@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
# if defined(NL_OS_UNIX) && !defined(NL_OS_MAC)
# if defined(NL_OS_UNIX) && !defined(NL_OS_MAC)
# include <X11/Xlib.h>
# include <X11/Xatom.h>
# include <X11/keysym.h>
# include <X11/keysym.h>
# include <GL/gl.h>
# include <GL/gl.h>
# include <GL/glx.h>
# include <GL/glx.h>
@ -33,6 +35,7 @@ CUnixEventEmitter::CUnixEventEmitter ():_dpy(NULL), _win(0), _emulateRawMode(fal
_im = 0 ;
_im = 0 ;
_ic = 0 ;
_ic = 0 ;
_SelectionOwned = false ;
CUnixEventEmitter : : ~ CUnixEventEmitter ( )
CUnixEventEmitter : : ~ CUnixEventEmitter ( )
@ -47,12 +50,24 @@ void CUnixEventEmitter::init(Display *dpy, Window win, NL3D::IDriver *driver)
_win = win ;
_win = win ;
_driver = driver ;
_driver = driver ;
XSelectInput ( _dpy , _win , KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask | StructureNotifyMask ) ;
XSelectInput ( _dpy , _win , KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask | StructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask ) ;
_PrecomputedAtom [ 0 ] = XInternAtom ( dpy , " CLIPBOARD " , False ) ;
# define XA_CLIPBOARD _PrecomputedAtom[0]
_PrecomputedAtom [ 1 ] = XInternAtom ( dpy , " UTF8_STRING " , False ) ;
# define XA_UTF8_STRING _PrecomputedAtom[1]
_PrecomputedAtom [ 2 ] = XInternAtom ( dpy , " TARGETS " , False ) ;
# define XA_TARGETS _PrecomputedAtom[2]
_PrecomputedAtom [ 3 ] = XInternAtom ( dpy , " ATOM " , False ) ;
//#define XA_ATOM _PrecomputedAtom[3]
_PrecomputedAtom [ 4 ] = XInternAtom ( dpy , " NeL_SEL " , False ) ;
# define XA_NEL_SEL _PrecomputedAtom[4]
_PrecomputedAtom [ 5 ] = XInternAtom ( dpy , " TEXT " , False ) ;
# define XA_TEXT _PrecomputedAtom[5]
TODO : implements all useful events processing
TODO : implements all useful events processing
EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | ButtonMotionMask | Button1MotionMask | Button2MotionMask |
EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | ButtonMotionMask | Button1MotionMask | Button2MotionMask |
Button3MotionMask | Button4MotionMask | Button5MotionMask | KeymapStateMask | ExposureMask |
Button3MotionMask | Button4MotionMask | Button5MotionMask | KeymapStateMask |
SubstructureNotifyMask | VisibilityChangeMask | FocusChangeMask | PropertyChangeMask |
SubstructureNotifyMask | VisibilityChangeMask | FocusChangeMask | PropertyChangeMask |
ColormapChangeMask | OwnerGrabButtonMask
ColormapChangeMask | OwnerGrabButtonMask
@ -578,6 +593,67 @@ bool CUnixEventEmitter::processMessage (XEvent &event, CEventServer *server)
break ;
break ;
case SelectionRequest :
XEvent respond ;
XSelectionRequestEvent req = event . xselectionrequest ;
respond . xselection . type = SelectionNotify ;
respond . xselection . display = req . display ;
respond . xselection . requestor = req . requestor ;
respond . xselection . selection = req . selection ;
respond . xselection . target = req . target ;
respond . xselection . time = req . time ;
respond . xselection . property = req . property ;
if ( req . property = = None )
respond . xselection . property = req . target ;
if ( req . target = = XA_TARGETS )
nlwarning ( " Client is asking for TARGETS " ) ;
Atom targets [ ] =
} ;
respond . xselection . property = req . property ;
XChangeProperty ( req . display , req . requestor , req . property , XA_ATOM , 32 , PropModeReplace , ( unsigned char * ) targets , 3 /* number of element */ ) ;
else if ( req . target = = XA_TEXT | | req . target = = XA_STRING )
nlwarning ( " client want TEXT " ) ;
respond . xselection . property = req . property ;
std : : string str = _CopiedString . toString ( ) ;
XChangeProperty ( req . display , req . requestor , req . property , XA_STRING , 8 , PropModeReplace , ( const unsigned char * ) str . c_str ( ) , str . length ( ) ) ;
else if ( req . target = = XA_UTF8_STRING )
nlwarning ( " Client want UTF8 STRING " ) ;
respond . xselection . property = req . property ;
std : : string str = _CopiedString . toUtf8 ( ) ;
XChangeProperty ( req . display , req . requestor , respond . xselection . property , XInternAtom ( _dpy , " UTF8_STRING " , False ) , 8 , PropModeReplace , ( const unsigned char * ) str . c_str ( ) , strlen ( ( char * ) str . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
nlwarning ( " Target doesn't want a string %u " , ( uint ) req . target ) ; // Note: Calling XGetAtomName with arbitrary value crash the client, maybe req.target have been sanitized by X11 server
respond . xselection . property = None ;
XSendEvent ( _dpy , req . requestor , 0 , 0 , & respond ) ;
break ;
case SelectionClear :
nlwarning ( " SelectionClear: " ) ;
_SelectionOwned = false ;
_CopiedString = " " ;
break ;
case FocusIn :
case FocusIn :
// keyboard focus
// keyboard focus
if ( _ic ) XSetICFocus ( _ic ) ;
if ( _ic ) XSetICFocus ( _ic ) ;
@ -605,6 +681,180 @@ bool CUnixEventEmitter::processMessage (XEvent &event, CEventServer *server)
return true ;
return true ;
* This function copy a selection into propertyName .
