@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ for ts in SortedToolsets:
# https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/generator/Visual%20Studio%208%202005.html
# Must set VCVars ahead of compiling!
toolchain["Generator"] = "NMake Makefiles"
toolchain["DisplayName"] = vs["DisplayName"]
toolchain["Platform"] = platform
toolchain["Toolset"] = ts
toolchain["Prefix"] = FindVSPrefixPaths(ts, platform)
@ -50,13 +51,24 @@ for ts in SortedToolsets:
if luaVersion:
toolchain["LuaVersion"] = luaVersion
if platform == "x64":
toolchain["OS"] = "Win64"
toolchain["VCVars"] = FindVCVars64(vs["Path"])
toolchain["OS"] = "Win32"
toolchain["VCVars"] = FindVCVars32(vs["Path"])
if vs["Version"] >= 11:
if toolchain["Toolset"].endswith("_xp"):
toolchain["OS"] = "WinXP"
toolchain["OS"] = "Win7"
elif vs["Version"] >= 10:
toolchain["OS"] = "WinXP"
elif vs["Version"] >= 9:
toolchain["OS"] = "Win2k"
elif vs["Version"] >= 8:
toolchain["OS"] = "Win98"
if toolchain["VCVars"] and (len(toolchain["Prefix"]) or "Hunter" in toolchain):
Toolchains["MSVC/" + ts + "/" + platform] = toolchain
Toolchains[toolchain["OS"] + "/VS/" + ts + "/" + platform] = toolchain
with open(os.path.join(NeLConfigDir, "toolchains_default.json"), 'w') as fo:
json.dump(Toolchains, fo, indent=2)