1091 lines
51 KiB
1091 lines
51 KiB
<!-- 2014-09-12: Now possible to use nullable="1" in leafs. This will
add 1 additional bit to the field, which will be the only bit sent
when the value of the field is 0. Use only for fields which are
updated less frequently and which are often reset. -KAE -->
<!-- Define bank superclass -->
<bank name="PLR" class="CCDBSynchronised" />
<bank name="GUILD" class="CCDBGroup" dbAccessor=".Database">
<include file="game_share/far_position.h" />
<verbatime>inline void _setProp(CCDBSynchronised &db,
ICDBStructNode *node, TCharConnectionState value, bool
forceSending = false) { db.x_setProp(node, uint64(value),
forceSending); } inline void _getProp(const CCDBSynchronised
&db, ICDBStructNode *node, TCharConnectionState
&value) { value =
(TCharConnectionState)db.x_getProp(node); }</verbatime>
<bank name="OUTPOST" class="CCDBGroup" dbAccessor=".Database" />
<!-- Bank must be set for all and only first-level branches -->
<!-- For the client to work, this branch MUST remain at the top -->
<branch name="Entities" bank="PLR" clientonly="1">
<branch name="E" count="256">
<leaf name="P" count="28" type="I64" />
<branch name="GameTime" bank="PLR">
<leaf name="Hours" type="I16" />
<branch name="INTERFACES" bank="PLR">
<leaf name="FLAGS" type="I64" />
<leaf name="NB_BONUS_LANDMARKS" type="I16" />
<branch name="USER" bank="PLR" atom="1">
<leaf name="HAIR_TYPE" type="I8" />
<leaf name="HAIR_COLOR" type="I3" />
<leaf name="DEATH_XP_MALUS" type="I8" />
<leaf name="IN_DUEL" type="I1" />
<leaf name="IN_PVP_CHALLENGE" type="I1" />
<leaf name="MOUNT_WALK_SPEED" type="I16" />
<leaf name="MOUNT_RUN_SPEED" type="I16" />
<leaf name="TEAM_MEMBER" type="I1" />
<leaf name="TEAM_LEADER" type="I1" />
<leaf name="OUTPOST_ADMIN" type="I1" />
<leaf name="BERSERK" type="I1" />
<leaf name="ACT_TSTART" type="I32" />
<leaf name="ACT_TEND" type="I32" />
<leaf name="ACT_TYPE" type="I4" />
<leaf name="ACT_NUMBER" type="I8" />
<leaf name="ACT_REFUSED_NUM" type="I8" />
<leaf name="ACT_CANCELED_NUM" type="I8" />
<leaf name="SPEED_FACTOR" type="I8" />
<leaf name="SKILL_POINTS" type="I32" />
<branch name="SKILL_POINTS_" count="4">
<leaf name="VALUE" type="I32" />
<branch name="FACTION_POINTS_" count="6">
<!-- game_share/pvp_clan.h (0 is BeginClans and size is EndClans-BeginClans+1 -->
<leaf name="VALUE" type="I32" />
<leaf name="IS_NEWBIE" type="I1" />
<leaf name="IS_TRIAL" type="I1" />
<branch name="RRPS_LEVELS" count="6">
<leaf name="VALUE" type="I32" />
<branch name="NPC_CONTROL" bank="PLR">
<leaf name="SHEET" type="I32" nullable="1" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<leaf name="RUN" type="I32" />
<leaf name="WALK" type="I32" />
<leaf name="DEFAULT_WEIGHT_HANDS" type="I32" />
<leaf name="IS_INVISIBLE" type="I1" />
<!-- Syncrhonisation COUNTER. must be at END of an atomic branch -->
<leaf name="COUNTER" type="I4" />
<branch name="DEFENSE" bank="PLR">
<leaf name="DEFENSE_MODE" type="I1" />
<!-- 0 = dodge, 1 = parry-->
<leaf name="PROTECTED_SLOT" type="I3" />
<!-- 0=All, 1=head, 2=chest, 3=arms, 4=hands, 5=legs, 6=feet-->
<branch name="SLOTS">
<branch name="" count="6">
<!-- 0=head, 1=chest, 2=arms, 3=hands, 4=legs, 5=feet-->
<leaf name="MODIFIER" type="S8" />
<!-- modifier on defense (dodge or parry) on given slot (+-127)-->
<branch name="FLAGS" bank="PLR" atom="1">
<branch name="BRICK_TICK_RANGE">
<!-- tick range for each power -->
<branch name="" count="64">
<leaf name="TICK_RANGE" type="I64" nullable="1" />
<!-- 32b for start tick and 32b for end tick -->
<leaf name="CRITICAL" type="I8" />
<!-- counter to display flying texts : critical hit -->
<leaf name="PARRY" type="I8" />
<!-- counter to display flying texts : parry -->
<leaf name="DODGE" type="I8" />
<!-- counter to display flying texts : dodge -->
<branch name="TARGET" bank="PLR">
<!-- Don't put the whole TARGET branch atomic, because it will takes 34 extra bits each time a bar value change -->
<branch name="BARS" atom="1">
<!-- Entity Unique Identifier. Put in the atomic branch for consistency -->
<!-- NB a UID invalid doesn't mean no target. It may be a Forage source -->
<leaf name="UID" type="I20" />
<leaf name="HP" type="S8" />
<leaf name="SAP" type="I7" />
<leaf name="STA" type="I7" />
<leaf name="FOCUS" type="I7" />
<leaf name="PLAYER_LEVEL" type="I8" />
<!-- for target players only (PVP) -->
<!-- ContextMenu (Bot options etc...) -->
<branch name="CONTEXT_MENU" atom="1">
<leaf name="PROGRAMMES" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- options for missions in the context menu -->
<branch name="MISSIONS_OPTIONS">
<branch name="" count="8">
<leaf name="TITLE" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- a text ID of 0 means there's no action. Text ID are reseted when a new character is targeted -->
<leaf name="PLAYER_GIFT_NEEDED" type="I1" />
<!-- want a player gift ? -->
<leaf name="PRIORITY" type="I2" />
<!-- priority of the option : the higher it is, the higher the option will be displayed in the menu -->
<!-- A NPC may offer to view a webpage -->
<leaf name="WEB_PAGE_TITLE" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- a text ID of 0 means there's no WebPage -->
<leaf name="WEB_PAGE_URL" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- the URL text ID of the web page -->
<leaf name="OUTPOST" type="I32" nullable="1" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<!-- outpost this bot give access to (sheet id inside) -->
<!-- Mission rings -->
<branch name="MISSION_RING">
<branch name="" count="4">
