Cleanup abstract gpu program interface

branch : multipass-stereo
kaetemi 12 years ago
parent 0d743d7f37
commit ac2e087fbf

@ -1147,6 +1147,33 @@ public:
/// \name Geometry Program
// @{
// Order of preference
// - activeGeometryProgram
// - CMaterial pass[n] PP (uses activeGeometryProgram, but does not override if one already set by code)
// - none
/** Return true if the driver supports the specified pixel program profile.
virtual bool supportGeometryProgram(CGeometryProgram::TProfile profile) const = 0;
/** Compile the given pixel program, return if successful.
* If a pixel program was set active before compilation,
* the state of the active pixel program is undefined behaviour afterwards.
virtual bool compileGeometryProgram(CGeometryProgram *program) = 0;
/** Set the active pixel program. This will override pixel programs specified in CMaterial render calls.
* Also used internally by setupMaterial(CMaterial) when getGeometryProgram returns NULL.
* The pixel program is activated immediately.
virtual bool activeGeometryProgram(CGeometryProgram *program) = 0;
// @}
/// \name Program parameters
// @{
// Set parameters

@ -27,52 +27,18 @@
#include <nel/misc/types_nl.h>
#include <nel/misc/smart_ptr.h>
#include <nel/3d/gpu_program.h>
#include <nel/3d/gpu_program_source.h>
#include <list>
namespace NL3D {
* \brief CGeometryProgramInfo
* \date 2013-09-07 15:00GMT
* \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
* Read-only information structure.
struct CGeometryProgramInfo
std::string DisplayName;
/*enum TFeatures
// Bitfield containing features used by this geometry program
uint Features;
// Indices of parameters used by features
// ...
class CGeometryProgram : public IGPUProgram
/// Constructor
CGeometryProgram(CGPUProgramSourceCont *programSource);
/// Destructor
virtual ~CGeometryProgram ();
/// Build feature information
void buildInfo(const char *displayName, uint features);
/// Get feature information
inline const CGeometryProgramInfo *getInfo() const { return _Info; }
/// Feature information
CGeometryProgramInfo *_Info;
} // NL3D

@ -57,11 +57,103 @@ public:
// The virtual dtor is important.
virtual ~IGPUProgramDrvInfos(void);
virtual uint getParamIdx(char *name) const = 0;
virtual uint getUniformIndex(char *name) const = 0;
class CGPUProgramSource;
class CGPUProgramSourceCont;
/// Features exposed by a program. Used to set builtin parameters on user provided shaders
struct CGPUProgramFeatures
CGPUProgramFeatures() : DriverFlags(0), MaterialFlags(0) /*, NumLights(0) */ { }
// Driver builtin parameters
enum TDriverFlags
// Matrices
ModelView = 0x00000001,
ModelViewInverse = 0x00000002,
ModelViewTranspose = 0x00000004,
ModelViewInverseTranspose = 0x00000008,
Projection = 0x00000010,
ProjectionInverse = 0x00000020,
ProjectionTranspose = 0x00000040,
ProjectionInverseTranspose = 0x00000080,
ModelViewProjection = 0x00000100,
ModelViewProjectionInverse = 0x00000200,
ModelViewProjectionTranspose = 0x00000400,
ModelViewProjectionInverseTranspose = 0x00000800,
// Rough example, modify as necessary.
// Lighting (todo)
/// Driver ambient, must be ignored when material ambient is flagged
//DriverAmbient = 0x00001000,
/// Lights, does not set diffuses if material lights is flagged
//DriverLights = 0x00002000,
// etcetera
// Fog (todo)
// Fog = ...,
uint32 DriverFlags;
// uint NumLights; // number of lights supported by the program (not used yet, modify as necessary)
enum TMaterialFlags
/// Use the CMaterial texture stages as the textures for a Pixel Program
TextureStages = 0x00000001, // <- don't remove this one, it's already used, if you want to split them up into the different stages, then it's ok to change it
// Rough example, modify as necessary.
// Lighting (todo)
/// Material ambient premultiplied with driver ambient
//MaterialAmbient = 0x00000002,
/// Premultiply lights diffuse with material diffuse, requires driver lights to be flagged
//MaterialLights = 0x00000004,
// etcetera
// Add all necessary feature sets used with builtin materials here
// Material builtin parameters
uint32 MaterialFlags;
/// Stucture used to cache the indices of builtin parameters
struct CGPUProgramIndices
uint ModelView;
uint ModelViewInverse;
uint ModelViewTranspose;
uint ModelViewInverseTranspose;
uint Projection;
uint ProjectionInverse;
uint ProjectionTranspose;
uint ProjectionInverseTranspose;
uint ModelViewProjection;
uint ModelViewProjectionInverse;
uint ModelViewProjectionTranspose;
uint ModelViewProjectionInverseTranspose;
// Rough example, modify as necessary.
//uint Ambient;
//uint LightType[NL_GPU_PROGRAM_LIGHTS];
//uint LightAmbient[NL_GPU_PROGRAM_LIGHTS];
//uint LightDiffuse[NL_GPU_PROGRAM_LIGHTS];
//uint LightPosition[NL_GPU_PROGRAM_LIGHTS];
//uint LightDirection[NL_GPU_PROGRAM_LIGHTS];
* \brief IGPUProgram
@ -74,6 +166,8 @@ class IGPUProgram : public NLMISC::CRefCount
enum TProfile
none = 0,
// types
// Vertex Shader = 0x01
// Pixel Shader = 0x02
@ -123,24 +217,66 @@ public:
glsl330g = 0x65030330, // GLSL geometry program version 330
struct CSource : public NLMISC::CRefCount
std::string DisplayName;
/// Minimal required profile for this GPU program
IGPUProgram::TProfile Profile;
const char *SourcePtr;
size_t SourceLen;
/// Copy the source code string
inline void setSource(const char *source) { SourceCopy = source; SourcePtr = &SourceCopy[0]; SourceLen = SourceCopy.size(); }
/// Set pointer to source code string without copying the string
inline void setSourcePtr(const char *sourcePtr, size_t sourceLen) { SourceCopy.clear(); SourcePtr = sourcePtr; SourceLen = sourceLen; }
inline void setSourcePtr(const char *sourcePtr) { SourceCopy.clear(); SourcePtr = sourcePtr; SourceLen = strlen(sourcePtr); }
/// CVertexProgramInfo/CPixelProgramInfo/... NeL features
CGPUProgramFeatures Features;
/// Map with known parameter indices, used for assembly programs
std::map<std::string, uint> ParamIndices;
std::string SourceCopy;
IGPUProgram(CGPUProgramSourceCont *programSource);
virtual ~IGPUProgram();
/// Get the idx of a parameter (ogl: uniform, d3d: constant, etcetera) by name. Invalid name returns ~0
inline uint getParamIdx(char *name) const { return _DrvInfo->getParamIdx(name); };
// Manage the sources, not allowed after compilation.
// Add multiple sources using different profiles, the driver will use the first one it supports.
inline size_t getSourceNb() const { return m_Sources.size(); };
inline CSource *getSource(size_t i) const { return m_Sources[i]; };
inline size_t addSource(CSource *source) { nlassert(!m_Source); m_Sources.push_back(source); return (m_Sources.size() - 1); }
inline void removeSource(size_t i) { nlassert(!m_Source); m_Sources.erase(m_Sources.begin() + i); }
// Get the idx of a parameter (ogl: uniform, d3d: constant, etcetera) by name. Invalid name returns ~0
inline uint getUniformIndex(char *name) const { return m_DrvInfo->getUniformIndex(name); };
/// Get the program
inline const CGPUProgramSourceCont *getProgramSource() const { return _ProgramSource; };
// Get feature information of the current program
inline CSource *source() const { return m_Source; };
inline const CGPUProgramFeatures &features() const { return m_Source->Features; };
inline const CGPUProgramIndices &indices() const { return m_Indices; };
inline TProfile profile() const { return m_Source->Profile; }
// Build feature info, called automatically by the driver after compile succeeds
void buildInfo(CSource *source);
/// The progam source
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CGPUProgramSourceCont> _ProgramSource;
std::vector<NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CSource> > m_Sources;
/// The source used for compilation
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CSource> m_Source;
CGPUProgramIndices m_Indices;
/// The driver information. For the driver implementation only.
NLMISC::CRefPtr<IGPUProgramDrvInfos> _DrvInfo;
NLMISC::CRefPtr<IGPUProgramDrvInfos> m_DrvInfo;
}; /* class IGPUProgram */

