ,
attackInfo ,
) )
CProjectileManager : : getInstance ( ) . addProjectileToQueue ( pb ) ;
attackInfo . Intensity = attackInfo . Intensity ! = 0 ? 1 : 0 ;
attackInfo . PhysicalImpactIntensity = attackInfo . PhysicalImpactIntensity ! = 0 ? 1 : 0 ;
// all subsequent projectiles are casted from the secondary target, from the first impact point, and have level 1
for ( uint k = 1 ; k < bc . Targets . Targets . size ( ) ; + + k )
getResistAndDistance ( bc . Targets . Targets [ k ] . Info , isDirectAttack , isCombat , resist , distance ) ;
double secondaryEndDate = mainEndDate + timeFactor * ( ( double ) ( distance * MULTI_TARGET_DISTANCE_UNIT / MAGICFX : : PROJECTILE_SPEED ) ) ;
CCharacterCL * secondaryTarget = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( EntitiesMngr . entity ( bc . Targets . Targets [ k ] . TargetSlot ) ) ;
if ( secondaryTarget )
// the target hit date
targetHitDates [ k ] = secondaryEndDate ;
// Add the projectile to queue
if ( mainTarget - > createCurrentAttackEndPart ( pb ,
_CurrentAttack ,
* secondaryTarget ,
& pb . ProjectileAimingPoint ,
mainEndDate ,
secondaryEndDate ,
k ! = 0 ? ! sheet . PlayImpactFXOnlyOnMainTarget : true ,
sheet . PlayImpactAnim ,
resist ,
sheet . IsImpactLocalised ,
) )
computeTargetStickMode ( * _CurrentAttack - > Sheet , attackInfo , pb . ProjectileAimingPoint , * secondaryTarget ) ;
CProjectileManager : : getInstance ( ) . addProjectileToQueue ( pb ) ;
break ;
case MAGICFX : : Chain :
double currDate = castStartTime ;
CCharacterCL * currCaster = this ;
const CFXStickMode * projectileStartPoint = NULL ; // by default, start at caster hand
CFXStickMode currStickMode ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < bc . Targets . Targets . size ( ) ; + + k )
if ( k = = 1 )
// for secondary impacts, intensity is 0 or 1
attackInfo . Intensity = attackInfo . Intensity ! = 0 ? 1 : 0 ;
attackInfo . PhysicalImpactIntensity = attackInfo . PhysicalImpactIntensity ! = 0 ? 1 : 0 ;
getResistAndDistance ( bc . Targets . Targets [ k ] . Info , isDirectAttack , isCombat , resist , distance ) ;
double nextDate = currDate + timeFactor * ( ( double ) ( distance * MULTI_TARGET_DISTANCE_UNIT / MAGICFX : : PROJECTILE_SPEED ) ) ;
CCharacterCL * currTarget = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( EntitiesMngr . entity ( bc . Targets . Targets [ k ] . TargetSlot ) ) ;
if ( ! currTarget ) break ;
computeTargetStickMode ( * _CurrentAttack - > Sheet , attackInfo , pb . ProjectileAimingPoint , * currTarget ) ;
if ( k = = 0 & & usesStaticCastFX )
// compute the initial cast pos for objects with multiple possible cast positions
computeBestCastRay ( * currTarget , pb . ProjectileAimingPoint , castWorldOrigin , castWorldPos , additionnalOffset ) ;
castRayValid = true ;
// the target hit date
targetHitDates [ k ] = nextDate ;
// Add the projectile to queue
if ( currCaster - > createCurrentAttackEndPart ( pb ,
_CurrentAttack ,
* currTarget ,
projectileStartPoint ,
currDate ,
nextDate ,
k ! = 0 ? ! sheet . PlayImpactFXOnlyOnMainTarget : true ,
sheet . PlayImpactAnim ,
resist ,
sheet . IsImpactLocalised ,
attackInfo ,
k = = 0 ? additionnalOffset : CVector : : Null
) )
CProjectileManager : : getInstance ( ) . addProjectileToQueue ( pb ) ;
currStickMode = pb . ProjectileAimingPoint ;
projectileStartPoint = & currStickMode ;
currCaster = currTarget ;
if ( ! currCaster ) break ;
currDate = nextDate ;
break ;
case MAGICFX : : Spray :
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < bc . Targets . Targets . size ( ) ; + + k )
getResistAndDistance ( bc . Targets . Targets [ k ] . Info , isDirectAttack , isCombat , resist , distance ) ;
double startDate = castStartTime ;
double endDate = startDate + timeFactor * ( ( double ) ( distance * MULTI_TARGET_DISTANCE_UNIT / MAGICFX : : PROJECTILE_SPEED ) ) ;
CCharacterCL * currTarget = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( EntitiesMngr . entity ( bc . Targets . Targets [ k ] . TargetSlot ) ) ;
if ( k = = 1 )
// for secondary impacts, intensity is 0 or 1
attackInfo . Intensity = attackInfo . Intensity ! = 0 ? 1 : 0 ;
attackInfo . PhysicalImpactIntensity = attackInfo . PhysicalImpactIntensity ! = 0 ? 1 : 0 ;
if ( currTarget )
computeTargetStickMode ( * _CurrentAttack - > Sheet , attackInfo , pb . ProjectileAimingPoint , * currTarget ) ;
if ( k = = 0 & & usesStaticCastFX )
// compute the initial cast pos for objects with multiple possible cast positions
computeBestCastRay ( * currTarget , pb . ProjectileAimingPoint , castWorldOrigin , castWorldPos , additionnalOffset ) ;
castRayValid = true ;
// the target hit date
targetHitDates [ k ] = endDate ;
// nb : only main target display the spell with full power
if ( createCurrentAttackEndPart ( pb ,
_CurrentAttack ,
* currTarget ,
startDate ,
endDate ,
k ! = 0 ? ! sheet . PlayImpactFXOnlyOnMainTarget : true ,
sheet . PlayImpactAnim ,
resist ,
sheet . IsImpactLocalised ,
attackInfo ,
k = = 0 ? additionnalOffset : CVector : : Null
) )
CProjectileManager : : getInstance ( ) . addProjectileToQueue ( pb ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
// if object has a list of cast rays, then we assume it is a static object (like guard towers)
if ( usesStaticCastFX & & castRayValid )
buildStaticObjectCastFX ( castWorldOrigin , castWorldPos , * _CurrentAttack - > Sheet , mainCastFXIntensity ) ;
// *** Play damage shields when melee attack is done
// TODO: to finalize (server code not done).
if ( ClientCfg . DamageShieldEnabled & & _CurrentBehaviour . isCombat ( ) & & _CurrentBehaviour . todoNotRange ( ) )
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < bc . Targets . Targets . size ( ) ; + + k )
uint power = bc . Targets . Targets [ k ] . Info & 7 ;
if ( power )
uint dmType = bc . Targets . Targets [ k ] . Info > > 3 ;
CAttackIDSheet damageShieldID ;
damageShieldID . Type = CAttackIDSheet : : DamageShield ;
damageShieldID . DamageShieldType = dmType ;
CCharacterCL * currTarget = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( EntitiesMngr . entity ( bc . Targets . Targets [ k ] . TargetSlot ) ) ;
if ( ! currTarget ) continue ;
const CAttack * damageShieldReaction = currTarget - > getAttack ( damageShieldID ) ;
if ( ! damageShieldReaction ) continue ;
CAttackInfo attackInfo ;
attackInfo . Intensity = power ;
attackInfo . PhysicalImpactIntensity = 0 ;
attackInfo . Localisation = BODY : : UnknownBodyPart ;
// no physical part
const CAttackSheet & damageShieldSheet = * damageShieldReaction - > Sheet ;
computeTargetStickMode ( damageShieldSheet , attackInfo , pb . ProjectileAimingPoint , * this ) ;
if ( currTarget - > createCurrentAttackEndPart ( pb ,
damageShieldReaction ,
* this ,
castStartTime ,
castStartTime ,
true ,
damageShieldSheet . PlayImpactAnim ,
false ,
false ,
attackInfo ) )
// play "CastEnd" at the good date (if any ...)
pb . CastAspect = & damageShieldReaction - > AttackEndFX ;
pb . CastPower = power ;
pb . ForcePlayImpact = true ;
CProjectileManager : : getInstance ( ) . addProjectileToQueue ( pb ) ;
// *********************************************************************************************
void CCharacterCL : : buildStaticObjectCastFX ( const NLMISC : : CVector & castWorldOrigin , NLMISC : : CVector & castWorldPos , const CAttackSheet & /* sheet */ , uint intensity )
if ( intensity = = 0 ) return ;
const float * userParams = CProjectileManager : : getProjectileFXUserParams ( intensity ) ;
// create additionnal cast fxs on the tower or other static object (if any)
// Build lookat matrix (with respect to axis) looking from castWorldOrigin to castWorldPos
CVector dir = castWorldPos - castWorldOrigin ;
CVector I = dir . normed ( ) ;
CVector K = ( CVector : : K - ( I * CVector : : K ) * I ) . normed ( ) ;
CMatrix castMat ;
castMat . setPos ( castWorldPos ) ;
castMat . setRot ( I , K ^ I , K ) ;
CAttachedFX : : CBuildInfo bi ;
CAttachedFX : : CTargeterInfo ti ;
bi . StaticMatrix = & castMat ;
const CAnimationFXSet & afs = _CurrentAttack - > AttackStaticObjectCastFX ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < afs . FX . size ( ) ; + + k )
// if the fx is in looping mode, & the anim has already done a loop, then don't recreate it
CAttachedFX : : TSmartPtr fx = new CAttachedFX ;
bi . Sheet = & afs . FX [ k ] ;
fx - > create ( * this , bi , ti ) ;
if ( ! fx - > FX . empty ( ) )
if ( userParams )
for ( uint l = 0 ; l < 4 ; + + l )
fx - > FX . setUserParam ( l , userParams [ l ] ) ;
attachFX ( fx ) ;
// *********************************************************************************************
void CCharacterCL : : computeTargetStickMode ( const CAttackSheet & sheet , const CAttackInfo & attackInfo , CFXStickMode & dest , CEntityCL & target )
bool hasPhysicalImpact = false ;
if ( attackInfo . Localisation ! = BODY : : UnknownBodyPart & &
attackInfo . PhysicalImpactIntensity > = 1 & &
attackInfo . PhysicalImpactIntensity < = MAGICFX : : NUM_SPELL_POWER & &
attackInfo . HitType ! = HITTYPE : : Failed & &
attackInfo . HitType ! = HITTYPE : : Undefined & &
attackInfo . DamageType ! = DMGTYPE : : UNDEFINED )
hasPhysicalImpact = true ;
if ( sheet . IsImpactLocalised | | hasPhysicalImpact )
// get projectile impact point from localisation
// & generate stick mode
const char * targetBoneName = target . getBoneNameFromBodyPart ( attackInfo . Localisation , attackInfo . Side ) ;
if ( targetBoneName )
if ( sheet . DefaultAimingPoint . Mode = = CFXStickMode : : UserBoneOrientedTowardTargeter )
dest . Mode = CFXStickMode : : UserBoneOrientedTowardTargeter ;
dest . Mode = CFXStickMode : : UserBone ;
dest . UserBoneName = CStringMapper : : map ( targetBoneName ) ;
// use default aiming point given in sheet
dest = sheet . DefaultAimingPoint ;
// *********************************************************************************************
bool CCharacterCL : : createCurrentAttackEndPart ( CProjectileBuild & destPB ,
const CAttack * currentAttack ,
const CCharacterCL & target ,
const CFXStickMode * sm ,
double spawnDate ,
double hitDate ,
bool playImpactFX ,
bool playImpactAnim ,
bool magicResist ,
bool /* mainImpactIsLocalised */ ,
const CAttackInfo & attackInfo ,
const NLMISC : : CVector & additionnalOffset /*= NLMISC::CVector::Null*/
if ( ! currentAttack ) return false ;
if ( ! currentAttack - > Sheet ) return false ;
const CAttackSheet & sheet = * currentAttack - > Sheet ;
// dates
destPB . StartDate = spawnDate ;
destPB . EndDate = hitDate ;
// choose fx for projectile
if ( attackInfo . Intensity > = 1 & & attackInfo . Intensity < = MAGICFX : : NUM_SPELL_POWER )
destPB . ProjectileAspect = & currentAttack - > ProjectileFX ;
destPB . ProjectileAspect = NULL ;
// choose fx for impact
if ( ! playImpactFX )
destPB . ImpactAspect = NULL ;
if ( attackInfo . Intensity > = 1 & & attackInfo . Intensity < = MAGICFX : : NUM_SPELL_POWER ) // impact has same intensity than projectile
destPB . ImpactAspect = & currentAttack - > ImpactFX ;
destPB . ImpactAspect = NULL ;
destPB . AttackInfo = attackInfo ;
destPB . TargeterInfo . Slot = slot ( ) ;
destPB . LocalizedImpact = sheet . IsImpactLocalised ;
// If this is a secondary projectile, it may start from another location, which is the impact point of the previous projectile
// (so it doesn't start from the caster hand, or any around settings that is read from the spell sheet)
if ( sm ) // start stickmode wanted ?
destPB . TargeterInfo . StickMode = * sm ;
// if no stick mode is not forced, then use the one given in the projectile sheet
if ( destPB . ProjectileAspect & & ! destPB . ProjectileAspect - > FX . empty ( ) )
destPB . TargeterInfo . StickMode = destPB . ProjectileAspect - > FX [ 0 ] . Sheet - > StickMode ;
// if no projectile is given, then uses the default casting point
destPB . TargeterInfo . StickMode = sheet . DefaultCastingPoint ;
destPB . Mode = sheet . ProjectileMode ;
destPB . Target . Slot = target . slot ( ) ;
destPB . TargeterInfo . StickOffset = CVector : : Null ;
destPB . PlayImpactAnim = playImpactAnim ;
destPB . LetProjectileStickedOnTarget = sheet . LetProjectileStickedOnTarget ;
destPB . TargeterInfo . DefaultPos = pos ( ) . asVector ( ) ;
destPB . MagicResist = magicResist ;
// offset if projectile is launched from a range weapon and projectile is sticked to box_arme
if ( destPB . TargeterInfo . StickMode . Mode = = CFXStickMode : : UserBone & & sheet . ApplyItemOffsetToWeaponBone )
// should be fired from the 'box_arme' bone, which means it is fired from a weapon
if ( CStringMapper : : unmap ( destPB . TargeterInfo . StickMode . UserBoneName ) = = " box_arme " )
NLMISC : : CVector projectileOffset = NLMISC : : CVector : : Null ;
const CItemSheet * is = getRightHandItemSheet ( ) ;
if ( is )
destPB . TargeterInfo . StickOffset = is - > FX . AttackFXOffset ;
destPB . TargeterInfo . StickOffset + = additionnalOffset ;
destPB . TargeterInfo . StickOffset + = sheet . AdditionnalStartOffset ;
return true ;
// *********************************************************************************************
void CCharacterCL : : computeBestCastRay ( CEntityCL & targetEntity ,
const CFXStickMode & targetStickMode ,
NLMISC : : CVector & castWorldOrigin ,
NLMISC : : CVector & castWorldPos ,
NLMISC : : CVector & worldOffsetToCasterPivot
) const
// additionnal offset taken from sheet. Useful for towers that have no bones, but can fire projectiles anyway
nlassert ( _Sheet & & ! _Sheet - > ProjectileCastRay . empty ( ) ) ;
// if several offsets are provided, then choose the one that has the smallest angle towards target
CVector target ;
CProjectileManager : : evalFXPosition ( & targetStickMode , targetEntity , target ) ;
float maxDP3 = - FLT_MAX ;
// NB : the offset is relative to object pivot, not to a bone
CMatrix casterMatrix ;
buildAlignMatrix ( casterMatrix ) ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < _Sheet - > ProjectileCastRay . size ( ) ; + + k )
CVector currCastWorldPos = casterMatrix * _Sheet - > ProjectileCastRay [ k ] . Pos ;
CVector currCastWorldOrigin = casterMatrix * _Sheet - > ProjectileCastRay [ k ] . Origin ;
float dp3 = ( target - currCastWorldPos ) . normed ( ) * ( currCastWorldPos - currCastWorldOrigin ) . normed ( ) ;
if ( dp3 > maxDP3 )
maxDP3 = dp3 ;
worldOffsetToCasterPivot = casterMatrix . mulVector ( _Sheet - > ProjectileCastRay [ k ] . Pos ) ;
castWorldOrigin = currCastWorldOrigin ;
castWorldPos = currCastWorldPos ;
// *********************************************************************************************
bool CCharacterCL : : isCurrentBehaviourAttackEnd ( ) const
switch ( _CurrentBehaviour . Behaviour )
return true ;
default :
break ;
return false ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CCharacterCL : : applyBehaviourFlyingHPs ( const CBehaviourContext & bc , const MBEHAV : : CBehaviour & behaviour ,
const vector < double > & targetHitDates )
nlassert ( targetHitDates . size ( ) = = bc . Targets . Targets . size ( ) ) ;
if ( ! bc . Targets . Targets . empty ( ) )
if ( behaviour . DeltaHP ! = 0 )
CRGBA deltaHPColor ;
// if it's a hit
if ( behaviour . DeltaHP < 0 )
// if the behaviour is casted by the user
if ( slot ( ) = = 0 )
deltaHPColor = ClientCfg . SystemInfoParams [ " dgm " ] . Color ;
// if the behaviour is casted by an entity that target the user
if ( targetSlot ( ) = = 0 )
CEntityCL * actor = EntitiesMngr . entity ( slot ( ) ) ;
if ( actor )
// if actor is player : use pvp color
if ( actor - > isPlayer ( ) )
deltaHPColor = ClientCfg . SystemInfoParams [ " dgp " ] . Color ;
deltaHPColor = ClientCfg . SystemInfoParams [ " dg " ] . Color ;
deltaHPColor = CRGBA ( 127 , 127 , 127 ) ;
deltaHPColor = CRGBA ( 0 , 220 , 0 ) ;
// Set the delta HP
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < bc . Targets . Targets . size ( ) ; + + i )
CEntityCL * target2 = EntitiesMngr . entity ( bc . Targets . Targets [ i ] . TargetSlot ) ;
if ( target2 )
target2 - > addHPOutput ( behaviour . DeltaHP , deltaHPColor , float ( targetHitDates [ i ] - TimeInSec ) ) ;
// Apply the behaviour.
// \param behaviour : the behaviour to apply.
void CCharacterCL : : applyBehaviour ( const CBehaviourContext & bc ) // virtual
// Backup the current behaviour.
CBehaviour previousBehaviour = _CurrentBehaviour ;
_CurrentBehaviour = bc . Behav ;
const CBehaviour & behaviour = bc . Behav ;
// check if self-target
bool selfSpell = false ;
if ( bc . Targets . Targets . size ( ) = = 1 )
if ( bc . Targets . Targets [ 0 ] . TargetSlot = = 0 )
selfSpell = true ;
bool isOffensif ;
switch ( behaviour . Behaviour )
case MBEHAV : : CAST_OFF :
isOffensif = true ;
break ;
default :
isOffensif = false ;
break ;
// Get a pointer on the target.
CEntityCL * target = EntitiesMngr . entity ( targetSlot ( ) ) ;
// ***** Choose Combat Animation to apply
TAnimStateKey combatAnimState = CAnimationStateSheet : : UnknownState ;
bool isMovingCombatAnimState = false ;
// if the behaviour is for combat, compute now the animation to apply
if ( ! behaviour . isMagic ( ) & & ( behaviour . isCombat ( ) | | behaviour . isCreatureAttack ( ) ) )
// Atk Animation when moving
if ( _CurrentState & & _CurrentState - > Move & & ( _CurrentState - > OnAtk ! = CAnimationStateSheet : : UnknownState ) )
combatAnimState = _CurrentState - > OnAtk ;
isMovingCombatAnimState = true ;
// Atk Animation when NOT moving
// select the combat animation.
switch ( behaviour . Behaviour )
combatAnimState = CAnimationStateSheet : : Attack1 ;
break ;
combatAnimState = CAnimationStateSheet : : Attack2 ;
break ;
// Default Animation
switch ( getAttackHeight ( target , ( BODY : : TBodyPart ) behaviour . Combat . Localisation , BODY : : Right ) )
// LOW
case CCharacterCL : : AtkLow :
combatAnimState = CAnimationStateSheet : : DefaultAtkLow ;
break ;
case CCharacterCL : : AtkHigh :
combatAnimState = CAnimationStateSheet : : DefaultAtkHigh ;
break ;
// MIDDLE or Default
case CCharacterCL : : AtkMiddle :
default :
combatAnimState = CAnimationStateSheet : : DefaultAtkMiddle ;
break ;
break ;
// Powerful Animation
switch ( getAttackHeight ( target , ( BODY : : TBodyPart ) behaviour . Combat . Localisation , BODY : : Right ) )
// LOW
case CCharacterCL : : AtkLow :
combatAnimState = CAnimationStateSheet : : PowerfulAtkLow ;
break ;
case CCharacterCL : : AtkHigh :
combatAnimState = CAnimationStateSheet : : PowerfulAtkHigh ;
break ;
// MIDDLE or Default
case CCharacterCL : : AtkMiddle :
default :
combatAnimState = CAnimationStateSheet : : PowerfulAtkMiddle ;
break ;
break ;
// Area Animation
switch ( getAttackHeight ( target , ( BODY : : TBodyPart ) behaviour . Combat . Localisation , BODY : : Right ) )
// LOW
case CCharacterCL : : AtkLow :
combatAnimState = CAnimationStateSheet : : AreaAtkLow ;
break ;
case CCharacterCL : : AtkHigh :
combatAnimState = CAnimationStateSheet : : AreaAtkHigh ;
break ;
// MIDDLE or Default
case CCharacterCL : : AtkMiddle :
default :
combatAnimState = CAnimationStateSheet : : AreaAtkMiddle ;
break ;
break ;
// Range Animation
combatAnimState = CAnimationStateSheet : : Attack1 ;
break ;
default :
break ;
// ***** Compute Impact delays and cast missiles
// Default target hit dates
static vector < double > targetHitDates ;
targetHitDates . clear ( ) ;
targetHitDates . resize ( bc . Targets . Targets . size ( ) , TimeInSec ) ;
// Update Attack Projectiles and FXs
updateCurrentAttack ( ) ;
if ( isCurrentBehaviourAttackEnd ( ) )
// retrieve target hit dates, so flying HPs have the correct ones
performCurrentAttackEnd ( bc , selfSpell & & isOffensif , targetHitDates , combatAnimState ) ;
// INFO : display some debug information.
if ( ( VerboseAnimUser & & _Slot = = 0 ) | | ( VerboseAnimSelection & & _Slot = = UserEntity - > selection ( ) ) )
nlinfo ( " CH:applyBeh:%d: '%d(%s)' " , _Slot , ( sint ) behaviour . Behaviour , behaviourToString ( ( EBehaviour ) behaviour . Behaviour ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
// ***** Apply the behaviour according to type
// This is a behaviour for the magic.
if ( behaviour . isMagic ( ) )
// Execute the magic behaviour.
switch ( behaviour . Behaviour )
case MBEHAV : : CAST_OFF :
case MBEHAV : : CAST_CUR :
case MBEHAV : : CAST_MIX :
case MBEHAV : : CAST_MAD :
case MBEHAV : : CAST_ROT :
beginCast ( behaviour ) ;
break ;
// END CAST //
if ( ! selfSpell ) endCast ( behaviour , previousBehaviour ) ;
break ;
endCast ( behaviour , previousBehaviour ) ;
break ;
endCast ( behaviour , previousBehaviour ) ;
break ;
endCast ( behaviour , previousBehaviour ) ;
break ;
endCast ( behaviour , previousBehaviour ) ;
break ;
endCast ( behaviour , previousBehaviour ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
// DeltaHP
applyBehaviourFlyingHPs ( bc , behaviour , targetHitDates ) ;
// This is a behaviour for the combat.
else if ( behaviour . isCombat ( ) | | behaviour . isCreatureAttack ( ) )
float frontYawBefore = 0.f ;
float frontYawAfter = 0.f ;
// Atk Animation when NOT moving?
if ( target & & ! isMovingCombatAnimState )
// orientate to target
CVectorD dirToTarget = target - > pos ( ) - pos ( ) ;
dirToTarget . z = 0 ;
dirToTarget . normalize ( ) ;
if ( ! ( isUser ( ) & & ClientCfg . AutomaticCamera = = false ) )
// backup front yaw
frontYawBefore = frontYaw ( ) ;
front ( dirToTarget ) ;
dir ( dirToTarget ) ;
// Apply the state animation chosen before
if ( combatAnimState ! = CAnimationStateSheet : : UnknownState )
setAnim ( combatAnimState ) ;
// move camera so view doesn't change
if ( isUser ( ) & & frontYawBefore ! = 0.f )
frontYawAfter = frontYaw ( ) ;
float deltaYaw = frontYawAfter - frontYawBefore ;
if ( deltaYaw ! = 0 )
UserControls . appendCameraDeltaYaw ( - deltaYaw ) ;
// reset yaw smoothly to center view behind user
if ( isUser ( ) & & target & & ! target - > isUser ( ) & & ClientCfg . AutomaticCamera )
UserControls . resetSmoothCameraDeltaYaw ( ) ;
// DeltaHP
applyBehaviourFlyingHPs ( bc , behaviour , targetHitDates ) ;
// Emote
else if ( behaviour . isEmote ( ) )
if ( ClientCfg . Light = = false & & ClientCfg . EAMEnabled )
TAnimStateId emot ;
if ( EAM )
// old code : fxs attached to emotes
uint emoteIndex = behaviour . Behaviour - EMOTE_BEGIN ;
CTextEmotListSheet * pTELS = dynamic_cast < CTextEmotListSheet * > ( SheetMngr . get ( CSheetId ( " list.text_emotes " ) ) ) ;
if ( pTELS )
if ( emoteIndex < pTELS - > TextEmotList . size ( ) )
const CTextEmotListSheet : : STextEmot & emot = pTELS - > TextEmotList [ emoteIndex ] ;
if ( ! emot . FXToSpawn . empty ( ) )
// Compute the direction Matrix
CMatrix fxMatrix ;
CVector vi = dir ( ) ^ CVector : : K ;
CVector vk = vi ^ dir ( ) ;
fxMatrix . setRot ( vi , UserEntity - > dir ( ) , vk , true ) ;
fxMatrix . setPos ( pos ( ) . asVector ( ) + fxMatrix . getJ ( ) * emot . FXSpawnDist ) ;
FXMngr . deferFX ( emot . FXToSpawn , fxMatrix , emot . FXSpawnDelay ) ;
if ( EAM - > getEmot ( behaviour . Behaviour - EMOTE_BEGIN , emot ) )
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : Emote , emot ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:applyBeh:%d: Emot '%d' unknown. " , _Slot , behaviour . Behaviour - EMOTE_BEGIN ) ;
// Others
switch ( behaviour . Behaviour )
// Loot Begin
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : LootInit ) ;
break ;
// Loot End
case MBEHAV : : LOOT_END :
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : LootEnd ) ;
break ;
// Prospecting Begin
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : ProspectingInit ) ;
break ;
// Prospecting End
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : ProspectingEnd ) ;
break ;
// Extracting Begin
// DeltaHP
if ( target )
if ( behaviour . DeltaHP ! = 0 )
target - > addHPOutput ( behaviour . DeltaHP , CRGBA ( 0 , 220 , 0 ) ) ;
// If receiving a new DeltaHP in the current extraction, don't reset the animation
if ( previousBehaviour . Behaviour ! = _CurrentBehaviour . Behaviour )
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : UseInit ) ;
break ;
// Extracting End
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : UseEnd ) ;
break ;
// Care Begin
case MBEHAV : : CARE :
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : CareInit ) ;
break ;
// Care End
case MBEHAV : : CARE_END :
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : CareEnd ) ;
break ;
// Begin to use a tool
case MBEHAV : : FABER :
case MBEHAV : : REPAIR :
case MBEHAV : : REFINE :
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : UseInit ) ;
break ;
// End to use a tool
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : UseEnd ) ;
break ;
// Begin Stun
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : StunBegin ) ;
break ;
// End Stun
case MBEHAV : : STUN_END :
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : StunEnd ) ;
break ;
// Idle
case IDLE :
break ;
// Unknown behaviour -> idle.
