// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef NL_QUAT_H
#define NL_QUAT_H
#include "types_nl.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "stream.h"
#include <cmath>
namespace NLMISC
// ***************************************************************************
const double QuatEpsilon= 0.000001;
// ***************************************************************************
* An AngleAxis.
* \author Antoine Viau.
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2000
struct CAngleAxis
CVector Axis; /// an axis.
float Angle; /// angle in radians.
CAngleAxis() {}
CAngleAxis(const CVector &axis, float ang) : Axis(axis), Angle(ang) {}
/// serial.
void serial(IStream &f)
// ***************************************************************************
* A Template quaternion. Use CQuat and CQuatD.
* \author Antoine Viau.
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2000
template <class T> class CQuatT
T x,y,z,w;
/// \name Object
// @{
CQuatT() : x((T)0.0),y((T)0.0),z((T)0.0),w((T)1.0) {}
CQuatT(T X, T Y, T Z, T W) : x(X), y(Y), z(Z), w(W) {}
/// ctor of a UNIT quaternion, from an angle axis.
CQuatT(const CVector &axis, float angle) {setAngleAxis(axis, angle);}
/// ctor of a UNIT quaternion, from an angle axis.
CQuatT(const CAngleAxis &aa) {setAngleAxis(aa);}
// @}
/// \name Sets.
// @{
void set(T X, T Y, T Z, T W) {x= X; y= Y; z= Z; w= W;}
// @}
/// \name Comparison
// @{
bool operator==(const CQuatT& a) const {return (x==a.x && y==a.y && z==a.z && w==a.w);}
bool equal(const CQuatT& a, float epsilon = 1E-6f) const;
void identity() {x = y = z = 0.0f ; w = 1.0f; }
bool isIdentity() const {return (x==0.0f && y==0.0f && z==0.0f && w==1.0f);}
// @}
/// \name 4D vector operations.
// @{
CQuatT& operator+=(const CQuatT&o) {x+=o.x; y+=o.y; z+=o.z; w+=o.w; return *this;}
CQuatT& operator-=(const CQuatT&o) {x-=o.x; y-=o.y; z-=o.z; w-=o.w; return *this;}
CQuatT& operator*=(T f) {x*=f;y*=f;z*=f;w*=f; return *this;}
CQuatT& operator/=(T f) {double oof= 1.0/f; x=(T)(x*oof); y=(T)(y*oof); z= (T)(z*oof); w=(T)(w*oof); return *this;}
CQuatT operator+(const CQuatT&o) const {return CQuatT(x+o.x,y+o.y,z+o.z,w+o.w);}
CQuatT operator-(const CQuatT&o) const {return CQuatT(x-o.x,y-o.y,z-o.z,w-o.w);}
CQuatT operator*(T f) const {return CQuatT(x*f,y*f,z*f,w*f);}
CQuatT operator/(T f) const {double oof= 1.0/f; return CQuatT(x*oof,y*oof,z*oof,w*oof);}
CQuatT operator-() const {return(CQuatT(-x,-y,-z,-w)); }
CQuatT operator+() const {return *this; }
/// return the square of the norm of the 4D vector.
T sqrnorm() const {return (x*x + y*y + z*z + w*w);}
/// return the norm of the 4D vector.
T norm() const {return (T)sqrt(sqrnorm());}
/// Normalize the quaternion.
void normalize();
/// Return the quaternion normalized.
CQuatT normed() const {CQuatT ret= *this; ret.normalize(); return ret;}
// @}
/// \name Basic Quaternions operations.
// @{
/// Quaternion multiplication/composition.
CQuatT operator*(const CQuatT&) const;
CQuatT& operator*=(const CQuatT&);
/// Invert this quaternion. If normalized, conjugate is faster and does same thing.
void invert();
/// return the quaternion inverted.
CQuatT inverted() const {CQuatT ret= *this; ret.invert(); return ret;}
/// return the conjugate of this quaternion.
CQuatT conjugate() const {return CQuatT(-x, -y, -z, w);}
// @}
/// \name To/From other orientation.
// @{
/// Return the equivalent Unit axis of this quaternion.
CVector getAxis() const {CVector ret((float)x,(float)y,(float)z); return ret.normed();}
/// Return the equivalent angle of this quaternion. (in radian).
float getAngle() const {return (float)(2*acos(w/norm()));}
/// Return the equivalent Unit AngleAxis of this quaternion.
CAngleAxis getAngleAxis() const {return CAngleAxis(getAxis(), getAngle());}
/// Build a UNIT quaternion from an AngleAxis.
void setAngleAxis(const CVector &axis, float angle);
/// Build a UNIT quaternion from an AngleAxis.
void setAngleAxis(const CAngleAxis &angAxis) {setAngleAxis(angAxis.Axis, angAxis.Angle);}
// @}
/// \name Misc.
// @{
/// compute logn quaternion.
CQuatT log();
/// compute quaternion exponent.