@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
* \file gpu_program_source.h
* \brief CGPUProgramSource
* \date 2013-09-07 14:54GMT
* \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
* CGPUProgramSource
* Copyright (C) 2013 by authors
* This file is part of NL3D.
* NL3D is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* NL3D is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
* License along with NL3D. If not, see
* <>.
#include <nel/misc/types_nl.h>
// STL includes
// NeL includes
#include <nel/misc/string_mapper.h>
// Project includes
#include <nel/3d/gpu_program.h>
namespace NL3D {
* \brief CGPUProgramSource
* \date 2013-09-07 14:54GMT
* \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
* A single GPU program with a specific profile.
struct CGPUProgramSource : public NLMISC::CRefCount
std::string DisplayName;
/// Minimal required profile for this GPU program
IGPUProgram::TProfile Profile;
const char *SourcePtr;
size_t SourceLen;
/// Copy the source code string
inline void setSource(const char *source) { SourceCopy = source; SourcePtr = &SourceCopy[0]; SourceLen = SourceCopy.size(); }
/// Set pointer to source code string without copying the string
inline void setSourcePtr(const char *sourcePtr, size_t sourceLen) { SourceCopy.clear(); SourcePtr = sourcePtr; SourceLen = sourceLen; }
inline void setSourcePtr(const char *sourcePtr) { SourceCopy.clear(); SourcePtr = sourcePtr; SourceLen = strlen(sourcePtr); }
/// CVertexProgramInfo/CPixelProgramInfo/... NeL features
uint Features;
/// Map with known parameter indices, used for assembly programs
std::map<std::string, uint> ParamIndices;
std::string SourceCopy;
}; /* class CGPUProgramSource */
* \brief CGPUProgramSourceCont
* \date 2013-09-07 14:54GMT
* \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
* Container for the source code of a single GPU program, allowing
* variations in different language profiles.
struct CGPUProgramSourceCont : public NLMISC::CRefCount
std::vector<NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CGPUProgramSource> > Sources;
}; /* class CGPUProgramSourceCont */
} /* namespace NL3D */
#endif /* #ifndef NL3D_GPU_PROGRAM_SOURCE_H */
/* end of file */

@ -27,59 +27,18 @@
#include <nel/misc/types_nl.h>
#include <nel/misc/smart_ptr.h>
#include <nel/3d/gpu_program.h>
#include <nel/3d/gpu_program_source.h>
#include <list>
namespace NL3D {
* \brief CPixelProgramInfo
* \date 2013-09-07 15:00GMT
* \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
* Read-only information structure.
struct CPixelProgramInfo
std::string DisplayName;
enum TFeatures
/// Use texture stages from CMaterial as texture parameters
MaterialTextures = 0x0001,
/// Set driver fog parameters on this program
Fog = 0x0002,
/// Adds an enabled/disabled parameter to the fog, for user shaders
DynamicFog = 0x0004,
// Bitfield containing features used by this pixel program
uint Features;
// Indices of parameters used by features
uint FogEnabledIdx; // (Fog && DynamicFog) nlFogEnabled, fog enabled
uint FogStartEndIdx; // (Fog) nlFogStartEnd, start and end of fog
uint FogColorIdx; // (Fog) nlFogColor, fog color
class CPixelProgram : public IGPUProgram
/// Constructor
CPixelProgram(CGPUProgramSourceCont *programSource);
/// Destructor
virtual ~CPixelProgram ();
/// Build feature information
void buildInfo(const char *displayName, uint features);
/// Get feature information
inline const CPixelProgramInfo *getInfo() const { return _Info; }
/// Feature information
CPixelProgramInfo *_Info;
} // NL3D

