@ -408,28 +408,53 @@ bool CFilesExtractor::extract7z()
QString path = QString::fromUtf16(temp);
QString filename = QFileInfo(path).fileName();
if (!isDir)
if (m_listener) m_listener->operationProgress(totalUncompressed, filename);
QString destPath = m_destinationDirectory + '/' + path;
res = SzArEx_Extract(&db, &lookStream.s, i, &blockIndex, &outBuffer, &outBufferSize,
&offset, &outSizeProcessed, &allocImp, &allocTempImp);
// get uncompressed size
quint64 uncompressedSize = SzArEx_GetFileSize(&db, i);
if (res != SZ_OK) break;
// get modification time
quint32 modificationTime = 0;
if (SzBitWithVals_Check(&db.MTime, i))
modificationTime = convertWindowsFileTimeToUnixTimestamp(db.MTime.Vals[i]);
QString destPath = m_destinationDirectory + '/' + path;
if (isDir)
QDir dir;
// check if file exists
if (QFile::exists(destPath))
QFileInfo currentFileInfo(destPath);
if (isDir)
// skip file if same size and same modification date
if (currentFileInfo.lastModified().toTime_t() == modificationTime && currentFileInfo.size() == uncompressedSize)
// update progress
totalUncompressed += uncompressedSize;
if (m_listener) m_listener->operationProgress(totalUncompressed, filename);
if (m_listener) m_listener->operationProgress(totalUncompressed, filename);
res = SzArEx_Extract(&db, &lookStream.s, i, &blockIndex, &outBuffer, &outBufferSize,
&offset, &outSizeProcessed, &allocImp, &allocTempImp);
if (res != SZ_OK) break;
// create file directory
// create file
QFile outFile(destPath);
if (!outFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly))
@ -446,10 +471,7 @@ bool CFilesExtractor::extract7z()
qint64 currentProcessedSize = outFile.write((const char*)(outBuffer + offset), currentSizeToProcess);
// errors only occur when returned size is -1
if (currentProcessedSize < 0)
if (currentProcessedSize < 0) break;
offset += currentProcessedSize;
currentSizeToProcess -= currentProcessedSize;
@ -465,27 +487,22 @@ bool CFilesExtractor::extract7z()
totalUncompressed += SzArEx_GetFileSize(&db, i);
totalUncompressed += uncompressedSize;
if (m_listener) m_listener->operationProgress(totalUncompressed, filename);
// set attrinbutes
// set attributes
if (SzBitWithVals_Check(&db.Attribs, i))
Set7zFileAttrib(destPath, db.Attribs.Vals[i]);
// set modification time
if (SzBitWithVals_Check(&db.MTime, i))
char buffer[1024];
if (!NLMISC::CFile::setFileModificationDate(qToUtf8(destPath), convertWindowsFileTimeToUnixTimestamp(db.MTime.Vals[i])))
if (!NLMISC::CFile::setFileModificationDate(qToUtf8(destPath), modificationTime))
qDebug() << "Unable to change date of " << destPath;
IAlloc_Free(&allocImp, outBuffer);