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671 lines
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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef NL_COMMAND_H
#define NL_COMMAND_H
#include "types_nl.h"
#include "twin_map.h"
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
//#include <sstream>
#include <istream>
#include "stream.h"
#include "config_file.h"
#include "log.h"
namespace NLMISC {
* This is standard Unix linker behavior: object files
* that are not referenced from outside are discarded. The
* file in which you run your constructor is thus simply
* thrown away by the linker, which explains why the constructor
* is not run.
* Create a function that can be call in realtime.
* Example:
* \code
// I want to create a function that computes the square of the parameter and display the result
NLMISC_COMMAND(square,"display the square of the parameter","<value>")
// check args, if there s not the right number of parameter, return bad
if(args.size() != 1) return false;
// get the value
uint32 val;
fromString(args[0], val);
// display the result on the displayer
log.displayNL("The square of %d is %d", val, val*val);
return true;
* \endcode
* Please use the same casing than for the function (first letter in lower case and after each word first letter in upper case)
* ie: myFunction, step, orderByName, lookAtThis
* System extended by Sadge July 2004
* - NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND now takes a 4th 'category' parameter which is used by 'help' system to organise cmmands
* - All default commands added by NeL are categorised as "nel"
* - All commands created using the NLMISC_COMMAND macro are are categorised as "commands"
* \author Vianney Lecroart
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2001
#define NLMISC_COMMAND(__name,__help,__args) NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND(commands,__name,__help,__args)
#define NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND(__category,__name,__help,__args) \
struct __category##_##__name##Class: public NLMISC::ICommand \
{ \
__category##_##__name##Class() : NLMISC::ICommand(#__category,#__name,__help,__args) { } \
virtual bool execute(const std::string &rawCommandString, const std::vector<std::string> &args, NLMISC::CLog &log, bool quiet, bool human); \
}; \
__category##_##__name##Class __category##_##__name##Instance; \
bool __category##_##__name##Class::execute(const std::string &rawCommandString, const std::vector<std::string> &args, NLMISC::CLog &log, bool quiet, bool human)
/** Helper to declare a command as friend of a class.
* Useful when you want to declare debug command that access private class method or data.
#define NLMISC_COMMAND_FRIEND(__name) friend struct commands_##__name##Class
#define NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND_FRIEND(__category,__name) friend struct __category##_##__name##Class
* Create a function that can be call in realtime. Don't use this class directly but use the macro NLMISC_COMMAND
* \author Vianney Lecroart
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2001
class ICommand
/// Constructor
ICommand(const char *categoryName, const char *commandName, const char *commandHelp, const char *commandArgs);
virtual ~ICommand();
// quiet means that we don't display anything else than the value
// human means that we want the value in a human readable if possible
virtual bool execute(const std::string &rawCommandString, const std::vector<std::string> &args, NLMISC::CLog &log, bool quiet, bool human = true) = 0;
std::string CategoryName;
std::string HelpString;
std::string CommandArgs;
// is it a variable or a classic command?
enum TType { Unknown, Command, Variable };
TType Type;
// static members
typedef std::map<std::string, ICommand *> TCommand;
// typedef std::set<std::string> TCategorySet;
static TCommand *LocalCommands;
// static TCategorySet *LocalCategories;
// static TCommand *LocalCommands;
static bool LocalCommandsInit;
/// Executes the command and display output to the log
/// \param quiet true if you don't want to display the "executing the command ..."
static bool execute (const std::string &commandWithArgs, NLMISC::CLog &log, bool quiet = false, bool human = true);
/** Command name completion.
* Case-sensitive. Displays the list after two calls with the same non-unique completion.