@ -20,84 +20,21 @@
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
#include "nel/3d/gpu_program.h"
#include "nel/3d/gpu_program_source.h"
#include <list>
namespace NL3D {
* \brief CVertexProgramInfo
* \date 2013-09-07 15:00GMT
* \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
* Read-only information structure.
struct CVertexProgramInfo
std::string DisplayName;
enum TFeatures
// World
// transform
// Lights
Ambient = 0x0001,
Sun = 0x0002,
PointLight0 = 0x0004,
PointLight1 = 0x0008,
PointLight2 = 0x0010,
// Lights, additional parameters for user shaders
/// Adds an enabled/disabled parameter to all of the lights
DynamicLights = 0x0020,
/// Bitfield containing features used by this vertex program.
uint Features;
/// Indices of parameters used by features.
/// Lights, NeL supports:
/// - Ambient light
uint AmbientIdx; // (Ambient)
/// - One directional light
uint SunDirectionIdx; // (Sun)
uint SunDiffuseIdx; // (Sun)
/// - Zero to three point lights
uint PointLight0PositionIdx; // (PointLight0)
uint PointLight0DiffuseIdx; // (PointLight0)
uint PointLight1PositionIdx; // (PointLight1)
uint PointLight1DiffuseIdx; // (PointLight1)
uint PointLight2PositionIdx; // (PointLight2)
uint PointLight2DiffuseIdx; // (PointLight2)
/// DynamicLights
uint SunEnabledIdx; // (DynamicLights && Sun)
uint PointLight0EnabledIdx; // (DynamicLights && PointLight0)
uint PointLight1EnabledIdx; // (DynamicLights && PointLight1)
uint PointLight2EnabledIdx; // (DynamicLights && PointLight2)
class CVertexProgram : public IGPUProgram
/// Constructor
CVertexProgram(CGPUProgramSourceCont *programSource);
CVertexProgram(const char *nelvp);
/// Destructor
virtual ~CVertexProgram ();
/// Build feature information
void buildInfo(const char *displayName, uint features);
/// Get feature information
inline const CVertexProgramInfo *getInfo() const { return _Info; }
/// Feature information
CVertexProgramInfo *_Info;
} // NL3D

@ -169,8 +169,6 @@ SOURCE_GROUP(Driver FILES

@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ public:
CVertexProgamDrvInfosD3D(IDriver *drv, ItGPUPrgDrvInfoPtrList it);
virtual uint getParamIdx(char *name) const
virtual uint getUniformIndex(char *name) const
std::map<std::string, uint>::const_iterator it = ParamIndices.find(name);
if (it != ParamIndices.end()) return it->second;
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ public:
CPixelProgramDrvInfosD3D(IDriver *drv, ItGPUPrgDrvInfoPtrList it);
virtual uint getParamIdx(char *name) const
virtual uint getUniformIndex(char *name) const
std::map<std::string, uint>::const_iterator it = ParamIndices.find(name);
if (it != ParamIndices.end()) return it->second;
@ -1156,6 +1156,33 @@ public:
/// \name Geometry Program
// @{
// Order of preference
// - activeGeometryProgram
// - CMaterial pass[n] PP (uses activeGeometryProgram, but does not override if one already set by code)
// - none
/** Return true if the driver supports the specified pixel program profile.
virtual bool supportGeometryProgram(CGeometryProgram::TProfile profile) const { return false; }
/** Compile the given pixel program, return if successful.
* If a pixel program was set active before compilation,
* the state of the active pixel program is undefined behaviour afterwards.
virtual bool compileGeometryProgram(CGeometryProgram *program) { return false; }
/** Set the active pixel program. This will override pixel programs specified in CMaterial render calls.
* Also used internally by setupMaterial(CMaterial) when getGeometryProgram returns NULL.
* The pixel program is activated immediately.
virtual bool activeGeometryProgram(CGeometryProgram *program) { return false; }
// @}
/// \name Program parameters
// @{
// Set parameters
@ -2078,7 +2105,7 @@ public:
CPixelProgramDrvInfosD3D* d3dPixelProgram;
d3dPixelProgram = (CPixelProgramDrvInfosD3D*)(IGPUProgramDrvInfos*)(pixelProgram._DrvInfo);
d3dPixelProgram = (CPixelProgramDrvInfosD3D*)(IGPUProgramDrvInfos*)(pixelProgram.m_DrvInfo);
return d3dPixelProgram;
@ -2087,7 +2114,7 @@ public:
CVertexProgamDrvInfosD3D* d3dVertexProgram;
d3dVertexProgram = (CVertexProgamDrvInfosD3D*)(IGPUProgramDrvInfos*)(vertexProgram._DrvInfo);
d3dVertexProgram = (CVertexProgamDrvInfosD3D*)(IGPUProgramDrvInfos*)(vertexProgram.m_DrvInfo);
return d3dVertexProgram;

@ -66,15 +66,15 @@ bool CDriverD3D::supportPixelProgram (CPixelProgram::TProfile profile) const
bool CDriverD3D::compilePixelProgram(CPixelProgram *program)
// Program setuped ?
if (program->_DrvInfo==NULL)
if (program->m_DrvInfo==NULL)
// Find a supported pixel program profile
CGPUProgramSource *source = NULL;
for (uint i = 0; i < program->getProgramSource()->Sources.size(); ++i)
IGPUProgram::CSource *source = NULL;
for (uint i = 0; i < program->getSourceNb(); ++i)
if (supportPixelProgram(program->getProgramSource()->Sources[i]->Profile))
if (supportPixelProgram(program->getSource(i)->Profile))
source = program->getProgramSource()->Sources[i];
source = program->getSource(i);
if (!source)
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ bool CDriverD3D::compilePixelProgram(CPixelProgram *program)
*itPix = drvInfo = new CPixelProgramDrvInfosD3D(this, itPix);
// Create a driver info structure
program->_DrvInfo = *itPix;
program->m_DrvInfo = *itPix;
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ bool CDriverD3D::compilePixelProgram(CPixelProgram *program)
drvInfo->ParamIndices = source->ParamIndices;
// Build the feature info
program->buildInfo(source->DisplayName.c_str(), source->Features);
return true;
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ bool CDriverD3D::activePixelProgram(CPixelProgram *program)
if (!CDriverD3D::compilePixelProgram(program)) return false;
CPixelProgramDrvInfosD3D *info = static_cast<CPixelProgramDrvInfosD3D *>((IGPUProgramDrvInfos*)program->_DrvInfo);
CPixelProgramDrvInfosD3D *info = static_cast<CPixelProgramDrvInfosD3D *>((IGPUProgramDrvInfos*)program->m_DrvInfo);

