kervala 09a163d76e Fixed: Revision 0 bug
CheckDepends.cmake Fixed: Missing objdump binary name in CheckDepends.cmake
ConfigureChecks.cmake Changed: Create an OpenGL ES driver
Find3dsMaxSDK.cmake Fixed: Support 3ds Max 2012 SDK.
FindCEGUI.cmake Update: Initial file/folder move for single project build.
FindCppTest.cmake Changed: Search CppTest headers in cpptest subfolder too
FindCustomMFC.cmake Changed: Use of new variables to detect 64bits arch
FindDInput.cmake Update: Initial file/folder move for single project build.
FindDSound.cmake Update: Initial file/folder move for single project build.
FindDirectXSDK.cmake Changed: Search in default paths if DXSDK_DIR is not defined
FindEFXUtil.cmake Update: Initial file/folder move for single project build.
FindExternal.cmake Changed: Allow to use external under Linux and Mac OS X
FindFMOD.cmake Fixed: Detects fmod 64bits library
FindFreeType.cmake Fixed: Compilation with WITH_STATIC_EXTERNAL under Mac OS X
FindGTK2.cmake Fixed: Compile under Linux Mint 12 with GTK enabled.
FindIconv.cmake Added: FindIconv which is needed for a completely static client build on Mac OS X
FindJpeg.cmake Update: Initial file/folder move for single project build.
FindLibwww.cmake Fixed: Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
FindLuabind.cmake Changed: Added luabindd as luabind debug library name
FindMercurial.cmake Changed: Add details for user-agent
FindMySQL.cmake Changed: Search MySQL headers in mysql subfolder too
FindOgg.cmake Update: Initial file/folder move for single project build.
FindOpenGLES.cmake Changed: Added OpenGL ES CMake module
FindS3TC.cmake Update: Initial file/folder move for single project build.
FindSTLport.cmake Changed: Minor changes in STLport CMake module
FindSquish.cmake Fixed: Use debug or release versions of C++ libraries (CppTest, STLport, Squish and Luabind)
FindVorbis.cmake Update: Initial file/folder move for single project build.
FindWindowsSDK.cmake Changed: VS 2010 does not work under CMake
FindXF86VidMode.cmake Update: Initial file/folder move for single project build.
GetRevision.cmake Fixed: Revision 0 bug
PCHSupport.cmake Changed: Fix PCH for some cases under Mac OS X
nel.cmake Added: Xcode checks and specific flags