@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
#include "../entity_animation_manager.h" // for emotes
#include "../net_manager.h" // for emotes
#include "../client_chat_manager.h" // for emotes
#include "../entities.h"
#include "chat_text_manager.h"
#include "../npc_icon.h"
@ -459,7 +460,7 @@ void CInterfaceManager::initLogin()
nldebug("Textures Login Interface");
for (vector<string>::iterator it = ClientCfg.TexturesLoginInterface.begin(), end = ClientCfg.TexturesLoginInterface.end(); it != end; ++it)
nldebug("Textures Login Interface: %s", (*it).c_str());
@ -549,13 +550,13 @@ void CInterfaceManager::initOutGame()
nldebug("Textures OutGame Interface");
for (vector<string>::iterator it = ClientCfg.TexturesOutGameInterface.begin(), end = ClientCfg.TexturesOutGameInterface.end(); it != end; ++it)
nldebug("Textures OutGame Interface: %s", (*it).c_str());
loadTextures(*it + ".tga", *it + ".txt", false);
for (vector<string>::iterator it = ClientCfg.TexturesOutGameInterfaceDXTC.begin(), end = ClientCfg.TexturesOutGameInterfaceDXTC.end(); it != end; ++it)
nldebug("Textures OutGame Interface DXTC: %s", (*it).c_str());
@ -1288,6 +1289,18 @@ void CInterfaceManager::updateFrameEvents()
pVT = dynamic_cast<CViewText*>(getElementFromId("ui:interface:map:content:map_content:time"));
if (pVT != NULL)
// Update the clock in the compass if enabled.
pVT = dynamic_cast<CViewText*>(getElementFromId("ui:interface:compass:clock:time"));
if (pVT != NULL)
if (pVT->getActive())
str = getTimestampHuman("%H:%M");
@ -1667,7 +1680,7 @@ bool CInterfaceManager::loadConfig (const string &filename)
// *** Apply the NPC icon display mode
CNPCIconCache::getInstance().init(!ClientCfg.R2EDEnabled && getDbProp("UI:SAVE:INSCENE:FRIEND:MISSION_ICON")->getValueBool());
return true;
@ -2189,7 +2202,7 @@ CInterfaceGroup *CInterfaceManager::getWindowForActiveMasterGroup(const std::str
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceManager::updateTooltipCoords()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -2239,7 +2252,7 @@ void CInterfaceManager::updateTooltipCoords(CCtrlBase *newCtrl)
yParent = newCtrl->getYReal();
wParent = newCtrl->getWReal();
hParent = newCtrl->getHReal();
// Additionaly, must clip this ctrl with its parent
// Additionaly, must clip this ctrl with its parent
// (else animals are buggy for instance)
CInterfaceGroup *parent= newCtrl->getParent();
@ -2258,7 +2271,7 @@ void CInterfaceManager::updateTooltipCoords(CCtrlBase *newCtrl)
// **** resolve auto posref
// **** resolve auto posref
uint clampCount = adjustTooltipPosition(newCtrl, win, newCtrl->getToolTipParentPosRef(), newCtrl->getToolTipPosRef(), xParent, yParent, wParent, hParent);
if (clampCount != 0)
@ -2270,7 +2283,7 @@ void CInterfaceManager::updateTooltipCoords(CCtrlBase *newCtrl)
adjustTooltipPosition(newCtrl, win, newCtrl->getToolTipParentPosRef(), newCtrl->getToolTipPosRef(), xParent, yParent, wParent, hParent);
@ -2364,7 +2377,7 @@ void CInterfaceManager::drawContextHelp ()
// enable
_CurCtrlContextHelp = newCtrl->getId();
@ -2376,7 +2389,7 @@ void CInterfaceManager::drawContextHelp ()
// **** display
// ***************
CInterfaceGroup *groupContextHelp = getWindowForActiveMasterGroup(_CurCtrlContextHelp->getContextHelpWindowName());
@ -2384,12 +2397,12 @@ void CInterfaceManager::drawContextHelp ()
* If this is the case, we just disable it, unless the tooltip was generated by the current modal window
if (!_ModalStack.empty())
CInterfaceGroup *mw = _ModalStack.back().ModalWindow;
if (mw && mw->isIn(*groupContextHelp))
if (_CurCtrlContextHelp->isSonOf(mw))
groupContextHelp->draw ();
// flush layers
@ -2397,7 +2410,7 @@ void CInterfaceManager::drawContextHelp ()
groupContextHelp->draw ();
// flush layers
@ -2405,7 +2418,7 @@ void CInterfaceManager::drawContextHelp ()
groupContextHelp->draw ();
// flush layers
@ -2420,11 +2433,11 @@ void CInterfaceManager::drawContextHelp ()
void CInterfaceManager::setContextHelpActive(bool active)
if (!active)
_ContextHelpActive = active;
@ -2675,7 +2688,7 @@ bool CInterfaceManager::handleEvent (const CEventDescriptor& event)
CInterfaceGroup *tw= getTopWindow();
if(tw && !tw->getAHOnEnter().empty())
// if the captured keypborad is in this Modal window, then must handle him in priority