* It is subject to timeout .
* @ param selection : A Selection Atom
* @ param requestedFormat : Target format Atom
* @ param propertyName : Target property Atom
* @ return true if successfull , false if timeout occured or X11 call failed
bool CUnixEventEmitter : : prepareSelectionContent ( Atom selection , Atom requestedFormat , Atom propertyName )
XConvertSelection ( _dpy , selection , requestedFormat , propertyName , _win , CurrentTime ) ;
XSync ( _dpy , False ) ;
int i = 0 ;
bool gotReply = false ;
XEvent event ;
usleep ( 500 ) ;
gotReply = XCheckTypedWindowEvent ( _dpy , _win , SelectionNotify , & event ) ;
if ( gotReply )
return true ;
i + + ;
while ( i < 20 ) ;
return false ;
bool CUnixEventEmitter : : copyTextToClipboard ( const ucstring & text )
_CopiedString = text ;
XSetSelectionOwner ( _dpy , XA_CLIPBOARD , _win , CurrentTime ) ;
Window selectionOwner = XGetSelectionOwner ( _dpy , XA_CLIPBOARD ) ;
if ( selectionOwner ! = _win )
nlwarning ( " Can't aquire selection " ) ;
return false ;
_SelectionOwned = true ;
nlwarning ( " Owning selection " ) ;
return true ;
nlwarning ( " Paste: Can't acquire selection. " ) ;
return false ;
bool CUnixEventEmitter : : pasteTextFromClipboard ( ucstring & text )
// check if we own the selection
if ( _SelectionOwned )
text = _CopiedString ;
return true ;
Window selectionOwner = XGetSelectionOwner ( _dpy , XA_CLIPBOARD ) ;
if ( selectionOwner ! = None )
Atom * supportedTargets ;
uint8 * data ;
sint result ;
unsigned long nitems , bytesLeft ;
Atom actualType ;
sint actualFormat ;
sint bestTargetElect = 0 , bestTarget = 0 ;
nlwarning ( " Selection owner is %u " , ( uint ) selectionOwner ) ;
// Find supported methods
bool bres = prepareSelectionContent ( XA_CLIPBOARD , XA_TARGETS , XA_NEL_SEL ) ;
if ( ! bres )
nlwarning ( " Paste: Cannot ennumerate TARGETS " ) ;
return false ;
result = XGetWindowProperty ( _dpy , _win , XA_NEL_SEL , 0 , XMaxRequestSize ( _dpy ) , False , AnyPropertyType , & actualType , & actualFormat , & nitems , & bytesLeft , ( unsigned char * * ) & supportedTargets ) ;
if ( result ! = Success )
return false ;
if ( bytesLeft > 0 )
nlwarning ( " Paste: Supported TARGETS list too long. " ) ; // We hope we find what we need in the first packet.
// Elect best type
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < nitems ; i + + )
nldebug ( " - Type=%s " , XGetAtomName ( _dpy , supportedTargets [ i ] ) ) ;
if ( supportedTargets [ i ] = = XA_STRING )
if ( bestTargetElect < 1 )
bestTarget = XA_STRING ;
bestTargetElect = 1 ;
if ( supportedTargets [ i ] = = XA_UTF8_STRING )
if ( bestTargetElect < 2 )
bestTarget = XA_UTF8_STRING ;
bestTargetElect = 2 ;
XFree ( supportedTargets ) ;
if ( ! bestTargetElect )
nlwarning ( " Paste buffer is not a text buffer. " ) ;
return false ;
// Ask for selection lenght && copy to buffer
bres = prepareSelectionContent ( XA_CLIPBOARD , bestTarget , XA_NEL_SEL ) ;
if ( ! bres )
nlwarning ( " Paste: cannot obtain data. Aborting. " ) ;
return false ;
XGetWindowProperty ( _dpy , _win , XA_NEL_SEL , 0 , XMaxRequestSize ( _dpy ) , False , AnyPropertyType , & actualType , & actualFormat , & nitems , & bytesLeft , ( unsigned char * * ) & data ) ;
std : : string tmpData = ( const char * ) data ;
XFree ( data ) ;
switch ( bestTargetElect )
case 1 : // XA_STRING
text = tmpData ;
return true ;
case 2 : // XA_UTF8_STRING
text = ucstring : : makeFromUtf8 ( tmpData ) ;
return true ;
default :
break ;
nlwarning ( " Paste: buffer is not a text buffer. " ) ;
nlwarning ( " Paste: error ! " ) ;
return false ;
# endif // defined(NL_OS_UNIX) && !defined(NL_OS_MAC)
# endif // defined(NL_OS_UNIX) && !defined(NL_OS_MAC)