kervala 9d9819f1c0 Changed: Updated NeL module
branch : develop
AndroidToolChain.cmake Changed: Updated Android ans iOS toolchains
CheckDepends.cmake Changed: Simplified all ENDIF and ELSE
ConfigureChecks.cmake Changed: Improve versioning info for resources
Find3dsMaxSDK.cmake Add Max 8 SDK path to CMake search
FindCEGUI.cmake Changed: Simplified all ENDIF and ELSE
FindCppTest.cmake Changed: Simplified all ENDIF and ELSE
FindCustomMFC.cmake Changed: Use UNICODE for all MFC projects because it's recommended by MS
FindDSound.cmake Changed: Simplified all ENDIF and ELSE
FindDirectXSDK.cmake Changed: Simplified all ENDIF and ELSE
FindEFXUtil.cmake Changed: Simplified all ENDIF and ELSE
FindExternal.cmake Changed: Simplified all ENDIF and ELSE
FindFFmpeg.cmake Added: FFmpeg based audio decoder
FindFreeType.cmake Changed: Simplified all ENDIF and ELSE
FindGLIB2.cmake Add max file library
FindGOBJECT2.cmake Update build settings
FindGTK2.cmake Fixed: Compile under Linux Mint 12 with GTK enabled.
FindHelpers.cmake Changed: Use Threads CMake module and CMAKE_DL_LIBS
FindIconv.cmake Changed: Simplified all ENDIF and ELSE
FindJpeg.cmake Changed: Simplified all ENDIF and ELSE
FindLIBGSF.cmake Add max file library
FindLibOVR.cmake Fixed: Update libovr detection
FindLibVR.cmake Changed: Simplified all ENDIF and ELSE
FindLua52.cmake Fixed: ryzom_client crashes on start with unprotected error in call to Lua API
FindLua53.cmake Fixed: Typo in Lua 5.3 module
FindLuabind.cmake Changed: Use FIND_PACKAGE_HELPER
FindMSVC.cmake Fixed: Support for VC++ 2019 (don't use registry anymore but CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER instead)
FindMercurial.cmake Changed: Use hg log -r . instead of hg tip to get last revision
FindMySQL.cmake Support MariaDB C connector library instead of MySQL
FindNeL.cmake Changed: Updated NeL module
FindOgg.cmake Changed: Use FIND_PACKAGE_HELPER
FindOpenGLES.cmake Changed: Simplified all ENDIF and ELSE
FindRyzomGameShare.cmake Changed: Include NeL in RyzomGameShare CMake module
FindSTLport.cmake Changed: Use FIND_PACKAGE_HELPER
FindSquish.cmake Changed: Use FIND_PACKAGE_HELPER
FindSteam.cmake Changed: Use LIST(APPEND instead of SET
FindVorbis.cmake Changed: Use FIND_PACKAGE_HELPER
FindWindowsSDK.cmake Fixed: Support for VC++ 2019 (don't use registry anymore but CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER instead)
FindXF86VidMode.cmake Changed: Simplified all ENDIF and ELSE
Findassimp.cmake Fixed: New versions of AssImp depend on IrrXML
GetRevision.cmake Fixed: Strip version strings only when successful
OSXToolChain.cmake Changed: Updated toolchains
PCHSupport.cmake Fixed: Missing macro for Nmake
iOSToolChain.cmake Changed: Updated toolchains
nel.cmake Add option for custom compile flags