Remove duplicate web folder
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
if (($user_login != "support" || ($remote_addr != "" && $remote_addr != "")) && $remote_addr != "")
if ($recover_forum)
echo "recover forum $recover_forum<br>\n";
if ($recover_thread && isset($recover_threadthread))
echo "recover forum $recover_thread<br>\n";
recover_one_thread($recover_thread, $recover_threadthread);
if ($rename_forum)
echo "rename forum $rename_forum into $into_forum<br>\n";
rename_forum($rename_forum, $into_forum);
if ($mail)
$mdir = get_user_dir($mailbox, $shard);
else if ($mailbox)
display_mailbox_content($shard, $mailbox);
if ($thread)
display_thread_content($shard, $forum, $thread);
else if ($forum)
display_forum_content($shard, $forum);
@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
$server = "localhost";
$port = 80;
// import HTTP_GET_VARS as _GET if _GET doesn't exist
if (!isset($_GET) && isset($HTTP_GET_VARS))
echo "<form method='get' action='$PHP_SELF'>\n";
echo "SHARD: <input type='text' name='shard' value='".$_GET['shard']."'><br>\n";
echo "MAILBOX: <input type='text' name='mailbox' value='".$_GET['mailbox']."'><br>\n";
echo "FORUM: <input type='text' name='forum' value='".$_GET['forum']."'><br>\n";
echo "<input type='submit' value='Retrieve'><br>\n";
echo "</form>\n";
if ($_GET["mailbox"])
echo "Get mailbox ".$_GET["mailbox"]." content:<br>\n";
$s = fsockopen($server, $port, &$errno, &$errstr, 30) or die ("ERROR: can't connect to $server:$port");
fputs($s,"GET /websrv/admin.php?user_login=support&shard=".$_GET["shard"]."&mailbox=".$_GET["mailbox"]." HTTP/1.0\n\n");
$l = trim(fgets($s, 2048));
if (ereg("^FILE:(.*)", $l, $reg))
echo "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?shard=".$_GET["shard"]."&mailbox=".$_GET["mailbox"]."&mail=".$reg[1]."\">".$reg[1]."</a><br>\n";
echo "<br><br>\n";
if ($_GET["mail"])
echo "Get mail ".$_GET["mailbox"]."/".$_GET["mail"]." content:<br>\n";
$s = fsockopen($server, $port, &$errno, &$errstr, 30) or die ("ERROR: can't connect to $server:$port");
fputs($s, "GET /websrv/admin.php?user_login=support&shard=".$_GET["shard"]."&mail=".$_GET["mail"]."&mailbox=".$_GET["mailbox"]." HTTP/1.0\n\n");
echo "Content of mail:<br>\n";
echo nl2br(htmlentities(trim(fgets($s, 2048))));
echo "<br><br>\n";
if ($_GET["recover_thread"])
echo "Recover thread ".$_GET["forum"]." ".$_GET["recover_thread"]."<br>\n";
$s = fsockopen($server, $port, &$errno, &$errstr, 30) or die ("ERROR: can't connect to $server:$port");
fputs($s, "GET /websrv/admin.php?user_login=support&shard=".$_GET["shard"]."&recover_thread=".$_GET["forum"]."&recover_threadthread=".$_GET["recover_thread"]." HTTP/1.0\n\n");
echo "<br><br>\n";
if ($_GET["forum"])
echo "Get forum ".$_GET["forum"]." content:<br>\n";
$s = fsockopen($server, $port, &$errno, &$errstr, 30) or die ("ERROR: can't connect to $server:$port");
fputs($s, "GET /websrv/admin.php?user_login=support&shard=".$_GET["shard"]."&forum=".$_GET["forum"]." HTTP/1.0\n\n");
$l = trim(fgets($s, 2048));
if (ereg("^FILE:(.*)", $l, $reg))
echo "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?shard=".$_GET["shard"]."&forum=".$_GET["forum"]."&thread=".trim($reg[1])."\">".trim($reg[1])."</a>\n";
if ($reg[1]{0} == '_')
echo " <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?shard=".$_GET["shard"]."&forum=".$_GET["forum"]."&recover_thread=".trim($reg[1])."\">recover thread</a>\n";
echo "<br>\n";
echo "<br><br>\n";
if ($_GET["thread"])
echo "Get thread ".$_GET["forum"]."/".$_GET["thread"]." content:<br>\n";
$s = fsockopen($server, $port, &$errno, &$errstr, 30) or die ("ERROR: can't connect to $server:$port");
fputs($s, "GET /websrv/admin.php?user_login=support&shard=".$_GET["shard"]."&forum=".$_GET["forum"]."&thread=".$_GET["thread"]." HTTP/1.0\n\n");
echo "Content of thread:<br>\n";
$l = trim(fgets($s, 2048));
if (ereg("^TOPIC:(.*) SUBMIT:(.*)$", $l, $reg))
echo nl2br(htmlentities(" TOPIC:".$reg[1]."SUBMITED BY: ".$reg[2]."\n"));
if (ereg("^AUTHOR:(.*) DATE:(.*) POST:(.*)", $l, $reg))
echo nl2br(htmlentities("AUTHOR: ".$reg[1]." DATE:".$reg[2]." POST:".$reg[3]."\n"));
echo "<br><br>\n";
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
function display_mailbox_content($shard, $user)
$udir = get_user_dir($user, $shard);
echo "-- MAILBOX $user ($udir)\n";
$dir = opendir($udir);
while ($dir && ($file = readdir($dir)))
if (ereg("^mail_([0-9]*)\.html", $file) || ereg("^_mail_([0-9]*)\.html", $file))
echo "FILE:$file\n";
echo "-- END MAILBOX $user\n";
function display_forum_content($shard, $user)
$udir = get_user_dir($user, $shard);
echo "-- FORUM $user ($udir)\n";
$dir = opendir($udir);
while ($dir && ($file = readdir($dir)))
if (ereg("^thread_([0-9]*)\.index", $file) || ereg("^_thread_([0-9]*)\.index", $file))
echo "FILE:$file\n";
echo "-- END FORUM $user\n";
function display_thread_content($shard, $forum, $thread)
$udir = get_user_dir($forum, $shard);
read_index($udir.$thread, &$header, &$array);
$a = explode("%%", $header);
echo "-- THREAD $forum $thread\n";
echo "TOPIC: ".$a[1]." SUBMIT: ".$a[0]."\n";
if (count($array) > 0)
foreach ($array as $post)
echo "AUTHOR: ".$post[0]." DATE: ".$post[2]." POST: ".$post[1]."\n";
echo "-- END THREAD $forum $thread\n";
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
$user = $user_login;
$user_dir = get_user_dir($user, $shard);
if (!is_dir($user_dir))
$fname = $user_dir.'new_mails';
if (file_exists($fname))
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
$USERS_DIR = '/home/nevrax/live/www'; // without final /
$TEMPLATE_DIR = './template'; // without final /
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
// $user_login login of the user that consults the mailbox
// $select_mail_%% mails to be removed
read_template('confirm_delete_mail.html', $confirm_delete_mail);
$mails = array();
$selected_mails = '';
foreach ($_POST as $var => $value)
if (matchParam($var, "select_mail_", $mail))
$mails[] = $mail;
$selected_mails .= "<input type='hidden' name='select_mail_$mail' value='selected'>\n";
$instance = str_replace(array('%%MAIL%%', '%%SELECTED_MAILS%%'),
array($mails[0], $selected_mails),
echo $instance;
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
// $user_login login of the user that consults the forum
// $shard shard from which the user connects in
// $post_from user who create the thread
// $post_to forum in which the thread is to be created
// $post_subject topic of the new thread
// $post_content content of the first post (optional)
check_character_belongs_to_guild($user_login, $post_to);
// check mail is valid
//if (!isset($post_from) || !isset($post_to) || !isset($post_subject))
// die('Incomplete post to send');
//if ($post_subject == '') $post_subject = 'No Subject';
// check recipient has an account
$to_dir = build_user_dir($post_to, $shard);
$to_index = $to_dir.'forum.index';
if (!file_exists($to_index))
if (trim($post_subject) != '')
$post_from = clean_string($post_from);
$post_to = clean_string($post_to);
$post_subject = clean_string($post_subject);
// send mail to recipient
// create new thread index
add_thread_to_forum_index($post_from, $post_to, $post_subject, $index);
// create thread file
create_thread($post_from, $post_to, $post_subject, $index);
// add main post to thread
if ($post_content != "")
add_post($post_from, $post_to, $post_content, $index, $last_date);
// rebuild thread page
build_thread_page($post_to, $index, $num_posts);
// update forum index since thread was touched
update_forum_index($post_to, $index, $num_posts, $last_date);
// rebuild forum page
// redirect browser to new forum page
exportParam('forum', $post_to);
//$forum = $post_to;
@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
if ($enter_login)
if ($login)
setcookie('user_login', $login, time()+86400);
if ($rebuild_mailbox)
if ($rebuild_forum)
if ($rebuild_thread)
build_thread_page($user, $thread, $num_posts);
if ($remove_thread)
remove_thread($user, $thread);
function selectUser($var)
return "<select name='$var'>\n".
"<option value='ace'>Ace\n".
"<option value='ben'>Ben\n".
"<option value='hulud'>Hulud\n".
"<option value='lem'>Lem\n".
"<option value='guild'>Guild\n".
"<option value='guest'>Guest\n".
echo "<html><head><title>Fake post form</title></head>\n";
echo "<body>\n";
echo "<table><form method=post action='form_post.php'>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td></td><td><input type=submit value='Refresh'></td></tr>\n";
echo "</form></table>\n";
echo "<br><hr><br>\n";
echo "<table><form method=post action='form_post.php'>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td>Login</td><td><input type=text name='login' size=50 maxlength=255 value='$user_login'></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td></td><td><input type=submit name='enter_login' value='Enter'></td></tr>\n";
echo "</form></table>\n";
echo "<br><hr><br>\n";
echo "Post a mail<br>\n";
echo "<table><form method=post action='post_mail.php'>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td>From</td><td>".selectUser('mail_from')."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td>To</td><td>".selectUser('mail_to')."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td>Subject</td><td><input type=text name='mail_subject' size=50 maxlength=255></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td>Content</td><td><textarea name='mail_content' rows=20 cols=50></textarea></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td></td><td><input type=submit value='Send'></td></tr>\n";
echo "</form></table>\n";
echo "<br><hr><br>\n";
echo "Rebuild a mail box<br>\n";
echo "<table><form method=post action='form_post.php'>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td>User</td><td>".selectUser('user')."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td></td><td><input type=submit name='rebuild_mailbox' value='Rebuild'></td></tr>\n";
echo "</form></table>\n";
echo "<br><hr><br>\n";
echo "Create a thread in a forum<br>\n";
echo "<table><form method=post action='create_thread.php'>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td>From</td><td>".selectUser('post_from')."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td>To</td><td>".selectUser('post_to')."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td>Subject</td><td><input type=text name='post_subject' size=50 maxlength=255></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td>Content</td><td><textarea name='post_content' rows=20 cols=50></textarea></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td></td><td><input type=submit value='Post'></td></tr>\n";
echo "</form></table>\n";
echo "<br><hr><br>\n";
echo "Post a topic in a thread<br>\n";
echo "<table><form method=post action='post.php'>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td>From</td><td>".selectUser('post_from')."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td>To</td><td>".selectUser('post_to')."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td>Thread</td><td><input type=text name='post_thread' size=50 maxlength=255></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td>Content</td><td><textarea name='post_content' rows=20 cols=50></textarea></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td></td><td><input type=submit value='Post'></td></tr>\n";
echo "</form></table>\n";
echo "<br><hr><br>\n";
echo "Rebuild a forum<br>\n";
echo "<table><form method=post action='form_post.php'>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td>User</td><td>".selectUser('user')."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td></td><td><input type=submit name='rebuild_forum' value='Rebuild'></td></tr>\n";
echo "</form></table>\n";
echo "<br><hr><br>\n";
echo "Rebuild a thread<br>\n";
echo "<table><form method=post action='form_post.php'>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td>User</td><td>".selectUser('user')."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td>Thread</td><td><input type=text name='thread' size=50 maxlength=255></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td></td><td><input type=submit name='rebuild_thread' value='Rebuild'></td></tr>\n";
echo "</form></table>\n";
echo "<br><hr><br>\n";
echo "Remove a thread<br>\n";
echo "<table><form method=post action='form_post.php'>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td>User</td><td>".selectUser('user')."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td>Thread</td><td><input type=text name='thread' size=50 maxlength=255></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr valign=top><td></td><td><input type=submit name='remove_thread' value='Remove'></td></tr>\n";
echo "</form></table>\n";
echo "<br><hr><br>\n";
echo "</body>\n";
echo "</html>\n";
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
// $user_login login of the user that consults the forum
// $shard shard from which the user connects in
// $forum forum to view
check_character_belongs_to_guild($user_login, $forum);
$forum_dir = build_user_dir($forum, $shard);
$fname = $forum_dir.'forum'.(isset($page) && $page!="" && $page!="0" ? "_$page" : '').'.html';
if (!file_exists($fname))
$f = fopen($fname, 'r');
echo fread($f, filesize($fname));
@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
$race = &$_GET['race'];
$faction = &$_GET['faction'];
$shard = &$_GET['shard'];
$lang = &$_GET['lang'];
$user_login = &$_GET['user_login'];
$guild_name=str_replace('_',' ', $guild_name);
include 'episode2_hof_outils.php';
$include_files = hof_init(array('episode2_valeurs_craft.hdt','episode2_valeurs_seuils.hdt'), 'episode2_hof_noms_%lang%.php');
foreach ($include_files as $include_file)
if (!@include $include_file)
//die('include file '.$include_file.' not found');
include 'episode2_hof_titles.php';
echo '<html>';
echo '<head><title>'.$titre.'</title></head>';
echo '<body bgcolor="#30353A">';
echo hof_tab_hgroup($tabs, 'chantier');
echo '<br>';
if ($faction=='karavan')
$tmp_item1_max = ${"maxSocle".$race};
$tmp_item1_cur = ${"Socle".$race};
$item1_percent = min($tmp_item1_cur, $tmp_item1_max) * 100 / $tmp_item1_max;
$tmp_item2_max = ${"maxColonne".$race};
$tmp_item2_cur = ${"Colonne".$race};
$item2_percent = min($tmp_item2_cur, $tmp_item2_max) * 100 / $tmp_item2_max;
$tmp_item3_max = ${"maxComble".$race};
$tmp_item3_cur = ${"Comble".$race};
$item3_percent = min($tmp_item3_cur, $tmp_item3_max) * 100 / $tmp_item3_max;
$tmp_item4_max = ${"maxMuraille".$race};
$tmp_item4_cur = ${"Muraille".$race};
$item4_percent = min($tmp_item4_cur, $tmp_item4_max) * 100 / $tmp_item4_max;
$tmp_item5_max = ${"maxRevetement".$race};
$tmp_item5_cur = ${"Revetement".$race};
$item5_percent = min($tmp_item5_cur, $tmp_item5_max) * 100 / $tmp_item5_max;
$tmp_item6_max = ${"maxOrnement".$race};
$tmp_item6_cur = ${"Ornement".$race};
$item6_percent = min($tmp_item6_cur, $tmp_item6_max) * 100 / $tmp_item6_max;
$tmp_item7_max = ${"maxStatue".$race};
$tmp_item7_cur = ${"Statue".$race};
$item7_percent = min($tmp_item7_cur, $tmp_item7_max) * 100 / $tmp_item7_max;
$tmp_main_max = ${"maxJustice".$race};
$tmp_main_cur = ${"Justice".$race};
$main_percent = min($tmp_main_cur, $tmp_main_max) * 100 / $tmp_main_max;
$tmp_item1_max = ${"maxRacine".$race};
$tmp_item1_cur = ${"Racine".$race};
$item1_percent = min($tmp_item1_cur, $tmp_item1_max) * 100 / $tmp_item1_max;
$tmp_item2_max = ${"maxTronc".$race};
$tmp_item2_cur = ${"Tronc".$race};
$item2_percent = min($tmp_item2_cur, $tmp_item2_max) * 100 / $tmp_item2_max;
$tmp_item3_max = ${"maxFibre".$race};
$tmp_item3_cur = ${"Fibre".$race};
$item3_percent = min($tmp_item3_cur, $tmp_item3_max) * 100 / $tmp_item3_max;
$tmp_item4_max = ${"maxEcorce".$race};
$tmp_item4_cur = ${"Ecorce".$race};
$item4_percent = min($tmp_item4_cur, $tmp_item4_max) * 100 / $tmp_item4_max;
$tmp_item5_max = ${"maxFeuille".$race};
$tmp_item5_cur = ${"Feuille".$race};
$item5_percent = min($tmp_item5_cur, $tmp_item5_max) * 100 / $tmp_item5_max;
$tmp_item6_max = ${"maxFleur".$race};
$tmp_item6_cur = ${"Fleur".$race};
$item6_percent = min($tmp_item6_cur, $tmp_item6_max) * 100 / $tmp_item6_max;
$tmp_item7_max = ${"maxSymbole".$race};
$tmp_item7_cur = ${"Symbole".$race};
$item7_percent = min($tmp_item7_cur, $tmp_item7_max) * 100 / $tmp_item7_max;
$tmp_main_max = ${"maxNoyau".$race};
$tmp_main_cur = ${"Noyau".$race};
$main_percent = min($tmp_main_cur, $tmp_main_max) * 100 / $tmp_main_max;
$total_percent= ($item1_percent+$item2_percent+$item3_percent+$item4_percent+$item5_percent+$item6_percent+$item7_percent+$main_percent)/8;
echo '<table nowrap cellspacing=10 width=100% align="center"><tr><td height=5 bgcolor="#101112"></td></tr><tr><td><table nowrap cellspacing=10 width=100% align="center">';
echo '<tr><td width=25></td><td width=300 valign="middle" align="right"><H2>'.$txt_progress_batiment.'</H2></td><td width=300 align="left">'.hof_progress_bar_huge($total_percent).'</td><td width=25></td></tr></table><table nowrap cellspacing=10 width=100% align="center">';
if ($noActe == 1)
echo '<tr><td width=25></td><td width=300 valign="middle" align="right">'.$txt_piece1.' </td><td width=300 align="left">'.hof_progress_bar($item1_percent,1).'</td><td width=25></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td width=25></td><td width=300 valign="middle" align="right">'.$txt_piece2.' </td><td width=300 align="left">'.hof_progress_bar($item2_percent,1).'</td><td width=25></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td width=25></td><td width=300 valign="middle" align="right">'.$txt_piece1.' </td><td width=300 align="left">'.hof_progress_bar($item1_percent,0).'</td><td width=25></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td width=25></td><td width=300 valign="middle" align="right">'.$txt_piece2.' </td><td width=300 align="left">'.hof_progress_bar($item2_percent,0).'</td><td width=25></td></tr>';
if($noActe == 2)
echo '<tr><td width=25></td><td width=300 valign="middle" align="right">'.$txt_piece3.' </td><td width=300 align="left">'.hof_progress_bar($item3_percent,1).'</td><td width=25></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td width=25></td><td width=300 valign="middle" align="right">'.$txt_piece4.' </td><td width=300 align="left">'.hof_progress_bar($item4_percent,1).'</td><td width=25></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td width=25></td><td width=300 valign="middle" align="right">'.$txt_piece3.' </td><td width=300 align="left">'.hof_progress_bar($item3_percent,0).'</td><td width=25></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td width=25></td><td width=300 valign="middle" align="right">'.$txt_piece4.' </td><td width=300 align="left">'.hof_progress_bar($item4_percent,0).'</td><td width=25></td></tr>';
if($noActe == 3)
echo '<tr><td width=25></td><td width=300 valign="middle" align="right">'.$txt_piece5.' </td><td width=300 align="left">'.hof_progress_bar($item5_percent,1).'</td><td width=25></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td width=25></td><td width=300 valign="middle" align="right">'.$txt_piece6.' </td><td width=300 align="left">'.hof_progress_bar($item6_percent,1).'</td><td width=25></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td width=25></td><td width=300 valign="middle" align="right">'.$txt_piece7.' </td><td width=300 align="left">'.hof_progress_bar($item7_percent,1).'</td><td width=25></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td width=25></td><td width=300 valign="middle" align="right"><b>'.$txt_piece8.'</b> </td><td width=300 align="left">'.hof_progress_bar($main_percent,1).'</td><td width=25></td></tr></table>';
echo '<tr><td height=5 bgcolor="#101112"></td></tr></table>';
echo '</body>';
echo '</html>';
@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
$race = &$_GET['race'];
$faction = &$_GET['faction'];
$shard = &$_GET['shard'];
$lang = &$_GET['lang'];
$user_login = &$_GET['user_login'];
$guild_name = $_GET['guild_name'];
$guild_name = str_replace('_', ' ', $guild_name);
$type = &$_GET['type'];
$tableau = &$_GET['tableau'];
// Number of entries in the top
$top_len = 10;
// Profile the include time
function microtime_float()
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
$time_start = microtime_float();
// Includes
include 'episode2_hof_outils.php';
$hdt_files = array(
$include_files = hof_init($hdt_files, 'episode2_hof_noms_%lang%.php');
foreach ($include_files as $include_file)
if (!@include $include_file)
die('include file '.$include_file.' not found');
include 'episode2_hof_titles.php';
include 'episode2_hof_tableaux.php';
$time = microtime_float()- $time_start;
echo '<br>PROFILE: include time = '.$time.'<br>';
if ($type == 'fight')
$type_uppercase = 'Kill';
$type_uppercase = ucfirst($type);
echo '<html>';
echo '<head><title>'.$titre.'</title></head>';
echo '<body bgcolor="#30353A">';
echo '<table width=825><tr><td>';
echo hof_tab_hgroup($tabs,$type);
echo '</td></tr><tr><td height=5 bgcolor="#101112"></td></tr><tr><td height=20></td></tr><tr><td align="center"><H1>'.${'classement_'.$type}.'</H1></td></tr><tr><td>';
echo hof_tab_hgroup_tableaux($tabs_tableaux,$tableau);
echo '</td></tr><tr><td height=5 bgcolor="#101112"></td></tr><tr><td height=20></td></tr><tr><td valign="middle" align="center"><table border=0 align="center"><tr><td align=center valign="top"><h2>'.$classement_player.'</h2></td></tr><tr><td height=30></td></tr><tr><td align=center valign="top"><h2>'.$main_title.'</h2></td></tr><tr><td valign="middle" align="center"><h3>'.$titre_tableau_player.'</h3></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td height=10></td></tr><tr><td align="center">'.$comment_tableau_player.'</td></tr><tr><td height=10></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td height=3></td></tr><tr><td align="center">';
echo '<tr><td>';
// Top players
if ($tableau == 'total')
$j = 0;
$k = 0;
$nb_rows_kami = count(${'score_Top10_Best_'.$type_uppercase.'_kami'});
$nb_rows_karavan = count(${'score_Top10_Best_'.$type_uppercase.'_karavan'});
$nb_rows = $nb_rows_kami + $nb_rows_karavan;
$names = array();
$scores = array();
$factions = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_rows; $i++)
if ($j < $nb_rows_kami && ($k >= $nb_rows_karavan || ${'score_Top10_Best_'.$type_uppercase.'_kami'}[$j] >= ${'score_Top10_Best_'.$type_uppercase.'_karavan'}[$k]))
$names[$i] = ${'nom_Top10_Best_'.$type_uppercase.'_kami'}[$j];
$scores[$i] = ${'score_Top10_Best_'.$type_uppercase.'_kami'}[$j];
$factions[$i] = 'Kami';
else if ($k < $nb_rows_karavan && ($j >= $nb_rows_kami || ${'score_Top10_Best_'.$type_uppercase.'_karavan'}[$k] > ${'score_Top10_Best_'.$type_uppercase.'_kami'}[$j]))
$names[$i] = ${'nom_Top10_Best_'.$type_uppercase.'_karavan'}[$k];
$scores[$i] = ${'score_Top10_Best_'.$type_uppercase.'_karavan'}[$k];
$factions[$i] = 'Karavan';
echo hof_score_table($names, $factions, $scores, $top_len, $user_login);
else if ($tableau == 'faction')
$varname_suffix = '_Top10_Best_faction_'.$type_uppercase.'_'.$faction;
echo hof_score_table_same_faction(${'nom'.$varname_suffix}, $faction, ${'score'.$varname_suffix}, $top_len, $user_login);
else if ($tableau == 'chantier')
$varname_suffix = '_Top10_Best_'.$type_uppercase.'_'.$race.'_'.$faction;
echo hof_score_table_same_faction(${'nom'.$varname_suffix}, $faction, ${'score'.$varname_suffix}, $top_len, $user_login);
else if ($tableau == 'acte')
$varname_suffix = '_Top10_Best_'.$type_uppercase.'_'.$race.'_'.$faction.'_Acte'.$noActe;
echo hof_score_table_same_faction(${'nom'.$varname_suffix}, $faction, ${'score'.$varname_suffix}, $top_len, $user_login);
echo '</td></tr><tr><td height=20></td></tr><tr><td height=5 bgcolor="#101112"></td></tr><tr><td height=20></td></tr><tr><td valign="middle" align="center"><table border=0 align="center"><tr><td align=center valign="top"><h2>'.$classement_guild.'</h2></td></tr><tr><td height=30></td></tr><tr><tr><td align=center valign="top"><h2>'.$main_title.'</h2></td></tr><tr><td valign="middle" align="center"><h3>'.$titre_tableau_guild.'</h3></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td height=10></td></tr><tr><td align="center">'.$comment_tableau_guild.'</td></tr><tr><td height=10></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td>';
// Top guilds
if ($tableau == 'total')
$j = 0;
$k = 0;
$nb_rows_kami = count(${'score_Top10_Best_Guild_'.$type_uppercase.'_kami'});
$nb_rows_karavan = count(${'score_Top10_Best_Guild_'.$type_uppercase.'_karavan'});
$nb_rows = $nb_rows_kami + $nb_rows_karavan;
$names = array();
$scores = array();
$factions = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_rows; $i++)
if ($j < $nb_rows_kami && ($k >= $nb_rows_karavan || ${'score_Top10_Best_Guild_'.$type_uppercase.'_kami'}[$j] >= ${'score_Top10_Best_Guild_'.$type_uppercase.'_karavan'}[$k]))
$names[$i] = ${'nom_Top10_Best_Guild_'.$type_uppercase.'_kami'}[$j];
$scores[$i] = ${'score_Top10_Best_Guild_'.$type_uppercase.'_kami'}[$j];
$factions[$i] = 'Kami';
else if ($k < $nb_rows_karavan && ($j >= $nb_rows_kami || ${'score_Top10_Best_Guild_'.$type_uppercase.'_karavan'}[$k] > ${'score_Top10_Best_Guild_'.$type_uppercase.'_kami'}[$j]))
$names[$i] = ${'nom_Top10_Best_Guild_'.$type_uppercase.'_karavan'}[$k];
$scores[$i] = ${'score_Top10_Best_Guild_'.$type_uppercase.'_karavan'}[$k];
$factions[$i] = 'Karavan';
echo hof_score_table($names, $factions, $scores, $top_len, $guild_name);
else if ($tableau == 'faction')
$varname_suffix = '_Top10_Best_Guild_faction_'.$type_uppercase.'_'.$faction;
echo hof_score_table_same_faction(${'nom'.$varname_suffix}, $faction, ${'score'.$varname_suffix}, $top_len, $guild_name);
else if ($tableau == 'chantier')
$varname_suffix = '_Top10_Best_Guild_'.$type_uppercase.'_'.$race.'_'.$faction;
echo hof_score_table_same_faction(${'nom'.$varname_suffix}, $faction, ${'score'.$varname_suffix}, $top_len, $guild_name);
else if ($tableau == 'acte')
$varname_suffix = '_Top10_Best_Guild_'.$type_uppercase.'_'.$race.'_'.$faction.'_Acte'.$noActe;
echo hof_score_table_same_faction(${'nom'.$varname_suffix}, $faction, ${'score'.$varname_suffix}, $top_len, $guild_name);
echo '</td></tr><tr><td height=20></td></tr></table>';
$time = microtime_float()- $time_start;
echo '<br>PROFILE: total time = '.$time.'<br>';
echo '</body>';
echo '</html>';
@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
function hof_init($hdt_files, $txt_files)
$include_files = array();
if (!is_array($hdt_files))
$hdt_files = array($hdt_files);
if (!is_array($txt_files))
$txt_files = array($txt_files);
if (!isset($_GET['shard']))
die('shard is missing');
$shard = &$_GET['shard'];
if (!is_numeric($shard))
die('shard is invalid');
foreach ($hdt_files as $hdt_file)
global $USERS_DIR;
$include_files[] = $USERS_DIR.'/'.strtolower($shard).'/'.str_replace('.hdt', '.php', $hdt_file);
if (isset($_GET['lang']))
$lang = &$_GET['lang'];
if ($lang != 'fr' && $lang != 'en' && $lang != 'de')
die('invalid lang');
$lang = 'en';
if (is_array($txt_files))
foreach ($txt_files as $txt_file)
$include_files[] = str_replace('%lang%', $lang, $txt_file);
return $include_files;
function hof_score_table($names, $factions, $scores, $max_rows, $highlight_name)
if ($_GET['faction'] == 'kami')
$color_tab = '#1A807F';
$color_tab_bis = '#3E9D9C';
$color_tab_titles = '#242E2E';
$color_highlight = '#922121';
else if ($_GET['faction'] == 'karavan')
$color_tab = '#922121';
$color_tab_bis = '#A04747';
$color_tab_titles = '#322727';
$color_highlight = '#1A807F';
if ($_GET['lang'] == 'fr')
$txt_position = 'POSITION';
$txt_name = 'NOM';
$txt_faction = 'FACTION';
$txt_score = 'SCORE';
else if ($_GET['lang'] == 'en')
$txt_position = 'POSITION';
$txt_name = 'NAME';
$txt_faction = 'FACTION';
$txt_score = 'SCORE';
else if ($_GET['lang'] == 'de')
$txt_position = 'PLATZ';
$txt_name = 'NAME';
$txt_faction = 'FRAKTION';
$txt_score = 'PUNKTE';
$nb_rows = count($names);
if ($nb_rows == 0)
return '';
if (count($factions) != $nb_rows || count($scores) != $nb_rows)
die('wrong params: different nb of rows');
if ($max_rows > $nb_rows)
$max_rows = $nb_rows;
$found_names = array();
$top_names = array();
$top_factions = array();
$top_scores = array();
$top_colors = array();
$nb_top_rows = 0;
$top_index = 0;
$found_hl_name_in_top = false;
foreach ($names as $i => $name)
if ($top_index < $max_rows)
if (!isset($found_names[strtolower($name)]))
$found_names[strtolower($name)] = true;
if (strtolower($name) == strtolower($highlight_name))
$line_color = $color_highlight;
$found_hl_name_in_top = true;
else if ($top_index % 2 == 0)
$line_color = $color_tab_bis;
$line_color = $color_tab;
$top_names[$top_index] = $name;
$top_factions[$top_index] = $factions[$i];
$top_scores[$top_index] = $scores[$i];
$top_colors[$top_index] = $line_color;
$nb_top_rows = $top_index;
if ($found_hl_name_in_top)
if (!isset($found_names[strtolower($name)]))
$found_names[strtolower($name)] = true;
if (strtolower($name) == strtolower($highlight_name))
$top_names[$top_index] = $name;
$top_factions[$top_index] = $factions[$i];
$top_scores[$top_index] = $scores[$i];
$top_colors[$top_index] = $color_highlight;
$vsep = '<td width=2 bgcolor="#101112"></td>';
$hsep = '<tr bgcolor="#101112"><td height=2></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>';
$res = '<table width=608 bgcolor="#101112" align="center" valign="middle"><tr><td height=8 width=5></td><td width=600></td><td width=5></td></tr>';
$res .= '<tr><td></td><td align="center"><table bgcolor="'.$color_tab.'" width=591 border=0>';
$res .= '<tr align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="'.$color_tab_titles.'">';
$res .= '<td width=85 height=20><H5>'.$txt_position.'</H5></td>'.$vsep;
$res .= '<td width=150><H5>'.$txt_name.'</H5></td>'.$vsep;
$res .= '<td width=150><H5>'.$txt_faction.'</H5></td>'.$vsep;
$res .= '<td width=200><H5>'.$txt_score.'</H5></td></tr>'.$hsep;
$previous_i = -1;
foreach ($top_names as $i => $name)
$score = $top_scores[$i];
$faction = $top_factions[$i];
$line_color = $top_colors[$i];
if ($previous_i == $nb_top_rows - 1)
$res .= $hsep;
if ($i > $nb_top_rows)
$res .= '<tr bgcolor="'.$color_tab_titles.'" align="center" valign="middle"><td height=20>...</td>'.$vsep.'<td>...</td>'.$vsep.'<td>...</td>'.$vsep.'<td>...</td></tr>';
$res .= $hsep;
$res .= '<tr bgcolor="'.$line_color.'" align="center" valign="middle">';
$res .= '<td height=20>'.($i+1).'</td>'.$vsep.'<td>'.$name.'</td>'.$vsep.'<td>'.$faction.'</td>'.$vsep.'<td>'.$score.'</td>';
$res .= '</tr>';
if ($i + 1 < $nb_top_rows)
$res .= $hsep;
$previous_i = $i;