<leaf name="TITLE" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- a text ID of 0 means there's no action. Text ID are reseted when a new character is targeted -->
<leaf name="ID" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- the id of the action if selected -->
<!-- Syncrhonisation COUNTER. must be at END of an atomic branch -->
<leaf name="COUNTER" type="I4" />
<leaf name="CONTEXT_VAL" type="I16" />
<leaf name="AGGRESSIVE" type="I3" />
<leaf name="FORCE_RATIO" type="I4" />
<!-- TODO: remove this, use ForceRegion/ForceLevel in client creature sheets instead -->
<branch name="GROUP" bank="PLR">
<branch name="" count="8" atom="1">
<!-- Atomic, for correct Bar Management on client -->
<leaf name="PRESENT" type="I1" />
<leaf name="UID" type="I20" />
<!-- Entity Unique Identifier -->
<leaf name="NAME" type="I32" />
<leaf name="HP" type="S8" />
<leaf name="SAP" type="I7" />
<leaf name="STA" type="I7" />
<leaf name="POS" type="I64" />
<leaf name="LEADER_INDEX" type="I4" />
<leaf name="SUCCESSOR_INDEX" type="I4" />
<branch name="MISSIONS" bank="PLR">
<branch name="" count="15">
<!-- see game_share/mission_desc.h TMissionType -->
<leaf name="TYPE" type="I2" />
<leaf name="ICON" type="I32" nullable="1" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<!-- sheet id of a .mission_icon sheet -->
<leaf name="TITLE" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<leaf name="DETAIL_TEXT" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- begin date in tick -->
<leaf name="BEGIN_DATE" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- end date in tick -->
<leaf name="END_DATE" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- true if the step are "OR" -->
<leaf name="OR_STEPS" type="I1" />
<branch name="GOALS">
<branch name="" count="20">
<leaf name="TEXT" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<leaf name="NPC_ALIAS" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- Targets -->
<branch name="TARGET" count="8" atom="1">
<leaf name="TITLE" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<leaf name="X" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<leaf name="Y" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- Indicate if the mission is finished (0-not 1-success 2-failed) -->
<leaf name="FINISHED" type="I2" />
<!-- Indicate if the mission is abandonnable -->
<leaf name="ABANDONNABLE" type="I1" />
<!-- Indicate if the mission is paused (player set as 'sleeping' in a queue) -->
<leaf name="SLEEP" type="I1" />
<!-- Historic -->
<branch name="HISTO">
<branch name="" count="30">
<leaf name="TEXT" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- Common Item Data : For correct HELP, all items must have this structure:
<leaf name="SHEET" type="I32" nullable="1" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<leaf name="QUALITY" type="I10" />
<leaf name="QUANTITY" type="I10" />
<leaf name="USER_COLOR" type="I3" />
<leaf name="CHARAC_BUFFS" type="I8" />
<leaf name="LOCKED" type="I10" />
<leaf name="ACCESS" type="I2" />
<leaf name="WEIGHT" type="I16" />
<leaf name="NAMEID" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<leaf name="ENCHANT" type="I10" />
<leaf name="RM_CLASS_TYPE" type="I3" />
<leaf name="RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE" type="I5" />
<leaf name="PREREQUISIT_VALID" type="I1" />
<leaf name="PRICE" type="I32" />
<leaf name="RESALE_FLAG" type="I2" />
<leaf name="WORNED" type="I1" />
<leaf name="INFO_VERSION" type="I8" />
<!-- gift from animator (dm) to player -->
<branch name="DM_GIFT" bank="PLR">
<leaf name="TEXT" type="I32" />
<!-- caption of the gift window -->
<!-- player trade & gift to bot -->
<branch name="EXCHANGE" bank="PLR">
<leaf name="TEXT" type="I32" />
<leaf name="ID" type="I8" />
<leaf name="BEGUN" type="I1" />
<leaf name="ACCEPTED" type="I1" />
<leaf name="MONEY" type="I64" />
<branch name="GIVE">
<branch name="" count="8">
<!-- Common Item Data -->
<leaf name="SHEET" type="I32" nullable="1" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<leaf name="QUALITY" type="I10" />
<leaf name="QUANTITY" type="I10" />
<leaf name="USER_COLOR" type="I3" />
<leaf name="CHARAC_BUFFS" type="I8" /> <!-- flags based on TCharacteristics -->
<!-- <leaf name="LOCKED" type="I10" /> -->
<!-- <leaf name="ACCESS" type="I2" /> --> <!-- TGuildGrade access grade -->
<leaf name="WEIGHT" type="I16" /> <!-- weight. see DB_WEIGHT_SCALE -->
<leaf name="NAMEID" type="I32" nullable="1" /> <!-- 0 or special name of item -->
<leaf name="ENCHANT" type="I10" /> <!-- 0=not enchanted, 1=enchanted nbcharge 0, 10=e. nbcharge 9 -->
<leaf name="RM_CLASS_TYPE" type="I3" /> <!-- RM_CLASS_TYPE enum -->
<leaf name="RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE" type="I6" /> <!-- RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE enum -->
<leaf name="PREREQUISIT_VALID" type="I1" />
<!-- <leaf name="PRICE" type="I32" /> -->
<!-- <leaf name="RESALE_FLAG" type="I2" /> --> <!-- TBotChatResaleFlag -->
<leaf name="WORNED" type="I1" /> <!-- true if item is worned (show a red cross) -->
<leaf name="INFO_VERSION" type="I8" />
<branch name="RECEIVE">
<branch name="" count="8">
<!-- Common Item Data -->
<leaf name="SHEET" type="I32" nullable="1" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<leaf name="QUALITY" type="I10" />
<leaf name="QUANTITY" type="I10" />
<leaf name="USER_COLOR" type="I3" />
<leaf name="CHARAC_BUFFS" type="I8" /> <!-- flags based on TCharacteristics -->
<!-- <leaf name="LOCKED" type="I10" /> -->
