@ -569,21 +569,17 @@ void CChatManager::chat( const TDataSetRow& sender, const ucstring& ucstr )
// info for log the chat message
string senderName;
ucstring ucSenderName;
// ignore muted users
// if ( _MutedUsers.find( eid ) != _MutedUsers.end() )
// return;
string fullName;
if (ci == NULL)
senderName = TheDataset.getEntityId(sender).toString();
ucSenderName = ci->Name;
senderName = ucSenderName.toString();
if (ci == NULL)
senderName = TheDataset.getEntityId(sender).toString();
fullName = senderName;
fullName = IOS->getRocketName(ci->Name);
senderName = ci->Name.toString();
static const char* groupNames[]=
@ -622,9 +618,6 @@ void CChatManager::chat( const TDataSetRow& sender, const ucstring& ucstr )
CChatGroup::TMemberCont::iterator itA;
string sender_lang = SM->getLanguageCodeString(ci->Language);
if (sender_lang == "en") // 'en' must be converted to 'us' because translation uses :us: code
sender_lang = "us";
for( itA = itCl->second->getAudience().Members.begin();
itA != itCl->second->getAudience().Members.end();
@ -644,8 +637,6 @@ void CChatManager::chat( const TDataSetRow& sender, const ucstring& ucstr )
receiverName = co->Name.toString();
receiver_lang = SM->getLanguageCodeString(co->Language);
if (receiver_lang == "en") // en must be converted to us because translation uses :us: code
receiver_lang = "us";
if (EnableDeepL)
@ -658,13 +649,14 @@ void CChatManager::chat( const TDataSetRow& sender, const ucstring& ucstr )
if (ucstr[0] != '>' && client.haveDisabledTranslation(sender_lang))
receiver_lang = sender_lang;
if (ucstr[0] == '>') // Sent directly when prefixed by '>', it's the anti-translation code
if (ucstr.length() > 5 && ucstr[1] == ':' && ucstr[4] == ':') // check lang prefix
string usedlang = ucstr.toString().substr(2, 2);
//nlinfo("used: %s, user: %s", usedlang.c_str(), receiver_lang.c_str());
if (usedlang == receiver_lang)
if (usedlang == receiver_lang && !client.haveDisabledTranslation(sender_lang))
sendChat( itCl->second->getChatMode(), *itA, ucstr.substr(5), sender );
@ -678,12 +670,11 @@ void CChatManager::chat( const TDataSetRow& sender, const ucstring& ucstr )
if (!have_fr && receiver_lang == "fr")
have_fr = true;
if (!have_de && receiver_lang == "de")
have_de = true;
if (!have_en && receiver_lang == "us")
if (!have_en && receiver_lang == "en")
have_en = true;
if (!have_ru && receiver_lang == "ru")
have_ru = true;
@ -702,14 +693,14 @@ void CChatManager::chat( const TDataSetRow& sender, const ucstring& ucstr )
if (have_de)
langs += "-de";
if (have_en)
langs += "-us";
langs += "-en";
if (have_ru)
langs += "-ru";
if (have_es)
langs += "-es";
if (nbr_receiver > 0)
_Log.displayNL("|%s|(%s:%d:%s)|%s", IOS->getRocketName(senderName).c_str(), groupNames[itCl->second->getChatMode()], nbr_receiver, langs.c_str(), ucstr.toUtf8().c_str() );
_Log.displayNL("%s|%s|%d|%s|%s", groupNames[itCl->second->getChatMode()], fullName.c_str(), nbr_receiver, langs.c_str(), ucstr.toUtf8().c_str() );
case CChatGroup::region :
@ -723,10 +714,20 @@ void CChatManager::chat( const TDataSetRow& sender, const ucstring& ucstr )
TGroupId grpId = itCl->second->getRegionChatGroup();
_Log.displayNL("'%s' (%s) : \t\"%s\"", senderName.c_str(), groupNames[itCl->second->getChatMode()], ucstr.toString().c_str() );
chatInGroup( grpId, ucstr, sender );
if (EnableDeepL)
string sender_lang = SM->getLanguageCodeString(ci->Language);