// if the captured keyboard is in this Modal window, then must handle him in priority
if(_CaptureKeyboard && _CaptureKeyboard->getRootWindow()==tw)
bool result = _CaptureKeyboard->handleEvent(event);
@ -5494,8 +5507,6 @@ class CHandlerEmote : public IActionHandler
void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &sParams)
// An emote is 2 things : a phrase and an animation
// Phrase is the phrase that server returns in chat system
// Behav is the animation played
@ -5524,7 +5535,7 @@ public:
behavToSend = MBEHAV::IDLE;
/* Emotes forbidden when dead, emotes with behav forbidden when
/* Emotes forbidden when dead, emotes with behav forbidden when
* stunned or swimming */
if ( ( behavToSend != MBEHAV::IDLE && (isSwimming() || isStunned() || isDead() ) ) )
@ -6276,3 +6287,300 @@ void CInterfaceManager::CServerToLocalAutoCopy::onLocalChange(ICDBNode *localNod
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
char* CInterfaceManager::getTimestampHuman(const char* format /* "[%H:%M:%S] " */)
static char cstime[25];
time_t date;
time (&date);
struct tm *tms = localtime(&date);
if (tms)
strftime(cstime, 25, format, tms);
strcpy(cstime, "");
return cstime;
* Parse tokens in a chatmessage or emote
* Valid subjects:
* $me$
* $t$
* $tt$
* $tm1$..$tm8$
* Valid parameters:
* $<subject>.name$
* $<subject>.title$
* $<subject>.race$
* $<subject>.guild$
* $<subject>.gs(m/f/n)$
* Default parameter if parameter result is empty:
* $<subject>.<parameter>/<default>$
* All \d's in default parameter remove a following character.
bool CInterfaceManager::parseTokens(ucstring& ucstr)
ucstring str = ucstr;
ucstring start_token("$");
ucstring end_token("$");
size_t start_pos = 0;
size_t end_pos = 1;
sint endless_loop_protector = 0;
while ((start_pos < str.length() - 1) &&
((start_pos = str.find(start_token, start_pos)) != string::npos))
if (endless_loop_protector > 100)
// Get the whole token substring first
end_pos = str.find(end_token, start_pos + 1);
if ((start_pos == string::npos) ||
(end_pos == string::npos) ||
(end_pos <= start_pos + 1))
// Wrong formatting; give up on this one.
start_pos = max(start_pos, end_pos);
// Get everything between the two "$"
size_t token_start_pos = start_pos + start_token.length();
size_t token_end_pos = end_pos - end_token.length();
if ((token_start_pos - token_end_pos) < 0)
// Wrong formatting; give up on this one.
start_pos = end_pos;
ucstring token_whole = str.luabind_substr(start_pos, end_pos - start_pos + 1);
ucstring token_string = token_whole.luabind_substr(1, token_whole.length() - 2);
ucstring token_replacement = token_whole;
ucstring token_default = token_whole;
ucstring token_subject;
ucstring token_param;
// Does the token have a parameter?
// If not it is 'name' by default
vector<ucstring> token_vector;
vector<ucstring> param_vector;
splitUCString(token_string, ucstring("."), token_vector);
token_subject = token_vector[0];
if (token_vector.size() == 1)
splitUCString(token_subject, ucstring("/"), param_vector);
token_subject = param_vector[0];
token_param = ucstring("name");
token_param = token_vector[1];
if (token_param.luabind_substr(0, 3) != ucstring("gs("))
splitUCString(token_vector[1], ucstring("/"), param_vector);
token_param = param_vector[0];
// Get any default value, if not gs
sint extra_replacement = 0;
if (token_param.luabind_substr(0, 3) != ucstring("gs("))
if (param_vector.size() == 2)
// Set default value
token_replacement = param_vector[1];
// Delete following chars for every '\d' in default
string::size_type token_replacement_pos;
while ((token_replacement_pos = token_replacement.find(ucstring("\\d"))) != string::npos)
token_replacement.replace(token_replacement_pos, 2, ucstring(""));
token_default = token_replacement;
CEntityCL *pTokenSubjectEntity = NULL;
if (token_subject == ucstring("me"))
pTokenSubjectEntity = static_cast<CEntityCL*>(UserEntity);
else if (token_subject == ucstring("t"))
// Target
uint targetSlot = UserEntity->targetSlot();
pTokenSubjectEntity = EntitiesMngr.entity(targetSlot);
else if (token_subject == ucstring("tt"))
// Target's target
uint targetSlot = UserEntity->targetSlot();
CEntityCL *target = EntitiesMngr.entity(targetSlot);
if (target)
// Check the new slot.