<!-- <leaf name="ACCESS" type="I2" /> --> <!-- TGuildGrade access grade -->
<leaf name="WEIGHT" type="I16" /> <!-- weight. see DB_WEIGHT_SCALE -->
<leaf name="NAMEID" type="I32" nullable="1" /> <!-- 0 or special name of item -->
<leaf name="ENCHANT" type="I10" /> <!-- 0=not enchanted, 1=enchanted nbcharge 0, 10=e. nbcharge 9 -->
<leaf name="RM_CLASS_TYPE" type="I3" /> <!-- RM_CLASS_TYPE enum -->
<leaf name="RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE" type="I6" /> <!-- RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE enum -->
<leaf name="PREREQUISIT_VALID" type="I1" />
<!-- <leaf name="PRICE" type="I32" /> -->
<!-- <leaf name="RESALE_FLAG" type="I2" /> --> <!-- TBotChatResaleFlag -->
<leaf name="WORNED" type="I1" /> <!-- true if item is worned (show a red cross) -->
<leaf name="INFO_VERSION" type="I8" />
<leaf name="FORCE_REFUSE" type="I4" />
<!-- Syncrhonisation COUNTER. Should be at END of an atomic branch!!! but still works fine (of course, because this isn't an atomic branch!) -->
<leaf name="COUNTER" type="I4" />
<branch name="INVENTORY" bank="PLR">
<branch name="HAND">
<branch name="" count="2">
<!-- 0 Right 1 Left -->
<leaf name="INDEX_IN_BAG" type="I9" />
<!-- 0 nothing 1-500 index in bag from 0 to 499 -->
<branch name="BAG" clientonly="1">
<branch name="" count="500">
<!-- Common Item Data -->
<leaf name="SHEET" type="I32" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<leaf name="QUALITY" type="I10" />
<leaf name="QUANTITY" type="I10" />
<leaf name="USER_COLOR" type="I3" />
<leaf name="CHARAC_BUFFS" type="I8" /> <!-- flags based on TCharacteristics -->
<leaf name="LOCKED" type="I10" />
<leaf name="ACCESS" type="I2" /> <!-- TGuildGrade access grade -->
<leaf name="WEIGHT" type="I16" /> <!-- weight. see DB_WEIGHT_SCALE -->
<leaf name="NAMEID" type="I32" /> <!-- 0 or special name of item -->
<leaf name="ENCHANT" type="I10" /> <!-- 0=not enchanted, 1=enchanted nbcharge 0, 10=e. nbcharge 9 -->
<leaf name="RM_CLASS_TYPE" type="I3" /> <!-- RM_CLASS_TYPE enum -->
<leaf name="RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE" type="I6" /> <!-- RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE enum -->
<leaf name="PREREQUISIT_VALID" type="I1" />
<leaf name="PRICE" type="I32" />
<leaf name="RESALE_FLAG" type="I2" /> <!-- TBotChatResaleFlag -->
<leaf name="WORNED" type="I1" /> <!-- true if item is worned (show a red cross) -->
<leaf name="INFO_VERSION" type="I8" />
<branch name="PACK_ANIMAL" count="4" clientonly="1">
<branch name="" count="500">
<!-- Common Item Data -->
<leaf name="SHEET" type="I32" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<leaf name="QUALITY" type="I10" />
<leaf name="QUANTITY" type="I10" />
<leaf name="USER_COLOR" type="I3" />
<leaf name="CHARAC_BUFFS" type="I8" /> <!-- flags based on TCharacteristics -->
<leaf name="LOCKED" type="I10" />
<leaf name="ACCESS" type="I2" /> <!-- TGuildGrade access grade -->
<leaf name="WEIGHT" type="I16" /> <!-- weight. see DB_WEIGHT_SCALE -->
<leaf name="NAMEID" type="I32" /> <!-- 0 or special name of item -->
<leaf name="ENCHANT" type="I10" /> <!-- 0=not enchanted, 1=enchanted nbcharge 0, 10=e. nbcharge 9 -->
<leaf name="RM_CLASS_TYPE" type="I3" /> <!-- RM_CLASS_TYPE enum -->
<leaf name="RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE" type="I6" /> <!-- RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE enum -->
<leaf name="PREREQUISIT_VALID" type="I1" />
<leaf name="PRICE" type="I32" />
<leaf name="RESALE_FLAG" type="I2" /> <!-- TBotChatResaleFlag -->
<leaf name="WORNED" type="I1" /> <!-- true if item is worned (show a red cross) -->
<leaf name="INFO_VERSION" type="I8" />
<branch name="EQUIP">
<!-- jewelry + armor -->
<branch name="" count="19">
<leaf name="INDEX_IN_BAG" type="I9" />
<!-- same as hand -->
<branch name="TEMP">
<!-- used for harvest loot and bag full -->
<leaf name="TYPE" type="I8" />
<!-- Type of temp inv see temp_inventory_mode in game_share -->
<branch name="" count="16">
<!-- client/inventory_manager.h MAX_TEMPINV_ENTRIES and egs/player_inv_temp.h TempInvSize -->
<!-- Common Item Data -->
<leaf name="SHEET" type="I32" nullable="1" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<leaf name="QUALITY" type="I10" />
<leaf name="QUANTITY" type="I10" />
<leaf name="USER_COLOR" type="I3" />
<leaf name="CHARAC_BUFFS" type="I8" /> <!-- flags based on TCharacteristics -->
<!-- <leaf name="LOCKED" type="I10" /> -->
<!-- <leaf name="ACCESS" type="I2" /> --> <!-- TGuildGrade access grade -->
<leaf name="WEIGHT" type="I16" /> <!-- weight. see DB_WEIGHT_SCALE -->
<leaf name="NAMEID" type="I32" nullable="1" /> <!-- 0 or special name of item -->
<leaf name="ENCHANT" type="I10" /> <!-- 0=not enchanted, 1=enchanted nbcharge 0, 10=e. nbcharge 9 -->
<leaf name="RM_CLASS_TYPE" type="I3" /> <!-- RM_CLASS_TYPE enum -->
<leaf name="RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE" type="I6" /> <!-- RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE enum -->
<leaf name="PREREQUISIT_VALID" type="I1" />
<!-- <leaf name="PRICE" type="I32" /> -->
<!-- <leaf name="RESALE_FLAG" type="I2" /> --> <!-- TBotChatResaleFlag -->
<leaf name="WORNED" type="I1" /> <!-- true if item is worned (show a red cross) -->
<leaf name="INFO_VERSION" type="I8" />
<leaf name="ENABLE_TAKE" type="I1" />
<!-- Used only in forage -->
<!-- used to share items between team members (up to 8 players)
DO NOT FORGET if you modify this to do the the same modification in local database file -->
<branch name="SHARE">
<leaf name="SESSION" type="I8" />
