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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
#include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
#include "nel/misc/vector.h"
#include "nel/misc/vectord.h"
#include "nel/misc/debug.h"
#include "nel/misc/uv.h"
#include <vector>
#include <list>
namespace NLMISC
class CUV;
namespace NL3D
using NLMISC::CRefCount;
using NLMISC::CRefPtr;
using NLMISC::CVector;
using NLMISC::CVectorD;
using NLMISC::CUV;
class IDriver;
class CVertexBufferReadWrite;
class CVertexBufferRead;
// --------------------------------------------------
// List typedef.
class IVBDrvInfos;
class CVertexBuffer;
typedef std::list<IVBDrvInfos*> TVBDrvInfoPtrList;
typedef TVBDrvInfoPtrList::iterator ItVBDrvInfoPtrList;
// ***************************************************************************
/** Describe index for palette skinning.
* Id must be in range [0, IDriver::MaxModelMatrix [
struct CPaletteSkin
uint8 MatrixId[4];
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f);
// ***************************************************************************
* A vertex buffer to work with the driver
* Before the vertex buffer is resident (IDriver::activeVertexBuffer), it is in system memory.
* Once the vertex buffer is resident, the driver creates its proprietary vertex buffer and release the internal vertex buffer.
* At this moment the vertex buffer can be in VRAM, AGP or system memory.
* The vertex buffers resident in AGP and VRAM are writeonly, i-e, you can't read them after a lock(). If you change the capacity
* of the format of a writeonly buffer, the content is lost.
/* *** IMPORTANT ********************
* **********************************
// All these flags are similar to DX8
class CVertexBuffer : public CRefCount
friend class CVertexBufferReadWrite;
friend class CVertexBufferRead;
* Type of preferred memory
enum TPreferredMemory
RAMPreferred = 0, // A block of driver RAM memory is allocated for this buffer. The buffer is read/write.
AGPPreferred, // A block of driver AGP memory is allocated for this buffer. The buffer is writeonly.
StaticPreferred, // The buffer will not be modified. A block of driver AGP or VRAM memory is allocated for this buffer. The buffer is writeonly.
RAMVolatile, // A block of temporary driver RAM memory will be returned by lock(). The buffer must be entirely filled after each swapBuffers(). The buffer is writeonly.
AGPVolatile, // A block of temporary driver AGP memory will be returned by lock(). The buffer must be entirely filled after each swapBuffers(). The buffer is writeonly.
* Type of buffer location
enum TLocation
RAMResident = 0,
* Value ID, there is 16 value id
enum TValue
Position =0,
Normal =1,
TexCoord0 =2,
TexCoord1 =3,
TexCoord2 =4,
TexCoord3 =5,
TexCoord4 =6,
TexCoord5 =7,
TexCoord6 =8,
TexCoord7 =9,
PrimaryColor =10,
SecondaryColor =11,
Weight =12,
PaletteSkin =13,
Fog =14,
Empty =15,
NumValue =16
* Misc infos
FirstTexCoordValue = TexCoord0,
LastTexCoordValue = TexCoord7
* Value flags
PositionFlag = 1<<Position,
NormalFlag = 1<<Normal,
TexCoord0Flag = 1<<TexCoord0,
TexCoord1Flag = 1<<TexCoord1,
TexCoord2Flag = 1<<TexCoord2,
TexCoord3Flag = 1<<TexCoord3,
TexCoord4Flag = 1<<TexCoord4,
TexCoord5Flag = 1<<TexCoord5,
TexCoord6Flag = 1<<TexCoord6,
TexCoord7Flag = 1<<TexCoord7,
PrimaryColorFlag = 1<<PrimaryColor,
SecondaryColorFlag = 1<<SecondaryColor,
WeightFlag = 1<<Weight,
PaletteSkinFlag = (1<<PaletteSkin)|(1<<Weight),
FogFlag = 1<<Fog,
EmptyFlag = 1<<Empty
* Value type, there is 13 kind of value type as in DirectX8 and gl_vertex_program used in exteneded mode
enum TType
Double1=0, // Deprecated
Short1, // Deprecated
Double2, // Deprecated
Short2, // Deprecated
Double3, // Deprecated
Short3, // Deprecated
Double4, // Deprecated
Short4, // Deprecated
* Some constants
// Max count of texture coordinates
MaxStage = 8,
// Max count of skinning weight
MaxWeight = 4
* Vertex color format
enum TVertexColorType
TRGBA = 0,
* Static array with the size in byte of each value type
static const uint SizeType[NumType];
* Static array with the standard type of each value
static const TType DefaultValueType[NumValue];
* Static array with the number of component of each value type
static const uint NumComponentsType[NumType];
* Internal flags
/// Vertex format touched
TouchedVertexFormat = 1,
/// Num vertices touched
TouchedNumVertices = 2,
/// Reserve touched
TouchedReserve = 4,
/// All touhched
TouchedAll = 0xFFFF
// \name Private. For Driver only.
