Nimetu 8aa1aed3bd Use Windows SDK if DirectX SDK not installed
AndroidToolChain.cmake Move code to root
CheckDepends.cmake Move code to root
ConfigureChecks.cmake Move code to root
Find3dsMaxSDK.cmake Move code to root
FindCEGUI.cmake Move code to root
FindCppTest.cmake Move code to root
FindCustomMFC.cmake Move code to root
FindDSound.cmake Move code to root
FindDirectXSDK.cmake Move code to root
FindEFXUtil.cmake Move code to root
FindExternal.cmake Move code to root
FindFFmpeg.cmake Move code to root
FindFMOD.cmake Move code to root
FindFreeType.cmake Move code to root
FindGLIB2.cmake Move code to root
FindGOBJECT2.cmake Move code to root
FindGTK2.cmake Move code to root
FindHelpers.cmake Move code to root
FindIconv.cmake Move code to root
FindJpeg.cmake Move code to root
FindLIBGSF.cmake Move code to root
FindLibOVR.cmake Move code to root
FindLibVR.cmake Move code to root
FindLua52.cmake Move code to root
FindLua53.cmake Move code to root
FindLuabind.cmake Use Hunter package manager to compile external libraries
FindMSVC.cmake Move code to root
FindMercurial.cmake Move code to root
FindMySQL.cmake Move code to root
FindNeL.cmake Move code to root
FindOgg.cmake Move code to root
FindOpenGLES.cmake Move code to root
FindRyzomGameShare.cmake Move code to root
FindSTLport.cmake Move code to root
FindSquish.cmake Move code to root
FindSteam.cmake Move code to root
FindVorbis.cmake Move code to root
FindWindowsSDK.cmake Use Windows SDK if DirectX SDK not installed
FindXF86VidMode.cmake Move code to root
Findassimp.cmake Move code to root
GetRevision.cmake Move code to root
HunterConfig.cmake Use Hunter package manager to compile external libraries
HunterGate.cmake Use Hunter package manager to compile external libraries
OSXToolChain.cmake Move code to root
PCHSupport.cmake Move code to root
iOSToolChain.cmake Move code to root
nel.cmake Use Windows SDK if DirectX SDK not installed