default :
nlwarning ( " CH::computeBehaviour : Entity in slot %d has an unknown behaviour %d to manage. " , _Slot , ( sint ) behaviour . Behaviour ) ;
break ;
} // computeBehaviour //
// impact :
// Play an impact on the entity
// \param impactType : 0=magic, 1=melee
// \param type : see behaviour for spell
// \param intensity : see behaviour for spell
// \param id : see behaviour for spell
void CCharacterCL : : impact ( uint /* impactType */ , uint type , uint id , uint intensity ) // virtual
// Display Magic Debug Infos
if ( Verbose & VerboseMagic )
nlinfo ( " CH:impact:%d: type: %d, id: %d, intensity: %d " , _Slot , type , id , intensity ) ;
// No Intensity -> No Impact
if ( intensity = = 0 )
return ;
// Invalid Intensity -> No Impact
else if ( intensity > 5 )
nlwarning ( " CH:impact:%d: invalid intensity %u " , _Slot , intensity ) ;
return ;
// RESIST : temp until resist is in the enum.
if ( type = = 0 )
// Create the FX
NL3D : : UInstance resistFX = Scene - > createInstance ( " Sp_Resist_Lev5.ps " ) ;
if ( ! resistFX . empty ( ) )
resistFX . setPos ( pos ( ) ) ;
return ;
// Compute the impact name
string impact ;
if ( id < ClientCfg . OffImpactFX . size ( ) )
impact = ClientCfg . OffImpactFX [ id ] ;
// Create the FX
if ( ! impact . empty ( ) )
NL3D : : UInstance impactFX = Scene - > createInstance ( impact ) ;
if ( ! impactFX . empty ( ) )
impactFX . setPos ( pos ( ) ) ;
UParticleSystemInstance instFX ;
instFX . cast ( impactFX ) ;
if ( ! instFX . empty ( ) )
// UserParam | Intensity 1 | Intensity 2 | Intensity 3 | Intensity 4 | Intensity 5
// 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1
// 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
// 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1
// 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1
float userParam0 = 0.0f ;
float userParam1 = 0.0f ;
float userParam2 = 0.0f ;
float userParam3 = 0.0f ;
// WARNING : there is no break and this is correct.
switch ( intensity )
case 5 :
userParam3 = 1.0f ;
case 4 :
userParam2 = 1.0f ;
case 3 :
userParam0 = 1.0f ;
case 2 :
userParam1 = 1.0f ;
instFX . setUserParam ( 0 , userParam0 ) ;
instFX . setUserParam ( 1 , userParam1 ) ;
instFX . setUserParam ( 2 , userParam2 ) ;
instFX . setUserParam ( 3 , userParam3 ) ;
} // impact //
// meleeImpact ::
void CCharacterCL : : meleeImpact ( const CAttackInfo & attack )
if ( _Skeleton . empty ( ) ) return ;
if ( attack . PhysicalImpactIntensity < 1 | | attack . PhysicalImpactIntensity > 5 ) return ;
if ( attack . HitType = = HITTYPE : : Failed ) return ;
const char * boneName = getBoneNameFromBodyPart ( attack . Localisation , attack . Side ) ;
if ( ! boneName ) return ;
sint boneId = _Skeleton . getBoneIdByName ( std : : string ( boneName ) ) ;
if ( boneId = = - 1 ) return ;
if ( ! Scene ) return ;
// choose good fx depending on the kind of damage
NL3D : : UInstance instance ;
switch ( attack . DamageType )
case DMGTYPE : : BLUNT : instance = Scene - > createInstance ( " mel_impactblunt.ps " ) ; break ;
case DMGTYPE : : SLASHING : instance = Scene - > createInstance ( " mel_impactslashing.ps " ) ; break ;
case DMGTYPE : : PIERCING : instance = Scene - > createInstance ( " mel_impactpiercing.ps " ) ; break ;
default :
return ; // other types not supported
break ;
if ( instance . empty ( ) ) return ;
UParticleSystemInstance impact ;
impact . cast ( instance ) ;
if ( impact . empty ( ) )
Scene - > deleteInstance ( instance ) ;
return ;
// the 2 first user params of the fx are used to modulate intensity
static const float intensityUP [ 5 ] [ 2 ] =
{ 0.f , 0.f } ,
{ 0.f , 0.5f } ,
{ 0.5f , 0.5f } ,
{ 0.5f , 1.f } ,
{ 1.f , 1.f }
} ;
impact . setUserParam ( 0 , intensityUP [ attack . PhysicalImpactIntensity - 1 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
impact . setUserParam ( 1 , intensityUP [ attack . PhysicalImpactIntensity - 1 ] [ 1 ] ) ;
impact . setUserParam ( 2 , ( attack . HitType = = HITTYPE : : CriticalHit | | attack . HitType = = HITTYPE : : CriticalHitResidual ) ? 1.f : 0.f ) ;
impact . setUserParam ( 3 , ( attack . HitType = = HITTYPE : : HitResidual | | attack . HitType = = HITTYPE : : CriticalHitResidual ) ? 1.f : 0.f ) ;
_Skeleton . stickObject ( impact , boneId ) ;
// delegate managment of the impact to the fx manager
FXMngr . fx2remove ( impact ) ;
} // meleeImpact //
// magicImpact :
// Play the magic impact on the entity
// \param type : type of the impact (host/good/neutral).
// \param intensity : intensity of the impact.
void CCharacterCL : : magicImpact ( uint type , uint intensity ) // virtual
// --- FX --- //
// Choose the FX.
string impact ;
switch ( type )
// Resist
case 0 :
impact = " Sp_Resist_Lev " ;
break ;
// Good
case 1 :
impact = " Sp_Bien_Cure_Lev " ;
break ;
// Neutral
case 2 :
impact = " Sp_Neutre_Protect_Lev " ;
break ;
// Bad
case 3 :
impact = " Sp_Host_Hurt_Lev " ;
break ;
default :
nlwarning ( " CH:magicImpact:%d: Unknown type '%d'. " , _Slot , type ) ;
return ;
// Intensity
switch ( intensity )
// Too weak
return ;
impact + = " 1.ps " ;
break ;
impact + = " 2.ps " ;
break ;
impact + = " 3.ps " ;
break ;
impact + = " 4.ps " ;
break ;
impact + = " 5.ps " ;
break ;
// Unknown
default :
nlwarning ( " CH:magicImpact:%d: Unknown intensity '%d'. " , _Slot , intensity ) ;
// Create the FX
if ( ! impact . empty ( ) )
NL3D : : UInstance resistFX = Scene - > createInstance ( impact ) ;
if ( ! resistFX . empty ( ) )
resistFX . setPos ( pos ( ) ) ;
} // resist //
// getMaxSpeed :
// Return the basic max speed for the entity in meter per sec
double CCharacterCL : : getMaxSpeed ( ) const // virtual
return _Sheet - > MaxSpeed ;
} // getMaxSpeed //
// mode :
// Method called to change the mode (Combat/Mount/etc.).
bool CCharacterCL : : mode ( MBEHAV : : EMode m )
if ( VerboseAnimSelection & & _Slot = = UserEntity - > selection ( ) )
nlinfo ( " CH::mode:%d: m'%s(%d)', _ModeWanted'%s(%d)', _Mode'%s(%d)' " , _Slot ,
MBEHAV : : modeToString ( m ) . c_str ( ) , m ,
MBEHAV : : modeToString ( _ModeWanted ) . c_str ( ) , _ModeWanted ,
MBEHAV : : modeToString ( _Mode ) . c_str ( ) , _Mode ) ;
// Is the mode wanted valid ?
if ( m = = MBEHAV : : UNKNOWN_MODE | | m > = MBEHAV : : NUMBER_OF_MODES )
nlwarning ( " CH::mode:%d: Invalid Mode Wanted '%s(%d)' -> keep '%s(%d)'. " ,
_Slot , MBEHAV : : modeToString ( m ) . c_str ( ) , m , MBEHAV : : modeToString ( _Mode ) . c_str ( ) , _Mode ) ;
return false ;
// Set the mode wanted.
_ModeWanted = m ;
if ( _CurrentState = = 0 )
_Mode = _ModeWanted ;
return true ;
} // mode //
// applyStage :
// Apply stage modifications.
// \todo GUIGUI ; ameliorer gestion mode.
bool CCharacterCL : : applyStage ( CStage & stage )
bool stageDone = true ;
// If the Stage has a position, backup the position and the stage time.
if ( stage . getPos ( _OldPos ) )
// Backup the time
_OldPosTime = stage . time ( ) ;
// Remove the property.
stage . removeProperty ( PROPERTY_POSX ) ;
stage . removeProperty ( PROPERTY_POSY ) ;
stage . removeProperty ( PROPERTY_POSZ ) ;
// Apply orientation.
pair < bool , sint64 > resultTeta = stage . property ( PROPERTY_ORIENTATION ) ;
if ( resultTeta . first )
float angleZ = * ( float * ) ( & resultTeta . second ) ;
// server forces the entity orientation even if it cannot turn
front ( CVector ( ( float ) cos ( angleZ ) , ( float ) sin ( angleZ ) , 0.f ) , true , true , true ) ;
_TargetAngle = ( float ) angleZ ;
// Remove the property.
stage . removeProperty ( PROPERTY_ORIENTATION ) ;
// Apply Mode.
pair < bool , sint64 > resultMode = stage . property ( PROPERTY_MODE ) ;
if ( resultMode . first )
// Get the mode from stage.
uint8 mo = * ( uint8 * ) ( & resultMode . second ) ;
// If the mode wanted is not the same, change the mode wanted.
if ( mo ! = _ModeWanted )
if ( mode ( ( MBEHAV : : EMode ) mo ) )
//stageDone = false;
if ( _Mode ! = _ModeWanted )
stageDone = false ;
stage . removeProperty ( PROPERTY_MODE ) ;
stage . removeProperty ( PROPERTY_MODE ) ;
// If the mode wanted is not the same as the current mode -> Stage not done.
else if ( _Mode ! = _ModeWanted )
stageDone = false ;
// Property applied -> Remove the property form stage.
stage . removeProperty ( PROPERTY_MODE ) ;
// Apply Behaviour.
pair < bool , sint64 > resultBehaviour = stage . property ( PROPERTY_BEHAVIOUR ) ;
if ( resultBehaviour . first )
CBehaviourContext bc ;
bc . Behav = CBehaviour ( resultBehaviour . second ) ;
bc . BehavTime = stage . time ( ) ;
// See if there's a list of target associated with that behaviour (for multitarget spells)
uint64 spellTarget [ 4 ] ;
uint numTargets = 0 ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < 4 ; + + k )
pair < bool , sint64 > stProp = stage . property ( PROPERTY_TARGET_LIST_0 + k ) ;
if ( ! stProp . first ) break ;
spellTarget [ k ] = ( uint64 ) stProp . second ;
+ + numTargets ;
stage . removeProperty ( PROPERTY_TARGET_LIST_0 + k ) ;
if ( numTargets > 0 )
// get the list of targets from the visual properties
bc . Targets . unpack ( spellTarget , numTargets ) ;
// Compute the beheviour.
applyBehaviour ( bc ) ;
// Remove the property.
stage . removeProperty ( PROPERTY_BEHAVIOUR ) ;
// Apply the target.
pair < bool , sint64 > resultTarget = stage . property ( PROPERTY_TARGET_ID ) ;
if ( resultTarget . first )
// Change the entity target.
targetSlot ( ( CLFECOMMON : : TCLEntityId ) resultTarget . second ) ;
// Remove the property.
stage . removeProperty ( PROPERTY_TARGET_ID ) ;
// The Mount
pair < bool , sint64 > resultParent = stage . property ( CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_ENTITY_MOUNTED_ID ) ;
if ( resultParent . first )
_Mount = ( CLFECOMMON : : TCLEntityId ) resultParent . second ;
// Remove the property.
stage . removeProperty ( CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_ENTITY_MOUNTED_ID ) ;
// The Rider
pair < bool , sint64 > resultRider = stage . property ( CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_RIDER_ENTITY_ID ) ;
if ( resultRider . first )
_Rider = ( CLFECOMMON : : TCLEntityId ) resultRider . second ;
// Remove the property.
stage . removeProperty ( CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_RIDER_ENTITY_ID ) ;
// visual fxs : links and auras
pair < bool , sint64 > resultVisualFX = stage . property ( CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_VISUAL_FX ) ;
if ( resultVisualFX . first )
applyVisualFX ( resultVisualFX . second ) ;
stage . removeProperty ( CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_VISUAL_FX ) ;
return stageDone ;
} // applyStage //
// applyCurrentStage :
// Apply The Current Stage (first stage).
bool CCharacterCL : : applyCurrentStage ( )
bool bRet = true ;
CStageSet : : TStageSet : : iterator it = _Stages . _StageSet . begin ( ) ;
if ( it ! = _Stages . _StageSet . end ( ) )
// Apply the Stage and remove it if stage done.
if ( applyStage ( ( * it ) . second ) )
_Stages . _StageSet . erase ( it ) ;
bRet = false ;
nlwarning ( " CCharacterCL::applyCurrentStage: there is no stage. " ) ;
// Update information from remaining stages.
updateStages ( ) ;
return bRet ;
} // applyCurrentStage //
// applyAllStagesToFirstPos :
// Apply all stages to the first stage with a position.
void CCharacterCL : : applyAllStagesToFirstPos ( )
CVectorD stagePos ;
CStageSet : : TStageSet : : iterator it = _Stages . _StageSet . begin ( ) ;
while ( it ! = _Stages . _StageSet . end ( ) & & ! ( * it ) . second . getPos ( stagePos ) )
// Apply the Stage.
if ( ! applyStage ( ( * it ) . second ) )
updateStages ( ) ;
return ;
// Backup the iterator to remove
CStageSet : : TStageSet : : iterator itTmp = it ;
// Next Stage.
+ + it ;
// Remove the stage done.
_Stages . _StageSet . erase ( itTmp ) ;
// Apply the stage with the position.
if ( it ! = _Stages . _StageSet . end ( ) )
// Apply the Stage.
if ( applyStage ( ( * it ) . second ) )
// Remove the stage done.
_Stages . _StageSet . erase ( it ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:applyAllStagesToFirstPos:%d: There is no stage with a position. " , _Slot ) ;
// Upate information from remaining stages.
updateStages ( ) ;
} // applyAllStagesToFirstPos //
// playToEndAnim :
// Play the time step for the loop and truncate to End Anim if Time Step too big.
ADD_METHOD ( void CCharacterCL : : playToEndAnim ( const double & startTimeOffset , double & length ) )
// Average Speed
double speedToDest = speed ( ) ;
// Blend Walk/Run
if ( ClientCfg . BlendForward & & ( animState ( MOVE ) = = CAnimationStateSheet : : Walk ) )
uint animWalkId = animId ( MOVE ) ;
uint animRunId = animId ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT ) ;
double animWalkSpeed = EAM - > getAnimationAverageSpeed ( animWalkId ) * getSheetScale ( ) * _CustomScalePos * _CharacterScalePos ;
double animRunSpeed = EAM - > getAnimationAverageSpeed ( animRunId ) * getSheetScale ( ) * _CustomScalePos * _CharacterScalePos ;
if ( animWalkSpeed < = animRunSpeed )
double startTimeOffRun = animOffset ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT ) ;
double animWalkLength = EAM - > getAnimationLength ( animWalkId ) ;
double animRunLength = EAM - > getAnimationLength ( animRunId ) ;
// Current Speed <= Walk Speed, so use the walk animation only.
if ( speed ( ) < = animWalkSpeed )
runFactor ( 0.0 ) ;
double speedFactor = speed ( ) / animWalkSpeed ;
double animTimeOffWalk = animOffset ( MOVE ) + length * speedFactor ;
if ( animTimeOffWalk > animWalkLength )
animOffset ( MOVE , animWalkLength ) ;
animOffset ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT , animRunLength ) ;
length = ( animWalkLength - startTimeOffset ) / speedFactor ;
// Adjust Time Offset for the Run Channel
animOffset ( MOVE , animTimeOffWalk ) ;
animOffset ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT , animRunLength * ( animTimeOffWalk / animWalkLength ) ) ;
// Current Speed >= Run Speed, so use the run animation only.
else if ( speed ( ) > = animRunSpeed )
runFactor ( 1.0 ) ;
double speedFactor = speed ( ) / animRunSpeed ;
double animTimeOffRun = animOffset ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT ) + length * speedFactor ;
if ( animTimeOffRun > animRunLength )
animOffset ( MOVE , animWalkLength ) ;
animOffset ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT , animRunLength ) ;
length = ( animRunLength - startTimeOffRun ) / speedFactor ;
// Adjust Time Offset for the Walk Channel
animOffset ( MOVE , animWalkLength * ( animTimeOffRun / animRunLength ) ) ;
animOffset ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT , animTimeOffRun ) ;
// Current Speed > Walk Speed & < Run Speed, so mix Walk and Run animation.
double t1 = animRunSpeed - animWalkSpeed ;
double t2 = speed ( ) - animWalkSpeed ;
runFactor ( t2 / t1 ) ;
double mixLength = runFactor ( ) * animRunLength + ( 1.0 - runFactor ( ) ) * animWalkLength ;
double animTimeOffWalk = animOffset ( MOVE ) + animWalkLength / mixLength * length ;
if ( animTimeOffWalk > animWalkLength )
animOffset ( MOVE , animWalkLength ) ;
animOffset ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT , animRunLength ) ;
length = ( animWalkLength - startTimeOffset ) / ( animWalkLength / mixLength ) ;
animOffset ( MOVE , animTimeOffWalk ) ;
animOffset ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT , animRunLength * animTimeOffWalk / animWalkLength ) ; // Same percentage in the animation than the Walk one.
return ;
//nlwarning("playToEndAnim:%d: animWalkSpeed > animRunSpeed", _Slot);
// No Mix between Walk and Run.
runFactor ( 0.0 ) ;
// Speed Factor
double speedFactor = computeSpeedFactor ( speedToDest ) ;
// Compute the desired new time offset.
double animTimeOffMove = animOffset ( MOVE ) + length * speedFactor ;
// Truncate animation time offset if it over-runs end of animation and change the loopTimeOffset too.
double animationLength = EAM - > getAnimationLength ( animId ( MOVE ) ) ;
if ( animTimeOffMove > animationLength )
animOffset ( MOVE , animationLength ) ;
length = ( animationLength - startTimeOffset ) / speedFactor ;
animOffset ( MOVE , animTimeOffMove ) ;
} // playToEndAnim //
// updateStages :
// Call this method to give a time for each stage, compute distance to destination and some more information.
// \todo GUIGUI : clean up
void CCharacterCL : : updateStages ( )
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_updateStages ) ;
_FirstPos = INVALID_POS ; // No First Position
_FirstTime = INVALID_TIME ; //- No First Position
dist2FirstPos ( INVALID_DIST ) ; // No First Position
_DestPos = INVALID_POS ; // No Destination
_DestTime = INVALID_TIME ; // No Destination
dist2Dest ( INVALID_DIST ) ; // No Destination
CVectorD posTmp = pos ( ) ;
_IsThereAMode = false ;
_ImportantStepTime = 0.0 ;
// ***** update predicted interval: if a new pos B is found after a pos A, then the interval B-A is known!
CStageSet : : TStageSet : : iterator it = _Stages . _StageSet . begin ( ) ;
CStageSet : : TStageSet : : iterator itPosPrec = _Stages . _StageSet . end ( ) ;
bool somePosFoundEarly = false ;
while ( it ! = _Stages . _StageSet . end ( ) )
// if this stage has a position
if ( it - > second . isPresent ( PROPERTY_POSITION ) )
somePosFoundEarly = true ;
// then it's cool we can set the new accurate interval to the prec stage which has a pos
if ( itPosPrec ! = _Stages . _StageSet . end ( ) )
uint dgc = it - > first - itPosPrec - > first ;
itPosPrec - > second . predictedInterval ( dgc ) ;
// bkup
itPosPrec = it ;
it + + ;
// ***** Compute the current LCT Impact for this character
// NB: used only in mode CClientConfig::StageUsePosOnlyLCT
sint32 charLCTI ;
// If disabled, full LCT impact
if ( _StartDecreaseLCTImpact = = 0 )
charLCTI = 256 ;
const sint32 decreaseTick = 20 ; // 2 seconds
// blend according to the start of decrease
sint32 dt = NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) - _StartDecreaseLCTImpact ;
if ( dt < = 0 )
charLCTI = 256 ;
else if ( dt > = decreaseTick )
charLCTI = 0 ;
charLCTI = ( ( decreaseTick - dt ) * 256 ) / decreaseTick ;
// hence, at end of blend, charLCTI is 0
// ***** Compute Stages to give them a time and get some information from those stages.
// yoyo: use any stage with no LCT, until it is to be played AFTER a position
bool stageForceLCTFound = false ;
CStageSet : : TStageSet : : iterator itTmp ;
it = _Stages . _StageSet . begin ( ) ;
while ( it ! = _Stages . _StageSet . end ( ) )
CStage & stage = ( * it ) . second ;
// *** retrieve position in stage if any
CVectorD posInStage ;
bool hasPos = stage . getPos ( posInStage ) ;
// check the first pos is correct
if ( hasPos & & dist2Dest ( ) = = INVALID_DIST )
// Compute the distance to the first position
double distToFirst = ( CVectorD ( posInStage . x , posInStage . y , 0.0 ) - CVectorD ( posTmp . x , posTmp . y , 0.0 ) ) . norm ( ) ;
double distToLimiter = ( CVectorD ( posInStage . x , posInStage . y , 0.0 ) - CVectorD ( _PositionLimiter . x , _PositionLimiter . y , 0.0 ) ) . norm ( ) ;
// Check if the first pos is Not the same as the current entity pos
if ( ( distToFirst < ClientCfg . DestThreshold )
| | ( distToLimiter < = ClientCfg . PositionLimiterRadius ) )
// The FIRST POSITION is the SAME as the CURRENT entity POSITION -> REMOVE POSITION in the stage
stage . removeProperty ( CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSX ) ;
stage . removeProperty ( CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSY ) ;
stage . removeProperty ( CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSZ ) ;
hasPos = false ;
if ( VerboseAnimSelection & & _Slot = = UserEntity - > selection ( ) )
nlinfo ( " CH:updateStages:%d: Bad First, distToFirst(%f), ClientCfg.DestThreshold(%f), distToLimiter(%f), ClientCfg.PositionLimiterRadius(%f) " , _Slot ,
distToFirst , ClientCfg . DestThreshold , distToLimiter , ClientCfg . PositionLimiterRadius ) ;
// stage has pos? => force LCT for it and after
stageForceLCTFound = stageForceLCTFound | | hasPos ;
// *** Compute the estimated Time for the Stage.
// Compute difference in Game Cycle Between the current Game Cycle and the current Stage.
sint32 t ;
if ( ClientCfg . StageLCTUsage = = CClientConfig : : StageUseAllLCT )
t = ( * it ) . first - NetMngr . getCurrentClientTick ( ) ;
else if ( ClientCfg . StageLCTUsage = = CClientConfig : : StageUseNoLCT )
t = ( * it ) . first - NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) ;
// Update LCTImpact for the stage
if ( stageForceLCTFound )
// Force full impact for stage after or including a POS
stage . setLCTImpact ( 256 ) ;
/* minimize the LCT impact with the current char one
Hence , if the stage had a lct impact lowered , but LCT decrease was canceled ,
the stage will keep its LCT impact
stage . setLCTImpact ( min ( stage . getLCTImpact ( ) , charLCTI ) ) ;
sint32 lcti = stage . getLCTImpact ( ) ;
// if full impact
if ( lcti > = 256 )
t = ( * it ) . first - NetMngr . getCurrentClientTick ( ) ;
// if no impact
else if ( lcti < = 0 )
t = ( * it ) . first - NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) ;
// else blend
sint32 twlct = ( * it ) . first - NetMngr . getCurrentClientTick ( ) ;
sint32 twolct = ( * it ) . first - NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) ;
t = ( twlct * lcti + twolct * ( 256 - lcti ) ) > > 8 ;
// Compute the estimated Time for the Stage.
stage . time ( ( double ) ( NetMngr . getMachineTimeAtTick ( ) + t * NetMngr . getMsPerTick ( ) ) / 1000.0 ) ;
// *** Important step is used for "Panic mode" animation acceleration. skip the first stage
if ( _ImportantStepTime = = 0.0 & & it ! = _Stages . _StageSet . begin ( ) )
// Important steps are ones that takes times (pos, orientation, mode, animation etc....)
if ( stage . isPresent ( PROPERTY_POSITION ) | |
stage . isPresent ( PROPERTY_MODE ) | |
stage . isPresent ( PROPERTY_ORIENTATION ) | |
stage . isPresent ( PROPERTY_ENTITY_MOUNTED_ID ) | |
stage . isPresent ( PROPERTY_RIDER_ENTITY_ID ) | |
stage . isPresent ( PROPERTY_BEHAVIOUR ) )
_ImportantStepTime = stage . time ( ) ;
// *** Compute dist2dest (until a mode) if has pos
if ( ( _IsThereAMode = = false ) & & hasPos )
// Set the destination pos and time.