<!-- session id -->
<branch name="" count="16">
<!-- Common Item Data -->
<leaf name="SHEET" type="I32" nullable="1" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<leaf name="QUALITY" type="I10" />
<leaf name="QUANTITY" type="I10" />
<leaf name="USER_COLOR" type="I3" />
<leaf name="CHARAC_BUFFS" type="I8" /> <!-- flags based on TCharacteristics -->
<!-- <leaf name="LOCKED" type="I10" /> -->
<!-- <leaf name="ACCESS" type="I2" /> --> <!-- TGuildGrade access grade -->
<leaf name="WEIGHT" type="I16" /> <!-- weight. see DB_WEIGHT_SCALE -->
<leaf name="NAMEID" type="I32" nullable="1" /> <!-- 0 or special name of item -->
<leaf name="ENCHANT" type="I10" /> <!-- 0=not enchanted, 1=enchanted nbcharge 0, 10=e. nbcharge 9 -->
<leaf name="RM_CLASS_TYPE" type="I3" /> <!-- RM_CLASS_TYPE enum -->
<leaf name="RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE" type="I6" /> <!-- RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE enum -->
<leaf name="PREREQUISIT_VALID" type="I1" />
<!-- <leaf name="PRICE" type="I32" /> -->
<!-- <leaf name="RESALE_FLAG" type="I2" /> --> <!-- TBotChatResaleFlag -->
<!-- <leaf name="WORNED" type="I1" /> --> <!-- true if item is worned (show a red cross) -->
<leaf name="INFO_VERSION" type="I8" />
<!-- Additionnal info -->
<leaf name="NB_MEMBER" type="I4" />
<!-- Number of team member who wants this item or phrase -->
<leaf name="WANTED" type="I1" />
<!-- Does the player wants this item or phrase ? -->
<leaf name="CHANCE" type="I7" />
<!-- Chance in percentage the player has to obtain this item -->
<branch name="TM_" count="8">
<!-- all the team members -->
<leaf name="NAME" type="TEXT" />
<leaf name="VALID" type="I1" />
<!-- is the team member has validated its own selection ? -->
<branch name="ROOM">
<leaf name="SESSION" type="I16" />
<leaf name="BULK_MAX" type="I32" />
<leaf name="MONEY" type="I64" />
<branch name="" count="1000" clientonly="1">
<!-- Common Item Data -->
<leaf name="SHEET" type="I32" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<leaf name="QUALITY" type="I10" />
<leaf name="QUANTITY" type="I10" />
<leaf name="USER_COLOR" type="I3" />
<leaf name="CHARAC_BUFFS" type="I8" /> <!-- flags based on TCharacteristics -->
<leaf name="LOCKED" type="I10" />
<leaf name="ACCESS" type="I2" /> <!-- TGuildGrade access grade -->
<leaf name="WEIGHT" type="I16" /> <!-- weight. see DB_WEIGHT_SCALE -->
<leaf name="NAMEID" type="I32" /> <!-- 0 or special name of item -->
<leaf name="ENCHANT" type="I10" /> <!-- 0=not enchanted, 1=enchanted nbcharge 0, 10=e. nbcharge 9 -->
<leaf name="RM_CLASS_TYPE" type="I3" /> <!-- RM_CLASS_TYPE enum -->
<leaf name="RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE" type="I6" /> <!-- RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE enum -->
<leaf name="PREREQUISIT_VALID" type="I1" />
<!-- <leaf name="PRICE" type="I32" /> -->
<!-- <leaf name="RESALE_FLAG" type="I2" /> --> <!-- TBotChatResaleFlag -->
<leaf name="WORNED" type="I1" /> <!-- true if item is worned (show a red cross) -->
<leaf name="INFO_VERSION" type="I8" />
<leaf name="MONEY" type="I64" />
<!-- Synchronisation COUNTER. Should be at END of an atomic branch!!! but still works fine without atomic -->
<leaf name="COUNTER" type="I4" />
<branch name="MODIFIERS" bank="PLR">
<leaf name="TOTAL_MALUS_EQUIP" type="I8" />
<!-- This is the malus ratio*50 (ie percentage/2) -->
<branch name="BONUS">
<branch name="" count="12">
<leaf name="SHEET" type="I32" nullable="1" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<leaf name="DISABLED" type="I1" />
<leaf name="DISABLED_TIME" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<branch name="MALUS">
<branch name="" count="12">
<leaf name="SHEET" type="I32" nullable="1" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<leaf name="DISABLED" type="I1" />
<leaf name="DISABLED_TIME" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<branch name="DISABLE_CONSUMABLE" bank="PLR">
<branch name="" count="12">
<leaf name="FAMILY" type="I16" nullable="1" />
<!-- Disable consumablel family -->
<leaf name="DISABLE_TIME" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- End date of diable time in tick -->
<!-- botchat texts -->
<branch name="BOTCHAT" bank="PLR">
<!-- intro for player gift -->
<leaf name="PLAYER_GIFT" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- intro for guild creation -->
<leaf name="CREATE_GUILD" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- intro for trade window (pacts, action, item, or skills ..)-->
<leaf name="TRADE" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- intro for choose mission -->
<leaf name="CHOOSE_MISSION" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- intro before the reward of the mission -->
<!-- <leaf name="MISSION_END_REWARD" type="I32"/> -->
<!-- text of the mission end -->
<!-- <leaf name="MISSION_END" type="I32"/> -->
<!-- news for current bot -->
<!-- <leaf name="NEWS" type="I32"/> -->
<!-- choice dynamic missions -->
<branch name="DM_CHOICE" count="3">
<leaf name="TITLE" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<branch name="" count="8">
<leaf name="TEXT" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- title of dynamic mission -->
<leaf name="DM_TITLE" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- description of dynamic mission -->
<leaf name="DM_DESCRIPTION" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- the rolemaster type on 2 bits -->
<leaf name="ROLEMASTER_TYPE" type="I2" />
