@ -282,6 +282,13 @@ inline sint nlstricmp(const std::string &lhs, const std::string &rhs) { return s
inline sint nlstricmp(const std::string &lhs, const char *rhs) { return stricmp(lhs.c_str(),rhs); }
inline sint nlstricmp(const std::string &lhs, const char *rhs) { return stricmp(lhs.c_str(),rhs); }
inline sint nlstricmp(const char *lhs, const std::string &rhs) { return stricmp(lhs,rhs.c_str()); }
inline sint nlstricmp(const char *lhs, const std::string &rhs) { return stricmp(lhs,rhs.c_str()); }
// macros helper to convert UTF-8 std::string and wchar_t*
#define wideToUtf8(str) (ucstring((ucchar*)str).toUtf8())
#define utf8ToWide(str) ((wchar_t*)ucstring::makeFromUtf8(str).c_str())
// wrapper for fopen to be able to open files with an UTF-8 filename
FILE* nlfopen(const std::string &filename, const std::string &mode);
/** Signed 64 bit fseek. Same interface as fseek
/** Signed 64 bit fseek. Same interface as fseek
int nlfseek64( FILE *stream, sint64 offset, int origin );
int nlfseek64( FILE *stream, sint64 offset, int origin );