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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef NL_SCENE_H
#define NL_SCENE_H
#include "nel/3d/camera.h"
#include "nel/3d/shape.h"
#include "nel/3d/animated_lightmap.h"
#include "nel/3d/play_list_manager.h"
#include "nel/3d/quad_grid_clip_manager.h"
#include "nel/3d/particle_system_manager.h"
#include "nel/3d/animation_set.h"
// The traversals
#include "nel/3d/hrc_trav.h"
#include "nel/3d/clip_trav.h"
#include "nel/3d/anim_detail_trav.h"
#include "nel/3d/load_balancing_trav.h"
#include "nel/3d/light_trav.h"
#include "nel/3d/render_trav.h"
#include "nel/3d/flare_model.h"
#include "nel/3d/viewport.h"
#include "nel/3d/u_scene.h"
#include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
// Debug : Sept 01 2006
#include "nel/3d/skeleton_spawn_script.h"
#include <map>
#include <list>
/// This namespace contains all 3D class
namespace NL3D
using NLMISC::CRefPtr;
using NLMISC::CSmartPtr;
class CTransform;
class CTransformShape;
class IDriver;
class CShapeBank;
class CCoarseMeshManager;
class CInstanceGroup;
class CLodCharacterManager;
class CAsyncTextureManager;
class CSkeletonModel;
class CRootModel;
class CVisualCollisionManager;
class CTextureCube;
class CWaterEnvMap;
// ***************************************************************************
* A CScene, which own a list of Render Traversals, and a render() method.
* \b USER \b RULES:
* - Before creating any CScene, call the cool method CScene::registerBasics(), to register basic models.
* - Create a CScene (NB: may be static \c CScene \c scene;).
* - call first initDefaultRoot() to create / register automatically the roots:
* - set your driver for this scene with setDriver().
* - create any other model with createModel() (such as a camera).
* - Specify a Camera (SmartPtr-ed !!)
* - render().
* CScene own those Traversals and those Root and kill them at ~CScene().
* Coordinate System: right hand cordinates with: X to the right, Y to the far, Z to the top.
* Z ^
* | > Y
* | /
* | /
* |/
* -------> X
* \b Shape \b System:\n
* The scene has an instance Management:
* - IShape design the object that is instancied (a mesh as example).
* - ITransformShape is the instance, which smart_point to a IShape.
* - user can add shape manually in the scene CShapeBank with CShapeBank::add (), or remove them with CShapeBank::release ().
* - user create instance of a shape with CScene::createInstance(string shapeName);
* This create/load auto the shape if needed (searching in CPath, shapename must be a valid file name),
* and then create the instance, with help of IShape::createInstance().
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2000
class CScene
/// \name Basic registration.
/// Register Basic models
static void registerBasics();
* Register a model, indicating from which he derive.
* \param idModel the Unique Id of the registered model
* \param idModelBase the Unique Id of the base calss of the registered model
* \param creator the function which create the registered model.
static void registerModel(const NLMISC::CClassId &idModel, const NLMISC::CClassId &idModelBase, CTransform* (*creator)());
/// \name Construction / destruction.
/// Constructor.
CScene(bool bSmallScene);
/// Destructor. release().
/// Create/setRoot the defaults models roots: a CTransform and a CLightGroup.
void initDefaultRoots();
/// init QuadGridClipManager
void initQuadGridClipManager ();
/// Set the driver to render Traversal.
void setDriver(IDriver *drv);
/// Get the driver of render Traversal.
IDriver *getDriver() const;
/** Release all relative to the scene (Models, traversals...)... Destroy the Basic traversals too.
* The Lod Character Manager is reset() ed, but not deleted (at dtor only).
void release();
/// \name Render
/** Render the scene, from the CurrentCamera view.
* This also update waiting instance that are loaded asynchronously (by calling updateWaitingInstances)
* NB: no Driver clear buffers (color or ZBuffer) are done....
* This call t->traverse() function to registered render traversal following their order given.