// @{
CRefPtr<IVBDrvInfos> DrvInfos;
uint getTouchFlags() const { return _InternalFlags&TouchedAll; }
/** Used by the driver implementation. The driver must first allocate its internal buffer and fill DrvInfos. Then it has to call setLocation(true).
* If newLocation!=NotResident, setLocation() will copy the non resident buffer in the choosed resident memory and
* untouch the buffer. If the buffer preferres RAM or AGP memory, it will release the non resident memory.
* If newLocation==NotResident, setLocation() will realloc the non resident buffer, copy the vertex data if the buffer was resident in RAM. Then
* it will touch the buffer.*/
void setLocation (TLocation newLocation); // The driver implementation must set the location after activeVertexBuffer.
/** Called by the driver implementation during the buffer activation */
void fillBuffer ();
// @}
/* ***********************************************
* WARNING: This Class/Method must be thread-safe (ctor/dtor/serial): no static access for instance
* It can be loaded/called through CAsyncFileManager for instance
* ***********************************************/
* Default constructor. Make an empty vertex buffer. No value, no vertex. Vertex color format is set to TRGBA.
* Named vertex buffer. Make an empty vertex buffer. No value, no vertex. Vertex color format is set to TRGBA.
CVertexBuffer(const char *name);
* Copy constructor.
* Do not copy DrvInfos, copy all infos and set IDRV_VF_TOUCHED_ALL.
CVertexBuffer(const CVertexBuffer &vb);
* Destructor.
* Copy operator.
* Do not copy DrvInfos, copy all infos and set IDRV_VF_TOUCHED_ALL.
* All the destination vertex buffer is invalidated. Data are lost.
* The source and destination vertex buffers must be unlocked.
* Vertices datas are not copied
CVertexBuffer &operator=(const CVertexBuffer &vb);
/** Copy a vertex buffer, including vertices data. Destination vb is not resident.
* May be slow if there's agp / vram readback.
* Initial content of the destination vertex buffer is lost.
* Use this to retrieve content of a write-only buffer.
* Using lock with CVertexBufferRead won't work (used as a foolkeeper to prevent
* reading of a resident buffer that is not in ram)
* NB : will assert when used with volatile vb
void copyVertices(CVertexBuffer &dest) const;
* Set the buffer preferred memory. Default preferred memory is RAM.
* Preferre RAM if the buffer is changed several times in the same render pass.
* Preferre AGP if the buffer is changed only one time in the same render pass.
* Preferre Static if the buffer is changed only one time for initialisation.
* If static memory is chosen, the driver will choose VRAM or AGP depending of the user configuration.
* If static or RAM memory is preferred, the buffer won't be lost after a driver reset.
* If the buffer preferres AGP memory, the buffer is lost after a driver reset. When the buffer is lost, it returns
* in a non resident state. The state must be tested at each pass with isResident(). If the buffer is in a
* non resident state, the user must refill it.
* If VRAM memory allocation failed, the driver will try with AGP and then with RAM.
* If AGP memory allocation failed, the driver will try with RAM.
* RAM allocation should never failed.
* Performance note:
* - for RAM CVertexBuffer, you can read / write as you like.
* - for AGP CVertexBuffer, you should write sequentially to take full advantage of the write combiners. You can't read.
* - for Static CVertexBuffer, you should write only one time, to init. You can read. Each modification will be done
* in a RAM buffer. Then the unlocked area will be copied into the VRAM or AGP memory.
* Volatile buffers must be completely filled at each pass. They are lost after each swapBuffers(). They are writeonly.
* Volatile buffers must be resized before the lock call. Only one lock per render must be done with volatile buffers if
* keepLocalMemory is false.
* If keepLocalMemory is true, lock() will return a local memory pointer. The local memory will copied in resident memory
* during the activation of the buffer. The not all the buffer capacity is copied but only the used size.
