// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/> // Copyright (C) 2010-2021 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This source file has been modified by the following contributors: // Copyright (C) 2013 Laszlo KIS-ADAM (dfighter) <dfighter1985@gmail.com> // Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Jan BOON (Kaetemi) <jan.boon@kaetemi.be> // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. //#include <crtdbg.h> #include "stdpch.h" #include "nel/gui/group_html.h" #include <string> #include "nel/misc/types_nl.h" #include "nel/misc/rgba.h" #include "nel/misc/algo.h" #include "nel/misc/utf_string_view.h" #include "nel/gui/libwww.h" #include "nel/gui/group_html.h" #include "nel/gui/group_list.h" #include "nel/gui/group_menu.h" #include "nel/gui/group_container.h" #include "nel/gui/view_link.h" #include "nel/gui/ctrl_scroll.h" #include "nel/gui/ctrl_button.h" #include "nel/gui/ctrl_text_button.h" #include "nel/gui/action_handler.h" #include "nel/gui/group_paragraph.h" #include "nel/gui/group_editbox.h" #include "nel/gui/widget_manager.h" #include "nel/gui/lua_manager.h" #include "nel/gui/view_bitmap.h" #include "nel/gui/dbgroup_combo_box.h" #include "nel/gui/lua_ihm.h" #include "nel/misc/i18n.h" #include "nel/misc/md5.h" #include "nel/3d/texture_file.h" #include "nel/misc/big_file.h" #include "nel/gui/url_parser.h" #include "nel/gui/http_cache.h" #include "nel/gui/http_hsts.h" #include "nel/web/curl_certificates.h" #include "nel/gui/html_parser.h" #include "nel/gui/html_element.h" #include "nel/gui/css_style.h" #include "nel/gui/css_parser.h" #include "nel/gui/css_border_renderer.h" #include <curl/curl.h> using namespace std; using namespace NLMISC; #ifdef DEBUG_NEW #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif // Default maximum time the request is allowed to take #define DEFAULT_RYZOM_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT (300.0) // Allow up to 10 redirects, then give up #define DEFAULT_RYZOM_REDIRECT_LIMIT (10) // #define FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL 400 #define FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD 700 namespace NLGUI { // Uncomment nlwarning() to see the log about curl downloads #define LOG_DL(fmt, ...) //nlwarning(fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__) // Uncomment to log curl progess //#define LOG_CURL_PROGRESS 1 CGroupHTML::SWebOptions CGroupHTML::options; // Return URL with https is host is in HSTS list static std::string upgradeInsecureUrl(const std::string &url) { if (toLowerAscii(url.substr(0, 7)) != "http://") { return url; } CUrlParser uri(url); if (!CStrictTransportSecurity::getInstance()->isSecureHost(uri.host)){ return url; } LOG_DL("HSTS url : '%s', using https", url.c_str()); uri.scheme = "https"; return uri.toString(); } // Active cURL www transfer class CCurlWWWData { public: CCurlWWWData(CURL *curl, const std::string &url) : Request(curl), Url(url), Content(""), HeadersSent(NULL) { } ~CCurlWWWData() { if (Request) curl_easy_cleanup(Request); if (HeadersSent) curl_slist_free_all(HeadersSent); } void sendHeaders(const std::vector<std::string> headers) { for(uint i = 0; i < headers.size(); ++i) { HeadersSent = curl_slist_append(HeadersSent, headers[i].c_str()); } curl_easy_setopt(Request, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, HeadersSent); } void setRecvHeader(const std::string &header) { size_t pos = header.find(": "); if (pos == std::string::npos) return; std::string key = toLowerAscii(header.substr(0, pos)); if (pos != std::string::npos) { HeadersRecv[key] = header.substr(pos + 2); //nlinfo(">> received header '%s' = '%s'", key.c_str(), HeadersRecv[key].c_str()); } } // return last received "Location: <url>" header or empty string if no header set const std::string getLocationHeader() { if (HeadersRecv.count("location") > 0) return HeadersRecv["location"]; return ""; } const uint32 getExpires() { time_t ret = 0; if (HeadersRecv.count("expires") > 0) ret = curl_getdate(HeadersRecv["expires"].c_str(), NULL); return ret > -1 ? ret : 0; } const std::string getLastModified() { if (HeadersRecv.count("last-modified") > 0) { return HeadersRecv["last-modified"]; } return ""; } const std::string getEtag() { if (HeadersRecv.count("etag") > 0) { return HeadersRecv["etag"]; } return ""; } bool hasHSTSHeader() { // ignore header if not secure connection if (toLowerAscii(Url.substr(0, 8)) != "https://") { return false; } return HeadersRecv.count("strict-transport-security") > 0; } const std::string getHSTSHeader() { if (hasHSTSHeader()) { return HeadersRecv["strict-transport-security"]; } return ""; } public: CURL *Request; std::string Url; std::string Content; private: // headers sent with curl request, must be released after transfer curl_slist * HeadersSent; // headers received from curl transfer std::map<std::string, std::string> HeadersRecv; }; // cURL transfer callbacks // *************************************************************************** static size_t curlHeaderCallback(char *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *pCCurlWWWData) { CCurlWWWData * me = static_cast<CCurlWWWData *>(pCCurlWWWData); if (me) { std::string header; header.append(buffer, size * nmemb); me->setRecvHeader(header.substr(0, header.find_first_of("\n\r"))); } return size * nmemb; } // *************************************************************************** static