* NB: assert-crash if you are between a beginPartRender() and a endPartRender()
* \param doHrcPass set it to false to indicate that the CHrcTrav have not to be traversed. Useful to optimize if
* you know that NONE of your models have moved (a good example is a shoot of the scene from different cameras).
void render(bool doHrcPass = true);
/** Begin Part Rendering
* During beginPartRender()/endPartRender(), you can ask other scene to render their part, but you should
* avoid to create models or modify the scene (not fully tested)
* WARNING: assert-crash if beetween a beginPartRender()/endPartRender()
void beginPartRender();
/** Render a part (see render() for what it does)
* beginPartRender() must have been called
* \param renderPart a combination of UScene::TRenderPart flags, allow to choose which part of the scene must be rendered
* WARNING: always must begin rendering with at least UScene::RenderOpaque, else shadows won't work
* WARNING: assert-crash if a part in 'rp' has already been rendered since the last beginPartRender()
void renderPart(UScene::TRenderPart rp, bool doHrcPass = true, bool doTrav = true, bool keepTrav = false);
/** End Part Rendering (commit model creation and deletion that were asked during rendering)
void endPartRender(bool keepTrav = false);
/** Update instances that are loaded asynchronously
* \param systemTimeEllapsed : the time between 2 calls to updateWaitingInstances, in seconds
void updateWaitingInstances(double systemTimeEllapsed);
/// \name Camera/Viewport.
/// Set/Get the current camera/Viewport.
void setCam(CCamera *cam) {CurrentCamera= cam;}
CCamera *getCam() {return CurrentCamera;}
void setViewport(const class CViewport& viewport)
CViewport getViewport()
return _Viewport;
/** Special For Camera Third person. Traverse the ClusterSystem with a Ray
* (clip through portals, cluster system hierarchy...), to find where could lies
* the camera at End point.
* \param endPos may be modified to ensure that it lies in a cluster of the found cluster system
* \return the found cluster System
CInstanceGroup *findCameraClusterSystemFromRay(CInstanceGroup *startClusterSystem,
const NLMISC::CVector &startPos, NLMISC::CVector &endPos);
/// \name Model mgt.
* Create a model according to his type id.
* Model must has been previously registered via registerModel().
* Then, This function attach this model to the Root (for HRC and for Clip)
* Model are deleted with the deleteModel() or with release() which delete all models
* NB: Since CScene own the model, model MUST NOT be used with SmartPtrs (but CRefPtr always work...).
* \param idModel the Unique Id of the Model
* \return a valid model of the required type. NULL, if not found.
* \see deleteModel()
CTransform *createModel(const NLMISC::CClassId &idModel);
/** Delete a model via his pointer.
* The model is automatically unlinked from all other model
* Once a model is deleted, all pointer to him should have been deleted.
void deleteModel(CTransform *model);
/// \name Instance Mgt.
/// Set the shape bank
void setShapeBank(CShapeBank*pShapeBank);
/// Get the shape bank
CShapeBank *getShapeBank(void) { return _ShapeBank ; }
/// Get the shape bank (const version)
const CShapeBank *getShapeBank(void) const { return _ShapeBank ; }
/** Create a model, instance of the shape "shapename". If not present, try to load "shapename" via the CPath.
* If fails, return NULL.
CTransformShape *createInstance(const std::string &shapeName);
/** Create an instance, if the shape is not present, load the shape asynchronously. The instance is really
* created when we process it in the rendering.
void createInstanceAsync(const std::string &shapeName, CTransformShape **pInstance, const NLMISC::CVector &position, uint selectedTexture);
/** Delete an instance via his pointer. An instance is an entity which reference a shape.
void deleteInstance(CTransformShape*model);
CInstanceGroup *getGlobalInstanceGroup() { return _GlobalInstanceGroup; }
/// \name Light Mgt.
void animate (TGlobalAnimationTime atTime);
/// Add an IG for auto PointLight Factor animation. called by CInstanceGroup::addToScene()
void addInstanceGroupForLightAnimation(CInstanceGroup *ig);
/// Remove an IG for auto PointLight Factor animation. called by CInstanceGroup::removeFromScene()
void removeInstanceGroupForLightAnimation(CInstanceGroup *ig);
// TODO:
// TurnOff/TurnOn
// Animate
//CLight* addStaticLight(CLight*); // Generate Light Map
//void addDynamicLight(CLight*); // ??? Vertex lighting
/// get the current time of the scene, in second. It start from 0 (at the firt call of animate)
TGlobalAnimationTime getCurrentTime(void) const { return _CurrentTime ; }
/// get the ellapsed time (in second) between the last 2 calls of animate.