$res .= '</table></td><td></td></tr><tr><td height=8 width=5></td><td width=600></td><td width=5></td></tr></table>';
return $res;
function hof_score_table_same_faction($names, $faction, $scores, $max_rows, $highlight_name)
$faction = ucfirst($faction);
$factions = array();
foreach ($names as $i => $name)
$factions[$i] = $faction;
return hof_score_table($names, $factions, $scores, $max_rows, $highlight_name);
function hof_progress_bar($percent, $termine, $width=200, $height=10, $left_color='#0D0D0D', $right_color='#281F1A')
if (is_float($percent) || is_double($percent))
$percent = (int)$percent;
if (!is_int($percent))
die('invalid arg');
if ($percent > 100)
$percent = 100;
$left_text = $percent;
$right_text = '';
if ($percent > 0)
if ($percent < 30)
else if ($percent < 70)
else if ($percent < 100)
//if ($termine == 0)
// $left_color='#0D0D0D';
$res = '<table width='.$width.'><tr>';
$res .= '<td bgcolor="'.$left_color.'" width="'.$percent.' %" height='.$height.' valign="middle" align="center">'.$left_text.'%</td>';
$res .= '<td bgcolor="'.$right_color.'">'.$right_text.'</td>';
$res .= '</tr></table>';
$res = '<table width='.$width.'><tr>';
$res .= '<td bgcolor="'.$left_color.'" width="100 %" height='.$height.' valign="middle" align="center">0%</td>';
$res .= '</tr></table>';
return $res;
function hof_progress_bar_huge($percent, $width=200, $height=25, $left_color='#077F64', $right_color='#281F1A')
if (is_float($percent) || is_double($percent))
$percent = (int)$percent;
if (!is_int($percent))
die('invalid arg');
if ($percent > 100)
$percent = 100;
$left_text = $percent;
$right_text = '';
if ($percent > 0)
if ($percent < 30)
else if ($percent < 70)
else if ($percent < 100)
$res = '<table width='.$width.'><tr>';
$res .= '<td bgcolor="'.$left_color.'" width="'.$percent.' %" height='.$height.' valign="middle" align="center">'.$left_text.'%</td>';
$res .= '<td bgcolor="'.$right_color.'">'.$right_text.'</td>';
$res .= '</tr></table>';
$res = '<table width='.$width.'><tr>';
$res .= '<td bgcolor="'.$left_color.'" width="100 %" height='.$height.' valign="middle" align="center">0%</td>';
$res .= '</tr></table>';
return $res;
function hof_link($url, $text)
$res = '<a href="'.$url.'">'.$text.'</a>';
return $res;
function hof_margin_table($content, $margin)
$res = '<table border='.$margin.'><tr><td>'.$content.'</td></tr></table>';
return $res;
function hof_tab($url, $text)
$res = array();
$res['inactive'] = hof_link($url, $text);
$res['active'] = $text;
return $res;
function hof_tab_hgroup($tabs, $active_tab_id)
$res = '<table valign="middle" width=825 align="center" cellspacing=20><tr><td width=7></td>';
foreach ($tabs as $tab_id => $tab)
if ($tab_id == $active_tab_id)
$content = $tab['active'];
$content = $tab['inactive'];
$res .= '<td width=120 bgcolor="#101112"><H1>'.hof_margin_table($content, 8).'</H1></td><td width=7></td>';
$res .= '</tr><td width=7></td></table>';
return $res;
function hof_tab_hgroup_tableaux($tabs, $active_tab_id)
$res = '<table valign="middle" width=825 align="center" cellspacing=20><tr><td width=100></td>';
foreach ($tabs as $tab_id => $tab)
if ($tab_id == $active_tab_id)
$content = $tab['active'];
$content = $tab['inactive'];
if ($content == 'chantier')
$res .= '<td width=90 bgcolor="#101112"><H5>'.hof_margin_table($content, 8).'</H5></td><td width=10 bgcolor="#101112"></td>';
$res .= '<td width=90 bgcolor="#101112"><H5>'.hof_margin_table($content, 8).'</H5></td><td width=10></td>';
$res .= '</tr><td width=100></td></table>';
return $res;
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
$guild_name_http = str_replace(' ', '_', $guild_name);
$tabs_tableaux = array(
'total' => hof_tab('episode2_hof_classement.php?shard='.$shard.'&lang='.$lang.'&user_login='.$user_login.'&faction='.$faction.'&type='.$type.'&race='.$race.'&guild_name='.$guild_name_http.'&tableau=total', $txt_tab_total),
'faction' => hof_tab('episode2_hof_classement.php?shard='.$shard.'&lang='.$lang.'&user_login='.$user_login.'&faction='.$faction.'&type='.$type.'&race='.$race.'&guild_name='.$guild_name_http.'&tableau=faction', $txt_tab_faction),
'chantier' => hof_tab('episode2_hof_classement.php?shard='.$shard.'&lang='.$lang.'&user_login='.$user_login.'&faction='.$faction.'&type='.$type.'&race='.$race.'&guild_name='.$guild_name_http.'&tableau=chantier', $txt_tab_chantier),
'acte' => hof_tab('episode2_hof_classement.php?shard='.$shard.'&lang='.$lang.'&user_login='.$user_login.'&faction='.$faction.'&type='.$type.'&race='.$race.'&guild_name='.$guild_name_http.'&tableau=acte', $txt_tab_acte)
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
$guild_name_http = str_replace(' ', '_', $guild_name);
if ($tableau == '')
$tableau = 'total';
$tabs = array(
'chantier' => hof_tab('episode2_hof_chantier.php?shard='.$shard.'&lang='.$lang.'&user_login='.$user_login.'&faction='.$faction.'&type=chantier&race='.$race.'&guild_name='.$guild_name_http.'&noActe='.$noActe, $txt_tab_chantier),
'craft' => hof_tab('episode2_hof_classement.php?shard='.$shard.'&lang='.$lang.'&user_login='.$user_login.'&faction='.$faction.'&type=craft&race='.$race.'&guild_name='.$guild_name_http.'&noActe='.$noActe.'&tableau='.$tableau, $txt_tab_craft),
'harvest' => hof_tab('episode2_hof_classement.php?shard='.$shard.'&lang='.$lang.'&user_login='.$user_login.'&faction='.$faction.'&type=harvest&race='.$race.'&guild_name='.$guild_name_http.'&noActe='.$noActe.'&tableau='.$tableau, $txt_tab_harvest),
'fight' => hof_tab('episode2_hof_classement.php?shard='.$shard.'&lang='.$lang.'&user_login='.$user_login.'&faction='.$faction.'&type=fight&race='.$race.'&guild_name='.$guild_name_http.'&noActe='.$noActe.'&tableau='.$tableau, $txt_tab_fight)
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
if (isset($_GET['lang']))
$lang = &$_GET['lang'];
if ($lang != 'fr' && $lang != 'en' && $lang != 'de')
die('invalid lang');
$faction = &$_GET['faction'];
$race = &$_GET['race'];
$self = &$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$page_en_cours = &$_GET['page_en_cours'];
if ($page_en_cours =='')
$page_en_cours = 0;
include 'episode2_textes_'.$faction.'_'.$lang.'.php';
function stele_menu_item($label, $page, $page_active, $page_en_cours)
global $self, $lang, $race, $faction;
if ($page_en_cours!=$page_active)
return '<a href="episode2_steles.php?lang='.$lang.'&page_en_cours='.$page_active.'&faction='.$faction.'&race='.$race.'&page='.$page.'">'.$label.'</a>';
else return $label;
if (isset($_GET['page']))
$texte = $$_GET['page'];
$texte = $texteDefault;
echo '<html>';
echo '<head><title>'.$titre.'</title></head>';
echo '<body bgcolor="#30353A">';
if ($faction=='kami')
echo '<table height=365><tr><td height=15></td></tr><tr><td width=200 align="center"><H1>'.${'TITLE_'.$faction}.'</H1></td></tr><tr><td height=30></td></tr><tr><td><table><tr><td height=10 bgcolor=#101112></td><td height=10 bgcolor=#101112><td height=10 bgcolor=#101112></td></td><td bgcolor=#101112></td><td bgcolor=#101112></td></tr><tr><td><table><tr><td width=10 height=328 bgcolor=#101112></td></tr><tr><td></td></tr></table></td></tr><td height=280 valign="top"><table height=285 align="center">';
echo '<tr><td bgcolor=#'.$couleur.' valign="middle" height=30 align="center" width=290><H4>'.stele_menu_item($menu1, 'texte_stele_'.$faction.'_1',1 ,$page_en_cours).'</H4></td></tr><tr><td height=2 bgcolor=#101112></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td bgcolor=#'.$couleur.' valign="middle" height=30 align="center"><H4>'.stele_menu_item($menu2, 'texte_stele_'.$faction.'_2',2, $page_en_cours).'</H4></td></tr><tr><td height=2 bgcolor=#101112></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td bgcolor=#'.$couleur.' valign="middle" height=30 align="center"><H4>'.stele_menu_item($menu3, 'texte_stele_'.$faction.'_3',3, $page_en_cours).'</H4></td></tr><tr><td height=2 bgcolor=#101112></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td bgcolor=#'.$couleur.' valign="middle" height=30 align="center"><H4>'.stele_menu_item($menu4, 'texte_stele_'.$faction.'_4',4, $page_en_cours).'</H4></td></tr><tr><td height=2 bgcolor=#101112></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td bgcolor=#'.$couleur.' valign="middle" height=30 align="center"><H4>'.stele_menu_item($menu5, 'texte_stele_'.$faction.'_5',5, $page_en_cours).'</H4></td></tr><tr><td height=2 bgcolor=#101112></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td bgcolor=#'.$couleur.' valign="middle" height=30 align="center"><H4>'.stele_menu_item($menu6, 'texte_stele_'.$faction.'_6',6, $page_en_cours).'</H4></td></tr><tr><td height=2 bgcolor=#101112></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td bgcolor=#'.$couleur.' valign="middle" height=30 align="center"><H4>'.stele_menu_item($menu7, 'texte_stele_'.$faction.'_7',7, $page_en_cours).'</H4></td></tr><tr><td height=2 bgcolor=#101112></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td bgcolor=#'.$couleur.' valign="middle" height=30 align="center"><H4>'.stele_menu_item(${'menu8'.$race}, 'texte_stele_'.$faction.'_8'.$race,8, $page_en_cours).'</H4></td></tr><tr><td height=2 bgcolor=#101112></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td bgcolor=#'.$couleur.' valign="middle" height=30 align="center"><H4>'.stele_menu_item($menu9, 'texte_stele_'.$faction.'_9',9, $page_en_cours).'</H4></td></tr><tr><td height=2 bgcolor=#101112></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td bgcolor=#'.$couleur.' valign="middle" height=30 align="center"><H4>'.stele_menu_item($menu10, 'texte_stele_'.$faction.'_10',10, $page_en_cours).'</H4></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td height=10 bgcolor=#101112></td></tr><tr><td height=150></td></tr></table></td><td width=10 bgcolor=#101112></td>';
echo '<td width=500 align="center"><table><tr><td height=15></td></tr><tr>';
if ($page_en_cours!=8 && $page_en_cours!=0)
echo '<td align="center" height=10><H2>'.${'menu'.$page_en_cours}.'</H2><br></td>';
else if ($page_en_cours!=0)
echo '<td align="center" height=10><H2>'.${'menu'.$page_en_cours.$race}.'</H2><br></td>';
echo '</tr><tr><td height=255 align="center" valign="top"><table><tr><td width=20></td><td>'.$texte.'</td><td width=20></td></table></td></tr></table></td><td width=10 bgcolor=#101112></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td height=10 ></td><td height=10 ></td><td height=10 bgcolor=#101112></td><td bgcolor=#101112></td><td bgcolor=#101112></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>';
echo '</body>';
echo '</html>';
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs crafteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.craft.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.craft.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.craft.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.craft.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs crafteurs par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_fyros_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.craft.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_fyros_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.craft.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_fyros_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.craft.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_fyros_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.craft.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_fyros_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.craft.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_fyros_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.craft.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_fyros_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.craft.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_fyros_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.craft.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_fyros_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.craft.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_fyros_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.craft.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_fyros_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.craft.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_fyros_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.craft.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs crafteurs par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_matis_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.craft.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_matis_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.craft.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_matis_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.craft.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_matis_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.craft.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_matis_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.craft.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_matis_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.craft.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_matis_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.craft.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_matis_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.craft.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_matis_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.craft.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_matis_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.craft.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_matis_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.craft.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_matis_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.craft.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs crafteurs par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_tryker_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.craft.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_tryker_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.craft.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_tryker_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.craft.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_tryker_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.craft.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_tryker_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.craft.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_tryker_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.craft.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_tryker_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.craft.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_tryker_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.craft.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_tryker_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.craft.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_tryker_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.craft.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_tryker_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.craft.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_tryker_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.craft.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs crafteurs par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_zorai_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.craft.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_zorai_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.craft.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_zorai_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.craft.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_zorai_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.craft.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_zorai_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.craft.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_zorai_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.craft.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_zorai_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.craft.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_zorai_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.craft.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_zorai_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.craft.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_zorai_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.craft.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_zorai_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.craft.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_zorai_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.craft.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs killers par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_fyros_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.kill.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_fyros_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.kill.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_fyros_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.kill.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_fyros_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.kill.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_fyros_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.kill.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_fyros_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.kill.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_fyros_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.kill.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_fyros_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.kill.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_fyros_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.kill.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_fyros_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.kill.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_fyros_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.kill.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_fyros_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.kill.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs killers par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_matis_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.kill.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_matis_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.kill.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_matis_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.kill.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_matis_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.kill.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_matis_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.kill.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_matis_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.kill.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_matis_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.kill.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_matis_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.kill.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_matis_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.kill.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_matis_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.kill.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_matis_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.kill.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_matis_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.kill.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs killers par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_tryker_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.kill.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_tryker_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.kill.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_tryker_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.kill.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_tryker_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.kill.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_tryker_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.kill.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_tryker_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.kill.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_tryker_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.kill.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_tryker_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.kill.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_tryker_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.kill.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_tryker_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.kill.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_tryker_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.kill.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_tryker_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.kill.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs killers par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_zorai_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.kill.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_zorai_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.kill.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_zorai_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.kill.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_zorai_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.kill.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_zorai_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.kill.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_zorai_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.kill.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_zorai_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.kill.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_zorai_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.kill.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_zorai_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.kill.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_zorai_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.kill.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_zorai_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.kill.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_zorai_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.kill.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs guildes crafteurs par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_fyros_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.craft.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_fyros_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.craft.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_fyros_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.craft.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_fyros_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.craft.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_fyros_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.craft.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_fyros_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.craft.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_fyros_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.craft.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_fyros_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.craft.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_fyros_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.craft.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_fyros_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.craft.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_fyros_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.craft.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_fyros_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.craft.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs guildes crafteurs par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_matis_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.craft.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_matis_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.craft.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_matis_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.craft.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_matis_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.craft.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_matis_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.craft.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_matis_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.craft.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_matis_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.craft.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_matis_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.craft.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_matis_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.craft.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_matis_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.craft.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_matis_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.craft.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_matis_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.craft.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs guildes crafteurs par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_tryker_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.craft.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_tryker_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.craft.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_tryker_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.craft.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_tryker_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.craft.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_tryker_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.craft.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_tryker_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.craft.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_tryker_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.craft.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_tryker_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.craft.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_tryker_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.craft.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_tryker_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.craft.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_tryker_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.craft.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_tryker_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.craft.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs guildes crafteurs par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_zorai_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.craft.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_zorai_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.craft.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_zorai_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.craft.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_zorai_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.craft.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_zorai_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.craft.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_zorai_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.craft.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_zorai_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.craft.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_zorai_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.craft.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_zorai_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.craft.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_zorai_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.craft.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_zorai_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.craft.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_zorai_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.craft.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs killers par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_fyros_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.kill.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_fyros_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.kill.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_fyros_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.kill.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_fyros_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.kill.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_fyros_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.kill.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_fyros_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.kill.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_fyros_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.kill.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_fyros_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.kill.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_fyros_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.kill.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_fyros_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.kill.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_fyros_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.kill.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_fyros_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.kill.