if (ucstr[0] == '>') // Sent directly when prefixed by '>', it's the anti-translation code
chatInGroup( grpId, ucstr.substr(1), sender );
_Log.displayNL("region:%s|%s|*|%s-*|%s", grpId.toString().c_str(), fullName.c_str(), sender_lang.c_str(), ucstr.toString().c_str() );
chatInGroup( grpId, ucstr, sender );
case CChatGroup::universe:
CEntityId eid = TheDataset.getEntityId(sender);
@ -754,30 +755,98 @@ void CChatManager::chat( const TDataSetRow& sender, const ucstring& ucstr )
// }
TGroupId grpId = CEntityId(RYZOMID::chatGroup, 0);
_Log.displayNL("'%s' (%s) : \t\"%s\"", senderName.c_str(), groupNames[itCl->second->getChatMode()], ucstr.toString().c_str() );
double date = 1000.0*(double)CTime::getSecondsSince1970();
string name;
if (!ucSenderName.empty())
name = IOS->getRocketName(ucSenderName);
bool sendToMongo = true;
bool sendToAllUni = false;
string autosub = "1";
uint8 startPos = 0;
string mongoText = ucstr.toUtf8();
string chatId = "all";
string chatType = "univers";
string usedlang = SM->getLanguageCodeString(ci->Language);
if (EnableDeepL)
chatType = "dynamic";
if (ucstr[0] == '>') // Sent directly when prefixed by '>', it's the anti-translation code
startPos = 1;
mongoText = mongoText.substr(1);
string::size_type endOfOriginal = mongoText.find("}@{");
if (mongoText.size() > 4 && mongoText[0] == ':' && mongoText[3] == ':')
startPos = 5;
usedlang = mongoText.substr(1, 2);
string source_lang = usedlang;
if (endOfOriginal != string::npos)
if (mongoText.size() > 9)
source_lang = mongoText.substr(6, 2);
string sourceText = mongoText.substr(9, endOfOriginal-9);
strFindReplace(sourceText, ")", "}");
mongoText = "["+source_lang+"](http://chatdev.ryzom.com/channel/pub-universe-"+source_lang+"? "+sourceText+") "+mongoText.substr(endOfOriginal+4, mongoText.size()-endOfOriginal-4);
usedlang = mongoText.substr(1, 2);
mongoText = mongoText.substr(4, mongoText.size()-4);
if (source_lang == "en") // in RC the icon are :us:
mongoText = ":us:"+mongoText;
mongoText = ":"+source_lang+":"+mongoText;
chatId = "FACTION_"+toUpper(usedlang);
if (usedlang != SM->getLanguageCodeString(ci->Language))
autosub = "0";
sendToAllUni = true;
chatInGroup( grpId, ucstr.substr(1), sender );
string sender_lang = SM->getLanguageCodeString(ci->Language);
_Log.displayNL("%s|%s|*|%s-*|%s", "universe", fullName.c_str(), sender_lang.c_str(), ucstr.toUtf8().c_str());
sendToMongo = false;
name = senderName;
chatInGroup( grpId, ucstr, sender );
CMongo::insert("ryzom_chats", toString("{ 'username': '%s', 'chat': '%s', 'chatType': 'univers', 'chatId': 'all', 'date': %f, 'ig': true }", CMongo::quote(name).c_str(), CMongo::quote(ucstr.toUtf8()).c_str(), date));
if (sendToMongo) // only send to mongo if it's not a translated message
if (sendToAllUni)
string userlang = SM->getLanguageCodeString(ci->Language);
CMongo::insert("ryzom_chats", toString("{ 'username': '%s', 'chat': '%s', 'chatType': '%s', 'chatId': 'FACTION_EN', 'date': %f, 'ig': true, 'autosub': %s }", CMongo::quote(fullName).c_str(), CMongo::quote(mongoText).c_str(), chatType.c_str(), date, userlang == "en"?"1":"0"));
CMongo::insert("ryzom_chats", toString("{ 'username': '%s', 'chat': '%s', 'chatType': '%s', 'chatId': 'FACTION_DE', 'date': %f, 'ig': true, 'autosub': %s }", CMongo::quote(fullName).c_str(), CMongo::quote(mongoText).c_str(), chatType.c_str(), date, userlang == "de"?"1":"0"));