* Completes commands used with prefixes (such as "help " for example) as well.
static void expand (std::string &commandName, NLMISC::CLog &log=*InfoLog);
static void serialCommands (IStream &f);
/// returns true if the command exists
static bool exists (std::string const &commandName);
/// if the string begin with an upper case, it s a variable, otherwise, it s a command
static bool isCommand (const std::string &str);
/// Retrieve the interface over command object for the given command name.
static ICommand *getCommand(const std::string &commandName);
const std::string &getName () const { return _CommandName; }
/** declare a command to "enable control char". By default all commands "enable control char"
* eg: if enableControlCharForCommand("region", false) is called, then the command:
* region hello; "i am busy" \never disturb me please
* won't treat '"', '\' and ';' as special control character.
* Thus the final list of args will be (separated by '/' here for clarity):
* hello;/"i/am/busy"/\never/disturb/me/please
static void enableControlCharForCommand(const std::string &commandName, bool state);
/// see enableControlCharForCommand()
static bool isControlCharForCommandEnabled(const std::string &commandName);
std::string _CommandName;
/** Struct to host data for one object command
* \author Boris 'SoniX' Boucher
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2005
struct TCommandHandlerInfo
/// The help string of the command
std::string CommandHelp;
/// The argument required for the command
std::string CommandArgs;
/// A comparison operator need for STL container storage
bool operator ==(const TCommandHandlerInfo &other) const
return (CommandHelp == other.CommandHelp) && (CommandArgs == other.CommandArgs);
/** Struct to host data for all the commands of an object class
* \author Boris 'SoniX' Boucher
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2005
struct TCommandHandlerClassInfo
/// Number of instance of object of this class
uint32 InstanceCount;
/// The list of command available on this class of object.
typedef std::map<std::string, TCommandHandlerInfo> TCommandsInfo;
TCommandsInfo _Commands;
/// Constructor.
: InstanceCount(0)
/** Base class for command handler.
* Command handler are a mean to build object that support NeL commands
* _Commands are associated to object class and invoked to named instance.
* Each named instance must have a unique name (whatever it's class).
* Unlike NeL global commands, object commands are invoked in the context
* of the object instance.
* In order to write an object that support commands, you must devive from
* template<class MyClass> CCommandsHandler. The class ICommandsHandler
* is used by the command registry to handle any type of object.
* \author Boris 'SoniX' Boucher
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2005
class ICommandsHandler
/// Store the class name after handler registration
const std::string *_ClassName;
/** The derived class call this method to register the instance in
* the command registry.
* Before calling this method, the object is not available for
* commands invocation.
void registerCommandsHandler();
/** The derived class call this method to unregister the instance in
* the command registry.
* After this call, the object is no more liste in named object
* list nor it can receive command invocation.
* You can later re-register the object.
void unregisterCommandsHandler();
virtual const std::string &getCommandHandlerClassName() const =0;
/** This methods implemented by CCommandHandler is used by the
* command registry to retrieve the name of the object instance.
virtual const std::string &getCommandHandlerName() const =0;
/** This methods implemented by CCommandHandler is used by the
* command registry to build the list of available commands
* on the object class.
virtual void fillCommandsHandlerList(TCommandHandlerClassInfo::TCommandsInfo &commandList) =0;
/** Virtual destructor to unregister the object instance.
* When all the instance of a given class are deleted,
* the associated command an class information are
* removed from the command registry.
virtual ~ICommandsHandler();
/** This methods implemented by CCommandHandler is used by the
* command registry to start a command execution.
virtual bool execute(const std::string &rawCommandString, const std::string &commandName, const std::vector<std::string> &args, NLMISC::CLog &log, bool quiet, bool human = true) =0;
template <class T>
struct TCommandHandler : public TCommandHandlerInfo
typedef bool (T::*TCommand)(const std::string &rawCommandString, const std::vector<std::string> &args, NLMISC::CLog &log, bool quiet, bool human);
TCommand CommandHandler;
/** Template class used as base for derivation of object that support commands.
* To declare your object supporting commands, you must
* derive from this class with your class type as template parameter.
