Merge branch 'feature/bonusmalus-timers' into yubo

Nuno 4 years ago
commit f6eda150d0

@ -246,9 +246,10 @@ inline bool fromString(const std::string &str, sint64 &val) { bool ret = sscanf(
inline bool fromString(const std::string &str, float &val) { bool ret = sscanf(str.c_str(), "%f", &val) == 1; if (!ret) val = 0.0f; return ret; }
inline bool fromString(const std::string &str, double &val) { bool ret = sscanf(str.c_str(), "%lf", &val) == 1; if (!ret) val = 0.0; return ret; }
// Fast string to bool, reliably defined for strings starting with 0, 1, t, T, f, F, y, Y, n, N, anything else is undefined.
// (str[0] == '1' || (str[0] & 0xD2) == 0x50)
// - Kaetemi
/// Fast string to bool, reliably defined for strings starting with 0, 1, t, T, f, F, y, Y, n, N, and empty strings, anything else is undefined.
/// - Kaetemi
inline bool toBool(const char *str) { return str[0] == '1' || (str[0] & 0xD2) == 0x50; }
inline bool toBool(const std::string &str) { return toBool(str.c_str()); } // Safe because first byte may be null
bool fromString(const std::string &str, bool &val);

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef XML_MACROS_H
#define XML_MACROS_H
// xmlNodePtr cur;
// CXMLAutoPtr prop;
// sint i;
// XML_READ_SINT(cur, "prop_name", i, -1);
#define XML_READ_UINT(node, name, var, def) { \
uint tmp; \
prop = (char *) xmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar*)name); \
if (prop && fromString((const char*)prop, tmp)) \
var = tmp; \
else \
var = def; \
#define XML_READ_SINT(node, name, var, def) { \
sint tmp; \
prop = (char *) xmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar*)name); \
if (prop && fromString((const char*)prop, tmp)) \
var = tmp; \
else \
var = def; \
#define XML_READ_BOOL(node, name, var, def) { \
prop = (char *) xmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar*)name); \
if (prop) \
var = NLMISC::toBool((const char*)prop); \
else \
var = def; \
#define XML_READ_COLOR(node, name, var, def) { \
prop = (char *) xmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar*)name); \
if (prop && fromString((const char*)prop, tmp)) \
var = tmp; \
else \
var = def; \
#define XML_READ_STRING(node, name, var, def) { \
prop = (char *) xmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar*)name); \
if (prop) \
var = (const char*)prop; \
else \
var = def; \
#endif // XML_MACROS_H

@ -1030,19 +1030,14 @@ namespace NLGUI
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceElement::convertBool (const char *ptr)
std::string str = toLower(ptr);
bool b = false;
fromString( str, b );
return b;
return NLMISC::toBool(ptr);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NLMISC::CVector CInterfaceElement::convertVector (const char *ptr)
float x = 0.0f, y = 0.0f, z = 0.0f;
sscanf (ptr, "%f %f %f", &x, &y, &z);
return CVector(x,y,z);