* If the buffer preferres AGP memory, the data are lost.
* The buffer is no more resident.
* The buffer is invalidated.
* The buffer must be unlocked before the call.
void setPreferredMemory (TPreferredMemory preferredMemory, bool keepLocalMemory);
* Get the vertex buffer preferred memory.
TPreferredMemory getPreferredMemory () const { return _PreferredMemory; }
* Get the keep local memory flag.
bool getKeepLocalMemory () const { return _KeepLocalMemory; }
* Get the vertex buffer current location.
TLocation getLocation () const { return _Location; }
* Returns if the vertex buffer is driver resident or not.
* The vertex buffer is resident after a call to IDriver::activeVertexBuffer().
bool isResident () const { return (_Location != NotResident) && DrvInfos; }
* \name Standard values vertex buffer mgt.
* \name Thoses methods manage the vertex buffer (position, normal, colors and uv) with standard value.
// @{
* Setup the vertex format using standard values. Do it before any other standard methods.
* Use one or several flag between : PositionFlag, WeightFlag, NormalFlag, PrimaryColorFlag,
* SecondaryColorFlag, FogFlag, TexCoord0Flag, TexCoord1Flag, TexCoord2Flag,
* TexCoord3Flag, TexCoord4Flag, TexCoord5Flag, TexCoord6Flag, TexCoord7Flag, PaletteSkinFlag
* If the buffer preferres AGP memory, the data are lost.
* The vertex buffer is no more resident.
* The vertex buffer is invalidated.
* The vertex buffer must be unlocked before the call.
* If WeightFlag is specified, 4 float are used to setup the skinning value on 4 bones.
bool setVertexFormat (uint32 Flags);
* Return the vertex format used by the vertex buffer.
* Return one or several flags between : PositionFlag, WeightFlag, NormalFlag, PrimaryColorFlag,
* SecondaryColorFlag, FogFlag, TexCoord0Flag, TexCoord1Flag, TexCoord2Flag,
* TexCoord3Flag, TexCoord4Flag, TexCoord5Flag, TexCoord6Flag, TexCoord7Flag, PaletteSkinFlag
* If WeightFlag is specified, 4 float are used to setup the skinning value on 4 bones.
uint16 getVertexFormat (void) const { return(_Flags); };
/// Returns the number of texture coordinate stages used by this vertex buffer
uint getNumTexCoordUsed() const;
// It is an error (assert) to query a vertex offset of a vertex component not setuped in setVertexFormat().
// NB: The Vertex offset is always 0.
sint getNormalOff() const {nlassert(_Flags & NormalFlag); return _Offset[Normal];}
sint getTexCoordOff(uint8 stage=0) const {nlassert(_Flags & (TexCoord0Flag<<stage)); return _Offset[TexCoord0+stage]; }
/** See getColorPointer() */
sint getColorOff() const {nlassert(_Flags & PrimaryColorFlag); return _Offset[PrimaryColor];}
/** See getColorPointer() */
sint getSpecularOff() const {nlassert(_Flags & SecondaryColorFlag); return _Offset[SecondaryColor];}
/// NB: it is ensured that WeightOff(i)==WeightOff(0)+i*sizeof(float).
sint getWeightOff(sint wgt) const {nlassert(_Flags & WeightFlag); return _Offset[Weight]+(wgt*sizeof(float));}
sint getPaletteSkinOff() const {nlassert(_Flags & PaletteSkin); return _Offset[PaletteSkin];}
// @}
* \name Extended values vertex buffer mgt.
* \name Thoses methods manage the vertex buffer with extended value.
* \name This is usable only with OpenGL vertex_program or DX8 vertex shaders.
// @{
* get the corresponding TValue according to the number of vertex attribute wanted (v[0], v[1] ...)
* Warning!: (TValue)valueNumber != getValueIdByNumberEx(valueNumber).
* \param valueNumber is the value index (0..15) you want to know the valueId.
static TValue getValueIdByNumberEx (uint valueNumber);
* Clear all value in the vertex buffer. After this call, call addValue for each value you want in your vertex
* buffer then call initEx() to init the vertex buffer.
* If the buffer preferres AGP memory, the data are lost.
* The vertex buffer is no more resident.
* The vertex buffer is invalidated.
* The vertex buffer must be unlocked before the call.
void clearValueEx ();
* Add a value in the vertex buffer. After this call, call initEx() to init the vertex buffer.
* If the buffer preferres AGP memory, the data are lost.