TAnimationTime getEllapsedTime(void) const { return _EllapsedTime ; }
/** System time is a time that always run (independent from the animation time that run only on animate())
* It is updated at beginning of render()
double getCurrentSystemTime() const {return _GlobalSystemTime;}
/// get the ellapsed time (in second) between the last 2 calls of render().
double getEllapsedSystemTime() const { return _DeltaSystemTimeBetweenRender;}
/// get the number of time render has been called
uint64 getNumRender() const { return _NumRender; }
/// true if currently rendering
bool isRendering() const {return _IsRendering;}
/// \name LoadBalancing mgt.
/** Get the last face count asked from the instances before reduction.
* It gets the sum of All groups.
float getNbFaceAsked () const;
/** Set the number of faces wanted for a LoadBlancingGroup.
* The Group is created if did not exist.
void setGroupLoadMaxPolygon(const std::string &group, uint nFaces);
/** Get the number of faces wanted for a LoadBlancingGroup.
* The Group is created if did not exist.
uint getGroupLoadMaxPolygon(const std::string &group);
/** Get the last face count asked from the instances before reduction. only for the given group
* return 0 if the Group does not exist.
float getGroupNbFaceAsked (const std::string &group) const;
/** The mode of polygon balancing.
* PolygonBalancingOff => Models will be rendered with the number of faces they want to render.
* PolygonBalancingOn => Models will be rendered with the number of faces the LoadBalancing want.
* PolygonBalancingClamp => Same as PolygonBalancingOn, but factor <= 1, ie models won't be rendered
* with more face they want to render.
enum TPolygonBalancingMode {PolygonBalancingOff=0, PolygonBalancingOn, PolygonBalancingClamp, CountPolygonBalancing};
/// Set the PolygonBalancingMode
void setPolygonBalancingMode(TPolygonBalancingMode polBalMode);
/// Get the PolygonBalancingMode
TPolygonBalancingMode getPolygonBalancingMode() const;
/** LoadBalancing for CLod and Skeletons.
* Setup the max number of skeletons displayed in std way (ie not CLod). Default is 20.
void setMaxSkeletonsInNotCLodForm(uint m) {_MaxSkeletonsInNotCLodForm= m;}
uint getMaxSkeletonsInNotCLodForm() const {return _MaxSkeletonsInNotCLodForm;}
/// \name Coarse meshes managers.
CCoarseMeshManager *getCoarseMeshManager ()
return _CoarseMeshManager;
* Each coarseMesh lighting will be updated every "period" frame. clamped to 1,255
void setCoarseMeshLightingUpdate(uint8 period);
/// see setCoarseMeshLightingUpdate()
uint8 getCoarseMeshLightingUpdate() const {return _CoarseMeshLightingUpdate;}
/// Get the LodCharacterManager. NULL if user did not set it. (done in DriverUser)
CLodCharacterManager *getLodCharacterManager () const {return _LodCharacterManager;}
/// set the LodCharacterManager
void setLodCharacterManager(CLodCharacterManager *m) {_LodCharacterManager= m;}
/// \name transparent Layer mgt
/** Set the order or rendering for transparent objects.
* In real case, with direct order, we have:
* - Underwater is rendered.
* - Water is rendered.
* - Objects above water are rendered.
void setLayersRenderingOrder(bool directOrder = true);
bool getLayersRenderingOrder() const;
/// \name Sun Light mgt
/** Enable Scene Lighting system. For backward compatibility, false by default.