CMongo::insert("ryzom_chats", toString("{ 'username': '%s', 'chat': '%s', 'chatType': '%s', 'chatId': 'FACTION_ES', 'date': %f, 'ig': true, 'autosub': %s }", CMongo::quote(fullName).c_str(), CMongo::quote(mongoText).c_str(), chatType.c_str(), date, userlang == "es"?"1":"0"));
CMongo::insert("ryzom_chats", toString("{ 'username': '%s', 'chat': '%s', 'chatType': '%s', 'chatId': 'FACTION_FR', 'date': %f, 'ig': true, 'autosub': %s }", CMongo::quote(fullName).c_str(), CMongo::quote(mongoText).c_str(), chatType.c_str(), date, userlang == "fr"?"1":"0"));
CMongo::insert("ryzom_chats", toString("{ 'username': '%s', 'chat': '%s', 'chatType': '%s', 'chatId': 'FACTION_RU', 'date': %f, 'ig': true, 'autosub': %s }", CMongo::quote(fullName).c_str(), CMongo::quote(mongoText).c_str(), chatType.c_str(), date, userlang == "ru"?"1":"0"));
CMongo::insert("ryzom_chats", toString("{ 'username': '%s', 'chat': '%s', 'chatType': '%s', 'chatId': '%s', 'date': %f, 'ig': true, 'autosub': %s }", CMongo::quote(fullName).c_str(), CMongo::quote(mongoText).c_str(), chatType.c_str(), chatId.c_str(), date, autosub.c_str()));
chatInGroup( grpId, ucstr, sender );
case CChatGroup::team:
TGroupId grpId = itCl->second->getTeamChatGroup();
_Log.displayNL("'%s' (%s) : \t\"%s\"", senderName.c_str(), groupNames[itCl->second->getChatMode()], ucstr.toString().c_str() );
_Log.displayNL("'%s' (%s) : %s", fullName.c_str(), groupNames[itCl->second->getChatMode()], ucstr.toString().c_str() );
chatInGroup( grpId, ucstr, sender );
@ -787,10 +856,7 @@ void CChatManager::chat( const TDataSetRow& sender, const ucstring& ucstr )
TGroupId grpId = itCl->second->getGuildChatGroup();
_Log.displayNL("'%s' (%s) : \t\"%s\"",
ucstr.toString().c_str() );
_Log.displayNL("%s' (%s) : %s", fullName.c_str(), groupNames[itCl->second->getChatMode()], ucstr.toString().c_str() );
uint32 guildId = grpId.getShortId() - 0x10000000;
@ -799,14 +865,8 @@ void CChatManager::chat( const TDataSetRow& sender, const ucstring& ucstr )
double date = 1000.0*(double)CTime::getSecondsSince1970();
string name;
if (!ucSenderName.empty())
name = IOS->getRocketName(ucSenderName);
name = senderName;
CMongo::insert("ryzom_chats", toString("{ 'username': '%s', 'chat': '%s', 'chatType': 'guildId', 'chatId': '%s', 'date': %f, 'ig': true }", CMongo::quote(name).c_str(), CMongo::quote(ucstr.toUtf8()).c_str(), sGuildId.str().c_str(), date));
CMongo::insert("ryzom_chats", toString("{ 'username': '%s', 'chat': '%s', 'chatType': 'guildId', 'chatId': '%s', 'date': %f, 'ig': true, 'autosub': 1 }", CMongo::quote(fullName).c_str(), CMongo::quote(ucstr.toUtf8()).c_str(), sGuildId.str().c_str(), date));
chatInGroup( grpId, ucstr, sender );
@ -832,25 +892,88 @@ void CChatManager::chat( const TDataSetRow& sender, const ucstring& ucstr )
const std::string *tmpChatId = _ChanNames.getB(chanId);
string chatId;
if (tmpChatId)
chatId = *tmpChatId;
const std::string *tmpChatId = _ChanNames.getB(chanId);
string chatId;
if (tmpChatId)
chatId = *tmpChatId;
nlinfo("CHAT : %s", chatId.c_str());
double date = 1000.0*(double)CTime::getSecondsSince1970();
double date = 1000.0*(double)CTime::getSecondsSince1970();
string name;
if (!ucSenderName.empty())
name = IOS->getRocketName(ucSenderName);
name = senderName;
bool sendToMongo = true;
bool sendToAllForge = false;
uint8 startPos = 0;
string mongoText = ucstr.toUtf8();
string usedlang = "";
string autosub = "0";