CQuatT exp();
/// ensure that *this and q are on same side of hypersphere, ie dotProduct(*this,q) is >0, modifying this if necessary.
void makeClosest(const CQuatT &o);
/// serial.
void serial(IStream &f)
// @}
/// \name Quaternions static functions.
// @{
/// Return the dotProduct of 2 quaternions.
static T dotProduct(const CQuatT<T> &q0, const CQuatT<T> &q1);
/** Quaternion spherical linear interpolation. when t==0, ret==q0, when t==1, ret==q1.
* No hemisphere correction is made.
static CQuatT slerp(const CQuatT<T>& q0, const CQuatT<T>& q1, float t);
/** Quaternion Quadratic spherical linear interpolation. when t==0, ret==q0, when t==1, ret==q1.
* No hemisphere correction is made.
static CQuatT squad(const CQuatT<T>& q0, const CQuatT<T>& tgtQ0, const CQuatT<T>& tgtQ1, const CQuatT<T>& q1, float t);
/** Quaternion Quadratic spherical linear interpolation, with multi revision support.
static CQuatT squadrev(const CAngleAxis &rot, const CQuatT<T>& q0, const CQuatT<T>& tgtQ0, const CQuatT<T>& tgtQ1, const CQuatT<T>& q1, float t);
/// compute lnDiff of q0.inverted()*q1.
static CQuatT lnDif(const CQuatT &q0, const CQuatT &q1);
// @}
// ***************************************************************************
/// \name Quaternions functions.
// @{
/// f*quat operator
template <class T>
inline CQuatT<T> operator*(T f, const CQuatT<T> &o) {return o*f;}
// @}
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Template implementation.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
template <class T>
inline bool CQuatT<T>::equal(const CQuatT<T>& a, float epsilon) const
if (fabs(x-a.x)<epsilon &&
fabs(y-a.y)<epsilon &&
fabs(z-a.z)<epsilon &&
fabs(w-a.w)<epsilon )
return true;
return false;
// ***************************************************************************
template <class T>
inline CQuatT<T> CQuatT<T>::operator*(const CQuatT<T>& o) const
// wres= ww<77> - v<>v<EFBFBD>
// vres= wv<77> + w<>v + v^v<> ]
return CQuatT<T>(
(w*o.x) +(x*o.w) + (y*o.z)-(z*o.y),
(w*o.y) +(y*o.w) + (z*o.x)-(x*o.z),
(w*o.z) +(z*o.w) + (x*o.y)-(y*o.x),
(w*o.w)-(x*o.x)-(y*o.y)-(z*o.z) );
// ***************************************************************************
template <class T>
inline CQuatT<T>& CQuatT<T>::operator*=(const CQuatT<T>& o)
*this= *this * o;
return *this;
// ***************************************************************************
template <class T>
inline void CQuatT<T>::invert()
// Must invert the norm.
T f= sqrnorm();
*this= conjugate();
// ***************************************************************************
template <class T>
inline void CQuatT<T>::normalize()
T f= norm();
// ***************************************************************************
template <class T>
inline void CQuatT<T>::setAngleAxis(const CVector &axis, float angle)
CVector v= axis;
double ca= cos(angle/2);
double sa= sin(angle/2);
x= (T)(v.x*sa);
y= (T)(v.y*sa);
z= (T)(v.z*sa);
w= (T)(ca);
// ***************************************************************************
template <class T>
T CQuatT<T>::dotProduct(const CQuatT<T> &q0, const CQuatT<T> &q1)
return q0.x*q1.x + q0.y*q1.y + q0.z*q1.z + q0.w*q1.w;
// ***************************************************************************
template <class T>
CQuatT<T> CQuatT<T>::slerp(const CQuatT<T>& q0, const CQuatT<T>& q1, float t)
// omega is the 4D angle between q0 and q1.
double omega, cosom,sinom;
T factq0= 1;
T s0,s1;
cosom = CQuatT<T>::dotProduct(q0, q1);
// Make q0 and q1 on the same hemisphere.
cosom= -cosom;
factq0= -1;
// ????
if ( cosom < 1.0 - NLMISC::QuatEpsilon)
omega = acos(cosom);
sinom = sin(omega);
s0 = (T) (sin((1.0f - t)*omega) / sinom);
s1 = (T) (sin(t*omega) / sinom);
{ // q0 and q1 are nearly the same => sinom nearly 0. We can't slerp.
// just linear interpolate.
s0 = (T)(1.0 - t);
s1 = t;
return q0*(factq0*s0) + q1*s1;
// ***************************************************************************
template <class T>
CQuatT<T> CQuatT<T>::squad(const CQuatT<T>& q0, const CQuatT<T>& tgtQ0, const CQuatT<T>& tgtQ1, const CQuatT<T>& q1, float t)
return CQuatT<T>::slerp(
CQuatT<T>::slerp(q0, q1, t),
CQuatT<T>::slerp(tgtQ0, tgtQ1, t),
// ***************************************************************************
template <class T>
CQuatT<T> CQuatT<T>::squadrev(const CAngleAxis &rot, const CQuatT<T>& q0, const CQuatT<T>& tgtQ0, const CQuatT<T>& tgtQ1, const CQuatT<T>& q1, float t)
float s,v;
float omega = rot.Angle* 0.5f;
float nrevs = 0.0f;
CQuatT<T> ret,qaxis,pp,qq;
// just one rev?
if (omega<Pi-QuatEpsilon)
ret = CQuatT<T>::squad(q0,tgtQ0,tgtQ1,q1,t);
return ret;
// multirev.