* The vertex buffer is no more resident.
* The vertex buffer is invalidated.
* The vertex buffer must be unlocked before the call.
* \param valueId is the value id to setup.
* \param type is the type used for this value.
void addValueEx (TValue valueId, TType type);
/// Test if the given value is present in the vertex buffer
bool hasValueEx(TValue valueId) const;
* Init the vertex buffer in extended mode.
* If the buffer preferres AGP memory, the data are lost.
* The vertex buffer is no more resident.
* The vertex buffer is invalidated.
* The vertex buffer must be unlocked before the call.
void initEx ();
* Get value offset.
sint getValueOffEx (TValue valueId) const { nlassert(_Flags & (1<<valueId)); return _Offset[valueId]; };
// @}
* Set the number of active vertices. It enlarge capacity, if needed.
* If the new size is bigger than capacity, reserve() will be called. see reserve().
* If the new size is smaller than capacity, the data are keeped, the vertex buffer stay resident if it is resident.
void setNumVertices(uint32 n);
* Get the number of active vertices.
uint32 getNumVertices(void) const { return(_NbVerts); }
* Reset all the vertices from memory (contReset()), so that capacity() == getNumVertices() == 0.
* If the buffer preferres AGP memory, the data are lost.
* The vertex buffer is no more resident.
* The vertex buffer is invalidated.
* The vertex buffer must be unlocked before the call.
void deleteAllVertices();
* Reserve space for nVerts vertices. You are allowed to write your vertices on this space.
* If the buffer preferres AGP memory, the data are lost.
* The vertex buffer is no more resident.
* The vertex buffer is invalidated.
* The vertex buffer must be unlocked before the call.
void reserve(uint32 nVerts);
* Return the number of vertices reserved.
uint32 capacity() { return _Capacity; }
* Return the size of a vertex
uint16 getVertexSize (void) const { return(_VertexSize); }
* Return the type of a value
TType getValueType (uint value) const { nlassert (value<NumValue); return((TType)_Type[value]); }
* Return the type array
const uint8 *getValueTypePointer () const { return _Type; }
* Return number of weight value in vertices
uint8 getNumWeight () const;
* If the buffer preferres AGP memory, the data are lost.
* The vertex buffer is no more resident.
* The vertex buffer is invalidated.
* The vertex buffer must be unlocked before the call.
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f);
* Access vertices. Multi lock is possible only if no regions are used. Each lock need an accessor to be unlocked.
* Lock the vertex buffer and return and fill an accessor object. Once the object is destroyed, the buffer in unlocked.
* \param accessor is the accessor object to fill
* \param first is the first vertex to be accessed. Put 0 to select all the vertices. What ever is this index,
* the indexices in the vertex buffer remain the same.
* \param last is the last vertex to be accessed + 1. Put 0 to select all the vertices.
inline void lock (CVertexBufferReadWrite &accessor, uint first=0, uint last=0);
* Read only vertices access. Multi lock is possible only if no regions are used. Each lock need an accessor to be unlocked.
* Lock the vertex buffer and return and fill an accessor object. Once the object is destroyed, the buffer in unlocked.
* Readonly lock will fail if the buffer is resident in AGP or VRAM.
* \param accessor is the accessor object to fill
* \param first is the first vertex to be accessed. Put 0 to select all the vertices. What ever is this index,
* the indexices in the vertex buffer remain the same.
* \param last is the last vertex to be accessed + 1. Put 0 to select all the vertices.
inline void lock (CVertexBufferRead &accessor, uint first=0, uint last=0) const;
// Return true if the vetx buffer is locked
bool isLocked () const {return _LockCounter!=0;}
/// \name Lod VB serialisation.
// @{
/// just read/write the VertexFormat of the VB, number of vertices .... If read, VB is resized to numVertices.
void serialHeader(NLMISC::IStream &f);
/** just read/write a subset of the vertex buffer. NB: because a version is serialised by subset, you must read
* same subset of vertices you have saved. (can't write 0-10, 10-20, and after load 0-5, 5-20).
void serialSubset(NLMISC::IStream &f, uint vertexStart, uint vertexEnd);
// @}
/// \name UV Routing.
const uint8 *getUVRouting () const { return _UVRouting; }
void setUVRouting (uint8 uvChannel, uint newUVRouting) { _UVRouting[uvChannel] = uint8(newUVRouting); }
* Set the vertex color format. If the vertex buffer is not in this format, the colors will be converted
* See getColorPointer()
* The vertex buffer must not be resident.