CMongo::insert("ryzom_chats", toString("{ 'username': '%s', 'chat': '%s', 'chatType': 'dynamic', 'chatId': '%s', 'date': %f, 'ig': true }", CMongo::quote(name).c_str(), CMongo::quote(ucstr.toUtf8()).c_str(), chatId.c_str(), date));
if (EnableDeepL)
if (ucstr[0] == '>') // Sent directly when prefixed by '>', it's the anti-translation code
startPos = 1;
mongoText = mongoText.substr(1);
string::size_type endOfOriginal = mongoText.find("}@{");
if (mongoText.size() > 4 && mongoText[0] == ':' && mongoText[3] == ':')
startPos = 5;
usedlang = mongoText.substr(1, 2);
string source_lang = usedlang;
if (endOfOriginal != string::npos)
if (mongoText.size() > 9)
source_lang = mongoText.substr(6, 2);
string sourceText = mongoText.substr(9, endOfOriginal-9);
strFindReplace(sourceText, ")", "}");
mongoText = "["+source_lang+"](http://chatdev.ryzom.com/channel/pub-forge-"+source_lang+"? "+sourceText+") "+mongoText.substr(endOfOriginal+4, mongoText.size()-endOfOriginal-4);
usedlang = mongoText.substr(1, 2);
mongoText = mongoText.substr(4, mongoText.size()-4);
if (source_lang == "en") // in RC the icon are :us:
mongoText = ":us:"+mongoText;
mongoText = ":"+source_lang+":"+mongoText;
else if (chatId == "FACTION_RF")
sendToAllForge = true;
else if (chatId == "FACTION_RF" || chatId == "FACTION_EN" || chatId == "FACTION_DE" || chatId == "FACTION_FR" || chatId == "FACTION_ES" || chatId == "FACTION_RU")
usedlang = SM->getLanguageCodeString(ci->Language);
_Log.displayNL("%s|%s|*|%s-*|%s", string("#"+chatId).c_str(), fullName.c_str(), usedlang.c_str(), ucstr.toUtf8().c_str());
sendToMongo = false;
if (sendToMongo) // only send to mongo if it's not a translated message
string userlang = SM->getLanguageCodeString(ci->Language);
if (sendToAllForge)
CMongo::insert("ryzom_chats", toString("{ 'username': '%s', 'chat': '%s', 'chatType': 'dynamic', 'chatId': 'FACTION_RF-EN', 'date': %f, 'ig': true, 'autosub': %s }", CMongo::quote(fullName).c_str(), CMongo::quote(mongoText).c_str(), date, userlang == "en"?"1":"0"));
CMongo::insert("ryzom_chats", toString("{ 'username': '%s', 'chat': '%s', 'chatType': 'dynamic', 'chatId': 'FACTION_RF-DE', 'date': %f, 'ig': true, 'autosub': %s }", CMongo::quote(fullName).c_str(), CMongo::quote(mongoText).c_str(), date, userlang == "de"?"1":"0"));
CMongo::insert("ryzom_chats", toString("{ 'username': '%s', 'chat': '%s', 'chatType': 'dynamic', 'chatId': 'FACTION_RF-ES', 'date': %f, 'ig': true, 'autosub': %s }", CMongo::quote(fullName).c_str(), CMongo::quote(mongoText).c_str(), date, userlang == "es"?"1":"0"));
CMongo::insert("ryzom_chats", toString("{ 'username': '%s', 'chat': '%s', 'chatType': 'dynamic', 'chatId': 'FACTION_RF-FR', 'date': %f, 'ig': true, 'autosub': %s }", CMongo::quote(fullName).c_str(), CMongo::quote(mongoText).c_str(), date, userlang == "fr"?"1":"0"));
CMongo::insert("ryzom_chats", toString("{ 'username': '%s', 'chat': '%s', 'chatType': 'dynamic', 'chatId': 'FACTION_RF-RU', 'date': %f, 'ig': true, 'autosub': %s }", CMongo::quote(fullName).c_str(), CMongo::quote(mongoText).c_str(), date, userlang == "ru"?"1":"0"));
if (chatId == "FACTION_RF")
chatId = "FACTION_RF-"+toUpper(usedlang);
CMongo::insert("ryzom_chats", toString("{ 'username': '%s', 'chat': '%s', 'chatType': 'dynamic', 'chatId': '%s', 'date': %f, 'ig': true, 'autosub': %s }", CMongo::quote(fullName).c_str(), CMongo::quote(mongoText).c_str(), chatId.c_str(), date, userlang == usedlang?"1":"0"));