* e.g :
* class CMyClass : public CCommandsHandler<CMyClass>
* {
* };
* To easily generate the command table, NeL provide some macros :
* class CMyClass : public CCommandsHandler<CMyClass>
* {
* public:
* NLMISC_COMMAND_HANDLER_ADD(CMyClass, theCommand1, "help", "args")
* NLMISC_COMMAND_HANDLER_ADD(CMyClass, theCommand2, "other help", "other args")
* {
* // put yout code here
* }
* {
* // put yout code here
* }
* };
* You can also derive a class and add some more commands in the
* class CMyDerivedClass : public CMyClass
* {
* NLMISC_COMMAND_HANDLER_ADD(CMyClass, addedCommand, "help", "args")
* {
* // put yout code here
* }
* };
* \author Boris 'SoniX' Boucher
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2005
//template <class T>
//class CCommandsHandler : public ICommandsHandler
// /** Constructor, used to initialise the class name in the interface class */
//// CCommandsHandler()
//// : ICommandsHandler(T::getCommandHandlerClassName())
//// {
//// }
// /** Virtual pure method used by execute to retrieve the method pointer.
// * This method will be automatically implemented by the NLMISC_COMMAND_HANDLER_TABLE_BEGIN
// * macro utility.
// */
//// virtual TCommand getCommandHandler(const std::string &commandName) =0;
// /** Execute a command.
// * Return false if no command of the name exist.
// */
//// bool execute(const std::string &rawCommandString, const std::string &commandName, const std::vector<std::string> &args, NLMISC::CLog &log, bool quiet, bool human = true)
//// {
//// TCommand cmd = getCommandHandler(commandName);
//// if (cmd != NULL)
//// {
//// T* tp = static_cast<T*>(this);
//// return (tp->*cmd)(rawCommandString, args, log, quiet, human);
//// }
//// else
//// {
//// log.displayNL("Command on object '%s' : unknow command '%s'",
//// getCommandHandlerName().c_str(),
//// commandName.c_str());
//// return false;
//// }
//// }
/** Macro to start a command handler table.
* Use it inside the class declaration.
/* Typedef a method pointer on the template class. */ \
/* This type is the type of the command handler method.*/ \
/* It have the same signature as global NeL commands. */ \
typedef bool (className::*TCommand)(const std::string &rawCommandString, const std::vector<std::string> &args, NLMISC::CLog &log, bool quiet, bool human); \
/** Typedef for a container for command handler table. */ \
typedef std::map<std::string, NLMISC::TCommandHandler<className> > TCommandsTable; \
virtual const std::string &getCommandHandlerClassName() const\
{ \
static std::string className(#className); \
return className; \
} \
TCommand className##_getCommandHandler(const std::string &commandName) \
{ \
TCommandsTable commandTable = className##_getCommandsHandlerTable(); \
TCommandsTable::iterator it = commandTable.find(commandName); \
if (it != commandTable.end()) \
{ \
/** ok, we have the command handler*/ \
return it->second.CommandHandler; \
} \
else \
return NULL; \
} \
virtual bool execute(const std::string &rawCommandString, const std::string &commandName, const std::vector<std::string> &args, NLMISC::CLog &log, bool quiet, bool human) \
{ \
TCommand cmd = className##_getCommandHandler(commandName); \
if (cmd != NULL) \
{ \
if (!quiet)\
log.displayNL("Execute command: %s", rawCommandString.c_str()); \
return (this->*cmd)(rawCommandString, args, log, quiet, human); \
} \
else \
{ \
log.displayNL("Command on object '%s' : unknow command '%s'", \
getCommandHandlerName().c_str(), \
commandName.c_str()); \
return false; \
} \
} \
virtual void fillCommandsHandlerList(NLMISC::TCommandHandlerClassInfo::TCommandsInfo &commandList) \
{ \
const TCommandsTable &commandTable = className##_getCommandsHandlerTable(); \
TCommandsTable::const_iterator first(commandTable.begin()), last(commandTable.end()); \
for (; first != last; ++first) \
{ \
commandList.insert(std::make_pair(first->first, first->second)); \
} \
} \
const TCommandsTable &className##_getCommandsHandlerTable() \
{ \
static bool initialized = false; \
static TCommandsTable commandsTable; \
if (!initialized) \
{ \
initialized = true; \
/** Macro to add a handler in the handler table.