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs killers par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_matis_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.kill.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_matis_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.kill.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_matis_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.kill.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_matis_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.kill.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_matis_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.kill.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_matis_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.kill.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_matis_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.kill.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_matis_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.kill.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_matis_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.kill.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_matis_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.kill.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_matis_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.kill.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_matis_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.kill.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs killers par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_tryker_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.kill.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_tryker_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.kill.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_tryker_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.kill.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_tryker_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.kill.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_tryker_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.kill.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_tryker_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.kill.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_tryker_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.kill.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_tryker_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.kill.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_tryker_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.kill.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_tryker_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.kill.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_tryker_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.kill.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_tryker_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.kill.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs killers par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_zorai_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.kill.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_zorai_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.kill.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_zorai_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.kill.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_zorai_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.kill.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_zorai_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.kill.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_zorai_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.kill.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_zorai_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.kill.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_zorai_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.kill.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_zorai_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.kill.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_zorai_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.kill.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_zorai_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.kill.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_zorai_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.kill.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs harvesteurs par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_fyros_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.harvest.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_fyros_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.harvest.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_fyros_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.harvest.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_fyros_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.harvest.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_fyros_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.harvest.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_fyros_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.harvest.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_fyros_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.harvest.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_fyros_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.harvest.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_fyros_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.harvest.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_fyros_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.harvest.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_fyros_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.harvest.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_fyros_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.harvest.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs harvesteurs par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_matis_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.harvest.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_matis_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.harvest.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_matis_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.harvest.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_matis_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.harvest.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_matis_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.harvest.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_matis_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.harvest.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_matis_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.harvest.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_matis_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.harvest.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_matis_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.harvest.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_matis_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.harvest.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_matis_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.harvest.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_matis_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.harvest.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs harvesteurs par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_tryker_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.harvest.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_tryker_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.harvest.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_tryker_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.harvest.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_tryker_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.harvest.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_tryker_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.harvest.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_tryker_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.harvest.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_tryker_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.harvest.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_tryker_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.harvest.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_tryker_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.harvest.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_tryker_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.harvest.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_tryker_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.harvest.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_tryker_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.harvest.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs harvesteurs par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_zorai_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.harvest.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_zorai_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.harvest.acte1", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_zorai_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.harvest.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_zorai_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.harvest.acte1", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_zorai_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.harvest.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_zorai_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.harvest.acte2", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_zorai_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.harvest.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_zorai_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.harvest.acte2", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_zorai_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.harvest.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_zorai_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.harvest.acte3", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_zorai_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.harvest.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_zorai_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.harvest.acte3", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs harvesteurs par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_fyros_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.harvest.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_fyros_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.harvest.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_fyros_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.harvest.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_fyros_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.harvest.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_fyros_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.harvest.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_fyros_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.harvest.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_fyros_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.harvest.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_fyros_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.harvest.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_fyros_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.harvest.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_fyros_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.harvest.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_fyros_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.harvest.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_fyros_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.harvest.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs harvesteurs par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_matis_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.harvest.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_matis_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.harvest.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_matis_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.harvest.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_matis_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.harvest.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_matis_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.harvest.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_matis_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.harvest.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_matis_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.harvest.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_matis_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.harvest.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_matis_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.harvest.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_matis_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.harvest.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_matis_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.harvest.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_matis_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.harvest.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs harvesteurs par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_tryker_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.harvest.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_tryker_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.harvest.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_tryker_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.harvest.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_tryker_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.harvest.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_tryker_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.harvest.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_tryker_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.harvest.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_tryker_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.harvest.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_tryker_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.harvest.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_tryker_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.harvest.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_tryker_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.harvest.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_tryker_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.harvest.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_tryker_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.harvest.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs harvesteurs par faction (par chantier) par acte
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_zorai_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.harvest.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_zorai_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.harvest.acte1", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_zorai_kami_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.harvest.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_zorai_karavan_Acte1", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.harvest.acte1", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_zorai_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.harvest.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_zorai_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.harvest.acte2", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_zorai_kami_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.harvest.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_zorai_karavan_Acte2", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.harvest.acte2", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_zorai_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.harvest.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_zorai_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.harvest.acte3", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_zorai_kami_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.harvest.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_zorai_karavan_Acte3", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.harvest.acte3", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs crafteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_faction_Craft_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.craft.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_faction_Craft_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.craft.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_faction_Craft_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.craft.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_faction_Craft_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.craft.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs crafteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_fyros_kami", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.craft.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_fyros_karavan", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.craft.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_fyros_kami", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.craft.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_fyros_karavan", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.craft.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs crafteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_matis_kami", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.craft.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_matis_karavan", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.craft.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_matis_kami", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.craft.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_matis_karavan", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.craft.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs crafteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_tryker_kami", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.craft.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_tryker_karavan", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.craft.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_tryker_kami", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.craft.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_tryker_karavan", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.craft.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs crafteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_zorai_kami", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.craft.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Craft_zorai_karavan", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.craft.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_zorai_kami", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.craft.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Craft_zorai_karavan", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.craft.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs killers de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_faction_Kill_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.kill.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_faction_Kill_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.kill.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_faction_Kill_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.kill.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_faction_Kill_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.kill.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs killers de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_fyros_kami", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.kill.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_fyros_karavan", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.kill.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_fyros_kami", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.kill.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_fyros_karavan", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.kill.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs killers de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_matis_kami", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.kill.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_matis_karavan", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.kill.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_matis_kami", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.kill.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_matis_karavan", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.kill.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs killers de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_tryker_kami", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.kill.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_tryker_karavan", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.kill.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_tryker_kami", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.kill.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_tryker_karavan", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.kill.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs killers de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_zorai_kami", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.kill.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_zorai_karavan", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.kill.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_zorai_kami", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.kill.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_zorai_karavan", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.kill.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs killers de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_faction_Craft_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.craft.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_faction_Craft_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.craft.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_faction_Craft_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.craft.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_faction_Craft_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.craft.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs crafteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_fyros_kami", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.craft.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_fyros_karavan", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.craft.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_fyros_kami", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.craft.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_fyros_karavan", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.craft.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs crafteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_matis_kami", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.craft.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_matis_karavan", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.craft.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_matis_kami", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.craft.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_matis_karavan", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.craft.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs crafteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_tryker_kami", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.craft.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_tryker_karavan", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.craft.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_tryker_kami", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.craft.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_tryker_karavan", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.craft.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs crafteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_zorai_kami", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.craft.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_zorai_karavan", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.craft.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_zorai_kami", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.craft.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_zorai_karavan", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.craft.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs killers de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_faction_Kill_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.kill.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_faction_Kill_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.kill.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_faction_Kill_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.kill.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_faction_Kill_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.kill.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs killers de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_fyros_kami", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.kill.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_fyros_karavan", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.kill.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_fyros_kami", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.kill.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_fyros_karavan", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.kill.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs killers de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_matis_kami", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.kill.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_matis_karavan", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.kill.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_matis_kami", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.kill.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_matis_karavan", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.kill.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs killers de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_tryker_kami", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.kill.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_tryker_karavan", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.kill.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_tryker_kami", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.kill.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_tryker_karavan", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.kill.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs killers de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_zorai_kami", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.kill.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_zorai_karavan", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.kill.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_zorai_kami", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.kill.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_zorai_karavan", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.kill.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs harvesteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_faction_Harvest_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.harvest.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_faction_Harvest_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.harvest.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_faction_Harvest_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.harvest.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_faction_Harvest_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.harvest.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs harvesteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_fyros_kami", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.harvest.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_fyros_karavan", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.harvest.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_fyros_kami", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.harvest.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_fyros_karavan", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.harvest.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs harvesteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_matis_kami", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.harvest.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_matis_karavan", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.harvest.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_matis_kami", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.harvest.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_matis_karavan", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.harvest.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs harvesteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_tryker_kami", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.harvest.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_tryker_karavan", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.harvest.