_DestPos = posInStage ;
_DestTime = stage . time ( ) + ( double ) ( stage . predictedInterval ( ) * NetMngr . getMsPerTick ( ) ) / 1000.0 ;
// Update First Pos.
if ( dist2Dest ( ) = = INVALID_DIST )
_FirstPos = _DestPos ;
_FirstTime = stage . time ( ) ;
// Compute the distance to the first position
double distToFirst = ( CVectorD ( _DestPos . x , _DestPos . y , 0.0 ) - CVectorD ( posTmp . x , posTmp . y , 0.0 ) ) . norm ( ) ;
// Set the Distance to the Destination as the distance to the first position.
dist2Dest ( distToFirst ) ;
// Set the distance to First Stage.
dist2FirstPos ( distToFirst ) ;
// Increase distance to destination.
dist2Dest ( dist2Dest ( ) + ( CVectorD ( _DestPos . x , _DestPos . y , 0.0 ) - CVectorD ( posTmp . x , posTmp . y , 0.0 ) ) . norm ( ) ) ;
// Backup the last pos.
posTmp = _DestPos ;
// Stop if there is a mode in the stage.
if ( stage . isPresent ( CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_MODE ) )
_IsThereAMode = true ;
itTmp = it ;
+ + it ;
// REMOVE EMPTY STAGE (because only position and the same as the current one).
if ( stage . empty ( ) )
_Stages . _StageSet . erase ( itTmp ) ;
// If there is no mode in queue, mode wanted is the current mode
// It must usually be the theorical one except for some mode used only by the client like SWIM
if ( ! _IsThereAMode )
_ModeWanted = _Mode ;
// ***** update _StartDecreaseLCTImpact
// If a stage that force LCT has been found in the list
if ( stageForceLCTFound )
// Decrease of LCT is disabled
_StartDecreaseLCTImpact = 0 ;
else if ( _StartDecreaseLCTImpact = = 0 )
// Start to decrease LCT
_StartDecreaseLCTImpact = NetMngr . getCurrentServerTick ( ) ;
// ***** compute _RunStartTimeNoPop (see _RunStartTimeNoPop)
_RunStartTimeNoPop = INVALID_TIME ;
// only if have some pos in the queue
if ( somePosFoundEarly )
double d2fp = 0.0 ;
double fpTime = INVALID_TIME ;
// if the first pos is computed, use it
if ( _FirstTime ! = INVALID_TIME )
d2fp = dist2FirstPos ( ) ;
fpTime = _FirstTime ;
// else try to compute the first pos, WIHTOUT regarding if there is a mode or not
// (because even mode anim can be accelerated....)
it = _Stages . _StageSet . begin ( ) ;
while ( it ! = _Stages . _StageSet . end ( ) )
CStage & stage = ( * it ) . second ;
CVectorD firstPos ;
if ( stage . getPos ( firstPos ) )
fpTime = stage . time ( ) + ( double ) ( stage . predictedInterval ( ) * NetMngr . getMsPerTick ( ) ) / 1000.0 ;
d2fp = CVectorD ( firstPos . x - pos ( ) . x , firstPos . y - pos ( ) . y , 0.0 ) . norm ( ) ;
break ;
it + + ;
// with d2fp, fpTime, and maxSpeed, we can estimate the moment where the run should start
if ( fpTime ! = INVALID_TIME )
float maxSpeed = ( float ) getMaxSpeed ( ) ;
if ( maxSpeed > 0 )
// compute at which time the first move should begin so it doesn't have to accelerate
_RunStartTimeNoPop = fpTime - d2fp / maxSpeed ;
} // updateStages //
// beginImpact :
// Return if the impact must be played.
// \param anim : pointer on the current animation (MUST NOT BE NULL).
// \param currentTime : current time in the animation.
// \param triggerName : name of the trigger to check.
// \param isActive : read (and can change) the state.
// \param timeFactor : when to activate the impact if there is no track (value has to be between 0 and 1 to be valid).
// \return bool : true if the trigger is valid.
// \warning This method does not check if the animation is Null.
ADD_METHOD ( bool CCharacterCL : : beginImpact ( NL3D : : UAnimation * anim , NL3D : : TAnimationTime currentTime , const std : : string & triggerName , bool & isActive , float timeFactor ) )
// Is the impact already activeated.
if ( isActive )
return false ;
// Try to find the impact trigger in the animation.
UTrack * Track = anim - > getTrackByName ( triggerName . c_str ( ) ) ;
// No track -> just check with 2/3 animation
if ( Track )
if ( Track - > interpolate ( currentTime , isActive ) )
return isActive ;
nlwarning ( " CH:beginImpact:%d: Wrong type asked. " , _Slot ) ;
// No Track or pb with it so try with the animation length.
float length = ( float ) ( anim - > getEndTime ( ) - anim - > getBeginTime ( ) ) ;
isActive = ( animOffset ( MOVE ) > = length * timeFactor ) ;
return isActive ;
} // beginImpact //
// animEventsProcessing :
// Manage Events that could be created by the animation (like sound).
// \param startTime : time to start processing events from the current animation.
// \param stopTime : time to stop processing events from the current animation.
// \todo GUIGUI : Optimize FXs launch when we would have time
void CCharacterCL : : animEventsProcessing ( double startTime , double stopTime )
if ( _CurrentState = = 0 )
return ;
// \todo Vianney : temp le temps de savoir comment on joue les son pour le propre joueur
// No sound for the player.
if ( _Slot ! = 0 | | _Mode ! = MBEHAV : : NORMAL )
// Retreive the surface material
uint32 matId = getGroundType ( ) ;
// Set the material id var
_SoundContext . Args [ 0 ] = matId ;
if ( _Sheet )
// Set the sound family var
_SoundContext . Args [ 2 ] = _Sheet - > SoundFamily ;
// Set the sound variation var
_SoundContext . Args [ 3 ] = _Sheet - > SoundVariation ;
// Set the sound family var
_SoundContext . Args [ 2 ] = 0 ;
// Set the sound variation var
_SoundContext . Args [ 3 ] = 0 ;
// Sound Process.
CSoundAnimManager * sndMngr = CSoundAnimManager : : instance ( ) ;
if ( sndMngr & & ( _SoundId [ MOVE ] ! = CSoundAnimationNoId ) )
_SoundContext . Position = pos ( ) ;
// Look for the cluster(s) containing this character...
std : : vector < NL3D : : CCluster * > clusters ;
if ( ! _Instance . empty ( ) )
// single meshed
_Instance . getLastParentClusters ( clusters ) ;
else if ( ! _Skeleton . empty ( ) )
// Skel meshed
_Skeleton . getLastParentClusters ( clusters ) ;
CCluster * pcluster = 0 ;
// use the first cluster if at leat one available
if ( ! clusters . empty ( ) )
pcluster = clusters . front ( ) ;
sndMngr - > playAnimation ( _SoundId [ MOVE ] , ( float ) startTime , ( float ) stopTime , pcluster , _SoundContext ) ;
} // animEventsProcessing //
// updatePreCollision :
// Method called each frame to manage the entity.
// \param time : current time of the frame.
// \parem target : pointer on the current entity target.
void CCharacterCL : : updatePreCollision ( const TTime & currentTimeInMs , CEntityCL * target ) // virtual
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Pre_Collision ) ;
// Set the Last frame PACS Pos.
if ( _Primitive )
_Primitive - > getGlobalPosition ( _LastFramePACSPos , dynamicWI ) ;
// Set the previous position before changing the current one.
_LastFramePos = _Position ;
// Turn towards the target when in COMBAT_FLOAT mode.
if ( _Mode = = MBEHAV : : COMBAT_FLOAT )
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Combat )
// Check there is a valid target and it's not the entity itself.
if ( targetSlot ( ) ! = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT
& & targetSlot ( ) ! = slot ( )
& & target )
// Set the new entity direction
front ( target - > pos ( ) - pos ( ) , true , false ) ;
// Update Position if not a child & displayable.
if ( parent ( ) = = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT & & _Displayable )
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Pos )
updatePos ( currentTimeInMs , target ) ;
} // updatePreCollision //
// updateFX :
// Apply track on fxs
// Check if some FX should be removed.
inline void CCharacterCL : : updateFX ( )
updateAttachedFX ( ) ;
} // updateFX //
// updateAttachedFX :
// Apply track on animated fxs
// Remove those that should be removed
void CCharacterCL : : updateAttachedFX ( )
// build align matrix
CMatrix alignMatrix ;
buildAlignMatrix ( alignMatrix ) ;
std : : list < CAttachedFX : : CBuildInfo > : : iterator itAttachedFxToStart = _AttachedFXListToStart . begin ( ) ;
while ( itAttachedFxToStart ! = _AttachedFXListToStart . end ( ) )
if ( ( * itAttachedFxToStart ) . DelayBeforeStart < ( float ) ( TimeInSec - ( * itAttachedFxToStart ) . StartTime ) )
uint index = ( * itAttachedFxToStart ) . MaxNumAnimCount ;
( * itAttachedFxToStart ) . MaxNumAnimCount = 0 ;
CAttachedFX : : TSmartPtr fx = new CAttachedFX ;
fx - > create ( * this , ( * itAttachedFxToStart ) , CAttachedFX : : CTargeterInfo ( ) ) ;
if ( ! fx - > FX . empty ( ) )
_AuraFX [ index ] = fx ;
itAttachedFxToStart = _AttachedFXListToStart . erase ( itAttachedFxToStart ) ;
+ + itAttachedFxToStart ;
// update tracks & pos for anim attachedfxs
std : : list < CAttachedFX : : TSmartPtr > : : iterator itAttachedFx = _AttachedFXListForCurrentAnim . begin ( ) ;
while ( itAttachedFx ! = _AttachedFXListForCurrentAnim . end ( ) )
nlassert ( * itAttachedFx ) ;
CAttachedFX & attachedFX = * * itAttachedFx ;
attachedFX . update ( * this , alignMatrix ) ;
if ( ! attachedFX . FX . empty ( ) ) attachedFX . FX . setUserMatrix ( alignMatrix ) ;
+ + itAttachedFx ;
// Try to remove animation FXs still not removed.
itAttachedFx = _AttachedFXListToRemove . begin ( ) ;
while ( itAttachedFx ! = _AttachedFXListToRemove . end ( ) )
// If the FX is not present or valid -> remove the FX.
bool mustDelete = false ;
CAttachedFX & attachedFX = * * itAttachedFx ;
if ( attachedFX . SpawnTime ! = TimeInSec )
if ( attachedFX . FX . empty ( ) | | ! attachedFX . FX . isSystemPresent ( ) | | ! attachedFX . FX . isValid ( ) )
mustDelete = true ;
if ( attachedFX . TimeOutDate ! = 0 )
if ( TimeInSec > = attachedFX . TimeOutDate )
mustDelete = true ;
if ( mustDelete )
// Remove from the list.
itAttachedFx = _AttachedFXListToRemove . erase ( itAttachedFx ) ;
attachedFX . update ( * this , alignMatrix ) ;
if ( ! attachedFX . FX . empty ( ) ) attachedFX . FX . setUserMatrix ( alignMatrix ) ;
+ + itAttachedFx ;
// update the aura fx
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < MaxNumAura ; + + k )
if ( _AuraFX [ k ] )
if ( _AuraFX [ k ] - > TimeOutDate ! = 0.f ) // we use that flag to mark the aura as 'shutting down'
if ( TimeInSec > = _AuraFX [ k ] - > TimeOutDate )
_AuraFX [ k ] = NULL ;
float lifeRatio = ( float ) ( ( _AuraFX [ k ] - > TimeOutDate - TimeInSec ) / AURA_SHUTDOWN_TIME ) ;
if ( ! _AuraFX [ k ] - > FX . empty ( ) ) _AuraFX [ k ] - > FX . setUserParam ( 0 , 1.f - lifeRatio ) ;
if ( _AuraFX [ k ] ) // not deleted yet ?
// update position & orientation
_AuraFX [ k ] - > update ( * this , alignMatrix ) ;
// update the link fx
if ( _LinkFX )
_LinkFX - > update ( * this , alignMatrix ) ;
if ( _StaticFX )
_StaticFX - > FX - > update ( * this , alignMatrix ) ;
// updateVisible :
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisible ( const TTime & currentTimeInMs , CEntityCL * target )
// Changes the skeleton state
if ( ! _Skeleton . empty ( ) )
_Skeleton . show ( ) ;
// Changes the instance position.
else if ( ! _Instance . empty ( ) )
_Instance . show ( ) ;
// Snap the entity to the ground.
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Snap_To_Ground )
snapToGround ( ) ;
// Apply the new entity position to the visual of the entity (apply x and z movement due to animation).
if ( parent ( ) = = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT )
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Display )
updateDisplay ( ) ;
// Change the cluster of the entity.
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Cluster )
updateCluster ( ) ;
// Update the LodCharacter Animation.
if ( _LodCharacterAnimEnabled )
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Pos_Lod_Animation )
// set this value to the skeleton
if ( skeleton ( ) )
skeleton ( ) - > setLodCharacterAnimTime ( _LodCharacterAnimTimeOffset ) ;
// Update FX
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_FX )
updateFX ( ) ;
// Update Modifiers
if ( ! _HPModifiers . empty ( ) )
HPMD mod ;
mod . CHPModifier : : operator = ( * _HPModifiers . begin ( ) ) ;
mod . Time = TimeInSec + mod . DeltaT ;
_HPDisplayed . push_back ( mod ) ;
_HPModifiers . erase ( _HPModifiers . begin ( ) ) ;
// Parent
CEntityCL : : updateVisible ( currentTimeInMs , target ) ;
} // updateVisible //
// updateSomeClipped :
void CCharacterCL : : updateSomeClipped ( const TTime & currentTimeInMs , CEntityCL * target )
// Snap the entity to the ground.
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Snap_To_Ground )
snapToGround ( ) ;
// Changes the skeleton position.
if ( ! _Skeleton . empty ( ) )
_Skeleton . setPos ( pos ( ) ) ;
_Skeleton . hide ( ) ;
// Changes the instance position.
else if ( ! _Instance . empty ( ) )
_Instance . setPos ( pos ( ) ) ;
_Instance . hide ( ) ;
if ( ! ClientCfg . Light )
// Update texture Async Loading
updateAsyncTexture ( ) ;
// Update lod Texture
updateLodTexture ( ) ;
// Update FX
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_FX )
updateFX ( ) ;
// Remove Modifiers.
_HPModifiers . clear ( ) ;
_HPDisplayed . clear ( ) ;
// Parent
CEntityCL : : updateSomeClipped ( currentTimeInMs , target ) ;
} // updateSomeClipped //
// updateClipped :
void CCharacterCL : : updateClipped ( const TTime & currentTimeInMs , CEntityCL * target )
// hide the scene interface
if ( _InSceneUserInterface )
if ( _InSceneUserInterface - > getActive ( ) )
_InSceneUserInterface - > setActive ( false ) ;
if ( _CurrentBubble )
if ( _CurrentBubble - > getActive ( ) )
_CurrentBubble - > setActive ( false ) ;
// parent
CEntityCL : : updateClipped ( currentTimeInMs , target ) ;
} // updateClipped //
// updateVisiblePostPos :
// Update the entity after all positions done.
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisiblePostPos ( const NLMISC : : TTime & currentTimeInMs , CEntityCL * target ) // virtual
// Stuff to do only when alive.
if ( ! isDead ( ) )
// Update the head direction.
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Head_Direction )
updateHeadDirection ( target ) ;
// Update Blink.
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Blink )
updateBlink ( currentTimeInMs ) ;
// Update in scene interface
if ( _InSceneUserInterface | | _CurrentBubble )
// Draw the entity Name if asked or under the cursor.
bool showIS = mustShowInsceneInterface ( ( ! _Sheet ) | | ( _Sheet - > DisplayOSD ) ) ;
bool showBubble = true ;
// Don't show bubble if lod
if ( ! _Skeleton . empty ( ) & & _Skeleton . isDisplayedAsLodCharacter ( ) )
showBubble = false ;
// If the name of the character is unknown, no user info
if ( _EntityName . empty ( ) & & _Title . empty ( ) )
showIS = false ;
// if mounted : don't display name
if ( _Rider ! = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT )
showIS = false ;
// User Info
if ( _InSceneUserInterface )
// Activate
if ( _InSceneUserInterface - > getActive ( ) ! = showIS )
_InSceneUserInterface - > setActive ( showIS ) ;
if ( showIS )
// Update dynamic data
_InSceneUserInterface - > updateDynamicData ( ) ;
NLMISC : : CVectorD pos ;
if ( getNamePos ( pos ) )
// Check the pos validity
if ( ( isValidDouble ( pos . x ) & & isValidDouble ( pos . y ) & & isValidDouble ( pos . z ) ) = = false )
nlwarning ( " CH:updateVisiblePostPos:%d: invalid pos %f %f %f " , _Slot , pos . x , pos . y , pos . z ) ;
nlstop ;
_InSceneUserInterface - > Position = pos ;
pos = ( box ( ) . getMin ( ) + box ( ) . getMax ( ) ) / 2 ;
pos . z = box ( ) . getMax ( ) . z ;
nlassert ( isValidDouble ( pos . x ) & & isValidDouble ( pos . y ) & & isValidDouble ( pos . z ) ) ;
_InSceneUserInterface - > Position = pos ;
// Bubble ?
if ( _CurrentBubble )
showBubble & = _CurrentBubble - > canBeShown ( ) ;
// Activate
if ( _CurrentBubble - > getActive ( ) ! = showBubble )
_CurrentBubble - > setActive ( showBubble ) ;
if ( showBubble )
// Offset X
sint offsetX = 0 ;
if ( _InSceneUserInterface )
offsetX = - 10 - ( _InSceneUserInterface - > getWReal ( ) / 2 ) ;
_CurrentBubble - > setOffsetX ( offsetX ) ;
NLMISC : : CVectorD pos ;
if ( ! getNamePos ( pos ) )
pos = ( box ( ) . getMin ( ) + box ( ) . getMax ( ) ) / 2 ;
pos . z = box ( ) . getMax ( ) . z ;
nlassert ( isValidDouble ( pos . x ) & & isValidDouble ( pos . y ) & & isValidDouble ( pos . z ) ) ;
_CurrentBubble - > Position = pos ;
// parent
CEntityCL : : updateVisiblePostPos ( currentTimeInMs , target ) ;
} // updateVisiblePostPos //
// updatePostCollision :
// Method called each frame to manage the entity.
// \param time : current time of the frame.
// \parem target : pointer on the current entity target.
void CCharacterCL : : updatePostCollision ( const TTime & /* currentTimeInMs */ , CEntityCL * /* target */ ) // virtual
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Post_Collision )
// Finalize PACS position
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Finalize_Move )
pacsFinalizeMove ( ) ;
// \todo GUIGUI : fait rapidement pour voir les autres se baigner pour la video, faire mieux.
// changed : Malkav , also do this for mektoub (as they can swim)
if ( PACS & & _Primitive
& & ( isPlayer ( ) | | isNPC ( )
| | ( _Sheet & & ( _Sheet - > Race = = EGSPD : : CPeople : : MektoubMount | | _Sheet - > Race = = EGSPD : : CPeople : : MektoubPacker ) )
// Is in water ?
if ( GR )
UGlobalPosition gPos ;
_Primitive - > getGlobalPosition ( gPos , dynamicWI ) ;
float waterHeight ;
if ( GR - > isWaterPosition ( gPos , waterHeight ) )
if ( isSwimming ( ) = = false )
if ( isDead ( ) )
else if ( isRiding ( ) )
// also change mounted entity mode
if ( _Mount ! = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT )
CCharacterCL * mount = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( EntitiesMngr . entity ( _Mount ) ) ;
if ( mount )
// Set the mount.
mount - > setMode ( MBEHAV : : MOUNT_SWIM ) ;
mount - > computeAutomaton ( ) ;
mount - > computeAnimSet ( ) ;
mount - > setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : Idle ) ;
_Mode = MBEHAV : : SWIM ;
// Compute the current automaton
computeAutomaton ( ) ;
// Update the animation set according to the mode.
computeAnimSet ( ) ;
// Animset changed -> update current animation
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : Idle ) ;
if ( isSwimming ( ) )
if ( isDead ( ) )
_Mode = MBEHAV : : DEATH ;
else if ( isRiding ( ) )
// also change mounted entity mode
if ( _Mount ! = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT )
CCharacterCL * mount = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( EntitiesMngr . entity ( _Mount ) ) ;
if ( mount )
// Set the mount.
mount - > setMode ( MBEHAV : : MOUNT_NORMAL ) ;
mount - > computeAutomaton ( ) ;
mount - > computeAnimSet ( ) ;
mount - > setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : Idle ) ;
_Mode = MBEHAV : : NORMAL ;
// Compute the current automaton
computeAutomaton ( ) ;
// Update the animation set according to the mode.
computeAnimSet ( ) ;
// Animset changed -> update current animation
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : Idle ) ;
} // updatePostCollision //
// getTheMove :
double CCharacterCL : : getTheMove ( double loopTimeStep , double oldMovingTimeOffset , double oldMovingTimeOffsetRun ) const
double move ;
if ( _CurrentState )
// A Real Move State
if ( _CurrentState - > Move )
// Get the covered distance from the animation.
move = getTheMove ( loopTimeStep , oldMovingTimeOffset , MOVE ) ;
if ( runFactor ( ) > 0.0 )
// Blend the 2 move (Walk & Run).
move = move * ( 1.0 - runFactor ( ) ) + getTheMove ( loopTimeStep , oldMovingTimeOffsetRun , MOVE_BLEND_OUT ) * runFactor ( ) ;
// The move must be significant.
if ( ( move > 0.0 ) & & ( move < ClientCfg . SignificantDist ) )
move = ClientCfg . SignificantDist ;
// Slide
else if ( _CurrentState - > Slide )
move = speed ( ) * loopTimeStep ;
// The move must be significant.
if ( ( move > 0.0 ) & & ( move < ClientCfg . SignificantDist ) )
move = ClientCfg . SignificantDist ;
move = 0.0 ;
move = speed ( ) * loopTimeStep ;
// The move must be significant.
if ( ( move > 0.0 ) & & ( move < ClientCfg . SignificantDist ) )
move = ClientCfg . SignificantDist ;
// Check the move is significant.
CHECK ( ! ( ( move > 0.0 ) & & ( move < ClientCfg . SignificantDist ) ) ) ;
// Return the move done by the entity since last time.
return move ;
} // getTheMove //
// getTheMove :
double CCharacterCL : : getTheMove ( double loopTimeStep , double oldMovingTimeOffset , TAnimationType channel ) const
double move ;
// Compute a linear motion when the animation is missing.
if ( animIndex ( channel ) = = CAnimation : : UnknownAnim )
double offsetT = _DestTime - _LastFrameTime ;
if ( offsetT < = 0.0 )
// \todo GUIGUI : in this case, 'loopTimeStep' should not decrease so FIX IT.
move = dist2Dest ( ) ;
move = dist2Dest ( ) * ( loopTimeStep / offsetT ) ;
// The move must be significant.
if ( ( move > 0.0 ) & & ( move < ClientCfg . SignificantDist ) )
move = ClientCfg . SignificantDist ;
// Get the motion done by the animation.
move = computeMotion ( oldMovingTimeOffset , channel ) ;
CHECK ( ! ( move > 0.0 & & move < ClientCfg . SignificantDist ) ) ;
return move ;
} // getTheMove //
// updatePosCombatFloat :
void CCharacterCL : : updatePosCombatFloat ( double /* frameTimeRemaining */ , CEntityCL * target ) // virtual
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Character_CL_Update_Pos_Combat_Float )
// The target is valid
if ( target )
// Get the position where the attacker should go to attack his target according to the attack angle.
CVectorD dirToTarget = target - > pos ( ) - pos ( ) ;
dirToTarget . z = 0.0 ;
if ( ClientCfg . Local
| | ( ( dirToTarget ! = CVectorD : : Null )
& & fabs ( target - > pos ( ) . x - target - > lastFramePos ( ) . x ) > 0.01
& & fabs ( target - > pos ( ) . y - target - > lastFramePos ( ) . y ) > 0.01 ) )
double angToTarget = atan2 ( dirToTarget . y , dirToTarget . x ) ;
_DestPos = target - > getAttackerPos ( angToTarget , attackRadius ( ) + ClientCfg . AttackDist ) ;
_DestPos = target - > getAttackerPos ( _TargetAngle , attackRadius ( ) + ClientCfg . AttackDist ) ;
// Compute the distance to destination.
CVectorD vectToDest = _DestPos - pos ( ) ;
vectToDest . z = 0.0 ;
// Distance to destination is big enough.
if ( vectToDest . norm ( ) > ClientCfg . DestThreshold )
dist2Dest ( vectToDest . norm ( ) ) ;
// Compute the time to reach the destination at the max speed.
double lengthOfTimeToDest = 0.0 ; // 0 = No Speed Limit
_FirstPos = _DestPos ;
_DestTime = _LastFrameTime + lengthOfTimeToDest + ClientCfg . ChaseReactionTime ;
_FirstTime = _DestTime ;
// The time remaining will be enough to reach the destination
if ( frameTimeRemaining > = lengthOfTimeToDest )
_FirstPos = _DestPos ;
_DestTime = _LastFrameTime + lengthOfTimeToDest + ClientCfg . ChaseReactionTime ;
_FirstTime = _DestTime ;
// The time remaining is not enough to reach the destination at max speed -> compute a first pos possible to reach.
_FirstPos = pos ( ) + vectToDest * frameTimeRemaining / lengthOfTimeToDest ;
_DestTime = _LastFrameTime + lengthOfTimeToDest + ClientCfg . ChaseReactionTime ;
_FirstTime = _LastFrameTime + frameTimeRemaining + ClientCfg . ChaseReactionTime ;
// Compute the distance to the first position.
CVectorD tmp2computeDist2FirstPos = _FirstPos - pos ( ) ;
tmp2computeDist2FirstPos . z = 0.0 ;
dist2FirstPos ( tmp2computeDist2FirstPos . norm ( ) ) ;
updatePosCombatFloatChanged ( target ) ;
// Destination is too close (will consider to be at destination.
_FirstPos = _DestPos = pos ( ) ;
dist2Dest ( 0.0 ) ;
dist2FirstPos ( 0.0 ) ;
_FirstTime = _DestTime = _LastFrameTime ;
// The target is not allocated.
_FirstPos = _DestPos = pos ( ) ;
dist2Dest ( 0.0 ) ;
dist2FirstPos ( 0.0 ) ;
_FirstTime = _DestTime = _LastFrameTime ;
} // updatePosCombatFloat //
// updatePos :
// Upadte the player position
// \param time : Time for the position of the entity after the motion.
// \param target : pointer on the current target.
// \todo GUIGUI : compute it when receiving a new stage instead of every frame (should be faster).
// \todo GUIGUI: recompute distance to destination even if the Stage not reached.
ADD_METHOD ( void CCharacterCL : : updatePos ( const TTime & currentTimeInMs , CEntityCL * target ) )
_OldAutomaton = _CurrentAutomaton ;
// Compute the Time Step.
double frameTimeRemaining = computeTimeStep ( ( ( double ) currentTimeInMs ) * 0.001 ) ;
// Update the LodCharacter Animation.
if ( _LodCharacterAnimEnabled )
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Pos_Lod_Animation ) ;
// \todo GUIGUI : replace 'getSpeedFactor' by the correct speed factor !!
// update lod anim time. multiply by speed factor of the most important slot.