size_t curlDataCallback(char *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *pCCurlWWWData) { CCurlWWWData * me = static_cast<CCurlWWWData *>(pCCurlWWWData); if (me) me->Content.append(buffer, size * nmemb); return size * nmemb; } // *************************************************************************** static size_t curlProgressCallback(void *pCCurlWWWData, curl_off_t dltotal, curl_off_t dlnow, curl_off_t ultotal, curl_off_t ulnow) { CCurlWWWData * me = static_cast<CCurlWWWData *>(pCCurlWWWData); if (me) { if (dltotal > 0 || dlnow > 0 || ultotal > 0 || ulnow > 0) { #ifdef LOG_CURL_PROGRESS nlwarning("> dltotal %ld, dlnow %ld, ultotal %ld, ulnow %ld, url '%s'", dltotal, dlnow, ultotal, ulnow, me->Url.c_str()); #endif } } // return 1 to cancel download return 0; } CGroupHTML::CDataDownload::~CDataDownload() { delete data; data = NULL; } // Check if domain is on TrustedDomain bool CGroupHTML::isTrustedDomain(const string &domain) { if (domain == options.webServerDomain) return true; vector<string>::iterator it; it = find(options.trustedDomains.begin(), options.trustedDomains.end(), domain); return it != options.trustedDomains.end(); } // Update view after download has finished void CGroupHTML::setImage(CViewBase * view, const string &file, const TImageType type) { CCtrlButton *btn = dynamic_cast<CCtrlButton*>(view); if(btn) { if (type == NormalImage) { btn->setTexture (file); btn->setTexturePushed(file); btn->invalidateCoords(); btn->invalidateContent(); paragraphChange(); } else { btn->setTextureOver(file); } return; } CViewBitmap *btm = dynamic_cast<CViewBitmap*>(view); if(btm) { btm->setTexture (file); btm->invalidateCoords(); btm->invalidateContent(); paragraphChange(); return; } CGroupCell *btgc = dynamic_cast<CGroupCell*>(view); if(btgc) { btgc->setTexture (file); btgc->invalidateCoords(); btgc->invalidateContent(); paragraphChange(); return; } CGroupTable *table = dynamic_cast<CGroupTable*>(view); if (table) { table->setTexture(file); return; } } // Force image width, height void CGroupHTML::setImageSize(CViewBase *view, const CStyleParams &style) { sint32 width = style.Width; sint32 height = style.Height; sint32 maxw = style.MaxWidth; sint32 maxh = style.MaxHeight; sint32 imageWidth, imageHeight; bool changed = true; // get image texture size // if image is being downloaded, then correct size is set after thats done CCtrlButton *btn = dynamic_cast<CCtrlButton*>(view); if(btn) { btn->fitTexture(); imageWidth = btn->getW(false); imageHeight = btn->getH(false); } else { CViewBitmap *btm = dynamic_cast<CViewBitmap*>(view); if(btm) { btm->fitTexture(); imageWidth = btm->getW(false); imageHeight = btm->getH(false); } else { // not supported return; } } // if width/height is not requested, then use image size // else recalculate missing value, keep image ratio if (width == -1 && height == -1) { width = imageWidth; height = imageHeight; changed = false; } else if (width == -1 || height == -1) { float ratio = (float) imageWidth / std::max(1, imageHeight); if (width == -1) width = height * ratio; else height = width / ratio; } // apply max-width, max-height rules if asked if (maxw > -1 || maxh > -1) { _Style.applyCssMinMax(width, height, 0, 0, maxw, maxh); changed = true; } if (changed) { CCtrlButton *btn = dynamic_cast<CCtrlButton*>(view); if(btn) { btn->setScale(true); btn->setW(width); btn->setH(height); } else { CViewBitmap *image = dynamic_cast<CViewBitmap*>(view); if(image) { image->setScale(true); image->setW(width); image->setH(height); } } } } void CGroupHTML::setTextButtonStyle(CCtrlTextButton *ctrlButton, const CStyleParams &style) { // this will also set size for <a class="ryzom-ui-button"> treating it like "display: inline-block;" if (style.Width > 0) ctrlButton->setWMin(style.Width); if (style.Height > 0) ctrlButton->setHMin(style.Height); CViewText *pVT = ctrlButton->getViewText(); if (pVT) { setTextStyle(pVT, style); } if (style.hasStyle("background-color")) { ctrlButton->setColor(style.BackgroundColor); if (style.hasStyle("-ryzom-background-color-over")) { ctrlButton->setColorOver(style.BackgroundColorOver); } else { ctrlButton->setColorOver(style.BackgroundColor); } ctrlButton->setTexture("", "blank.tga", "", false); ctrlButton->setTextureOver("", "blank.tga", ""); ctrlButton->setProperty("force_text_over", "true"); } else if (style.hasStyle("-ryzom-background-color-over")) { ctrlButton->setColorOver(style.BackgroundColorOver); ctrlButton->setProperty("force_text_over", "true"); ctrlButton->setTextureOver("blank.tga", "blank.tga", "blank.tga"); } } void CGroupHTML::setTextStyle(CViewText *pVT, const CStyleParams &style) { if (pVT) { pVT->setColor(style.TextColor); pVT->setFontName(style.FontFamily); pVT->setFontSize(style.FontSize, false); pVT->setEmbolden(style.FontWeight >= FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD); pVT->setOblique(style.FontOblique); pVT->setUnderlined(style.Underlined); pVT->setStrikeThrough(style.StrikeThrough); if (style.TextShadow.Enabled) { pVT->setShadow(true); pVT->setShadowColor(style.TextShadow.Color); pVT->setShadowOutline(style.TextShadow.Outline); pVT->setShadowOffset(style.TextShadow.X, style.TextShadow.Y); } } } // Get an url and return the local filename with the path where the url image should be string CGroupHTML::localImageName(const string &url) { string dest = "cache/"; dest += getMD5((uint8 *)url.c_str(), (uint32)url.size()).toString(); dest += ".cache"; return dest; } void CGroupHTML::pumpCurlQueue() { if (RunningCurls < options.curlMaxConnections) { std::list<CDataDownload>::iterator it=Curls.begin(); uint c = 0; while(it != Curls.end() && RunningCurls < options.curlMaxConnections) { if (it->data == NULL) { LOG_DL("(%s) starting new download '%s'", _Id.c_str(), it->url.c_str()); if (!startCurlDownload(*it)) { LOG_DL("(%s) failed to start '%s)'", _Id.c_str(), it->url.c_str()); finishCurlDownload(*it); it = Curls.erase(it); continue; } } ++it; } } if (RunningCurls > 0 || !Curls.empty()) LOG_DL("(%s) RunningCurls %d, _Curls %d", _Id.c_str(), RunningCurls, Curls.size()); } // Add url to MultiCurl queue and return cURL handle bool CGroupHTML::startCurlDownload(CDataDownload &download) { if (!MultiCurl) { nlwarning("Invalid MultiCurl handle, unable to download '%s'", download.url.c_str()); return false; } time_t currentTime; time(¤tTime); CHttpCacheObject cache; if (CFile::fileExists(download.dest)) cache = CHttpCache::getInstance()->lookup(download.dest); if (cache.Expires > currentTime) { LOG_DL("Cache for (%s) is not expired (%s, expires:%d)", download.url.c_str(), download.dest.c_str(), cache.Expires - currentTime); return false; } // use browser Id so that two browsers would not use same temp file download.tmpdest = localImageName(_Id + download.dest) + ".tmp"; // erase the tmp file if exists if (CFile::fileExists(download.tmpdest)) { CFile::deleteFile(download.tmpdest); } FILE *fp = nlfopen (download.tmpdest, "wb"); if (fp == NULL) { nlwarning("Can't open file '%s' for writing: code=%d '%s'", download.tmpdest.c_str (), errno, strerror(errno)); return false; } CURL *curl = curl_easy_init(); if (!curl) { fclose(fp); CFile::deleteFile(download.tmpdest); nlwarning("Creating cURL handle failed, unable to download '%s'", download.url.c_str()); return false; } LOG_DL("curl easy handle %p created for '%s'", curl, download.url.c_str()); // https:// if (toLowerAscii(download.url.substr(0, 8)) == "https://") { // if supported, use custom SSL context function to load certificates NLWEB::CCurlCertificates::useCertificates(curl); } download.data = new CCurlWWWData(curl, download.url); download.fp = fp; // initial connection timeout, curl default is 300sec curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, download.ConnectionTimeout); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, true); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, download.url.c_str()); // limit curl to HTTP and HTTPS protocols only curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS, CURLPROTO_HTTP | CURLPROTO_HTTPS); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS, CURLPROTO_HTTP | CURLPROTO_HTTPS); std::vector<std::string> headers; if (!cache.Etag.empty()) headers.push_back("If-None-Match: " + cache.Etag); if (!cache.LastModified.empty()) headers.push_back("If-Modified-Since: " + cache.LastModified); if (headers.size() > 0) download.data->sendHeaders(headers); // catch headers curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, NLGUI::curlHeaderCallback); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER, download.data); std::string userAgent = options.appName + "/" + options.appVersion; curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, userAgent.c_str()); CUrlParser uri(download.url); if (!uri.host.empty()) sendCookies(curl, uri.host, isTrustedDomain(uri.host)); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, fp); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, fwrite); CURLMcode ret = curl_multi_add_handle(MultiCurl, curl); if (ret != CURLM_OK) { nlwarning("cURL multi handle %p error %d on '%s'", curl, ret, download.url.c_str()); return false; } RunningCurls++; return true; } void CGroupHTML::finishCurlDownload(const CDataDownload &download) { if (download.type == ImgType) { if (CFile::fileExists(download.tmpdest) && CFile::getFileSize(download.tmpdest) > 0) { try { // verify that image is not corrupted uint32 w, h; CBitmap::loadSize(download.tmpdest, w, h); if (w != 0 && h != 0) { if (CFile::fileExists(download.dest)) CFile::deleteFile(download.dest); // to reload image on page, the easiest seems to be changing texture // to temp file temporarily. that forces driver to reload texture from disk // ITexture::touch() seem not to do this. // cache was updated, first set texture as temp file for(uint i = 0; i < download.imgs.size(); i++) { setImage(download.imgs[i].Image, download.tmpdest, download.imgs[i].Type); setImageSize(download.imgs[i].Image, download.imgs[i].Style); } CFile::moveFile(download.dest, download.tmpdest); } } catch(const NLMISC::Exception &e) { // exception message has .tmp file name, so keep it for further analysis nlwarning("Invalid image (%s) from url (%s): %s", download.tmpdest.c_str(), download.url.c_str(), e.what()); } } if (CFile::fileExists(download.dest) && CFile::getFileSize(download.dest) > 0) { try { // verify that image is not corrupted uint32 w, h; CBitmap::loadSize(download.dest, w, h); if (w != 0 && h != 0) for(uint i = 0; i < download.imgs.size(); i++) { setImage(download.imgs[i].Image, download.dest, download.imgs[i].Type); setImageSize(download.imgs[i].Image, download.imgs[i].Style); } } catch(const NLMISC::Exception &e) { nlwarning("Invalid image (%s) from url (%s): %s", download.dest.c_str(), download.url.c_str(), e.what()); } } return; } if (download.type == StylesheetType) { if (CFile::fileExists(download.tmpdest)) { if (CFile::fileExists(download.dest)) { CFile::deleteFile(download.dest); } CFile::moveFile(download.dest, download.tmpdest); } cssDownloadFinished(download.url, download.dest); return; } if (download.type == BnpType) { bool verified = false; // no tmpfile if file was already in cache if (CFile::fileExists(download.tmpdest)) { verified = download.md5sum.empty() || (download.md5sum != getMD5(download.tmpdest).toString()); if (verified) { if (CFile::fileExists(download.dest)) { CFile::deleteFile(download.dest); } CFile::moveFile(download.dest, download.tmpdest); } else { CFile::deleteFile(download.tmpdest); } } else if (CFile::fileExists(download.dest)) { verified = download.md5sum.empty() || (download.md5sum != getMD5(download.dest).toString()); } std::string script = "\nlocal __CURRENT_WINDOW__ = \""+this->_Id+"\""; script += toString("\nlocal __DOWNLOAD_STATUS__ = %s\n", verified ? "true" : "false"); script += download.luaScript; CLuaManager::getInstance().executeLuaScript(script, true ); return; } nlwarning("Unknown CURL download type (%d) finished '%s'", download.type, download.url.c_str()); } // Add a image download request in the multi_curl void CGroupHTML::addImageDownload(const string &url, CViewBase *img, const CStyleParams &style, TImageType type, const std::string &placeholder) { std::string finalUrl; img->setModulateGlobalColor(style.GlobalColor); // ...== if (startsWith(url, "data:image/")) { setImage(img, decodeURIComponent(url), type); setImageSize(img, style); return; } // load the image from local files/bnp std::string image = CFile::getPath(url) + CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(url) + ".tga"; if (lookupLocalFile(finalUrl, image.c_str(), false)) { setImage(img, image, type); setImageSize(img, style); return; } finalUrl = upgradeInsecureUrl(getAbsoluteUrl(url)); // use requested url for local name (cache) string dest = localImageName(url); LOG_DL("add to download '%s' dest '%s' img %p", finalUrl.c_str(), dest.c_str(), img); // Display cached image while downloading new if (type != OverImage) { std::string temp = dest; if (!CFile::fileExists(temp) || CFile::getFileSize(temp) == 0) { temp = placeholder; } setImage(img, temp, type); setImageSize(img, style); } // Search if we are not already downloading this url. for(std::list<CDataDownload>::iterator it = Curls.begin(); it != Curls.end(); ++it) { if(it->url == finalUrl) { LOG_DL("already downloading '%s' img %p", finalUrl.c_str(), img); it->imgs.push_back(CDataImageDownload(img, style, type)); return; } } Curls.push_back(CDataDownload(finalUrl, dest, ImgType, img, "", "", style, type)); pumpCurlQueue(); } void CGroupHTML::removeImageDownload(CViewBase *img) { for(std::list<CDataDownload>::iterator it = Curls.begin(); it != Curls.end(); ++it) { // check all active downloads because image does not keep url around std::vector<CDataImageDownload>::iterator imgIter = it->imgs.begin(); while(imgIter != it->imgs.end()) { if (imgIter->Image == img) { it->imgs.erase(imgIter); break; } ++imgIter; } } } void CGroupHTML::initImageDownload() { LOG_DL("Init Image Download"); string pathName = "cache"; if ( ! CFile::isExists( pathName ) ) CFile::createDirectory( pathName ); } // Get an url and return the local filename with the path where the bnp should be string CGroupHTML::localBnpName(const string &url) { size_t lastIndex = url.find_last_of("/"); string dest = "user/"+url.substr(lastIndex+1); return dest; } // Add a bnp download request in the multi_curl, return true if already downloaded bool CGroupHTML::addBnpDownload(string url, const string &action, const string &script, const string &md5sum) { url = upgradeInsecureUrl(getAbsoluteUrl(url)); // Search if we are not already downloading this url. for(std::list<CDataDownload>::const_iterator it = Curls.begin(); it != Curls.end(); ++it) { if(it->url == url) { LOG_DL("already downloading '%s'", url.c_str()); return false; } } string dest = localBnpName(url); LOG_DL("add to download '%s' dest '%s'", url.c_str(), dest.c_str()); // create/delete the local file if (NLMISC::CFile::fileExists(dest)) { if (action == "override" || action == "delete") { CFile::setRWAccess(dest); NLMISC::CFile::deleteFile(dest); } else { return true; } } if (action != "delete") { Curls.push_back(CDataDownload(url, dest, BnpType, NULL, script, md5sum)); pumpCurlQueue(); } else return true; return false; } void CGroupHTML::initBnpDownload() { if (!