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_tryker_kami", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.harvest.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_tryker_karavan", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.harvest.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_zorai_kami", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.harvest.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_zorai_karavan", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.harvest.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_zorai_kami", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.harvest.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_zorai_karavan", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.harvest.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs harvesteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_faction_Harvest_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.harvest.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_faction_Harvest_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.harvest.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_faction_Harvest_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.harvest.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_faction_Harvest_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.harvest.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs harvesteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_fyros_kami", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.harvest.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_fyros_karavan", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.harvest.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_fyros_kami", "storyline.episode2.fyros.kami.harvest.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_fyros_karavan", "storyline.episode2.fyros.karavan.harvest.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs harvesteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_matis_kami", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.harvest.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_matis_karavan", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.harvest.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_matis_kami", "storyline.episode2.matis.kami.harvest.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_matis_karavan", "storyline.episode2.matis.karavan.harvest.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs harvesteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_tryker_kami", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.harvest.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_tryker_karavan", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.harvest.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_tryker_kami", "storyline.episode2.tryker.kami.harvest.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_tryker_karavan", "storyline.episode2.tryker.karavan.harvest.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs harvesteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_zorai_kami", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.harvest.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_zorai_karavan", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.harvest.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_zorai_kami", "storyline.episode2.zorai.kami.harvest.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_zorai_karavan", "storyline.episode2.zorai.karavan.harvest.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs killers de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.kill.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.kill.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Kill_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.kill.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Kill_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.kill.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs guildes crafteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.craft.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.craft.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.craft.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Craft_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.craft.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs guildes killers de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.kill.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.kill.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.kill.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Kill_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.kill.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs guildes harvesteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.harvest.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.harvest.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.harvest.*", "GuildName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Guild_Harvest_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.harvest.*", "GuildValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WildcardTables =
// ==== Top 10 des meilleurs harvesteurs de l'episode 2
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.harvest.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_kami", "storyline.episode2.*.kami.harvest.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
"nom_Top10_Best_Harvest_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.harvest.*", "PlayerName", "*", "Sum",
"score_Top10_Best_Harvest_karavan", "storyline.episode2.*.karavan.harvest.*", "PlayerValue", "*", "Sum",
@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
WildcardValues =
// ==== quantite craftee des elements de construction Fyros
"Soclefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.socle.*", "Sum",
"Colonnefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.colonne.*", "Sum",
"Comblefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.comble.*", "Sum",
"Muraillefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.muraille.*", "Sum",
"Revetementfyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.revetement.*", "Sum",
"Ornementfyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.ornement.*", "Sum",
"Statuefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.statue.*", "Sum",
"Justicefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.colonne_justice.*", "Sum",
"Racinefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.racine.*", "Sum",
"Troncfyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.tronc.*", "Sum",
"Fibrefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.fibre.*", "Sum",
"Ecorcefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.ecorce.*", "Sum",
"Feuillefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.feuille.*", "Sum",
"Fleurfyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.fleur.*", "Sum",
"Symbolefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.symbole.*", "Sum",
"Noyaufyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.noyau.*", "Sum",
// ==== quantite craftee des elements de construction Tryker
"Socletryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.socle.*", "Sum",
"Colonnetryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.colonne.*", "Sum",
"Combletryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.comble.*", "Sum",
"Murailletryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.muraille.*", "Sum",
"Revetementtryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.revetement.*", "Sum",
"Ornementtryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.ornement.*", "Sum",
"Statuetryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.statue.*", "Sum",
"Justicetryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.colonne_justice.*", "Sum",
"Racinetryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.racine.*", "Sum",
"Tronctryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.tronc.*", "Sum",
"Fibretryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.fibre.*", "Sum",
"Ecorcetryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.ecorce.*", "Sum",
"Feuilletryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.feuille.*", "Sum",
"Fleurtryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.fleur.*", "Sum",
"Symboletryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.symbole.*", "Sum",
"Noyautryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.noyau.*", "Sum",
// ==== quantite craftee des elements de construction Matis
"Soclematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.socle.*", "Sum",
"Colonnematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.colonne.*", "Sum",
"Comblematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.comble.*", "Sum",
"Muraillematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.muraille.*", "Sum",
"Revetementmatis", "storyline.episode2.matis.revetement.*", "Sum",
"Ornementmatis", "storyline.episode2.matis.ornement.*", "Sum",
"Statuematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.statue.*", "Sum",
"Justicematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.colonne_justice.*", "Sum",
"Racinematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.racine.*", "Sum",
"Troncmatis", "storyline.episode2.matis.tronc.*", "Sum",
"Fibrematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.fibre.*", "Sum",
"Ecorcematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.ecorce.*", "Sum",
"Feuillematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.feuille.*", "Sum",
"Fleurmatis", "storyline.episode2.matis.fleur.*", "Sum",
"Symbolematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.symbole.*", "Sum",
"Noyaumatis", "storyline.episode2.matis.noyau.*", "Sum",
// ==== quantite craftee des elements de construction Zorai
"Soclezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.socle.*", "Sum",
"Colonnezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.colonne.*", "Sum",
"Comblezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.comble.*", "Sum",
"Muraillezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.muraille.*", "Sum",
"Revetementzorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.revetement.*", "Sum",
"Ornementzorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.ornement.*", "Sum",
"Statuezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.statue.*", "Sum",
"Justicezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.colonne_justice.*", "Sum",
"Racinezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.racine.*", "Sum",
"Tronczorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.tronc.*", "Sum",
"Fibrezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.fibre.*", "Sum",
"Ecorcezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.ecorce.*", "Sum",
"Feuillezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.feuille.*", "Sum",
"Fleurzorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.fleur.*", "Sum",
"Symbolezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.symbole.*", "Sum",
"Noyauzorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.noyau.*", "Sum",
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
Values =
"noActe", "storyline.episode2.no_acte",
// ==== valeur seuil des elements de construction Fyros
"maxSoclefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.socle_max",
"maxColonnefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.colonne_max",
"maxComblefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.comble_max",
"maxMuraillefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.muraille_max",
"maxRevetementfyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.revetement_max",
"maxOrnementfyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.ornement_max",
"maxStatuefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.statue_max",
"maxJusticefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.colonne_justice_max",
"maxRacinefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.racine_max",
"maxTroncfyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.tronc_max",
"maxFibrefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.fibre_max",
"maxEcorcefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.ecorce_max",
"maxFeuillefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.feuille_max",
"maxFleurfyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.fleur_max",
"maxSymbolefyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.symbole_max",
"maxNoyaufyros", "storyline.episode2.fyros.noyau_max",
// ==== valeur seuil des elements de construction Tryker
"maxSocletryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.socle_max",
"maxColonnetryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.colonne_max",
"maxCombletryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.comble_max",
"maxMurailletryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.muraille_max",
"maxRevetementtryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.revetement_max",
"maxOrnementtryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.ornement_max",
"maxStatuetryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.statue_max",
"maxJusticetryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.colonne_justice_max",
"maxRacinetryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.racine_max",
"maxTronctryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.tronc_max",
"maxFibretryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.fibre_max",
"maxEcorcetryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.ecorce_max",
"maxFeuilletryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.feuille_max",
"maxFleurtryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.fleur_max",
"maxSymboletryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.symbole_max",
"maxNoyautryker", "storyline.episode2.tryker.noyau_max",
// ==== valeur seuil des elements de construction Matis
"maxSoclematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.socle_max",
"maxColonnematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.colonne_max",
"maxComblematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.comble_max",
"maxMuraillematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.muraille_max",
"maxRevetementmatis", "storyline.episode2.matis.revetement_max",
"maxOrnementmatis", "storyline.episode2.matis.ornement_max",
"maxStatuematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.statue_max",
"maxJusticematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.colonne_justice_max",
"maxRacinematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.racine_max",
"maxTroncmatis", "storyline.episode2.matis.tronc_max",
"maxFibrematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.fibre_max",
"maxEcorcematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.ecorce_max",
"maxFeuillematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.feuille_max",
"maxFleurmatis", "storyline.episode2.matis.fleur_max",
"maxSymbolematis", "storyline.episode2.matis.symbole_max",
"maxNoyaumatis", "storyline.episode2.matis.noyau_max",
// ==== valeur seuil des elements de construction Zorai
"maxSoclezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.socle_max",
"maxColonnezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.colonne_max",
"maxComblezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.comble_max",
"maxMuraillezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.muraille_max",
"maxRevetementzorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.revetement_max",
"maxOrnementzorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.ornement_max",
"maxStatuezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.statue_max",
"maxJusticezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.colonne_justice_max",
"maxRacinezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.racine_max",
"maxTronczorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.tronc_max",
"maxFibrezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.fibre_max",
"maxEcorcezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.ecorce_max",
"maxFeuillezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.feuille_max",
"maxFleurzorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.fleur_max",
"maxSymbolezorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.symbole_max",
"maxNoyauzorai", "storyline.episode2.zorai.noyau_max",
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
// LOG database
$StatsDBHost = "";
$StatsDBUserName = "root";
$StatsDBPassword = "";
$StatsDBName = "stats";
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);
// global var
$link = NULL;
$dev_ip=""; //ip where sql error are displayed
$private_network = "/192\.168\.1\./i"; //ip where the cmd=log&msg=dump function works
//get the ip of the viewer
function getIp()
if (getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP"))
$ip = getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP");
$ip = getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR");
$ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
return $ip;
// if the player ip is the dev ip then the sql error is explain
function die2($debug_str)
global $private_network;
if ( preg_match($private_network, getIp()) )
// Get head or post infos from the query url.
// return default if the value has not be found
function getPost($value, $default=NULL)
if ( isSet( $_GET[$value] ) ) { return $_GET[$value]; }
if ( isSet($_POST[$value]) ) { return $_POST[$value]; }
return $default;
$cmd = getPost("cmd", "get_patch_url");
switch ($cmd)
// get Patch url from the nel database
case "get_patch_url":
$domain = getPost("domain", "");
if ($domain == "")
echo "0:wrong domain";
$domainName = getPost("domain");
$nelLink = mysql_connect($DBHost, $DBUserName, $DBPassword) or die2 (__FILE__. " " .__LINE__." Can't connect to database host:$DBHost user:$DBUserName");
mysql_select_db ($DBName, $nelLink) or die2 (__FILE__. " " .__LINE__." Can't access to the table dbname:$DBName");
$query = "SELECT backup_patch_url, patch_urls FROM domain WHERE domain_name='$domainName'";
$result = mysql_query ($query, $nelLink) or die2 (__FILE__. " " .__LINE__." Can't execute the query: ".$query);
if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 1)
// unrecoverable error, we must giveup
$reason = "Can't find domain '".$domainName."' (error code x)";
$res = false;
$req = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$backup_patch_url = $req["backup_patch_url"];
$patch_urls = $req["patch_urls"];
$args = $patch_urls;
$urls = explode(";", $args);
// first display backup url
echo "<version ";
echo 'serverPath="'.$backup_patch_url.'"';
echo ">\n";
// then display default uris
$first = 0;
$last = count($urls);
for (; $first != $last; $first++)
if ($urls[$first] == "")
echo "\t<patchURI>$urls[$first]</patchURI>\n";
echo "</version>\n";
echo "0:Unknown command";
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
// This file contains all variables needed by other php scripts
@ -1,872 +0,0 @@
* RFC 822 Email address list validation Utility
* What is it?
* This class will take an address string, and parse it into it's consituent
* parts, be that either addresses, groups, or combinations. Nested groups
* are not supported. The structure it returns is pretty straight forward,
* and is similar to that provided by the imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist(). Use
* print_r() to view the structure.
* How do I use it?
* $address_string = 'My Group: "Richard Heyes" <richard@localhost> (A comment), (Ted Bloggs), Barney;';
* $structure = Mail_RFC822::parseAddressList($address_string, '', TRUE)
* print_r($structure);
* @author Richard Heyes <>
* @author Chuck Hagenbuch <>
* @version $Revision: 1.1 $
* @package Mail
class Mail_RFC822
* The address being parsed by the RFC822 object.
* @var string $address
var $address = '';
* The default domain to use for unqualified addresses.
* @var string $default_domain
var $default_domain = 'localhost';
* Should we return a nested array showing groups, or flatten everything?
* @var boolean $nestGroups
var $nestGroups = true;
* Whether or not to validate atoms for non-ascii characters.
* @var boolean $validate
var $validate = true;
* The array of raw addresses built up as we parse.
* @var array $addresses
var $addresses = array();
* The final array of parsed address information that we build up.
* @var array $structure
var $structure = array();
* The current error message, if any.
* @var string $error
var $error = null;
* An internal counter/pointer.
* @var integer $index
var $index = null;
* The number of groups that have been found in the address list.
* @var integer $num_groups
* @access public
var $num_groups = 0;
* A variable so that we can tell whether or not we're inside a
* Mail_RFC822 object.
* @var boolean $mailRFC822
var $mailRFC822 = true;
* A limit after which processing stops
* @var int $limit
var $limit = null;
* Sets up the object. The address must either be set here or when
* calling parseAddressList(). One or the other.
* @access public
* @param string $address The address(es) to validate.
* @param string $default_domain Default domain/host etc. If not supplied, will be set to localhost.
* @param boolean $nest_groups Whether to return the structure with groups nested for easier viewing.
* @param boolean $validate Whether to validate atoms. Turn this off if you need to run addresses through before encoding the personal names, for instance.
* @return object Mail_RFC822 A new Mail_RFC822 object.
function Mail_RFC822($address = null, $default_domain = null, $nest_groups = null, $validate = null, $limit = null)
if (isset($address)) $this->address = $address;
if (isset($default_domain)) $this->default_domain = $default_domain;
if (isset($nest_groups)) $this->nestGroups = $nest_groups;
if (isset($validate)) $this->validate = $validate;
if (isset($limit)) $this->limit = $limit;
* Starts the whole process. The address must either be set here
* or when creating the object. One or the other.
* @access public
* @param string $address The address(es) to validate.
* @param string $default_domain Default domain/host etc.
* @param boolean $nest_groups Whether to return the structure with groups nested for easier viewing.
* @param boolean $validate Whether to validate atoms. Turn this off if you need to run addresses through before encoding the personal names, for instance.
* @return array A structured array of addresses.
function parseAddressList($address = null, $default_domain = null, $nest_groups = null, $validate = null, $limit = null)
if (!isset($this->mailRFC822)) {
$obj = new Mail_RFC822($address, $default_domain, $nest_groups, $validate, $limit);
return $obj->parseAddressList();
if (isset($address)) $this->address = $address;
if (isset($default_domain)) $this->default_domain = $default_domain;
if (isset($nest_groups)) $this->nestGroups = $nest_groups;
if (isset($validate)) $this->validate = $validate;
if (isset($limit)) $this->limit = $limit;
$this->structure = array();
$this->addresses = array();
$this->error = null;
$this->index = null;
while ($this->address = $this->_splitAddresses($this->address)) {
if ($this->address === false || isset($this->error)) {
return false;
// Reset timer since large amounts of addresses can take a long time to
// get here
// Loop through all the addresses
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->addresses); $i++){
if (($return = $this->_validateAddress($this->addresses[$i])) === false
|| isset($this->error)) {
return false;
if (!$this->nestGroups) {
$this->structure = array_merge($this->structure, $return);
} else {
$this->structure[] = $return;
return $this->structure;
* Splits an address into seperate addresses.
* @access private
* @param string $address The addresses to split.
* @return boolean Success or failure.
function _splitAddresses($address)
if (!empty($this->limit) AND count($this->addresses) == $this->limit) {
return '';
if ($this->_isGroup($address) && !isset($this->error)) {
$split_char = ';';
$is_group = true;
} elseif (!isset($this->error)) {
$split_char = ',';
$is_group = false;
} elseif (isset($this->error)) {
return false;
// Split the string based on the above ten or so lines.
$parts = explode($split_char, $address);
$string = $this->_splitCheck($parts, $split_char);
// If a group...
if ($is_group) {
// If $string does not contain a colon outside of
// brackets/quotes etc then something's fubar.
// First check there's a colon at all:
if (strpos($string, ':') === false) {
$this->error = 'Invalid address: ' . $string;
return false;
// Now check it's outside of brackets/quotes:
if (!$this->_splitCheck(explode(':', $string), ':'))
return false;
// We must have a group at this point, so increase the counter:
// $string now contains the first full address/group.
// Add to the addresses array.
$this->addresses[] = array(
'address' => trim($string),
'group' => $is_group
// Remove the now stored address from the initial line, the +1
// is to account for the explode character.
$address = trim(substr($address, strlen($string) + 1));
// If the next char is a comma and this was a group, then
// there are more addresses, otherwise, if there are any more
// chars, then there is another address.
if ($is_group && substr($address, 0, 1) == ','){
$address = trim(substr($address, 1));
return $address;
} elseif (strlen($address) > 0) {
return $address;
} else {
return '';
// If you got here then something's off
return false;
* Checks for a group at the start of the string.
* @access private
* @param string $address The address to check.
* @return boolean Whether or not there is a group at the start of the string.
function _isGroup($address)
// First comma not in quotes, angles or escaped:
$parts = explode(',', $address);
$string = $this->_splitCheck($parts, ',');
// Now we have the first address, we can reliably check for a
// group by searching for a colon that's not escaped or in
// quotes or angle brackets.
if (count($parts = explode(':', $string)) > 1) {
$string2 = $this->_splitCheck($parts, ':');
return ($string2 !== $string);
} else {
return false;
* A common function that will check an exploded string.
* @access private
* @param array $parts The exloded string.
* @param string $char The char that was exploded on.
* @return mixed False if the string contains unclosed quotes/brackets, or the string on success.
function _splitCheck($parts, $char)
$string = $parts[0];
for ($i = 0; $i < count($parts); $i++) {
if ($this->_hasUnclosedQuotes($string)
|| $this->_hasUnclosedBrackets($string, '<>')
|| $this->_hasUnclosedBrackets($string, '[]')
|| $this->_hasUnclosedBrackets($string, '()')
|| substr($string, -1) == '\\') {
if (isset($parts[$i + 1])) {
$string = $string . $char . $parts[$i + 1];
} else {
$this->error = 'Invalid address spec. Unclosed bracket or quotes';
return false;
} else {
$this->index = $i;
return $string;
* Checks if a string has an unclosed quotes or not.
* @access private
* @param string $string The string to check.
* @return boolean True if there are unclosed quotes inside the string, false otherwise.
function _hasUnclosedQuotes($string)
$string = explode('"', $string);
$string_cnt = count($string);
for ($i = 0; $i < (count($string) - 1); $i++)
if (substr($string[$i], -1) == '\\')
return ($string_cnt % 2 === 0);
* Checks if a string has an unclosed brackets or not. IMPORTANT:
* This function handles both angle brackets and square brackets;
* @access private
* @param string $string The string to check.
* @param string $chars The characters to check for.
* @return boolean True if there are unclosed brackets inside the string, false otherwise.
function _hasUnclosedBrackets($string, $chars)
$num_angle_start = substr_count($string, $chars[0]);
$num_angle_end = substr_count($string, $chars[1]);
$this->_hasUnclosedBracketsSub($string, $num_angle_start, $chars[0]);
$this->_hasUnclosedBracketsSub($string, $num_angle_end, $chars[1]);
if ($num_angle_start < $num_angle_end) {
$this->error = 'Invalid address spec. Unmatched quote or bracket (' . $chars . ')';
return false;
} else {
return ($num_angle_start > $num_angle_end);
* Sub function that is used only by hasUnclosedBrackets().
* @access private
* @param string $string The string to check.
* @param integer &$num The number of occurences.
* @param string $char The character to count.
* @return integer The number of occurences of $char in $string, adjusted for backslashes.
function _hasUnclosedBracketsSub($string, &$num, $char)
$parts = explode($char, $string);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($parts); $i++){
if (substr($parts[$i], -1) == '\\' || $this->_hasUnclosedQuotes($parts[$i]))
if (isset($parts[$i + 1]))
$parts[$i + 1] = $parts[$i] . $char . $parts[$i + 1];
return $num;
* Function to begin checking the address.
* @access private
* @param string $address The address to validate.
* @return mixed False on failure, or a structured array of address information on success.
function _validateAddress($address)
$is_group = false;
if ($address['group']) {
$is_group = true;
// Get the group part of the name
$parts = explode(':', $address['address']);
$groupname = $this->_splitCheck($parts, ':');
$structure = array();
// And validate the group part of the name.
if (!$this->_validatePhrase($groupname)){
$this->error = 'Group name did not validate.';
return false;
} else {
// Don't include groups if we are not nesting
// them. This avoids returning invalid addresses.
if ($this->nestGroups) {
$structure = new stdClass;
$structure->groupname = $groupname;
$address['address'] = ltrim(substr($address['address'], strlen($groupname . ':')));
// If a group then split on comma and put into an array.
// Otherwise, Just put the whole address in an array.
if ($is_group) {
while (strlen($address['address']) > 0) {
$parts = explode(',', $address['address']);
$addresses[] = $this->_splitCheck($parts, ',');
$address['address'] = trim(substr($address['address'], strlen(end($addresses) . ',')));
} else {
$addresses[] = $address['address'];
// Check that $addresses is set, if address like this:
// Groupname:;
// Then errors were appearing.
if (!isset($addresses)){
$this->error = 'Empty group.';
return false;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($addresses); $i++) {
$addresses[$i] = trim($addresses[$i]);
// Validate each mailbox.