_LodCharacterAnimTimeOffset + = DT * _PlayList - > getSpeedFactor ( _LodCharacterMasterAnimSlot ) ;
if ( _PlayList )
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Pos_Set_Play_List ) ;
// \todo GUIGUI : do something better for the blend (mounts there).
if ( isRiding ( ) | | ClientCfg . BlendFrameNumber = = 0 | | _BlendRemaining < = 0 )
_BlendRemaining = 0 ;
_PlayList - > setAnimation ( ACTION , UPlayList : : empty ) ;
_PlayList - > setWeight ( ACTION , 0.0f ) ;
if ( runFactor ( ) < 0.5 | | ( _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE_BLEND_OUT ] = = 0 ) )
if ( _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE ] )
_CurrentAnimSet [ ACTION ] = _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE ] ;
animState ( ACTION , animState ( MOVE ) ) ;
animIndex ( ACTION , animIndex ( MOVE ) ) ; // This also call "animId" and set it.
animOffset ( ACTION , animOffset ( MOVE ) ) ;
_CurrentAnimSet [ ACTION ] = 0 ;
animState ( ACTION , CAnimationStateSheet : : UnknownState ) ;
animIndex ( ACTION , CAnimation : : UnknownAnim ) ; // This also call "animId" and set it.
animOffset ( ACTION , 0.0 ) ;
_CurrentAnimSet [ ACTION ] = _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE_BLEND_OUT ] ;
animState ( ACTION , animState ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT ) ) ;
animIndex ( ACTION , animIndex ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT ) ) ; // This also call "animId" and set it.
animOffset ( ACTION , animOffset ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT ) ) ;
_AnimReversed [ ACTION ] = false ;
double animLength = EAM - > getAnimationLength ( animId ( ACTION ) ) ;
// Check Anim length
if ( animOffset ( ACTION ) + frameTimeRemaining > animLength )
animOffset ( ACTION , animLength ) ;
animOffset ( ACTION , animOffset ( ACTION ) + frameTimeRemaining ) ;
// Compute weight step.
float w = ( float ) _BlendRemaining / ( float ) ( ClientCfg . BlendFrameNumber + 1 ) ;
// Set Old Anim Weight.
_PlayList - > setWeight ( ACTION , w ) ;
// Set New Anim Weight.
_PlayList - > setWeight ( MOVE , 1.f - w ) ;
uint antiFreezeCounter = 0 ;
// While the time Step is not Null.
while ( frameTimeRemaining > 0 )
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Pos_WhileStep ) ;
// If too many loop, display some infos
if ( antiFreezeCounter > 50 )
nlwarning ( " CH:updatePos:antiFreeze:%d: frameTimeRemaining '%f' " , _Slot , frameTimeRemaining ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:updatePos:antiFreeze:%d: Automaton '%s' " , _Slot , _CurrentAutomaton . c_str ( ) ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:updatePos:antiFreeze:%d: _IsThereAMode '%s' " , _Slot , _IsThereAMode ? " true " : " false " ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:updatePos:antiFreeze:%d: dist2Dest '%f' " , _Slot , dist2Dest ( ) ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:updatePos:antiFreeze:%d: Mode '%s(%d)' " , _Slot , modeToString ( _Mode ) . c_str ( ) , _Mode ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:updatePos:antiFreeze:%d: Mode Wanted '%s(%d)' " , _Slot , modeToString ( _ModeWanted ) . c_str ( ) , _ModeWanted ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:updatePos:antiFreeze:%d: Anim State Move '%s(%d)' " , _Slot , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( animState ( MOVE ) ) . c_str ( ) , animState ( MOVE ) ) ;
// Once too many more time reached, leave the method.
if ( antiFreezeCounter > 60 )
break ;
// Update antiFreezeCounter.
+ + antiFreezeCounter ;
// \todo GUIGUI : improve dist2first and dist2dest
// Update Stages
updateStages ( ) ;
// \todo GUIGUI : Bug with _TargetAngle in fight float, we overwrite here angle sent by the server ?
// If the entity is too far (orientation not received yet), set the front vector as the moving direction.
CVectorD distToUser = pos ( ) - UserEntity - > pos ( ) ;
distToUser . z = 0.0 ;
if ( distToUser . norm ( ) * 1000.0 > CLFECOMMON : : THRESHOLD_ORIENTATION * 0.9 )
if ( _FirstPos ! = INVALID_POS )
CVectorD dirToFirstP = _FirstPos - pos ( ) ;
dirToFirstP . z = 0.0 ;
if ( dirToFirstP ! = CVectorD : : Null )
front ( dirToFirstP . normed ( ) , false , false ) ;
_TargetAngle = atan2 ( front ( ) . y , front ( ) . x ) ;
// Mode Combat Float :
if ( ! _IsThereAMode & & ( _Mode = = MBEHAV : : COMBAT_FLOAT ) )
// Update the position in combat float.
updatePosCombatFloat ( frameTimeRemaining , target ) ;
// Compute the average speed to the destination.
// double spd =
computeSpeed ( ) ;
bool stageReach = false ;
bool allToFirstPos = false ;
// Compute time to Stage or full Time Step if Stage too far.
double loopTimeStep = frameTimeRemaining ;
double buLoopTimeStep = 0.0 ;
double checkLoopTimeStep = loopTimeStep ;
// Update the animation used according to the speed/end anim/etc..
updateAnimationState ( ) ;
// Backup the old time offset.
double oldMovingTimeOffset = animOffset ( MOVE ) ;
double oldMovingTimeOffsetRun = animOffset ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT ) ;
// WARNING -> Unknown Animation Selected.
// Play the time step for the loop and truncate to End Anim if Time Step too big.
if ( ( _CurrentState ! = 0 ) & & ( animIndex ( MOVE ) ! = CAnimation : : UnknownAnim ) )
playToEndAnim ( oldMovingTimeOffset , loopTimeStep ) ;
// -- CHECK -- //
if ( loopTimeStep > checkLoopTimeStep )
nlwarning ( " CH:updtPos:%d: loopTimeStep(%f) > checkLoopTimeStep(%f). " , _Slot , loopTimeStep , checkLoopTimeStep ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . Check )
nlstop ;
loopTimeStep = checkLoopTimeStep ;
checkLoopTimeStep = loopTimeStep ;
// -- END CHECK -- //
// (DEBUG) : Backup the Animation Time Offset after the adjustment with end anim to make some checks.
double backupAnimTimeOff = animOffset ( MOVE ) ;
bool posInStage = false ;
double stageTime = - 1.0 ;
if ( ! _Stages . _StageSet . empty ( ) )
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Pos_Move ) ;
// Get the reference on the current stage.
CStageSet : : TStageSet : : iterator it = _Stages . _StageSet . begin ( ) ;
CStage & stage = ( * it ) . second ;
if ( _Mode = = MBEHAV : : COMBAT_FLOAT & & ! _IsThereAMode )
posInStage = false ;
posInStage = stage . isPresent ( CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSITION ) ;
stageTime = stage . time ( ) ;
// dist2FirstPos() should not be Null if the destination is not Null (because of the code in updateStage).
if ( dist2FirstPos ( ) > 0.0 )
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Pos_dist2FirstPos_gt_0 ) ;
// Get the covered distance from the animation.
double move = getTheMove ( loopTimeStep , oldMovingTimeOffset , oldMovingTimeOffsetRun ) ;
// The move is big enough to reach the first step with motion.
if ( move > = dist2FirstPos ( ) ) // dist2FirstPos() > 0 -> move > 0.
double percent = dist2FirstPos ( ) / move ;
// Adjust loopTimeStep
loopTimeStep * = percent ;
if ( loopTimeStep > checkLoopTimeStep ) // prevent bugs because of the double's precision
loopTimeStep = checkLoopTimeStep ;
if ( loopTimeStep < 0.0 )
loopTimeStep = 0.0 ;
// Update Animation Time Offset (move greater than the dist to next stage; update animation time to get them equal).
animOffset ( MOVE , oldMovingTimeOffset + ( animOffset ( MOVE ) - oldMovingTimeOffset ) * percent ) ;
animOffset ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT , oldMovingTimeOffsetRun + ( animOffset ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT ) - oldMovingTimeOffsetRun ) * percent ) ;
// \todo GUIGUI : check if the following line is necessary
buLoopTimeStep = loopTimeStep ;
// First Position Reached
pos ( _FirstPos ) ;
dist2FirstPos ( 0.0 ) ; // Current entity position is now the same as the First position so dis is Null.
// Complete the Stage.
if ( _Mode ! = MBEHAV : : COMBAT_FLOAT | | _IsThereAMode )
if ( posInStage )
stageReach = true ;
allToFirstPos = true ;
// Even if the movement is not enough to reach the first position, move the entity to this position.
else if ( move > 0.0 )
// Compute the vector to the first stage with a position.
CVectorD vectToFirstPos = _FirstPos - pos ( ) ;
vectToFirstPos . z = 0.0f ;
// Update entity position.
if ( vectToFirstPos ! = CVectorD : : Null )
pos ( pos ( ) + vectToFirstPos * ( move / dist2FirstPos ( ) ) ) ;
// Else : There is no move.
CHECK ( posInStage = = false & & dist2Dest ( ) < = 0.0 ) ;
// If there is no position in the next stage and the stage should be done already.
if ( ! _Stages . _StageSet . empty ( ) & & ! posInStage & & ! stageReach & & ! allToFirstPos & & ( ( _LastFrameTime + loopTimeStep ) > = stageTime ) )
// Backup 'loopTimeStep' just in case of the stage could not be done.
buLoopTimeStep = loopTimeStep ;
// Adjust loopTimeStep
loopTimeStep = stageTime - _LastFrameTime ;
if ( loopTimeStep > checkLoopTimeStep ) // prevent bugs because of the double's precision
loopTimeStep = checkLoopTimeStep ;
if ( loopTimeStep < 0.0 )
loopTimeStep = 0.0 ;
// \todo GUIGUI : adjust timeOffset, because we stopped the loop before
// Stage complete.
stageReach = true ;
// -- CHECK -- //
// Check the Animation Time Offset is not became greater than the old.
if ( animOffset ( MOVE ) > backupAnimTimeOff )
nlwarning ( " CH:updtPos:%d: backupAnimTimeOff(%f) < AnimationsTimeOffset(%f) animLen(%f) -> animOffset(MOVE) = backupAnimTimeOff " ,
_Slot , backupAnimTimeOff , animOffset ( MOVE ) , EAM - > getAnimationLength ( animId ( MOVE ) ) ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . Check )
nlstop ;
animOffset ( MOVE , backupAnimTimeOff ) ;
// Check loopTimeStep is not < 0;
if ( loopTimeStep < 0.0 )
nlwarning ( " CH:updtPos:%d: loopTimeStep(%f) < 0 -> loopTimeStep=0.0. " , _Slot , loopTimeStep ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . Check )
nlstop ;
loopTimeStep = 0.0 ;
// time spent could not be bigger than the time remaining
if ( loopTimeStep > frameTimeRemaining )
nlwarning ( " CH:updtPos:%d: loopTimeStep(%f) > frameTimeRemaining(%f) -> loopTimeStep=frameTimeRemaining. " , _Slot , loopTimeStep , frameTimeRemaining ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . Check )
nlstop ;
loopTimeStep = frameTimeRemaining ;
// -- END CHECK -- //
// Manage Events that could be created by the animation (like sound).
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Pos_Anim_Event )
animEventsProcessing ( oldMovingTimeOffset , animOffset ( MOVE ) ) ;
// Apply all stages until the first stage with a pos.
if ( allToFirstPos )
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Pos_Apply_All_Stage_To_First_Pos ) ;
applyAllStagesToFirstPos ( ) ;
// Stage is complete, apply modifications.
else if ( stageReach )
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Pos_Apply_Current_Stage ) ;
if ( ! applyCurrentStage ( ) )
loopTimeStep = buLoopTimeStep ;
// Compute the remaining Time Step.
frameTimeRemaining - = loopTimeStep ;
// Update the last Time.
_LastFrameTime + = loopTimeStep ;
} // while(frameTimeRemaining > 0) //
// Set the new position into PACS.
H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Pos_Pacs ) ;
pacsMove ( pos ( ) ) ;
/// (DEBUG) ///
// Check frameTimeRemaining is perfectly equal to 0.
if ( frameTimeRemaining < 0.0 )
nlwarning ( " CCharacterCL::updatePos : frameTimeRemaining(%f) < 0 ! This should never happen. " , frameTimeRemaining ) ;
/// (END DEBUG) ///
// Update the children display.
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Pos_Children ) ;
std : : list < CEntityCL * > : : iterator itTmp , it = _Children . begin ( ) ;
while ( it ! = _Children . end ( ) )
itTmp = it ;
// Next Child (done before just in case child is detached during his processFrame).
it + + ;
if ( * itTmp )
CCharacterCL * child = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( * itTmp ) ;
if ( child )
if ( ! ClientCfg . Light )
// Update the animation offset for the child.
double animLength = EAM - > getAnimationLength ( animId ( MOVE ) ) ;
if ( animLength > 0.0 )
double factor = animOffset ( MOVE ) / animLength ;
if ( factor > 1.0 )
factor = 1.0 ;
double childTimeOffset = factor * EAM - > getAnimationLength ( child - > animId ( MOVE ) ) ;
child - > animOffset ( MOVE , childTimeOffset ) ;
child - > animOffset ( MOVE , 0.0 ) ;
child - > processFrame ( currentTimeInMs ) ;
child - > pacsMove ( pos ( ) ) ; // Move the child at the same position than the parent.
nlwarning ( " Character '%d': Child is not a 'CCharacterCL'. " , _Slot ) ;
nlwarning ( " Character '%d': Child not allocated. " , _Slot ) ;
} // updatePos //
// updateVisiblePostRender :
// Update the entity after the render like for the head offset.
void CCharacterCL : : updateVisiblePostRender ( ) // virtual
// Compute the headoffset
if ( _HeadBoneId ! = - 1 & & ! _Skeleton . empty ( ) )
if ( _Skeleton . getLastClippedState ( ) & & _Skeleton . isBoneComputed ( _HeadBoneId ) )
UBone headBone = _Skeleton . getBone ( _HeadBoneId ) ;
const CMatrix & headMat = headBone . getLastWorldMatrixComputed ( ) ;
_HeadOffset = headMat . getPos ( ) - pos ( ) ;
_HeadOffsetComputed = true ;
} // updateVisiblePostRender //
void CCharacterCL : : updateAllPostRender ( )
// processFrame :
void CCharacterCL : : processFrame ( const TTime & currentTimeInMs )
// Prepare stages and update information from them.
updateStages ( ) ;
// Compute the time remaining until frame completely processed.
double timeRemaining = computeTimeStep ( ( ( double ) currentTimeInMs ) * 0.001 ) ;
// Compute the time spent between 2 frames.
while ( timeRemaining > 0.0 )
// Time already processed until now.
double timeProcessed = timeRemaining ;
// Process Stages.
if ( ! _Stages . _StageSet . empty ( ) )
// Get the reference on the current stage.
CStageSet : : TStageSet : : iterator it = _Stages . _StageSet . begin ( ) ;
CStage & stage = ( * it ) . second ;
// Check if the stage should be done already.
if ( ( _LastFrameTime + timeProcessed ) > = stage . time ( ) )
// Stage Done during the Frame.
if ( stage . time ( ) > _LastFrameTime )
timeProcessed = stage . time ( ) - _LastFrameTime ;
// This Stage should have been done already before last frame
timeProcessed = 0.0 ;
// Process the stage.
processStage ( stage ) ;
// Stage complete.
_Stages . _StageSet . erase ( it ) ;
// Compute the remaining Time Step.
timeRemaining - = timeProcessed ;
// Update the last Time.
_LastFrameTime + = timeProcessed ;
// Just to be sure, Last frame time = current time once all is done.
_LastFrameTime = ( ( double ) currentTimeInMs ) * 0.001 ;
} // processFrame //
// processStage :
// Process the stage.
void CCharacterCL : : processStage ( CStage & stage )
// Apply Mode (if there is a mode, there is a position too).
pair < bool , sint64 > resultMode = stage . property ( PROPERTY_MODE ) ;
if ( resultMode . first )
uint8 mo = * ( uint8 * ) ( & resultMode . second ) ;
MBEHAV : : EMode mode = ( MBEHAV : : EMode ) mo ;
if ( mode ! = _Mode )
// release the old mode.
if ( ( _Mode = = MBEHAV : : MOUNT_NORMAL | | _Mode = = MBEHAV : : MOUNT_SWIM )
& & ( mode ! = MBEHAV : : MOUNT_NORMAL & & mode ! = MBEHAV : : MOUNT_SWIM )
// Unlink the mount and the rider.
// Restore collisions.
if ( _Primitive )
// \todo GUIGUI : do that without dynamic cast
if ( dynamic_cast < CPlayerCL * > ( this ) )
_Primitive - > setOcclusionMask ( MaskColPlayer ) ;
_Primitive - > setOcclusionMask ( MaskColNpc ) ;
// Get stage position.
if ( stage . getPos ( _OldPos ) )
// Backup the time
_OldPosTime = stage . time ( ) ;
// Unseat the entity at the position given in the stage.
pacsMove ( _OldPos ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:processStage:%d: The stage should have a position with the mode. " , _Slot ) ;
// Set the new mode.
_Mode = mode ;
_ModeWanted = mode ;
// Compute the automaton
computeAutomaton ( ) ;
computeAnimSet ( ) ;
setAnim ( CAnimationStateSheet : : Idle ) ;
// Not a mode -> so search for a position.
} // processStage //
// updateBlink :
// Update the player blink state
void CCharacterCL : : updateBlink ( const TTime & currentTimeInMs )
// Only for homine
GSGENDER : : EGender gender = getGender ( ) ;
if ( ( gender = = GSGENDER : : male ) | | ( gender = = GSGENDER : : female ) )
float blend ;
// Some parameters
static const double blinkTime = 100.f ;
static const double minBlinkLength = 500.f ;
static const double maxBlinkLength = 5000.f ;
// Next blink time is valid ?
bool validTime = ( _NextBlinkTime + blinkTime > = currentTimeInMs ) & & ( _NextBlinkTime < = ( currentTimeInMs + maxBlinkLength ) ) ;
// Blink end ?
bool blinkEnd = ( currentTimeInMs > = _NextBlinkTime + blinkTime ) ;
// Blink is finished or next blink time is invalid ?
if ( blinkEnd | | ! validTime )
blend = 0 ;
// Compute next time
_NextBlinkTime = ( TTime ) ( ( ( double ) rand ( ) / ( double ) RAND_MAX ) * ( maxBlinkLength - minBlinkLength ) + minBlinkLength + ( double ) currentTimeInMs ) ;
// Blink time ?
if ( currentTimeInMs > = _NextBlinkTime )
blend = 100.f ;
// Do nothing
return ;
// Get the face
SInstanceCL * face = getFace ( ) ;
// Set the blend shape
if ( face & & ! face - > Current . empty ( ) )
face - > Current . setBlendShapeFactor ( " visage_100 " , blend , true ) ;
} // updateBlink //
// getFace :
// Update eyes blink. For the moment, called by updatePos.
CEntityCL : : SInstanceCL * CCharacterCL : : getFace ( )
// Implemented in CPlayerCL
return idx2Inst ( _FaceIdx ) ;
// updateDisplay :
// Get the entity position and set all visual stuff with it.
// \todo GUIGUI : put this method 'virtual' to have a different code for the user (no playlist).
// \todo GUIGUI : manage the parent better.
ADD_METHOD ( void CCharacterCL : : updateDisplay ( CEntityCL * parent ) )
// Animable ?
if ( _PlayList )
// Reverse the animation if needed.
const double animOffsetMOV = _AnimReversed [ MOVE ] ? EAM - > getAnimationLength ( animId ( MOVE ) ) - animOffset ( MOVE ) : animOffset ( MOVE ) ;
const double animOffsetACT = _AnimReversed [ ACTION ] ? EAM - > getAnimationLength ( animId ( ACTION ) ) - animOffset ( ACTION ) : animOffset ( ACTION ) ;
const double animOffsetBLE = _AnimReversed [ MOVE_BLEND_OUT ] ? EAM - > getAnimationLength ( animId ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT ) ) - animOffset ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT ) : animOffset ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT ) ;
// Update Speed Factor
_PlayList - > setTimeOrigin ( MOVE , TimeInSec - animOffsetMOV ) ;
_PlayList - > setTimeOrigin ( ACTION , TimeInSec - animOffsetACT ) ;
_PlayList - > setTimeOrigin ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT , TimeInSec - animOffsetBLE ) ;
float weight ;
if ( _BlendRemaining )
weight = _PlayList - > getLocalWeight ( MOVE , TimeInSec ) ;
weight = 1.0f ;
_PlayList - > setWeight ( MOVE , weight * ( float ) ( 1.0 - runFactor ( ) ) ) ;
_PlayList - > setWeight ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT , weight * ( float ) runFactor ( ) ) ;
// If the animation exist update the display.
if ( animIndex ( MOVE ) ! = CAnimation : : UnknownAnim )
// Get the 3D position for the current time in the animation (Vector Null if animation has no move).
CVector currentAnimPos ;
if ( ! EAM - > interpolate ( animId ( MOVE ) , animOffsetMOV , currentAnimPos ) )
currentAnimPos = CVector : : Null ;
// If the current animation state is a move, do not take the Y move in the animation because it's the code that compute the move.
if ( _CurrentState & & _CurrentState - > Move )
CVector currentAnimPosStart ;
if ( ! EAM - > interpolate ( animId ( MOVE ) , 0.0 , currentAnimPosStart ) )
currentAnimPosStart = CVector : : Null ;
if ( _CurrentState - > XFactor ) currentAnimPos . x = currentAnimPosStart . x ;
if ( _CurrentState - > YFactor ) currentAnimPos . y = currentAnimPosStart . y ;
if ( _CurrentState - > ZFactor ) currentAnimPos . z = currentAnimPosStart . z ;
// Scale the animation with the Character Scale Pos if the animation need it.
bool applyCharacterScalePosFactor = true ;
// \todo GUIGUI : faire cette histoire de emote beaucoup mieux, C NULL.
const CAnimationState * animStatePtr ;
// If the current animation is an emote, get the right animation state.
if ( animState ( MOVE ) = = CAnimationStateSheet : : Emote )
animStatePtr = _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE ] - > getAnimationState ( _SubStateKey ) ;
animStatePtr = _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE ] - > getAnimationState ( animState ( MOVE ) ) ;
if ( animStatePtr )
const CAnimation * anim = animStatePtr - > getAnimation ( animIndex ( MOVE ) ) ;
if ( anim )
applyCharacterScalePosFactor = anim - > applyCharacterScalePosFactor ( ) ;
// scale it.
if ( applyCharacterScalePosFactor )
currentAnimPos * = _CharacterScalePos ;
// Scale according to the gabarit (choose at the character creation).
currentAnimPos * = _CustomScalePos ;
// Blend Walk/Run
if ( runFactor ( ) > 0.0 )
CVector currentAnimPosRun ;
if ( ! EAM - > interpolate ( animId ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT ) , animOffsetBLE , currentAnimPosRun ) )
currentAnimPosRun = CVector : : Null ;
// If the current animation state is a move, do not take the Y move in the animation because it's the code that compute the move.
if ( _CurrentState & & _CurrentState - > Move )
CVector currentAnimPosStart ;
if ( ! EAM - > interpolate ( animId ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT ) , 0.0 , currentAnimPosStart ) )
currentAnimPosStart = CVector : : Null ;
if ( _CurrentState - > XFactor ) currentAnimPosRun . x = currentAnimPosStart . x ;
if ( _CurrentState - > YFactor ) currentAnimPosRun . y = currentAnimPosStart . y ;
if ( _CurrentState - > ZFactor ) currentAnimPosRun . z = currentAnimPosStart . z ;
// Scale it by the CharacterScalePos, if needed, according to the animation.
bool applyCharacterScalePosFactor = true ;
const CAnimationState * animStatePtr = _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE_BLEND_OUT ] - > getAnimationState ( animState ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT ) ) ;
if ( animStatePtr )
const CAnimation * anim = animStatePtr - > getAnimation ( animIndex ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT ) ) ;
if ( anim )
applyCharacterScalePosFactor = anim - > applyCharacterScalePosFactor ( ) ;
// scale it.
if ( applyCharacterScalePosFactor )
currentAnimPosRun * = _CharacterScalePos ;
// Scale according to the gabarit.
currentAnimPosRun * = _CustomScalePos ;
currentAnimPos = currentAnimPos * ( float ) ( 1.0 - runFactor ( ) ) + currentAnimPosRun * ( float ) runFactor ( ) ;
// Get the rotation for the current time in the animation (Rotation Null if animation has no rotation).
CQuat currentAnimRot ;
if ( ! EAM - > interpolate ( animId ( MOVE ) , animOffsetMOV , currentAnimRot ) )
currentAnimRot = CQuat : : Identity ;
// If the animation is a rotation -> Do just a part of the animation.
if ( parent = = 0 & & _CurrentState & & _CurrentState - > Rotation & & _RotationFactor ! = - 1.0 )
// Get the Rotation at the beginning of the animation.
CQuat currentAnimRotStart ;
if ( ! EAM - > interpolate ( _PlayList - > getAnimation ( MOVE ) , 0.0 , currentAnimRotStart ) )
currentAnimRotStart = CQuat : : Identity ;
double animLength = EAM - > getAnimationLength ( animId ( MOVE ) ) ;
// Get the Rotation at the beginning of the animation.
CQuat currentAnimRotEnd ;
if ( ! EAM - > interpolate ( _PlayList - > getAnimation ( MOVE ) , animLength , currentAnimRotEnd ) )
currentAnimRotEnd = CQuat : : Identity ;
// Get the angle done by the animation from the beginning
CQuat rotStartTmp = currentAnimRotStart ;
rotStartTmp . invert ( ) ;
CQuat rotTmp = rotStartTmp * currentAnimRot ;
float ang = rotTmp . getAngle ( ) ;
currentAnimRot = applyRotationFactor ( currentAnimRot , ( float ) _RotationFactor , currentAnimRotStart , currentAnimRotEnd , ( float ) ( animOffsetMOV / animLength ) ) ;
// Get the angle done once scaled.
rotTmp = rotStartTmp * currentAnimRot ;
CMatrix rotMat ;
rotMat . identity ( ) ;
rotMat . rotateZ ( _CurrentState - > RotFactor * ( ang - rotTmp . getAngle ( ) ) ) ;
// Apply the scaled rotation to the position.
currentAnimPos = rotMat * currentAnimPos ;
//// OLD ////
// Get the Rotation at the beginning of the animation.
CQuat currentAnimRotStart ;
if ( ! EAM - > interpolate ( _PlayList - > getAnimation ( MOVE ) , 0.0 , currentAnimRotStart ) )
currentAnimRotStart = CQuat : : Identity ;
// Find the closest quat.
// currentAnimRotStart.makeClosest(currentAnimRot);
// Get the angle done by the animation from the beginning
CQuat rotStartTmp = currentAnimRotStart ;
rotStartTmp . invert ( ) ;
CQuat rotTmp = rotStartTmp * currentAnimRot ;
float ang = rotTmp . getAngle ( ) ;
// Get the Rotation scaled.
currentAnimRot = CQuat : : slerp ( currentAnimRotStart , currentAnimRot , ( float ) _RotationFactor ) ;
// Get the angle done once scaled.
rotTmp = rotStartTmp * currentAnimRot ;
CMatrix rotMat ;
rotMat . identity ( ) ;
rotMat . rotateZ ( _CurrentState - > RotFactor * ( ang - rotTmp . getAngle ( ) ) ) ;
// Apply the scaled rotation to the position.
currentAnimPos = rotMat * currentAnimPos ;
//// FIN OLD ////
// Blend Walk/Run
if ( runFactor ( ) > 0.0 )
// Get the rotation for the current time in the animation (Rotation Null if animation has no rotation).