if (!session->getChan()->getDontBroadcastPlayerInputs())
if (!session->getChan()->getDontBroadcastPlayerInputs() && startPos != 0)
// add msg to the historic
CDynChatChan::CHistoricEntry entry;
@ -887,15 +1010,20 @@ void CChatManager::chat( const TDataSetRow& sender, const ucstring& ucstr )
CDynChatSession *dcc = session->getChan()->getFirstSession();
while (dcc)
sendChat(itCl->second->getChatMode(), dcc->getClient()->getID(), content, sender, chanId);
NLMISC::CEntityId receiverId = TheDataset.getEntityId(dcc->getClient()->getID());
CCharacterInfos* co = IOS->getCharInfos(receiverId);
if (!EnableDeepL || usedlang.empty() || usedlang == SM->getLanguageCodeString(co->Language))
sendChat(itCl->second->getChatMode(), dcc->getClient()->getID(), content.substr(startPos), sender, chanId);
dcc = dcc->getNextChannelSession(); // next session in this channel
// only send an echo to the sender
sendChat(itCl->second->getChatMode(), itCl->first, ucstr, sender, chanId);
if (!EnableDeepL || usedlang.empty()) // only send an echo to the sender
sendChat(itCl->second->getChatMode(), itCl->first, ucstr, sender, chanId);
if (session->getChan()->getForwardPlayerIntputToOwnerService())
// send player input to service owner
@ -968,10 +1096,27 @@ void CChatManager::chatInGroup( TGroupId& grpId, const ucstring& ucstr, const TD
CChatGroup &chatGrp = itGrp->second;
CChatGroup::TMemberCont::const_iterator itM;
list<CEntityId> logDest;
uint8 startPos = 0;
string usedlang;
if (EnableDeepL && ucstr.length() > 4 && ucstr[0] == ':' && ucstr[3] == ':') // check lang prefix
usedlang = ucstr.toString().substr(1, 2);
startPos = 4;
for( itM = chatGrp.Members.begin(); itM != chatGrp.Members.end(); ++itM )
CMirrorPropValueRO<uint32> instanceId( TheDataset, *itM, DSPropertyAI_INSTANCE );
if (EnableDeepL && !usedlang.empty())
NLMISC::CEntityId receiverId = TheDataset.getEntityId(*itM);
CCharacterInfos* co = IOS->getCharInfos(receiverId);
if (usedlang != SM->getLanguageCodeString(co->Language))
// check the ai instance for region chat
if (chatGrp.Type != CChatGroup::region
|| instanceId == senderInstanceId)
@ -997,7 +1142,7 @@ void CChatManager::chatInGroup( TGroupId& grpId, const ucstring& ucstr, const TD
// check the exclude list
if ( std::find( excluded.begin(), excluded.end(), *itM ) == excluded.end() )
sendChat( itGrp->second.Type, *itM, ucstr, sender );
sendChat( itGrp->second.Type, *itM, ucstr.substr(startPos), sender );
@ -1011,7 +1156,7 @@ void CChatManager::chatInGroup( TGroupId& grpId, const ucstring& ucstr, const TD
// forward to chat unifier to dispatch to other shards
if (IChatUnifierClient::getInstance())
IChatUnifierClient::getInstance()->sendFarGuildChat(charInfos->Name, uint32(grpId.getShortId()), ucstr);
IChatUnifierClient::getInstance()->sendFarGuildChat(charInfos->Name, uint32(grpId.getShortId()), ucstr.substr(startPos));
@ -1026,7 +1171,7 @@ void CChatManager::chatInGroup( TGroupId& grpId, const ucstring& ucstr, const TD
// determine the session id as the home session id for normal players and the current session id for GMs
uint32 sessionId= (charInfos->HavePrivilege && !IsRingShard)? IService::getInstance()->getShardId(): (uint32)charInfos->HomeSessionId;
IChatUnifierClient::getInstance()->sendUniverseChat(charInfos->Name, sessionId, ucstr);