// Format could be one of: name <>
// geezer
// ... or any other format valid by RFC 822.
array_walk($addresses, array($this, 'validateMailbox'));
// Nested format
if ($this->nestGroups) {
if ($is_group) {
$structure->addresses = $addresses;
} else {
$structure = $addresses[0];
// Flat format
} else {
if ($is_group) {
$structure = array_merge($structure, $addresses);
} else {
$structure = $addresses;
return $structure;
* Function to validate a phrase.
* @access private
* @param string $phrase The phrase to check.
* @return boolean Success or failure.
function _validatePhrase($phrase)
// Splits on one or more Tab or space.
$parts = preg_split('/[ \\x09]+/', $phrase, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$phrase_parts = array();
while (count($parts) > 0){
$phrase_parts[] = $this->_splitCheck($parts, ' ');
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->index + 1; $i++)
for ($i = 0; $i < count($phrase_parts); $i++) {
// If quoted string:
if (substr($phrase_parts[$i], 0, 1) == '"') {
if (!$this->_validateQuotedString($phrase_parts[$i]))
return false;
// Otherwise it's an atom:
if (!$this->_validateAtom($phrase_parts[$i])) return false;
return true;
* Function to validate an atom which from rfc822 is:
* atom = 1*<any CHAR except specials, SPACE and CTLs>
* If validation ($this->validate) has been turned off, then
* validateAtom() doesn't actually check anything. This is so that you
* can split a list of addresses up before encoding personal names
* (umlauts, etc.), for example.
* @access private
* @param string $atom The string to check.
* @return boolean Success or failure.
function _validateAtom($atom)
if (!$this->validate) {
// Validation has been turned off; assume the atom is okay.
return true;
// Check for any char from ASCII 0 - ASCII 127
if (!preg_match('/^[\\x00-\\x7E]+$/i', $atom, $matches)) {
return false;
// Check for specials:
if (preg_match('/[][()<>@,;\\:". ]/', $atom)) {
return false;
// Check for control characters (ASCII 0-31):
if (preg_match('/[\\x00-\\x1F]+/', $atom)) {
return false;
return true;
* Function to validate quoted string, which is:
* quoted-string = <"> *(qtext/quoted-pair) <">
* @access private
* @param string $qstring The string to check
* @return boolean Success or failure.
function _validateQuotedString($qstring)
// Leading and trailing "
$qstring = substr($qstring, 1, -1);
// Perform check.
return !(preg_match('/(.)[\x0D\\\\"]/', $qstring, $matches) && $matches[1] != '\\');
* Function to validate a mailbox, which is:
* mailbox = addr-spec ; simple address
* / phrase route-addr ; name and route-addr
* @access public
* @param string &$mailbox The string to check.
* @return boolean Success or failure.
function validateMailbox(&$mailbox)
// A couple of defaults.
$phrase = '';
$comment = '';
// Catch any RFC822 comments and store them separately
$_mailbox = $mailbox;
while (strlen(trim($_mailbox)) > 0) {
$parts = explode('(', $_mailbox);
$before_comment = $this->_splitCheck($parts, '(');
if ($before_comment != $_mailbox) {
// First char should be a (
$comment = substr(str_replace($before_comment, '', $_mailbox), 1);
$parts = explode(')', $comment);
$comment = $this->_splitCheck($parts, ')');
$comments[] = $comment;
// +1 is for the trailing )
$_mailbox = substr($_mailbox, strpos($_mailbox, $comment)+strlen($comment)+1);
} else {
for($i=0; $i<count(@$comments); $i++){
$mailbox = str_replace('('.$comments[$i].')', '', $mailbox);
$mailbox = trim($mailbox);
// Check for name + route-addr
if (substr($mailbox, -1) == '>' && substr($mailbox, 0, 1) != '<') {
$parts = explode('<', $mailbox);
$name = $this->_splitCheck($parts, '<');
$phrase = trim($name);
$route_addr = trim(substr($mailbox, strlen($name.'<'), -1));
if ($this->_validatePhrase($phrase) === false || ($route_addr = $this->_validateRouteAddr($route_addr)) === false)
return false;
// Only got addr-spec
} else {
// First snip angle brackets if present.
if (substr($mailbox,0,1) == '<' && substr($mailbox,-1) == '>')
$addr_spec = substr($mailbox,1,-1);
$addr_spec = $mailbox;
if (($addr_spec = $this->_validateAddrSpec($addr_spec)) === false)
return false;
// Construct the object that will be returned.
$mbox = new stdClass();
// Add the phrase (even if empty) and comments
$mbox->personal = $phrase;
$mbox->comment = isset($comments) ? $comments : array();
if (isset($route_addr)) {
$mbox->mailbox = $route_addr['local_part'];
$mbox->host = $route_addr['domain'];
$route_addr['adl'] !== '' ? $mbox->adl = $route_addr['adl'] : '';
} else {
$mbox->mailbox = $addr_spec['local_part'];
$mbox->host = $addr_spec['domain'];
$mailbox = $mbox;
return true;
* This function validates a route-addr which is:
* route-addr = "<" [route] addr-spec ">"
* Angle brackets have already been removed at the point of
* getting to this function.
* @access private
* @param string $route_addr The string to check.
* @return mixed False on failure, or an array containing validated address/route information on success.
function _validateRouteAddr($route_addr)
// Check for colon.
if (strpos($route_addr, ':') !== false) {
$parts = explode(':', $route_addr);
$route = $this->_splitCheck($parts, ':');
} else {
$route = $route_addr;
// If $route is same as $route_addr then the colon was in
// quotes or brackets or, of course, non existent.
if ($route === $route_addr){
$addr_spec = $route_addr;
if (($addr_spec = $this->_validateAddrSpec($addr_spec)) === false) {
return false;
} else {
// Validate route part.
if (($route = $this->_validateRoute($route)) === false) {
return false;
$addr_spec = substr($route_addr, strlen($route . ':'));
// Validate addr-spec part.
if (($addr_spec = $this->_validateAddrSpec($addr_spec)) === false) {
return false;
if (isset($route)) {
$return['adl'] = $route;
} else {
$return['adl'] = '';
$return = array_merge($return, $addr_spec);
return $return;
* Function to validate a route, which is:
* route = 1#("@" domain) ":"
* @access private
* @param string $route The string to check.
* @return mixed False on failure, or the validated $route on success.
function _validateRoute($route)
// Split on comma.
$domains = explode(',', trim($route));
for ($i = 0; $i < count($domains); $i++) {
$domains[$i] = str_replace('@', '', trim($domains[$i]));
if (!$this->_validateDomain($domains[$i])) return false;
return $route;
* Function to validate a domain, though this is not quite what
* you expect of a strict internet domain.
* domain = sub-domain *("." sub-domain)
* @access private
* @param string $domain The string to check.
* @return mixed False on failure, or the validated domain on success.
function _validateDomain($domain)
// Note the different use of $subdomains and $sub_domains
$subdomains = explode('.', $domain);
while (count($subdomains) > 0) {
$sub_domains[] = $this->_splitCheck($subdomains, '.');
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->index + 1; $i++)
for ($i = 0; $i < count($sub_domains); $i++) {
if (!$this->_validateSubdomain(trim($sub_domains[$i])))
return false;
// Managed to get here, so return input.
return $domain;
* Function to validate a subdomain:
* subdomain = domain-ref / domain-literal
* @access private
* @param string $subdomain The string to check.
* @return boolean Success or failure.
function _validateSubdomain($subdomain)
if (preg_match('|^\[(.*)]$|', $subdomain, $arr)){
if (!$this->_validateDliteral($arr[1])) return false;
} else {
if (!$this->_validateAtom($subdomain)) return false;
// Got here, so return successful.
return true;
* Function to validate a domain literal:
* domain-literal = "[" *(dtext / quoted-pair) "]"
* @access private
* @param string $dliteral The string to check.
* @return boolean Success or failure.
function _validateDliteral($dliteral)
return !preg_match('/(.)[][\x0D\\\\]/', $dliteral, $matches) && $matches[1] != '\\';
* Function to validate an addr-spec.
* addr-spec = local-part "@" domain
* @access private
* @param string $addr_spec The string to check.
* @return mixed False on failure, or the validated addr-spec on success.
function _validateAddrSpec($addr_spec)
$addr_spec = trim($addr_spec);
// Split on @ sign if there is one.
if (strpos($addr_spec, '@') !== false) {
$parts = explode('@', $addr_spec);
$local_part = $this->_splitCheck($parts, '@');
$domain = substr($addr_spec, strlen($local_part . '@'));
// No @ sign so assume the default domain.
} else {
$local_part = $addr_spec;
$domain = $this->default_domain;
if (($local_part = $this->_validateLocalPart($local_part)) === false) return false;
if (($domain = $this->_validateDomain($domain)) === false) return false;
// Got here so return successful.
return array('local_part' => $local_part, 'domain' => $domain);
* Function to validate the local part of an address:
* local-part = word *("." word)
* @access private
* @param string $local_part
* @return mixed False on failure, or the validated local part on success.
function _validateLocalPart($local_part)
$parts = explode('.', $local_part);
// Split the local_part into words.
while (count($parts) > 0){
$words[] = $this->_splitCheck($parts, '.');
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->index + 1; $i++) {
// Validate each word.
for ($i = 0; $i < count($words); $i++) {
if ($this->_validatePhrase(trim($words[$i])) === false) return false;
// Managed to get here, so return the input.
return $local_part;
* Returns an approximate count of how many addresses are
* in the given string. This is APPROXIMATE as it only splits
* based on a comma which has no preceding backslash. Could be
* useful as large amounts of addresses will end up producing
* *large* structures when used with parseAddressList().
* @param string $data Addresses to count
* @return int Approximate count
function approximateCount($data)
return count(preg_split('/(?<!\\\\),/', $data));
* This is a email validating function seperate to the rest
* of the class. It simply validates whether an email is of
* the common internet form: <user>@<domain>. This can be
* sufficient for most people. Optional stricter mode can
* be utilised which restricts mailbox characters allowed
* to alphanumeric, full stop, hyphen and underscore.
* @param string $data Address to check
* @param boolean $strict Optional stricter mode
* @return mixed False if it fails, an indexed array
* username/domain if it matches
function isValidInetAddress($data, $strict = false)
$regex = $strict ? '/^([.0-9a-z_-]+)@(([0-9a-z-]+\.)+[0-9a-z]{2,4})$/i' : '/^([*+!.&#$|\'\\%\/0-9a-z^_`{}=?~:-]+)@(([0-9a-z-]+\.)+[0-9a-z]{2,4})$/i';
if (preg_match($regex, trim($data), $matches)) {
return array($matches[1], $matches[2]);
} else {
return false;
@ -1,777 +0,0 @@
* Filename.......:
* Project........: HTML Mime mail class
* Last Modified..: $Date: 2007/06/19 15:29:18 $
* CVS Revision...: $Revision: 1.1 $
* Copyright......: 2001, 2002 Richard Heyes
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/mimePart.php');
class htmlMimeMail
* The html part of the message
* @var string
var $html;
* The text part of the message(only used in TEXT only messages)
* @var string
var $text;
* The main body of the message after building
* @var string
var $output;
* The alternative text to the HTML part (only used in HTML messages)
* @var string
var $html_text;
* An array of embedded images/objects
* @var array
var $html_images;
* An array of recognised image types for the findHtmlImages() method
* @var array
var $image_types;
* Parameters that affect the build process
* @var array
var $build_params;
* Array of attachments
* @var array
var $attachments;
* The main message headers
* @var array
var $headers;
* Whether the message has been built or not
* @var boolean
var $is_built;
* The return path address. If not set the From:
* address is used instead
* @var string
var $return_path;
* Array of information needed for smtp sending
* @var array
var $smtp_params;
* Constructor function. Sets the headers
* if supplied.
function htmlMimeMail()
* Initialise some variables.
$this->html_images = array();
$this->headers = array();
$this->is_built = false;
* If you want the auto load functionality
* to find other image/file types, add the
* extension and content type here.
$this->image_types = array(
'gif' => 'image/gif',
'jpg' => 'image/jpeg',
'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg',
'jpe' => 'image/jpeg',
'bmp' => 'image/bmp',
'png' => 'image/png',
'tif' => 'image/tiff',
'tiff' => 'image/tiff',
'swf' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash'
* Set these up
$this->build_params['html_encoding'] = 'quoted-printable';
$this->build_params['text_encoding'] = '7bit';
$this->build_params['html_charset'] = 'UTF-8';
$this->build_params['text_charset'] = 'UTF-8';
//$this->build_params['head_charset'] = 'ISO-8859-1';
$this->build_params['head_charset'] = 'UTF-8';
$this->build_params['text_wrap'] = 998;
* Defaults for smtp sending
} elseif (!empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['SERVER_NAME'])) {
} else {
$helo = 'localhost';
$this->smtp_params['host'] = 'localhost';
$this->smtp_params['port'] = 25;
$this->smtp_params['helo'] = $helo;
$this->smtp_params['auth'] = false;
$this->smtp_params['user'] = '';
$this->smtp_params['pass'] = '';
* Make sure the MIME version header is first.
$this->headers['MIME-Version'] = '1.0';
* This function will read a file in
* from a supplied filename and return
* it. This can then be given as the first
* argument of the the functions
* add_html_image() or add_attachment().
function getFile($filename)
$return = '';
if ($fp = fopen($filename, 'rb')) {
while (!feof($fp)) {
$return .= fread($fp, 1024);
return $return;
} else {
return false;
* Accessor to set the CRLF style
function setCrlf($crlf = "\n")
if (!defined('CRLF')) {
define('CRLF', $crlf, true);
if (!defined('MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF')) {
define('MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF', $crlf, true);
* Accessor to set the SMTP parameters
function setSMTPParams($host = null, $port = null, $helo = null, $auth = null, $user = null, $pass = null)
if (!is_null($host)) $this->smtp_params['host'] = $host;
if (!is_null($port)) $this->smtp_params['port'] = $port;
if (!is_null($helo)) $this->smtp_params['helo'] = $helo;
if (!is_null($auth)) $this->smtp_params['auth'] = $auth;
if (!is_null($user)) $this->smtp_params['user'] = $user;
if (!is_null($pass)) $this->smtp_params['pass'] = $pass;
* Accessor function to set the text encoding
function setTextEncoding($encoding = '7bit')
$this->build_params['text_encoding'] = $encoding;
* Accessor function to set the HTML encoding
function setHtmlEncoding($encoding = 'quoted-printable')
$this->build_params['html_encoding'] = $encoding;
* Accessor function to set the text charset
function setTextCharset($charset = 'ISO-8859-1')
$this->build_params['text_charset'] = $charset;
* Accessor function to set the HTML charset
function setHtmlCharset($charset = 'ISO-8859-1')
$this->build_params['html_charset'] = $charset;
* Accessor function to set the header encoding charset
function setHeadCharset($charset = 'ISO-8859-1')
$this->build_params['head_charset'] = $charset;
* Accessor function to set the text wrap count
function setTextWrap($count = 998)
$this->build_params['text_wrap'] = $count;
* Accessor to set a header
function setHeader($name, $value)
$this->headers[$name] = $value;
* Accessor to add a Subject: header
function setSubject($subject)
$this->headers['Subject'] = $subject;
* Accessor to add a From: header
function setFrom($from)
$this->headers['From'] = $from;
* Accessor to set the return path
function setReturnPath($return_path)
$this->return_path = $return_path;
* Accessor to add a Cc: header
function setCc($cc)
$this->headers['Cc'] = $cc;
* Accessor to add a Bcc: header
function setBcc($bcc)
$this->headers['Bcc'] = $bcc;
* Adds plain text. Use this function
* when NOT sending html email
function setText($text = '')
$this->text = $text;
* Adds a html part to the mail.
* Also replaces image names with
* content-id's.
function setHtml($html, $text = null, $images_dir = null)
$this->html = $html;
$this->html_text = $text;
if (isset($images_dir)) {
* Function for extracting images from
* html source. This function will look
* through the html code supplied by add_html()
* and find any file that ends in one of the
* extensions defined in $obj->image_types.
* If the file exists it will read it in and
* embed it, (not an attachment).
* @author Dan Allen
function _findHtmlImages($images_dir)
// Build the list of image extensions
while (list($key,) = each($this->image_types)) {
$extensions[] = $key;
preg_match_all('/(?:"|\')([^"\']+\.('.implode('|', $extensions).'))(?:"|\')/Ui', $this->html, $images);
for ($i=0; $i<count($images[1]); $i++) {
if (file_exists($images_dir . $images[1][$i])) {
$html_images[] = $images[1][$i];
$this->html = str_replace($images[1][$i], basename($images[1][$i]), $this->html);
if (!empty($html_images)) {
// If duplicate images are embedded, they may show up as attachments, so remove them.
$html_images = array_unique($html_images);
for ($i=0; $i<count($html_images); $i++) {
if ($image = $this->getFile($images_dir.$html_images[$i])) {
$ext = substr($html_images[$i], strrpos($html_images[$i], '.') + 1);
$content_type = $this->image_types[strtolower($ext)];
$this->addHtmlImage($image, basename($html_images[$i]), $content_type);
* Adds an image to the list of embedded
* images.
function addHtmlImage($file, $name = '', $c_type='application/octet-stream')
$this->html_images[] = array(
'body' => $file,
'name' => $name,
'c_type' => $c_type,
'cid' => md5(uniqid(time()))
* Adds a file to the list of attachments.
function addAttachment($file, $name = '', $c_type='application/octet-stream', $encoding = 'base64')
$this->attachments[] = array(
'body' => $file,
'name' => $name,
'c_type' => $c_type,
'encoding' => $encoding
* Adds a text subpart to a mime_part object
function &_addTextPart(&$obj, $text)
$params['content_type'] = 'text/plain';
$params['encoding'] = $this->build_params['text_encoding'];
$params['charset'] = $this->build_params['text_charset'];
if (is_object($obj)) {
return $obj->addSubpart($text, $params);
} else {
return new Mail_mimePart($text, $params);
* Adds a html subpart to a mime_part object
function &_addHtmlPart(&$obj)
$params['content_type'] = 'text/html';
$params['encoding'] = $this->build_params['html_encoding'];
$params['charset'] = $this->build_params['html_charset'];
if (is_object($obj)) {
return $obj->addSubpart($this->html, $params);
} else {
return new Mail_mimePart($this->html, $params);
* Starts a message with a mixed part
function &_addMixedPart()
$params['content_type'] = 'multipart/mixed';
return new Mail_mimePart('', $params);
* Adds an alternative part to a mime_part object
function &_addAlternativePart(&$obj)
$params['content_type'] = 'multipart/alternative';
if (is_object($obj)) {
return $obj->addSubpart('', $params);
} else {
return new Mail_mimePart('', $params);
* Adds a html subpart to a mime_part object
function &_addRelatedPart(&$obj)
$params['content_type'] = 'multipart/related';
if (is_object($obj)) {
return $obj->addSubpart('', $params);
} else {
return new Mail_mimePart('', $params);
* Adds an html image subpart to a mime_part object
function &_addHtmlImagePart(&$obj, $value)
$params['content_type'] = $value['c_type'];
$params['encoding'] = 'base64';
$params['disposition'] = 'inline';
$params['dfilename'] = $value['name'];
$params['cid'] = $value['cid'];
$obj->addSubpart($value['body'], $params);
* Adds an attachment subpart to a mime_part object
function &_addAttachmentPart(&$obj, $value)
$params['content_type'] = $value['c_type'];
$params['encoding'] = $value['encoding'];
$params['disposition'] = 'attachment';
$params['dfilename'] = $value['name'];
$obj->addSubpart($value['body'], $params);
* Builds the multipart message from the
* list ($this->_parts). $params is an
* array of parameters that shape the building
* of the message. Currently supported are:
* $params['html_encoding'] - The type of encoding to use on html. Valid options are
* "7bit", "quoted-printable" or "base64" (all without quotes).