CQuat currentAnimRotRun ;
if ( ! EAM - > interpolate ( animId ( MOVE_BLEND_OUT ) , animOffsetBLE , currentAnimRotRun ) )
currentAnimRotRun = CQuat : : Identity ;
currentAnimRotRun . makeClosest ( currentAnimRot ) ;
currentAnimRot = CQuat : : slerp ( currentAnimRot , currentAnimRotRun , ( float ) runFactor ( ) ) ;
// Animation Matrix
CMatrix AnimMatrixRot ;
AnimMatrixRot . identity ( ) ;
AnimMatrixRot . setRot ( currentAnimRot ) ;
// Rotation 180 degrees Matrix
CMatrix rot180 ;
rot180 . identity ( ) ;
if ( parent = = 0 )
rot180 . rotateZ ( ( float ) Pi ) ;
// Logical entity Matrix.
CMatrix current ;
if ( parent = = 0 )
current = _DirMatrix ;
current . identity ( ) ;
// Convert the anim position in a world position.
currentAnimPos = ( current * rot180 ) * currentAnimPos ;
rot180 * = AnimMatrixRot ;
current * = rot180 ;
// Get the rotation for the current time in the animation (Rotation Null if animation has no rotation).
if ( ClientCfg . BlendFrameNumber & & _BlendRemaining > 0 )
CQuat tmpQuat ;
_OldRotQuat . makeClosest ( current . getRot ( ) ) ;
tmpQuat = CQuat : : slerp ( current . getRot ( ) , _OldRotQuat , ( ( float ) _BlendRemaining / ( float ) ( ClientCfg . BlendFrameNumber + 1 ) ) ) ;
current . setRot ( tmpQuat ) ;
// 1 more frame played.
_BlendRemaining - - ;
// Compute the position for the instance.
CVectorD tmpPos ;
if ( parent = = 0 )
tmpPos = pos ( ) ;
tmpPos + = currentAnimPos ;
// If the entity is on a mount, just adjust the position with the animation.
tmpPos = currentAnimPos ;
// Set the skeleton position and rotation.
if ( ! _Skeleton . empty ( ) )
_Skeleton . setRotQuat ( current . getRot ( ) ) ;
_Skeleton . setPos ( tmpPos ) ;
// Only Instances with no skeleton (objects).
else if ( ! _Instances . empty ( ) & & ! _Instances [ 0 ] . Current . empty ( ) )
_Instances [ 0 ] . Current . setRotQuat ( current . getRot ( ) ) ;
_Instances [ 0 ] . Current . setPos ( tmpPos ) ;
// Set the instance position and rotation.
else if ( ! _Instance . empty ( ) )
_Instance . setRotQuat ( current . getRot ( ) ) ;
_Instance . setPos ( tmpPos ) ;
static bool once = false ;
if ( ! once )
nlwarning ( " CH::updtDisp:%d: no instance nor skeleton. Sheet Id '%d(%s)'. " , _Slot , _SheetId . asInt ( ) , _SheetId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
once = true ;
// Else Keep the lastest correct display.
H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Entity_CL_Update_Display_Unknown_Anim )
// Rotation 90 degrees Matrix
CMatrix rot90 ;
rot90 . identity ( ) ;
if ( parent = = 0 )
rot90 . rotateZ ( ( float ) ( Pi / 2.0 ) ) ;
// Logical entity Matrix.
CMatrix current ;
if ( parent = = 0 )
current = _DirMatrix ;
// else
// current.identity();
current * = rot90 ;
// Changes the skeleton position.
if ( ! _Skeleton . empty ( ) )
_Skeleton . setRotQuat ( current . getRot ( ) ) ;
if ( parent = = 0 )
_Skeleton . setPos ( pos ( ) ) ;
// else
// _Skeleton.setPos(currentAnimPos);
// Only Instances with no skeleton (objects).
else if ( ! _Instances . empty ( ) & & ! _Instances [ 0 ] . Current . empty ( ) )
_Instances [ 0 ] . Current . setRotQuat ( current . getRot ( ) ) ;
if ( parent = = 0 )
_Instances [ 0 ] . Current . setPos ( pos ( ) ) ;
// Changes the skeleton position.
if ( ! _Skeleton . empty ( ) )
_Skeleton . setPos ( pos ( ) ) ;
// Only Instances with no skeleton (objects).
else if ( ! _Instances . empty ( ) & & ! _Instances [ 0 ] . Current . empty ( ) )
// Logical entity Matrix.
CMatrix current ;
if ( parent = = 0 )
current = _DirMatrix ;
_Instances [ 0 ] . Current . setRotQuat ( current . getRot ( ) ) ;
_Instances [ 0 ] . Current . setPos ( pos ( ) ) ;
// Changes the instance position.
else if ( ! _Instance . empty ( ) )
_Instance . setPos ( pos ( ) ) ;
if ( ! ClientCfg . Light )
// update texture Async Loading
updateAsyncTexture ( ) ;
// update lod Texture
updateLodTexture ( ) ;
// Update the children display.
std : : list < CEntityCL * > : : iterator it = _Children . begin ( ) ;
while ( it ! = _Children . end ( ) )
// Update the display for the child
( * it ) - > updateDisplay ( this ) ;
// Next Child.
+ + it ;
} // updateDisplay //
// getHeadPos :
// Method to get the position of the head (in the world).
// \param headPos: will be set with the head position if succeed.
// \return 'true' if the param has been updated.
// \warning this method do NOT check if there is a skeleton.
bool CCharacterCL : : getHeadPos ( NLMISC : : CVector & headPos )
// if never computed (eg: clipped or lod)
if ( ! _HeadOffsetComputed )
// force compute the bone
if ( _HeadBoneId ! = - 1 & & ! _Skeleton . empty ( ) )
_Skeleton . forceComputeBone ( _HeadBoneId ) ;
UBone headBone = _Skeleton . getBone ( _HeadBoneId ) ;
const CMatrix & headMat = headBone . getLastWorldMatrixComputed ( ) ;
_HeadOffset = headMat . getPos ( ) - pos ( ) ;
_HeadOffsetComputed = true ;
// return the pos with the last head offset computed
headPos = pos ( ) + _HeadOffset ;
return true ;
} // getHeadPos //
// updateHeadDirection :
// Update the head Direction.
void CCharacterCL : : updateHeadDirection ( CEntityCL * target )
// Does the entity got a target to track with the head ?
// No head targeting if the target slot is the same as the entity slot
if ( _TargetSlot ! = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT & & _TargetSlot ! = _Slot )
// Is the target allocated.
if ( target ! = 0 )
// Do not orientate the head to the target if too far.
CVectorD vectDist = target - > pos ( ) - pos ( ) ;
if ( ( fabs ( vectDist . x ) + fabs ( vectDist . y ) ) < = ClientCfg . MaxHeadTargetDist & & vectDist ! = CVectorD : : Null )
// Do not orientate the head to the target if behind.
vectDist . normalize ( ) ;
if ( fabs ( angleBetween2Vect ( dir ( ) , vectDist ) ) < Pi / 3.0 )
CVector targetheadPos ;
if ( target - > getHeadPos ( targetheadPos ) )
_TargetAnimCtrl . Mode = CTargetAnimCtrl : : TargetMode ;
_TargetAnimCtrl . WorldTarget = targetheadPos ;
return ;
_TargetAnimCtrl . Mode = CTargetAnimCtrl : : DirectionMode ;
CMatrix frontMat ;
frontMat . setRot ( CVector : : I , front ( ) , CVector : : K , true ) ;
frontMat . normalize ( CMatrix : : YZX ) ;
_TargetAnimCtrl . CurrentWorldDirection = frontMat . getRot ( ) ;
} // updateHeadDirection //
// displayName :
// Display the entity name.
void CCharacterCL : : displayName ( )
// There is no Context -> Cannot display a name.
if ( TextContext = = 0 )
return ;
NLMISC : : CVector namePos ;
// There is a skeleton.
if ( ! _Skeleton . empty ( ) & & ! ClientCfg . Light )
// Only if the skeleton is visible.
if ( ! isVisible ( ) )
return ;
// Do not display the name in LoD.
if ( _Skeleton . isDisplayedAsLodCharacter ( ) )
return ;
// If the entity was not displayed last frame (clipped) -> do not display the name.
if ( ! _Skeleton . getLastClippedState ( ) )
return ;
// Is there a Bone for the Name ?
if ( _NameBoneId ! = - 1 )
namePos = _Skeleton . getBone ( _NameBoneId ) . getLastWorldMatrixComputed ( ) . getPos ( ) ;
// No Bone for the name -> Draw it at a default position.
namePos = pos ( ) + CVector ( 0.f , 0.f , 2.0f ) ;
// If there is no skeleton -> compute a position for the name.
namePos = pos ( ) + CVector ( 0.f , 0.f , 2.0f ) ;
// Create the matrix and set the orientation according to the camera.
CMatrix matrix ;
matrix . identity ( ) ;
matrix . setRot ( MainCam . getRotQuat ( ) ) ;
matrix . setPos ( namePos ) ;
CVector distPos = MainCam . getPos ( ) - pos ( ) ;
float scale = distPos . norm ( ) ;
// don't display too far names
if ( ClientCfg . Light & & scale > 20 )
return ;
if ( scale < = 1.0f )
scale = 1.0f ;
else if ( scale > ClientCfg . ConstNameSizeDist )
scale = ClientCfg . ConstNameSizeDist ;
// Too Far to display a name.
else if ( scale > ClientCfg . MaxNameDist )
return ;
// Compute the final scale.
matrix . scale ( ClientCfg . NameScale * scale ) ;
// Draw the name.
drawName ( matrix ) ;
} // displayName //
// drawName :
// Draw the name.
void CCharacterCL : : drawName ( const NLMISC : : CMatrix & mat ) // virtual
const ucstring & ucname = getEntityName ( ) ;
if ( ! getEntityName ( ) . empty ( ) )
// If there is no extended name, just display the name
if ( _NameEx . empty ( ) )
TextContext - > render3D ( mat , ucname ) ;
// If there is an extended name, display the extended name at the name place and the name above.
// Display the Extended Name at right place.
TextContext - > render3D ( mat , _NameEx ) ;
// Compute the position for the Name.
CMatrix mat2 ;
mat2 . identity ( ) ;
mat2 . setRot ( MainCam . getRotQuat ( ) ) ;
CVector v = mat . getPos ( ) + mat . getK ( ) . normed ( ) * ClientCfg . NamePos * mat . getScaleUniform ( ) ;
mat2 . setPos ( v ) ;
mat2 . scale ( mat . getScaleUniform ( ) ) ;
// Diaplay the name.
TextContext - > render3D ( mat2 , ucname ) ;
// Name from Sheet
if ( _Sheet ! = 0 )
const ucstring name ( STRING_MANAGER : : CStringManagerClient : : getCreatureLocalizedName ( _Sheet - > Id ) ) ;
if ( name . find ( ucstring ( " <NotExist: " ) ) ! = 0 )
TextContext - > render3D ( mat , name ) ;
} // drawName //
// displayModifiers :
// Display the Hp Bar
void CCharacterCL : : displayModifiers ( ) // virtual
// if none, no op
if ( _HPDisplayed . empty ( ) )
return ;
// **** get the name pos
NLMISC : : CVectorD namePos ;
if ( ! getNamePos ( namePos ) )
namePos = pos ( ) + CVector ( 0.f , 0.f , 2.0f ) ;
// remove but keep the Z to the ground
float currentDeltaZ = float ( namePos . z - pos ( ) . z ) ;
CVector groundPos = namePos ;
groundPos . z - = currentDeltaZ ;
// **** compute the scale
float dist = ( MainCam . getPos ( ) - pos ( ) ) . norm ( ) ;
float scale = 1.f ;
if ( dist > ClientCfg . MaxNameDist )
return ;
if ( dist < ClientCfg . ConstNameSizeDist )
scale = 1.0f ;
scale = ClientCfg . ConstNameSizeDist / dist ;
// **** Display HP modifiers.
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
std : : list < HPMD > : : iterator itTmp ;
std : : list < HPMD > : : iterator it = _HPDisplayed . begin ( ) ;
while ( it ! = _HPDisplayed . end ( ) )
HPMD & mod = * it ;
const float totalDuration = 3.f ;
const float noFadeDuration = 1.f ;
const float fadeDuration = totalDuration - noFadeDuration ;
if ( TimeInSec > ( mod . Time + totalDuration ) )
itTmp = it ;
+ + it ;
_HPDisplayed . erase ( itTmp ) ;
else if ( TimeInSec > = mod . Time )
ucstring hpModifier ;
if ( mod . Text . empty ( ) )
hpModifier = ucstring ( toString ( " %d " , mod . Value ) ) ;
hpModifier = mod . Text ;
double t = TimeInSec - mod . Time ;
// for character, keep the deltaZ the first time it is displayed, and apply the same each frame
// (avoid Z movement of the flying text because of animation)
if ( mod . DeltaZ = = - FLT_MAX )
mod . DeltaZ = currentDeltaZ ;
// Compute the position for the Modifier.
float dynT = sqrtf ( ( float ) t / totalDuration ) ; // a sqrt just so it looks much more "jumpy"
CVector pos = groundPos + CVector ( 0.0f , 0.0f , mod . DeltaZ + dynT * 1.f ) ;
// fade
if ( t < noFadeDuration )
mod . Color . A = 255 ;
mod . Color . A = 255 - ( uint8 ) ( ( t - noFadeDuration ) * 255.0 / fadeDuration ) ;
// Display the hp modifier. display with a X offset according if user or not, for more readability
sint deltaX = - pIM - > FlyingTextManager . getOffsetXForCharacter ( ) ;
if ( UserEntity & & UserEntity - > slot ( ) = = slot ( ) )
deltaX * = - 1 ;
pIM - > FlyingTextManager . addFlyingText ( & mod , hpModifier , pos , mod . Color , scale , deltaX ) ;
// Next
+ + it ;
// Next
+ + it ;
} // displayModifiers //
// drawPath :
// Draw Pathes
void CCharacterCL : : drawPath ( ) // virtual
// Pivot
CLineColor line ;
CVector pl0 = pos ( ) ;
CVector pl1 = pos ( ) + CVector ( 0.f , 0.f , 2.f ) ;
line = CLine ( pl0 , pl1 ) ;
line . Color0 = CRGBA ( 150 , 0 , 255 ) ;
line . Color1 = CRGBA ( 150 , 0 , 255 ) ;
Driver - > drawLine ( line , GenericMat ) ;
line = CLine ( _PositionLimiter , _PositionLimiter + CVector ( 0.f , 0.f , 2.f ) ) ;
line . Color0 = CRGBA ( 255 , 64 , 128 ) ;
line . Color1 = CRGBA ( 255 , 64 , 128 ) ;
Driver - > drawLine ( line , GenericMat ) ;
CVector p0 = pos ( ) ;
p0 . z + = 1.f ;
// Draw Front
line = CLine ( p0 , p0 + front ( ) ) ;
line . Color0 = CRGBA ( 0 , 255 , 0 ) ;
line . Color1 = CRGBA ( 0 , 255 , 0 ) ;
Driver - > drawLine ( line , GenericMat ) ;
// Draw Direction
line = CLine ( p0 , p0 + dir ( ) ) ;
line . Color0 = CRGBA ( 255 , 255 , 0 ) ;
line . Color1 = CRGBA ( 255 , 255 , 0 ) ;
Driver - > drawLine ( line , GenericMat ) ;
// Go to the First Stage.
CStageSet : : TStageSet : : iterator it = _Stages . _StageSet . begin ( ) ;
// Compute the distance over all Stages.
while ( it ! = _Stages . _StageSet . end ( ) )
// Compute Distance.
CVectorD stagePos ;
if ( ( * it ) . second . getPos ( stagePos ) )
CVector p1 = stagePos ;
CVector p2 = p0 ;
p2 . z = ( float ) stagePos . z ;
p2 = p2 + ( stagePos - p2 ) . normed ( ) ;
getCollisionEntity ( ) - > snapToGround ( p1 ) ;
p1 . z + = 0.05f ;
getCollisionEntity ( ) - > snapToGround ( p2 ) ;
p2 . z + = 0.03f ;
line = CLine ( p0 , p2 ) ;
line . Color0 = CRGBA ( 0 , 0 , 255 ) ;
line . Color1 = CRGBA ( 0 , 0 , 255 ) ;
Driver - > drawLine ( line , GenericMat ) ;
p1 . z + = 0.03f ;
line = CLine ( p0 , p1 ) ;
line . Color0 = CRGBA ( 255 , 0 , 0 ) ;
line . Color1 = CRGBA ( 255 , 0 , 0 ) ;
Driver - > drawLine ( line , GenericMat ) ;
p0 = p1 ;
// Next Stage.
+ + it ;
} // drawPath //
// drawBox :
// Draw the selection Box.
void CCharacterCL : : drawBox ( ) // virtual
if ( ! ClientCfg . Light )
: : drawBox ( _Aabbox . getMin ( ) , _Aabbox . getMax ( ) , CRGBA ( 0 , 250 , 0 ) ) ;
// Draw the PACS box (adjust the color according to the PACS valid or not).
NLMISC : : CAABBox PACSBox = _Aabbox ;
CVector halfSize = PACSBox . getHalfSize ( ) ;
halfSize . x = 0 ; halfSize . y = 0 ;
PACSBox . setCenter ( _FinalPacsPos + halfSize ) ;
UGlobalPosition gPos ;
if ( _Primitive )
_Primitive - > getGlobalPosition ( gPos , dynamicWI ) ;
: : drawBox ( PACSBox . getMin ( ) , PACSBox . getMax ( ) , ( ( gPos . InstanceId = = - 1 ) & & ( T1 % 1000 ) > 500 ) ? CRGBA ( 255 , 0 , 0 ) : CRGBA ( 0 , 250 , 250 ) ) ;
if ( ! ClientCfg . Light )
: : drawBox ( selectBox ( ) . getMin ( ) , selectBox ( ) . getMax ( ) , CRGBA ( 250 , 250 , 0 ) ) ;
// Draw the clip Sphere
CVector clipPos = _Aabbox . getCenter ( ) ;
clipPos . z + = _ClipDeltaZ - _Aabbox . getHalfSize ( ) . z ; // _ClipDeltaZ is relative to pos on ground
: : drawSphere ( clipPos , _ClipRadius , CRGBA ( 0 , 0 , 250 ) ) ;
} // drawBox //
// selectBox :
// Return the selection box.
const NLMISC : : CAABBox & CCharacterCL : : selectBox ( ) // virtual
// recompute the selection box?
if ( _LastSelectBoxComputeTime < T1 )
_LastSelectBoxComputeTime = T1 ;
bool found = false ;
// if skeleton, compute aabox from precise skeleton method
if ( ! _Skeleton . empty ( ) )
// Don't compute if in LOD form (else flick because sometimes valid because of shadow animation)
if ( ! _Skeleton . isDisplayedAsLodCharacter ( ) & &
_Skeleton . computeRenderedBBoxWithBoneSphere ( _SelectBox ) )
found = true ;
// else compute from static bot object
UInstance inst ;
// try with _Instances array first
if ( ! _Instances . empty ( ) )
inst = _Instances [ 0 ] . Current ;
// Fallback to _Instance (??)
if ( inst . empty ( ) )
inst = _Instance ;
// if static instance found
if ( ! inst . empty ( ) )
CAABBox bbox ;
inst . getShapeAABBox ( bbox ) ;
// if supported (ie bbox not null)
if ( bbox . getHalfSize ( ) ! = CVector : : Null )
// Transform bbox to world
_SelectBox = CAABBox : : transformAABBox ( inst . getLastWorldMatrixComputed ( ) , bbox ) ;
found = true ;
// if not found, fallback to default bbox
if ( ! found )
_SelectBox = _Aabbox ;
// Return the selection box.
return _SelectBox ;
} // selectBox //
// updateAttachedFXListForSlotRemoved :
void CCharacterCL : : updateAttachedFXListForSlotRemoved ( std : : list < CAttachedFX : : TSmartPtr > & fxList , const CLFECOMMON : : TCLEntityId & slotRemoved )
std : : list < CAttachedFX : : TSmartPtr > : : iterator it = fxList . begin ( ) ;
while ( it ! = fxList . end ( ) )
std : : list < CAttachedFX : : TSmartPtr > : : iterator tmpIt = it ;
+ + it ;
if ( ( * tmpIt ) - > StickMode & &
( ( * tmpIt ) - > StickMode = = CFXStickMode : : OrientedTowardTargeter | |
( * tmpIt ) - > StickMode = = CFXStickMode : : UserBoneOrientedTowardTargeter | |
( * tmpIt ) - > StickMode = = CFXStickMode : : UserBoneRay
if ( ( * tmpIt ) - > TargeterInfo . Slot = = slotRemoved )
fxList . erase ( tmpIt ) ;
// slotRemoved :
// To Inform about an entity removed (to remove from selection for example).
// This will remove the entity from the target.
// \param slot : Slot of the entity that will be removed.
void CCharacterCL : : slotRemoved ( const CLFECOMMON : : TCLEntityId & slotRemoved )
// If the target is the entity that will be removed -> no target
if ( _TargetSlot = = slotRemoved )
// invalidate targeter slots in anim fxs
updateAttachedFXListForSlotRemoved ( _AttachedFXListForCurrentAnim , slotRemoved ) ;
updateAttachedFXListForSlotRemoved ( _AttachedFXListToRemove , slotRemoved ) ;
} // slotRemoved //
// nbStage :
// Return number of stage remaining.
uint CCharacterCL : : nbStage ( )
return ( uint ) _Stages . _StageSet . size ( ) ;
} // nbStage //
// attackRadius :
// Method to return the attack radius of an entity (take the scale into account).
double CCharacterCL : : attackRadius ( ) const
return _Sheet - > DistToFront * getScale ( ) ;
} // attackRadius //
// getAttackerPos :
// Return the position the attacker should have to combat according to the attack angle.
// \param ang : 0 = the front, >0 and <Pi = left side, <0 and >-Pi = right side.
// \todo : GUIGUI precalculate entity matrix
CVectorD CCharacterCL : : getAttackerPos ( double ang , double dist ) const
// Compute the local angle
ang = computeShortestAngle ( atan2 ( front ( ) . y , front ( ) . x ) , ang ) ;
ang + = Pi ;
if ( ang > Pi )
ang - = 2 * Pi ;
// Compute the local position.
CVectorD p ;
float distToSide , distToFront , distToBack ;
bool useComplexShape = false ;
if ( useComplexShape ) // Keep this code for when AIS become complex shape aware
distToSide = _Sheet - > DistToSide ;
distToFront = _Sheet - > DistToFront ;
distToBack = _Sheet - > DistToBack ;
else // use round shape here
distToSide = _Sheet - > ColRadius ;
distToFront = _Sheet - > ColRadius ;
distToBack = _Sheet - > ColRadius ;
p . x = getScale ( ) * distToSide * sin ( - ang ) + dist * sin ( - ang ) ; // or: pos.x = _Sheet->DistToSide*cos(ang) + dist*cos(ang); but 0 should be right side.
p . y = dist * cos ( ang ) ;
if ( fabs ( ang ) < = Pi / 2.0 )
p . y + = getScale ( ) * distToFront * cos ( ang ) ;
p . y + = getScale ( ) * distToBack * cos ( ang ) ;
p . z = 0.0 ;
// Compute the world position.
// Create the target matrix.
CVector vj = front ( ) ;
vj . z = 0 ;
CVector vk ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) ;
CVector vi = vj ^ vk ;
CMatrix bodyBase ;
bodyBase . setRot ( vi , vj , vk , true ) ;
bodyBase . setPos ( pos ( ) ) ;
// Get the destination in the world.
return bodyBase * p ;
} // getAttackerPos //
// isPlacedToFight :
// Return true if the opponent is well placed.
bool CCharacterCL : : isPlacedToFight ( const NLMISC : : CVectorD & posAtk , const NLMISC : : CVector & dirAtk , double attackerRadius ) const // virtual
NLMISC : : CVectorD vDist = pos ( ) - posAtk ;
if ( vDist ! = NLMISC : : CVectorD : : Null )
// Attacker Distance
const double distToAttacker = vDist . norm ( ) ;
// Get the Ideal Position
vDist . normalize ( ) ;
CVectorD rightPos = getAttackerPos ( atan2 ( vDist . y , vDist . x ) , attackerRadius ) ;
// Vector from the Ideal Position
NLMISC : : CVectorD vDist2 = pos ( ) - rightPos ;
// Check the Distance.
if ( distToAttacker < = vDist2 . norm ( ) + ClientCfg . FightAreaSize )
// Check the orientation.
NLMISC : : CVector vAng = dirAtk ;
vAng . z = 0.0f ;
vDist . z = 0.0 ;
return ( fabs ( angleBetween2Vect ( vAng , vDist ) ) < = NLMISC : : Pi / 3.0 ) ;
// User is on the target, do not check dist or angle
return true ;
// Something wrong
return false ;
// NLMISC::CVectorD vDist = pos()-posAtk;
// const double dist = vDist.norm();
// double radius;
// // Get current entity radius
// if(_Primitive)
// radius = _Primitive->getRadius();
// else
// radius = 0.0;
// // Attack is possible if not too close or too far.
// if(dist>=radius && dist<=(radius+ClientCfg.FightAreaSize))
// {
// // Check Angle
// NLMISC::CVector vAng = dirAtk;
// vAng.z = 0.0f;
// vDist.z = 0.0;
// return (fabs(angleBetween2Vect(vAng, vDist)) <= NLMISC::Pi/3.0);
// }
// return false;
} // isPlacedToFight //
// \param pos : result given in this variable. Only valid if return 'true'.