<!-- Temporary structure to fill the huge list of guild to choose from in an ascensor -->
<branch name="ASCENSOR" bank="PLR" atom="1">
<leaf name="SESSION" type="I16" />
<leaf name="PAGE_ID" type="I6" />
<!-- current page ID -->
<leaf name="HAS_NEXT" type="I1" />
<!-- are there pages left ? -->
<branch name="" count="8">
if high order bit == 0 : guild icon : 58 low order bits - back:3 bits, symbol:6 bits, Invert:1 bit, color1&2:24 bits each
if high order bit == 1 : low order bits = entry in the LIFT_ICONS::TLiftIcon enum
<leaf name="ICON" type="I64" nullable="1" />
<leaf name="NAME" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<branch name="CHOOSE_MISSIONS" bank="PLR" atom="1">
<leaf name="SESSION" type="I16" />
<leaf name="PAGE_ID" type="I6" />
<!-- current page ID -->
<leaf name="HAS_NEXT" type="I1" />
<!-- are there pages left ? -->
<branch name="" count="8">
<leaf name="ICON" type="I32" nullable="1" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<!-- sheet id of a .mission_icon sheet -->
<leaf name="TEXT" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<leaf name="DETAIL_TEXT" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<leaf name="PREREQ_STATE" type="I8" />
<!-- game_share/mission_desc.h/TPreReqState -->
<branch name="TRADING" bank="PLR" atom="1">
<leaf name="SESSION" type="I16" />
<!-- current botchat session ID -->
<leaf name="PAGE_ID" type="I7" />
<!-- current page ID -->
<leaf name="HAS_NEXT" type="I1" />
<!-- are there pages left ? -->
<leaf name="ROLEMASTER_FLAGS" type="I6" />
<!-- flags used to determine actions 'offered' by the rolemaster -->
<leaf name="ROLEMASTER_RACE" type="I2" />
<!-- civ of actions offered by the rolemaster (0..3) -->
<leaf name="BUILDING_LOSS_WARNING" type="I1" />
<!-- set if a warning saying "you're going to lose your old building" must be displayed -->
<leaf name="RAW_MATERIAL_SELLER" type="I1" />
<!-- flag set to 1 for raw materials seller for setting appropriate filters -->
<leaf name="ITEM_TYPE_SELLER_BITFILED_0_63" type="I64" />
<!-- bitfield define item type sell by bot, first 64 bits, cf TItemType -->
<leaf name="ITEM_TYPE_SELLER_BITFILED_64_127" type="I64" />
<!-- bitfield define item type sell by bot, next 64 bits, cf TItemType -->
<leaf name="FAME_PRICE_FACTOR" type="I16" />
<!-- 10000*factor to apply on item price, so if this value = 10000, factor is 1.0 -->
<branch name="" count="8">
<!-- Common Item Data -->
<leaf name="SHEET" type="I32" nullable="1" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<leaf name="QUALITY" type="I10" />
<leaf name="QUANTITY" type="I10" />
<leaf name="USER_COLOR" type="I3" />
<leaf name="CHARAC_BUFFS" type="I8" /> <!-- flags based on TCharacteristics -->
<!-- <leaf name="LOCKED" type="I10" /> -->
<!-- <leaf name="ACCESS" type="I2" /> --> <!-- TGuildGrade access grade -->
<leaf name="WEIGHT" type="I16" /> <!-- weight. see DB_WEIGHT_SCALE -->
<leaf name="NAMEID" type="I32" nullable="1" /> <!-- 0 or special name of item -->
<leaf name="ENCHANT" type="I10" /> <!-- 0=not enchanted, 1=enchanted nbcharge 0, 10=e. nbcharge 9 -->
<leaf name="RM_CLASS_TYPE" type="I3" /> <!-- RM_CLASS_TYPE enum -->
<leaf name="RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE" type="I6" /> <!-- RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE enum -->
<leaf name="PREREQUISIT_VALID" type="I1" />
<!-- <leaf name="PRICE" type="I32" /> -->
<!-- <leaf name="RESALE_FLAG" type="I2" /> --> <!-- TBotChatResaleFlag -->
<!-- <leaf name="WORNED" type="I1" /> --> <!-- true if item is worned (show a red cross) -->
<leaf name="INFO_VERSION" type="I8" />
<!-- Muti currency info -->
<leaf name="CURRENCY" type="I4" />
<!-- The currency type RYMSG::TTradeCurrency -->
<leaf name="RRP_LEVEL" type="I4" />
<!-- For rrp curency, specify the rrp level -->
<leaf name="MONEY_SHEET" type="I32" nullable="1" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<!-- For item curency, specify the item sheet -->
<leaf name="BASE_SKILL" type="I4" />
<!-- For skill curency, specify the base skill as in EGSPD::CSPType::TSPType -->
<leaf name="FACTION_TYPE" type="I4" />
<!-- For price in faction point, as in game_share/pvp_clan.h -->
<leaf name="PRICE" type="I32" />
<!-- The amount of the selected currency (dappers, number of item...) -->
<!-- Special Trade -->
<leaf name="PRICE_RETIRE" type="I32" />
<leaf name="RESALE_TIME_LEFT" type="I16" />
<leaf name="VENDOR_NAMEID" type="TEXT" nullable="1" />
<!-- name id of player vendor -->
<leaf name="FACTION_POINT_PRICE" type="I32" />
<!-- 0 for standard behaviour -->
<!-- 1 if the sheet id is the one of an item, and if we got a plan for that item in the slot -->
<!-- 2 if the slot is for a skill. In this case the sheet ID must be interpreted as an enum for that skill -->
<!-- These values are defined as an enum in game_share/trade_slot_type.h -->
<leaf name="SLOT_TYPE" type="I2" />
<!-- see TBotChatSellerType -->
<leaf name="SELLER_TYPE" type="I3" />
<branch name="BRICK_FAMILY" bank="PLR">
<branch name="" count="1024">
<leaf name="BRICKS" type="PACKED" nullable="1" />
<branch name="FABER_PLANS" bank="PLR">
<branch name="" count="64">
<leaf name="KNOWN" type="I64" />
<branch name="MISSIONS" bank="PLR">
<branch name="" count="15">
<!-- see game_share/mission_desc.h TMissionType -->
<leaf name="TYPE" type="I2" />
<leaf name="ICON" type="I32" nullable="1" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<!-- sheet id of a .mission_icon sheet -->
<leaf name="TITLE" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<leaf name="DETAIL_TEXT" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- begin date in tick -->