@ -265,15 +265,15 @@ void dump(const CVPParser::TProgram &prg, std::string &dest)
bool CDriverD3D::compileVertexProgram(NL3D::CVertexProgram *program)
// Program setuped ?
if (program->_DrvInfo == NULL)
if (program->m_DrvInfo == NULL)
// Find nelvp
CGPUProgramSource *source = NULL;
for (uint i = 0; i < program->getProgramSource()->Sources.size(); ++i)
IGPUProgram::CSource *source = NULL;
for (uint i = 0; i < program->getSourceNb(); ++i)
if (program->getProgramSource()->Sources[i]->Profile == CVertexProgram::nelvp)
if (program->getSource(i)->Profile == CVertexProgram::nelvp)
source = program->getProgramSource()->Sources[i];
source = program->getSource(i);
if (!source)
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ bool CDriverD3D::compileVertexProgram(NL3D::CVertexProgram *program)
*itTex = drvInfo = new CVertexProgamDrvInfosD3D(this, itTex);
// Create a driver info structure
program->_DrvInfo = *itTex;
program->m_DrvInfo = *itTex;
/** Check with our parser if the program will works with other implemented extensions, too. (EXT_vertex_shader ..).
* There are some incompatibilities.
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ bool CDriverD3D::compileVertexProgram(NL3D::CVertexProgram *program)
drvInfo->ParamIndices = source->ParamIndices;
// Build the feature info
program->buildInfo(source->DisplayName.c_str(), source->Features);
return true;
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ bool CDriverD3D::activeVertexProgram (CVertexProgram *program)
if (!CDriverD3D::compileVertexProgram(program)) return false;
CVertexProgamDrvInfosD3D *info = NLMISC::safe_cast<CVertexProgamDrvInfosD3D *>((IGPUProgramDrvInfos*)program->_DrvInfo);
CVertexProgamDrvInfosD3D *info = NLMISC::safe_cast<CVertexProgamDrvInfosD3D *>((IGPUProgramDrvInfos*)program->m_DrvInfo);
setVertexProgram (info->Shader, program);
/* D3DRS_FOGSTART and D3DRS_FOGEND must be set with [1, 0] else the fog doesn't work properly on VertexShader and non-VertexShader objects

@ -1362,6 +1362,33 @@ private:
/// \name Geometry Program
// @{
// Order of preference
// - activeGeometryProgram
// - CMaterial pass[n] PP (uses activeGeometryProgram, but does not override if one already set by code)
// - none
/** Return true if the driver supports the specified pixel program profile.
virtual bool supportGeometryProgram(CGeometryProgram::TProfile profile) const { return false; }
/** Compile the given pixel program, return if successful.
* If a pixel program was set active before compilation,
* the state of the active pixel program is undefined behaviour afterwards.
virtual bool compileGeometryProgram(CGeometryProgram *program) { return false; }
/** Set the active pixel program. This will override pixel programs specified in CMaterial render calls.
* Also used internally by setupMaterial(CMaterial) when getGeometryProgram returns NULL.
* The pixel program is activated immediately.
virtual bool activeGeometryProgram(CGeometryProgram *program) { return false; }
// @}
/// \name Program parameters
// @{
// Set parameters
@ -1618,7 +1645,7 @@ public:
// The gl id is auto created here.
CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL (CDriverGL *drv, ItGPUPrgDrvInfoPtrList it);
virtual uint getParamIdx(char *name) const
virtual uint getUniformIndex(char *name) const
std::map<std::string, uint>::const_iterator it = ParamIndices.find(name);
if (it != ParamIndices.end()) return it->second;
@ -1638,7 +1665,7 @@ public:
// The gl id is auto created here.
CPixelProgamDrvInfosGL (CDriverGL *drv, ItGPUPrgDrvInfoPtrList it);
virtual uint getParamIdx(char *name) const
virtual uint getUniformIndex(char *name) const
std::map<std::string, uint>::const_iterator it = ParamIndices.find(name);
if (it != ParamIndices.end()) return it->second;

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ bool CDriverGL::activePixelProgram(CPixelProgram *program)
bool CDriverGL::compilePixelProgram(NL3D::CPixelProgram *program)
// Program setuped ?
if (program->_DrvInfo == NULL)
if (program->m_DrvInfo == NULL)
_PixelProgramEnabled = false;
@ -109,12 +109,12 @@ bool CDriverGL::compilePixelProgram(NL3D::CPixelProgram *program)
CPixelProgamDrvInfosGL *drvInfo;
*it = drvInfo = new CPixelProgamDrvInfosGL(this, it);
// Set the pointer
program->_DrvInfo = drvInfo;
program->m_DrvInfo = drvInfo;
if (!setupPixelProgram(program, drvInfo->ID))
delete drvInfo;
program->_DrvInfo = NULL;
program->m_DrvInfo = NULL;
return false;
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ bool CDriverGL::activeARBPixelProgram(CPixelProgram *program)
if (!CDriverGL::compilePixelProgram(program)) return false;
// Cast the driver info pointer
CPixelProgamDrvInfosGL *drvInfo = safe_cast<CPixelProgamDrvInfosGL*>((IGPUProgramDrvInfos*)program->_DrvInfo);
CPixelProgamDrvInfosGL *drvInfo = safe_cast<CPixelProgamDrvInfosGL*>((IGPUProgramDrvInfos*)program->m_DrvInfo);
_PixelProgramEnabled = true;
@ -159,15 +159,15 @@ bool CDriverGL::setupPixelProgram(CPixelProgram *program, GLuint id/*, bool &spe
CPixelProgamDrvInfosGL *drvInfo = static_cast<CPixelProgamDrvInfosGL *>((IGPUProgramDrvInfos *)program->_DrvInfo);
CPixelProgamDrvInfosGL *drvInfo = static_cast<CPixelProgamDrvInfosGL *>((IGPUProgramDrvInfos *)program->m_DrvInfo);
// Find a supported pixel program profile
CGPUProgramSource *source = NULL;
for (uint i = 0; i < program->getProgramSource()->Sources.size(); ++i)
IGPUProgram::CSource *source = NULL;
for (uint i = 0; i < program->getSourceNb(); ++i)
if (supportPixelProgram(program->getProgramSource()->Sources[i]->Profile))
if (supportPixelProgram(program->getSource(i)->Profile))
source = program->getProgramSource()->Sources[i];
source = program->getSource(i);
if (!source)
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ bool CDriverGL::setupPixelProgram(CPixelProgram *program, GLuint id/*, bool &spe
drvInfo->ParamIndices = source->ParamIndices;
// Build the feature info
program->buildInfo(source->DisplayName.c_str(), source->Features);
return true;