// \return bool : 'true' if the 'pos' has been filled.
bool CCharacterCL : : getNamePos ( CVectorD & pos ) // virtual
// If there is no skeleton -> cannot display the name.
if ( _Skeleton . empty ( ) )
return false ;
// If the entity was not displayed last frame (clipped) -> do not display the name.
if ( ! _Skeleton . getLastClippedState ( ) )
return false ;
if ( _NameBoneId = = - 1 )
return false ;
// Take x and y in pos() else we a have a frame late.
pos . x = this - > pos ( ) . x ;
pos . y = this - > pos ( ) . y ;
float namePosZ ;
if ( ClientCfg . StaticNameHeight )
namePosZ = getNamePosZ ( ) ;
namePosZ = 0.f ;
// use bone position if no name position is given
if ( namePosZ = = 0.f )
// if displayed as lod, the NameId bone may not be computed
float skeletonZ = _Skeleton . getLastWorldMatrixComputed ( ) . getPos ( ) . z ;
if ( _Skeleton . isDisplayedAsLodCharacter ( ) )
// if never computed
if ( _NameCLodDeltaZ = = NameCLodDeltaZNotComputed )
_Skeleton . forceComputeBone ( _NameBoneId ) ;
float boneZ = _Skeleton . getBone ( _NameBoneId ) . getLastWorldMatrixComputed ( ) . getPos ( ) . z ;
_NameCLodDeltaZ = boneZ - skeletonZ ;
pos . z = skeletonZ + _NameCLodDeltaZ ;
float boneZ = _Skeleton . getBone ( _NameBoneId ) . getLastWorldMatrixComputed ( ) . getPos ( ) . z ;
pos . z = boneZ ;
// update delta Z, for when enter in CLod form
_NameCLodDeltaZ = boneZ - skeletonZ ;
// reset name pos history
if ( _NamePosHistory . isInitialized ( ) )
_NamePosHistory . LastNamePosZ = 0.f ;
_NamePosHistory . LastBonePosZ = 0.f ;
return true ;
const float baseZ = float ( this - > pos ( ) . z ) ;
// if displayed as lod, skip smooth transition stuff
if ( _Skeleton . isDisplayedAsLodCharacter ( ) )
pos . z = baseZ + namePosZ ;
// reset name pos history
if ( _NamePosHistory . isInitialized ( ) )
_NamePosHistory . LastNamePosZ = 0.f ;
_NamePosHistory . LastBonePosZ = 0.f ;
return true ;
const float boneZ = _Skeleton . getBone ( _NameBoneId ) . getLastWorldMatrixComputed ( ) . getPos ( ) . z ;
float deltaNamePosZ ;
float deltaBonePosZ ;
if ( _NamePosHistory . isInitialized ( ) )
deltaNamePosZ = namePosZ - _NamePosHistory . LastNamePosZ ;
deltaBonePosZ = ( boneZ - baseZ ) - _NamePosHistory . LastBonePosZ ;
deltaNamePosZ = 0.f ;
deltaBonePosZ = 0.f ;
if ( deltaNamePosZ ! = 0.f )
// generate a smooth transition following the bone movement
if ( deltaBonePosZ ! = 0.f & & ( deltaBonePosZ > 0.f ) = = ( deltaNamePosZ > 0.f ) )
namePosZ = _NamePosHistory . LastNamePosZ + deltaBonePosZ ;
const float defaultSpeed = 1.f ; // in meters per sec.
float deltaZ = defaultSpeed * DT ;
if ( deltaNamePosZ < 0.f )
deltaZ = - deltaZ ;
if ( fabs ( deltaZ ) < fabs ( deltaNamePosZ ) )
namePosZ = _NamePosHistory . LastNamePosZ + deltaZ ;
pos . z = baseZ + namePosZ ;
// update history
_NamePosHistory . LastNamePosZ = namePosZ ;
_NamePosHistory . LastBonePosZ = boneZ - baseZ ;
return true ;
} // getNamePos //
// Return name position on Z axis defined in sheet
float CCharacterCL : : getNamePosZ ( ) const
if ( ! _Sheet )
return 0.f ;
float namePosZ ;
switch ( _ModeWanted )
case MBEHAV : : DEATH :
case MBEHAV : : SIT :
case MBEHAV : : REST :
namePosZ = _Sheet - > NamePosZLow ;
break ;
namePosZ = _Sheet - > NamePosZHigh ;
break ;
default :
namePosZ = _Sheet - > NamePosZNormal ;
break ;
if ( namePosZ = = 0.f )
namePosZ = _Sheet - > NamePosZNormal ;
return namePosZ * getScale ( ) ;
} // getNamePosZ //
// \param pos : result given in this variable. Only valid if return 'true'.
// \return bool : 'true' if the 'pos' has been filled.
bool CCharacterCL : : getChestPos ( CVectorD & pos ) const // virtual
// If there is no skeleton -> cannot display the Chest.
if ( _Skeleton . empty ( ) )
return false ;
// If the entity was not displayed last frame (clipped) -> do not display the Chest.
if ( ! _Skeleton . getLastClippedState ( ) )
return false ;
if ( _ChestBoneId = = - 1 )
return false ;
// Take x and y in pos() else we a have a frame late.
pos . x = this - > pos ( ) . x ;
pos . y = this - > pos ( ) . y ;
pos . z = _Skeleton . getBone ( _ChestBoneId ) . getLastWorldMatrixComputed ( ) . getPos ( ) . z ;
return true ;
} // getChestPos //
// getSheetScale :
// Return the entity sheet scale. (return 1.0 if there is any problem).
float CCharacterCL : : getSheetScale ( ) const // virtual
if ( ! _Sheet )
return 1.f ;
return _Sheet - > Scale ;
} // getSheetScale //
// getColRadius :
// Return the entity collision radius. (return 0.5 if there is any problem).
float CCharacterCL : : getSheetColRadius ( ) const
if ( ! _Sheet )
return 0.5f ;
return _Sheet - > ColRadius ;
// getScale :
// Return the entity scale. (return 1.0 if there is any problem).
float CCharacterCL : : getScale ( ) const // virtual
switch ( _OwnerPeople )
case MOUNT_PEOPLE : : Fyros : return getSheetScale ( ) * ClientCfg . FyrosScale * _CustomScale ;
case MOUNT_PEOPLE : : Matis : return getSheetScale ( ) * ClientCfg . MatisScale * _CustomScale ;
case MOUNT_PEOPLE : : Tryker : return getSheetScale ( ) * ClientCfg . TrykerScale * _CustomScale ;
case MOUNT_PEOPLE : : Zorai : return getSheetScale ( ) * ClientCfg . ZoraiScale * _CustomScale ;
default :
return getSheetScale ( ) * _CustomScale ;
} // getScale //
// DEBUG //
// currentAnimationName :
// Return the current animation name.
const std : : string & CCharacterCL : : currentAnimationName ( ) const
if ( _PlayList )
uint idCurrentAnimation = _PlayList - > getAnimation ( MOVE ) ;
if ( idCurrentAnimation ! = UPlayList : : empty )
if ( EAM & & EAM - > getAnimationSet ( ) )
return EAM - > getAnimationSet ( ) - > getAnimationName ( idCurrentAnimation ) ;
// No animation yet.
return CCharacterCL : : _EmptyString ;
} // currentAnimationName //
// currentAnimationSetName :
// Return the current animation set name.
std : : string CCharacterCL : : currentAnimationSetName ( TAnimationType animType ) const
if ( animType < animTypeCount )
if ( uint ( animType ) < _CurrentAnimSet . size ( ) )
if ( _CurrentAnimSet [ animType ] )
return _CurrentAnimSet [ animType ] - > getSheetName ( ) ;
return CCharacterCL : : _EmptyString ;
} // currentAnimationSetName //
// shapeFromItem :
// Return the shape pointer from tha item and according to the character gender.
// \param itemSheet : reference on the item sheet.
// \return string & : reference on the shape name.
std : : string CCharacterCL : : shapeFromItem ( const CItemSheet & itemSheet ) const
if ( _Gender = = GSGENDER : : female & & ! itemSheet . getShapeFemale ( ) . empty ( ) )
return itemSheet . getShapeFemale ( ) ;
return itemSheet . getShape ( ) ;
} // shapeFromItem //
// createItemInstance :
// Create the instance from an item
uint32 CCharacterCL : : createItemInstance ( const CItemSheet & itemSheet , uint32 instIdx , SLOTTYPE : : EVisualSlot visualSlot , const string & bindBone , sint8 texture , sint color )
uint32 idx = CEntityCL : : BadIndex ;
// Get the right shape according to the gender of the character.
const string & shape = shapeFromItem ( itemSheet ) ;
// Check the shape.
if ( ! shape . empty ( ) )
// Check the item need a shape.
if ( shape ! = " none.shape " )
UInstance instance ;
// Get the instance
idx = addColoredInstance ( shape , bindBone , texture , instIdx , color ) ;
SInstanceCL * pInst = idx2Inst ( idx ) ;
nlassert ( ( pInst = = NULL ) | | ( pInst ! = NULL & & ! pInst - > Loading . empty ( ) ) ) ;
if ( pInst ! = NULL )
instance = pInst - > Loading ;
// Check the shape creation has been is well done.
if ( ! instance . empty ( ) )
// Create the FX associated to the item in a given visual slot.
_Items [ visualSlot ] . initFXs ( visualSlot , instance ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:createItemInstance: cannot create the instance for the shape '%s'. " , shape . c_str ( ) ) ;
nlwarning ( " CH:createItemInstance: the item has no shape. " ) ;
return idx ;
} // createItemInstance //
// setAlive :
// Method to Flag the character as alive and do everything needed.
void CCharacterCL : : setAlive ( ) // virtual
} // setAlive //
// displayDebug :
// Display Debug Information.
ADD_METHOD ( void CCharacterCL : : displayDebug ( float x , float & y , float lineStep ) ) // virtual
CInterfaceManager * IM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CEntityCL : : displayDebug ( x , y , lineStep ) ;
// Mode Wanted
// Display the Target Mode.
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , y , " Mode Wanted: %d(%s) " , ( sint ) _ModeWanted , MBEHAV : : modeToString ( _ModeWanted ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
y + = lineStep ;
// Stage Remaining
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , y , " Stages remaining: %d " , _Stages . _StageSet . size ( ) ) ;
y + = lineStep ;
// Current Automaton
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , y , " Automaton: %s " , _CurrentAutomaton . c_str ( ) ) ;
y + = lineStep ;
// Current Speed
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , y , " Speed: %f (_DestTime(%f) - _LastFrameTime(%f)) = %f " , speed ( ) , _DestTime , _LastFrameTime , _DestTime - _LastFrameTime ) ;
y + = lineStep ;
// Display the Run Factor.
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , y , " (Walk)Run Factor: %f " , runFactor ( ) ) ;
y + = lineStep ;
// Display the current animation name(id)(offset)(nbloop) pour le channel MOVE.
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , y , " Current Animation: %s(%u)(%lf)(%u loops) " , animId ( MOVE ) = = std : : numeric_limits < uint > : : max ( ) ? " [NONE] " : currentAnimationName ( ) . c_str ( ) , animId ( MOVE ) , animOffset ( MOVE ) , _NbLoopAnim ) ;
y + = lineStep ;
// First Pos
if ( _First_Pos )
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , y , " No Position Received " , _First_Pos ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , y , " At least 1 Position Received " , _First_Pos ) ;
y + = lineStep ;
// Primitive Ptr
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , y , " Prim Ptr: %p " , _Primitive ) ;
y + = lineStep ;
// Primitive Position
if ( _Primitive )
CVectorD primFinalPos = _Primitive - > getFinalPosition ( dynamicWI ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , y , " Prim Pos: %f %f %f " , primFinalPos . x , primFinalPos . y , primFinalPos . z ) ;
y + = lineStep ;
// Skeleton Ptr
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , y , " Skel Ptr: %p " , & _Skeleton ) ;
y + = lineStep ;
// Animset Ptr
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , y , " AnimSet Ptr: %p " , _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE ] ) ;
y + = lineStep ;
// Current State Ptr
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , y , " State Ptr: %p " , _CurrentState ) ;
y + = lineStep ;
// Display the target mount and rider.
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , y , " Mount: %3u(Theoretical: %3u) Rider: %3u(Theoretical: %3u) " , mount ( ) , _TheoreticalMount , rider ( ) , _TheoreticalRider ) ;
y + = lineStep ;
// VPA
sint64 prop = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( " SERVER:Entities:E " + toString ( " %d " , _Slot ) + " :P " + toString ( " %d " , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_VPA ) ) - > getValue64 ( ) ;
if ( isPlayer ( ) | | isUser ( ) )
SPropVisualA visualA = * ( SPropVisualA * ) ( & prop ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , y , " VPA: % " NL_I64 " X : Chest(%d,%d) Legs(%d,%d) Arms(%d,%d) Hat(%d,%d) RH(%d) LH(%d) " , prop ,
( uint ) visualA . PropertySubData . JacketModel , ( uint ) visualA . PropertySubData . JacketColor ,
( uint ) visualA . PropertySubData . TrouserModel , ( uint ) visualA . PropertySubData . TrouserColor ,
( uint ) visualA . PropertySubData . ArmModel , ( uint ) visualA . PropertySubData . ArmColor ,
( uint ) visualA . PropertySubData . HatModel , ( uint ) visualA . PropertySubData . HatColor ,
( uint ) visualA . PropertySubData . WeaponRightHand ,
( uint ) visualA . PropertySubData . WeaponLeftHand ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , y , " VPA: % " NL_I64 " X " , prop ) ;
y + = lineStep ;
// VPB
prop = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( " SERVER:Entities:E " + toString ( " %d " , _Slot ) + " :P " + toString ( " %d " , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_VPB ) ) - > getValue64 ( ) ;
if ( isPlayer ( ) | | isUser ( ) )
SPropVisualB visualB = * ( SPropVisualB * ) ( & prop ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , y , " VPB: % " NL_I64 " X : Hands(%d,%d) Feet(%d,%d). " , prop ,
( uint ) visualB . PropertySubData . HandsModel , ( uint ) visualB . PropertySubData . HandsColor ,
( uint ) visualB . PropertySubData . FeetModel , ( uint ) visualB . PropertySubData . FeetColor ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , y , " VPB: % " NL_I64 " X " , prop ) ;
y + = lineStep ;
// VPC
prop = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( " SERVER:Entities:E " + toString ( " %d " , _Slot ) + " :P " + toString ( " %d " , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_VPC ) ) - > getValue64 ( ) ;
if ( isPlayer ( ) | | isUser ( ) )
SPropVisualC visualC = * ( SPropVisualC * ) ( & prop ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , y , " VPC: % " NL_I64 " X : EyesColor(%d) Tattoo(%d). " , prop , visualC . PropertySubData . EyesColor , visualC . PropertySubData . Tattoo ) ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , y , " VPC: % " NL_I64 " X " , prop ) ;
y + = lineStep ;
} // displayDebug //
// displayDebugPropertyStages
void CCharacterCL : : displayDebugPropertyStages ( float x , float & y , float lineStep )
CStageSet : : TStageSet : : iterator it = _Stages . _StageSet . begin ( ) ;
for ( ; it ! = _Stages . _StageSet . end ( ) ; it + + )
CStage & stage = it - > second ;
uint32 gc = it - > first % 100 ;
// build the string of props present in this stage
string strProps ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < CLFECOMMON : : NB_VISUAL_PROPERTIES ; i + + )
if ( i ! = CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSY & & i ! = CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_POSZ & & stage . isPresent ( i ) )
strProps + = string ( CLFECOMMON : : getPropShortText ( i ) ) + " " ;
TextContext - > printfAt ( x , y , " %02d %s " , gc , strProps . c_str ( ) ) ;
y + = lineStep ;
// readWrite :
// Read/Write Variables from/to the stream.
void CCharacterCL : : readWrite ( class NLMISC : : IStream & f ) throw ( NLMISC : : EStream )
CEntityCL : : readWrite ( f ) ;
f . serial ( _Stages ) ;
// std::vector<CAnimation::TAnimId> _Animations;
// std::vector<NLSOUND::TSoundAnimId> _SoundId;
// NLSOUND::CSoundContext _SoundContext;
// std::vector<double> _AnimationsTimeOffset;
// std::vector<CAnimationState::TAnimStateId> _AnimationsStateKey;
// const CAnimationSet *_CurrentAnimSet;
f . serial ( _LastFrameTime ) ;
f . serial ( _LodCharacterAnimEnabled ) ;
f . serial ( _LodCharacterAnimTimeOffset ) ;
// uint _LodCharacterMasterAnimSlot;
f . serial ( _CharacterScalePos ) ;
f . serial ( _FirstPos ) ;
f . serial ( _FirstTime ) ;
f . serial ( _DistToFirst ) ;
f . serial ( _DestPos ) ;
f . serial ( _DestTime ) ;
f . serial ( _DistToDest ) ;
f . serial ( _OldPos ) ;
f . serial ( _OldPosTime ) ;
// GSGENDER::EGender _Gender;
// sint _NameBoneId;
// NL3D::UTransform _NameTransform;
// std::vector<CItemSheet *> _Items;
f . serial ( _HeadIdx ) ;
f . serial ( _FaceIdx ) ;
// sint _HeadBoneId;
f . serial ( _RotationFactor ) ;
f . serial ( _DirEndAnim ) ;
f . serial ( _RotAngle ) ;
f . serial ( _CurrentAutomaton ) ;
// const CAutomatonStateSheet *_CurrentState;
// MBEHAV::EMode _ModeWanted;
// sint _BlendRemaining;
f . serial ( _OldAutomaton ) ;
f . serial ( _OldRotQuat ) ;
f . serial ( _CustomScalePos ) ;
// TTime _NextBlinkTime;
f . serial ( _NbLoopAnim ) ;
// std::vector<CFXStruct *> _FXs;
// std::list<UParticleSystemInstance> _CurrentAnimFXList;
// std::list<UParticleSystemInstance> _RemoveAnimFXList;
// NL3D::UParticleSystemInstance _CurrentAnimFX;
f . serial ( _RightFXActivated ) ;
f . serial ( _LeftFXActivated ) ;
// sint _IndexRightFX;
// sint _IndexLeftFX;
f . serial ( _Mount ) ;
f . serial ( _Rider ) ;
f . serial ( _IsThereAMode ) ;
f . serial ( _HairColor ) ;
f . serial ( _EyesColor ) ;
f . serial ( _HairIndex ) ;
f . serial ( _LookRdy ) ;
f . serial ( _Speed ) ;
f . serial ( _RunFactor ) ;
// uint32 _RHandInstIdx;
// uint32 _LHandInstIdx;
} // readWrite //
// load :
// To call after a read from a stream to re-initialize the entity.
void CCharacterCL : : load ( ) // virtual
CInterfaceManager * IM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
// If the entity should be in the world already
if ( _First_Pos = = false )
// Insert the primitive into the world.
if ( _Primitive )
_Primitive - > insertInWorldImage ( dynamicWI ) ;
// Insert the entity into PACS
pacsPos ( pos ( ) ) ;
if ( _LookRdy )
_LookRdy = false ;
// Visual properties A
_HeadIdx = CEntityCL : : BadIndex ;
sint64 prop = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( " SERVER:Entities:E " + toString ( " %d " , _Slot ) + " :P " + toString ( " %d " , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_VPA ) ) - > getValue64 ( ) ;
updateVisualPropertyVpa ( 0 , prop ) ;
} // load //
// buildPlaylist :
void CCharacterCL : : buildPlaylist ( )
computeAnimSet ( ) ;
// Release the old animation playlist.
if ( _PlayList )
EAM - > deletePlayList ( _PlayList ) ;
_PlayList = 0 ;
// Create the new animation playlist.
_PlayList = EAM - > createPlayList ( ) ;
if ( ! _PlayList )
nlwarning ( " Cannot create a playlist for the entity. " ) ;
return ;
// Register the skeleton to the playlist.
_PlayList - > registerTransform ( _Skeleton ) ;
// Animation should not move alone.
uint posChannel = EAM - > getAnimationSet ( ) - > getChannelIdByName ( " pos " ) ;
if ( posChannel ! = NL3D : : UAnimationSet : : NotFound )
_PlayList - > enableChannel ( posChannel , false ) ;
nlwarning ( " Channel 'pos' not found. " ) ;
// Animation should not rotate alone.
uint rotquatChannel = EAM - > getAnimationSet ( ) - > getChannelIdByName ( " rotquat " ) ;
if ( rotquatChannel ! = NL3D : : UAnimationSet : : NotFound )
_PlayList - > enableChannel ( rotquatChannel , false ) ;
nlwarning ( " Channel 'rotquat' not found. " ) ;
// Initialize the new playlist.
// MOVE Channel
_PlayList - > setSpeedFactor ( MOVE , 1.f ) ;
_PlayList - > setWrapMode ( MOVE , NL3D : : UPlayList : : Clamp ) ;
// ACTION Channel
_PlayList - > setAnimation ( ACTION , NL3D : : UPlayList : : empty ) ;
_PlayList - > setSpeedFactor ( ACTION , 1.f ) ;
_PlayList - > setWrapMode ( ACTION , NL3D : : UPlayList : : Clamp ) ;
// Compute the current animation state.
_CurrentState = EAM - > mState ( _CurrentAutomaton , animState ( MOVE ) ) ;
if ( _CurrentState = = 0 )
_PlayList - > setAnimation ( MOVE , NL3D : : UPlayList : : empty ) ;
return ;
// Get the right animation state and choose an animation.
// Get the animation state
const CAnimationState * animationState = 0 ;
if ( animState ( MOVE ) = = CAnimationStateSheet : : Emote )
animationState = _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE ] - > getAnimationState ( _SubStateKey ) ;
animationState = _CurrentAnimSet [ MOVE ] - > getAnimationState ( animState ( MOVE ) ) ;
if ( animationState )
// Choose the animation
animIndex ( MOVE , animationState - > chooseAnim ( _AnimJobSpecialisation , people ( ) , getGender ( ) , 0.0 ) ) ;
// Should the objects in hands be displayed ?
_ObjectsVisible = animationState - > areObjectsVisible ( ) ;
// Set animation
_PlayList - > setAnimation ( MOVE , animId ( MOVE ) ) ;
} // buildPlaylist //
// getSpeed :
// Return the entity speed
double CCharacterCL : : getSpeed ( ) const // virtual
return speed ( ) ;
} // getSpeed //
// dist2FirstPos :
// Set the Distance from the current entity position to the First Position.
void CCharacterCL : : dist2FirstPos ( double d2FP )
CHECK ( ( d2FP = = INVALID_DIST ) | | ( d2FP = = 0.0 ) | | ( d2FP > = ClientCfg . DestThreshold ) ) ;
_DistToFirst = d2FP ;
} // dist2FirstPos //
// dist2FirstPos :
// Return the Distance from the current entity position to the First Position.
double CCharacterCL : : dist2FirstPos ( ) const
CHECK ( ( _DistToFirst = = INVALID_DIST ) | | ( _DistToFirst = = 0.0 ) | | ( _DistToFirst > = ClientCfg . DestThreshold ) ) ;
return _DistToFirst ;
} // dist2FirstPos //
// dist2Dest :
// Set the Distance from the current entity position to the Destination.
void CCharacterCL : : dist2Dest ( double d2D )
CHECK ( ( d2D = = INVALID_DIST ) | | ( d2D = = 0.0 ) | | ( d2D > = ClientCfg . DestThreshold ) ) ;
_DistToDest = d2D ;
} // dist2Dest //
// dist2Dest :
// Return the Distance from the current entity position to the Destination.
double CCharacterCL : : dist2Dest ( ) const
CHECK ( ( _DistToDest = = INVALID_DIST ) | | ( _DistToDest = = 0.0 ) | | ( _DistToDest > = ClientCfg . DestThreshold ) ) ;
return _DistToDest ;
} // dist2Dest //
// speed :
// Set the Entity Current Speed.
void CCharacterCL : : speed ( double s )
CHECK ( ( s = = - 1.0 ) | | ( s = = 0.0 ) | | ( ( s > = 0.001 ) & & ( s < = 1000.0 ) ) ) ;
_Speed = s ;
} // speed //
// speed :
// Return the Entity Current Speed.
double CCharacterCL : : speed ( ) const // virtual
CHECK ( ( _Speed = = - 1.0 ) | | ( _Speed = = 0.0 ) | | ( ( _Speed > = 0.001 ) & & ( _Speed < = 1000.0 ) ) ) ;
return _Speed ;
} // getSpeed //
// Build the in scene interface
void CCharacterCL : : buildInSceneInterface ( )
// Delete previous interface
releaseInSceneInterfaces ( ) ;
_InSceneUserInterface = CGroupInSceneUserInfo : : build ( this ) ;
// parent
CEntityCL : : buildInSceneInterface ( ) ;
void CCharacterCL : : setBubble ( CGroupInSceneBubble * bubble )
if ( _CurrentBubble ! = NULL )
CGroupInSceneBubble * old = _CurrentBubble ;
_CurrentBubble = NULL ;
old - > unlink ( ) ;
nlassert ( _CurrentBubble = = NULL ) ;
_CurrentBubble = bubble ;
// runFactor :
// Set the Factor between Walk & Run
void CCharacterCL : : runFactor ( double factor )
CHECK ( ( factor > = 0.0 ) & & ( factor < = 1.0 ) ) ;
CHECK ( ( factor = = 0.0 ) | | ( animState ( MOVE ) = = CAnimationStateSheet : : Walk ) ) ;
_RunFactor = factor ;
} // runFactor //
// runFactor :
// Get the Factor between Walk & Run
double CCharacterCL : : runFactor ( ) const
CHECK ( ( _RunFactor > = 0.0 ) & & ( _RunFactor < = 1.0 ) ) ;
CHECK ( ( _RunFactor = = 0.0 ) | | ( animState ( MOVE ) = = CAnimationStateSheet : : Walk ) ) ;
return _RunFactor ;
} // runFactor //
// animOffset :
// Set the animation time offset for an animation channel.
void CCharacterCL : : animOffset ( TAnimationType channel , double timeOffset )
if ( ClientCfg . Light )
return ;
// Check the channel
CHECK ( ( uint ) channel < _AnimOffset . size ( ) ) ;
// Check Animation Time Offset is greater or equal to 0.
CHECK ( timeOffset > = 0.0 ) ;
// Check the animation time offset is not greater to the animation length.
CHECK ( timeOffset < = EAM - > getAnimationLength ( animId ( channel ) ) ) ;
// Set the Value
_AnimOffset [ channel ] = timeOffset ;
} // animOffset //
// animOffset :
// Return the animation time offset for an animation channel.
double CCharacterCL : : animOffset ( TAnimationType channel ) const
if ( ClientCfg . Light )
return 0.0 ;
// Check the channel
CHECK ( ( uint ) channel < _AnimOffset . size ( ) ) ;
// Check Animation Time Offset is greater or equal to 0.
CHECK ( _AnimOffset [ channel ] > = 0.0 ) ;
// Check the animation time offset is not greater to the animation length.
CHECK ( _AnimOffset [ channel ] < = EAM - > getAnimationLength ( animId ( channel ) ) ) ;
// Return the Value
return _AnimOffset [ channel ] ;
} // animOffset //
// animationStateKey :
// Set the animation state key.
// \todo GUIGUI : a remplacer par animState directement.
bool CCharacterCL : : animationStateKey ( TAnimationType channel , TAnimStateId value )
// Is the new key valid ?
if ( value = = CAnimationStateSheet : : UnknownState )
nlwarning ( " CH::animationStateKey: Char '%d': new state key is Null. " , _Slot ) ;
return false ;
// Set the new key.
animState ( channel , value ) ;
// Debug Animation for the selection
if ( VerboseAnimSelection & & _Slot = = UserEntity - > selection ( ) )
nlinfo ( " CH:animationStateKey:%d: state '%s'. " , _Slot , CAnimationState : : getAnimationStateName ( value ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
} // animationStateKey //
// animState :
// Set the Animation 'State' for an animation channel.
void CCharacterCL : : animState ( TAnimationType channel , TAnimStateId state )
// Check the channel
CHECK ( ( uint ) channel < _AnimState . size ( ) ) ;
// Set the new State
_AnimState [ channel ] = state ;
// Reset the Run Factor when the state change.
runFactor ( 0.0 ) ;
} // animState //
// animState :
// Get the Animation 'State' for an animation channel.
