@ -144,14 +144,47 @@ namespace GUIEditor
if( newSelection == currentSelection )
if( newSelection.empty() )
if( widgetHT->currentItem() != NULL )
QTreeWidgetItem *item = widgetHT->currentItem();
QTreeWidgetItem *p = item;
// Deselect item
item->setSelected( false );
widgetHT->setCurrentItem( NULL );
// Collapse the tree
while( p != NULL )
p->setExpanded( false );
p = p->parent();
// Finally remove the item!
delete item;
item = NULL;
std::map< std::string, QTreeWidgetItem* >::iterator itr =
widgetHierarchyMap.find( currentSelection );
if( itr != widgetHierarchyMap.end() )
widgetHierarchyMap.erase( itr );
currentSelection = "";
std::map< std::string, QTreeWidgetItem* >::iterator itr =
widgetHierarchyMap.find( newSelection );
if( itr == widgetHierarchyMap.end() )
// deselect current item
if( widgetHT->currentItem() != NULL )
widgetHT->currentItem()->setSelected( false );
// expand the tree items, so that we can see the selected item
QTreeWidgetItem *item = itr->second;
QTreeWidgetItem *currItem = item;
while( currItem != NULL )
@ -160,8 +193,10 @@ namespace GUIEditor
currItem = currItem->parent();
// select the current item
item->setSelected( true );
widgetHT->setCurrentItem( item );
currentSelection = newSelection;
void WidgetHierarchy::onItemDblClicked( QTreeWidgetItem *item )