Added: #1469 Implementation of the FollowEntity step

branch : gsoc2012-fabien
Fabien_HENON 13 years ago
parent 1fca8f4b6a
commit ce627c7923

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include "camera_animation_manager/camera_animation_info.h"
#include "camera_animation_manager/position_or_entity_pos_resolver.h"
#include "client_cfg.h"
#include "time_client.h"
/// Basic camera animation step that has generic values
@ -186,6 +187,35 @@ public:
NLMISC::CVector entityPos = resolvePositionOrEntityPosition(EntityToFollow);
NLMISC::CVector distanceVec = entityPos - currCamInfo.CamPos;
float distance = distanceVec.norm();
// We compute the difference with the expected distance
float difference = distance - DistanceToEntity;
// We compute the distance we can travel
float travellingDistance = DT * ClientCfg.MaxCameraAnimationSpeed * (difference < 0.f ? -1.f : 1.f);
// We check if we are not going to far
if (abs(travellingDistance) > abs(difference))
travellingDistance = difference;
// We normalize the vector from our position to the entity
// We multiply this vector with the distance to travel
distanceVec = distanceVec * travellingDistance;
// We add this vector to our position to know our new position
camInfo.CamPos = currCamInfo.CamPos + distanceVec;
// Now we compute the new look at direction
float ratio = currCamInfo.ElapsedTimeSinceStartStep / getDuration();
// We compute the final look at direction
NLMISC::CVector finalDir = resolvePositionOrEntityPosition(LookAtPos) - camInfo.CamPos;
// We get the current look at direction
camInfo.CamLookAtDir = computeCurrentLookAtDir(ratio, currCamInfo.StartCamLookAtDir, finalDir);
return camInfo;