TAnimStateId CCharacterCL : : animState ( TAnimationType channel ) const
// Check the channel
CHECK ( ( uint ) channel < _AnimState . size ( ) ) ;
// Return the Animation State
return _AnimState [ channel ] ;
} // animState //
// animIndex :
// Set the Animation 'Index' in the 'State' for an animation channel.
void CCharacterCL : : animIndex ( TAnimationType channel , CAnimation : : TAnimId index )
// Check the channel
CHECK ( ( uint ) channel < _AnimState . size ( ) ) ;
// Set the animation index in the state
_AnimIndex [ channel ] = index ;
// Set the animation Id
// If the current animation Index is not a valid one, return empty
if ( _AnimIndex [ channel ] = = CAnimation : : UnknownAnim )
animId ( channel , NL3D : : UPlayList : : empty ) ;
// Check the AnimSet needed to get the animation Id.
CHECK ( _CurrentAnimSet [ channel ] ) ;
// Get the Pointer on the animation state, if Null, return empty
const CAnimationState * animStatePtr = _CurrentAnimSet [ channel ] - > getAnimationState ( ( animState ( channel ) = = CAnimationStateSheet : : Emote ) ? _SubStateKey : animState ( channel ) ) ;
if ( animStatePtr = = 0 )
animId ( channel , NL3D : : UPlayList : : empty ) ;
// Get the Animation Pointer, if Null, return Empty
const CAnimation * anim = animStatePtr - > getAnimation ( animIndex ( channel ) ) ;
if ( anim = = 0 )
animId ( channel , NL3D : : UPlayList : : empty ) ;
// Return The Animation ID
animId ( channel , anim - > id ( ) ) ;
} // animIndex //
// animIndex :
// Get the Animation 'Index' in the 'State' for an animation channel.
CAnimation : : TAnimId CCharacterCL : : animIndex ( TAnimationType channel ) const
// Check the channel
CHECK ( ( uint ) channel < _AnimState . size ( ) ) ;
// Return the Animation Index in the State
return _AnimIndex [ channel ] ;
} //animIndex //
// animId :
// Set the Animation 'Id' among all the animations for an animation channel.
void CCharacterCL : : animId ( TAnimationType channel , uint id )
// Check the channel
CHECK ( ( uint ) channel < _AnimId . size ( ) ) ;
// Set the Id
_AnimId [ channel ] = id ;
} // animId //
// animId :
// Get the Animation 'Id' among all the animations for an animation channel.
uint CCharacterCL : : animId ( TAnimationType channel ) const
// Check the channel
CHECK ( ( uint ) channel < _AnimId . size ( ) ) ;
// Get the Id
return _AnimId [ channel ] ;
} // animId //
// Align the given FX so that it is oriented like that entity
void CCharacterCL : : alignFX ( UParticleSystemInstance instance , float scale /* = 1.f */ , const NLMISC : : CVector & localOffset /*= NLMISC::CVector::Null*/ ) const
// copy matrix from parent
CMatrix fxMatrix ;
fxMatrix . identity ( ) ;
buildAlignMatrix ( fxMatrix ) ;
alignFX ( instance , fxMatrix , scale , localOffset ) ;
void CCharacterCL : : alignFX ( UParticleSystemInstance instance , const CMatrix & matrix , float scale /*=1.f*/ , const NLMISC : : CVector & localOffset /*=NLMISC::CVector::Null*/ ) const
if ( instance . empty ( ) )
return ;
CMatrix fxMatrix = matrix ;
if ( scale ! = 1.f ) fxMatrix . scale ( scale ) ;
fxMatrix . setPos ( fxMatrix . getPos ( ) + fxMatrix . mulVector ( localOffset ) ) ;
instance . setTransformMode ( NL3D : : UTransform : : DirectMatrix ) ;
instance . setMatrix ( fxMatrix ) ;
if ( ! _Skeleton . empty ( ) )
instance . setClusterSystem ( _Skeleton . getClusterSystem ( ) ) ;
// build a matrix aligned on that entity (includes dir & pos)
void CCharacterCL : : buildAlignMatrix ( NLMISC : : CMatrix & dest ) const
// if not in clod, pelvis bone has been computed -> use it to get the current orientation
// use the dir matrix otherwise
/*CVector forward;
if ( pelvisBone ( ) ! = - 1 & & _Skeleton )
if ( _Skeleton . isBoneComputed ( pelvisBone ( ) ) )
// the direction is given by the y axis
NL3D : : UBone pelvisBone = _Skeleton . getBone ( pelvisBone ( ) ) ;
forward = pelvisBone - > getMatrix ( ) . getJ ( ) ;
forward . z = 0.f ; // project onto XY plane
forward . normalize ( ) ;
// must be in clod -> use the direction
forward = _Front ;
// bone not found, use the direction
forward = _Front ;
dest . setRot ( - forward , forward ^ CVector : : K , CVector : : K ) ;
dest . setRot ( CVector : : K ^ _Front , - _Front , CVector : : K ) ;
dest . setPos ( pos ( ) ) ;
// attachFXInternal
void CCharacterCL : : attachFXInternal ( const CAttachedFX : : TSmartPtr fx , TAttachedFXList targetList )
if ( ! fx ) return ;
switch ( targetList )
case FXListToRemove :
fx - > TimeOutDate + = TimeInSec ; // in remove list timeout date is absolute
_AttachedFXListToRemove . push_front ( fx ) ;
break ;
case FXListCurrentAnim :
_AttachedFXListForCurrentAnim . push_front ( fx ) ;
break ;
case FXListAuto :
if ( fx - > AniFX - > Sheet )
switch ( fx - > AniFX - > Sheet - > RepeatMode )
case CAnimationFXSheet : : Respawn :
fx - > TimeOutDate + = TimeInSec ; // in remove list timeout date is absolute
_AttachedFXListToRemove . push_front ( fx ) ;
break ;
default :
_AttachedFXListForCurrentAnim . push_front ( fx ) ;
break ;
fx - > TimeOutDate + = TimeInSec ; // in remove list timeout date is absolute
_AttachedFXListToRemove . push_front ( fx ) ;
break ;
default :
nlassert ( 0 ) ;
break ;
// attachFX
void CCharacterCL : : attachFX ( const CAttachedFX : : TSmartPtr fx )
attachFXInternal ( fx , FXListToRemove ) ;
// ***********************************************************************************************************************
void CCharacterCL : : setAuraFX ( uint index , const CAnimationFX * sheet )
nlassert ( index < MaxNumAura ) ;
// no-op if same aura
if ( _AuraFX [ index ] & & _AuraFX [ index ] - > AniFX = = sheet ) return ;
if ( sheet = = NULL )
std : : list < CAttachedFX : : CBuildInfo > : : iterator itAttachedFxToStart = _AttachedFXListToStart . begin ( ) ;
while ( itAttachedFxToStart ! = _AttachedFXListToStart . end ( ) )
if ( ( * itAttachedFxToStart ) . MaxNumAnimCount = = index )
itAttachedFxToStart = _AttachedFXListToStart . erase ( itAttachedFxToStart ) ;
+ + itAttachedFxToStart ;
// if there's already an aura attached, and if it is not already shutting down
if ( _AuraFX [ index ] & & _AuraFX [ index ] - > TimeOutDate = = 0.f )
_AuraFX [ index ] - > TimeOutDate = TimeInSec + AURA_SHUTDOWN_TIME ;
std : : list < CAttachedFX : : CBuildInfo > : : iterator itAttachedFxToStart = _AttachedFXListToStart . begin ( ) ;
while ( itAttachedFxToStart ! = _AttachedFXListToStart . end ( ) )
if ( ( * itAttachedFxToStart ) . MaxNumAnimCount = = index )
return ;
// remove previous aura
_AuraFX [ index ] = NULL ;
CAttachedFX : : CBuildInfo bi ;
bi . Sheet = sheet ;
bi . TimeOut = 0.f ;
if ( sheet - > Sheet - > PSName = = " misc_caravan_teleportout.ps " )
bi . MaxNumAnimCount = index ;
bi . StartTime = TimeInSec ;
bi . DelayBeforeStart = 12.5f ;
_AttachedFXListToStart . push_front ( bi ) ;
else if ( sheet - > Sheet - > PSName = = " misc_kami_teleportout.ps " )
bi . MaxNumAnimCount = index ;
bi . StartTime = TimeInSec ;
bi . DelayBeforeStart = 11.5f ;
_AttachedFXListToStart . push_front ( bi ) ;
CAttachedFX : : TSmartPtr fx = new CAttachedFX ;
fx - > create ( * this , bi , CAttachedFX : : CTargeterInfo ( ) ) ;
if ( ! fx - > FX . empty ( ) )
_AuraFX [ index ] = fx ;
// ***********************************************************************************************************************
void CCharacterCL : : setLinkFX ( const CAnimationFX * fx , const CAnimationFX * dispell )
// no-op if same link
if ( _LinkFX & & _LinkFX - > AniFX = = fx ) return ;
if ( _LinkFX )
if ( dispell )
CAttachedFX : : TSmartPtr fx = new CAttachedFX ;
CAttachedFX : : CBuildInfo bi ;
bi . Sheet = dispell ;
fx - > create ( * this , bi , CAttachedFX : : CTargeterInfo ( ) ) ;
attachFX ( fx ) ;
_LinkFX = NULL ;
if ( ! fx ) return ;
CAttachedFX : : TSmartPtr linkFX = new CAttachedFX ;
CAttachedFX : : CBuildInfo bi ;
bi . Sheet = fx ;
linkFX - > create ( * this , bi , CAttachedFX : : CTargeterInfo ( ) ) ;
if ( ! linkFX - > FX . empty ( ) )
_LinkFX = linkFX ;
// ***********************************************************************************************************************
void CCharacterCL : : startItemAttackFXs ( bool activateTrails , uint intensity )
uint numItems = ( uint ) _Items . size ( ) ;
forceEvalAnim ( ) ; // force to eval bones at least once when fx are created
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < numItems ; + + k )
_Items [ k ] . startAttackFX ( _Skeleton , intensity , ( SLOTTYPE : : EVisualSlot ) k , activateTrails ) ;
// ***********************************************************************************************************************
void CCharacterCL : : stopItemAttackFXs ( )
uint numItems = ( uint ) _Items . size ( ) ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < numItems ; + + k )
if ( _Items [ k ] . Sheet )
_Items [ k ] . stopAttackFX ( ) ;
// isNeutral :
bool CCharacterCL : : isNeutral ( ) const
return ! isEnemy ( ) ;
// isFriend :
bool CCharacterCL : : isFriend ( ) const
return ! isEnemy ( ) ;
// isEnemy :
bool CCharacterCL : : isEnemy ( ) const
// Suppose enemy if attackable
if ( properties ( ) . attackable ( ) )
return true ;
return isAnOutpostEnemy ( ) ;
// isAlly :
bool CCharacterCL : : isAlly ( ) const
return this - > isAnOutpostAlly ( ) ;
// applyVisualFX
void CCharacterCL : : applyVisualFX ( sint64 prop )
CVisualFX vfx ;
vfx . unpack ( prop ) ;
const CAnimationFX * auraFX = NULL ;
if ( vfx . Aura ! = 0 )
auraFX = CAttackListManager : : getInstance ( ) . getAuras ( ) . getFX ( vfx . Aura ) ;
setAuraFX ( 0 , auraFX ) ;
const CAnimationFX * auraReceiptFX = NULL ;
if ( vfx . AuraReceipt )
auraReceiptFX = CAttackListManager : : getInstance ( ) . getAuras ( ) . getFX ( 0 ) ;
setAuraFX ( 1 , auraReceiptFX ) ;
const CAnimationFX * linkFX = NULL ;
if ( vfx . Link ! = 0 )
linkFX = CAttackListManager : : getInstance ( ) . getLinks ( ) . getFX ( vfx . Link ) ;
const CAnimationFX * dispellFX = NULL ;
dispellFX = CAttackListManager : : getInstance ( ) . getLinks ( ) . getFX ( 0 ) ;
setLinkFX ( linkFX , dispellFX ) ;
// *********************************************************************************************
const char * CCharacterCL : : getBoneNameFromBodyPart ( BODY : : TBodyPart part , BODY : : TSide side ) const
if ( ! _Sheet ) return CEntityCL : : getBoneNameFromBodyPart ( part , side ) ;
return _Sheet - > BodyToBone . getBoneName ( part , side ) ;
// *********************************************************************************************
const CItemSheet * CCharacterCL : : getRightHandItemSheet ( ) const
if ( _RHandInstIdx = = CEntityCL : : BadIndex ) return NULL ;
return _Items [ _RHandInstIdx ] . Sheet ;
// *********************************************************************************************
const CItemSheet * CCharacterCL : : getLeftHandItemSheet ( ) const
if ( _LHandInstIdx = = CEntityCL : : BadIndex ) return NULL ;
return _Items [ _LHandInstIdx ] . Sheet ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CCharacterCL : : resetAllSoundAnimId ( )
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < _SoundId . size ( ) ; i + + )
_SoundId [ i ] = CSoundAnimationNoId ;
// CCharacterCL::CWornItem //
// ***********************************************************************************************************************
void CCharacterCL : : CWornItem : : startAttackFX ( NL3D : : USkeleton skeleton , uint intensity , SLOTTYPE : : EVisualSlot visualSlot , bool activateTrail )
if ( intensity < 1 | | intensity > 5 ) return ;
// activate trail
if ( activateTrail & & ! Trail . empty ( ) )
Trail . start ( ) ;
// create the attack fx
if ( Sheet )
const CItemFXSheet & fxSheet = Sheet - > FX ;
std : : string shapeName = fxSheet . getAttackFX ( ) ;
if ( ! shapeName . empty ( ) )
const char * stickPoint = NULL ;
if ( ! skeleton . empty ( ) )
switch ( visualSlot )
if ( Sheet - > ItemType ! = ITEM_TYPE : : MAGICIAN_STAFF )
stickPoint = " box_arme " ;
break ;
if ( Sheet & & Sheet - > getAnimSet ( ) = = " s " )
stickPoint = " Box_bouclier " ;
stickPoint = " box_arme_gauche " ;
break ;
default :
break ;
if ( stickPoint )
sint boneId = skeleton . getBoneIdByName ( std : : string ( stickPoint ) ) ;
if ( boneId ! = - 1 )
NL3D : : UInstance instance = Scene - > createInstance ( shapeName ) ;
if ( ! instance . empty ( ) )
instance . show ( ) ;
if ( skeleton . getVisibility ( ) = = UTransform : : Hide )
// force to compute the bone at least once
skeleton . forceComputeBone ( boneId ) ;
UParticleSystemInstance atk ;
atk . cast ( instance ) ;
if ( ! atk . empty ( ) )
// set the user params
static const float up [ 5 ] [ 4 ] =
{ 0.f , 0.f , 0.f , 0.f } ,
{ 1.f , 0.f , 0.f , 0.f } ,
{ 1.f , 1.f , 0.f , 0.f } ,
{ 1.f , 1.f , 1.f , 0.f } ,
{ 1.f , 1.f , 1.f , 1.f }
} ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < 4 ; + + k )
atk . setUserParam ( k , up [ intensity - 1 ] [ k ] ) ;
atk . setTransformMode ( UTransform : : RotEuler ) ;
atk . setPos ( fxSheet . AttackFXOffset ) ;
const float degreeToRad = ( float ) Pi / 180.f ;
atk . setRotEuler ( fxSheet . AttackFXRot . x * degreeToRad , fxSheet . AttackFXRot . y * degreeToRad , fxSheet . AttackFXRot . z * degreeToRad ) ;
skeleton . stickObject ( atk , boneId ) ;
// delegate mng of this object lifetime to the fx manager
FXMngr . fx2remove ( atk ) ;
Scene - > deleteInstance ( atk ) ;
// ***********************************************************************************************************************
void CCharacterCL : : CWornItem : : stopAttackFX ( )
if ( ! Trail . empty ( ) ) Trail . stop ( ) ;
// ***********************************************************************************************************************
void CCharacterCL : : CWornItem : : initFXs ( SLOTTYPE : : EVisualSlot /* visualSlot */ , NL3D : : UInstance parent )
releaseFXs ( ) ;
if ( ! Sheet ) return ;
// create trail fx
const CItemFXSheet & sheet = Sheet - > FX ;
std : : string shapeName = sheet . getTrail ( ) ;
if ( ! shapeName . empty ( ) )
Trail = Scene - > createInstance ( shapeName ) ;
if ( Trail . empty ( ) )
nlwarning ( " Cannot create instance %s " , shapeName . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
// Initialize the remanence. Must substract the object matrix since parent(parent)
CMatrix mat = parent . getMatrix ( ) ;
mat . invert ( ) ;
mat * = Trail . getMatrix ( ) ;
Trail . setTransformMode ( UTransformable : : DirectMatrix ) ;
Trail . setMatrix ( mat ) ;
// Initialize instance.
Trail . parent ( parent ) ;
// ***********************************************************************************************************************
void CCharacterCL : : CWornItem : : enableAdvantageFX ( NL3D : : UInstance parent )
if ( ! Sheet ) return ;
bool enabled = Sheet - > HasFx ;
if ( ( enabled & & ! AdvantageFX . empty ( ) ) | | ( ! enabled & & AdvantageFX . empty ( ) ) )
return ; // state did not change
if ( ! enabled )
// well, it is unlikely that player will loses its ability to master an item after he gained it, but manage the case anyway.
if ( ! AdvantageFX . removeByID ( ' STOP ' ) & & ! AdvantageFX . removeByID ( ' main ' ) )
AdvantageFX . activateEmitters ( false ) ;
FXMngr . fx2remove ( AdvantageFX ) ;
AdvantageFX = NULL ;
std : : string shapeName = Sheet - > FX . getAdvantageFX ( ) ;
if ( ! shapeName . empty ( ) )
NL3D : : UInstance fx = Scene - > createInstance ( shapeName ) ;
if ( fx . empty ( ) ) return ;
AdvantageFX . cast ( fx ) ;
if ( AdvantageFX . empty ( ) )
Scene - > deleteInstance ( fx ) ;
return ;
CMatrix mat = parent . getMatrix ( ) ;
mat . invert ( ) ;
mat * = AdvantageFX . getMatrix ( ) ;
AdvantageFX . setTransformMode ( UTransformable : : DirectMatrix ) ;
AdvantageFX . setMatrix ( mat ) ;
AdvantageFX . parent ( parent ) ;
// ***********************************************************************************************************************
void CCharacterCL : : CWornItem : : releaseFXs ( )
if ( Scene )
if ( ! Trail . empty ( ) )
Scene - > deleteInstance ( Trail ) ;
if ( ! AdvantageFX . empty ( ) )
Scene - > deleteInstance ( AdvantageFX ) ;
// ***********************************************************************************************************************
void CCharacterCL : : CWornItem : : setTrailSize ( uint size )
if ( Trail . empty ( ) ) return ;
if ( ! Sheet ) return ;
clamp ( size , ( uint ) 0 , ( uint ) 15 ) ;
if ( size = = 0 )
Trail . setSliceTime ( 0.f ) ;
float ratio = ( size - 1 ) / 15.f ;
Trail . setSliceTime ( ratio * Sheet - > FX . TrailMaxSliceTime + ( 1.f - ratio ) * Sheet - > FX . TrailMinSliceTime ) ;
// ***********************************************************************************************************************
const CAttack * CCharacterCL : : getAttack ( const CAttackIDSheet & id ) const
if ( ! _Sheet ) return NULL ;
return getAttack ( id , _Sheet - > AttackLists ) ;
// ***********************************************************************************************************************
const CAttack * CCharacterCL : : getAttack ( const CAttackIDSheet & id , const std : : vector < NLMISC : : TSStringId > & attackList ) const
for ( std : : vector < NLMISC : : TSStringId > : : const_reverse_iterator it = attackList . rbegin ( ) ; it ! = attackList . rend ( ) ; + + it )
const CAttackList * al = CAttackListManager : : getInstance ( ) . getAttackList ( ClientSheetsStrings . get ( * it ) ) ;
if ( al )
const CAttack * attk = al - > getAttackFromID ( id ) ;
if ( attk ) return attk ;
return NULL ;
// ***********************************************************************************************************************
void CCharacterCL : : initStaticFX ( )
_StaticFX = NULL ;
if ( ClientCfg . Light ) return ;
std : : string staticFX = _Sheet - > getStaticFX ( ) ;
if ( ! staticFX . empty ( ) )
CEntitySheet * sheet = SheetMngr . get ( NLMISC : : CSheetId ( staticFX ) ) ;
if ( sheet )
if ( sheet - > Type = = CEntitySheet : : ANIMATION_FX )
CAnimationFXSheet * afs = NLMISC : : safe_cast < CAnimationFXSheet * > ( sheet ) ;
_StaticFX = new CStaticFX ;
_StaticFX - > AF . init ( afs , EAM ? EAM - > getAnimationSet ( ) : NULL ) ;
_StaticFX - > FX = new CAttachedFX ;
CAttachedFX : : CBuildInfo bi ;
bi . Sheet = & _StaticFX - > AF ;
_StaticFX - > FX - > create ( * this , bi , CAttachedFX : : CTargeterInfo ( ) ) ;
if ( _StaticFX - > FX - > FX . empty ( ) )
_StaticFX = NULL ;
return ;
nlwarning ( " Static fx %s not found " , staticFX . c_str ( ) ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
EGSPD : : CPeople : : TPeople CCharacterCL : : people ( ) const
if ( _Sheet )
return _Sheet - > Race ;
return EGSPD : : CPeople : : Unknown ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CCharacterCL : : setPeople ( EGSPD : : CPeople : : TPeople /* people */ )
// ***************************************************************************
// temp : begin cast of projectile (start begin anim and loop anim)
NLMISC_COMMAND ( beginCast , " Start spell cast " , " <spell_id> <strenght> [<mode> <caster slot> <behaviour>] " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 5 ) return false ;
uint casterSlot = 0 ;
if ( args . size ( ) > = 4 )
fromString ( args [ 3 ] , casterSlot ) ;
CCharacterCL * ch = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( EntitiesMngr . entity ( casterSlot ) ) ;
if ( ! ch ) return false ;
CBehaviourContext bc ;
// TODO : the type of missile is contained in the spell id
if ( args . size ( ) > = 5 )
sint missileType ;
fromString ( args [ 4 ] , missileType ) ;
bc . Behav . Behaviour = ( MBEHAV : : EBehaviour ) ( MBEHAV : : CAST_OFF + missileType ) ;
bc . Behav . Behaviour = MBEHAV : : CAST_OFF ;
uint16 spellId ;
fromString ( args [ 0 ] , spellId ) ; // spell id is unused
bc . Behav . Spell . SpellId = spellId ;
//bc.Behav.Spell.Resist = false;
uint16 spellIntensity ;
fromString ( args [ 1 ] , spellIntensity ) ;
bc . Behav . Spell . SpellIntensity = spellIntensity ;
if ( args . size ( ) = = 3 )
uint16 spellMode ;
fromString ( args [ 2 ] , spellMode ) ;
bc . Behav . Spell . SpellMode = spellMode ;
bc . Behav . Spell . SpellMode = MAGICFX : : Bomb ; // 'bomb' is the default
ch - > applyBehaviour ( bc ) ;
return true ;
// temp : test fail of a cast
NLMISC_COMMAND ( failCast , " Simulate failure of a spell cast " , " <spell_id> <strenght> [<mode>] " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 3 ) return false ;
CCharacterCL * ch = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( EntitiesMngr . entity ( 0 ) ) ;
if ( ! ch ) return false ;
CBehaviourContext bc ;
// TODO : the type of missile is contained in the spell id
bc . Behav . Behaviour = MBEHAV : : CAST_OFF_FAIL ;
uint16 spellId ;
fromString ( args [ 0 ] , spellId ) ; // spell id is unused
bc . Behav . Spell . SpellId = spellId ;
//bc.Behav.Spell.Resist = false;
uint16 spellIntensity ;
fromString ( args [ 1 ] , spellIntensity ) ;
bc . Behav . Spell . SpellIntensity = spellIntensity ;
if ( args . size ( ) = = 3 )
uint16 spellMode ;
fromString ( args [ 2 ] , spellMode ) ;
bc . Behav . Spell . SpellMode = spellMode ;
bc . Behav . Spell . SpellMode = MAGICFX : : Bomb ; // 'bomb' is the default
ch - > applyBehaviour ( bc ) ;
return true ;
// temp to test cast of a projectile on another entity
NLMISC_COMMAND ( projectile , " Cast a projectile on another entity " , " <spellID> <strenght> [<mode> <target entity> <resist> <source entity>] " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 6 ) return false ;
uint8 casterSlot = 0 ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 5 )
fromString ( args [ 5 ] , casterSlot ) ;
CCharacterCL * ch = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( EntitiesMngr . entity ( casterSlot ) ) ;
if ( ! ch ) return false ;
// create a new behaviour to apply to the user
CBehaviourContext bc ;
uint16 spellId , spellIntensity ;
fromString ( args [ 0 ] , spellId ) ;
bc . Behav . Spell . SpellId = spellId ;
fromString ( args [ 1 ] , spellIntensity ) ;
bc . Behav . Spell . SpellIntensity = spellIntensity ;
// TODO : the type of missile is contained in the spell id
bc . Behav . Behaviour = MBEHAV : : CAST_OFF_SUCCESS ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 2 )
uint16 spellMode ;
fromString ( args [ 2 ] , spellMode ) ;
bc . Behav . Spell . SpellMode = spellMode ;
bc . Behav . Spell . SpellMode = MAGICFX : : Bomb ; // 'bomb' is the default
if ( args . size ( ) > 3 )
uint targetSlot ;
fromString ( args [ 3 ] , targetSlot ) ;
if ( targetSlot > = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT ) return false ;
CEntityCL * target = EntitiesMngr . entity ( targetSlot ) ;
if ( ! target ) return false ;
double dist = ( target - > pos ( ) - ch - > pos ( ) ) . norm ( ) ;
bool resist = false ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 4 ) fromString ( args [ 4 ] , resist ) ;
bc . Targets . Targets . push_back ( CMultiTarget : : CTarget ( targetSlot , resist , ( uint8 ) ceilf ( ( float ) ( dist / MULTI_TARGET_DISTANCE_UNIT ) ) ) ) ;
bc . BehavTime = TimeInSec ;
ch - > applyBehaviour ( bc ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( mtProjectile , " Cast a projectile on one or several entities " , " <caster> <spellID> <strenght> <mode> <target0> [<target n>]* " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 5 ) return false ;
uint8 casterSlot ;
fromString ( args [ 0 ] , casterSlot ) ;
CCharacterCL * ch = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( EntitiesMngr . entity ( casterSlot ) ) ;
if ( ! ch ) return false ;
// create a new behaviour to apply to the user
CBehaviourContext bc ;
uint16 spellId , spellIntensity , spellMode ;
fromString ( args [ 1 ] , spellId ) ;
bc . Behav . Spell . SpellId = spellId ;
fromString ( args [ 2 ] , spellIntensity ) ;
bc . Behav . Spell . SpellIntensity = spellIntensity ;
fromString ( args [ 3 ] , spellMode ) ;
bc . Behav . Spell . SpellMode = spellMode ;
// get targets and their dist depending on the mode
switch ( bc . Behav . Spell . SpellMode )
case MAGICFX : : Bomb :
uint mainTargetSlot ;
fromString ( args [ 4 ] , mainTargetSlot ) ;
if ( mainTargetSlot > = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT ) return false ;
