@ -76,16 +76,78 @@ public:
TCameraAnimationOutputInfo camInfo;
/*// We don't change the position
camInfo.CamPos = currCamInfo.StartCamPos;
NLMISC::CVector targetPos = resolvePositionOrEntityPosition(PositionTarget, currCamInfo);
float ratio = currCamInfo.ElapsedTimeSinceStartStep / getDuration();
// Position
float ratio = 1.f;
if (PositionTransitionTime > 0.f)
ratio = currCamInfo.ElapsedTimeSinceStartStep / PositionTransitionTime;
if (ratio > 1.f)
ratio = 1.f;
// We compute the current position between the starting position and the final position
NLMISC::CVector movementVector = targetPos - currCamInfo.StartCamPos;
// We substract the distance
float currDist = movementVector.norm();
float substractRatio = 0.f;
if (currDist > 0.f)
substractRatio = (currDist - DistanceTo) / currDist;
if ((currDist - DistanceTo) < 0.f)
substractRatio = 0.f;
movementVector = movementVector * substractRatio;
// We current position is computed using the ratio and the starting position
NLMISC::CVector offset = movementVector * ratio;
camInfo.CamPos = currCamInfo.StartCamPos + offset;
// Turn around
if (HasTurnAround)
// Now we compute the current angle between our position and the target's position
NLMISC::CVector2f currTopVector(camInfo.CamPos.x - targetPos.x, camInfo.CamPos.y - targetPos.y);
float distance2D = currTopVector.norm();
float angle = acosf(currTopVector.x);
if (currTopVector.y < 0)
angle *= -1.f;
// We compute an angle to travail in function of the speed
float angleOffset = DT * TurnAroundSpeed;
float newAngle = angle + angleOffset;
// We compute the new position for this angle
NLMISC::CVector2f new2DPos(cosf(newAngle), sinf(newAngle));
new2DPos = new2DPos * distance2D;
// We integrate this new position in the world
NLMISC::CVector newDir(new2DPos.x, new2DPos.y, camInfo.CamPos.z - targetPos.z);
camInfo.CamPos = targetPos + newDir;
// Look at target
float ratio = 1.f;
if (DirectionTransitionTime > 0.f)
ratio = currCamInfo.ElapsedTimeSinceStartStep / DirectionTransitionTime;
if (ratio > 1.f)
ratio = 1.f;
// We compute the final look at direction
NLMISC::CVector finalDir = resolvePositionOrEntityPosition(LookAtPos) - camInfo.CamPos;
NLMISC::CVector finalDir = resolvePositionOrEntityTargetDir(LookAtTarget, currCamInfo, camInfo.CamPos);
// We get the current look at direction
camInfo.CamLookAtDir = computeCurrentLookAtDir(ratio, currCamInfo.StartCamLookAtDir, finalDir);*/
camInfo.CamLookAtDir = computeCurrentLookAtDir(ratio, currCamInfo.StartCamLookAtDir, finalDir);
return camInfo;