* If false, all objects will take last driver 's light setup
void enableLightingSystem(bool enable);
/// see enableLightingSystem
bool isLightingSystemEnabled() const {return _LightingSystemEnabled;}
/// set the global Ambient used for the scene. Default to (50, 50, 50).
void setAmbientGlobal(NLMISC::CRGBA ambient);
/// set the Ambient of the Sun used for the scene.
void setSunAmbient(NLMISC::CRGBA ambient);
/// set the Diffuse of the Sun used for the scene.
void setSunDiffuse(NLMISC::CRGBA diffuse);
/// set the Specular of the Sun used for the scene.
void setSunSpecular(NLMISC::CRGBA specular);
/// set the Direction of the Sun used for the scene.
void setSunDirection(const NLMISC::CVector &direction);
/// set the color of a light group.
void setLightGroupColor(uint lightmapGroup, NLMISC::CRGBA color);
/// get the global Ambient used for the scene. Default to (50, 50, 50).
NLMISC::CRGBA getAmbientGlobal() const;
/// get the Ambient of the Sun used for the scene.
NLMISC::CRGBA getSunAmbient() const;
/// get the Diffuse of the Sun used for the scene.
NLMISC::CRGBA getSunDiffuse() const;
/// get the Specular of the Sun used for the scene.
NLMISC::CRGBA getSunSpecular() const;
/// get the Direction of the Sun used for the scene.
NLMISC::CVector getSunDirection() const;
/// get the number of light group.
uint getNumLightGroup () const
return (uint)_LightGroupColor.size ();
/// get the color of a lightmap group.
NLMISC::CRGBA getLightmapGroupColor(uint lightGroup) const
if (lightGroup<_LightGroupColor.size())
return _LightGroupColor[lightGroup];
return CRGBA::White;
/// get an animated light factor.
NLMISC::CRGBA getAnimatedLightFactor (sint animatedLightmap, uint lightGroup) const
if (((uint)animatedLightmap)<_AnimatedLightPtr.size ())
return _AnimatedLightPtr[animatedLightmap]->getFactor (lightGroup);
return getLightmapGroupColor (lightGroup);
/// get an animated lightmap index by name. Return -1 if not found.
sint getAnimatedLightNameToIndex (const std::string &name) const;
/** setup the max number of point light that can influence a model. NB: clamped by NL3D_MAX_LIGHT_CONTRIBUTION
* Default is 3.
* NB: the sun contribution is not taken into account
void setMaxLightContribution(uint nlights);
/** \see setMaxLightContribution()
uint getMaxLightContribution() const;
/** Advanced. When a model is influenced by more light than allowed, or when it reach the limits
* of the light (attenuationEnd), the light can be darkened according to some threshold.
* The resultLightColor begin to fade when distModelToLight== attEnd- threshold*(attEnd-attBegin).
* when distModelToLight== 0, resultLightColor==Black.
* By default, this value is 0.1f. Setting higher values will smooth transition but will
* generally darken the global effects of lights.
* NB: clamp(value, 0, 1);
void setLightTransitionThreshold(float lightTransitionThreshold);
/** \see getLightTransitionThreshold()
float getLightTransitionThreshold() const;
/// \name Weather mgt
/// Set the current windPower for all the scene. 0-1.
void setGlobalWindPower(float gwp);
/// get the current windPower
float getGlobalWindPower() const {return _GlobalWindPower;}
/// Set the current windDirection for all the scene. dir.z set to 0 and vector normalized.