@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ void CDriverGL::toggleGlArraysForEXTVertexShader()
CVertexProgram *vp = _LastSetuppedVP;
if (vp)
CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL *drvInfo = NLMISC::safe_cast<CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL *>((IGPUProgramDrvInfos *) vp->_DrvInfo);
CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL *drvInfo = NLMISC::safe_cast<CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL *>((IGPUProgramDrvInfos *) vp->m_DrvInfo);
if (drvInfo)
// Disable all VertexAttribs.
@ -1396,7 +1396,7 @@ void CDriverGL::setupGlArraysForEXTVertexShader(CVertexBufferInfo &vb)
CVertexProgram *vp = _LastSetuppedVP;
if (!vp) return;
CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL *drvInfo = NLMISC::safe_cast<CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL *>((IGPUProgramDrvInfos *) vp->_DrvInfo);
CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL *drvInfo = NLMISC::safe_cast<CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL *>((IGPUProgramDrvInfos *) vp->m_DrvInfo);
if (!drvInfo) return;
uint32 flags= vb.VertexFormat;

@ -93,17 +93,17 @@ bool CDriverGL::compileNVVertexProgram(CVertexProgram *program)
// Driver info
CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL *drvInfo;
_VertexProgramEnabled = false;
// Find nelvp
CGPUProgramSource *source = NULL;
for (uint i = 0; i < program->getProgramSource()->Sources.size(); ++i)
IGPUProgram::CSource *source = NULL;
for (uint i = 0; i < program->getSourceNb(); ++i)
if (program->getProgramSource()->Sources[i]->Profile == CVertexProgram::nelvp)
if (program->getSource(i)->Profile == CVertexProgram::nelvp)
source = program->getProgramSource()->Sources[i];
source = program->getSource(i);
if (!source)
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ bool CDriverGL::compileNVVertexProgram(CVertexProgram *program)
*it = drvInfo = new CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL(this, it);
// Set the pointer
program->_DrvInfo = drvInfo;
program->m_DrvInfo = drvInfo;
// Compile the program
nglLoadProgramNV(GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_NV, drvInfo->ID, (GLsizei)source->SourceLen, (const GLubyte*)source->SourcePtr);
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ bool CDriverGL::compileNVVertexProgram(CVertexProgram *program)
// Setup not ok
delete drvInfo;
program->_DrvInfo = NULL;
program->m_DrvInfo = NULL;
return false;
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ bool CDriverGL::compileNVVertexProgram(CVertexProgram *program)
drvInfo->ParamIndices = source->ParamIndices;
// Build the feature info
program->buildInfo(source->DisplayName.c_str(), source->Features);
// Setup ok
return true;
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ bool CDriverGL::activeNVVertexProgram(CVertexProgram *program)
if (program)
// Driver info
CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL *drvInfo = safe_cast<CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL*>((IGPUProgramDrvInfos*)program->_DrvInfo);
CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL *drvInfo = safe_cast<CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL*>((IGPUProgramDrvInfos*)program->m_DrvInfo);
// Enable vertex program
@ -1524,17 +1524,17 @@ bool CDriverGL::compileARBVertexProgram(NL3D::CVertexProgram *program)
_VertexProgramEnabled = false;
// Find nelvp
CGPUProgramSource *source = NULL;
for (uint i = 0; i < program->getProgramSource()->Sources.size(); ++i)
IGPUProgram::CSource *source = NULL;
for (uint i = 0; i < program->getSourceNb(); ++i)
if (program->getProgramSource()->Sources[i]->Profile == CVertexProgram::nelvp)
if (program->getSource(i)->Profile == CVertexProgram::nelvp)
source = program->getProgramSource()->Sources[i];
source = program->getSource(i);
if (!source)
@ -1563,12 +1563,12 @@ bool CDriverGL::compileARBVertexProgram(NL3D::CVertexProgram *program)
CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL *drvInfo;
*it = drvInfo = new CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL(this, it);
// Set the pointer
program->m_DrvInfo = drvInfo;
if (!setupARBVertexProgram(parsedProgram, drvInfo->ID, drvInfo->SpecularWritten))
delete drvInfo;
program->_DrvInfo = NULL;
program->m_DrvInfo = NULL;
return false;
@ -1577,7 +1577,7 @@ bool CDriverGL::compileARBVertexProgram(NL3D::CVertexProgram *program)
drvInfo->ParamIndices = source->ParamIndices;
// Build the feature info
program->buildInfo(source->DisplayName.c_str(), source->Features);
return true;
@ -1600,7 +1600,7 @@ bool CDriverGL::activeARBVertexProgram(CVertexProgram *program)
if (program)
// Driver info
CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL *drvInfo = safe_cast<CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL*>((IGPUProgramDrvInfos*)program->_DrvInfo);
CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL *drvInfo = safe_cast<CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL*>((IGPUProgramDrvInfos*)program->m_DrvInfo);
@ -1639,17 +1639,17 @@ bool CDriverGL::compileEXTVertexShader(CVertexProgram *program)
_VertexProgramEnabled = false;
// Find nelvp
CGPUProgramSource *source = NULL;
for (uint i = 0; i < program->getProgramSource()->Sources.size(); ++i)
IGPUProgram::CSource *source = NULL;
for (uint i = 0; i < program->getSourceNb(); ++i)
if (program->getProgramSource()->Sources[i]->Profile == CVertexProgram::nelvp)
if (program->getSource(i)->Profile == CVertexProgram::nelvp)
source = program->getProgramSource()->Sources[i];
source = program->getSource(i);
if (!source)
@ -1690,12 +1690,12 @@ bool CDriverGL::compileEXTVertexShader(CVertexProgram *program)
CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL *drvInfo;
*it = drvInfo = new CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL (this, it);
// Set the pointer
if (!setupEXTVertexShader(parsedProgram, drvInfo->ID, drvInfo->Variants, drvInfo->UsedVertexComponents))
delete drvInfo;
program->_DrvInfo = NULL;
program->m_DrvInfo = NULL;
return false;
@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@ bool CDriverGL::compileEXTVertexShader(CVertexProgram *program)
drvInfo->ParamIndices = source->ParamIndices;
// Build the feature info
program->buildInfo(source->DisplayName.c_str(), source->Features);
return true;
@ -1727,7 +1727,7 @@ bool CDriverGL::activeEXTVertexShader(CVertexProgram *program)
if (program)
// Driver info
CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL *drvInfo = safe_cast<CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL*>((IGPUProgramDrvInfos*)program->_DrvInfo);
CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL *drvInfo = safe_cast<CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL*>((IGPUProgramDrvInfos*)program->m_DrvInfo);
@ -1751,7 +1751,7 @@ bool CDriverGL::activeEXTVertexShader(CVertexProgram *program)
bool CDriverGL::compileVertexProgram(NL3D::CVertexProgram *program)
if (program->_DrvInfo == NULL)
if (program->m_DrvInfo == NULL)
// Extension
if (_Extensions.NVVertexProgram)

