Generate required NPCs for Ring
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
import os, zlib
from balancing_config import *
folder = r"R:\leveldesign\game_elem\creature\npc\ring"
if not os.path.isdir(folder):
# cuthroat_b_melee_b_m_f.creature
# cuthroat_b_range_a_t_f.creature
# cuthroat_b, melee/range, a/b/c, f/m/t/z (race), h/f (gender)
# not used
# fyros_guard_l_c_f
# matis_guard_l_f_h
# fyros/matis/tryker/zorai (race), guard_l, b/c/d/e/f (level range), h/f (gender)
# not used
# ring_civil_light_melee_blunt_b4: civilian
# ring_guard_melee_tank_blunt_c3: guard
# ring_light_melee_blunt_c3: milicia, light armor
# ring_melee_damage_dealer_slash_b2: armsman, medium armor
# ring_melee_tank_blunt_d2: warrior, heavy armor
# ring_magic_damage_dealer_acid_d3: elementalist
# ring_magic_aoe_acid_c4: devastator
# ring_magic_curser_blind_d1: illusionist, tormentor
# ring_healer_b2 (b/c/d/e/f2 only)
# not used
# protections are 0 to 100, more melee protection for melee, and more magic protection for magic
# resists are all same as level, varied using level variance
types = {
"ring_civil_light_melee": { "action": "combat_melee", "levelOffset": 0, "attackOffset": 0, "defenseOffset": 0, "xpGain": 1.0, "hpFactor": 0.5, "attackFactor": 0.5, "meleeProtection": 20, "magicProtection": 20, "parent": "fyhc3.creature" }, # civilian
"ring_guard_melee_tank": { "action": "combat_melee", "levelOffset": 20, "attackOffset": 0, "defenseOffset": 0, "xpGain": 2.0, "hpFactor": 4.0, "attackFactor": 2.0, "meleeProtection": 60, "magicProtection": 60, "parent": "fyha3.creature" }, # guard
"ring_light_melee": { "action": "combat_melee", "levelOffset": 0, "attackOffset": 0, "defenseOffset": 0, "xpGain": 1.0, "hpFactor": 1.0, "attackFactor": 1.0, "meleeProtection": 20, "magicProtection": 20, "parent": "fyhc3.creature" }, # milicia
"ring_melee_damage_dealer": { "action": "combat_melee", "levelOffset": 0, "attackOffset": 6, "defenseOffset": -6, "xpGain": 1.5, "hpFactor": 0.5, "attackFactor": 2.0, "meleeProtection": 40, "magicProtection": 20, "parent": "fyhb3.creature" }, # armsman
"ring_melee_tank": { "action": "combat_melee", "levelOffset": 0, "attackOffset": -6, "defenseOffset": 6, "xpGain": 2.0, "hpFactor": 4.0, "attackFactor": 0.25, "meleeProtection": 60, "magicProtection": 20, "parent": "fyha3.creature" }, # warrior
"ring_magic_damage_dealer": { "action": "magic_damage", "levelOffset": 0, "attackOffset": 0, "defenseOffset": 0, "xpGain": 1.5, "hpFactor": 1.0 / boosts["magic"], "meleeProtection": 20, "magicProtection": 40, "parent": "fyhd3.creature" }, # elementalist
"ring_magic_aoe": { "action": "magic_aoe", "levelOffset": 0, "attackOffset": 0, "defenseOffset": 0, "xpGain": 1.0, "hpFactor": 1.0 / boosts["magic"], "meleeProtection": 20, "magicProtection": 20, "parent": "fyhd3.creature" }, # devastator
"ring_magic_curser": { "action": "magic_affliction", "levelOffset": 0, "attackOffset": 0, "defenseOffset": 0, "xpGain": 2.0, "hpFactor": 1.0 / boosts["magic"], "meleeProtection": 20, "magicProtection": 60, "parent": "fyhd3.creature" }, # illusionist, tormentor
xpVariance = 0.1
hpVariance = 0.1
attackTime = 3
attackTimeVariance = 0.2
attackVariance = 0.1
def randomValue(mod, seed):
rv = zlib.crc32(seed) & 0xffffffff
return rv % mod
def randomFloat(seed):
rv = zlib.crc32(seed) & 0xffffffff
return ((rv % 2000) * 1.0) / 2000.0
def varyFloat(value, variance, seed):
rv = randomFloat(seed)
rv = ((rv * 2.0) - 1.0) * variance
return value + (value * rv)
def varyLevel(level, seed):
rv = zlib.crc32("Level_" + seed + "_Level") & 0xffffffff
vrange = levelVariance[1] - levelVariance[0]
rv = rv % vrange
vmin = levelVariance[0]
rv = rv + vmin
res = level + rv
if res < 1:
res = 1
return res
def varyProtection(protection, seed):
rv = zlib.crc32("Protection_" + seed + "_Protection") & 0xffffffff
rv = rv % 10
rv = rv - 5
res = int(round(protection + (protection * rv * 0.01), 0))
if res < 0:
res = 0
if res > 100:
res = 100
return res
def randomMagic(seed):
rv = zlib.crc32("Magic_" + seed + "_Magic") & 0xffffffff
rv = rv % len(specialization["magic"])
return specialization["magic"][rv]
def writeNpcCreature(name, type, level, spec, actionlist):
baseLevel = levels[level] + types[type]["levelOffset"]
baseLevel = varyLevel(baseLevel, "Level_" + name)
attackLevel = varyLevel(baseLevel + types[type]["attackOffset"], "Attack_" + name)
defenseLevel = varyLevel(baseLevel + types[type]["defenseOffset"], "Defense_" + name)
avgLevel = int(round((attackLevel + defenseLevel) / 2, 0))
playerHpLevel = int(getScore(baseLevel) / 100.0)
hp = round(varyFloat(getScore(baseLevel), hpVariance, "life" + name) * types[type]["hpFactor"], 0)