// rotation of 180deg around rot.Axis. (=> sin(a/2)==sin(Pi/2)==1, and c(a/2)=0).
qaxis.set(rot.Axis.x, rot.Axis.y, rot.Axis.z, 0);
// the number of revisions (float!)
nrevs= (float)(omega/Pi);
// Angle>2Pi. squad from 0 to Pi, slerp from Pi to Angle-Pi, squad from Angle-Pi to Angle.
s = t*2*nrevs;
// So for s, squad from 0 to 1, slerp from 1 to 2*nrevs-1, squad from 2*nrevs-1 to 2*nrevs.
if (s < 1.0f)
// first part.
pp = q0*qaxis;
ret = CQuatT<T>::squad(q0,tgtQ0,pp,pp,s);
v = s - (2.0f*nrevs - 1.0f);
if( v <= 0.0f)
// middle part
while (s >= 2.0f) s -= 2.0f;
pp = q0*qaxis;
// s vary from 1 to 2. This is still correct for slerp().
ret = CQuatT<T>::slerp(q0,pp,s);
// Last part.
qq = - q1*qaxis;
ret= CQuatT<T>::squad(qq,qq,tgtQ1,q1,v);
return ret;
// ***************************************************************************
template <class T>
CQuatT<T> CQuatT<T>::log()
double len;
len = sqrt (x*x + y*y + z*z);
if (len < QuatEpsilon)
return CQuatT<T>(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
double div = (float) acos (w) / len;
return CQuatT<T>( (T)(x*div), (T)(y*div), (T)(z*div), 0.f);
// ***************************************************************************
template <class T>
CQuatT<T> CQuatT<T>::exp()
double len;
len = sqrt (x*x + y*y + z*z);
if (len < QuatEpsilon)
return CQuatT<T>(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
double len1 = sin(len) / len;
return CQuatT<T>( (T)(x*len1), (T)(y*len1), (T)(z*len1), (T)cos(len));
// ***************************************************************************
template <class T>
CQuatT<T> CQuatT<T>::lnDif(const CQuatT<T> &q0, const CQuatT<T> &q1)
CQuatT<T> dif = q0.inverted()*q1;
return dif.log();
// ***************************************************************************
template <class T>
void CQuatT<T>::makeClosest(const CQuatT<T> &o)
if( dotProduct(*this, o) < 0 )
*this= -(*this);
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// CQuat/CQuatD
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
* A float quaternion.
* \author Antoine Viau.
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2000
class CQuat : public CQuatT<float>
static const CQuat Identity;
/// \name Object
// @{
CQuat &operator=(const CQuatT<float> &o) {x=o.x; y=o.y; z=o.z; w=o.w; return *this;}
CQuat(const CQuatT<float> &o) : CQuatT<float>(o) {}
CQuat() {}
CQuat(float X, float Y, float Z, float W) : CQuatT<float>(X,Y,Z,W) {}
/// ctor of a UNIT quaternion, from an angle axis.
CQuat(const CVector &axis, float angle) : CQuatT<float>(axis, angle) {}
/// ctor of a UNIT quaternion, from an angle axis.
CQuat(const CAngleAxis &aa) : CQuatT<float>(aa) {}
// @}
// ***************************************************************************
* A double quaternion.
* \author Antoine Viau.
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2000
class CQuatD : public CQuatT<double>
static const CQuatD Identity;
/// \name Object
// @{
CQuatD &operator=(const CQuatT<double> &o) {x=o.x; y=o.y; z=o.z; w=o.w; return *this;}
CQuatD(const CQuatT<double> &o) : CQuatT<double>(o) {}
CQuatD() {}
CQuatD(double X, double Y, double Z, double W) : CQuatT<double>(X,Y,Z,W) {}
/// ctor of a UNIT quaternion, from an angle axis.
CQuatD(const CVector &axis, float angle) : CQuatT<double>(axis, angle) {}
/// ctor of a UNIT quaternion, from an angle axis.
CQuatD(const CAngleAxis &aa) : CQuatT<double>(aa) {}
// @}
/// \name CQuat conversion.
// @{
CQuatD(const CQuat &o) {x=o.x; y=o.y; z=o.z; w=o.w;}
CQuatD &operator=(const CQuatT<float> &o) {x=o.x; y=o.y; z=o.z; w=o.w; return *this;}
operator CQuat() const {return CQuat((float)x, (float)y, (float)z, (float)w);}
// @}
#endif // NL_QUAT_H