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29 lines
935 B

import sys, os
from quick_start.find_targets import *
def printBuildTarget(name, tn):
if tn:
tc = NeLToolchains[tn]
withHunter = ""
if "Hunter" in tc and tc["Hunter"]:
withHunter = ", Hunter"
print(" " + name + ": " + tc["DisplayName"] + " (" + tc["Generator"] + ", " + tc["Toolset"] + ", " + tc["Platform"] + ")" + withHunter)
print(" " + name + ": NOT FOUND")
print("Build targets:")
printBuildTarget("client_dev", NeLTargetClientDev)
printBuildTarget("server_dev", NeLTargetServerDev)
for client in NeLTargetClient:
printBuildTarget(client, NeLTargetClient[client])
printBuildTarget("server", NeLTargetServer)
printBuildTarget("tools", NeLTargetTools)
printBuildTarget("samples", NeLTargetSamples)
for pluginMax in NelTargetPluginMax:
printBuildTarget("plugin_max/" + pluginMax, NelTargetPluginMax[pluginMax])
# end of file