* The vertex buffer is invalidated.
* The vertex buffer must be unlocked.
* \return false if the vertex buffer is resident.
bool setVertexColorFormat (TVertexColorType format);
* Get the vertex color format. See getColorPointer()
TVertexColorType getVertexColorFormat () const
return (TVertexColorType)_VertexColorFormat;
// for debug : dump format of vertex buffer
void dumpFormat() const;
void setName (const std::string &name) { _Name = name; };
const std::string &getName () const { return _Name; };
void construct();
// Check locked buffers
bool checkLockedBuffer () const { return _LockedBuffer || (!isResident() && _NonResidentVertices.empty()); }
* Unlock the vertex buffer. Called by CVertexBufferReadWrite.
* \param first the first vertex that as been modified.
* \param last the last vertex that as been modified + 1.
inline void unlock (uint first, uint last);
* Unlock the vertex buffer. Called by CVertexBufferRead.
* \param first the first vertex that as been modified.
* \param last the last vertex that as been modified + 1.
inline void unlock () const;
/// Old version serialisation. V0 and V1.
void serialOldV1Minus(NLMISC::IStream &f, sint ver);
/// Translate old flags
uint16 remapV2Flags (uint32 oldFlags, uint& weightCount);
// Reset the touch flags
void resetTouchFlags() {_InternalFlags &= (uint16)(~TouchedAll);}
// Force non resident memory
void restoreNonResidentMemory();
// Type of data stored in each value
uint8 _Type[NumValue]; // Offset 0 : aligned
uint8 _VertexColorFormat; // Offset 13 : aligned
// Size of the vertex (sum of the size of each value
uint16 _VertexSize; // Offset 14 : aligned
// Flags: bit #n is 1 if the value #n is used
uint16 _Flags; // Offset 16 : aligned
// Internal flags
uint16 _InternalFlags; // Offset 18 : aligned
// Vertex count in the buffer
uint32 _NbVerts; // Offset 20 : aligned
// Capacity of the buffer
uint32 _Capacity;
// Vertex array
std::vector<uint8> _NonResidentVertices;
// The locked vertex buffer
mutable uint8* _LockedBuffer;
// Offset of each value
uint16 _Offset[NumValue];
// The UV routing table
uint8 _UVRouting[MaxStage];
// The vertex buffer is locked n times
mutable uint _LockCounter;
// Prefered memory
TPreferredMemory _PreferredMemory;
// Location of the buffer
TLocation _Location;
// Resident buffer size
uint32 _ResidentSize;
// Debug string
std::string _Name;
// Keep in local memory
bool _KeepLocalMemory;
// *** IMPORTANT ********************
// **********************************
class IVBDrvInfos : public CRefCount
IDriver *_Driver;
ItVBDrvInfoPtrList _DriverIterator;
CRefPtr<CVertexBuffer> VertexBufferPtr;
IVBDrvInfos(IDriver *drv, ItVBDrvInfoPtrList it, CVertexBuffer *vb) {_Driver= drv; _DriverIterator= it; VertexBufferPtr=vb;}
/** Lock method. Lock the region between begin and end (in bytes).
* What ever begin is, the returned pointer always points on the index 0.
virtual uint8 *lock (uint begin, uint end, bool readOnly) =0;
/** Unlock method. Unlock the region between begin and end (in bytes).
virtual void unlock (uint begin, uint end) =0;
/* The virtual dtor is important.
* The driver implementation must call setLocation (NotResident) if VertexBufferPtr!=NULL.*/
virtual ~IVBDrvInfos();
* The vertex buffer accessor read / write
class CVertexBufferReadWrite
friend class CVertexBuffer;
_Parent = NULL;
* Unlock the vertex buffer.