@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
#include "../r2/editor.h"
#include "nel/gui/lua_manager.h"
#include "nel/misc/xml_macros.h"
extern CSheetManager SheetMngr;
@ -543,6 +544,15 @@ CCtrlDraggable(param)
_RegenText = NULL;
_RegenTextValue = 0;
_RegenTextEnabled = true;
_RegenTextShadow = true;
_RegenTextOutline = false;
_RegenTextFctLua = false;
_RegenTextY = 2;
_RegenTextFontSize = 8;
_RegenTextColor = NLMISC::CRGBA::White;
_RegenTextShadowColor = NLMISC::CRGBA::Black;
_RegenTextOutlineColor = NLMISC::CRGBA::Black;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -655,6 +665,17 @@ bool CDBCtrlSheet::parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup)
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"focus_buff_icon" );
if (prop) _FocusBuffIcon = string((const char *)prop);
XML_READ_BOOL(cur, "regen_text", _RegenTextEnabled, true);
XML_READ_BOOL(cur, "regen_text_shadow", _RegenTextShadow, true);
XML_READ_BOOL(cur, "regen_text_outline", _RegenTextOutline, false);
XML_READ_SINT(cur, "regen_text_y", _RegenTextY, 2);
XML_READ_UINT(cur, "regen_text_fontsize", _RegenTextFontSize, 8);
XML_READ_COLOR(cur, "regen_text_color", _RegenTextColor, NLMISC::CRGBA::White);
XML_READ_COLOR(cur, "regen_text_shadow_color", _RegenTextShadowColor, NLMISC::CRGBA::Black);
XML_READ_COLOR(cur, "regen_text_outline_color", _RegenTextOutlineColor, NLMISC::CRGBA::Black);
XML_READ_STRING(cur, "regen_text_fct", _RegenTextFct, "");
_RegenTextFctLua = startsWith(_RegenTextFct, "lua:");
// Init size for Type
@ -2105,35 +2126,8 @@ void CDBCtrlSheet::draw()
rVR.drawQuad(_RenderLayer + 1, regenTris[tri], backTex, CRGBA::White, false);
if (!_RegenText) {
_RegenText = new CViewText(CViewBase::TCtorParam());
_RegenText->setId(getId() + ":regen");
_RegenText->setFontSizing("0", "0");
// TODO: font size / color hardcoded.
// TODO: ticks in second hardcoded
uint32 nextValue = _RegenTickRange.EndTick > LastGameCycle ? (_RegenTickRange.EndTick - LastGameCycle) / 10 : 0;
if (_RegenTextValue != nextValue)
_RegenTextValue = nextValue;
_RegenText->setText(toString("%d", _RegenTextValue));
if (_RegenTextEnabled)
@ -2163,6 +2157,118 @@ void CDBCtrlSheet::draw()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDBCtrlSheet::drawRegenText()
if (!_RegenText) {
_RegenText = new CViewText(CViewBase::TCtorParam());
_RegenText->setId(getId() + ":regen");
// do not set shadow if outline is set to avoid clearing it on draw (would call invalidate)
_RegenText->setShadow(_RegenTextShadow && !_RegenTextOutline);
// TODO: 10 hardcoded (ticks in second)
sint32 nextValue;
if (_RegenTickRange.EndTick > LastGameCycle)
nextValue = (_RegenTickRange.EndTick - LastGameCycle) / 10;
else if (_RegenTextFctLua)
nextValue = ((sint64)_RegenTickRange.EndTick - (sint64)LastGameCycle) / 10;
nextValue = 0;
if (_RegenTextValue != nextValue)
_RegenTextValue = nextValue;
if (_RegenTextFct.empty())
// format as "10m", "9'59", "59"
if (_RegenTextValue > 600)
_RegenText->setText(toString("%dm", _RegenTextValue / 60));
else if (_RegenTextValue > 0)
if (_RegenTextValue < 60)
_RegenText->setText(toString("%d", _RegenTextValue));
_RegenText->setText(toString("%d'%02d", _RegenTextValue / 60, _RegenTextValue % 60));
std::string fct;
if (_RegenTextFctLua)
CCDBNodeBranch *root = getRootBranch();
if (root)
fct = toString("%s(%d, '%s')", _RegenTextFct.c_str(), _RegenTextValue, root->getFullName().c_str());
fct = toString("%s(%d, nil)", _RegenTextFct.c_str(), _RegenTextValue);
fct = toString("%s(%d)", _RegenTextFct.c_str(), _RegenTextValue);
// if using color tags in format, then RegenText color should be set to CRGBA::White
// as tag color is modulated with main color
std::string result;
if (CInterfaceExpr::evalAsString(fct, result))
// todo: posref
// note: if x,y is moved outside icon area it might get cliped and not be visible (wreal/hreal == 0)
_RegenText->setX(_WReal / 2 -_RegenText->getMaxUsedW() / 2);
// move RegenTextY=0 to baseline
_RegenText->setY(_RegenTextY - _RegenText->getFontLegHeight());
_RegenText->setXReal(_XReal + _RegenText->getX());
_RegenText->setYReal(_YReal + _RegenText->getY());
// TODO: create shader for this
if (_RegenTextOutline)
// player.xml t_bonus_text template way of drawing
sint x = _RegenText->getXReal();
sint y = _RegenText->getYReal();
_RegenText->setXReal(x-1); _RegenText->setYReal(y+0); _RegenText->draw();
_RegenText->setXReal(x+1); _RegenText->setYReal(y+0); _RegenText->draw();
_RegenText->setXReal(x+0); _RegenText->setYReal(y-1); _RegenText->draw();
_RegenText->setXReal(x+0); _RegenText->setYReal(y+1); _RegenText->draw();
_RegenText->setXReal(x); _RegenText->setYReal(y);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDBCtrlSheet::drawRotatedQuad(CViewRenderer &vr, float angle, float scale, uint renderLayer, uint32 texId, sint32 texWidth, sint32 texHeight)
@ -4759,6 +4865,12 @@ std::string CDBCtrlSheet::getContextHelpWindowName() const
return CCtrlBase::getContextHelpWindowName();
// ***************************************************************************
void CDBCtrlSheet::setRegenTextFct(const std::string &s)
_RegenTextFct = s;
_RegenTextFctLua = startsWith(s, "lua:");
// ***************************************************************************
void CDBCtrlSheet::setRegenTickRange(const CTickRange &tickRange)

