* Handles the database connections. It uses PDO to connect to the different databases. It will use the argument of the constructor to setup a connection to the database
* Handles the database connections. It uses PDO to connect to the different databases. It will use the argument of the constructor to setup a connection to the database
* with the matching entry in the $cfg global variable.
* with the matching entry in the $cfg global variable.
* @author Daan Janssens, mentored by Matthew Lagoe
* @author Daan Janssens, mentored by Matthew Lagoe
login_info="Please enter your MySQL Username and Password to install the database.<br>This is being loaded because the is_installed file is missing.<br>This process will take about 30 seconds."
login_info="Please enter your MySQL Username and Password to install the database.<br>This is being loaded because the is_installed file is missing.<br>This process will take about 30 seconds."
ams_title="Ryzom Account Mangement System"
home_info="Welcome to the Ryzom Core - Account Management System"
home_info="Welcome to the Ryzom Core - Account Management System"
@ -66,11 +69,12 @@ plugin_status = "Status"
ip_success="Plugin added succesfuly."
ip_success="Plugin added succesfuly."
dp_success="Plugin deleted successfuly"
dp_success="Plugin deleted successfuly"
dp_error="Error in deleting plugin.Please try again later"
dp_error="Error in deleting plugin.Please try again later."
ac_success="Plugin Activated successfuly"
ac_success="Plugin Activated successfuly."
ac_error="Plugin facing some error in activating. Please try again later"
ac_error="Plugin facing some error in activating. Please try again later."
dc_success="Plugin de-Activated successfuly"
dc_success="Plugin de-Activated successfuly."
dc_error="Plugin facing some error in de-activating. Please try again later"
dc_error="Plugin facing some error in de-activating. Please try again later."
up_success="Update added successfully. Go to Updates page for installing updates."
ip_title="Install a new Plugin"
ip_title="Install a new Plugin"
@ -79,6 +83,15 @@ ip_support = "Upload the plugin archieve to install.</br>The following file exte
ip_info_nfound="Info file not found in the Plugin.Please recheck"
ip_info_nfound="Info file not found in the Plugin.Please recheck"
ip_file_nfnd="Please upload a plugin before clicking on install button"
ip_file_nfnd="Please upload a plugin before clicking on install button"
up_title="Updates for Plugins"
up_info="Here you can see the entire list of available updates for plugins."
up_serial="Serial No."
up_updated_version="New Version"
@ -152,8 +165,8 @@ go_home = "Go Home"
userlist_info="welcome to the userlist"
userlist_info="welcome to the userlist"
login_info="Please login with your Username and Password."
login_info="Please login with your Email/Username and Password."
login_error_message="The username/password were not correct!"
login_error_message="The Email/username/password were not correct!"
login_register_message="<strong>Register</strong> If you don't have an account yet, create one"
login_register_message="<strong>Register</strong> If you don't have an account yet, create one"
login_forgot_password_message="In case you forgot your password, click"
login_forgot_password_message="In case you forgot your password, click"