* 7bit is EXPRESSLY NOT RECOMMENDED. Default is quoted-printable
* $params['text_encoding'] - The type of encoding to use on plain text Valid options are
* "7bit", "quoted-printable" or "base64" (all without quotes).
* Default is 7bit
* $params['text_wrap'] - The character count at which to wrap 7bit encoded data.
* Default this is 998.
* $params['html_charset'] - The character set to use for a html section.
* Default is ISO-8859-1
* $params['text_charset'] - The character set to use for a text section.
* - Default is ISO-8859-1
* $params['head_charset'] - The character set to use for header encoding should it be needed.
* - Default is ISO-8859-1
function buildMessage($params = array())
if (!empty($params)) {
while (list($key, $value) = each($params)) {
$this->build_params[$key] = $value;
if (!empty($this->html_images)) {
foreach ($this->html_images as $value) {
$this->html = str_replace($value['name'], 'cid:'.$value['cid'], $this->html);
$null = null;
$attachments = !empty($this->attachments) ? true : false;
$html_images = !empty($this->html_images) ? true : false;
$html = !empty($this->html) ? true : false;
$text = isset($this->text) ? true : false;
switch (true) {
case $text AND !$attachments:
$message = &$this->_addTextPart($null, $this->text);
case !$text AND $attachments AND !$html:
$message = &$this->_addMixedPart();
for ($i=0; $i<count($this->attachments); $i++) {
$this->_addAttachmentPart($message, $this->attachments[$i]);
case $text AND $attachments:
$message = &$this->_addMixedPart();
$this->_addTextPart($message, $this->text);
for ($i=0; $i<count($this->attachments); $i++) {
$this->_addAttachmentPart($message, $this->attachments[$i]);
case $html AND !$attachments AND !$html_images:
if (!is_null($this->html_text)) {
$message = &$this->_addAlternativePart($null);
$this->_addTextPart($message, $this->html_text);
} else {
$message = &$this->_addHtmlPart($null);
case $html AND !$attachments AND $html_images:
if (!is_null($this->html_text)) {
$message = &$this->_addAlternativePart($null);
$this->_addTextPart($message, $this->html_text);
$related = &$this->_addRelatedPart($message);
} else {
$message = &$this->_addRelatedPart($null);
$related = &$message;
for ($i=0; $i<count($this->html_images); $i++) {
$this->_addHtmlImagePart($related, $this->html_images[$i]);
case $html AND $attachments AND !$html_images:
$message = &$this->_addMixedPart();
if (!is_null($this->html_text)) {
$alt = &$this->_addAlternativePart($message);
$this->_addTextPart($alt, $this->html_text);
} else {
for ($i=0; $i<count($this->attachments); $i++) {
$this->_addAttachmentPart($message, $this->attachments[$i]);
case $html AND $attachments AND $html_images:
$message = &$this->_addMixedPart();
if (!is_null($this->html_text)) {
$alt = &$this->_addAlternativePart($message);
$this->_addTextPart($alt, $this->html_text);
$rel = &$this->_addRelatedPart($alt);
} else {
$rel = &$this->_addRelatedPart($message);
for ($i=0; $i<count($this->html_images); $i++) {
$this->_addHtmlImagePart($rel, $this->html_images[$i]);
for ($i=0; $i<count($this->attachments); $i++) {
$this->_addAttachmentPart($message, $this->attachments[$i]);
if (isset($message)) {
$output = $message->encode();
$this->output = $output['body'];
$this->headers = array_merge($this->headers, $output['headers']);
// Add message ID header
//$message_id = sprintf('<%s.%s@%s>', base_convert(time(), 10, 36), base_convert(rand(), 10, 36), !empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['HTTP_HOST']) ? $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['HTTP_HOST'] : $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['SERVER_NAME']);
// *** don't want to show in headers, so forcing to
$message_id = sprintf('<%s.%s@%s>', base_convert(time(), 10, 36), base_convert(rand(), 10, 36), '');
$this->headers['Message-ID'] = $message_id;
$this->is_built = true;
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Function to encode a header if necessary
* according to RFC2047
function _encodeHeader($input, $charset = 'ISO-8859-1')
preg_match_all('/(\w*[\x80-\xFF]+\w*)/', $input, $matches);
foreach ($matches[1] as $value) {
$replacement = preg_replace('/([\x80-\xFF])/e', '"=" . strtoupper(dechex(ord("\1")))', $value);
$input = str_replace($value, '=?' . $charset . '?Q?' . $replacement . '?=', $input);
return $input;
* Sends the mail.
* @param array $recipients
* @param string $type OPTIONAL
* @return mixed
function send($recipients, $type = 'mail')
if (!defined('CRLF')) {
$this->setCrlf($type == 'mail' ? "\n" : "\r\n");
if (!$this->is_built) {
switch ($type) {
case 'mail':
$subject = '';
if (!empty($this->headers['Subject'])) {
$subject = $this->_encodeHeader($this->headers['Subject'], $this->build_params['head_charset']);
// Get flat representation of headers
foreach ($this->headers as $name => $value) {
$headers[] = $name . ': ' . $this->_encodeHeader($value, $this->build_params['head_charset']);
$to = $this->_encodeHeader(implode(', ', $recipients), $this->build_params['head_charset']);
if (!empty($this->return_path)) {
$result = mail($to, $subject, $this->output, implode(CRLF, $headers), '-f' . $this->return_path);
} else {
$result = mail($to, $subject, $this->output, implode(CRLF, $headers));
// Reset the subject in case mail is resent
if ($subject !== '') {
$this->headers['Subject'] = $subject;
// Return
return $result;
case 'smtp':
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/smtp.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/RFC822.php');
$smtp = &smtp::connect($this->smtp_params);
// Parse recipients argument for internet addresses
foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
$addresses = Mail_RFC822::parseAddressList($recipient, $this->smtp_params['helo'], null, false);
foreach ($addresses as $address) {
$smtp_recipients[] = sprintf('%s@%s', $address->mailbox, $address->host);
unset($addresses); // These are reused
unset($address); // These are reused
// Get flat representation of headers, parsing
// Cc and Bcc as we go
foreach ($this->headers as $name => $value) {
if ($name == 'Cc' OR $name == 'Bcc') {
$addresses = Mail_RFC822::parseAddressList($value, $this->smtp_params['helo'], null, false);
foreach ($addresses as $address) {
$smtp_recipients[] = sprintf('%s@%s', $address->mailbox, $address->host);
if ($name == 'Bcc') {
$headers[] = $name . ': ' . $this->_encodeHeader($value, $this->build_params['head_charset']);
// Add To header based on $recipients argument
$headers[] = 'To: ' . $this->_encodeHeader(implode(', ', $recipients), $this->build_params['head_charset']);
// Add headers to send_params
$send_params['headers'] = $headers;
$send_params['recipients'] = array_values(array_unique($smtp_recipients));
$send_params['body'] = $this->output;
// Setup return path
if (isset($this->return_path)) {
$send_params['from'] = $this->return_path;
} elseif (!empty($this->headers['From'])) {
$from = Mail_RFC822::parseAddressList($this->headers['From']);
$send_params['from'] = sprintf('%s@%s', $from[0]->mailbox, $from[0]->host);
} else {
$send_params['from'] = 'postmaster@' . $this->smtp_params['helo'];
// Send it
if (!$smtp->send($send_params)) {
$this->errors = $smtp->errors;
return false;
return true;
* Use this method to return the email
* in message/rfc822 format. Useful for
* adding an email to another email as
* an attachment. there's a commented
* out example in example.php.
function getRFC822($recipients)
// Make up the date header as according to RFC822
$this->setHeader('Date', date('D, d M y H:i:s O'));
if (!defined('CRLF')) {
$this->setCrlf($type == 'mail' ? "\n" : "\r\n");
if (!$this->is_built) {
// Return path ?
if (isset($this->return_path)) {
$headers[] = 'Return-Path: ' . $this->return_path;
// Get flat representation of headers
foreach ($this->headers as $name => $value) {
$headers[] = $name . ': ' . $value;
$headers[] = 'To: ' . implode(', ', $recipients);
return implode(CRLF, $headers) . CRLF . CRLF . $this->output;
} // End of class.
@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PHP Version 4 |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, |
// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
// | available at through the world-wide-web at |
// | |
// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
// | so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Authors: Richard Heyes <> |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
* Raw mime encoding class
* What is it?
* This class enables you to manipulate and build
* a mime email from the ground up.
* Why use this instead of mime.php?
* mime.php is a userfriendly api to this class for
* people who aren't interested in the internals of
* mime mail. This class however allows full control
* over the email.
* Eg.
* // Since multipart/mixed has no real body, (the body is
* // the subpart), we set the body argument to blank.
* $params['content_type'] = 'multipart/mixed';
* $email = new Mail_mimePart('', $params);
* // Here we add a text part to the multipart we have
* // already. Assume $body contains plain text.
* $params['content_type'] = 'text/plain';
* $params['encoding'] = '7bit';
* $text = $email->addSubPart($body, $params);
* // Now add an attachment. Assume $attach is
* the contents of the attachment
* $params['content_type'] = 'application/zip';
* $params['encoding'] = 'base64';
* $params['disposition'] = 'attachment';
* $params['dfilename'] = '';
* $attach =& $email->addSubPart($body, $params);
* // Now build the email. Note that the encode
* // function returns an associative array containing two
* // elements, body and headers. You will need to add extra
* // headers, (eg. Mime-Version) before sending.
* $email = $message->encode();
* $email['headers'][] = 'Mime-Version: 1.0';
* Further examples are available at
* - Set encode() to return the $obj->encoded if encode()
* has already been run. Unless a flag is passed to specifically
* re-build the message.
* @author Richard Heyes <>
* @version $Revision: 1.1 $
* @package Mail
class Mail_mimePart {
* The encoding type of this part
* @var string
var $_encoding;
* An array of subparts
* @var array
var $_subparts;
* The output of this part after being built
* @var string
var $_encoded;
* Headers for this part
* @var array
var $_headers;
* The body of this part (not encoded)
* @var string
var $_body;
* Constructor.
* Sets up the object.
* @param $body - The body of the mime part if any.
* @param $params - An associative array of parameters:
* content_type - The content type for this part eg multipart/mixed
* encoding - The encoding to use, 7bit, 8bit, base64, or quoted-printable
* cid - Content ID to apply
* disposition - Content disposition, inline or attachment
* dfilename - Optional filename parameter for content disposition
* description - Content description
* charset - Character set to use
* @access public
function Mail_mimePart($body = '', $params = array())
if (!defined('MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF')) {
define('MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF', defined('MAIL_MIME_CRLF') ? MAIL_MIME_CRLF : "\r\n", TRUE);
foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
switch ($key) {
case 'content_type':
$headers['Content-Type'] = $value . (isset($charset) ? '; charset="' . $charset . '"' : '');
case 'encoding':
$this->_encoding = $value;
$headers['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = $value;
case 'cid':
$headers['Content-ID'] = '<' . $value . '>';
case 'disposition':
$headers['Content-Disposition'] = $value . (isset($dfilename) ? '; filename="' . $dfilename . '"' : '');
case 'dfilename':
if (isset($headers['Content-Disposition'])) {
$headers['Content-Disposition'] .= '; filename="' . $value . '"';
} else {
$dfilename = $value;
case 'description':
$headers['Content-Description'] = $value;
case 'charset':
if (isset($headers['Content-Type'])) {
$headers['Content-Type'] .= '; charset="' . $value . '"';
} else {
$charset = $value;
// Default content-type
if (!isset($headers['Content-Type'])) {
$headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain';
//Default encoding
if (!isset($this->_encoding)) {
$this->_encoding = '7bit';
// Assign stuff to member variables
$this->_encoded = array();
$this->_headers = $headers;
$this->_body = $body;
* encode()
* Encodes and returns the email. Also stores
* it in the encoded member variable
* @return An associative array containing two elements,
* body and headers. The headers element is itself
* an indexed array.
* @access public
function encode()
$encoded =& $this->_encoded;
if (!empty($this->_subparts)) {
$boundary = '=_' . md5(uniqid(rand()) . microtime());
$this->_headers['Content-Type'] .= ';' . MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF . "\t" . 'boundary="' . $boundary . '"';
// Add body parts to $subparts
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->_subparts); $i++) {
$headers = array();
$tmp = $this->_subparts[$i]->encode();
foreach ($tmp['headers'] as $key => $value) {
$headers[] = $key . ': ' . $value;
$subparts[] = implode(MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF, $headers) . MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF . MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF . $tmp['body'];
$encoded['body'] = '--' . $boundary . MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF .
implode('--' . $boundary . MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF, $subparts) .
'--' . $boundary.'--' . MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF;
} else {
$encoded['body'] = $this->_getEncodedData($this->_body, $this->_encoding) . MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF;
// Add headers to $encoded
$encoded['headers'] =& $this->_headers;
return $encoded;
* &addSubPart()
* Adds a subpart to current mime part and returns
* a reference to it
* @param $body The body of the subpart, if any.
* @param $params The parameters for the subpart, same
* as the $params argument for constructor.
* @return A reference to the part you just added. It is
* crucial if using multipart/* in your subparts that
* you use =& in your script when calling this function,
* otherwise you will not be able to add further subparts.
* @access public
function &addSubPart($body, $params)
$this->_subparts[] = new Mail_mimePart($body, $params);
return $this->_subparts[count($this->_subparts) - 1];
* _getEncodedData()
* Returns encoded data based upon encoding passed to it
* @param $data The data to encode.
* @param $encoding The encoding type to use, 7bit, base64,
* or quoted-printable.
* @access private
function _getEncodedData($data, $encoding)
switch ($encoding) {
case '8bit':
case '7bit':
return $data;
case 'quoted-printable':
return $this->_quotedPrintableEncode($data);
case 'base64':
return rtrim(chunk_split(base64_encode($data), 76, MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF));
return $data;
* quoteadPrintableEncode()
* Encodes data to quoted-printable standard.
* @param $input The data to encode
* @param $line_max Optional max line length. Should
* not be more than 76 chars
* @access private
function _quotedPrintableEncode($input , $line_max = 76)
$lines = preg_split("/\r?\n/", $input);
$escape = '=';
$output = '';
while(list(, $line) = each($lines)){
$linlen = strlen($line);
$newline = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $linlen; $i++) {
$char = substr($line, $i, 1);
$dec = ord($char);
if (($dec == 32) AND ($i == ($linlen - 1))){ // convert space at eol only
$char = '=20';
} elseif($dec == 9) {
; // Do nothing if a tab.
} elseif(($dec == 61) OR ($dec < 32 ) OR ($dec > 126)) {
$char = $escape . strtoupper(sprintf('%02s', dechex($dec)));
if ((strlen($newline) + strlen($char)) >= $line_max) { // MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF is not counted
$output .= $newline . $escape . $eol; // soft line break; " =\r\n" is okay
$newline = '';
$newline .= $char;
} // end of for
$output .= $newline . $eol;
$output = substr($output, 0, -1 * strlen($eol)); // Don't want last crlf
return $output;
} // End of class
@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
* Filename.......:
* Project........: SMTP Class
* Version........: 1.0.5
* Last Modified..: 21 December 2001
class smtp{
var $authenticated;
var $connection;
var $recipients;
var $headers;
var $timeout;
var $errors;
var $status;
var $body;
var $from;
var $host;
var $port;
var $helo;
var $auth;
var $user;
var $pass;
* Constructor function. Arguments:
* $params - An assoc array of parameters:
* host - The hostname of the smtp server Default: localhost
* port - The port the smtp server runs on Default: 25
* helo - What to send as the HELO command Default: localhost
* (typically the hostname of the
* machine this script runs on)
* auth - Whether to use basic authentication Default: FALSE
* user - Username for authentication Default: <blank>
* pass - Password for authentication Default: <blank>
* timeout - The timeout in seconds for the call Default: 5
* to fsockopen()
function smtp($params = array()){
define('CRLF', "\r\n", TRUE);
$this->authenticated = FALSE;
$this->timeout = 5;
$this->host = 'localhost';
$this->port = 25;
$this->helo = 'localhost';
$this->auth = FALSE;
$this->user = '';
$this->pass = '';
$this->errors = array();
foreach($params as $key => $value){
$this->$key = $value;
* Connect function. This will, when called
* statically, create a new smtp object,
* call the connect function (ie this function)
* and return it. When not called statically,
* it will connect to the server and send
* the HELO command.
function &connect($params = array()){
$obj = new smtp($params);
return $obj;
$this->connection = fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout);
@socket_set_timeout($this->connection, 5, 0);
$greeting = $this->get_data();
return $this->auth ? $this->ehlo() : $this->helo();
$this->errors[] = 'Failed to connect to server: '.$errstr;
return FALSE;
* Function which handles sending the mail.
* Arguments:
* $params - Optional assoc array of parameters.