void setGlobalWindDirection(const CVector &gwd);
/// get the current windDirection
const CVector &getGlobalWindDirection() const {return _GlobalWindDirection;}
/// \name Trav accessor. Use it with caution. (used for mesh rendering)
CHrcTrav &getHrcTrav() {return HrcTrav;}
CClipTrav &getClipTrav() {return ClipTrav;}
CLightTrav &getLightTrav() {return LightTrav;}
CAnimDetailTrav &getAnimDetailTrav() {return AnimDetailTrav;}
CLoadBalancingTrav &getLoadBalancingTrav() {return LoadBalancingTrav;}
CRenderTrav &getRenderTrav() {return RenderTrav;}
/// Get the Root For Hrc and Basics Clip of the scene
CTransform *getRoot() const {return Root;}
/// Get the RootCluster For Clip of the scene
CCluster *getRootCluster() const {return RootCluster;}
/// Get a ref. to the particle system manager. You shouldn't call this (has methods for private processing)
CParticleSystemManager &getParticleSystemManager();
/// set the automatic animation set used by this scene. It is stored as a smart pointer
void setAutomaticAnimationSet(CAnimationSet *as);
/// Get a reference to the set of automatic animations
CAnimationSet *getAutomaticAnimationSet() const { return _AutomaticAnimationSet; }
/// Get the async texture manager. NULL if was not setuped
CAsyncTextureManager *getAsyncTextureManager() const {return _AsyncTextureManager;}
/// Set the async texture manager
void setAsyncTextureManager(CAsyncTextureManager *mgr) {_AsyncTextureManager= mgr;}
/// \name Render Filtering
// @{
void enableElementRender(UScene::TRenderFilter elt, bool state);
uint32 getFilterRenderFlags() const {return _FilterRenderFlags;}
// @}
/// \name Private
// @{
/// The scene owns a list of skeleton models. Added/Removed by CSkeletonModel intModel()/dtor
typedef std::list<CSkeletonModel*> TSkeletonModelList;
typedef TSkeletonModelList::iterator ItSkeletonModelList;
ItSkeletonModelList appendSkeletonModelToList(CSkeletonModel *skel);
void eraseSkeletonModelToList(ItSkeletonModelList it);
ItSkeletonModelList getSkeletonModelListBegin() {return _SkeletonModelList.begin();}
ItSkeletonModelList getSkeletonModelListEnd() {return _SkeletonModelList.end();}
/// The scene owns a list of CTransform enabled to Cast shadows. Added/Removed by createShadowMap()/deleteShadowMap()
typedef std::list<CTransform*> TShadowCasterList;
typedef TShadowCasterList::iterator ItShadowCasterList;
void registerShadowCasterToList(CTransform *sc);
void unregisterShadowCasterToList(CTransform *sc);
ItShadowCasterList getShadowCasterListBegin() {return _ShadowCasterList.begin();}
ItShadowCasterList getShadowCasterListEnd() {return _ShadowCasterList.end();}
/// For skeleton spawn script model creation
void addSSSModelRequest(const CSSSModelRequest &req);
// @}
/// \name Profiling
// @{
// Enable Profiling for the next render(). Reset All stats.
void profileNextRender();
bool isNextRenderProfile() const {return _NextRenderProfile;}
// Result profiling
UScene::CBenchResults BenchRes;
// increment with the current VBufferFormat
void incrementProfileTriVBFormat(std::map<uint32, uint32> &formatToTri, uint32 vbFormat, uint32 numTris)
std::map<uint32, uint32>::iterator it= formatToTri.find(vbFormat);
it= formatToTri.insert(std::make_pair(vbFormat,0)).first;
it->second+= numTris;
// @}
/** \name Flare contexts
* The flare objects are designed to work with a single scene, because they simulate 'retinian persistence' based on the visibility in the current scene.
* Several context allow to deals with a flare rendered from several points of views.
* There's a limited number of contexts (MaxNumFlareContexts)
// @{
// The max number of contexts for flares
enum { MaxNumFlareContexts = CFlareModel::MaxNumContext };
// Set the current context for flares. context must be < to MaxNumFlareContexts
void setFlareContext(uint context) { nlassert(context < MaxNumFlareContexts); _FlareContext = context; }
// Get the current context for flares
uint getFlareContext() const { return _FlareContext; }
// @}
/// \name ShadowMapping Options
// @{
/// return the current base ShadowMap TextureSize. Default is 64 texels.
uint getShadowMapTextureSize() const {return _ShadowMapTextureSize;}
/// must be a power of 2.
void setShadowMapTextureSize(uint size);
/// get the size of the blur (<=3 means number of fakeBlur).
uint getShadowMapBlurSize() const {return _ShadowMapBlurSize;}
/// set the size of the blur (<=3 means number of fakeBlur).