* Use this macro between NLMISC_COMMAND_HANDLER_TABLE_BEGIN and
* The command name must match a method of the class with
* a command signature.
* You can easily declare command method using the macro
#define NLMISC_COMMAND_HANDLER_ADD(className, theCommandName, theCommandHelp, theCommandArgs) \
{ \
NLMISC::TCommandHandler<className> ch; \
ch.CommandArgs = theCommandArgs; \
ch.CommandHelp = theCommandHelp; \
ch.CommandHandler = &className::cmdHandler_##theCommandName; \
commandsTable.insert(std::make_pair(std::string(#theCommandName), ch)); \
} \
/** Macro to end the command handler table.
* Must be put after the last command handler adding.
} \
return commandsTable; \
} \
/** Macro to add commands in a class that derive from a class
* that already declare a command handler table.
* the most derivative class will override base class commands
* if they have the same name.
typedef bool (className::*TCommand)(const std::string &rawCommandString, const std::vector<std::string> &args, NLMISC::CLog &log, bool quiet, bool human); \
typedef std::map<std::string, NLMISC::TCommandHandler<className> > TCommandsTable; \
virtual const std::string &getCommandHandlerClassName() const\
{ \
static std::string className(#className); \
return className; \
} \
TCommand className##_getCommandHandler(const std::string &commandName) \
{ \
TCommandsTable commandTable = className##_getCommandsHandlerTable(); \
TCommandsTable::iterator it = commandTable.find(commandName); \
if (it != commandTable.end()) \
{ \
/* ok, we have the command handler*/ \
return it->second.CommandHandler; \
} \
else \
{ \
return NULL;\
} \
} \
virtual bool execute(const std::string &rawCommandString, const std::string &commandName, const std::vector<std::string> &args, NLMISC::CLog &log, bool quiet, bool human) \
{ \
TCommand cmd = className##_getCommandHandler(commandName); \
if (cmd != NULL) \
{ \
return (this->*cmd)(rawCommandString, args, log, quiet, human); \
} \
else \
{ \
/* try with the base class */ \
return baseClassName::execute(rawCommandString, commandName, args, log, quiet, human);\
} \
} \
virtual void fillCommandsHandlerList(NLMISC::TCommandHandlerClassInfo::TCommandsInfo &commandList) \
{ \
const TCommandsTable &commandTable = className##_getCommandsHandlerTable(); \
TCommandsTable::const_iterator first(commandTable.begin()), last(commandTable.end()); \
for (; first != last; ++first) \
{ \
commandList.insert(std::make_pair(first->first, first->second)); \
} \
/* call base class to complete the command table */ \
baseClassName::fillCommandsHandlerList(commandList); \
} \
const TCommandsTable &className##_getCommandsHandlerTable() \
{ \
static bool initialized = false; \
static TCommandsTable commandsTable; \
if (!initialized) \
{ \
initialized = true; \
// A macro to declare or implement inline the command method
#define NLMISC_CLASS_COMMAND_DECL(commandName) \
bool cmdHandler_##commandName(const std::string &rawCommandString, const std::vector<std::string> &args, NLMISC::CLog &log, bool quiet, bool human)
// A macro to implement the command method in a cpp (you still need to declare it in the class scope using the previous macro)
#define NLMISC_CLASS_COMMAND_IMPL(className, commandName) \
bool className::cmdHandler_##commandName(const std::string &rawCommandString, const std::vector<std::string> &args, NLMISC::CLog &log, bool quiet, bool human)
// A macro to recall a base class command implementation
#define NLMISC_CLASS_COMMAND_CALL_BASE(baseClassName, commandName)\
baseClassName::cmdHandler_##commandName(rawCommandString, args, log, quiet, human)
/** The command registry is a singleton that hold all available
* commands.
