@ -245,6 +245,10 @@ void CChatManager::addClient( const TDataSetRow& id )
// add player in the group universe
TGroupId grpUniverse = CEntityId(RYZOMID::chatGroup,0);
addToGroup(grpUniverse, id);
@ -521,8 +525,6 @@ void CChatManager::removeFromGroup( TGroupId gId, const TDataSetRow &charId )
} // removeFromGroup //
// getGroup
@ -542,6 +544,145 @@ CChatGroup& CChatManager::getGroup( const TGroupId& gId )
} // getGroup //
// checkNeedDeeplize
void CChatManager::checkNeedDeeplize( const TDataSetRow& sender, const ucstring& ucstr, const string& senderLang, string &langs, uint &nbrReceivers, TGroupId grpId)
TClientInfoCont::iterator itCl = _Clients.find( sender );
CChatManager &cm = IOS->getChatManager();
CChatClient &senderClient = cm.getClient(sender);
bool have_fr = false;
bool have_de = false;
bool have_en = false;
bool have_ru = false;
bool have_es = false;
CChatGroup::TMemberCont::iterator itA;
CChatGroup::TMemberCont::iterator itEnd;
nbrReceivers = 0;
if (grpId == CEntityId::Unknown)
itA = itCl->second->getAudience().Members.begin();
itEnd = itCl->second->getAudience().Members.end();
map< TGroupId, CChatGroup >::iterator itGrp = _Groups.find( grpId );
if( itGrp != _Groups.end() )
CChatGroup &chatGrp = itGrp->second;
itA = chatGrp.Members.begin();
itEnd = chatGrp.Members.end();
itA = itCl->second->getAudience().Members.end();
itEnd = itCl->second->getAudience().Members.end();
for( ; itA != itEnd; ++itA )
ucstring message;
string receiverName;
NLMISC::CEntityId receiverId = TheDataset.getEntityId(*itA);
CCharacterInfos* co = IOS->getCharInfos(receiverId);
string receiverLang;
if (co == NULL)
receiverName = receiverId.toString();
receiverName = co->Name.toString();
receiverLang = SM->getLanguageCodeString(co->Language);
if (EnableDeepL && !senderClient.dontSendTranslation(senderLang))
CChatClient &client = getClient(*itA);
if (senderLang == "wk")
receiverLang = senderLang;
if (ucstr[0] == '>') // Sent directly when prefixed by '>', it's the anti-translation code
if (grpId == CEntityId::Unknown && ucstr.length() > 5 && ucstr[1] == ':' && ucstr[4] == ':') // check lang prefix only for chat()
string usedLang = ucstr.toString().substr(2, 2);
if (usedLang == receiverLang && !client.dontReceiveTranslation(usedLang))
message = ucstr.substr(5);
message = ucstr.substr(1);
else if (senderLang == receiverLang || client.dontReceiveTranslation(senderLang)) // Sent directly if sender and receiver uses same lang
message = ucstr;
if (!have_fr && receiverLang == "fr")
have_fr = true;
if (!have_de && receiverLang == "de")
have_de = true;
if (!have_en && receiverLang == "en")
have_en = true;
if (!have_ru && receiverLang == "ru")
have_ru = true;
if (!have_es && receiverLang == "es")
have_es = true;
message = ucstr;
if (!message.empty())
if (grpId == CEntityId::Unknown)
sendChat( itCl->second->getChatMode(), *itA, message, sender);
if (grpId != CEntityId::Unknown) // Chat in group must be sent only one time
if (ucstr[0] == '>') // direct, no translation
chatInGroup( grpId, ucstr.substr(1), sender );
else if (ucstr.length() > 5 && ucstr[1] == ':' && ucstr[4] == ':') // Already have filter
chatInGroup( grpId, ucstr, sender );
chatInGroup( grpId, ucstring(":"+senderLang+":")+ucstr, sender ); // Need filter
langs = senderLang;
if (have_fr)
langs += "-fr";
if (have_de)
langs += "-de";
if (have_en)
langs += "-en";
if (have_ru)
langs += "-ru";
if (have_es)
langs += "-es";
// chat
@ -549,6 +690,7 @@ CChatGroup& CChatManager::getGroup( const TGroupId& gId )
void CChatManager::chat( const TDataSetRow& sender, const ucstring& ucstr )
TClientInfoCont::iterator itCl = _Clients.find( sender );
if( itCl != _Clients.end() )
@ -613,93 +755,14 @@ void CChatManager::chat( const TDataSetRow& sender, const ucstring& ucstr )
// dynamic group
case CChatGroup::shout :
case CChatGroup::say :
case CChatGroup::arround :