void setShadowMapBlurSize(uint bs);
/// Enable Polygon Smoothing
void enableShadowPolySmooth(bool enable);
/// get Enable Polygon Smoothing flag
bool getEnableShadowPolySmooth() const;
/// ShadowMap Distance Fade Start (40 default)
void setShadowMapDistFadeStart(float dist);
float getShadowMapDistFadeStart() const {return _ShadowMapDistFadeStart;}
/// ShadowMap Distance Fade end (50 default)
void setShadowMapDistFadeEnd(float dist);
float getShadowMapDistFadeEnd() const {return _ShadowMapDistFadeEnd;}
/// ShadowMap max Caster In Screen (optimize CPU/GPU)
void setShadowMapMaxCasterInScreen(uint num);
uint getShadowMapMaxCasterInScreen() const {return _ShadowMapMaxCasterInScreen;}
/// ShadowMap max Caster Around (optimize memory)
void setShadowMapMaxCasterAround(uint num);
uint getShadowMapMaxCasterAround() const {return _ShadowMapMaxCasterAround;}
/// The scene may have one special VisualCollisionManager which can manage some shadow receiving
void setVisualCollisionManagerForShadow(CVisualCollisionManager *vcm) {_VisualCollisionManagerForShadow= vcm;}
CVisualCollisionManager *getVisualCollisionManagerForShadow() const {return _VisualCollisionManagerForShadow;}
// @}
void setWaterCallback(IWaterSurfaceAddedCallback *wcb) { _WaterCallback = wcb; }
IWaterSurfaceAddedCallback *getWaterCallback() const { return _WaterCallback; }
void setLandscapePolyDrawingCallback(ILandscapePolyDrawingCallback *lpd)
{ _PolyDrawingCallback = lpd;}
ILandscapePolyDrawingCallback *getLandscapePolyDrawingCallback() const { return _PolyDrawingCallback;}
// Add a new occlusion query object that must be tested at the end of the rendering
void insertInOcclusionQueryList(CFlareModel *fm)
fm->Next = _FirstFlare;
_FirstFlare = fm;
// debugging aid : draw all occlusion test mesh that are used by flares
void renderOcclusionTestMeshs();
// Set a water envmap to be used with water surfaces in that scene. Water envmap may be shared accross several scenes.
void setWaterEnvMap(CWaterEnvMap *waterEnvMap) { _WaterEnvMap = waterEnvMap; }
// Get currenlty used water envmap for that scene.
CWaterEnvMap *getWaterEnvMap() const { return _WaterEnvMap; }
/** Update water envmaps. Water textures that need to be updated includes UWaterEnvMap textures & Day/Night textures (as defined in the water material).
* Should be called at the beginning of the frame before anything is rendered.
void updateWaterEnvMaps(TGlobalAnimationTime time);
// Get vertex buffer used for water rendering
CVertexBuffer &getWaterVB() { return _WaterVB; }
/// The camera / Viewport.
CRefPtr<CCamera> CurrentCamera;
CViewport _Viewport;
// the current time
TGlobalAnimationTime _CurrentTime ;
// the real time
TGlobalAnimationTime _RealTime;
TGlobalAnimationTime _InitTime;
// true when its the first call of animate
bool _FirstAnimateCall ;
// the ellapsed time
TAnimationTime _EllapsedTime ;
// System time is a time that always run (independent from the animation time that run only on animate())
double _DeltaSystemTimeBetweenRender;
double _GlobalSystemTime;
uint64 _NumRender; // the number of time render has been called
/// \name The traversals
CHrcTrav HrcTrav;
CClipTrav ClipTrav;
CLightTrav LightTrav;
CAnimDetailTrav AnimDetailTrav;
CLoadBalancingTrav LoadBalancingTrav;
CRenderTrav RenderTrav;
// The root models (will be deleted by CScene).