regen = varyFloat(hp / regenTimeAi, hpVariance, "LifeRegen" + name)
totalTime = round(varyFloat(attackTime, attackTimeVariance, "AttackSpeed" + name), 1)
boost = boosts["melee"]
if "range" in type:
boost = boosts["range"]
attackFactor = 1.0
if "attackFactor" in types[type]:
attackFactor = types[type]["attackFactor"]
totalDamage = (getScore(baseLevel) * totalTime * boost * attackFactor) / combatTime
totalDamage = varyFloat(totalDamage, attackVariance, "NbHitToKillPlayer" + name)
hitsToKill = (playerHpLevel * 100.0) / totalDamage
with open(folder + "\\" + name + ".creature", "w") as f:
f.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n")
f.write("<FORM Version=\"4.0\" State=\"modified\">\n")
f.write(" <PARENT Filename=\"" + types[type]["parent"] + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"Basics\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Fame\" Value=\"none\"/>\n")
# f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Level\" Value=\"" + str(avgLevel) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"NbPlayers\" Value=\"1\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"PlayerHpLevel\" Value=\"" + str(playerHpLevel) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"NbHitToKillPlayer\" Value=\"" + str(hitsToKill) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"Characteristics\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"DynamicEnergyValue\" Value=\"0.002777778\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"Equipment\">\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"Body\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Color\" Value=\"0\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"Legs\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Color\" Value=\"0\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"Arms\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Color\" Value=\"0\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"Hands\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Color\" Value=\"0\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"Feet\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Color\" Value=\"0\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"Head\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Color\" Value=\"0\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"MovementSpeeds\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"WalkSpeed\" Value=\"1.66\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"RunSpeed\" Value=\"6\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"life\" Value=\"" + str(int(hp)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"AttackSpeed\" Value=\"" + str(totalTime) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"LifeRegen\" Value=\"" + str(regen) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"AttackLevel\" Value=\"" + str(attackLevel) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"DefenseLevel\" Value=\"" + str(defenseLevel) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"XPLevel\" Value=\"" + str(baseLevel) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"TauntLevel\" Value=\"" + str(varyLevel(baseLevel, "TauntLevel" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"RegionForce\" Value=\"" + str(getRegionForce(level)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"ForceLevel\" Value=\"" + str(getForceLevel(level)) + "\"/>\n") # TODO
if "magic" in type:
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"DodgeAsDefense\" Value=\"true\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"DodgeAsDefense\" Value=\"false\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"3d data\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Scale\" Value=\"1\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"ForceDisplayCreatureName\" Value=\"false\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"Properties\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"LootHarvestState\" Value=\"NONE\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"XPGainCoef\" Value=\"" + str(round(varyFloat(types[type]["xpGain"], xpVariance, "XPGainCoef" + name), 