uint nbr_receiver = 0;
bool have_fr = false;
bool have_de = false;
bool have_en = false;
bool have_ru = false;
bool have_es = false;
CChatGroup::TMemberCont::iterator itA;
for( itA = itCl->second->getAudience().Members.begin();
itA != itCl->second->getAudience().Members.end();
++itA )
string receiverName;
NLMISC::CEntityId receiverId = TheDataset.getEntityId(*itA);
CCharacterInfos* co = IOS->getCharInfos(receiverId);
string receiver_lang;
if (co == NULL)
receiverName = receiverId.toString();
receiverName = co->Name.toString();
receiver_lang = SM->getLanguageCodeString(co->Language);
if (EnableDeepL && !senderClient.dontSendTranslation(senderLang))
CChatClient &client = getClient(*itA);
string langs;
uint nbrReceivers;
checkNeedDeeplize(sender, ucstr, senderLang, langs, nbrReceivers);
if (senderLang == "wk")
receiver_lang = senderLang;
if (ucstr[0] == '>') // Sent directly when prefixed by '>', it's the anti-translation code
if (ucstr.length() > 5 && ucstr[1] == ':' && ucstr[4] == ':') // check lang prefix
string usedlang = ucstr.toString().substr(2, 2);
//nlinfo("used: %s, user: %s", usedlang.c_str(), receiver_lang.c_str());
if (usedlang == receiver_lang && !client.dontReceiveTranslation(usedlang))
sendChat( itCl->second->getChatMode(), *itA, ucstr.substr(5), sender );
sendChat( itCl->second->getChatMode(), *itA, ucstr.substr(1), sender );
else if (senderLang == receiver_lang || client.dontReceiveTranslation(senderLang)) // Sent directly if sender and receiver uses same lang
sendChat( itCl->second->getChatMode(), *itA, ucstr, sender );
if (!have_fr && receiver_lang == "fr")
have_fr = true;
if (!have_de && receiver_lang == "de")
have_de = true;
if (!have_en && receiver_lang == "en")
have_en = true;
if (!have_ru && receiver_lang == "ru")
have_ru = true;
if (!have_es && receiver_lang == "es")
have_es = true;
sendChat( itCl->second->getChatMode(), *itA, ucstr, sender );
string langs = senderLang;
if (have_fr)
langs += "-fr";
if (have_de)
langs += "-de";
if (have_en)
langs += "-en";
if (have_ru)
langs += "-ru";
if (have_es)
langs += "-es";
if (nbr_receiver > 0)
_Log.displayNL("%s|%s|%d|%s|%s", groupNames[itCl->second->getChatMode()], fullName.c_str(), nbr_receiver, langs.c_str(), ucstr.toUtf8().c_str() );
if (nbrReceivers > 0)
_Log.displayNL("%s|%s|%d|%s|%s", groupNames[itCl->second->getChatMode()], fullName.c_str(), nbrReceivers, langs.c_str(), ucstr.toUtf8().c_str() );
case CChatGroup::region :
@ -712,8 +775,13 @@ void CChatManager::chat( const TDataSetRow& sender, const ucstring& ucstr )
TGroupId grpId = itCl->second->getRegionChatGroup();
string langs;
uint nbrReceivers;
checkNeedDeeplize(sender, ucstr, senderLang, langs, nbrReceivers, grpId);
if (nbrReceivers > 0)
_Log.displayNL("region:%s|%s|%d|%s|%s", grpId.toString().c_str(), fullName.c_str(), nbrReceivers, langs.c_str(), ucstr.toUtf8().c_str() );
if (EnableDeepL)
/*if (EnableDeepL && !senderClient.dontSendTranslation(senderLang))
if (ucstr[0] == '>') // Sent directly when prefixed by '>', it's the anti-translation code
chatInGroup( grpId, ucstr.substr(1), sender );
@ -723,7 +791,7 @@ void CChatManager::chat( const TDataSetRow& sender, const ucstring& ucstr )
_Log.displayNL("region:%s|%s|*|%s-*|%s", grpId.toString().c_str(), fullName.c_str(), senderLang.c_str(), ucstr.toUtf8().c_str() );
chatInGroup( grpId, ucstr, sender );
chatInGroup( grpId, ucstr, sender );*/
@ -860,8 +928,16 @@ void CChatManager::chat( const TDataSetRow& sender, const ucstring& ucstr )
TGroupId grpId = itCl->second->getGuildChatGroup();
string langs;
uint nbrReceivers;
checkNeedDeeplize(sender, ucstr, senderLang, langs, nbrReceivers, grpId);
if (nbrReceivers > 0)
//sendToMongo = false;
_Log.displayNL("guild:%s|%s|%d|%s|%s", grpId.toString().c_str(), fullName.c_str(), nbrReceivers, langs.c_str(), ucstr.toUtf8().c_str() );