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ namespace NL3D
// ***************************************************************************
CGeometryProgram::CGeometryProgram(CGPUProgramSourceCont *programSource) : _Info(NULL), IGPUProgram(programSource)
@ -41,19 +41,9 @@ CGeometryProgram::CGeometryProgram(CGPUProgramSourceCont *programSource) : _Info
CGeometryProgram::~CGeometryProgram ()
delete _Info;
_Info = NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGeometryProgram::buildInfo(const char *displayName, uint features)
nlassert(_Info == NULL);
_Info = new CGeometryProgramInfo();
CGeometryProgramInfo *info = _Info;
info->DisplayName = displayName;
info->Features = features;
} // NL3D

@ -66,17 +66,144 @@ IGPUProgram::IGPUProgram()
// ***************************************************************************
IGPUProgram::IGPUProgram(CGPUProgramSourceCont *programSource) : _ProgramSource(programSource)
// Must kill the drv mirror of this program.
// ***************************************************************************
void IGPUProgram::buildInfo(CSource *source)
m_Source = source;
// Fill index cache
CGPUProgramFeatures &features = m_Source->Features;
TProfile profile = m_Source->Profile; // for special cases
if (features.DriverFlags & CGPUProgramFeatures::ModelView)
// Must kill the drv mirror of this program.
m_Indices.ModelView = getUniformIndex("nlModelView");
if (m_Indices.ModelView == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlModelView' in gpu program '%s', ModelView disabled", source->DisplayName.c_str());
features.DriverFlags &= ~CGPUProgramFeatures::ModelView;
if (features.DriverFlags & CGPUProgramFeatures::ModelViewInverse)
m_Indices.ModelViewInverse = getUniformIndex("nlModelViewInverse");
if (m_Indices.ModelViewInverse == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlModelViewInverse' in gpu program '%s', ModelViewInverse disabled", source->DisplayName.c_str());
features.DriverFlags &= ~CGPUProgramFeatures::ModelViewInverse;
if (features.DriverFlags & CGPUProgramFeatures::ModelViewTranspose)
m_Indices.ModelViewTranspose = getUniformIndex("nlModelViewTranspose");
if (m_Indices.ModelViewTranspose == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlModelViewTranspose' in gpu program '%s', ModelViewTranspose disabled", source->DisplayName.c_str());
features.DriverFlags &= ~CGPUProgramFeatures::ModelViewTranspose;
if (features.DriverFlags & CGPUProgramFeatures::ModelViewInverseTranspose)
m_Indices.ModelViewInverseTranspose = getUniformIndex("nlModelViewInverseTranspose");
if (m_Indices.ModelViewInverseTranspose == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlModelViewInverseTranspose' in gpu program '%s', ModelViewInverseTranspose disabled", source->DisplayName.c_str());
features.DriverFlags &= ~CGPUProgramFeatures::ModelViewInverseTranspose;
if (features.DriverFlags & CGPUProgramFeatures::Projection)
m_Indices.Projection = getUniformIndex("nlProjection");
if (m_Indices.Projection == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlProjection' in gpu program '%s', Projection disabled", source->DisplayName.c_str());
features.DriverFlags &= ~CGPUProgramFeatures::Projection;
if (features.DriverFlags & CGPUProgramFeatures::ProjectionInverse)
m_Indices.ProjectionInverse = getUniformIndex("nlProjectionInverse");
if (m_Indices.ProjectionInverse == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlProjectionInverse' in gpu program '%s', ProjectionInverse disabled", source->DisplayName.c_str());
features.DriverFlags &= ~CGPUProgramFeatures::ProjectionInverse;
if (features.DriverFlags & CGPUProgramFeatures::ProjectionTranspose)
m_Indices.ProjectionTranspose = getUniformIndex("nlProjectionTranspose");
if (m_Indices.ProjectionTranspose == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlProjectionTranspose' in gpu program '%s', ProjectionTranspose disabled", source->DisplayName.c_str());
features.DriverFlags &= ~CGPUProgramFeatures::ProjectionTranspose;
if (features.DriverFlags & CGPUProgramFeatures::ProjectionInverseTranspose)
m_Indices.ProjectionInverseTranspose = getUniformIndex("nlProjectionInverseTranspose");
if (m_Indices.ProjectionInverseTranspose == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlProjectionInverseTranspose' in gpu program '%s', ProjectionInverseTranspose disabled", source->DisplayName.c_str());
features.DriverFlags &= ~CGPUProgramFeatures::ProjectionInverseTranspose;
if (features.DriverFlags & CGPUProgramFeatures::ModelViewProjection)
m_Indices.ModelViewProjection = getUniformIndex("nlModelViewProjection");
if (m_Indices.ModelViewProjection == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlModelViewProjection' in gpu program '%s', ModelViewProjection disabled", source->DisplayName.c_str());
features.DriverFlags &= ~CGPUProgramFeatures::ModelViewProjection;
if (features.DriverFlags & CGPUProgramFeatures::ModelViewProjectionInverse)
m_Indices.ModelViewProjectionInverse = getUniformIndex("nlModelViewProjectionInverse");
if (m_Indices.ModelViewProjectionInverse == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlModelViewProjectionInverse' in gpu program '%s', ModelViewProjectionInverse disabled", source->DisplayName.c_str());
features.DriverFlags &= ~CGPUProgramFeatures::ModelViewProjectionInverse;
if (features.DriverFlags & CGPUProgramFeatures::ModelViewProjectionTranspose)
m_Indices.ModelViewProjectionTranspose = getUniformIndex("nlModelViewProjectionTranspose");
if (m_Indices.ModelViewProjectionTranspose == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlModelViewProjectionTranspose' in gpu program '%s', ModelViewProjectionTranspose disabled", source->DisplayName.c_str());
features.DriverFlags &= ~CGPUProgramFeatures::ModelViewProjectionTranspose;
if (features.DriverFlags & CGPUProgramFeatures::ModelViewProjectionInverseTranspose)
m_Indices.ModelViewProjectionInverseTranspose = getUniformIndex("nlModelViewProjectionInverseTranspose");
if (m_Indices.ModelViewProjectionInverseTranspose == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlModelViewProjectionInverseTranspose' in gpu program '%s', ModelViewProjectionInverseTranspose disabled", source->DisplayName.c_str());
features.DriverFlags &= ~CGPUProgramFeatures::ModelViewProjectionInverseTranspose;
// Rough example, modify as necessary.
/*if (features.DriverFlags & CGPUProgramFeatures::DriverAmbient || features.MaterialFlags & CGPUProgramFeatures::MaterialAmbient)
m_Indices.Ambient = getUniformIndex("nlAmbient");
if (m_Indices.Ambient == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlAmbient' in gpu program '%s', Ambient disabled", source->DisplayName.c_str());
features.DriverFlags &= ~CGPUProgramFeatures::DriverAmbient;
features.MaterialFlags &= ~CGPUProgramFeatures::MaterialAmbient;
} /* namespace NL3D */

