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* \file program.h
* \brief IProgram
* \date 2013-09-07 15:00GMT
* \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
* IProgram
// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2013 Jan BOON (Kaetemi) <>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef NL3D_PROGRAM_H
#define NL3D_PROGRAM_H
#include <nel/misc/types_nl.h>
// STL includes
// NeL includes
#include <nel/misc/smart_ptr.h>
// Project includes
namespace NL3D {
// List typedef.
class IDriver;
class IProgramDrvInfos;
typedef std::list<IProgramDrvInfos*> TGPUPrgDrvInfoPtrList;
typedef TGPUPrgDrvInfoPtrList::iterator ItGPUPrgDrvInfoPtrList;
// Class for interaction of vertex program with Driver.
// IProgramDrvInfos represent the real data of the GPU program, stored into the driver (eg: just a GLint for opengl).
class IProgramDrvInfos : public NLMISC::CRefCount
IDriver *_Driver;
ItGPUPrgDrvInfoPtrList _DriverIterator;
IProgramDrvInfos (IDriver *drv, ItGPUPrgDrvInfoPtrList it);
// The virtual dtor is important.
virtual ~IProgramDrvInfos(void);
virtual uint getUniformIndex(const char *name) const = 0;
// Features exposed by a program. Used to set builtin parameters on user provided shaders.
// This is only used for user provided shaders, not for builtin shaders,
// as it is a slow method which has to go through all of the options every time.
// Builtin shaders should set all flags to 0.
// Example:
// User shader flags Matrices in the Vertex Program:
// -> When rendering with a material, the driver will call setUniformDriver,
// which will check if the flag Matrices exists, and if so, it will use
// the index cache to find which matrices are needed by the shader,
// and set those which are found.
// This does not work extremely efficient, but it's the most practical option
// for passing builtin parameters onto user provided shaders.
// Note: May need additional flags related to scene sorting, etcetera.
struct CProgramFeatures
CProgramFeatures() : DriverFlags(0), MaterialFlags(0) { }
// Driver builtin parameters
enum TDriverFlags
// Matrices
Matrices = 0x00000001,
// Fog
Fog = 0x00000002,
uint32 DriverFlags;
enum TMaterialFlags
/// Use the CMaterial texture stages as the textures for a Pixel Program
TextureStages = 0x00000001,
TextureMatrices = 0x00000002,
// Material builtin parameters
uint32 MaterialFlags;
// Stucture used to cache the indices of builtin parameters which are used by the drivers
// Not used for parameters of specific nl3d programs
struct CProgramIndex
enum TName
static const char *Names[NUM_UNIFORMS];
uint Indices[NUM_UNIFORMS];
* \brief IProgram
* \date 2013-09-07 15:00GMT
* \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
* A generic GPU program
class IProgram : public NLMISC::CRefCount
enum TProfile
none = 0,
// types
// Vertex Shader = 0x01
// Pixel Shader = 0x02
// Geometry Shader = 0x03
// nel - 0x31,type,bitfield
nelvp = 0x31010001, // VP supported by CVertexProgramParser, similar to arbvp1, can be translated to vs_1_1
// direct3d - 0xD9,type,major,minor
// vertex programs
vs_1_1 = 0xD9010101,
vs_2_0 = 0xD9010200,
// vs_2_sw = 0xD9010201, // not sure...
// vs_2_x = 0xD9010202, // not sure...
// vs_3_0 = 0xD9010300, // not supported
// pixel programs
ps_1_1 = 0xD9020101,
ps_1_2 = 0xD9020102,
ps_1_3 = 0xD9020103,
ps_1_4 = 0xD9020104,
ps_2_0 = 0xD9020200,
// ps_2_x = 0xD9020201, // not sure...