2)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"Protections\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"PiercingFactor\" Value=\"" + str(varyProtection(types[type]["meleeProtection"], "PiercingFactor" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"SlashingFactor\" Value=\"" + str(varyProtection(types[type]["meleeProtection"], "SlashingFactor" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"BluntFactor\" Value=\"" + str(varyProtection(types[type]["meleeProtection"], "BluntFactor" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"RotFactor\" Value=\"" + str(varyProtection(types[type]["magicProtection"], "RotFactor" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"AcidFactor\" Value=\"" + str(varyProtection(types[type]["magicProtection"], "AcidFactor" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"ColdFactor\" Value=\"" + str(varyProtection(types[type]["magicProtection"], "ColdFactor" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"FireFactor\" Value=\"" + str(varyProtection(types[type]["magicProtection"], "FireFactor" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"PoisonFactor\" Value=\"" + str(varyProtection(types[type]["magicProtection"], "PoisonFactor" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"ElectricityFactor\" Value=\"" + str(varyProtection(types[type]["magicProtection"], "ElectricityFactor" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"ShockFactor\" Value=\"" + str(varyProtection(types[type]["magicProtection"], "ShockFactor" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"Resists\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Fear\" Value=\"" + str(varyLevel(baseLevel, "Fear" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Sleep\" Value=\"" + str(varyLevel(baseLevel, "Sleep" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Stun\" Value=\"" + str(varyLevel(baseLevel, "Stun" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Root\" Value=\"" + str(varyLevel(baseLevel, "Root" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Blind\" Value=\"" + str(varyLevel(baseLevel, "Blind" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Snare\" Value=\"" + str(varyLevel(baseLevel, "Snare" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Slow\" Value=\"" + str(varyLevel(baseLevel, "Slow" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Acid\" Value=\"" + str(varyLevel(baseLevel, "Acid" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Cold\" Value=\"" + str(varyLevel(baseLevel, "Cold" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Electricity\" Value=\"" + str(varyLevel(baseLevel, "Electricity" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Fire\" Value=\"" + str(varyLevel(baseLevel, "Fire" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Poison\" Value=\"" + str(varyLevel(baseLevel, "Poison" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Rot\" Value=\"" + str(varyLevel(baseLevel, "Rot" + name)) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
if "magic" in types[type]["action"]:
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"action_cfg\" Value=\"0010f\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ARRAY Name=\"nuke_cfg\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Value=\"" + actionlist + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" </ARRAY>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"action_cfg\" Value=\"1000f\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ARRAY Name=\"melee_cfg\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Value=\"" + actionlist + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" </ARRAY>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"creature_level\" Value=\"" + str(avgLevel) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
for type in types:
for level in levels:
if "combat" in types[type]["action"]:
for spec in specialization["melee"]:
sn = spec
if sn == "piercing":
sn = "pierce"
if sn == "slashing":
sn = "slash"
name = type + "_" + sn + "_" + level
writeNpcCreature(name, type, level, spec, types[type]["action"] + ".actionlist") # TODO: Specialized melee (blunt adds chance for stun, slash adds chance for extra damage, pierce adds chance to go through armor, 1:9 action list)
elif types[type]["action"] == "magic_affliction":
for spec in specialization["curse"]:
name = type + "_" + spec + "_" + level
magic = randomMagic(name)
writeNpcCreature(name, type, level, spec, types[type]["action"] + "_" + spec + "_" + magic + ".actionlist") # TODO: Specialized melee (blunt adds chance for stun, slash adds chance for extra damage, pierce adds chance to go through armor, 1:9 action list)
elif "magic" in types[type]["action"]:
for spec in specialization["magic"]:
name = type + "_" + spec + "_" + level
writeNpcCreature(name, type, level, spec, types[type]["action"] + "_" + spec + ".actionlist") # TODO: Specialized melee (blunt adds chance for stun, slash adds chance for extra damage, pierce adds chance to go through armor, 1:9 action list)
# end of file
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
import os, zlib
folder = r"R:\leveldesign\game_elem\creature\npc\3dset"