IChatUnifierClient::getInstance()->sendUniverseChat(charInfos->Name, sessionId, ucstr.substr(startPos));
@ -1043,16 +1188,26 @@ void CChatManager::farChatInGroup(TGroupId &grpId, uint32 homeSessionId, const u
map< TGroupId, CChatGroup >::iterator itGrp = _Groups.find( grpId );
if( itGrp != _Groups.end() )
uint8 startPos = 0;
string usedlang;
if (EnableDeepL && text.length() > 4 && text[0] == ':' && text[3] == ':') // check lang prefix
usedlang = text.toString().substr(1, 2);
startPos = 4;
CChatGroup &chatGrp = itGrp->second;
CChatGroup::TMemberCont::const_iterator itM;
for( itM = chatGrp.Members.begin(); itM != chatGrp.Members.end(); ++itM )
CCharacterInfos *charInfo = IOS->getCharInfos(TheDataset.getEntityId(*itM));
if (charInfo==NULL)
if (homeSessionId != 0)
CCharacterInfos *charInfo = IOS->getCharInfos(TheDataset.getEntityId(*itM));
if (charInfo==NULL)
// determine the session id as the home session id for normal players and the current session id for GMs
uint32 sessionId= (charInfo->HavePrivilege && !IsRingShard)? IService::getInstance()->getShardId(): (uint32)charInfo->HomeSessionId;
@ -1060,7 +1215,11 @@ void CChatManager::farChatInGroup(TGroupId &grpId, uint32 homeSessionId, const u
if (sessionId != homeSessionId)
sendFarChat( itGrp->second.Type, *itM, text, senderName );
if (EnableDeepL && !usedlang.empty() && usedlang != SM->getLanguageCodeString(charInfo->Language))
sendFarChat( itGrp->second.Type, *itM, text.substr(startPos), senderName );
@ -1711,6 +1870,85 @@ void CChatManager::sendChat( CChatGroup::TGroupType senderChatMode, const TDataS
} // sendChat //
void CChatManager::sendFarChat(const string &name, const ucstring& ucstr, const string &chan)
const TChanID *chanId = _ChanNames.getA(chan);
if (chanId || chan == "universe")
string usedlang = "";
string mongoText = ucstr.toUtf8();
string::size_type endOfOriginal = mongoText.find("}@{");
uint8 startPos = 0;
if (mongoText.length() > 4 && mongoText[0] == ':' && mongoText[3] == ':') // check lang prefix
startPos = 4;
double date = 1000.0*(double)CTime::getSecondsSince1970();
string chatId;
usedlang = mongoText.substr(1, 2);
string rc_channel = "";
if (chan == "FACTION_RF")
chatId = "FACTION_RF-"+toUpper(usedlang);
rc_channel = "pub-forge-";
else if (chan == "universe")
chatId = "FACTION_"+toUpper(usedlang);
rc_channel = "pub-universe-";
string source_lang = usedlang;
if (endOfOriginal != string::npos)
if (mongoText.size() > 9)
source_lang = mongoText.substr(6, 2);
string sourceText = mongoText.substr(9, endOfOriginal-9);
strFindReplace(sourceText, ")", "}");
mongoText = "["+source_lang+"](http://chatdev.ryzom.com/channel/"+rc_channel+source_lang+"? "+sourceText+") "+mongoText.substr(endOfOriginal+4, mongoText.size()-endOfOriginal-4);
usedlang = mongoText.substr(1, 2);
mongoText = mongoText.substr(4, mongoText.size()-4);
if (source_lang == "en") // in RC the icon are :us:
mongoText = ":us:"+mongoText;
mongoText = ":"+source_lang+":"+mongoText;
if (endOfOriginal != string::npos)
CMongo::insert("ryzom_chats", toString("{ 'username': '%s', 'chat': '%s', 'chatType': 'dynamic', 'chatId': '%s', 'date': %f, 'ig': true }", CMongo::quote(name).c_str(), CMongo::quote(mongoText).c_str(), chatId.c_str(), date));
if (chan == "universe")
TGroupId grpId = CEntityId(RYZOMID::chatGroup, 0);
farChatInGroup(grpId, 0, ucstr, ucstring("~")+ucstring(name));
CDynChatSession *dcc = _DynChat.getChan(*chanId)->getFirstSession();