* It bridge the legacy global commands and variable with
* the object commands.
* All the legacy static call made on ICommand are now forwarded
* directly to this class (e.g. IService::execute)
* This class is modeled after the safe singlton pattern,
* so it is safe to use in a dynamicaly loaded library
* program.
* \author Boris 'SoniX' Boucher
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2005
class CCommandRegistry
// this class is a safe singleton (dll friendly)
CCommandRegistry() {}
friend void cbVarChanged (CConfigFile::CVar &var);
friend class ICommand;
friend class ICommandsHandler;
friend class INelContext;
typedef std::map<std::string, ICommand *> TCommand;
typedef std::set<std::string> TCategorySet;
/// List of commands categories
TCategorySet _Categories;
/// List of available command
TCommand _Commands;
typedef CTwinMap<std::string, ICommandsHandler *> TCommandsHandlers;
/// Registry for commands handlers named instance
TCommandsHandlers _CommandsHandlers;
typedef std::map<std::string, TCommandHandlerClassInfo > TCommandsHandlersClass;
/// Registry for commands name and handler class
TCommandsHandlersClass _CommandsHandlersClass;
std::set<std::string> _CommandsDisablingControlChar;
/// Used by ICommand to register themselves
void registerCommand(ICommand *command);
/// Used by ICommand to unregister themselves
void unregisterCommand(ICommand *command);
/// Called by command handlers to register themselves.
void registerNamedCommandHandler(ICommandsHandler *handler, const std::string &className);
/// Called by command handlers to unregister themselves.
void unregisterNamedCommandHandler(ICommandsHandler *handler, const std::string &className);
/// Executes the command and display output to the log
/// \param quiet true if you don't want to display the "executing the command ..."
bool execute (const std::string &commandWithArgs, NLMISC::CLog &log, bool quiet = false, bool human = true);
/** Command name completion.
* Case-sensitive. Displays the list after two calls with the same non-unique completion.
* Completes commands used with prefixes (such as "help " for example) as well.
void expand (std::string &commandName, NLMISC::CLog &log=*InfoLog);
void serialCommands (IStream &f);
/// returns true if the command exists
bool exists (std::string const &commandName);
/// Return true if a named command handler with that name is registered
bool isNamedCommandHandler(const std::string &handlerName);
/// if the string begin with an upper case, it s a variable, otherwise, it s a command
bool isCommand (const std::string &str);
/// Retrieve the interface over command object for the given command name.
ICommand *getCommand(const std::string &commandName);
/** declare a command to "enable control char". By default all commands "enable control char"
* eg: if enableControlCharForCommand("region", false) is called, then the command:
* region hello; "i am busy" \never disturb me please
* won't treat '"', '\' and ';' as special control character.
* Thus the final list of args will be (separated by '/' here for clarity):
* hello;/"i/am/busy"/\never/disturb/me/please
void enableControlCharForCommand(const std::string &commandName, bool state);
/// see enableControlCharForCommand()
bool isControlCharForCommandEnabled(const std::string &commandName);
// initialisation for IVariable management (variable are an extension of commands)
void initVariables(NLMISC::CConfigFile &configFile);
/** This class is only used to serialize easily a command for the admin service for example */
struct CSerialCommand
CSerialCommand () : Name ("<Unknown>"), Type(ICommand::Unknown) { }
CSerialCommand (std::string n, ICommand::TType t) : Name (n), Type(t) { }
std::string Name;
ICommand::TType Type;
void serial (IStream &f)
f.serial (Name);
f.serialEnum (Type);
#endif // NL_COMMAND_H
/* End of command.h */