Fix NeLLigoMakeSnapShot

branch : develop
kaetemi 10 years ago
parent 58590a9e7e
commit 4c4b96bcfd

@ -1739,14 +1739,14 @@ bool MakeSnapShot (NLMISC::CBitmap &snapshot, const NL3D::CTileBank &tileBank, c
float posY = config.CellSize * (float)ymin;
// Use NELU
if (CNELU::init (oversampledWidth, oversampledHeight, CViewport(), 32, true, NULL, true))
if (CNELU::init (oversampledWidth, oversampledHeight, CViewport(), 32, true, NULL, false, true)) // FIXME: OpenGL not working correctly, offscreen not available in Direct3D
// Setup the camera
CNELU::Camera->setTransformMode (ITransformable::DirectMatrix);
CMatrix view;
view.setPos (CVector (width/2 + posX, height/2 + posY, width));
view.setRot (CVector::I, -CVector::K, CVector::J);
CNELU::Camera->setFrustum (width, height, 0.1f, 1000.f, false);
CNELU::Camera->setFrustum (width, height, 0.1f, 10000.f, false);
CNELU::Camera->setMatrix (view);
// Create a Landscape.
@ -1766,12 +1766,17 @@ bool MakeSnapShot (NLMISC::CBitmap &snapshot, const NL3D::CTileBank &tileBank, c
theLand->enableAdditive (true);
theLand->Landscape.setRefineMode (true);
// theLand->Landscape.setupStaticLight(CRGBA(255, 255, 255), CRGBA(0, 0, 0), 1.0f);
// theLand->Landscape.setThreshold(0.0005);
// Enbable automatique lighting
#ifndef NL_DEBUG
theLand->Landscape.enableAutomaticLighting (true);
theLand->Landscape.setupAutomaticLightDir (CVector (0, 0, -1));
// theLand->Landscape.enableAutomaticLighting (true);
// theLand->Landscape.setupAutomaticLightDir (CVector (0, 0, -1));
#endif // NL_DEBUG
// theLand->Landscape.updateLightingAll();
// Clear the backbuffer and the alpha
@ -1851,7 +1856,7 @@ bool MakeSnapShot (NLMISC::CBitmap &snapshot, const NL3D::CTileBank &tileBank, c
Value* make_snapshot_cf (Value** arg_list, int count)
// Make sure we have the correct number of arguments (7)
check_arg_count(check_zone_with_template, 7, count);
check_arg_count(NeLLigoMakeSnapShot, 7, count);
// Check to see if the arguments match up to what we expect
char *message = "NeLLigoMakeSnapShot [Object] [Snapshot filename] [xMin] [xMax] [yMin] [yMax] [Error in dialog]";
@ -1903,11 +1908,11 @@ Value* make_snapshot_cf (Value** arg_list, int count)
// Build a filename
char drive[512];
char path[512];
char name[512];
char ext[512];
_splitpath (fileName.c_str(), drive, path, name, ext);
char drivetga[512];
char pathtga[512];
char nametga[512];
char exttga[512];
_splitpath (fileName.c_str(), drivetga, pathtga, nametga, exttga);
// Build the zone
CZone zone;
@ -1970,7 +1975,7 @@ Value* make_snapshot_cf (Value** arg_list, int count)
// Build the snap shot filename
char outputFilenameSnapShot[512];
_makepath (outputFilenameSnapShot, drive, path, name, ".tga");
_makepath (outputFilenameSnapShot, drivetga, pathtga, nametga, ".tga");
// Output the snap shot
COFile outputSnapShot;
@ -2011,10 +2016,10 @@ Value* make_snapshot_cf (Value** arg_list, int count)
// Write the zone
COFile outputLigoZone;
_makepath (outputFilenameSnapShot, drive, path, name, ".ligozone");
_makepath (outputFilenameSnapShot, drivetga, pathtga, nametga, ".ligozone");
// Catch exception
// Open the selected zone file
if ( (outputFilenameSnapShot))
@ -2043,7 +2048,7 @@ Value* make_snapshot_cf (Value** arg_list, int count)
char tmp[512];
smprintf (tmp, 512, "Error while loading the file %s : %s", fileName, e.what());
CMaxToLigo::errorMessage (tmp, "NeL Ligo export zone", *MAXScript_interface, errorInDialog);
