botanic 765e614c23 Fix
branch : develop
animate.min.css updated bootstrap and charisma
bootstrap-cerulean.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
bootstrap-cerulean.min.css updated bootstrap and charisma
bootstrap-classic.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
bootstrap-classic.min.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
bootstrap-cyborg.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
bootstrap-cyborg.min.css updated bootstrap and charisma
bootstrap-darkly.min.css updated bootstrap and charisma
bootstrap-journal.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
bootstrap-lumen.min.css updated bootstrap and charisma
bootstrap-redy.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
bootstrap-responsive.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
bootstrap-responsive.min.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
bootstrap-simplex.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
bootstrap-simplex.min.css updated bootstrap and charisma
bootstrap-slate.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
bootstrap-slate.min.css updated bootstrap and charisma
bootstrap-spacelab.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
bootstrap-spacelab.min.css updated bootstrap and charisma
bootstrap-united.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
bootstrap-united.min.css updated bootstrap and charisma
charisma-app.css Cleanup the AMS theme a bit, improve layouting of user settings
chosen.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
colorbox.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
custom.css Fix
elfinder.min.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
elfinder.theme.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
fullcalendar.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
fullcalendar.print.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
jquery-ui-1.8.21.custom.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
jquery.cleditor.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
jquery.iphone.toggle.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
jquery.noty.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
noty_theme_default.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
opa-icons.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
uniform.default.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary
uploadify.css Restructure web. IMPORTANT! This moves all web files to a new central directory. Update your configuration if necessary