CTransform *Root;
// The Root Cluster
CCluster *RootCluster;
// This model is used to clip any model which has a Skeleton ancestor
CRootModel *SonsOfAncestorSkeletonModelGroup;
// The Ligths automatic movements
std::map<std::string, uint> _AnimatedLightNameToIndex;
std::list<CAnimatedLightmap> _AnimatedLight;
std::vector<CAnimatedLightmap*> _AnimatedLightPtr;
CPlayListManager _LMAnimsAuto;
/* Lightmap factor for each lightmap group.
* size() must be == to CAnimatedLightmap::_GroupColor.size () */
std::vector<NLMISC::CRGBA> _LightGroupColor;
// List of InstanceGroup to animate PointLightFactor.
typedef std::set<CInstanceGroup*> TAnimatedIgSet;
typedef TAnimatedIgSet::iterator ItAnimatedIgSet;
TAnimatedIgSet _AnimatedIgSet;
/// \name Shape/Instances.
CShapeBank *_ShapeBank;
typedef std::multimap<std::string,CTransformShape**> TWaitingInstancesMMap;
TWaitingInstancesMMap _WaitingInstances;
CInstanceGroup* _GlobalInstanceGroup;
/// \name Coarse meshes managers.
// The Coarse Mesh Manager. Owned by the scene
CCoarseMeshManager *_CoarseMeshManager;
// CLodCharacterManager is not a model. setuped by user
CLodCharacterManager *_LodCharacterManager;
/// \name Clip features
CQuadGridClipManager *_QuadGridClipManager;
// Lighting.
bool _LightingSystemEnabled;
/// set setCoarseMeshLightingUpdate
uint8 _CoarseMeshLightingUpdate;
/// \name Particle systems specific
CParticleSystemManager _ParticleSystemManager;
/// \name Weather mgt
float _GlobalWindPower;
CVector _GlobalWindDirection;
// A set of automatic animation
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CAnimationSet> _AutomaticAnimationSet;
// The async texture manager, setuped by the user.
CAsyncTextureManager *_AsyncTextureManager;
// List of skeletons in the scene
TSkeletonModelList _SkeletonModelList;
// Max Skeleton displayed as std.
uint _MaxSkeletonsInNotCLodForm;
// Render filtering
uint32 _FilterRenderFlags;
// profile
bool _NextRenderProfile;
IWaterSurfaceAddedCallback *_WaterCallback;
ILandscapePolyDrawingCallback * _PolyDrawingCallback;
CFlareModel *_FirstFlare; // first flare to test for occlusion query
// List of shadow casters in the scene
TShadowCasterList _ShadowCasterList;
// ******************
struct CModelEntry
NLMISC::CClassId ModelId, BaseModelId;
CTransform* (*Creator)();
bool operator<(const CModelEntry& o) const {return ModelId<o.ModelId;}
bool operator==(const CModelEntry& o) const {return ModelId==o.ModelId;}
bool operator!=(const CModelEntry& o) const {return !(*this==o);}
// must do this for _UpdateModelList access.
friend class CTransform;
friend class CClipTrav;
std::set<CTransform*> _Models;
CTransform *_UpdateModelList;
static std::set<CModelEntry> _RegModels;
/// Update all models. All dirty models are cleaned
void updateModels();
// current context for rendering of flares
uint _FlareContext;
// ShadowMap Options
uint _ShadowMapTextureSize;
uint _ShadowMapBlurSize;
float _ShadowMapDistFadeStart;
float _ShadowMapDistFadeEnd;
uint _ShadowMapMaxCasterInScreen;
uint _ShadowMapMaxCasterAround;
CVisualCollisionManager *_VisualCollisionManagerForShadow;
// Delayed model delete
bool _IsRendering;
std::vector<CTransform*> _ToDelete;
UScene::TRenderPart _RenderedPart;
void renderOcclusionTestMeshsWithCurrMaterial();
CWaterEnvMap *_WaterEnvMap;
/// Delayed model creation For skeleton spawn script animation
std::vector<CSSSModelRequest> _SSSModelRequests;
void flushSSSModelRequests();
// common vb for water display
CVertexBuffer _WaterVB;
bool _RequestParticlesAnimate;
#endif // NL_SCENE_H
/* End of scene.h */