You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef NL_SERVICE_H
#define NL_SERVICE_H
// Includes
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/config_file.h"
#include "nel/misc/entity_id.h"
#include "nel/misc/variable.h"
#include "nel/misc/command.h"
#include "nel/misc/entity_id.h"
#include "nel/misc/cpu_time_stat.h"
#include "nel/misc/sstring.h"
#include "unified_network.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace NLMISC
class CWindowDisplayer;
#if defined(NL_OS_WINDOWS) && defined(_WINDOWS)
#ifndef WINAPI
#define WINAPI __stdcall
#ifndef APIENTRY
struct HINSTANCE__;
typedef struct HINSTANCE__ *HINSTANCE;
typedef char CHAR;
typedef CHAR *LPSTR;
namespace NLNET
class CCallbackServer;
class IServiceUpdatable;
// Macros
* The goal of this macro is to simplify the service creation, it creates the main body function.
* If you don't want to give a callback array, just put EmptyCallbackArray in the last argument
* Example:
// Create the Test Service class
class CTestService : public IService
void init () { nlinfo("init()"); }
bool update () { nlinfo ("update();"); return true; }
void release () { nlinfo("release()"); }
// Create the main() function that create a test service instance and execute it.
// "TS" is the short service name and "test_service" is the long one.
// The name of the config file is based on the long name!
// EmptyCallbackArray means that you don't provide right now the callback
// the last 2 path are where is the config file is (directory) and where to log info (directory)
NLNET_SERVICE_MAIN(CTestService, "TS", "test_service", 0, EmptyCallbackArray, "", "");
* If you want the port to not be auto-assigned by the naming service, set the port to a number different than 0.
* Args used by service are always in lower case:
* -A followed by the path where to execute the service (it uses chdir())
* -B followed by the IP address where the naming service is
* -C followed by the path where we can find the config file
* -D followed by the client listening address of the frontend for the login system (FS only)
* -I to start the service iconified
* -L followed by the directory where we have to log
* -N followed by the alias name (used by the admin system)
* -P followed by the listen port (ListenAddress)
* -Q to make the service quit immediately after the first update
* -S followed by the shard Id (sint32) (WS only)
* -T followed by the IP address where the login service is (WS only)
* -W followed by the path where to save all shard data (SaveFilesDirectory)
* -Z[u] to just init the config file then return (used for test), use Zu to not release the service
#if defined(NL_OS_WINDOWS) && defined(_WINDOWS)
#define NLNET_SERVICE_MAIN(__ServiceClassName, __ServiceShortName, __ServiceLongName, __ServicePort, __ServiceCallbackArray, __ConfigDir, __LogDir) \
int APIENTRY WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) \
{ \
NLMISC::CApplicationContext serviceContext; \
__ServiceClassName *scn = new __ServiceClassName; \
scn->setArgs (lpCmdLine); \
scn->setCallbackArray (__ServiceCallbackArray, sizeof(__ServiceCallbackArray)/sizeof(__ServiceCallbackArray[0])); \
sint retval = scn->main (__ServiceShortName, __ServiceLongName, __ServicePort, __ConfigDir, __LogDir, __DATE__" "__TIME__); \
delete scn; \
return retval; \
#define NLNET_SERVICE_MAIN(__ServiceClassName, __ServiceShortName, __ServiceLongName, __ServicePort, __ServiceCallbackArray, __ConfigDir, __LogDir) \
int main(int argc, const char **argv) \
{ \
NLMISC::CApplicationContext serviceContext; \
__ServiceClassName *scn = new __ServiceClassName; \
scn->setArgs (argc, argv); \
scn->setCallbackArray (__ServiceCallbackArray, sizeof(__ServiceCallbackArray)/sizeof(__ServiceCallbackArray[0])); \
sint retval = scn->main (__ServiceShortName, __ServiceLongName, __ServicePort, __ConfigDir, __LogDir, __DATE__" "__TIME__); \
delete scn; \
return retval; \
#define DEFAULT_SHARD_ID 666
// Typedefs
//typedef uint16 TServiceId;
/// Callback where you can return true for direct clearance, or false for later clearance.
typedef bool (*TRequestClosureClearanceCallback) ();
// Variables provided to application and unused in the NeL library itself.
extern TUnifiedCallbackItem EmptyCallbackArray[1];
// Classes
* Base class for all network services.
* You must inherite from this class to create your own service. You must not
* create ctor and dtor but implement init() and release() methods.