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
* \file gpu_program_source.cpp
* \brief CGPUProgramSource
* \date 2013-09-07 14:54GMT
* \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
* CGPUProgramSource
* Copyright (C) 2013 by authors
* This file is part of NL3D.
* NL3D is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* NL3D is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
* License along with NL3D. If not, see
* <>.
#include <nel/misc/types_nl.h>
#include <nel/3d/gpu_program_source.h>
// STL includes
// NeL includes
// #include <nel/misc/debug.h>
// Project includes
using namespace std;
// using namespace NLMISC;
namespace NL3D {
void gpu_program_source_cpp_dummy() { }
} /* namespace NL3D */
/* end of file */

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ namespace NL3D
// ***************************************************************************
CPixelProgram::CPixelProgram(CGPUProgramSourceCont *programSource) : _Info(NULL), IGPUProgram(programSource)
@ -41,39 +41,9 @@ CPixelProgram::CPixelProgram(CGPUProgramSourceCont *programSource) : _Info(NULL)
CPixelProgram::~CPixelProgram ()
delete _Info;
_Info = NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
void CPixelProgram::buildInfo(const char *displayName, uint features)
nlassert(_Info == NULL);
_Info = new CPixelProgramInfo();
CPixelProgramInfo *info = _Info;
info->DisplayName = displayName;
info->Features = features;
if (features & CPixelProgramInfo::Fog)
if (features & CPixelProgramInfo::DynamicFog)
info->FogEnabledIdx = getParamIdx("nlFogEnabled");
if (info->FogEnabledIdx == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlFogEnabled' in gpu program '%s', DynamicFog disabled", displayName);
info->Features &= ~CPixelProgramInfo::DynamicFog;
info->FogStartEndIdx = getParamIdx("nlFogStartEnd");
info->FogColorIdx = getParamIdx("nlFogColor");
if (info->FogStartEndIdx == ~0
|| info->FogStartEndIdx == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlFogStartEnd/nlFogColor' in gpu program '%s', Fog disabled", displayName);
info->Features &= ~CPixelProgramInfo::Fog;
} // NL3D

@ -116,10 +116,8 @@ void CStereoDebugger::setDriver(NL3D::UDriver *driver)
NL3D::IDriver *drvInternal = (static_cast<CDriverUser *>(driver))->getDriver();
CGPUProgramSource *source = new CGPUProgramSource();
CGPUProgramSourceCont *sourceCont = new CGPUProgramSourceCont();
source->Features = CPixelProgramInfo::MaterialTextures;
IGPUProgram::CSource *source = new IGPUProgram::CSource();
source->Features.MaterialFlags = CGPUProgramFeatures::TextureStages;
/*if (drvInternal->supportPixelProgram(CPixelProgram::fp40) && drvInternal->supportBloomEffect() && drvInternal->supportNonPowerOfTwoTextures())
@ -131,7 +129,8 @@ void CStereoDebugger::setDriver(NL3D::UDriver *driver)
nldebug("VR: arbfp1");
source->Profile = IGPUProgram::arbfp1;
m_PixelProgram = new CPixelProgram(sourceCont);
m_PixelProgram = new CPixelProgram();
/*else if (drvInternal->supportPixelProgram(CPixelProgram::ps_2_0))