* Can contain:
* recipients - Indexed array of recipients
* from - The from address. (used in MAIL FROM:),
* this will be the return path
* headers - Indexed array of headers, one header per array entry
* body - The body of the email
* It can also contain any of the parameters from the connect()
* function
function send($params = array()){
foreach($params as $key => $value){
$this->set($key, $value);
// Do we auth or not? Note the distinction between the auth variable and auth() function
if($this->auth AND !$this->authenticated){
return FALSE;
foreach($this->recipients as $value)
return FALSE;
// Transparency
$headers = str_replace(CRLF.'.', CRLF.'..', trim(implode(CRLF, $this->headers)));
$body = str_replace(CRLF.'.', CRLF.'..', $this->body);
$body = $body[0] == '.' ? '.'.$body : $body;
$result = (substr(trim($this->get_data()), 0, 3) === '250');
return $result;
$this->errors[] = 'Not connected!';
return FALSE;
* Function to implement HELO cmd
function helo(){
AND $this->send_data('HELO '.$this->helo)
AND substr(trim($error = $this->get_data()), 0, 3) === '250' ){
return TRUE;
$this->errors[] = 'HELO command failed, output: ' . trim(substr(trim($error),3));
return FALSE;
* Function to implement EHLO cmd
function ehlo(){
AND $this->send_data('EHLO '.$this->helo)
AND substr(trim($error = $this->get_data()), 0, 3) === '250' ){
return TRUE;
$this->errors[] = 'EHLO command failed, output: ' . trim(substr(trim($error),3));
return FALSE;
* Function to implement RSET cmd
function rset(){
AND $this->send_data('RSET')
AND substr(trim($error = $this->get_data()), 0, 3) === '250' ){
return TRUE;
$this->errors[] = 'RSET command failed, output: ' . trim(substr(trim($error),3));
return FALSE;
* Function to implement QUIT cmd
function quit(){
AND $this->send_data('QUIT')
AND substr(trim($error = $this->get_data()), 0, 3) === '221' ){
return TRUE;
$this->errors[] = 'QUIT command failed, output: ' . trim(substr(trim($error),3));
return FALSE;
* Function to implement AUTH cmd
function auth(){
AND $this->send_data('AUTH LOGIN')
AND substr(trim($error = $this->get_data()), 0, 3) === '334'
AND $this->send_data(base64_encode($this->user)) // Send username
AND substr(trim($error = $this->get_data()),0,3) === '334'
AND $this->send_data(base64_encode($this->pass)) // Send password
AND substr(trim($error = $this->get_data()),0,3) === '235' ){
$this->authenticated = TRUE;
return TRUE;
$this->errors[] = 'AUTH command failed: ' . trim(substr(trim($error),3));
return FALSE;
* Function that handles the MAIL FROM: cmd
function mail($from){
AND $this->send_data('MAIL FROM:<'.$from.'>')
AND substr(trim($this->get_data()), 0, 2) === '250' ){
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Function that handles the RCPT TO: cmd
function rcpt($to){
AND $this->send_data('RCPT TO:<'.$to.'>')
AND substr(trim($error = $this->get_data()), 0, 2) === '25' ){
return TRUE;
$this->errors[] = trim(substr(trim($error), 3));
return FALSE;
* Function that sends the DATA cmd
function data(){
AND $this->send_data('DATA')
AND substr(trim($error = $this->get_data()), 0, 3) === '354' ){
return TRUE;
$this->errors[] = trim(substr(trim($error), 3));
return FALSE;
* Function to determine if this object
* is connected to the server or not.
function is_connected(){
return (is_resource($this->connection) AND ($this->status === SMTP_STATUS_CONNECTED));
* Function to send a bit of data
function send_data($data){
return fwrite($this->connection, $data.CRLF, strlen($data)+2);
return FALSE;
* Function to get data.
function &get_data(){
$return = '';
$line = '';
$loops = 0;
while((strpos($return, CRLF) === FALSE OR substr($line,3,1) !== ' ') AND $loops < 100){
$line = fgets($this->connection, 512);
$return .= $line;
return $return;
return FALSE;
* Sets a variable
function set($var, $value){
$this->$var = $value;
return TRUE;
} // End of class
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
// WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
class CLoginServiceWeb extends CCallbackClient
function login($userId, $ipAddress, $domainId)
$msg = new CMessage;
return parent::sendMessage($msg);
function logout($userId)
$msg = new CMessage;
return parent::sendMessage($msg);
function waitCallback()
$message = parent::waitMessage();
if ($message == false)
return false;
case "LGR":
case "LGOR":
return false;
return true;
function loginResult_skel(&$message)
$this->loginResult($userId, $cookie, $resultCode, $errorString);
function logoutResult_skel(&$message)
$this->logoutResult($errorCode, $reason);
// Copy paste this part of code in your derived class
// and implement code to ract to incoming message
// Return the cookie generated for this user session
// Eventualy, return an empty string as cookie in case of error
// resultCode : 0 - ok, login success
// 1 - invalid user
// 2 - user already online, must relog
// errorString contain a stringified description in case of error
function loginResult($userId, $cookie, $resultCode, $errorString)
// Return an error code for the logout attemp
// If return is not 0, then reason contains a debug string
// Return values : 0 - ok
// 1 - invalid user
// 2 - user already offline
function logoutResult($errorCode, $reason)
@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
* Message tables.
* Each msg can contain %0..%n arguments (see also errorMsg()).
* %0 contains the error code passed to errorMsg(), even if the text is factorized in another message linked with 'lnk'.
$ErrMsgs = array();
// Generic error message
define('GENERIC_ERROR_NUM', 1000);
$ErrMsgs[1000]['dbg'] = 'Generic login error';
$ErrMsgs[1000]['en'] = 'Error';
$ErrMsgs[1000]['fr'] = 'Erreur';
$ErrMsgs[1000]['de'] = 'Error';
// Common public error messages
$msgMisconfiguredClient['en'] = 'Your client might be misconfigured, please contact support';
$msgMisconfiguredClient['fr'] = 'Il se peut que votre client soit mal configuré, merci de contacter le service client';
$msgMisconfiguredClient['de'] = 'Dein Client ist möglicherweise falsch konfiguriert, bitte kontaktiere den Support';
$msgOutOfDateClient['en'] = 'This client software is out of date, please visit to download a new client';
$msgOutOfDateClient['fr'] = 'Ce logiciel client est trop ancien, merci de télécharger un nouveau client sur';
$msgOutOfDateClient['de'] = 'Die Software ist nicht mehr aktuell bitte geh auf und lade dir den neuen Client herunter';
$msgLSInMaintenance['en'] = 'The log-in server is in maintenance, please try later';
$msgLSInMaintenance['fr'] = 'Le serveur de connexion est en maintenance, merci de réessayer plus tard';
$msgLSInMaintenance['de'] = 'Der Login-Server ist wegen Wartungsarbeiten offline, bitte versuch es später nochmal';
$msgDBInMaintenance['en'] = 'The database server is in maintenance, please try later';
$msgDBInMaintenance['fr'] = 'Le serveur de base de données est en maintenance, merci de réessayer plus tard';
$msgDBInMaintenance['de'] = 'Der Datenbank-Server ist wegen Wartungsarbeiten offline, bitte versuch es später nochmal';
$msgGameServersClosed['en'] = 'Game servers are currently closed or restricted, please retry later';
$msgGameServersClosed['fr'] = 'Les serveurs de jeu sont actuellement fermés ou à accès restreint, merci de réessayer plus tard';
$msgGameServersClosed['de'] = 'Die Spiel-Server sind momentan geschlossen oder gesperrt, bitte versuch es später nochmal';
* Main account error messages:
$ErrMsgs[2001]['dbg'] = '(in %2)';
$ErrMsgs[2001]['en'] = 'Invalid account: %1'; // ex 52 and 64
$ErrMsgs[2001]['fr'] = 'Compte erroné : %1';
$ErrMsgs[2001]['de'] = 'Ungültiger Account: %1';
$ErrMsgs[2001]['log'] = false;
$ErrMsgs[2002]['en'] = "Your account must be activated first. Please read the email sent to %1.";
$ErrMsgs[2002]['fr'] = "Votre compte doit d'abord être activé. Merci de lire l'e-mail envoyé à %1.";
$ErrMsgs[2002]['de'] = "Dein Account muss noch aktiviert werden. Bitte befolge die Anweisungen, die wir per Mail an %1 geschickt haben.";
$ErrMsgs[2002]['log'] = false;
$ErrMsgs[2003]['en'] = "Your account must be activated first. Please read the email that has been sent to you.";
$ErrMsgs[2003]['fr'] = "Votre compte doit d'abord être activé. Merci de lire l'e-mail que nous vous avons envoyé.";
$ErrMsgs[2003]['de'] = "Dein Account muss noch aktiviert werden. Bitte befolge die Anweisungen, die wir per Mail an Dich geschickt haben.";
$ErrMsgs[2003]['log'] = false;
$ErrMsgs[2004]['dbg'] = '(in %2)'; // user => ex 56; signup_data => ex 56B
$ErrMsgs[2004]['en'] = "Invalid password";
$ErrMsgs[2004]['fr'] = "Mot de passe erroné";
$ErrMsgs[2004]['de'] = "Falsches Passwort";
$ErrMsgs[2004]['log'] = false;
// Translated Login Service error messages
$ErrMsgs[2101]['dbg'] = '(LS error %1: %2 for userId %3)';
$ErrMsgs[2101]['en'] = 'Invalid account'; // ex 1?: 'invalid user'
$ErrMsgs[2101]['fr'] = 'Compte erroné';
$ErrMsgs[2101]['de'] = 'Ungültiger Account';
$ErrMsgs[2102]['dbg'] = '(LS error %1: %2 for userId %3)';
$ErrMsgs[2102]['en'] = 'Your account is already in online state, please retry in a few seconds'; // ex 2: 'User already online, please relog'
$ErrMsgs[2102]['fr'] = "Votre compte est encore dans l'état en ligne, merci de réessayer dans quelques secondes";
$ErrMsgs[2102]['de'] = 'Dein Account ist schon als online gekennzeichnet, bitte versuche es in ein paar Sekunden nochmals';
$ErrMsgs[2102]['log'] = false;
$ErrMsgs[2103]['dbg'] = '(LS error %1: %2 for userId %3)';
$ErrMsgs[2103]['en'] = 'Dual logging with a Privileged account is not permitted; this action has been logged and Gameforge CS has been notified';
$ErrMsgs[2103]['fr'] = 'TODO';
$ErrMsgs[2103]['de'] = 'TODO';
$ErrMsgs[2103]['mail'] = array('', "Dual Logging with GM account detected",
"UserId %3 attempted to log-in while related account (linked through GMId) was in online state (error code %0).\n".
"Message from server: %2\n".
"This could be a false positive if the user just disconnected without waiting for 30 s, and tried to log-in with their other account.");
$ErrMsgs[2104]['dbg'] = '(LS error %1: %2 for userId %3)';
$ErrMsgs[2104]['lnk'] = $ErrMsgs[2103];
$ErrMsgs[2105]['dbg'] = '(LS error %1: %2 for userId %3)';
$ErrMsgs[2105]['lnk'] = $ErrMsgs[2101];
$ErrMsgs[2106]['dbg'] = '(LS error %1: %2 for userId %3)';
$ErrMsgs[2106]['lnk'] = $msgDBInMaintenance;
* Technical error messages:
* "visible" error messages (server down, etc.) are localized,
* unlike errors that should never occur (ex: bad parameters from client)
$ErrMsgs[3001]['dbg'] = 'Failed to find a ring domain record for domainId: %1';
$ErrMsgs[3002]['dbg'] = 'Missing cmd';
$ErrMsgs[3003]['dbg'] = 'No response from Shard Unifier';
$ErrMsgs[3003]['lnk'] = $msgLSInMaintenance;
$ErrMsgs[3004]['dbg'] = "Can't connect to the %1 db server host:%2 user:%3";
$ErrMsgs[3004]['lnk'] = $msgDBInMaintenance;
$ErrMsgs[3005]['dbg'] = "Can't access the %1 database db:%2 host:%3 user:%4 (check privileges)";
$ErrMsgs[3005]['lnk'] = $msgDBInMaintenance;
$ErrMsgs[3006]['dbg'] = "Can't execute query '%1' on the %2 database db:%3 host:%4 user:%5 error:%6";
$ErrMsgs[3006]['lnk'] = $msgDBInMaintenance;
$ErrMsgs[3007]['dbg'] = "Can't find domain: %1"; // ex 'x'
$ErrMsgs[3007]['lnk'] = $msgMisconfiguredClient;
$ErrMsgs[3007]['add'] = 'dbg';
$ErrMsgs[3008]['dbg'] = "Login '%1' was created because it was not found in database"; // ex 50
$ErrMsgs[3009]['dbg'] = "Can't fetch login '%1' after insertion"; // ex 51
$ErrMsgs[3010]['dbg'] = "No permission found, but I need to accept Unknown user, so permission created, please RELOG";
$ErrMsgs[3011]['dbg'] = "(client application: %1 domain: %2)"; // ex 53
$ErrMsgs[3011]['en'] = "Your account needs a proper subscription to connect";
$ErrMsgs[3011]['fr'] = "Votre compte doit avoir un abonnement actif pour se connecter";
$ErrMsgs[3011]['de'] = 'Du kannst dich nicht ohne abgeschlossenes Abonemment in deinen Account einloggen';
$ErrMsgs[3011]['add'] = 'dbg';
$ErrMsgs[3011]['log'] = false;
$ErrMsgs[3012]['dbg'] = "No access privilege found for %1, but I need to accept Unknown user, so permission created, RELOG";
$ErrMsgs[3013]['dbg'] = "(client application: %1 domain: %2 reqPriv: %3)";
$ErrMsgs[3013]['en'] = "You don't have sufficient privilege to connect now, please try later";
$ErrMsgs[3013]['fr'] = "Vous n'avez pas les privilèges nécessaires pour vous connecter maintenant, veuillez essayer plus tard";
$ErrMsgs[3013]['de'] = 'Du hast nicht die nötigen Rechte um dich jetzt zu verbinden, bitte versuch es später nochmal';
$ErrMsgs[3013]['log'] = false;
// Translated Ring Session Manager (joinSession) error messages
$ErrMsgs[4001]['dbg'] = 'joinSession error %1: %2 for userId %3';
$ErrMsgs[4002]['dbg'] = 'joinSession error %1: %2 for userId %3';
$ErrMsgs[4003]['dbg'] = 'joinSession error %1: %2 for userId %3';
$ErrMsgs[4004]['dbg'] = 'joinSession error %1: %2 for userId %3';
$ErrMsgs[4005]['dbg'] = '(joinSession error %1: %2 for userId %3)';
$ErrMsgs[4005]['lnk'] = $msgGameServersClosed;
$ErrMsgs[4006]['dbg'] = 'joinSession error %1: %2 for userId %3';
$ErrMsgs[4007]['dbg'] = 'joinSession error %1: %2 for userId %3';
$ErrMsgs[4008]['dbg'] = 'joinSession error %1: %2 for userId %3';
$ErrMsgs[4009]['dbg'] = 'joinSession error %1: %2 for userId %3';
$ErrMsgs[4010]['dbg'] = '(joinSession error %1: %2 for userId %3)';
$ErrMsgs[4010]['lnk'] = $msgGameServersClosed;
$ErrMsgs[4011]['dbg'] = 'joinSession error %1: %2 for userId %3';
$ErrMsgs[4012]['dbg'] = 'joinSession error %1: %2 for userId %3';
$ErrMsgs[4013]['dbg'] = 'joinSession error %1: %2 for userId %3';
$ErrMsgs[4014]['dbg'] = '(joinSession error %1: %2 for userId %3)';
$ErrMsgs[4014]['lnk'] = $msgGameServersClosed;
$ErrMsgs[4015]['dbg'] = 'joinSession error %1: %2 for userId %3';
$ErrMsgs[4016]['dbg'] = 'joinSession error %1: %2 for userId %3';
$ErrMsgs[4017]['dbg'] = 'joinSession error %1: %2 for userId %3';
$ErrMsgs[4018]['dbg'] = 'joinSession error %1: %2 for userId %3';
$ErrMsgs[4019]['dbg'] = 'joinSession error %1: %2 for userId %3';
$ErrMsgs[4020]['dbg'] = 'joinSession error %1: %2 for userId %3';
$MsgLanguages = array('en');
$DisplayDbg = false;
* Whenever a language information is known, use this method to refine the language used for error messages.
* Accepted values:
* 'en', 'fr', 'de', array of this values, or 'all' ('all' will display all versions)
function setMsgLanguage($languages='en')
global $MsgLanguages;
if ($languages == 'all')
$MsgLanguages = $languages;
if (!is_array($languages))
$languages = array($languages);
foreach ($languages as $index => $lg)
switch ($lg)
case 'fr':
case 'de':;
$languages[$index] = 'en';
$MsgLanguages = $languages;
* Find the specified error message, and return the first found with the following precedence:
* 1. Current language(s) set by setMsgLangage()
* 2. English message
* 3. Debug message
* 4. Generic error
* Each language can be found through ['lnk'] if needed
* Tags (%1..%n) in the message are replaced by mixed arguments specified after $errNum.
* Ex: errorMsg(55, $domainName)
* if 'dbg' is found in ['add'] or $DisplayDbg is true, the 'dbg' version is appended to the found version.
function errorMsg($errNum=GENERIC_ERROR_NUM) // $mixedArgs
// Find specified message using precedence rules
global $MsgLanguages;
$precedence = array(
array($errNum, ($MsgLanguages == 'all') ? array('en', 'fr', 'de') : $MsgLanguages),
array($errNum, array('en')),
array($errNum, array('dbg')),
array(GENERIC_ERROR_NUM, $MsgLanguages),
array(GENERIC_ERROR_NUM, array('en')));
global $ErrMsgs;
$args = func_get_args();
$msg = '';
foreach ($precedence as $rule)
// Find message
list($actualErrNum, $languages) = $rule;
foreach ($languages as $lg)
if (isset($ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum][$lg]) && ($ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum][$lg] != 'TODO'))
appendToMsg($msg, $errNum, $ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum][$lg], $args);
else if (isset($ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['lnk']) && isset($ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['lnk'][$lg]) && ($ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['lnk'][$lg] != 'TODO'))
appendToMsg($msg, $errNum, $ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['lnk'][$lg], $args);
// Try next rule only if not found
if (!empty($msg))
// Add debug version if needed
global $DisplayDbg;
$msgHasDebug = in_array('dbg', $languages);
$logExtMsg = '';
if ((!$msgHasDebug) && isset($ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['dbg']))
if ($DisplayDbg || (isset($ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['add']) && ($ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['add'] == 'dbg')))
$msg .= '['.$ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['dbg']."]\n"; // to result/screen message
$logExtMsg .= '['.$ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['dbg'].']'; // to log message
// Get mail data if specified
$mailData = (isset($ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['mail']) ? $ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['mail'] :
(isset($ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['lnk']['mail']) ? $ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['lnk']['mail'] :
// Apply params if applicable
$numArgs = func_num_args();
if ($numArgs > 1)
for ($i=0; $i!=$numArgs; ++$i) // include $errNum (%0)
$msg = str_replace("%$i", $args[$i], $msg);
$logExtMsg = str_replace("%$i", $args[$i], $logExtMsg);
$mIdx = 0;
foreach ($mailData as $field)
$mailData[$mIdx] = str_replace("%$i", $args[$i], $field);
// Log technical errors if possible
$logMode = (isset($ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['log']) ? $ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['log'] :
(isset($ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['lnk']['log']) ? $ErrMsgs[$actualErrNum]['lnk']['log'] :
if ($logMode && class_exists('CWwwLog'))
$logFile = new CWwwLog();
$logFile->logStr(/*$msg.*/$logExtMsg); // message is already logged by ob_callback_r2login()
// Send email if specified
if (!empty($mailData) && (count($mailData) >= 3))
$mail = new htmlMimeMail();
$mail->setText('Application: '.$_GET['clientApplication'].' - Login: '.$_GET['login']."\n". // display as much info as possible
$result = $mail->send(array($mailData[0]));
return $msg;
// Helper for errorMsg()
function appendToMsg(&$msg, $errNum, $str, &$args)
$msg .= "$str ($errNum)";
if (($errNum == GENERIC_ERROR_NUM) && !empty($args))
foreach ($args as $arg)
$msg .= " [$arg]"; // display all passed args if returning the default generic error
$msg .= "\n";
if (isset($_GET['export']))
// Utility
function exportErrMsgsToTSV()
global $ErrMsgs;
echo "Num\ten\tfr\tde\tdbg\t\n";
foreach ($ErrMsgs as $num => $txtArray)
echo $num."\t";
foreach (array('en','fr','de','dbg') as $lg)
if (isset($txtArray[$lg]))
echo $txtArray[$lg];
else if (isset($txtArray['lnk'][$lg]))
echo $txtArray['lnk'][$lg];
echo "\t";
echo "\n";
@ -1,532 +0,0 @@
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);
// For error handling, buffer all output
// see errorMsg
function errorMsgBlock($errNum=GENERIC_ERROR_NUM) // $mixedArgs
$args = func_get_args();
return '0:'.call_user_func_array('errorMsg', $args);
class LoginCb extends CLoginServiceWeb
// receive the login result sent back by the LS
function loginResult($userId, $cookie, $resultCode, $errorString)
global $RingWebHost, $RingWebHostPHP;
global $domainId;
if ($resultCode == 0 && $cookie != "")
// gather the domain informations (server version, patch urls and backup patch url
global $DBHost, $DBUserName, $DBPassword, $DBName, $AutoInsertInRing;
$link = mysql_connect($DBHost, $DBUserName, $DBPassword) or die (errorMsgBlock(3004, 'main', $DBHost, $DBUserName));
mysql_select_db ($DBName) or die (errorMsgBlock(3005, 'main', $DBName, $DBHost, $DBUserName));
$query = "SELECT * FROM domain WHERE domain_id=$domainId";
$result = mysql_query ($query) or die (errorMsgBlock(3006, $query, 'main', $DBName, $DBHost, $DBUserName, mysql_error()));
if( mysql_num_rows($result) != 1)
die(errorMsgBlock(3001, $domainId));
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
// set the cookie
setcookie ( "ryzomId" , $cookie, 0, "/");
$_COOKIE["ryzomId"] = $cookie; // make it available immediately
// Auto-join an available mainland shard
global $FSHostLuaMode, $FSHostResultStr;
$FSHostLuaMode = false;
$res = joinMainland($userId, $domainId, $row["domain_name"]);
if ($res)
// return the cookie to the user, il will then be used as an auth to browse the site and to connect to the shard
//echo "1#".$cookie."#http://".$RingWebHost."/ring/web_start.php\n";
echo "1#".$cookie."#".$FSHostResultStr."#http://".$RingWebHost."/ring/web_start.php#http://".$RingWebHostPHP."/ring/\n";
// return the ring domain information
echo $row["patch_version"]."#".$row["backup_patch_url"]."#".$row["patch_urls"];
global $JoinSessionResultCode, $JoinSessionResultMsg;
echo errorMsgBlock(BASE_TRANSLATED_RSM_ERROR_NUM + $JoinSessionResultCode, $JoinSessionResultCode, $JoinSessionResultMsg, $userId);
// empty cookie, this mean the user id can't be validated by the LS
echo errorMsgBlock(BASE_TRANSLATED_LS_ERROR_NUM + $resultCode, $resultCode, $errorString, $userId);
class CWwwLog
//function CWwwLog() {}
* Return the log directory. Create it if it does not exist, or return false if creation failed.
