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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/uv.h"
#include "nel/3d/mrm_mesh.h"
#include "nel/3d/mrm_internal.h"
#include "nel/3d/mrm_parameters.h"
#include "nel/3d/mesh.h"
#include "nel/3d/mesh_mrm.h"
#include "nel/3d/mesh_mrm_skinned.h"
#include <map>
namespace NL3D
// ***************************************************************************
* The class for building MRMs.
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2000
class CMRMBuilder
/// Constructor
/** Compile a MRM mesh info.
* \param mbuild the input mesh
* \param params the parameters of MRM process.
* \param mrmMesh the result MRM mesh.
void compileMRM( const CMesh::CMeshBuild &mbuild, std::vector<CMesh::CMeshBuild*> &bsList,
const CMRMParameters &params, CMeshMRMGeom::CMeshBuildMRM &mrmMesh,
uint numMaxMaterial);
/** Compile a MRM skinned mesh info.
* \param mbuild the input mesh
* \param params the parameters of MRM process.
* \param mrmMesh the result MRM mesh.
void compileMRM( const CMesh::CMeshBuild &mbuild, std::vector<CMesh::CMeshBuild*> &bsList,
const CMRMParameters &params, CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CMeshBuildMRM &mrmMesh,
uint numMaxMaterial);
// ****************************
// Mesh Level Part.
/// \name Mesh Level Tmp Values.
// @{
// The vertices of the MRMMesh.
std::vector<CMRMVertex> TmpVertices;
// The attributes of the MRMMesh.
std::vector<CMRMAttribute> TmpAttributes[NL3D_MRM_MAX_ATTRIB];
// The number of used attributes of the MRMMesh.
sint NumAttributes;
// The faces of the MRMMesh.
std::vector<CMRMFaceBuild> TmpFaces;
// Ordered list of Edge collapse.
TEdgeMap EdgeCollapses;
// Say if the current build must compute skinning information.
bool _Skinned;
/// If the current build is skinned, control the quality of the skinning redcution.
CMRMParameters::TSkinReduction _SkinReduction;
// @}
/// \name Edge Cost methods.
// @{
bool vertexHasOneWedge(sint numvertex);
bool vertexHasOneMaterial(sint numvertex);
bool vertexContinue(sint numvertex);
bool vertexClosed(sint numvertex);
float getDeltaFaceNormals(sint numvertex); // return a positive value of Sum(|DeltaNormals|) / NNormals.
bool edgeContinue(const CMRMEdge &edge);
bool edgeNearUniqueMatFace(const CMRMEdge &edge);
float computeEdgeCost(const CMRMEdge &edge);
// @}
/// \name Collapse methods.
// @{
bool faceShareWedges(CMRMFaceBuild *face, sint attribId, sint numVertex1, sint numVertex2);
void insertFaceIntoEdgeList(CMRMFaceBuild &tmpf);
void removeFaceFromEdgeList(CMRMFaceBuild &f);
sint collapseEdge(const CMRMEdge &edge); // return num of deleted faces.
sint followVertex(sint i);
sint followWedge(sint attribId, sint i);
CMesh::CSkinWeight collapseSkinWeight(const CMesh::CSkinWeight &sw1, const CMesh::CSkinWeight &sw2, float InterValue) const;
// @}
/// \name Mesh Level methods.
// @{
void init(const CMRMMesh &baseMesh);
void collapseEdges(sint nWantedFaces);
void makeLODMesh(CMRMMeshGeom &lodMesh);
void saveCoarserMesh(CMRMMesh &coarserMesh);
/// this is the root call to compute a single lodMesh and the coarserMesh from a baseMesh.
void makeFromMesh(const CMRMMesh &baseMesh, CMRMMeshGeom &lodMesh, CMRMMesh &coarserMesh, sint nWantedFaces);
// @}
void computeBsVerticesAttributes(std::vector<CMRMMesh> &srcBsMeshs, std::vector<CMRMMesh> &srcBsMeshsMod);
void makeCoarserBS (std::vector<CMRMBlendShape> &csBsMeshs);
/// \name Mesh Interfaces computing
// @{
bool _HasMeshInterfaces;
// the sewing meshes
std::vector<CMRMSewingMesh> _SewingMeshes;
// The current Lod
uint _CurrentLodComputed;
// true if the build has some Mesh sewing interface setup.
bool buildMRMSewingMeshes(const CMesh::CMeshBuild &mbuild, uint nWantedLods, uint divisor);
// @}
// MRM Level Part.
