@ -362,44 +362,47 @@ void CGuildManager::update()
if (node && node->getValueBool())
// See if we need to show any online/offline messages
static vector<SGuildMember> CachedGuildMembers;
static map<ucstring, SGuildMember> CachedGuildMembers;
ucstring onlineMessage = CI18N::get("uiPlayerOnline");
ucstring offlineMessage = CI18N::get("uiPlayerOffline");
for (uint i = 0; i < _GuildMembers.size(); ++i)
for (uint j = 0; j < CachedGuildMembers.size(); ++j)
map<ucstring, SGuildMember>::const_iterator it = CachedGuildMembers.find(_GuildMembers[i].Name);
if ( it != CachedGuildMembers.end() )
// Status change is from offline to online/abroad online or vice versa.
TCharConnectionState prevState = CachedGuildMembers[j].Online;
TCharConnectionState curState = _GuildMembers[i].Online;
bool showMsg = (prevState != curState) &&
(CachedGuildMembers[j].Name == _GuildMembers[i].Name) &&
(prevState == ccs_offline || curState == ccs_offline);
if (showMsg)
if ( (*it).second.Online == _GuildMembers[i].Online)
ucstring msg = (_GuildMembers[i].Online != ccs_offline) ? onlineMessage : offlineMessage;
strFindReplace(msg, "%s", _GuildMembers[i].Name);
string cat = getStringCategory(msg, msg);
map<string, CClientConfig::SSysInfoParam>::const_iterator it;
NLMISC::CRGBA col = CRGBA::Yellow;
it = ClientCfg.SystemInfoParams.find(toLower(cat));
if (it != ClientCfg.SystemInfoParams.end())
col = it->second.Color;
bool dummy;
PeopleInterraction.ChatInput.Guild.displayMessage(msg, col, 2, &dummy);
// Online status not changed for this member
if ( (*it).second.Online != ccs_offline && _GuildMembers[i].Online != ccs_offline)
// Not from offline, or to offline, so don't show anything
ucstring msg = (_GuildMembers[i].Online != ccs_offline) ? onlineMessage : offlineMessage;
strFindReplace(msg, "%s", _GuildMembers[i].Name);
string cat = getStringCategory(msg, msg);
map<string, CClientConfig::SSysInfoParam>::const_iterator it;
NLMISC::CRGBA col = CRGBA::Yellow;
it = ClientCfg.SystemInfoParams.find(toLower(cat));
if (it != ClientCfg.SystemInfoParams.end())
col = it->second.Color;
bool dummy;
PeopleInterraction.ChatInput.Guild.displayMessage(msg, col, 2, &dummy);
for (uint i = 0; i < _GuildMembers.size(); ++i)
CachedGuildMembers.insert(make_pair(_GuildMembers[i].Name, _GuildMembers[i]));