* After this call, the accessor should not be used before a new lock.
void unlock()
if (_Parent)
_Parent->unlock(_First, _Last);
_Parent = NULL;
/* Set a value into the vertex buffer. */
inline void setVertexCoord(uint idx, float x, float y, float z);
inline void setVertexCoord(uint idx, const CVector &v);
inline void setNormalCoord(uint idx, const CVector &v);
inline void setTexCoord(uint idx, uint8 stage, float u, float v);
inline void setTexCoord(uint idx, uint8 stage, const CUV &uv);
inline void setColor(uint idx, CRGBA rgba);
inline void setSpecular(uint idx, CRGBA rgba);
inline void setWeight(uint idx, uint8 wgt, float w);
inline void setPaletteSkin(uint idx, CPaletteSkin ps);
inline void setValueFloat1Ex (CVertexBuffer::TValue valueId, uint idx, float value);
inline void setValueFloat2Ex (CVertexBuffer::TValue valueId, uint idx, float x, float y);
inline void setValueFloat3Ex (CVertexBuffer::TValue valueId, uint idx, float x, float y, float z);
inline void setValueFloat3Ex (CVertexBuffer::TValue valueId, uint idx, const CVector& vector);
inline void setValueFloat4Ex (CVertexBuffer::TValue valueId, uint idx, float x, float y, float z, float w);
inline void setValueUChar4Ex (CVertexBuffer::TValue valueId, uint idx, CRGBA rgba);
/** Get a pointer on a value.
* For Color pointers :
* This method returns a (CRGBA*) or a (CBGRA*) regarding the vertex color format returned by CVertexBufferReadWrite::getVertexColorFormat().
* A call to IDriver::activeVertexBuffer() will change this format to the format returned by IDriver::getVertexColorFormat().
* So, before each write of vertex color in the vertex buffer, the vertex color format must be checked with CVertexBuffer::getVertexColorFormat().
NLMISC::CVector* getVertexCoordPointer(uint idx=0);
NLMISC::CVector* getNormalCoordPointer(uint idx=0);
NLMISC::CUV* getTexCoordPointer(uint idx=0, uint8 stage=0);
void* getColorPointer(uint idx=0);
void* getSpecularPointer(uint idx=0);
float* getWeightPointer(uint idx=0, uint8 wgt=0);
CPaletteSkin* getPaletteSkinPointer(uint idx=0);
void* getValueEx (CVertexBuffer::TValue valueId, uint idx=0) { nlassert (_Parent->checkLockedBuffer()); nlassert (_Parent->_Flags & (1<<valueId)); return (void*)(_Parent->_LockedBuffer+idx*_Parent->_VertexSize+_Parent->getValueOffEx (valueId)); }
/** Touch the updated vertices. If the method is not call, the accessor update all the vertices.
* \param first is the index of the first vertices to update.
* \param last is the index of the last vertices to update + 1.
void touchVertices (uint first, uint last);
const CVertexBuffer *getParent() const { return _Parent; }
// No copy operators available
void operator=(const CVertexBufferReadWrite& /* other */) {}
CVertexBufferReadWrite(const CVertexBufferReadWrite& /* other */) {}
CVertexBuffer *_Parent;
uint _First, _Last;
* The vertex buffer read accessor
class CVertexBufferRead
friend class CVertexBuffer;
_Parent = NULL;
* Unlock the vertex buffer.
* After this call, the accessor should not be used before a new lock.
void unlock()
if (_Parent)
_Parent = NULL;
/** Get a pointer on a value.
* For Color pointers :
* This method returns a (CRGBA*) or a (CBGRA*) regarding the vertex color format returned by CVertexBufferRead::getVertexColorFormat().
* A call to IDriver::activeVertexBuffer() will change this format to the format returned by IDriver::getVertexColorFormat().
* So, before each write of vertex color in the vertex buffer, the vertex color format must be checked with CVertexBuffer::getVertexColorFormat().