@ -239,31 +239,37 @@ void CStereoOVR::setDriver(NL3D::UDriver *driver)
NL3D::IDriver *drvInternal = (static_cast<CDriverUser *>(driver))->getDriver();
CGPUProgramSource *source = new CGPUProgramSource();
CGPUProgramSourceCont *sourceCont = new CGPUProgramSourceCont();
source->Features = CPixelProgramInfo::MaterialTextures;
m_PixelProgram = new CPixelProgram();
IGPUProgram::CSource *source = new IGPUProgram::CSource();
source->Features.MaterialFlags = CGPUProgramFeatures::TextureStages;
source->Profile = IGPUProgram::none;
if (drvInternal->supportPixelProgram(CPixelProgram::fp40) && drvInternal->supportBloomEffect() && drvInternal->supportNonPowerOfTwoTextures())
nldebug("VR: fp40");
source->Profile = IGPUProgram::fp40;
m_PixelProgram = new CPixelProgram(sourceCont);
else if (drvInternal->supportPixelProgram(CPixelProgram::arbfp1) && drvInternal->supportBloomEffect() && drvInternal->supportNonPowerOfTwoTextures())
nldebug("VR: arbfp1");
source->Profile = IGPUProgram::arbfp1;
m_PixelProgram = new CPixelProgram(sourceCont);
else if (drvInternal->supportPixelProgram(CPixelProgram::ps_2_0))
nldebug("VR: ps_2_0");
source->Profile = IGPUProgram::ps_2_0;
m_PixelProgram = new CPixelProgram(sourceCont);
if (!drvInternal->compilePixelProgram(m_PixelProgram))
delete m_PixelProgram;
m_PixelProgram = NULL;
if (m_PixelProgram)

@ -26,129 +26,26 @@ namespace NL3D
// ***************************************************************************
CVertexProgram::CVertexProgram(CGPUProgramSourceCont *programSource) : _Info(NULL), IGPUProgram(programSource)
// ***************************************************************************
CVertexProgram::CVertexProgram(const char *nelvp) : _Info(NULL)
CVertexProgram::CVertexProgram(const char *nelvp)
CGPUProgramSource *source = new CGPUProgramSource();
_ProgramSource = new CGPUProgramSourceCont();
CSource *source = new CSource();
source->Profile = IGPUProgram::nelvp;
source->Features = 0;
// ***************************************************************************
CVertexProgram::~CVertexProgram ()
delete _Info;
_Info = NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
void CVertexProgram::buildInfo(const char *displayName, uint features)
nlassert(_Info == NULL);
_Info = new CVertexProgramInfo();
CVertexProgramInfo *info = _Info;
info->DisplayName = displayName;
info->Features = features;
if (features & CVertexProgramInfo::Ambient)
info->AmbientIdx = getParamIdx("nlAmbient");
if (info->AmbientIdx == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlAmbient' in gpu program '%s', Ambient disabled", displayName);
info->Features &= ~CVertexProgramInfo::Ambient;
if (features & CVertexProgramInfo::Sun)
if (features & CVertexProgramInfo::DynamicLights)
info->SunEnabledIdx = getParamIdx("nlSunEnabled");
if (info->SunEnabledIdx == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlSunEnabled' in gpu program '%s', DynamicLights disabled", displayName);
info->Features &= ~CVertexProgramInfo::DynamicLights;
info->SunDirectionIdx = getParamIdx("nlSunDirection");
info->SunDiffuseIdx = getParamIdx("nlSunDiffuse");
if (info->SunDirectionIdx == ~0
|| info->SunDiffuseIdx == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlSunDirection/nlSunDiffuse' in gpu program '%s', Sun disabled", displayName);
info->Features &= ~CVertexProgramInfo::Sun;
if (features & CVertexProgramInfo::PointLight0)
if (features & CVertexProgramInfo::DynamicLights)
info->PointLight0EnabledIdx = getParamIdx("nlPointLight0Enabled");
if (info->PointLight0EnabledIdx == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlPointLight0Enabled' in gpu program '%s', DynamicLights disabled", displayName);
info->Features &= ~CVertexProgramInfo::DynamicLights;
info->PointLight0PositionIdx = getParamIdx("nlPointLight0Position");
info->PointLight0DiffuseIdx = getParamIdx("nlPointLight0Diffuse");
if (info->PointLight0PositionIdx == ~0
|| info->PointLight0DiffuseIdx == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlPointLight0Position/nlPointLight0Diffuse' in gpu program '%s', PointLight0 disabled", displayName);
info->Features &= ~CVertexProgramInfo::PointLight0;
if (features & CVertexProgramInfo::PointLight1)
if (features & CVertexProgramInfo::DynamicLights)
info->PointLight1EnabledIdx = getParamIdx("nlPointLight1Enabled");
if (info->PointLight1EnabledIdx == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlPointLight1Enabled' in gpu program '%s', DynamicLights disabled", displayName);
info->Features &= ~CVertexProgramInfo::DynamicLights;
info->PointLight1PositionIdx = getParamIdx("nlPointLight1Position");
info->PointLight1DiffuseIdx = getParamIdx("nlPointLight1Diffuse");
if (info->PointLight1PositionIdx == ~0
|| info->PointLight1DiffuseIdx == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlPointLight1Position/nlPointLight1Diffuse' in gpu program '%s', PointLight1 disabled", displayName);
info->Features &= ~CVertexProgramInfo::PointLight1;
if (features & CVertexProgramInfo::PointLight2)
if (features & CVertexProgramInfo::DynamicLights)
info->PointLight2EnabledIdx = getParamIdx("nlPointLight2Enabled");
if (info->PointLight2EnabledIdx == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlPointLight2Enabled' in gpu program '%s', DynamicLights disabled", displayName);
info->Features &= ~CVertexProgramInfo::DynamicLights;
info->PointLight2PositionIdx = getParamIdx("nlPointLight2Position");
info->PointLight2DiffuseIdx = getParamIdx("nlPointLight2Diffuse");
if (info->PointLight2PositionIdx == ~0
|| info->PointLight2DiffuseIdx == ~0)
nlwarning("Missing 'nlPointLight2Position/nlPointLight2Diffuse' in gpu program '%s', PointLight2 disabled", displayName);
info->Features &= ~CVertexProgramInfo::PointLight2;
} // NL3D