_Log.displayNL("%s' (%s) : %s", fullName.c_str(), groupNames[itCl->second->getChatMode()], ucstr.toString().c_str() );
//_Log.displayNL("%s' (%s) : %s", fullName.c_str(), groupNames[itCl->second->getChatMode()], ucstr.toString().c_str() );
uint32 guildId = grpId.getShortId() - 0x10000000;
@ -871,9 +947,27 @@ void CChatManager::chat( const TDataSetRow& sender, const ucstring& ucstr )
double date = 1000.0*(double)CTime::getSecondsSince1970();
CMongo::insert("ryzom_chats", toString("{ 'username': '%s', 'chat': '%s', 'chatType': 'guildId', 'chatId': '%s', 'date': %f, 'ig': true, 'autoSub': 1 }", CMongo::quote(fullName).c_str(), CMongo::quote(ucstr.toUtf8()).c_str(), sGuildId.str().c_str(), date));
string mongoText = ucstr.toUtf8();
string translatedLang = senderLang;
if (mongoText[0] == '>')
mongoText = mongoText.substr(1);
if (mongoText.size() > 4 && mongoText[0] == ':' && mongoText[3] == ':')
translatedLang = mongoText.substr(1, 2);
mongoText = mongoText.substr(4);
if (translatedLang == "en")
translatedLang = "gb";
string::size_type endOfOriginal = mongoText.find("}@{");
if (endOfOriginal != string::npos)
mongoText = mongoText.substr(endOfOriginal+4, mongoText.size()-endOfOriginal-4);
CMongo::insert("ryzom_chats", toString("{ 'username': '%s', 'chat': '%s', 'chatType': 'guildId', 'chatId': '%s', 'date': %f, 'ig': true, 'autoSub': 1 }", CMongo::quote(fullName).c_str(), CMongo::quote(":"+translatedLang+":"+mongoText).c_str(), sGuildId.str().c_str(), date));
chatInGroup( grpId, ucstr, sender );
//chatInGroup( grpId, ucstr, sender );
case CChatGroup::dyn_chat:
@ -937,8 +1031,8 @@ void CChatManager::chat( const TDataSetRow& sender, const ucstring& ucstr )
haveOriginMessage = true;
if (mongoText.size() > 9)
originLang = mongoText.substr(6, 2);
string originText = mongoText.substr(9, endOfOriginal-9);
strFindReplace(originText, ")", "}");
string sourceText = mongoText.substr(9, endOfOriginal-9);
strFindReplace(sourceText, ")", "}");
mongoText = "["+originLang+"](http://chat.ryzom.com/channel/pub-forge-"+originLang+"?%20"+encodeURIComponent(sourceText)+") "+mongoText.substr(endOfOriginal+4, mongoText.size()-endOfOriginal-4);
@ -1742,16 +1836,19 @@ void CChatManager::sendEmoteCustomTextToAll( const TDataSetRow& sender, const uc
CChatGroup::TGroupType oldMode = itCl->second->getChatMode();
TChanID oldChan = itCl->second->getDynChatChan();
itCl->second->updateAudience(); // Use the say audience to get the correct members
// get audience around the emoting player
CChatGroup::TMemberCont::iterator itA;
for( itA = itCl->second->getAudience().Members.begin();
/* for( itA = itCl->second->getAudience().Members.begin();
itA != itCl->second->getAudience().Members.end();
++itA )
sendChatCustomEmote( sender, *itA, ustr );
chat(sender, ustr);
// restore old chat mode
itCl->second->setChatMode( oldMode, oldChan );
@ -1821,6 +1918,14 @@ void CChatManager::sendEmoteCustomTextToAll( const TDataSetRow& sender, const uc
void CChatManager::sendChat( CChatGroup::TGroupType senderChatMode, const TDataSetRow &receiver, const ucstring& ucstr, const TDataSetRow &sender, TChanID chanID, const ucstring &senderName)
if (senderChatMode == CChatGroup::arround)
sendChatCustomEmote(sender, receiver, ucstr );
//if( receiver != sender )
CCharacterInfos * charInfos = NULL;
@ -1865,6 +1970,7 @@ void CChatManager::sendChat( CChatGroup::TGroupType senderChatMode, const TDataS
ucstring senderName("<BROADCAST MESSAGE>");
senderNameIndex = SM->storeString( senderName );
if (!senderName.empty())
// the sender overloaded the name
@ -2868,7 +2974,7 @@ ucstring CChatManager::filterClientInput(ucstring &text)
while (text.size() > 0 && (*(text.rbegin()) == ' ' || *(text.rbegin()) == '\t'))
if (pos < text.size() && text[pos] == ':')
if (pos+3 < text.size() && text[pos] == ':' && text[pos+3] == ':')
if (pos+1 < text.size() && text[pos] == '>' && text[pos+1] == ':')