const NLMISC::CVector* getVertexCoordPointer(uint idx=0) const;
const NLMISC::CVector* getNormalCoordPointer(uint idx=0) const;
const NLMISC::CUV* getTexCoordPointer(uint idx=0, uint8 stage=0) const;
const void* getColorPointer(uint idx=0) const;
const void* getSpecularPointer(uint idx=0) const;
const float* getWeightPointer(uint idx=0, uint8 wgt=0) const;
const CPaletteSkin* getPaletteSkinPointer(uint idx=0) const;
const void* getValueEx (CVertexBuffer::TValue valueId, uint idx=0) const { nlassert (_Parent->_Flags & (1<<valueId)); return (void*)(_Parent->_LockedBuffer+idx*_Parent->_VertexSize+_Parent->getValueOffEx (valueId)); }
const CVertexBuffer *getParent() const { return _Parent; }
// No copy operators available
void operator=(const CVertexBufferRead& /* other */) {}
CVertexBufferRead(const CVertexBufferRead& /* other */) {}
const CVertexBuffer *_Parent;
// implementation of inline methods //
// --------------------------------------------------
inline void CVertexBufferReadWrite::setVertexCoord(uint idx, float x, float y, float z)
float* ptr;
nlassert (_Parent->checkLockedBuffer());
nlassert (_Parent->_Flags & CVertexBuffer::PositionFlag);
nlassert (_Parent->_Type[CVertexBuffer::Position]==CVertexBuffer::Float3);
// --------------------------------------------------
inline void CVertexBufferReadWrite::setVertexCoord(uint idx, const CVector &v)
uint8* ptr;
nlassert (_Parent->checkLockedBuffer());
nlassert (_Parent->_Flags & CVertexBuffer::PositionFlag);
nlassert (_Parent->_Type[CVertexBuffer::Position]==CVertexBuffer::Float3);
memcpy(ptr, &(v.x), 3*sizeof(float));
// --------------------------------------------------
inline void CVertexBufferReadWrite::setNormalCoord(uint idx, const CVector &v)
uint8* ptr;
nlassert (_Parent->checkLockedBuffer());
nlassert (_Parent->_Flags & CVertexBuffer::NormalFlag);
nlassert (_Parent->_Type[CVertexBuffer::Normal]==CVertexBuffer::Float3);
memcpy(ptr, &(v.x), 3*sizeof(float));
// --------------------------------------------------
inline void CVertexBufferReadWrite::setColor(uint idx, CRGBA rgba)
uint8* ptr;
nlassert (_Parent->checkLockedBuffer());
nlassert(_Parent->_Flags & CVertexBuffer::PrimaryColorFlag);
nlassert (_Parent->_Type[CVertexBuffer::PrimaryColor]==CVertexBuffer::UChar4);
if (_Parent->getVertexColorFormat () == CVertexBuffer::TRGBA)
*(CRGBA*)ptr = rgba;
*(CBGRA*)ptr = rgba;
// --------------------------------------------------
inline void CVertexBufferReadWrite::setSpecular(uint idx, CRGBA rgba)
uint8* ptr;
nlassert (_Parent->checkLockedBuffer());
nlassert(_Parent->_Flags & CVertexBuffer::SecondaryColorFlag);
nlassert (_Parent->_Type[CVertexBuffer::SecondaryColor]==CVertexBuffer::UChar4);
if (_Parent->getVertexColorFormat () == CVertexBuffer::TRGBA)
*(CRGBA*)ptr = rgba;
*(CBGRA*)ptr = rgba;
// --------------------------------------------------
inline void CVertexBufferReadWrite::setTexCoord(uint idx, uint8 stage, float u, float v)
uint8* ptr;
float* ptrf;
nlassert (_Parent->checkLockedBuffer());
nlassert(_Parent->_Flags & (CVertexBuffer::TexCoord0Flag<<stage));
nlassert (_Parent->_Type[CVertexBuffer::TexCoord0+stage]==CVertexBuffer::Float2);
// --------------------------------------------------
inline void CVertexBufferReadWrite::setTexCoord(uint idx, uint8 stage, const CUV &uv)
uint8* ptr;
CUV* ptruv;
nlassert (_Parent->checkLockedBuffer());
nlassert(_Parent->_Flags & (CVertexBuffer::TexCoord0Flag<<stage));
nlassert (_Parent->_Type[CVertexBuffer::TexCoord0+stage]==CVertexBuffer::Float2);
// --------------------------------------------------
inline void CVertexBufferReadWrite::setWeight(uint idx, uint8 wgt, float w)
uint8* ptr;
float* ptrf;
nlassert (_Parent->checkLockedBuffer());
nlassert(_Parent->_Flags & (CVertexBuffer::WeightFlag));
// --------------------------------------------------
inline void CVertexBufferReadWrite::setPaletteSkin(uint idx, CPaletteSkin ps)
uint8* ptr;
CPaletteSkin *pPalSkin;
nlassert (_Parent->checkLockedBuffer());