<leaf name="BEGIN_DATE" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- end date in tick -->
<leaf name="END_DATE" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- true if the step are "OR" -->
<leaf name="OR_STEPS" type="I1" />
<branch name="GOALS">
<branch name="" count="20">
<leaf name="TEXT" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<leaf name="NPC_ALIAS" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- Targets -->
<branch name="TARGET" count="8" atom="1">
<leaf name="TITLE" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<leaf name="X" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<leaf name="Y" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- Indicate if the mission is finished (0-not 1-success 2-failed) -->
<leaf name="FINISHED" type="I2" />
<!-- Indicate if the mission is abandonnable -->
<leaf name="ABANDONNABLE" type="I1" />
<!-- Indicate if the mission is paused (player set as 'sleeping' in a queue) -->
<leaf name="SLEEP" type="I1" />
<!-- Historic -->
<branch name="HISTO">
<branch name="" count="30">
<leaf name="TEXT" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<branch name="EXECUTE_PHRASE" bank="PLR" atom="1">
<!-- The index of the phrase in the spell book that is being executed right now -->
<leaf name="PHRASE" type="I16" />
<!-- If not a phrase in the speel book, give the associated brick sheet id -->
<leaf name="SHEET" type="I32" nullable="1" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<!-- When the NEXT_COUNTER reach the one on client, reset -->
<leaf name="NEXT_COUNTER" type="I8" />
<!-- When the CYCLE_COUNTER reach the one on client, reset -->
<leaf name="CYCLE_COUNTER" type="I8" />
<!-- LINKS -->
<branch name="LINK">
<branch name="" count="10" atom="1">
<!-- The Phrase Id -->
<leaf name="PHRASE" type="I16" />
<!-- The cost each second -->
<leaf name="HP_COST" type="I16" />
<leaf name="SAP_COST" type="I16" />
<leaf name="STA_COST" type="I16" />
<!-- Entity name -->
<leaf name="TARGET_NAME" type="TEXT" nullable="1" />
<!-- Entity State -->
<leaf name="TARGET_HP" type="I7" />
<leaf name="TARGET_SAP" type="I7" />
<leaf name="TARGET_STA" type="I7" />
<leaf name="COUNTER" type="I4" />
<branch name="GUILD" bank="GUILD">
<leaf name="COUNTER" type="I8" />
<leaf name="PROXY" type="I1" />
<!-- Flat to indicate that the guild is 'proxified' from another EGS -->
<leaf name="NAME" type="TEXT" />
<!-- Name of the guild the local player belongs to -->
<leaf name="DESCRIPTION" type="TEXT" />
<!-- Description of the guild -->
<leaf name="ICON" type="I64" />
<!-- Icon of the guild (look at guild_manager) -->
<leaf name="XP" type="I32" />
<!-- Experience of the guild -->
<leaf name="CHARGE_POINTS" type="I32" />
<!-- charge points of the guild -->
<leaf name="VILLAGE" type="TEXT" />
<!-- village text id -->
<leaf name="PEOPLE" type="I8" />
<!-- people affiliated with the guild-->
<leaf name="CREATION_DATE" type="I32" />
<!-- creation date of the guild in ticks -->
<branch name="FAME">
<leaf name="CULT_ALLEGIANCE" type="I3" />
<!-- Guild cult allegiance (CF TPVPClan enum (pvp_clan.h) -->
<leaf name="CIV_ALLEGIANCE" type="I3" />
<!-- Guild civilization allegiance (CF TPVPClan enum (pvp_clan.h) -->
<branch name="" count="6">
<!-- from fame.h & cpp -->
<leaf name="VALUE" type="S8" />
<!-- current value -->
<leaf name="THRESHOLD" type="S8" />
<!-- max threshold -->
<leaf name="TREND" type="I8" />
<!-- Fame trend, (CF see fame_pd.h TFameTrend ) -->
<branch name="MEMBERS">
<!-- Guild Members -->
<branch name="" count="256">
<leaf name="NAME" type="TEXT" nullable="1" />
<!-- player name -->
<leaf name="GRADE" type="I3" />
<!-- player grade-->
<leaf name="ONLINE" type="I2" cppType="TCharConnectionState" />
<!-- enum TCharConnectionState -->
<leaf name="ENTER_DATE" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- tick when player entered the guild-->
<branch name="INVENTORY">
<leaf name="SESSION" type="I16" />
<leaf name="BULK_MAX" type="I32" />
<leaf name="MONEY" type="I64" />
<branch name="" count="1000" clientonly="1">
<!-- Common Item Data -->
<leaf name="SHEET" type="I32" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<leaf name="QUALITY" type="I10" />
<leaf name="QUANTITY" type="I10" />
<leaf name="USER_COLOR" type="I3" />
<leaf name="CHARAC_BUFFS" type="I8" /> <!-- flags based on TCharacteristics -->
<leaf name="LOCKED" type="I10" />
<leaf name="ACCESS" type="I2" /> <!-- TGuildGrade access grade -->
<leaf name="WEIGHT" type="I16" /> <!-- weight. see DB_WEIGHT_SCALE -->
<leaf name="NAMEID" type="I32" /> <!-- 0 or special name of item -->
<leaf name="ENCHANT" type="I10" /> <!-- 0=not enchanted, 1=enchanted nbcharge 0, 10=e. nbcharge 9 -->
<leaf name="RM_CLASS_TYPE" type="I3" /> <!-- RM_CLASS_TYPE enum -->
<leaf name="RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE" type="I6" /> <!-- RM_FABER_STAT_TYPE enum -->
<leaf name="PREREQUISIT_VALID" type="I1" />
<!-- <leaf name="PRICE" type="I32" /> -->
<!-- <leaf name="RESALE_FLAG" type="I2" /> --> <!-- TBotChatResaleFlag -->
<leaf name="WORNED" type="I1" /> <!-- true if item is worned (show a red cross) -->
<leaf name="INFO_VERSION" type="I8" />
<branch name="OUTPOST">
<!-- true if this guild can cancel an outpost -->
<leaf name="CANDEL" type="I1" />
<!-- outpost owned/challenged by the guild -->
<branch name="O" count="16">
<!-- Outpost Ownage -->
<leaf name="OWNED" type="I1" />
<!-- 1 if the outpost is owned by the guild, 0 if it is challenged -->