CLFECOMMON::TCLEntityId newSlot = target->targetSlot();
CEntityCL* pE = EntitiesMngr.entity(newSlot);
if (pE)
pTokenSubjectEntity = pE;
else if ((token_subject.length() == 3) &&
(token_subject.luabind_substr(0, 2) == ucstring("tm")))
// Teammate
uint indexInTeam = 0;
fromString(token_subject.luabind_substr(2, 1).toString(), indexInTeam);
// Make 0-based
if (indexInTeam < PeopleInterraction.TeamList.getNumPeople() )
// Index is the database index (serverIndex() not used for team list)
CCDBNodeLeaf *pNL = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getDbProp( NLMISC::toString(TEAM_DB_PATH ":%hu:NAME", indexInTeam ), false);
if (pNL && pNL->getValueBool() )
// There is a character corresponding to this index
pNL = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getDbProp( NLMISC::toString( TEAM_DB_PATH ":%hu:UID", indexInTeam ), false );
if (pNL)
CLFECOMMON::TClientDataSetIndex compressedIndex = pNL->getValue32();
// Search entity in vision
CEntityCL *entity = EntitiesMngr.getEntityByCompressedIndex( compressedIndex );
if (entity)
pTokenSubjectEntity = entity;
// Unknown token subject, skip it
start_pos = end_pos;
if (pTokenSubjectEntity != NULL)
// Parse the parameter
if (token_param == ucstring("name"))
ucstring name = pTokenSubjectEntity->getDisplayName();
// special case where there is only a title, very rare case for some NPC
if (name.empty())
name = pTokenSubjectEntity->getTitle();
token_replacement = name.empty() ? token_replacement : name;
else if (token_param == ucstring("title"))
ucstring title = pTokenSubjectEntity->getTitle();
token_replacement = title.empty() ? token_replacement : title;
else if (token_param == ucstring("race"))
CCharacterCL *pC = (CCharacterCL*)(pTokenSubjectEntity);
if (pC)
EGSPD::CPeople::TPeople race = pC->people();
if (race >= EGSPD::CPeople::Playable && race <= EGSPD::CPeople::EndPlayable)
ucstring srace = NLMISC::CI18N::get("io" + EGSPD::CPeople::toString(race));
token_replacement = srace.empty() ? token_replacement : srace;
else if (token_param == ucstring("guild"))
STRING_MANAGER::CStringManagerClient *pSMC = STRING_MANAGER::CStringManagerClient::instance();
ucstring ucGuildName;
if (pSMC->getString(pTokenSubjectEntity->getGuildNameID(), ucGuildName))
token_replacement = ucGuildName.empty() ? token_replacement : ucGuildName;
else if (token_param.luabind_substr(0, 3) == ucstring("gs(") &&
token_param.luabind_substr(token_param.length() - 1 , 1) == ucstring(")"))
// Gender string
vector<ucstring> strList;
ucstring gender_string = token_param.luabind_substr(3, token_param.length() - 4);
splitUCString(gender_string, ucstring("/"), strList);
if (strList.size() <= 1)
start_pos = end_pos;
// Only care about gender if it's a humanoid.
GSGENDER::EGender gender = GSGENDER::neutral;
if (pTokenSubjectEntity->isUser() || pTokenSubjectEntity->isPlayer() || pTokenSubjectEntity->isNPC())
CCharacterCL *pC = (CCharacterCL*)(pTokenSubjectEntity);
if (pC)
gender = pC->getGender();
// Neuter part is optional.
// Fallback to male if something is wrong.
GSGENDER::EGender g = ((uint)gender >= strList.size()) ? GSGENDER::male : gender;
token_replacement = strList[g];
if (token_whole == token_replacement)
// Nothing to replace; show message and exit
CInterfaceManager *im = CInterfaceManager::getInstance();
ucstring message = ucstring(CI18N::get("uiUntranslatedToken"));
message.replace(message.find(ucstring("%s")), 2, token_whole);
return false;
// Replace all occurances of token with the replacement
size_t token_whole_pos = str.find(token_whole);
start_pos = 0;
// Only do extra replacement if using default
extra_replacement = (token_replacement == token_default) ? extra_replacement : 0;
while (str.find(token_whole, start_pos) != string::npos)
str = str.replace(token_whole_pos, token_whole.length() + extra_replacement, token_replacement);
start_pos = token_whole_pos + token_replacement.length();
token_whole_pos = str.find(token_whole, start_pos);
ucstr = str;
return true;;