kervala 01eb101355 Fixed: Compilation with STLport under Linux (and probably Mac OS X)
bnp_make Changed: Change the wrong header in the source code
branch_patcher Changed: Remove all warning when compiling Ryzom
data_mirror Changed: Remove all warning when compiling Ryzom
disp_sheet_id Changed: Added more project prefixes to project labels (aka NeL, Ryzom), converted some more Ryzom projects to the new layout.
exec_timeout Added: New tools projects
extract_filename Changed: Remove all warning when compiling Ryzom
lock Fixed: Some compilation errors
log_analyser Added: New tools projects
log_analyser_plug_ins Changed: Remove all warning when compiling Ryzom
make_sheet_id merge while working on rebase root source dir
message_box Changed: Remove all warning when compiling Ryzom
message_box_qt Fixed: Compilation with STLport under Linux (and probably Mac OS X)
multi_cd_setup_fix Changed: Remove all warning when compiling Ryzom
words_dic Changed: Remove all warning when compiling Ryzom
words_dic_qt Changed: Updated CMake projects
xml_packer Changed: Change the wrong header in the source code
CMakeLists.txt Added: New tools projects initial version