* You have to create a global callback array called CallbackArray.
* \ref service_howto
* Temporary command line arguments :
* \li -n<AliasName>
* \author Vianney Lecroart
* \author Olivier Cado
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2000
class IService
/// \name User overload methods. These methods can be overload by the user do handle init, update and release operation.
// @{
/** Called before the displayer is created, no displayer or network connection are built.
Use this callback to check some args and perform some command line based stuff */
virtual void commandStart () {}
/// Initializes the service (must be called before the first call to update())
virtual void init () {}
/// This function is called every "frame" (you must call init() before). It returns false if the service is stopped.
virtual bool update () { return true; }
/// Finalization. Release the service. For example, this function frees all allocations made in the init() function.
virtual void release () {}
/// \name get methods. These methods provide a way to read internal service variables.
// @{
/// Returns the instance of the service to access to methods/variables class
static IService *getInstance ();
/// Returns true if the service singleton has been initialized
static bool isServiceInitialized() { return _Instance != NULL; }
/// Returns the current service short name (ie: TS)
const std::string &getServiceShortName () const { return _ShortName; };
/// Returns the current service long name (ie: test_serivce)
const std::string &getServiceLongName () const { return _LongName; };
/// Returns the current service alias name setted by AES
const std::string &getServiceAliasName () const { return _AliasName; };
/// Returns the current service unified name that is alias/short-id or short-id if alias is empty
std::string getServiceUnifiedName () const;
/// Returns the service identifier
TServiceId getServiceId () const { return _SId; }
/// Return the host name of the host machine
const std::string &getHostName() const { return _HostName; }
/// Returns the status
sint getExitStatus () const { return _ExitStatus; }
/// Returns the date of launch of the service. Unit: see CTime::getSecondsSince1970()
uint32 getLaunchingDate () const;
/// Return true if this service don't use the NS (naming service)
bool getDontUseNS() const { return _DontUseNS; };
/// Return true if this service don't use the AES (admin executor service)
bool getDontUseAES() const { return _DontUseAES; };
/// Returns arguments of the program pass from the user to the program using parameters (ie: "myprog param1 param2")
const NLMISC::CVectorSString &getArgs () const { return _Args; }
/// Returns true if the argument if present in the command line (ie: haveArg('p') will return true if -p is in the command line)
bool haveArg (char argName) const;
/** Returns the parameter linked to an option
* getArg('p') will return toto if -ptoto is in the command line
* getArg('p') will return C:\Documents and Settings\toto.tmp if -p"C:\Documents and Settings\toto.tmp" is in the command line
* It'll thrown an Exception if the argName is not found
std::string getArg (char argName) const;
/// return true if named long arg is present on the commandline
/// eg haveLongArg("toto") returns true if "--toto" or "--toto=xxx" can be found on commandline
bool haveLongArg (const char* argName) const;
/// returns the value associated with the given named argument
/// both "--toto=xxx" and "--toto xxx" are acceptable
/// quotes round arguments are stripped
std::string getLongArg (const char* argName) const;
/// Returns an uniq id for an entities on this service.
/*uint64 getEntityId (uint8 type)
return NLMISC::CEntityId::getNewEntityId( type ).getRawId();
/// Returns the recording state (don't needed if you use layer5)
CCallbackNetBase::TRecordingState getRecordingState() const { return _RecordingState; }
/// \name set methods. These methods provide a way to modify internal service variables.
// @{
/** Sets the status of the service, this status is return to the application. EXIT_SUCCESS is the default status
* You can set it to EXIT_FAILURE or any value you want. It's useful when you use the service in a script and you
* want to know the return value of the application to do the appropriate things.
void setExitStatus (sint exitStatus) { _ExitStatus = exitStatus; }
/** Call this function if you want the service quits next loop. The code will be returned outside of the application.
* \warning If you set the code to 0, it ll NOT exit the service */
void exit (sint code = 0x10);
/** Selects timeout value in seconds for each update. You are absolutely certain that your update()
* function will not be called before this amount of time you set.
* If you set the update timeout value higher than 0, all messages in queues will be process until the time greater than the timeout user update().
* If you set the update timeout value to 0, all messages in queues will be process one time before calling the user update().