@ -602,6 +602,25 @@ public:
void setRegenTickRange(const CTickRange &tickRange);
const CTickRange &getRegenTickRange() const { return _RegenTickRange; }
// Default regen text is displayed on bottom of icon.
void setRegenText(bool b) { _RegenTextEnabled = b; }
// Allow to override default formatter.
// First parameter will be replaced with current timer value (always >= 0)
// If its a lua function, then parameters are
// 1: current timer value; can be negative
// 2: DB path for ctrl root (ie UI:VARIABLES:BONUSES:0), or nil
// ie: "secondsToTimeStringShort" -> CInterfaceExpr::evalAsString("secondsToTimeStringShort(123)", ret)
// ie: "lua:secondsToTimeStringShort" -> CInterfaceExpr::evalAsString("lua:secondsToTimeStringShort(123, 'UI:VARIABLES:BONUSES:0')", ret)
void setRegenTextFct(const std::string &s);
void setRegenTextY(sint32 y) { _RegenTextY = y; }
void setRegenTextShadow(bool b) { _RegenTextShadow = b; }
void setRegenTextShadowColor(NLMISC::CRGBA c) { _RegenTextShadowColor = c; }
void setRegenTextOutline(bool b) { _RegenTextOutline = b; }
void setRegenTextOutlineColor(NLMISC::CRGBA c) { _RegenTextOutlineColor = c; }
void setRegenTextFontSize(uint32 s) { _RegenTextFontSize = s; }
void setRegenTextColor(NLMISC::CRGBA c) { _RegenTextColor = c; }
// start notify anim (at the end of regen usually)
void startNotifyAnim();
@ -739,7 +758,19 @@ protected:
CTickRange _RegenTickRange;
NLGUI::CViewText *_RegenText;
uint32 _RegenTextValue;
sint32 _RegenTextValue;
std::string _RegenTextFct;
bool _RegenTextFctLua;
bool _RegenTextEnabled;
bool _RegenTextShadow;
bool _RegenTextOutline;
sint32 _RegenTextY;
uint32 _RegenTextFontSize;
NLMISC::CRGBA _RegenTextShadowColor;
NLMISC::CRGBA _RegenTextOutlineColor;
NLMISC::CRGBA _RegenTextColor;
/// D'n'd
sint32 _DragX, _DragY;
@ -853,6 +884,9 @@ private:
// gelper to draw the notify animation
void drawRotatedQuad(CViewRenderer &vr, float angle, float scale, uint renderLayer, uint32 textureId, sint32 texWidth, sint32 texHeight);
// create and draw regen text over icon
void drawRegenText();
/** User type (used with expression system of the interface, see interface_expr.h, that contains a pointer to a CDBCtrlSheet

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
#include "stdpch.h"
#include "dbgroup_list_sheet_bonus_malus.h"
#include "interface_manager.h"
#include "nel/misc/xml_macros.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
@ -35,87 +35,106 @@ NLMISC_REGISTER_OBJECT(CViewBase, CDBGroupListSheetBonusMalus, std::string, "lis
// ***************************************************************************
CDBGroupListSheetBonusMalus::CDBGroupListSheetBonusMalus(const TCtorParam &param)
: CDBGroupListSheet(param)
: CDBGroupListSheet(param),
_RegenTextY(-14), _RegenTextFontSize(8),
_TextId= -1;
// want leave space between controls in the list
// Yoyo: I think it's better like this, + this is important for space consideration and because of XPCat/PVPOutpost
//_ListLeaveSpace= false;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CDBGroupListSheetBonusMalus::parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup)
: TimerDB(NULL), DisabledDB(NULL), TimerCache(0),
CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance();
if(!CDBGroupListSheet::parse(cur, parentGroup))
return false;
// ***************************************************************************
void CDBGroupListSheetBonusMalus::CSheetChildTimer::init(CDBGroupListSheet *pFather, uint index)
// init my parent
CSheetChild::init(pFather, index);
// read the texture
CXMLAutoPtr prop;
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"disable_texture" );
if (prop)
CCDBNodeBranch *root = Ctrl->getRootBranch();
if (root)
CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance();
CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
_TextId= rVR.getTextureIdFromName ((const char *)prop);
TimerDB = dynamic_cast<CCDBNodeLeaf *>(root->getNode(ICDBNode::CTextId("DISABLED_TIME"), false));
DisabledDB = dynamic_cast<CCDBNodeLeaf *>(root->getNode(ICDBNode::CTextId("DISABLED"), false));
// get the Node leaves to be tested each frame
uint i= 0;
string db= toString("%s:%d:" DISABLE_LEAF, _DbBranchName.c_str(), i);
CCDBNodeLeaf *node= NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(db, false);
if (Ctrl)
CDBGroupListSheetBonusMalus *owner = dynamic_cast<CDBGroupListSheetBonusMalus *>(pFather);
if (owner)
_RegenTextColor = owner->_RegenTextColor;
_RegenTextDisabledColor = owner->_RegenTextDisabledColor;
if (!owner->_RegenTextFct.empty())
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
void CDBGroupListSheetBonusMalus::draw ()
void CDBGroupListSheetBonusMalus::CSheetChildTimer::update(CDBGroupListSheet * /* pFather */)
// CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance();
// CViewRenderer &rVR= *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
// sint32 drl= getRenderLayer()+1;
// May draw disable bitmaps on the ctrl sheets if disabled.
uint numCtrls= (uint)min(_SheetChildren.size(), _DisableStates.size());
for(uint i=0;i<numCtrls;i++)
NLMISC::TGameCycle tick = TimerDB->getValue32();
if (TimerCache != tick)
CDBCtrlSheet *ctrl= _SheetChildren[i]->Ctrl;
// if the ctrl is displayed, and if the state is disabled
TimerCache = TimerDB->getValue32();
Ctrl->setRegenTickRange(CTickRange(LastGameCycle, TimerCache));
if (DisabledDB)
if (DisabledDB->getValue32() == 0)
// YOYO: for now, don't display the gray bitmap. cross not cool.
CRGBA crossColor= ctrl->getSheetColor();
crossColor.A>>= 2;
// Draw the disable bitmap on this control. +1 for the slot (ugly)
rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap(drl, ctrl->getXReal()+1, ctrl->getYReal()+1,
CCtrlSheetInfo::BrickSheetWidth, CCtrlSheetInfo::BrickSheetHeight, 0, 0, _TextId, crossColor);
// active timer
// skill disabled timer
// ***************************************************************************
bool CDBGroupListSheetBonusMalus::parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup)
CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance();
if(!CDBGroupListSheet::parse(cur, parentGroup))
return false;
CXMLAutoPtr prop;
XML_READ_BOOL(cur, "regen_text", _RegenTextEnabled, true);
XML_READ_SINT(cur, "regen_text_y", _RegenTextY, -14);
XML_READ_UINT(cur, "regen_text_fontsize", _RegenTextFontSize, 8);
XML_READ_COLOR(cur, "regen_text_color", _RegenTextColor, NLMISC::CRGBA::White);
XML_READ_COLOR(cur, "regen_text_disabled_color", _RegenTextDisabledColor, NLMISC::CRGBA(127, 127, 127));
XML_READ_STRING(cur, "regen_text_fct", _RegenTextFct, "");
return true;