// ps_3_0 = 0xD9020300, // not supported
// opengl - 0x61,type,bitfield
// vertex programs
// vp20 = 0x61010001, // NV_vertex_program1_1, outdated
arbvp1 = 0x61010002, // ARB_vertex_program
vp30 = 0x61010004, // NV_vertex_program2
vp40 = 0x61010008, // NV_vertex_program3 + NV_fragment_program3
gp4vp = 0x61010010, // NV_gpu_program4
gp5vp = 0x61010020, // NV_gpu_program5
// pixel programs
// fp20 = 0x61020001, // very limited and outdated, unnecessary
// fp30 = 0x61020002, // NV_fragment_program, now arbfp1, redundant
arbfp1 = 0x61020004, // ARB_fragment_program
fp40 = 0x61020008, // NV_fragment_program2, arbfp1 with "OPTION NV_fragment_program2;\n"
gp4fp = 0x61020010, // NV_gpu_program4
gp5fp = 0x61020020, // NV_gpu_program5
// geometry programs
gp4gp = 0x61030001, // NV_gpu_program4
gp5gp = 0x61030001, // NV_gpu_program5
// glsl - 0x65,type,version
glsl330v = 0x65010330, // GLSL vertex program version 330
glsl330f = 0x65020330, // GLSL fragment program version 330
glsl330g = 0x65030330, // GLSL geometry program version 330
struct CSource : public NLMISC::CRefCount
std::string DisplayName;
/// Minimal required profile for this GPU program
IProgram::TProfile Profile;
const char *SourcePtr;
size_t SourceLen;
/// Copy the source code string
inline void setSource(const std::string &source) { SourceCopy = source; SourcePtr = &SourceCopy[0]; SourceLen = SourceCopy.size(); }
inline void setSource(const char *source) { SourceCopy = source; SourcePtr = &SourceCopy[0]; SourceLen = SourceCopy.size(); }
/// Set pointer to source code string without copying the string
inline void setSourcePtr(const char *sourcePtr, size_t sourceLen) { SourceCopy.clear(); SourcePtr = sourcePtr; SourceLen = sourceLen; }
inline void setSourcePtr(const char *sourcePtr) { SourceCopy.clear(); SourcePtr = sourcePtr; SourceLen = strlen(sourcePtr); }
/// CVertexProgramInfo/CPixelProgramInfo/... NeL features
CProgramFeatures Features;
/// Map with known parameter indices, used for assembly programs
std::map<std::string, uint> ParamIndices;
std::string SourceCopy;
virtual ~IProgram();
// Manage the sources, not allowed after compilation.
// Add multiple sources using different profiles, the driver will use the first one it supports.
inline size_t getSourceNb() const { return m_Sources.size(); };
inline CSource *getSource(size_t i) const { return m_Sources[i]; };
inline size_t addSource(CSource *source) { nlassert(!m_Source); m_Sources.push_back(source); return (m_Sources.size() - 1); }
inline void removeSource(size_t i) { nlassert(!m_Source); m_Sources.erase(m_Sources.begin() + i); }
// Get the idx of a parameter (ogl: uniform, d3d: constant, etcetera) by name. Invalid name returns ~0
inline uint getUniformIndex(const char *name) const { return m_DrvInfo->getUniformIndex(name); };
inline uint getUniformIndex(const std::string &name) const { return m_DrvInfo->getUniformIndex(name.c_str()); };
inline uint getUniformIndex(CProgramIndex::TName name) const { return m_Index.Indices[name]; }
// Get feature information of the current program
inline CSource *source() const { return m_Source; };
inline const CProgramFeatures &features() const { return m_Source->Features; };
inline TProfile profile() const { return m_Source->Profile; }
// Build feature info, called automatically by the driver after compile succeeds
void buildInfo(CSource *source);
// Override this to build additional info in a subclass
virtual void buildInfo();
/// The progam source
std::vector<NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CSource> > m_Sources;
/// The source used for compilation
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CSource> m_Source;
CProgramIndex m_Index;
/// The driver information. For the driver implementation only.
NLMISC::CRefPtr<IProgramDrvInfos> m_DrvInfo;
}; /* class IProgram */
} /* namespace NL3D */
#endif /* #ifndef NL3D_PROGRAM_H */
/* end of file */