while (dcc)
NLMISC::CEntityId receiverId = TheDataset.getEntityId(dcc->getClient()->getID());
CCharacterInfos* co = IOS->getCharInfos(receiverId);
if (!EnableDeepL || usedlang.empty() || usedlang == SM->getLanguageCodeString(co->Language))
sendFarChat((CChatGroup::TGroupType)12, dcc->getClient()->getID(), ucstr.substr(startPos), ucstring("~")+ucstring(name), *chanId);
dcc = dcc->getNextChannelSession(); // next session in this channel
void CChatManager::sendFarChat( CChatGroup::TGroupType senderChatMode, const TDataSetRow &receiver, const ucstring& ucstr, const ucstring &senderName, TChanID chanID)
CCharacterInfos * receiverInfos = IOS->getCharInfos( TheDataset.getEntityId(receiver) );
@ -2570,7 +2808,7 @@ ucstring CChatManager::filterClientInput(ucstring &text)
// 1st, remove any beginning or ending white space
ucstring::size_type pos = 0;
// skip begin white spaces
// skip begin white spaces or : (used by deepl)
while (pos < text.size() && (text[pos] == ' ' || text[pos] == '\t'))
@ -2578,6 +2816,12 @@ ucstring CChatManager::filterClientInput(ucstring &text)
while (text.size() > 0 && (*(text.rbegin()) == ' ' || *(text.rbegin()) == '\t'))
if (pos < text.size() && text[pos] == ':')
if (pos+1 < text.size() && text[pos] == '>' && text[pos+1] == ':')
pos += 2;
// copy string, removing multi white space between words
// filter out color code
bool lastIsWhite = false;
@ -2703,24 +2947,46 @@ void CChatManager::update()
else if (chatType == "dynamic")
// broadcast to other client in the channel
const TChanID *chanId = _ChanNames.getA(chatId);
if (chanId)
if (EnableDeepL && chatId.size() >= 10 && (chatId.substr(0, 11) == "FACTION_RF-" || chatId == "FACTION_EN" || chatId == "FACTION_DE" || chatId == "FACTION_FR" || chatId == "FACTION_ES" || chatId == "FACTION_RU"))
string usedlang;
if (chatId.substr(0, 11) == "FACTION_RF-")
usedlang = chatId.substr(11, 2);
usedlang = chatId.substr(8, 2);
_Log.displayNL("%s|%s|*|%s-*|%s", chatId.c_str(), string("~"+name).c_str(), toLower(usedlang).c_str(), text.toUtf8().c_str());
CDynChatSession *dcc = _DynChat.getChan(*chanId)->getFirstSession();
while (dcc)
// broadcast to other client in the channel
const TChanID *chanId = _ChanNames.getA(chatId);
if (chanId)
sendFarChat((CChatGroup::TGroupType)12, dcc->getClient()->getID(), text, ucstring("~")+ucstring(name), *chanId);
dcc = dcc->getNextChannelSession(); // next session in this channel
CDynChatSession *dcc = _DynChat.getChan(*chanId)->getFirstSession();
while (dcc)
sendFarChat((CChatGroup::TGroupType)12, dcc->getClient()->getID(), text, ucstring("~")+ucstring(name), *chanId);
dcc = dcc->getNextChannelSession(); // next session in this channel
// void CChatManager::sendFarChat( C const ucstring& ucstr, const ucstring &senderName, TChanID chanID)
// void CChatManager::sendFarChat( C const ucstring& ucstr, const ucstring &senderName, TChanID chanID)
else if (chatType == "univers") {
// Send to Deepl
if (EnableDeepL)
_Log.displayNL("%s|%s|wk|wk-*|%s", "universe", name.c_str(), chat.c_str());
else if (chatType == "username")
if (IService::getInstance()->getShardId() == 301)
chatId = chatId+"(Yubo)";
if (IService::getInstance()->getShardId() == 501)
chatId = chatId+"(Gingo)";
chatId = chatId+"(Atys)";
@ -2736,3 +3002,7 @@ void CChatManager::update()
TChanID CChatManager::getChanId(const string name) {
return *_ChanNames.getA(name);