* The default value is 100 (100ms) or the value found in the config file (UpdateTimeout)
void setUpdateTimeout (NLMISC::TTime timeout) { /*if (timeout>1.0) nlerror ("IServer::setUpdateTimeout is now a double in SECOND and not ms");*/ _UpdateTimeout = timeout; }
//@name Service status management methods
/// Push a new status on the status stack.
void setCurrentStatus(const std::string &status);
/// Remove a status from the status stack. If this status is at top of stack, the next status become the current status
void clearCurrentStatus(const std::string &status);
/// Add a tag in the status string
void addStatusTag(const std::string &statusTag);
/// Remove a tag from the status string
void removeStatusTag(const std::string &statusTag);
/// Get the current status with attached tags
std::string getFullStatus() const;
/// \name variables. These variables can be read/modified by the user.
// @{
NLMISC::CConfigFile ConfigFile;
// use to display result of command (on file and windows displayer) **without** filter
NLMISC::CLog CommandLog;
/// \name private methods. These methods are used by internal system but can't be put in private, don't use them.
// @{
/// This main is called by the macro (service5 says if we have to use layer5 or not)
sint main (const char *serviceShortName, const char *serviceLongName, uint16 servicePort, const char *configDir, const char *logDir, const char *compilationDate);
/// Sets the command line and init _Args variable. You must call this before calling main()
void setArgs (int argc, const char **argv);
/// Sets the command line and init _Args variable. You must call this before calling main()
void setArgs (const char *args);
/// Sets the default callback array given from the macro
void setCallbackArray (TUnifiedCallbackItem *array, uint nbelem) { _CallbackArray = array; _CallbackArraySize = nbelem; }
/// Require to reset the hierarchical timer
void requireResetMeasures();
/// Ctor. You must not inherit ctor but overload init() function
IService ();
/// Dtor. You must not inherit dtor but overload release() function
virtual ~IService ();
/// \name Updatable are object that require an update at each service loop
/// Register an updatable interface
void registerUpdatable(IServiceUpdatable *updatable);
/// Unregister an updatable interface
void unregisterUpdatable(IServiceUpdatable *updatable);
/// The window displayer instance
NLMISC::CWindowDisplayer *WindowDisplayer;
/// Directory where to store files that the services will write but are the same for all shard instance (for example: packet_sheets)
/// Use .toString() to access to the value
NLMISC::CVariable<std::string> WriteFilesDirectory;
/// Directory where to store files that the services will write during the exploitation of the game (for example: player backup, string cache)
/// Use .toString() to access to the value
NLMISC::CVariable<std::string> SaveFilesDirectory;
/// If true (default), the provided SaveFilesDirectory will be converted to a full path (ex: "saves" -> "/home/dir/saves")
NLMISC::CVariable<bool> ConvertSavesFilesDirectoryToFullPath;
/** You can provide a callback interface (only one) that will be called if any of the directory variables
* (WriteFilesDirectory, SaveFilesDirectory, ConfigDirectory, LogDirectory, RunningDirectory) is changed
* (also called for the first setting read from the .cfg file). Default is NULL.
void setDirectoryChangeCallback( NLMISC::IVariableChangedCallback *cbi ) { _DirectoryChangedCBI = cbi; }
void setVersion (const std::string &version) { Version = version; }
uint16 getPort() { return ListeningPort; }
// Warning: can take a moment to be received from the WS. The default value (when not received yet) is DEFAULT_SHARD_ID.
uint32 getShardId() const { return _ShardId; }
const NLMISC::CCPUTimeStat& getCPUUsageStats() const { return _CPUUsageStats; }
/// Allow the service to return a status string with important value
virtual std::string getServiceStatusString() const;
* If your service needs a delay when it is asked to quit, provide a callback here (optional).
* Then, when the service will be asked to quit, this callback will be called. Then you can
* either return true to allow immediate closure, or false to delay the closure. The closure
* will then happen after you call clearForClosure().
* If you don't provide a callback here, or if you call with NULL, the service will exit
* immediately when asked to quit.
void setClosureClearanceCallback( TRequestClosureClearanceCallback cb ) { _RequestClosureClearanceCallback = cb; }
* If using clearance for closure (see setClosureClearanceCallback()), you can call this method
* to allow the service to quit. If calling it while your callback has not be called yet, the
* callback will be bypassed and the service will quit immediately when asked to quit. If calling it
* after you callback was called (and you returned false), the service will quit shortly.
void clearForClosure() { _ClosureClearanceStatus = CCClearedForClosure; }
/** Set the shard id (by the user code), when known before IService receives it by the WS).
* If a non-default value is already set and different than shardId => nlerror.
* If later IService receives a different value from the WS => nlerror.
void anticipateShardId( uint32 shardId );
/// \name methods. These methods are used by internal system.