/// \name MRM Level Variables.
// @{
// Our comparator of CMRMWedgeGeom.
struct CGeomPred
bool operator()(const CMRMWedgeGeom &a, const CMRMWedgeGeom &b) const
return a.Start<b.Start;
return a.End<b.End;
// The map of geomorph. for one LOD only;
typedef std::map<CMRMWedgeGeom, sint, CGeomPred> TGeomMap;
TGeomMap _GeomMap;
// @}
/// \name MRM Level Methods.
// @{
/** build the blend shapes in the same way we constructed the base mesh mrm
void buildBlendShapes (CMRMMesh &baseMesh, std::vector<CMesh::CMeshBuild*> &bsList, uint32 VertexFlags);
/** build all LODs from a baseMesh. NB: the coarsestMesh is stored in lodMeshs[0], and has no geomorph info since it is
* the coarsest mesh. nWantedLods are created (including the coarsestMesh).
* \param lodMeshs array created by the function (size of nWantedlods).
* \param nWantedLods number of LODs wanted.
* \param divisor the coarsestMesh will have baseMesh.Faces.size()/divisor faces.
void buildAllLods( const CMRMMesh &baseMesh, std::vector<CMRMMeshGeom> &lodMeshs,
uint nWantedLods= 10, uint divisor= 50 );
/** given a list of LODs, compress/reorganize data, and store in finalMRM mesh.
void buildFinalMRM(std::vector<CMRMMeshGeom> &lodMeshs, CMRMMeshFinal &finalMRM);
// @}
// Interface to MeshBuild Part.
/// \name Top Level methods.
// @{
/// Temp map Attribute/AttributeId .
struct CAttributeKey
sint VertexId;
CVectorH Attribute;
bool operator<(const CAttributeKey &o) const
return VertexId<o.VertexId;
return Attribute<o.Attribute;
typedef std::map<CAttributeKey, sint> TAttributeMap;
TAttributeMap _AttributeMap[NL3D_MRM_MAX_ATTRIB];
sint findInsertAttributeInBaseMesh(CMRMMesh &baseMesh, sint attId, sint vertexId, const CVectorH &att);
sint findInsertNormalInBaseMesh(CMRMMesh &baseMesh, sint attId, sint vertexId, const CVector &normal);
sint findInsertColorInBaseMesh(CMRMMesh &baseMesh, sint attId, sint vertexId, CRGBA col);
sint findInsertUvwInBaseMesh(CMRMMesh &baseMesh, sint attId, sint vertexId, const NLMISC::CUVW &uvw);
CRGBA attToColor(const CVectorH &att) const;
NLMISC::CUVW attToUvw(const CVectorH &att) const;
/** from a meshBuild, compute a CMRMMesh. This is the first stage of the algo.
* \return the vertexFormat supported by CMRMBuilder.
uint32 buildMrmBaseMesh(const CMesh::CMeshBuild &mbuild, CMRMMesh &baseMesh);
/** from a final MRM Mesh representation, compute a CMeshBuildMRM. This is the last stage of the algo.
* \param vbFlags the vertex format returned by earlier call too buildMrmBaseMesh().
* \param nbMats the number of materials of original MeshBuild.
void buildMeshBuildMrm(const CMRMMeshFinal &finalMRM, CMeshMRMGeom::CMeshBuildMRM &mbuild, uint32 vbFlags, uint32 nbMats, const CMesh::CMeshBuild &mb);
/** from a final MRM Mesh representation, compute a CMeshBuildMRM. This is the last stage of the algo.
* \param vbFlags the vertex format returned by earlier call too buildMrmBaseMesh().
* \param nbMats the number of materials of original MeshBuild.
void buildMeshBuildMrm(const CMRMMeshFinal &finalMRM, CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CMeshBuildMRM &mbuild, uint32 vbFlags, uint32 nbMats, const CMesh::CMeshBuild &mb);
void normalizeBaseMeshSkin(CMRMMesh &baseMesh) const;
CMesh::CSkinWeight normalizeSkinWeight(const CMesh::CSkinWeight &sw) const;
// @}
} // NL3D
#endif // NL_MRM_BUILDER_H
/* End of mrm_builder.h */