function getSafeLogDir()
// Examples:
// __FILE__ = r:\code\ryzom\www\login\config.php
// $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'] = 'r:/code/ryzom/www/login//r2_login.php'
// $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = 'r:/code/ryzom/www/login//r2_login.php'
global $LogRelativePath;
$pathInfo = pathinfo(__FILE__);
$logPath = $pathInfo['dirname'].$LogRelativePath;
if (!is_dir($logPath))
$res = mkdir($LogPath, 0700);
return $res ? $logPath : false;
return $logPath;
function logStr($str)
$logPath = $this->getSafeLogDir();
if ($logPath !== false)
$fp = fopen($logPath.'/r2_login_'.date('Y-m-d').'.log', 'a');
fwrite($fp, date('Y-m-d H:i:s').' ('.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].':'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."): $str\n");
// Callback called on end of output buffering
function ob_callback_r2login($buffer)
// Log only in case of error or malformed result string
$blockHd = substr($buffer, 0, 2);
if ($blockHd != '1:')
$logFile = new CWwwLog();
return $buffer; // sent to output
// Callback called on error
function err_callback($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars)
$logFile = new CWwwLog();
$logFile->logStr("PHP ERROR/$errno $errmsg ($filename:$linenum)");
// Never die after an error
if (!isset($_GET['cmd']))
die (errorMsgBlock(3002));
// check for 'clear password' tag
if (!isset($_GET['cp']))
$cp = 0;
$cp = $_GET['cp'];
$submittedLang = isset($_GET['lg']) ? $_GET['lg'] : 'unknown';
if (isset($_GET['dbg']) && ($_GET['dbg'] == 1))
$DisplayDbg = true;
case 'ask':
// client ask for a login salt
askSalt($_GET['login'], $submittedLang);
case 'login':
$domainId = -1;
// client sent is login info
if (!checkUserValidity($_GET['login'], $_GET['password'], $_GET['clientApplication'], $cp, $id, $reason, $priv, $extended, $domainId, $submittedLang))
echo '0:'.$reason;
// retreive the domain info
$domainInfo = getDomainInfo($domainId);
// if we need to create missing ring info
if ($AutoCreateRingInfo)
////////////// Temporary code alpha 0 only /////////////////////////////////////
// check if the ring user exist, and create it if not
$ringDb = mysql_connect($DBHost, $RingDBUserName, $RingDBPassword) or die(errorMsgBlock(3004, 'Ring', $DBHost, $RingDBUserName));
mysql_select_db ($domainInfo['ring_db_name'], $ringDb) or die(errorMsgBlock(3005, 'Ring', $domainInfo['ring_db_name'], $DBHost, $RingDBUserName));
$query = "SELECT user_id FROM ring_users where user_id = '".$id."'";
$result = mysql_query ($query) or die(errorMsgBlock(3006, $query, 'Ring', $domainInfo['ring_db_name'], $DBHost, $RingDBUserName, mysql_error()));
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)
// no ring user record, build one
$query = "INSERT INTO ring_users SET user_id = '".$id."', user_name = '".$_GET["login"]."', user_type='ut_pioneer'";
$result = mysql_query ($query) or die(errorMsgBlock(3006, $query, 'Ring', $domainInfo['ring_db_name'], $DBHost, $RingDBUserName, mysql_error()));
// // check that there is a character record (deprecated)
// $query = "SELECT user_id FROM characters where user_id = '".$id."'";
// $result = mysql_query ($query) or die("Query ".$query." failed");
// if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)
// {
// // no characters record, build a default one
// $charId = ($id * 16);
// $query = "INSERT INTO characters SET char_id='".$charId."', char_name='".$_GET["login"]."_default', user_id = '".$id."'";
// $result = mysql_query ($query) or die("Query ".$query." failed");
// }
// // check domain status
// if ($domainInfo['status'] == "ds_close")
// {
// // the domain is closed
// echo "0:Server is currently closed";
// die;
// }
// else if ($domainInfo['status'] == "ds_dev" && strstr($priv, ":DEV:") == false)
// {
// // the domain is open to dev only
// echo "0:You are not allowed to connect now, retry later";
// die;
// }
// else if ($domainInfo['status'] == "ds_restricted")
// {
// // check for one of the needed privilege
// if ( strstr($priv, ":DEV:") == false
// && strstr($priv, ":SGM:") == false
// && strstr($priv, ":GM:") == false
// && strstr($priv, ":EG:") == false)
// {
// // the domain is open to privileged user only
// echo "0:You are not allowed to connect now, retry later";
// die;
// }
// }
// store the web host for this domain
global $RingWebHost, $RingWebHostPHP;
$RingWebHost = $domainInfo['web_host'];
$RingWebHostPHP = $domainInfo['web_host_php'];
$LSaddr = split(":", $domainInfo['login_address']);
// ask for a session cookie to the login service
$login = new LoginCb;
$res = "";
$login->connect($LSaddr[0], $LSaddr[1], $res);
// $lsProxy = new CLoginServiceWebProxy;
$login->login($id, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $domainId);
// wait for the return message
// $lsSkel = new CLoginServiceWebSkel;
if (!$login->waitCallback())
//the rest of the process is done in the callback function
// no more to do (other global statement are old garbage)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// $reason contains the reason why the check failed or success
// return true if the check is ok
function checkUserValidity ($login, $password, $clientApplication, $cp, &$id, &$reason, &$priv, &$extended, &$domainId, $lang)
global $DBHost, $DBUserName, $DBPassword, $DBName, $AcceptUnknownUser;
// we map the client application to the domain name
$domainName = $clientApplication;
$link = mysql_connect($DBHost, $DBUserName, $DBPassword) or die (errorMsgBlock(3004, 'main', $DBHost, $DBUserName));
mysql_select_db ($DBName) or die (errorMsgBlock(3005, 'main', $DBName, $DBHost, $DBUserName));
// retreive the domain id
$query = "SELECT domain_id FROM domain WHERE domain_name='$domainName'";
$result = mysql_query ($query) or die (errorMsgBlock(3006, $query, 'main', $DBName, $DBHost, $DBUserName, mysql_error()));
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)
// unrecoverable error, we must giveup
$reason = errorMsg(3007, $domainName);
return false;
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$domainId = $row[0];
// retreive the domain info
$domainInfo = getDomainInfo($domainId);
// convert the domain status enum into the privilege access set
$accessPriv = strtoupper(substr($domainInfo['status'], 3));
// now, retrieve the user infos
$query = "SELECT * FROM user where Login='$login'";
$result = mysql_query ($query) or die (errorMsgBlock(3006, $query, 'main', $DBName, $DBHost, $DBUserName, mysql_error()));
if (mysql_num_rows ($result) == 0)
if ($AcceptUnknownUser)
// login doesn't exist, create it
$query = "INSERT INTO user (Login, Password) VALUES ('$login', '$password')";
$result = mysql_query ($query) or die (errorMsgBlock(3006, $query, 'main', $DBName, $DBHost, $DBUserName, mysql_error()));
// get the user to have his UId
$query = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE Login='$login'";
$result = mysql_query ($query) or die (errorMsgBlock(3006, $query, 'main', $DBName, $DBHost, $DBUserName, mysql_error()));
if (mysql_num_rows ($result) == 1)
$reason = errorMsg(3008, $login);
$row = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
$id = $row["UId"];
$priv = $row["Privilege"];
$extended = $row["ExtendedPrivilege"];
// add the default permission
$query = "INSERT INTO permission (UId, ClientApplication, AccessPrivilege) VALUES ('$id', 'r2', '$accessPriv')";
$result = mysql_query ($query) or die (errorMsgBlock(3006, $query, 'main', $DBName, $DBHost, $DBUserName, mysql_error()));
$res = false;
$reason = errorMsg(3009, $login);
$res = false;
// Check if this is not an unconfirmed account
$query = "SELECT GamePassword, Email, Language FROM signup_data WHERE login='$login'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die (errorMsgBlock(3006, $query, 'main', $DBName, $DBHost, $DBUserName, mysql_error()));
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)
$reason = errorMsg(2001, $login, 'checkUserValidity');
$res = false;
// Check password to avoid revealing email address to third-party
$passwordMatchedRow = false;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$salt = substr($row['GamePassword'],0,2);
if (($cp && $row['GamePassword'] == $password) || (!$cp && $row['GamePassword'] == crypt($password, $salt)))
$passwordMatchedRow = $row;
if ($passwordMatchedRow !== false)
if ($lang == 'unknown')
$reason = errorMsg(2002, $passwordMatchedRow['Email']);
$reason = errorMsg(2004, 'db signup_data');
$res = false;
$row = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
$salt = substr($row["Password"],0,2);
if (($cp && $row["Password"] == $password) || (!$cp && $row["Password"] == crypt($password, $salt)))
// Store the real login (with correct case)
$_GET['login'] = $row['Login'];
// check if the user can use this application
$query = "SELECT * FROM permission WHERE UId='".$row["UId"]."' AND ClientApplication='$clientApplication'";
$result = mysql_query ($query) or die (errorMsgBlock(3006, $query, 'main', $DBName, $DBHost, $DBUserName, mysql_error()));
if (mysql_num_rows ($result) == 0)
if ($AcceptUnknownUser)
// add default permission
$query = "INSERT INTO permission (UId, ClientApplication, ShardId, AccessPrivilege) VALUES ('".$row["UId"]."', '$clientApplication', -1, '$domainStatus')";
$result = mysql_query ($query) or die (errorMsgBlock(3006, $query, 'main', $DBName, $DBHost, $DBUserName, mysql_error()));
$reason = errorMsg(3010);
$res = false;
// no permission
$reason = errorMsg(3011, $clientApplication, $domainName);
$res = false;
// check that the access privilege for the domain
$permission = mysql_fetch_array($result);
if (!strstr($permission['AccessPrivilege'], $accessPriv))
// no right to connect
if ($AcceptUnknownUser)
// set an additionnal privilege for this player
$query = "UPDATE permission set AccessPrivilege='".$permission['AccessPrivilege'].",$accessPriv' WHERE prim=".$permission['prim'];
$result = mysql_query ($query) or die (errorMsgBlock(3006, $query, 'main', $DBName, $DBHost, $DBUserName, mysql_error()));
$reason = errorMsg(3012, $accessPriv);
$res = false;
// no permission
$reason = errorMsg(3013, $clientApplication, $domainName, $accessPriv);
$res = false;
// // check if the user not already online
// if ($row["State"] != "Offline")
// {
// $reason = "$login is already online and ";
// // ask the LS to remove the client
// if (disconnectClient ($row["ShardId"], $row["UId"], $tempres))
// {
// $reason = $reason."was just disconnected. Now you can retry the identification (error code 54)";
// $query = "update shard set NbPlayers=NbPlayers-1 where ShardId=".$row["ShardId"];
// $result = mysql_query ($query) or die ("Can't execute the query: '$query' errno:".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error());
// $query = "update user set ShardId=-1, State='Offline' where UId=".$row["UId"];
// $result = mysql_query ($query) or die ("Can't execute the query: '$query' errno:".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error());
// }
// else
// {
// $reason = $reason."can't be disconnected: $tempres (error code 55)";
// }
// $res = false;
// }
// else
// {
$id = $row["UId"];
$priv = $row["Privilege"];
$extended = $row["ExtendedPrivilege"];
$res = true;
// }
$reason = errorMsg(2004, 'user');
$res = false;
return $res;
function askSalt($login, $lang)
global $PHP_SELF;
global $DBHost, $DBUserName, $DBPassword, $DBName;
global $AcceptUnknownUser;
$link = mysql_connect($DBHost, $DBUserName, $DBPassword) or die (errorMsgBlock(3004, 'main', $DBHost, $DBUserName));
mysql_select_db ($DBName) or die (errorMsgBlock(3005, 'main', $DBName, $DBHost, $DBUserName));
$query = "SELECT Password FROM user WHERE Login='$login'";
$result = mysql_query ($query) or die (errorMsgBlock(3006, $query, 'main', $DBName, $DBHost, $DBUserName, mysql_error()));
if (mysql_num_rows ($result) != 1)
if ($AcceptUnknownUser)
// just accept the client and return a defautl salk
echo "1:AA";
// Check if this is not an unconfirmed account
$query = "SELECT GamePassword, Language FROM signup_data WHERE login='$login'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die (errorMsgBlock(3006, $query, 'main', $DBName, $DBHost, $DBUserName, mysql_error()));
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)
// no user record, reject it
die (errorMsgBlock(2001, $login, 'askSalt'));
else if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1)
// one unconfirmed record, let the client send the encrypted password to get the corresponding email address
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$salt = substr($row['GamePassword'], 0, 2);
if ($lang == 'unknown')
// several matching records => display a multi-language message now
$languages = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$languages[$row['Language']] = true;
die (errorMsgBlock(2003));
$res_array = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$salt = substr($res_array['Password'], 0, 2);
echo "1:".$salt;
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
$user = $user_login;
$user_dir = get_user_dir($user, $shard);
$fname = $user_dir."mail_$msg.html";
if (!is_dir($user_dir) || !file_exists($fname))
$f = fopen($fname, 'r');
echo fread($f, filesize($fname));
/* display_time(); */
@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
// -------------------------------------
// add a new thread into user forum index
// -------------------------------------
function add_mail_to_index(&$from, &$to, &$subject, &$index)
global $shard;
$to_dir = get_user_dir($to, $shard);
$to_index = $to_dir.'mail.index';
$f = fopen($to_index, 'r+');
read_next_index($f, $index);
append_to_index($f, trim($from).'%%'.strtr(trim($subject), "\n", " ").' %%'.displayable_date().'%%1%%'.$index);
update_next_index($f, $index+1);
// -------------------------------------
// remove mail
// -------------------------------------
function remove_mail($user, $mails)
global $shard;
$mail_dir = get_user_dir($user, $shard);
read_index($mail_dir.'mail.index', $header, $array);
$remove_mail = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<count($array); ++$i)
if ($remove_mail >= count($mails) || $array[$i][4] != $mails[$remove_mail])
$newarray[] = $array[$i];
write_index($mail_dir.'mail.index', $header, $newarray);
// -------------------------------------
// create new mail file
// -------------------------------------
function create_mail(&$from, &$to, &$subject, &$content, &$cleancontent, &$index)
global $shard;
$to_dir = get_user_dir($to, $shard);
read_template('mail.html', $mail);
$inst_mailbox = str_replace(array('%%FROM%%', '%%UCFROM%%', '%%DATE%%', '%%SUBJECT%%', '%%CONTENT%%', '%%CLEANCONTENT%%', '%%MAIL%%'),
array($from, ucfirst($from), displayable_date(), ucfirst($subject), $content, $cleancontent, $index),
// build mail message
$f = fopen($to_dir."mail_$index.html", 'w');
fwrite($f, $inst_mailbox);
$f = fopen($to_dir.'new_mails', 'w');
fwrite($f, '1');
srand((float) microtime()*1000000);
$fname = md5(rand());
global $USERS_DIR;
if (!@is_dir($USERS_DIR.'/incoming'))
$f = @fopen($USERS_DIR.'/incoming/'.$fname, "w");
if ($f)
fwrite($f, "shard=$shard to=$to from=$from\n$$$$");
// -------------------------------------
// rebuild user mail box pages
// -------------------------------------
function build_mail_page($user)
global $shard;
$user_dir = get_user_dir($user, $shard);
$user_index = $user_dir."mail.index";
// open thread index
read_index($user_index, $header, $mails);
$num_mails = count($mails);
$num_per_page = 10;
$num_pages = (int)(($num_mails+$num_per_page-1) / $num_per_page);
$mail = $num_mails-1;
$page = 0;
$altern_color = array("#333333", "#666666");
$altern_index = 0;
$links_str = '';
read_template('mailbox_main.html', $mailbox_main);
read_template('mailbox_mail.html', $mailbox_mail);
read_template('browse_link.html', $browse_link);
$num_in_page = 0;
$inst_mail = '';
while ($num_in_page < 10 && $mail >= 0)
$m = &$mails[$mail];
$subject = ucfirst(displayable_string($m[1]));
$inst_mail .= str_replace(array('%%FROM%%', '%%UCFROM%%', '%%SUBJECT%%', '%%DATE%%', '%%USER%%', '%%MAIL%%', '%%COLOR%%'),
array($m[0], ucfirst($m[0]), $subject, $m[2], $user, $m[4], $altern_color[$altern_index]),
// step to next message
$altern_index = 1-$altern_index;
$links_str = '';
$link_previous = ($page == 0 ? "mailbox.php?page=".$page : "mailbox.php?page=".($page-1));
for ($i=0; $i<$num_pages; ++$i)
$link = ($i == $page ? $i+1 : "<a href='mailbox.php?page=$i'>".($i+1)."</a>");
$links_str .= str_replace(array('%%LINK%%'),
$link_next = (($page == $num_pages-1 || $num_pages <= 1) ? "mailbox.php?page=".$page : "mailbox.php?page=".($page+1));
$inst_mailbox = str_replace(array('%%MAILS%%', '%%PREVIOUS%%', '%%LINKS%%', '%%NEXT%%'),
array($inst_mail, $link_previous, $links_str, $link_next),
$pagename = $user_dir."mailbox".($page==0 ? '' : '_'.$page).'.html';
$f = fopen($pagename, 'w');
fwrite($f, $inst_mailbox);
while ($mail >= 0);
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
$user = $user_login;
$user_dir = build_user_dir($user, $shard);
$fname = $user_dir.'mailbox.html';
if (!file_exists($fname))
$fname = $user_dir.'mailbox'.(isset($page) && $page!="" && $page!="0" ? "_$page" : '').'.html';
if (!file_exists($fname))
$f = fopen($fname, 'r');
echo fread($f, filesize($fname));
// remove new_mails file when user checks its mailbox
$fname = $user_dir.'new_mails';
if (file_exists($fname))
/* display_time(); */
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
// $user_login login of the user that write the mail
// $mail_to user to send mail to (optional)
// $mail_subject subject of the mail (optional)
// $mail_content content of the mail (optional)
read_template('new_mail.html', $new_mail);
$instance = str_replace(array('%%FROM%%', '%%UCFROM%%', '%%TO%%', '%%UCTO%%', '%%SUBJECT%%', '%%CONTENT%%'),
array($user_login, ucfirst($user_login), $mail_to, ucfirst($mail_to), ucfirst(displayable_string($mail_subject)), displayable_content($mail_content)),
echo $instance;
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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