@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "dbgroup_list_sheet.h"
// ***************************************************************************
* Special list_sheet that display some disalbe bitmap if needed according to DB
@ -40,14 +39,34 @@ public:
/// Constructor
CDBGroupListSheetBonusMalus(const TCtorParam &param);
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
// A child node
struct CSheetChildTimer : public CDBGroupListSheet::CSheetChild
virtual void init(CDBGroupListSheet *pFather, uint index) NL_OVERRIDE;
virtual void update(CDBGroupListSheet *pFather) NL_OVERRIDE;
NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *TimerDB;
NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *DisabledDB;
uint TimerCache;
NLMISC::CRGBA _RegenTextColor;
NLMISC::CRGBA _RegenTextDisabledColor;
virtual bool parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup) NL_OVERRIDE;
virtual void draw ();
virtual CSheetChild *createSheetChild() NL_OVERRIDE { return new CSheetChildTimer; }
sint32 _TextId;
friend CSheetChildTimer;
std::vector<NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf*> _DisableStates;
bool _RegenTextEnabled;
std::string _RegenTextFct;
sint32 _RegenTextY;
uint32 _RegenTextFontSize;
NLMISC::CRGBA _RegenTextColor;
NLMISC::CRGBA _RegenTextDisabledColor;

@ -323,19 +323,6 @@ namespace EFFECT_FAMILIES
{ "thorn_wall_aura.sbrick", PowerThornWall },
{ "water_wall_aura.sbrick", PowerWaterWall },
{ "lightning_wall_aura.sbrick", PowerLightningWall },
{ "life_aura.sbrick", PowerRootLifeAura },
{ "stamina_aura.sbrick", PowerRootStaminaAura },
{ "sap_aura.sbrick", PowerRootSapAura },
{ "umbrella_aura.sbrick", PowerRootUmbrella },
{ "melee_protection_aura.sbrick", PowerRootProtection },
{ "anti_magic_shield_aura.sbrick", PowerRootAntiMagicShield },
{ "war_cry_aura.sbrick", PowerRootWarCry },
{ "fire_wall_aura.sbrick", PowerRootFireWall },
{ "thorn_wall_aura.sbrick", PowerRootThornWall },
{ "water_wall_aura.sbrick", PowerRootWaterWall },
{ "lightning_wall_aura.sbrick", PowerRootLightningWall },
{ "chg_charac.sbrick", PowerChgCharac },
{ "mod_defense.sbrick", PowerModDefenseSkill },
{ "mod_dodge.sbrick", PowerModDodgeSkill },