if not os.path.isdir(folder):
matrix = [
{ "fy": "fyros", "ma": "matis", "tr": "tryker", "zo": "zorai" },
{ "f": "female", "h": "female" },
{ "a": "ah", "b": "am", "c": "al", "d": "ac" },
{ 1: "", 2: "_2", 3: "_3" },
{ "": 0, "mid": 1, "old": 2 },
texture = [
"Lacustre/Low Quality/Young",
"Desert/Medium Quality/Normal",
"Jungle/High Quality/Old",
# ic t ah b _2
def randomValue(mod, seed):
rv = zlib.crc32(seed) & 0xffffffff
return rv % mod
for race in matrix[0]:
for gender in matrix[1]:
for armor in matrix[2]:
for quality in matrix[3]:
for age in matrix[4]:
itemPrefix = "ic" + matrix[0][race][0] + matrix[2][armor]
itemPrefixPants = itemPrefix
if armor == "d":
itemPrefix = "ic" + matrix[0][race][0] + "al"
itemSuffix = matrix[3][quality] + ".sitem"
itemTexture = texture[quality - 1]
visageTexture = texture[matrix[4][age]]
visageName = race + "_visage.sitem"
setName = race + gender + armor + str(quality) + age + ".creature"
hairColor = randomValue(6, "HairColor_" + setName) + 1
eyesColor = randomValue(8, "EyesColor_" + setName) + 1
parentName = "_" + matrix[0][race] + "_" + matrix[1][gender] + ".creature"
with open(folder + "\\" + setName, "w") as f:
f.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n")
f.write("<FORM Version=\"4.0\" State=\"modified\">\n")
f.write(" <PARENT Filename=\"" + parentName + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"Basics\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Fame\" Value=\"" + matrix[0][race] + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"Equipment\">\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"Body\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Item\" Value=\"" + itemPrefix + "v" + itemSuffix + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Texture\" Value=\"" + itemTexture + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Color\" Value=\"White\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"Legs\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Item\" Value=\"" + itemPrefixPants + "p" + itemSuffix + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Texture\" Value=\"" + itemTexture + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Color\" Value=\"White\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"Arms\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Item\" Value=\"" + itemPrefix + "s" + itemSuffix + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Texture\" Value=\"" + itemTexture + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Color\" Value=\"White\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"Hands\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Item\" Value=\"" + itemPrefix + "g" + itemSuffix + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Texture\" Value=\"" + itemTexture + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Color\" Value=\"White\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"Feet\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Item\" Value=\"" + itemPrefix + "b" + itemSuffix + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Texture\" Value=\"" + itemTexture + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Color\" Value=\"White\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"Face\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Item\" Value=\"" + visageName + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Texture\" Value=\"" + visageTexture + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Color\" Value=\"Beige\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT Name=\"3d data\">\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"HairColor\" Value=\"Color " + str(hairColor) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"EyesColor\" Value=\"Color " + str(eyesColor) + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
@ -1,9 +1,40 @@
import os
sitemPath = "R:\\leveldesign\\game_elem\\creature"
fileMap = {}
def listPathExt(path, ext):
for p in os.listdir(path):
fp = path + "\\" + p
if os.path.isdir(fp):
listPathExt(fp, ext)
elif os.path.isfile(fp):
if fp.lower().endswith(ext):
fileMap[p] = fp
listPathExt(sitemPath, ".creature")
knownMissing = {}
with open("missing_sheets.txt", "r") as r:
for l in r:
knownMissing[l.strip()] = True
with open("creature_list.txt", "w") as w:
with open("creature_missing.txt", "w") as wm:
with open("creature_list_r2.txt", "r") as r:
for l in r:
if not l.strip() in knownMissing:
if not l.strip() in fileMap:
with open("creature_list_wk.txt", "r") as r:
for l in r:
if len(l.strip()) > 0 and not l.startswith(";"):
if not l.strip() in knownMissing:
if not l.strip() in fileMap:
Reference in New Issue