@ -303,25 +303,6 @@ inline sint nlstricmp(const std::string &lhs, const std::string &rhs) { return s
inline sint nlstricmp(const std::string &lhs, const char *rhs) { return stricmp(lhs.c_str(),rhs); }
inline sint nlstricmp(const char *lhs, const std::string &rhs) { return stricmp(lhs,rhs.c_str()); }
// TODO: Can we prefix these with 'nl' like other macros?
// Macros helper to convert UTF-8 std::string and wchar_t*
// #define wideToUtf8(str) (ucstring((ucchar*)str).toUtf8())
// #define utf8ToWide(str) ((wchar_t*)ucstring::makeFromUtf8(str).c_str())
// Macros helper to convert UTF-8 std::string and TCHAR*
#ifdef _UNICODE
// #define tStrToUtf8(str) (ucstring((ucchar*)(LPCWSTR)str).toUtf8())
// #define utf8ToTStr(str) ((const wchar_t *)ucstring::makeFromUtf8(str).c_str())
// #define tstring wstring
// FIXME: This is not accurate, it should be a conversion between local charset and utf8
// #define tStrToUtf8(str) (std::string((LPCSTR)str))
// inline const char *nlutf8ToTStr(const char *str) { return str; }
// inline const char *nlutf8ToTStr(const std::string &str) { return str.c_str(); }
// #define utf8ToTStr(str) NLMISC::nlutf8ToTStr(str)
// #define tstring string
#if (NL_COMP_VC_VERSION <= 90)
inline float nlroundf(float x)