nlassert ( (_Parent->_Flags & CVertexBuffer::PaletteSkinFlag) == CVertexBuffer::PaletteSkinFlag);
nlassert (_Parent->_Type[CVertexBuffer::PaletteSkin]==CVertexBuffer::UChar4);
pPalSkin= (CPaletteSkin*)ptr;
*pPalSkin= ps;
// --------------------------------------------------
inline void CVertexBufferReadWrite::setValueFloat1Ex (CVertexBuffer::TValue valueId, uint idx, float value)
uint8* ptr;
float* ptrf;
nlassert (_Parent->checkLockedBuffer());
nlassert(_Parent->_Flags & (1<<(uint)valueId));
// --------------------------------------------------
inline void CVertexBufferReadWrite::setValueFloat2Ex (CVertexBuffer::TValue valueId, uint idx, float x, float y)
uint8* ptr;
float* ptrf;
nlassert (_Parent->checkLockedBuffer());
nlassert(_Parent->_Flags & (1<<(uint)valueId));
// --------------------------------------------------
inline void CVertexBufferReadWrite::setValueFloat3Ex (CVertexBuffer::TValue valueId, uint idx, float x, float y, float z)
uint8* ptr;
float* ptrf;
nlassert (_Parent->checkLockedBuffer());
nlassert(_Parent->_Flags & (1<<(uint)valueId));
// --------------------------------------------------
inline void CVertexBufferReadWrite::setValueFloat3Ex (CVertexBuffer::TValue valueId, uint idx, const NLMISC::CVector& theVector)
uint8* ptr;
float* ptrf;
nlassert (_Parent->checkLockedBuffer());
nlassert(_Parent->_Flags & (1<<(uint)valueId));
memcpy (ptrf, &theVector, sizeof(float)*3);
// --------------------------------------------------
inline void CVertexBufferReadWrite::setValueFloat4Ex (CVertexBuffer::TValue valueId, uint idx, float x, float y, float z, float w)
uint8* ptr;
float* ptrf;
nlassert (_Parent->checkLockedBuffer());
nlassert(_Parent->_Flags & (1<<(uint)valueId));
// --------------------------------------------------
inline void CVertexBufferReadWrite::setValueUChar4Ex (CVertexBuffer::TValue valueId, uint idx, CRGBA rgba)
uint8* ptr;
CRGBA* ptrr;
nlassert (_Parent->checkLockedBuffer());
nlassert(_Parent->_Flags & (1<<(uint)valueId));
// --------------------------------------------------
inline void CVertexBuffer::lock (CVertexBufferReadWrite &accessor, uint first, uint last)
accessor._Parent = this;
accessor._First = 0;
accessor._Last = 0;
// Already locked ?
if (_LockCounter == 0)
nlassert (_LockedBuffer == NULL);
// No
if (isResident() && !_KeepLocalMemory)
if (last == 0)
last = _NbVerts;
_LockedBuffer = DrvInfos->lock (first*_VertexSize, last*_VertexSize, false);
if (_NonResidentVertices.empty())
_LockedBuffer = NULL;
_LockedBuffer = &(_NonResidentVertices[0]);
nlassert ((first==0)&&(last==0));
// --------------------------------------------------
inline void CVertexBuffer::lock (CVertexBufferRead &accessor, uint first, uint last) const
accessor._Parent = this;
// Already locked ?
if (_LockCounter == 0)
nlassert (_LockedBuffer == NULL);
// No
if (isResident() && !_KeepLocalMemory)
if (last == 0)
last = _NbVerts;
// Can read it ?
nlassertex (_Location==RAMResident, ("Try to read a write only vertex buffer"));
_LockedBuffer = DrvInfos->lock (first*_VertexSize, last*_VertexSize, true);
if (_NonResidentVertices.empty())
_LockedBuffer = NULL;
_LockedBuffer = const_cast<uint8*>(&(_NonResidentVertices[0]));
nlassert ((first==0)&&(last==0));
// --------------------------------------------------
inline void CVertexBuffer::unlock (uint /* first */, uint /* end */)
nlassertex (_LockCounter!=0, ("Vertex buffer not locked"));
nlassert (_LockedBuffer || (!isResident() && _NonResidentVertices.empty()));
if (_LockCounter)
if (_LockCounter == 0)
if (isResident() && !_KeepLocalMemory)
DrvInfos->unlock (0, 0);
_LockedBuffer = NULL;
// --------------------------------------------------
inline void CVertexBuffer::unlock () const
nlassertex (_LockCounter!=0, ("Vertex buffer not locked"));
nlassert (_LockedBuffer || (!isResident() && _NonResidentVertices.empty()));
if (_LockCounter)
if (_LockCounter == 0)
if (isResident() && !_KeepLocalMemory)
DrvInfos->unlock (0, 0);
_LockedBuffer = NULL;
// --------------------------------------------------
} // NL3D
/* End of vertex_buffer.h */