CEntityCL * mainTarget = EntitiesMngr . entity ( mainTargetSlot ) ;
if ( mainTarget )
double dist = ( mainTarget - > pos ( ) - ch - > pos ( ) ) . norm ( ) ;
bc . Targets . Targets . push_back ( CMultiTarget : : CTarget ( mainTargetSlot , false , ( uint8 ) ceilf ( ( float ) ( dist / MULTI_TARGET_DISTANCE_UNIT ) ) ) ) ;
for ( sint k = 1 ; k < ( sint ) ( args . size ( ) - 4 ) ; + + k )
uint secondaryTargetSlot ;
fromString ( args [ 4 + k ] , secondaryTargetSlot ) ;
if ( secondaryTargetSlot > = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT ) return false ;
CEntityCL * secondaryTarget = EntitiesMngr . entity ( secondaryTargetSlot ) ;
if ( secondaryTarget )
dist = ( secondaryTarget - > pos ( ) - mainTarget - > pos ( ) ) . norm ( ) ;
bc . Targets . Targets . push_back ( CMultiTarget : : CTarget ( secondaryTargetSlot , false , ( uint8 ) ceilf ( ( float ) ( dist / MULTI_TARGET_DISTANCE_UNIT ) ) ) ) ;
break ;
case MAGICFX : : Spray :
for ( sint k = 0 ; k < ( sint ) ( args . size ( ) - 4 ) ; + + k )
uint targetSlot ;
fromString ( args [ 4 + k ] , targetSlot ) ;
if ( targetSlot > = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT ) return false ;
CEntityCL * target = EntitiesMngr . entity ( targetSlot ) ;
if ( target )
double dist = ( target - > pos ( ) - ch - > pos ( ) ) . norm ( ) ;
bc . Targets . Targets . push_back ( CMultiTarget : : CTarget ( targetSlot , false , ( uint8 ) ceilf ( ( float ) ( dist / MULTI_TARGET_DISTANCE_UNIT ) ) ) ) ;
break ;
case MAGICFX : : Chain :
CEntityCL * startSlot = ch ;
for ( sint k = 0 ; k < ( sint ) ( args . size ( ) - 4 ) ; + + k )
uint targetSlot ;
fromString ( args [ 4 + k ] , targetSlot ) ;
if ( targetSlot > = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT ) return false ;
CEntityCL * target = EntitiesMngr . entity ( targetSlot ) ;
if ( target )
double dist = ( target - > pos ( ) - startSlot - > pos ( ) ) . norm ( ) ;
bc . Targets . Targets . push_back ( CMultiTarget : : CTarget ( targetSlot , false , ( uint8 ) ceilf ( ( float ) ( dist / MULTI_TARGET_DISTANCE_UNIT ) ) ) ) ;
startSlot = target ;
break ;
bc . BehavTime = TimeInSec ;
// TODO : the type of missile is contained in the spell id
bc . Behav . Behaviour = MBEHAV : : CAST_OFF_SUCCESS ;
ch - > applyBehaviour ( bc ) ;
return true ;
// temp to test cast of multitarget projectile on another entity
NLMISC_COMMAND ( aura , " enable / disable aura on an entity " , " <slot> <aura> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 ) return false ;
uint slot ;
fromString ( args [ 0 ] , slot ) ;
CCharacterCL * ch = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( EntitiesMngr . entity ( slot ) ) ;
if ( ! ch ) return false ;
const CAnimationFX * fx = NULL ;
sint auraIndex ;
fromString ( args [ 1 ] , auraIndex ) ;
if ( auraIndex ! = - 1 )
fx = CAttackListManager : : getInstance ( ) . getAuras ( ) . getFX ( auraIndex ) ;
if ( ! fx ) return false ;
ch - > setAuraFX ( 0 , fx ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( link , " enable / disable link on an entity " , " <slot> <link> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 ) return false ;
uint slot ;
fromString ( args [ 0 ] , slot ) ;
CCharacterCL * ch = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( EntitiesMngr . entity ( slot ) ) ;
if ( ! ch ) return false ;
const CAnimationFX * link = NULL ;
sint linkIndex ;
fromString ( args [ 1 ] , linkIndex ) ;
if ( linkIndex ! = - 1 )
link = CAttackListManager : : getInstance ( ) . getLinks ( ) . getFX ( linkIndex + 1 ) ;
if ( ! link ) return false ;
const CAnimationFX * linkBreak = CAttackListManager : : getInstance ( ) . getLinks ( ) . getFX ( 0 ) ;
if ( ! linkBreak ) return false ;
ch - > setLinkFX ( link , linkBreak ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( auraReceipt , " enable / disable aura receipt on an entity " , " <slot> <aura> <0=on/1=off> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 ) return false ;
uint slot ;
fromString ( args [ 0 ] , slot ) ;
CCharacterCL * ch = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( EntitiesMngr . entity ( slot ) ) ;
if ( ! ch ) return false ;
const CAnimationFX * fx = NULL ;
bool enableAura ;
fromString ( args [ 1 ] , enableAura ) ;
if ( enableAura )
fx = CAttackListManager : : getInstance ( ) . getAuras ( ) . getFX ( 0 ) ; // 0 is special for aura receipt
if ( ! fx ) return false ;
ch - > setAuraFX ( 1 , fx ) ;
return true ;
// test for melee weapons //
// these are helpers (the same can be done with /vp, or altLook)
NLMISC_COMMAND ( weapon , " change the weapon in hand " , " <slot> <hand> <weapon> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 3 ) return false ;
CInterfaceManager * im = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
uint slot ;
fromString ( args [ 0 ] , slot ) ;
CCDBNodeLeaf * propA = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( toString ( " SERVER:Entities:E%d:P%d " , ( int ) slot , ( int ) PROPERTY_VPA ) , false ) ;
if ( ! propA ) return false ;
sint64 valueA = propA - > getValue64 ( ) ;
CCDBNodeLeaf * propB = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( toString ( " SERVER:Entities:E%d:P%d " , ( int ) slot , ( int ) PROPERTY_VPB ) , false ) ;
if ( ! propB ) return false ;
sint64 valueB = propB - > getValue64 ( ) ;
uint hand ;
fromString ( args [ 1 ] , hand ) ;
// the VP is dependent of Entity actual type
if ( dynamic_cast < CPlayerCL * > ( EntitiesMngr . entity ( slot ) ) )
SPropVisualA vpa = ( SPropVisualA & ) valueA ;
SPropVisualB vpb = ( SPropVisualB & ) valueB ;
if ( hand = = 0 )
uint16 weaponRightHand ;
fromString ( args [ 2 ] , weaponRightHand ) ;
vpa . PropertySubData . WeaponRightHand = weaponRightHand ;
vpb . PropertySubData . RTrail = 1 ;
uint16 weaponLeftHand ;
fromString ( args [ 2 ] , weaponLeftHand ) ;
vpa . PropertySubData . WeaponLeftHand = weaponLeftHand ;
vpb . PropertySubData . LTrail = 1 ;
propA - > setValue64 ( ( sint64 ) vpa . PropertyA ) ;
propB - > setValue64 ( ( sint64 ) vpb . PropertyB ) ;
// CharacterCL: use a SAltLook
SAltLookProp vpalt = ( SAltLookProp & ) valueA ;
if ( hand = = 0 )
uint16 weaponRightHand ;
fromString ( args [ 2 ] , weaponRightHand ) ;
vpalt . Element . WeaponRightHand = weaponRightHand ;
vpalt . Element . RTrail = 1 ;
uint16 weaponLeftHand ;
fromString ( args [ 2 ] , weaponLeftHand ) ;
vpalt . Element . WeaponLeftHand = weaponLeftHand ;
vpalt . Element . LTrail = 1 ;
propA - > setValue64 ( ( sint64 ) vpalt . Summary ) ;
// Force to update property
EntitiesMngr . updateVisualProperty ( 0 , slot , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_VPA ) ;
EntitiesMngr . updateVisualProperty ( 0 , slot , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_VPB ) ;
// display name of weapon sheet
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( advantageFX , " turn on / off the advantage fx for an item in hand " , " <slot> <hand> <on = 1/ off = 0> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 3 ) return false ;
CInterfaceManager * im = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
uint slot ;
fromString ( args [ 0 ] , slot ) ;
CCDBNodeLeaf * prop = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( toString ( " SERVER:Entities:E%d:P%d " , ( int ) slot , ( int ) PROPERTY_VPA ) , false ) ;
if ( ! prop ) return false ;
sint64 value = prop - > getValue64 ( ) ;
uint hand ;
fromString ( args [ 1 ] , hand ) ;
// the VP is dependent of Entity actual type
if ( dynamic_cast < CPlayerCL * > ( EntitiesMngr . entity ( slot ) ) )
SPropVisualA vpa = ( SPropVisualA & ) value ;
if ( hand = = 0 )
fromString ( args [ 2 ] , vpa . PropertySubData . RWeaponFX ) ;
fromString ( args [ 2 ] , vpa . PropertySubData . LWeaponFX ) ;
prop - > setValue64 ( ( sint64 ) vpa . PropertyA ) ;
// CharacterCL: use a SAltLook
SAltLookProp vpa = ( SAltLookProp & ) value ;
if ( hand = = 0 )
fromString ( args [ 2 ] , vpa . Element . RWeaponFX ) ;
fromString ( args [ 2 ] , vpa . Element . LWeaponFX ) ;
prop - > setValue64 ( ( sint64 ) vpa . Summary ) ;
// Force to update property
EntitiesMngr . updateVisualProperty ( 0 , slot , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_VPA ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( trailLength , " set length of trail for one weapon in hand " , " <slot> <hand> <power = 0..15> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 3 ) return false ;
CInterfaceManager * im = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
uint slot ;
fromString ( args [ 0 ] , slot ) ;
CCDBNodeLeaf * propA = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( toString ( " SERVER:Entities:E%d:P%d " , ( int ) slot , ( int ) PROPERTY_VPA ) , false ) ;
if ( ! propA ) return false ;
sint64 valueA = propA - > getValue64 ( ) ;
CCDBNodeLeaf * propB = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( toString ( " SERVER:Entities:E%d:P%d " , ( int ) slot , ( int ) PROPERTY_VPB ) , false ) ;
if ( ! propB ) return false ;
sint64 valueB = propB - > getValue64 ( ) ;
uint hand ;
fromString ( args [ 1 ] , hand ) ;
// the VP is dependent of Entity actual type
if ( dynamic_cast < CPlayerCL * > ( EntitiesMngr . entity ( slot ) ) )
SPropVisualA vpa = ( SPropVisualA & ) valueA ;
SPropVisualB vpb = ( SPropVisualB & ) valueB ;
if ( hand = = 0 )
uint16 rTrail ;
fromString ( args [ 2 ] , rTrail ) ;
vpb . PropertySubData . RTrail = rTrail ;
propB - > setValue64 ( ( sint64 ) vpb . PropertyB ) ;
uint16 lTrail ;
fromString ( args [ 2 ] , lTrail ) ;
vpb . PropertySubData . LTrail = lTrail / 2 ;
propB - > setValue64 ( ( sint64 ) vpb . PropertyB ) ;
SAltLookProp vpalt = ( SAltLookProp & ) valueA ;
if ( hand = = 0 )
uint16 rTrail ;
fromString ( args [ 2 ] , rTrail ) ;
vpalt . Element . RTrail = rTrail ;
uint16 lTrail ;
fromString ( args [ 2 ] , lTrail ) ;
vpalt . Element . LTrail = lTrail / 2 ;
propA - > setValue64 ( ( sint64 ) vpalt . Summary ) ;
// Force to update property
EntitiesMngr . updateVisualProperty ( 0 , slot , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_VPA ) ;
EntitiesMngr . updateVisualProperty ( 0 , slot , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_VPB ) ;
return true ;
// simulate an attack behaviour for the given slot
NLMISC_COMMAND ( attack , " simulate an attack " , " <slot> <intensity> <hit_type> <localisation> <dmg_type> <damage_shield_power> <damage_shield_id> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 7 ) return false ;
CBehaviourContext bc ;
bc . Behav . Behaviour = MBEHAV : : DEFAULT_ATTACK ;
bc . Behav . Combat . ActionDuration = 0 ;
uint16 impactIntensity ;
fromString ( args [ 1 ] , impactIntensity ) ;
bc . Behav . Combat . ImpactIntensity = impactIntensity ;
bc . Behav . Combat . HitType = HITTYPE : : Hit ;
bc . Behav . Combat . Localisation = BODY : : HHead ;
bc . Behav . Combat2 . DamageType = 0 ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 2 )
uint16 hitType ;
fromString ( args [ 2 ] , hitType ) ;
bc . Behav . Combat . HitType = hitType + 1 ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 3 )
uint16 localisation ;
fromString ( args [ 3 ] , localisation ) ;
bc . Behav . Combat . Localisation = localisation ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 4 )
uint16 damageType ;
fromString ( args [ 4 ] , damageType ) ;
bc . Behav . Combat2 . DamageType = damageType ;
uint dsPower = 0 ;
uint dsType = 0 ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 5 )
fromString ( args [ 5 ] , dsPower ) ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 6 )
fromString ( args [ 6 ] , dsType ) ;
uint slot ;
fromString ( args [ 0 ] , slot ) ;
CCharacterCL * entity = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( EntitiesMngr . entity ( slot ) ) ;
if ( ! entity ) return false ;
// push current slection as main target
CMultiTarget : : CTarget target ;
target . TargetSlot = UserEntity - > selection ( ) ;
target . Info = dsPower | ( dsType < < 3 ) ;
bc . Targets . Targets . push_back ( target ) ;
bc . BehavTime = TimeInSec ;
bc . Behav . DeltaHP = - 20 ;
entity - > applyBehaviour ( bc ) ;
return true ;
// simulate a range attack from the current slor to the current selection
NLMISC_COMMAND ( rangeAttack , " simulate a range attack " , " <slot> [intensity] [localisation] [range_weapon_type_if_unequipped] " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 ) return false ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 4 ) return false ;
uint slot ;
fromString ( args [ 0 ] , slot ) ;
CCharacterCL * entity = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( EntitiesMngr . entity ( slot ) ) ;
if ( ! entity ) return false ;
const CItemSheet * weaponSheet = entity - > getRightHandItemSheet ( ) ;
CBehaviourContext bc ;
if ( ! weaponSheet | | weaponSheet - > Family ! = ITEMFAMILY : : RANGE_WEAPON )
uint16 weaponType = 0 ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 3 )
fromString ( args [ 3 ] , weaponType ) ;
bc . Behav . Range . WeaponType = weaponType ;
bc . Behav . Range . WeaponType = weaponSheet - > RangeWeapon . RangeWeaponType ;
bc . Behav . Behaviour = MBEHAV : : RANGE_ATTACK ;
bc . Behav . Range . ImpactIntensity = 1 ;
bc . Behav . Range . Localisation = BODY : : HHead ;
bc . BehavTime = TimeInSec ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 1 )
uint16 impactIntensity ;
fromString ( args [ 1 ] , impactIntensity ) ;
bc . Behav . Range . ImpactIntensity = impactIntensity ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 2 )
uint16 localisation ;
fromString ( args [ 2 ] , localisation ) ;
bc . Behav . Range . Localisation = localisation ;
// if not a generic range weapon, add a single target (this is the current selection)
uint8 targetSlot = UserEntity - > targetSlot ( ) ;
if ( targetSlot > = CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT ) return false ;
CEntityCL * target = EntitiesMngr . entity ( targetSlot ) ;
if ( ! target ) return false ;
double dist = ( target - > pos ( ) - entity - > pos ( ) ) . norm ( ) ;
bc . Targets . Targets . push_back ( CMultiTarget : : CTarget ( targetSlot , false , ( uint8 ) ceilf ( ( float ) ( dist / MULTI_TARGET_DISTANCE_UNIT ) ) ) ) ;
bc . Behav . DeltaHP = - 10 ;
entity - > applyBehaviour ( bc ) ;
return true ;
// simulate a creature attack
NLMISC_COMMAND ( creatureAttack , " simulate a creature attack (2 attaques per creature) " , " <casterSlot> <targetSlot> [attk=0/1] [magicIntensity] [physicalIntensity] [localisation] [damageType] [hitType] [resist=1/0] " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 9 ) return false ;
CBehaviourContext bc ;
bc . Behav . Behaviour = MBEHAV : : CREATURE_ATTACK_0 ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 2 )
uint attk ;
fromString ( args [ 2 ] , attk ) ;
bc . Behav . Behaviour = attk = = 0 ? MBEHAV : : CREATURE_ATTACK_0 : MBEHAV : : CREATURE_ATTACK_1 ;
uint8 casterSlot ;
fromString ( args [ 0 ] , casterSlot ) ;
CCharacterCL * caster = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( EntitiesMngr . entity ( casterSlot ) ) ;
if ( ! caster ) return false ;
uint8 targetSlot ;
fromString ( args [ 1 ] , targetSlot ) ;
CCharacterCL * target = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( EntitiesMngr . entity ( targetSlot ) ) ;
if ( ! target ) return false ;
double dist = ( target - > pos ( ) - caster - > pos ( ) ) . norm ( ) ;
bool resist = false ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 8 )
fromString ( args [ 8 ] , resist ) ;
bc . Targets . Targets . push_back ( CMultiTarget : : CTarget ( targetSlot , false , ( uint8 ) ceilf ( ( float ) ( dist / MULTI_TARGET_DISTANCE_UNIT ) ) ) ) ;
bc . Behav . CreatureAttack . ActionDuration = 0 ;
uint magicImpactIntensity = 1 ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 3 )
fromString ( args [ 3 ] , magicImpactIntensity ) ;
bc . Behav . CreatureAttack . MagicImpactIntensity = magicImpactIntensity ;
uint physicalImpactIntensity = 0 ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 4 )
fromString ( args [ 4 ] , physicalImpactIntensity ) ;
bc . Behav . CreatureAttack . ImpactIntensity = physicalImpactIntensity ;
BODY : : TBodyPart localisation = BODY : : HHead ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 5 )
sint tmp ;
fromString ( args [ 5 ] , tmp ) ;
localisation = ( BODY : : TBodyPart ) tmp ;
bc . Behav . CreatureAttack . Localisation = localisation ;
DMGTYPE : : EDamageType dmgType = DMGTYPE : : BLUNT ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 6 )
sint tmp ;
fromString ( args [ 6 ] , tmp ) ;
dmgType = ( DMGTYPE : : EDamageType ) tmp ;
bc . Behav . CreatureAttack2 . DamageType = dmgType ;
HITTYPE : : THitType hitType = HITTYPE : : Hit ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 7 )
sint tmp ;
fromString ( args [ 7 ] , tmp ) ;
hitType = ( HITTYPE : : THitType ) tmp ;
bc . Behav . CreatureAttack2 . HitType = hitType ;
bc . BehavTime = TimeInSec ;
bc . Behav . DeltaHP = - 15 ;
caster - > applyBehaviour ( bc ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( setNamePosZ , " " , " <low/high/normal> <value> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 ) return false ;
CEntityCL * target = EntitiesMngr . entity ( UserEntity - > targetSlot ( ) ) ;
if ( ! target )
return true ;
float * namePosZ = NULL ;
string sheetName , skelName ;
if ( target - > Type = = CEntityCL : : Player )
CPlayerCL * playerTarget = dynamic_cast < CPlayerCL * > ( target ) ;
if ( playerTarget )
CRaceStatsSheet * sheet = const_cast < CRaceStatsSheet * > ( playerTarget - > playerSheet ( ) ) ;
if ( sheet )
if ( toLower ( args [ 0 ] ) = = " low " )
namePosZ = & sheet - > GenderInfos [ playerTarget - > getGender ( ) ] . NamePosZLow ;
else if ( toLower ( args [ 0 ] ) = = " normal " )
namePosZ = & sheet - > GenderInfos [ playerTarget - > getGender ( ) ] . NamePosZNormal ;
else if ( toLower ( args [ 0 ] ) = = " high " )
namePosZ = & sheet - > GenderInfos [ playerTarget - > getGender ( ) ] . NamePosZHigh ;
sheetName = sheet - > Id . toString ( ) ;
skelName = sheet - > GenderInfos [ playerTarget - > getGender ( ) ] . Skelfilename ;
CCharacterCL * creatureTarget = dynamic_cast < CCharacterCL * > ( target ) ;
if ( creatureTarget )
CCharacterSheet * sheet = const_cast < CCharacterSheet * > ( creatureTarget - > getSheet ( ) ) ;
if ( sheet )
if ( toLower ( args [ 0 ] ) = = " low " )
namePosZ = & sheet - > NamePosZLow ;
else if ( toLower ( args [ 0 ] ) = = " normal " )
namePosZ = & sheet - > NamePosZNormal ;
else if ( toLower ( args [ 0 ] ) = = " high " )
namePosZ = & sheet - > NamePosZHigh ;
sheetName = sheet - > Id . toString ( ) ;
skelName = sheet - > getSkelFilename ( ) ;
if ( namePosZ )
fromString ( args [ 1 ] , * namePosZ ) ;
nlinfo ( " NAMEPOSZ: sheet: %s, skel: %s, NamePosZ%s = %g " , sheetName . c_str ( ) , skelName . c_str ( ) , args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) , * namePosZ ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( setMyNamePosZ , " " , " <low/high/normal> <value> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 ) return false ;
float * namePosZ = NULL ;
string sheetName , skelName ;
CRaceStatsSheet * sheet = const_cast < CRaceStatsSheet * > ( UserEntity - > playerSheet ( ) ) ;
if ( sheet )
if ( toLower ( args [ 0 ] ) = = " low " )
namePosZ = & sheet - > GenderInfos [ UserEntity - > getGender ( ) ] . NamePosZLow ;
else if ( toLower ( args [ 0 ] ) = = " normal " )
namePosZ = & sheet - > GenderInfos [ UserEntity - > getGender ( ) ] . NamePosZNormal ;
else if ( toLower ( args [ 0 ] ) = = " high " )
namePosZ = & sheet - > GenderInfos [ UserEntity - > getGender ( ) ] . NamePosZHigh ;
sheetName = sheet - > Id . toString ( ) ;
skelName = sheet - > GenderInfos [ UserEntity - > getGender ( ) ] . Skelfilename ;
if ( namePosZ )
fromString ( args [ 1 ] , * namePosZ ) ;
nlinfo ( " NAMEPOSZ: sheet: %s, skel: %s, NamePosZ%s = %g " , sheetName . c_str ( ) , skelName . c_str ( ) , args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) , * namePosZ ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( pvpMode , " modify pvp mode " , " [<pvp mode> <state>] " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 0 & & args . size ( ) ! = 2 ) return false ;
CInterfaceManager * IM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CEntityCL * target = EntitiesMngr . entity ( UserEntity - > targetSlot ( ) ) ;
if ( ! target )
IM - > displaySystemInfo ( toString ( " <pvpMode> no target " ) ) ;
return false ;
if ( target - > Type ! = CEntityCL : : Player & & target - > Type ! = CEntityCL : : User )
IM - > displaySystemInfo ( toString ( " <pvpMode> target is not a player " ) ) ;
return false ;
CPlayerCL * playerTarget = dynamic_cast < CPlayerCL * > ( target ) ;
if ( ! playerTarget )
return false ;
if ( args . size ( ) = = 0 )
uint16 pvpMode = playerTarget - > getPvpMode ( ) ;
string str ;
if ( pvpMode & PVP_MODE : : PvpDuel )
str + = " duel " ;
if ( pvpMode & PVP_MODE : : PvpChallenge )
str + = " challenge " ;
if ( pvpMode & PVP_MODE : : PvpZoneFree )
str + = " free " ;
if ( pvpMode & PVP_MODE : : PvpZoneFaction )
str + = " zone_faction " ;
if ( pvpMode & PVP_MODE : : PvpZoneGuild )
str + = " zone_guild " ;
if ( pvpMode & PVP_MODE : : PvpZoneOutpost )
str + = " outpost " ;
if ( pvpMode & PVP_MODE : : PvpFaction )
str + = " faction " ;
if ( pvpMode & PVP_MODE : : PvpFactionFlagged )
str + = " faction_flagged " ;
if ( pvpMode & PVP_MODE : : PvpZoneSafe )
str + = " in_safe_zone " ;
if ( pvpMode & PVP_MODE : : PvpSafe )
str + = " safe " ;
IM - > displaySystemInfo ( ucstring ( str ) ) ;
nlinfo ( " <pvpMode> %s " , str . c_str ( ) ) ;
PVP_MODE : : TPVPMode pvpMode = PVP_MODE : : fromString ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
bool state ;
fromString ( args [ 1 ] , state ) ;
if ( state )
uint16 currentPVPMode = playerTarget - > getPvpMode ( ) ;
currentPVPMode | = pvpMode ;
playerTarget - > setPvpMode ( currentPVPMode ) ;
IM - > displaySystemInfo ( toString ( " <pvpMode> adding pvp mode %s " , args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
uint16 currentPVPMode = playerTarget - > getPvpMode ( ) ;
currentPVPMode & = ~ pvpMode ;
playerTarget - > setPvpMode ( currentPVPMode ) ;
IM - > displaySystemInfo ( toString ( " <pvpMode> removing pvp mode %s " , args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
playerTarget - > buildInSceneInterface ( ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( pvpClan , " modify pvp clan " , " <pvp clan> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 ) return false ;
CInterfaceManager * IM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CEntityCL * target = EntitiesMngr . entity ( UserEntity - > targetSlot ( ) ) ;
if ( ! target )
IM - > displaySystemInfo ( toString ( " <pvpClan> no target " ) ) ;
return false ;
if ( target - > Type ! = CEntityCL : : Player & & target - > Type ! = CEntityCL : : User )
IM - > displaySystemInfo ( toString ( " <pvpMode> target is not a player " ) ) ;
return false ;
CPlayerCL * playerTarget = dynamic_cast < CPlayerCL * > ( target ) ;
if ( ! playerTarget )
return false ;
// PVP_CLAN::TPVPClan clan = PVP_CLAN::fromString(args[0]);
// playerTarget->setPvpClan(clan);
playerTarget - > buildInSceneInterface ( ) ;
return true ;
# endif // !FINAL_VERSION
# include "r2/editor.h"
// setDead :
// Method to Flag the character as dead and do everything needed.
void CCharacterCL : : setDead ( ) // virtual
// If the entity dead is the user -> switch to dead mode.
if ( _Slot = = UserEntity - > slot ( ) )
UserControls . mode ( CUserControls : : DeathMode ) ;
// If the entity killed was the current user target, we update context cursor
if ( _Slot = = UserEntity - > selection ( ) )
bool nextContextSelected = false ;
// Quartering
if ( ! R2 : : getEditor ( ) . isDMing ( ) )
if ( _Properties . harvestable ( ) )
nextContextSelected = ContextCur . context ( " QUARTER " ) ;
// Loot
else if ( _Properties . lootable ( ) )
nextContextSelected = ContextCur . context ( " LOOT " ) ;
// Pick Up
else if ( _Properties . liftable ( ) )
nextContextSelected = ContextCur . context ( " PICKUP " ) ;
if ( ! nextContextSelected )
ContextCur . context ( " STAND BY " ) ;
// The character now won't be an obstacle anymore
_Primitive - > setOcclusionMask ( MaskColNone ) ;
} // setDead //