<!-- Outpost Desc/State -->
<leaf name="SHEET" type="I32" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<leaf name="LEVEL" type="I8" />
<!-- Outpost Level: 50, 100, 150 .... -->
<branch name="GUILD">
<leaf name="NAME" type="TEXT" />
<!-- Name of the guild the outpost belongs to (or name of tribe) -->
<leaf name="ICON" type="I64" />
<!-- Icon of the guild the outpost belongs to -->
<leaf name="TRIBE" type="I1" />
<!-- True if the outpost is owned by a Tribe -->
<leaf name="NAME_ATT" type="TEXT" />
<!-- Name of the guild that attacks the outpost. 0 if none -->
<leaf name="STATUS" type="I4" />
<!-- Outpost Status: OUTPOSTENUMS::TOutpostState -->
<leaf name="STATE_END_DATE" type="I32" />
<!-- Server tick of the end of state -->
<leaf name="DISPLAY_CRASH" type="I1" />
<!-- A crash has happened in the last war. Inform users -->
<leaf name="WARCOST" type="I32" />
<!-- Dappers needed to declare war to this outpost -->
<!-- Round State -->
<leaf name="ROUND_LVL_THRESHOLD" type="I8" />
<!-- The minimal threshold attack must exceed -->
<leaf name="ROUND_LVL_MAX_ATT" type="I8" />
<!-- The max round level reached by attackers -->
<leaf name="ROUND_LVL_MAX_DEF" type="I8" />
<!-- The max round level reached by defenders -->
<leaf name="ROUND_LVL_CUR" type="I8" />
<!-- The current round level -->
<leaf name="ROUND_ID_CUR" type="I8" />
<!-- The current round number -->
<leaf name="ROUND_ID_MAX" type="I8" />
<!-- The max round in an attack/defense period -->
<!-- Time Setup -->
<leaf name="TIME_RANGE_DEF_WANTED" type="I5" />
<!-- The start hour at wich the defender want to defend (0-24) -->
<leaf name="TIME_RANGE_DEF" type="I32" />
<!-- The start time at wich the defender WILL defend (in sec from 1970, GMT) -->
<leaf name="TIME_RANGE_ATT" type="I32" />
<!-- The start time at wich the attacker WILL attack (in sec from 1970, GMT) -->
<leaf name="TIME_RANGE_LENGTH" type="I16" />
<!-- (In minutes). the length of an attack/defend period (120 for instance) -->
<!-- Squads -->
<branch name="SQUAD_SPAWN_ZONE">
<!-- list of zones where squads can be spawned -->
<branch name="" count="16">
<leaf name="X" type="S32" />
<leaf name="Y" type="S32" />
<branch name="SQUAD_SHOP">
<!-- list of squad that we can buy -->
<branch name="" count="16">
<leaf name="SHEET" type="I32" nullable="1" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<branch name="SQUADS">
<!-- Squad -->
<!-- 24 max squads: The First 12th are the squads that spawn at start
The second 12th are the one that spawn after
<branch name="SP" count="24">
<!-- Spawned -->
<leaf name="SHEET" type="I32" nullable="1" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<branch name="T" count="24">
<!-- Training -->
<leaf name="SHEET" type="I32" nullable="1" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<leaf name="SPAWN" type="I4" />
<!-- Index in SQUAD_SPAWN_ZONE list -->
<leaf name="SQUAD_CAPITAL" type="I32" />
<!-- Money that can be spent by the guild -->
<!-- Buildings -->
<branch name="BUILDINGS">
<!-- list of buildings on the outpost -->
<branch name="" count="4">
<leaf name="SHEET" type="I32" nullable="1" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<!-- The outpost selected by the user on a NPC -->
<branch name="OUTPOST_SELECTED" bank="OUTPOST" atom="1">
<!-- System: Use atom="1" to be sure data are relevant for the player (SHEET and other data are sync). -->
<!-- Outpost Desc/State -->
<leaf name="SHEET" type="I32" cppType="NLMISC::CSheetId" />
<leaf name="LEVEL" type="I8" />
<!-- Outpost Level: 50, 100, 150 .... -->
<branch name="GUILD">
<leaf name="NAME" type="TEXT" />
<!-- Name of the guild the outpost belongs to (or name of tribe) -->
<leaf name="ICON" type="I64" />
<!-- Icon of the guild the outpost belongs to -->
<leaf name="TRIBE" type="I1" />
<!-- True if the outpost is owned by a Tribe -->
<leaf name="NAME_ATT" type="TEXT" />
<!-- Name of the guild that attacks the outpost. 0 if none -->
<leaf name="STATUS" type="I4" />
<!-- Outpost Status: OUTPOSTENUMS::TOutpostState -->
<leaf name="STATE_END_DATE" type="I32" />
<!-- Server tick of the end of state -->
<leaf name="DISPLAY_CRASH" type="I1" />
<!-- A crash has happened in the last war. Inform users -->
<leaf name="WARCOST" type="I32" />
<!-- Dappers needed to declare war to this outpost -->
<!-- Round State -->
<leaf name="ROUND_LVL_THRESHOLD" type="I8" />
<!-- The minimal threshold attack must exceed -->
<leaf name="ROUND_LVL_MAX_ATT" type="I8" />
<!-- The max round level reached by attackers -->
<leaf name="ROUND_LVL_MAX_DEF" type="I8" />
<!-- The max round level reached by defenders -->
<leaf name="ROUND_LVL_CUR" type="I8" />
<!-- The current round level -->
<leaf name="ROUND_ID_CUR" type="I8" />
<!-- The current round number -->
<leaf name="ROUND_ID_MAX" type="I8" />
<!-- The max round in an attack/defense period -->
<!-- Time Setup -->
<leaf name="TIME_RANGE_DEF_WANTED" type="I5" />
<!-- The start hour at wich the defender want to defend (0-24) -->
<leaf name="TIME_RANGE_DEF" type="I32" />
<!-- The start time at wich the defender WILL defend (in sec from 1970, GMT) -->
<leaf name="TIME_RANGE_ATT" type="I32" />
<!-- The start time at wich the attacker WILL attack (in sec from 1970, GMT) -->
<leaf name="TIME_RANGE_LENGTH" type="I16" />
<!-- (In minutes). the length of an attack/defend period (120 for instance) -->
<branch name="CHARACTER_INFO" bank="PLR">
<branch name="CHARACTERISTICS" count="8">
<leaf name="VALUE" type="I12" />
<branch name="SCORES" count="4">
