Commit Graph

6943 Commits (84f733c8d43f92db6fc89bada5c2b6c45a692b23)

Author SHA1 Message Date
rti 85872f0da5 Fixed: missing include
aquiles 8907ae1601 Changed: icon location; reinit timer on visible
rti 5a8f6fa208 Fixed: plugin and resource paths
rti 9526715c55 Changed: plugin and resource handling
dnk-88 77915e0035 Merge
dnk-88 442d6324de Changed: Implement 'make_sheet_id' as an Object Viewer Qt plugin. Thank you kharvd.
rti 15bd88d6cc Added: Georges Editor Qt Logo
rti 8ff3df26b3 Fixed: Run Georges Editor Qt on Mac OS X
rti 78229f4b67 Fixed OVQT !_Pumping assert when entering settings dialog
rti 9f0b717db6 merge
rti e2fd59391b Changed: app bundle plist references atys.icns
aquiles 1c19d17a29 Changed: fixed missing stuff
kervala 50926ae62b Fixed: Compilation under Linux
kervala 2763a3ece2 Changed: Fix typos in comments/code
kervala 1c1d17a512 Changed: Remove all warnings when compiling Ryzom
dnk-88 53b25193a2 Changed: Code cleanup.
rti 3d3f1abb9c Fixed: Mac - Alpha Build - Mouse Behavior
rti dab1bec1aa Fixed: Build object viewer widget on Mac OS X (and line terminator consistency)
rti 587d1820c4 Fixed: Build tile_edit_qt on Mac OS X
kervala 2894dcf247 Changed: Use GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object in priority (supported on most of cards and faster)
kervala 4f9b0269ec Fixed: Compilation problem
kervala 90ad8da878 Changed: Fix typos in comments/code
kervala 626f05bcb9 Changed: Fix typos in comments/code
kervala 0708228f3b Fixed: Removed some temporary fixes for system OpenGL drivers bugs
kervala b94c30173e Fixed: EVSSecondaryColorVariant redefined several times in setupEXTVertexShader
sfb 4b38fc730b Changed: Fixed the context initialization check for the log plugin
sfb 2748e34f27 Changed: Fixed non-PIC context initialization check in OVQT example plugin.
sfb 960db188c1 Changed: Commented out 'makeCurrent' call. Class does not have a widget() method and QNLWidget is not a defined type.
dnk-88 55c9802c55 Changed: fixed nelContext bug
aquiles 499f2d83c1 Changed: logPlugin is now in view and toggleable
aquiles b564f8988a Changed: fixed nelContext bug
aquiles ea7b339d39 Changed: added another example plugin (log as dockWidget)
dnk-88 730409943a Changed: Update doxygen documentation.
kervala ce5296a6bc Changed: entities_game_service segfault in ubuntu 64biten
dnk-88 db31312b11 Changed: Code cleanup.
dnk-88 a74b7dfbf2 Merge
dnk-88 a0d7327d69 Changed: Improved settings dialog.
kervala dabb47d18a Changed: entities_game_service segfault in ubuntu 64biten
dnk-88 21edaf9861 Changed: correct fix is to load the plugins and update ovqt example plugin.
dnk-88 f2dd3cd061 Changed: correct fix is to load the plugins
dnk-88 5fbb37d106 Added: Added plugin view dialog. And if there are errors while loading plugin displays a diagnostic message.
dnk-88 1c69bb9409 Changed: Update ovqt_example plugin.
"Matt Raykowski" a2dd91019a Changed: Fixed build of OVQT Example Plugin - sources the extension system correctly.
"Matt Raykowski" 0075ce8b2e Changed: OVQT Plugins - added additional Qt define to example plugin.
"Matt Raykowski" 9018783cb1 Added: OVQT Plugin system CMake build
dnk-88 16ac4234d8 Changed: Added example plugin.
dnk-88 f609294c1b Merge
dnk-88 e59ad4d6c1 Changed: Added settings qt style.
kervala 0c846dacd1 Fixed: All fragment shaders are not working on ATI cards (patch provided and tested by Naush)
dnk-88 1ea4ee67ee Changed: code cleanup.