// @{
/// Changes the recording state (use if you know what you are doing)
void setRecordingState( CCallbackNetBase::TRecordingState rec ) { _RecordingState = rec; }
/** Set the shard id (received from the WS). See also anticipateShardId().
void setShardId( uint32 shardId );
/// \name variables. These variables are used by the internal system.
// @{
/// Array of arguments pass from the command line
NLMISC::CVectorSString _Args;
/// Host name of the host machine that run the service
std::string _HostName;
/// Listening port of this service
NLMISC::CVariable<uint16> ListeningPort;
/// Recording state
CCallbackNetBase::TRecordingState _RecordingState;
/// Current service name sets by the actual service when declaring NLNET_SERVICE_MAIN
std::string _ShortName; // ie: "NS"
std::string _LongName; // ie: "naming_service"
std::string _AliasName; // this name is initialized by the admin executor service via the args
/// Instance of this service (singleton)
static IService *_Instance;
/// Select timeout value in milliseconds between to call of user update()
NLMISC::TTime _UpdateTimeout;
/// the service id of this sevice
TServiceId _SId;
/// the exit status of this service (the status is returned by the service at the release time)
sint _ExitStatus;
/// true if the service initialisation is passed
bool _Initialized;
/// The directory where the configfile is
NLMISC::CVariable<std::string> ConfigDirectory;
/// The directory where the logfiles are
NLMISC::CVariable<std::string> LogDirectory;
/// The directory where the service is running
NLMISC::CVariable<std::string> RunningDirectory;
NLMISC::CVariable<std::string> Version;
TUnifiedCallbackItem *_CallbackArray;
uint _CallbackArraySize;
/// true if the service don't use the naming service
bool _DontUseNS;
/// true if the service don't use the admin executor service
bool _DontUseAES;
/// Require to reset the hierarchical timer
bool _ResetMeasures;
/// Shard Id
uint32 _ShardId;
/// CPU usage stats
NLMISC::CCPUTimeStat _CPUUsageStats;
/// Registered updatable interface
std::set<IServiceUpdatable*> _Updatables;
//@name Service running status management
/// The status stack is used to display the most recent set status.
std::vector<std::string> _ServiceStatusStack;
/// The status tags. All added tags are displayed.
std::set<std::string> _ServiveStatusTags;
enum TClosureClearanceStatus { CCMustRequestClearance, CCWaitingForClearance, CCClearedForClosure, CCCallbackThenClose=256 };
/// Closure clearance state (either CCMustRequestClearance, CCWaitingForClearance, CCClearedForClosure or CCCallbackThenClose + any other as a backup value)
uint _ClosureClearanceStatus;
/// Closure clearance callback (NULL if no closure clearance required)
TRequestClosureClearanceCallback _RequestClosureClearanceCallback;
/// Directory changed callback
NLMISC::IVariableChangedCallback* _DirectoryChangedCBI;
friend void serviceGetView (uint32 rid, const std::string &rawvarpath, std::vector<std::string> &vara, std::vector<std::string> &vala);
friend void cbAESConnection (const std::string &serviceName, TServiceId sid, void *arg);
friend struct nel_serviceInfoClass;
friend struct nel_getWinDisplayerInfoClass;
friend void cbDirectoryChanged (NLMISC::IVariable &var);
friend void cbReceiveShardId (NLNET::CMessage& msgin, const std::string &serviceName, TServiceId serviceId);
/** Interface class for object that need an update call during each service loop.
class IServiceUpdatable
if (IService::isServiceInitialized())
nlwarning("IServiceUpdatable : IService is not initialized, IUpdatable will not be called");
virtual ~IServiceUpdatable()
if (IService::isServiceInitialized())
IService *service = IService::getInstance();
/// implemente this virtual in you derived class
virtual void serviceLoopUpdate() =0;
inline IService *IService::getInstance()
if (_Instance == NULL)
/* the nel context MUST be initialised */
nlassertex(NLMISC::INelContext::isContextInitialised(), ("You are trying to access a safe singleton without having initialized a NeL context. The simplest correction is to add 'NLMISC::CApplicationContext myApplicationContext;' at the very beginning of your application."));
// try to retrieve the safe singleton pointer
_Instance = reinterpret_cast<IService*>(NLMISC::INelContext::getInstance().getSingletonPointer("IService"));
return _Instance;
}; // NLNET
#endif // NL_SERVICE_H
/* End of service.h */