<leaf name="Base" type="I24" />
<leaf name="Max" type="I24" />
<leaf name="BaseRegen" type="I24" />
<leaf name="Regen" type="I24" />
<branch name="MAGIC_RESISTANCE">
<leaf name="MaxResistanceBonus" type="I9" />
<branch name="" count="5">
<leaf name="VALUE" type="I9" />
<branch name="MAGIC_PROTECTION">
<leaf name="MaxProtectionClampValue" type="I9" />
<leaf name="MaxAbsorptionFactor" type="I9" />
<branch name="" count="7">
<leaf name="VALUE" type="I9" />
<branch name="DODGE">
<leaf name="Base" type="I9" />
<leaf name="Current" type="I9" />
<branch name="PARRY">
<leaf name="Base" type="I9" />
<leaf name="Current" type="I9" />
<branch name="SKILLS">
<branch name="" count="225">
<leaf name="SKILL" type="I12" />
<leaf name="BaseSKILL" type="I12" />
<leaf name="PROGRESS_BAR" type="I8" />
<branch name="XP_CATALYSER">
<leaf name="Level" type="I12" />
<leaf name="Count" type="I12" />
<branch name="RING_XP_CATALYSER">
<leaf name="Level" type="I12" />
<leaf name="Count" type="I12" />
<branch name="PVP_FACTION_TAG">
<leaf name="TAG_PVP" type="I1" />
<leaf name="ACTIVATION_TIME" type="I32" />
<leaf name="FLAG_PVP_TIME_LEFT" type="I32" />
<leaf name="COUNTER" type="I8" />
<branch name="PVP_OUTPOST">
<leaf name="FLAG_PVP" type="I1" />
<!-- 1 if the player is in a PVP outpost -->
<leaf name="RIGHT_TO_BANISH" type="I1" />
<!-- 1 if the player has right to banish other players -->
<leaf name="ROUND_LVL_CUR" type="I32" />
<!-- Current Round Level -->
<leaf name="ROUND_END_DATE" type="I32" />
<!-- Server tick of the end of the round. 0 if there is no active Round -->
<leaf name="FLAG_PVP_TIME_END" type="I32" />
<!-- Server tick of the end of the Outpost PVP activation. 0 if there is no counter (player in zone) -->
<branch name="SUCCESS_MODIFIER">
<leaf name="DODGE" type="S16" />
<leaf name="PARRY" type="S16" />
<leaf name="CRAFT" type="S16" />
<leaf name="MELEE" type="S16" />
<leaf name="RANGE" type="S16" />
<leaf name="MAGIC" type="S16" />
<branch name="ECO">
<branch name="" count="7">
<leaf name="FORAGE" type="S16" />
<branch name="PACK_ANIMAL" bank="PLR">
<!-- beasts -->
<branch name="BEAST" count="4" atomic="1">
<!-- Atomic, for correct Bar Management on client -->
<leaf name="UID" type="I20" />
<!-- Entity Unique Identifier -->
<leaf name="TYPE" type="I4" />
<!-- see ANIMAL_TYPE -->
<leaf name="STATUS" type="I4" />
<!-- see ANIMAL_STATUS -->
<leaf name="HP" type="I7" />
<leaf name="BULK_MAX" type="I32" />
<leaf name="POS" type="I64" />
<!-- X uint32 << 32 | Y uint32 -->
<leaf name="HUNGER" type="I5" />
<leaf name="DESPAWN" type="I7" />
<leaf name="NAME" type="I32" nullable="1" is_true="1" />
<branch name="DEBUG_INFO" bank="PLR">
<leaf name="Ping" type="I32" />
<!-- MP Exotic Evaluation -->
<branch name="MP_EVAL" bank="PLR">
<leaf name="COST" type="I32" />
<!-- Normal Success -->
<branch name="RESULT">
<leaf name="VALID" type="I1" />
<leaf name="SMALL_SEED" type="I32" />
<leaf name="MEDIUM_SEED" type="I32" />
<leaf name="BIG_SEED" type="I32" />
<leaf name="VERY_BIG_SEED" type="I32" />
<leaf name="EXPIRY_DATE" type="I32" />
<!-- Critical Success -->
<branch name="RESULT_CRITICAL">
<leaf name="VALID" type="I1" />
<leaf name="SMALL_SEED" type="I32" />
<leaf name="MEDIUM_SEED" type="I32" />
<leaf name="BIG_SEED" type="I32" />
<leaf name="VERY_BIG_SEED" type="I32" />
<leaf name="EXPIRY_DATE" type="I32" />
<!-- Compass coordinates -->
<branch name="COMPASS" bank="PLR">
<leaf name="HOME_POINT" type="I64" />
<!-- X uint32 << 32 | Y uint32 -->
<leaf name="BIND_POINT" type="I64" />
<!-- X uint32 << 32 | Y uint32 -->
<leaf name="TARGET" type="I64" />
<!-- X uint32 << 32 | Y uint32 -->
<!-- Fames values -->
<branch name="FAME" bank="PLR">
<leaf name="CULT_ALLEGIANCE" type="I3" />
<!-- Character cult allegiance (CF TPVPClan enum (pvp_clan.h) -->
<leaf name="CIV_ALLEGIANCE" type="I3" />
<!-- Character civilization allegiance (CF TPVPClan enum (pvp_clan.h) -->
<leaf name="THRESHOLD_TRADE" type="S8" />
<!-- value where trade doesn't work anymore -->
<leaf name="THRESHOLD_KOS" type="S8" />
<!-- value where the guards kill you on sight -->
<branch name="PLAYER" count="6">
<!-- from fame.h & cpp -->
<leaf name="VALUE" type="S8" />
<!-- current value -->
<leaf name="THRESHOLD" type="S8" />
<!-- max threshold -->
<leaf name="TREND" type="I8" />
<!-- Fame trend, (CF see fame_pd.h TFameTrend ) -->
<branch name="TRIBE" count="53">
<leaf name="VALUE" type="S8" />
<!-- current value -->
<leaf name="THRESHOLD" type="S8" />
<!-- max threshold -->
<leaf name="TREND" type="I8" />
<!-- Fame trend, (CF see fame_pd.h TFameTrend ) -->
<!-- Static general data -->
<branch name="STATIC_DATA" bank="PLR">
<leaf name="BAG_BULK_MAX" type="I32" />
<!-- DynChat channels -->
<branch name="DYN_CHAT" bank="PLR">
<branch name="CHANNEL" count="8" atom="1">
<leaf name="NAME" type="I32" nullable="1" />
<!-- channel not available if anme is 0 -->
<leaf name="ID" type="I64" nullable="1" />
<!-- unique ID of channel (eid) -->
<leaf name="WRITE_RIGHT" type="I1" />
<!-- PvP Effects -->
<branch name="PVP_EFFECTS" bank="PLR">
<!-- Faction points for PvP -->
<branch name="PVP_FACTION_POINTS">
<leaf name="CIV" type="I8" />
<leaf name="CIV_POINTS" type="I32" />
<leaf name="CULT" type="I8" />
<leaf name="CULT_POINTS" type="I32" />
<!-- Bonus and malus for regions -->
<branch name="" count="59">
<leaf name="ID" type="I32" />
<leaf name="ISBONUS" type="I1" />
<leaf name="PARAM" type="I32" />
<!-- Weather -->
<branch name="WEATHER" bank="PLR">
<leaf name="VALUE" type="I16" />