_TrustedDomain) return; LOG_DL("Init Bnp Download"); string pathName = "user"; if ( ! CFile::isExists( pathName ) ) CFile::createDirectory( pathName ); } void CGroupHTML::addStylesheetDownload(const std::vector<CHtmlParser::StyleLink> links) { for(uint i = 0; i < links.size(); ++i) { _StylesheetQueue.push_back(links[i]); std::string url = getAbsoluteUrl(links[i].Url); _StylesheetQueue.back().Url = url; // push to the front of the queue Curls.push_front(CDataDownload(url, localImageName(url), StylesheetType, NULL, "", "")); } pumpCurlQueue(); } // Call this evenly to check if an element is downloaded and then manage it void CGroupHTML::checkDownloads() { //nlassert(_CrtCheckMemory()); if(Curls.empty() && _CurlWWW == NULL) { return; } int NewRunningCurls = 0; while(CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM == curl_multi_perform(MultiCurl, &NewRunningCurls)) { LOG_DL("more to do now %d - %d curls", NewRunningCurls, Curls.size()); } LOG_DL("NewRunningCurls:%d, RunningCurls:%d", NewRunningCurls, RunningCurls); // check which downloads are done CURLMsg *msg; int msgs_left; while ((msg = curl_multi_info_read(MultiCurl, &msgs_left))) { LOG_DL("> (%s) msgs_left %d", _Id.c_str(), msgs_left); if (msg->msg == CURLMSG_DONE) { if (_CurlWWW && _CurlWWW->Request && _CurlWWW->Request == msg->easy_handle) { std::string error; bool success = msg->data.result == CURLE_OK; if (!success) { error = curl_easy_strerror(msg->data.result); } LOG_DL("html download finished with curl code %d (%s)", (sint)msg->msg, error.c_str()); htmlDownloadFinished(success, error); } else { for(std::list<CDataDownload>::iterator it = Curls.begin(); it != Curls.end(); ++it) { if(it->data && it->data->Request == msg->easy_handle) { std::string error; bool success = msg->data.result == CURLE_OK; if (!success) { error = curl_easy_strerror(msg->data.result); } LOG_DL("data download finished with curl code %d (%s)", (sint)msg->msg, error.c_str()); dataDownloadFinished(success, error, *it); Curls.erase(it); break; } } } } } RunningCurls = NewRunningCurls; pumpCurlQueue(); } void CGroupHTML::releaseDownloads() { LOG_DL("Release Downloads"); if (_CurlWWW) { LOG_DL("(%s) stop html url '%s'", _Id.c_str(), _CurlWWW->Url.c_str()); if (MultiCurl) curl_multi_remove_handle(MultiCurl, _CurlWWW->Request); delete _CurlWWW; _CurlWWW = NULL; } // remove all queued and already started downloads for(std::list<CDataDownload>::iterator it = Curls.begin(); it != Curls.end(); ++it) { if (it->data) { LOG_DL("(%s) stop data url '%s'", _Id.c_str(), it->url.c_str()); if (MultiCurl) { curl_multi_remove_handle(MultiCurl, it->data->Request); } // close and remove temp file if (it->fp) { fclose(it->fp); if (CFile::fileExists(it->tmpdest)) { CFile::deleteFile(it->tmpdest); } } } } Curls.clear(); // also clear css queue as it depends on Curls _StylesheetQueue.clear(); } class CGroupListAdaptor : public CInterfaceGroup { public: CGroupListAdaptor(const TCtorParam ¶m) : CInterfaceGroup(param) {} private: void updateCoords() { if (_Parent) { // Get the W max from the parent _W = std::min(_Parent->getMaxWReal(), _Parent->getWReal()); _WReal = _W; } CInterfaceGroup::updateCoords(); } }; // *************************************************************************** template<class A> void popIfNotEmpty(A &vect) { if(!vect.empty()) vect.pop_back(); } // *************************************************************************** TStyle CGroupHTML::parseStyle (const string &str_styles) { TStyle styles; vector<string> elements; NLMISC::splitString(str_styles, ";", elements); for(uint i = 0; i < elements.size(); ++i) { vector<string> style; NLMISC::splitString(elements[i], ":", style); if (style.size() >= 2) { string fullstyle = style[1]; for (uint j=2; j < style.size(); j++) fullstyle += ":"+style[j]; styles[trim(style[0])] = trimSeparators(fullstyle); } } return styles; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::addText (const char *buf, int len) { if (_Browsing) { if (_IgnoreText) return; // Build a UTF8 string if (_ParsingLua && _TrustedDomain) { // we are parsing a lua script _LuaScript += string(buf, buf + len); // no more to do return; } // Build a unicode string CUtfStringView inputStringView(buf, len); // Build the final unicode string string tmp; tmp.reserve(len); u32char lastChar = 0; u32char inputStringView0 = *inputStringView.begin(); for (CUtfStringView::iterator it(inputStringView.begin()), end(inputStringView.end()); it != end; ++it) { u32char output; bool keep; // special treatment for 'nbsp' (which is returned as a discreet space) if (len == 1 && inputStringView0 == 32) { // this is a nbsp entity output = *it; keep = true; } else { // not nbsp, use normal white space removal routine keep = translateChar (output, *it, lastChar); } if (keep) { CUtfStringView::append(tmp, output); lastChar = output; } } if (!tmp.empty()) addString(tmp); } } // *************************************************************************** #define registerAnchorName(prefix) \ {\ if (present[prefix##_ID] && value[prefix##_ID]) \ _AnchorName.push_back(value[prefix##_ID]); \ } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::beginElement (CHtmlElement &elm) { _Style.pushStyle(); _CurrentHTMLElement = &elm; _CurrentHTMLNextSibling = elm.nextSibling; // set element style from css and style attribute _Style.getStyleFor(elm); if (!elm.Style.empty()) { _Style.applyStyle(elm.Style); } if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("name")) { _AnchorName.push_back(elm.getAttribute("name")); } if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("id")) { _AnchorName.push_back(elm.getAttribute("id")); } if (_Style.Current.DisplayBlock) { endParagraph(); } switch(elm.ID) { case HTML_A: htmlA(elm); break; case HTML_BASE: htmlBASE(elm); break; case HTML_BODY: htmlBODY(elm); break; case HTML_BR: htmlBR(elm); break; case HTML_BUTTON: htmlBUTTON(elm); break; case HTML_DD: htmlDD(elm); break; case HTML_DEL: renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); break; case HTML_DIV: htmlDIV(elm); break; case HTML_DL: htmlDL(elm); break; case HTML_DT: htmlDT(elm); break; case HTML_EM: renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); break; case HTML_FONT: htmlFONT(elm); break; case HTML_FORM: htmlFORM(elm); break; case HTML_H1://no-break case HTML_H2://no-break case HTML_H3://no-break case HTML_H4://no-break case HTML_H5://no-break case HTML_H6: htmlH(elm); break; case HTML_HEAD: htmlHEAD(elm); break; case HTML_HR: htmlHR(elm); break; case HTML_HTML: htmlHTML(elm); break; case HTML_I: htmlI(elm); break; case HTML_IMG: htmlIMG(elm); break; case HTML_INPUT: htmlINPUT(elm); break; case HTML_LI: htmlLI(elm); break; case HTML_LUA: htmlLUA(elm); break; case HTML_META: htmlMETA(elm); break; case HTML_METER: htmlMETER(elm); break; case HTML_OBJECT: htmlOBJECT(elm); break; case HTML_OL: htmlOL(elm); break; case HTML_OPTION: htmlOPTION(elm); break; case HTML_P: htmlP(elm); break; case HTML_PRE: htmlPRE(elm); break; case HTML_PROGRESS: htmlPROGRESS(elm); break; case HTML_SCRIPT: htmlSCRIPT(elm); break; case HTML_SELECT: htmlSELECT(elm); break; case HTML_SMALL: renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); break; case HTML_SPAN: renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); break; case HTML_STRONG: renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); break; case HTML_STYLE: htmlSTYLE(elm); break; case HTML_TABLE: htmlTABLE(elm); break; case HTML_TBODY: renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); break; case HTML_TD: htmlTD(elm); break; case HTML_TEXTAREA: htmlTEXTAREA(elm); break; case HTML_TFOOT: renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); break; case HTML_TH: htmlTH(elm); break; case HTML_TITLE: htmlTITLE(elm); break; case HTML_TR: htmlTR(elm); break; case HTML_U: renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); break; case HTML_UL: htmlUL(elm); break; default: renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); break; } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::endElement(CHtmlElement &elm) { _CurrentHTMLElement = &elm; switch(elm.ID) { case HTML_A: htmlAend(elm); break; case HTML_BASE: break; case HTML_BODY: renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); break; case HTML_BR: break; case HTML_BUTTON: htmlBUTTONend(elm); break; case HTML_DD: htmlDDend(elm); break; case HTML_DEL: renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); break; case HTML_DIV: htmlDIVend(elm); break; case HTML_DL: htmlDLend(elm); break; case HTML_DT: htmlDTend(elm); break; case HTML_EM: renderPseudoElement(":after", elm);break; case HTML_FONT: break; case HTML_FORM: htmlFORMend(elm); break; case HTML_H1://no-break case HTML_H2://no-break case HTML_H3://no-break case HTML_H4://no-break case HTML_H5://no-break case HTML_H6: htmlHend(elm); break; case HTML_HEAD: htmlHEADend(elm); break; case HTML_HR: break; case HTML_HTML: break; case HTML_I: htmlIend(elm); break; case HTML_IMG: break; case HTML_INPUT: break; case HTML_LI: htmlLIend(elm); break; case HTML_LUA: htmlLUAend(elm); break; case HTML_META: break; case HTML_METER: break; case HTML_OBJECT: htmlOBJECTend(elm); break; case HTML_OL: htmlOLend(elm); break; case HTML_OPTION: htmlOPTIONend(elm); break; case HTML_P: htmlPend(elm); break; case HTML_PRE: htmlPREend(elm); break; case HTML_SCRIPT: htmlSCRIPTend(elm); break; case HTML_SELECT: htmlSELECTend(elm); break; case HTML_SMALL: renderPseudoElement(":after", elm);break; case HTML_SPAN: renderPseudoElement(":after", elm);break; case HTML_STRONG: renderPseudoElement(":after", elm);break; case HTML_STYLE: htmlSTYLEend(elm); break; case HTML_TABLE: htmlTABLEend(elm); break; case HTML_TD: htmlTDend(elm); break; case HTML_TBODY: renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); break; case HTML_TEXTAREA: break; case HTML_TFOOT: renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); break; case HTML_TH: htmlTHend(elm); break; case HTML_TITLE: break; case HTML_TR: htmlTRend(elm); break; case HTML_U: renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); break; case HTML_UL: htmlULend(elm); break; default: renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); break; } if (_Style.Current.DisplayBlock) { endParagraph(); } _Style.popStyle(); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::renderPseudoElement(const std::string &pseudo, const CHtmlElement &elm) { if (pseudo != ":before" && pseudo != ":after") return; if (!elm.hasPseudo(pseudo)) return; _Style.pushStyle(); _Style.applyStyle(elm.getPseudo(pseudo)); // TODO: 'content' should already be tokenized in css parser as it has all the functions for that std::string content = trim(_Style.getStyle("content")); if (toLowerAscii(content) == "none" || toLowerAscii(content) == "normal") { _Style.popStyle(); return; } std::string::size_type pos = 0; while(pos < content.size()) { std::string::size_type start; std::string token; // not supported // counter, open-quote, close-quote, no-open-quote, no-close-quote if (content[pos] == '"' || content[pos] == '\'') { char quote = content[pos]; pos++; start = pos; while(pos < content.size() && content[pos] != quote) { if (content[pos] == '\\') pos++; pos++; } token = content.substr(start, pos - start); addString(token); // skip closing quote pos++; } else if (content[pos] == 'u' && pos < content.size() - 6 && toLowerAscii(content.substr(pos, 4)) == "url(") { // url(/path-to/image.jpg) / "Alt!" // url("/path to/image.jpg") / "Alt!" std::string tooltip; start = pos + 4; // fails if url contains ')' pos = content.find(")", start); token = trim(content.substr(start, pos - start)); // skip ')' pos++; // scan for tooltip start = pos; while(pos < content.size() && content[pos] == ' ' && content[pos] != '/') { pos++; } if (pos < content.size() && content[pos] == '/') { // skip '/' pos++; // skip whitespace while(pos < content.size() && content[pos] == ' ') { pos++; } if (pos < content.size() && (content[pos] == '\'' || content[pos] == '"')) { char openQuote = content[pos]; pos++; start = pos; while(pos < content.size() && content[pos] != openQuote) { if (content[pos] == '\\') pos++; pos++; } tooltip = content.substr(start, pos - start); // skip closing quote pos++; } else { // tooltip should be quoted pos = start; tooltip.clear(); } } else { // no tooltip pos = start; } if (tooltip.empty()) { addImage(getId() + pseudo, token, false, _Style.Current); } else { tooltip = trimQuotes(tooltip); addButton(CCtrlButton::PushButton, getId() + pseudo, token, token, "", "", "", tooltip.c_str(), _Style.Current); } } else if (content[pos] == 'a' && pos < content.size() - 7) { // attr(title) start = pos + 5; pos = content.find(")", start); token = content.substr(start, pos - start); // skip ')' pos++; if (elm.hasAttribute(token)) { addString(elm.getAttribute(token)); } } else { pos++; } } _Style.popStyle(); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::renderDOM(CHtmlElement &elm) { if (elm.Type == CHtmlElement::TEXT_NODE) { addText(elm.Value.c_str(), elm.Value.size()); } else { beginElement(elm); if (!_IgnoreChildElements) { std::list<CHtmlElement>::iterator it = elm.Children.begin(); while(it != elm.Children.end()) { renderDOM(*it); ++it; } } _IgnoreChildElements = false; endElement(elm); } } // *************************************************************************** NLMISC_REGISTER_OBJECT(CViewBase, CGroupHTML, std::string, "html"); // *************************************************************************** uint32 CGroupHTML::_GroupHtmlUIDPool= 0; CGroupHTML::TGroupHtmlByUIDMap CGroupHTML::_GroupHtmlByUID; // *************************************************************************** CGroupHTML::CGroupHTML(const TCtorParam ¶m) : CGroupScrollText(param), _TimeoutValue(DEFAULT_RYZOM_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT), _RedirectsRemaining(DEFAULT_RYZOM_REDIRECT_LIMIT), _CurrentHTMLElement(NULL) { // add it to map of group html created _GroupHtmlUID= ++_GroupHtmlUIDPool; // valid assigned Id begin to 1! _GroupHtmlByUID[_GroupHtmlUID]= this; // init _TrustedDomain = false; _ParsingLua = false; _LuaHrefHack = false; _IgnoreText = false; _IgnoreChildElements = false; _BrowseNextTime = false; _PostNextTime = false; _Browsing = false; _CurrentViewLink = NULL; _CurrentViewImage = NULL; _Indent.clear(); _LI = false; _SelectOption = false; _GroupListAdaptor = NULL; _UrlFragment.clear(); _RefreshUrl.clear(); _NextRefreshTime = 0.0; _LastRefreshTime = 0.0; _RenderNextTime = false; _WaitingForStylesheet = false; _AutoIdSeq = 0; _FormOpen = false; // Register CWidgetManager::getInstance()->registerClockMsgTarget(this); // HTML parameters ErrorColor = CRGBA(255, 0, 0); LinkColor = CRGBA(0, 0, 255); ErrorColorGlobalColor = false; LinkColorGlobalColor = false; TextColorGlobalColor = false; LIBeginSpace = 4; ULBeginSpace = 12; PBeginSpace = 12; TDBeginSpace = 0; ULIndent = 30; LineSpaceFontFactor = 0.5f; DefaultButtonGroup = "html_text_button"; DefaultFormTextGroup = "edit_box_widget"; DefaultFormTextAreaGroup = "edit_box_widget_multiline"; DefaultFormSelectGroup = "html_form_select_widget"; DefaultFormSelectBoxMenuGroup = "html_form_select_box_menu_widget"; DefaultCheckBoxBitmapNormal = "checkbox_normal.tga"; DefaultCheckBoxBitmapPushed = "checkbox_pushed.tga"; DefaultCheckBoxBitmapOver = "checkbox_over.tga"; DefaultRadioButtonBitmapNormal = "w_radiobutton.png"; DefaultRadioButtonBitmapPushed = "w_radiobutton_pushed.png"; DefaultBackgroundBitmapView = "bg"; clearContext(); MultiCurl = curl_multi_init(); #ifdef CURLMOPT_MAX_HOST_CONNECTIONS if (MultiCurl) { // added in libcurl 7.30.0 curl_multi_setopt(MultiCurl, CURLMOPT_MAX_HOST_CONNECTIONS, options.curlMaxConnections); curl_multi_setopt(MultiCurl, CURLMOPT_PIPELINING, 1); } #endif RunningCurls = 0; _CurlWWW = NULL; initImageDownload(); initBnpDownload(); // setup default browser style setProperty("browser_css_file", "browser.css"); } // *************************************************************************** CGroupHTML::~CGroupHTML() { //releaseImageDownload(); // TestYoyo //nlinfo("** CGroupHTML Destroy: %x, %s, uid%d", this, _Id.c_str(), _GroupHtmlUID); /* Erase from map of Group HTML (thus requestTerminated() callback won't be called) Do it first, just because don't want requestTerminated() to be called while I'm destroying (useless and may be dangerous) */ _GroupHtmlByUID.erase(_GroupHtmlUID); clearContext(); releaseDownloads(); if (_CurlWWW) delete _CurlWWW; if(MultiCurl) curl_multi_cleanup(MultiCurl); } std::string CGroupHTML::getProperty( const std::string &name ) const { if( name == "url" ) { return _URL; } else if( name == "title_prefix" ) { return _TitlePrefix; } else if( name == "error_color" ) { return toString( ErrorColor ); } else if( name == "link_color" ) { return toString( LinkColor ); } else if( name == "error_color_global_color" ) { return toString( ErrorColorGlobalColor ); } else if( name == "link_color_global_color" ) { return toString( LinkColorGlobalColor ); } else if( name == "text_color_global_color" ) { return toString( TextColorGlobalColor ); } else if( name == "td_begin_space" ) { return toString( TDBeginSpace ); } else if( name == "paragraph_begin_space" ) { return toString( PBeginSpace ); } else if( name == "li_begin_space" ) { return toString( LIBeginSpace ); } else if( name == "ul_begin_space" ) { return toString( ULBeginSpace ); } else if( name == "ul_indent" ) { return toString( ULIndent ); } else if( name == "multi_line_space_factor" ) { return toString( LineSpaceFontFactor ); } else if( name == "form_text_area_group" ) { return DefaultFormTextGroup; } else if( name == "form_select_group" ) { return DefaultFormSelectGroup; } else if( name == "checkbox_bitmap_normal" ) { return DefaultCheckBoxBitmapNormal; } else if( name == "checkbox_bitmap_pushed" ) { return DefaultCheckBoxBitmapPushed; } else if( name == "checkbox_bitmap_over" ) { return DefaultCheckBoxBitmapOver; } else if( name == "radiobutton_bitmap_normal" ) { return DefaultRadioButtonBitmapNormal; } else if( name == "radiobutton_bitmap_pushed" ) { return DefaultRadioButtonBitmapPushed; } else if( name == "radiobutton_bitmap_over" ) { return DefaultRadioButtonBitmapOver; } else if( name == "background_bitmap_view" ) { return DefaultBackgroundBitmapView; } else if( name == "home" ) { return Home; } else if( name == "browse_next_time" ) { return toString( _BrowseNextTime ); } else if( name == "browse_tree" ) { return _BrowseTree; } else if( name == "browse_undo" ) { return _BrowseUndoButton; } else if( name == "browse_redo" ) { return _BrowseRedoButton; } else if( name == "browse_refresh" ) { return _BrowseRefreshButton; } else if( name == "timeout" ) { return toString( _TimeoutValue ); } else if( name == "browser_css_file" ) { return _BrowserCssFile; } else return CGroupScrollText::getProperty( name ); } void CGroupHTML::setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value ) { if( name == "url" ) { _URL = value; return; } else if( name == "title_prefix" ) { _TitlePrefix = value; return; } else if( name == "error_color" ) { CRGBA c; if( fromString( value, c ) ) ErrorColor = c; return; } else if( name == "link_color" ) { CRGBA c; if( fromString( value, c ) ) LinkColor = c; return; } else if( name == "error_color_global_color" ) { bool b; if( fromString( value, b ) ) ErrorColorGlobalColor = b; return; } else if( name == "link_color_global_color" ) { bool b; if( fromString( value, b ) ) LinkColorGlobalColor = b; return; } else if( name == "text_color_global_color" ) { bool b; if( fromString( value, b ) ) TextColorGlobalColor = b; return; } else if( name == "td_begin_space" ) { uint i; if( fromString( value, i ) ) TDBeginSpace = i; return; } else if( name == "paragraph_begin_space" ) { uint i; if( fromString( value, i ) ) PBeginSpace = i; return; } else if( name == "li_begin_space" ) { uint i; if( fromString( value, i ) ) LIBeginSpace = i; return; } else if( name == "ul_begin_space" ) { uint i; if( fromString( value, i ) ) ULBeginSpace = i; return; } else if( name == "ul_indent" ) { uint i; if( fromString( value, i ) ) ULIndent = i; return; } else if( name == "multi_line_space_factor" ) { float f; if( fromString( value, f ) ) LineSpaceFontFactor = f; return; } else if( name == "form_text_area_group" ) { DefaultFormTextGroup = value; return; } else if( name == "form_select_group" ) { DefaultFormSelectGroup = value; return; } else if( name == "checkbox_bitmap_normal" ) { DefaultCheckBoxBitmapNormal = value; return; } else if( name == "checkbox_bitmap_pushed" ) { DefaultCheckBoxBitmapPushed = value; return; } else if( name == "checkbox_bitmap_over" ) { DefaultCheckBoxBitmapOver = value; return; } else if( name == "radiobutton_bitmap_normal" ) { DefaultRadioButtonBitmapNormal = value; return; } else if( name == "radiobutton_bitmap_pushed" ) { DefaultRadioButtonBitmapPushed = value; return; } else if( name == "radiobutton_bitmap_over" ) { DefaultRadioButtonBitmapOver = value; return; } else if( name == "background_bitmap_view" ) { DefaultBackgroundBitmapView = value; return; } else if( name == "home" ) { Home = value; return; } else if( name == "browse_next_time" ) { bool b; if( fromString( value, b ) ) _BrowseNextTime = b; return; } else if( name == "browse_tree" ) { _BrowseTree = value; return; } else if( name == "browse_undo" ) { _BrowseUndoButton = value; return; } else if( name == "browse_redo" ) { _BrowseRedoButton = value; return; } else if( name == "browse_refresh" ) { _BrowseRefreshButton = value; return; } else if( name == "timeout" ) { double d; if( fromString( value, d ) ) _TimeoutValue = d; return; } else if( name == "browser_css_file") { _BrowserStyle.reset(); _BrowserCssFile = value; if (!_BrowserCssFile.empty()) { std::string filename = CPath::lookup(_BrowserCssFile, false, true, true); if (!filename.empty()) { CIFile in; if (in.open(filename)) { std::string css; if (in.readAll(css)) _BrowserStyle.parseStylesheet(css); else nlwarning("Failed to read browser css from '%s'", filename.c_str()); } else { nlwarning("Failed to open browser css file '%s'", filename.c_str()); } } else { nlwarning("Browser css file '%s' not found", _BrowserCssFile.c_str()); } } } else CGroupScrollText::setProperty( name, value ); } xmlNodePtr CGroupHTML::serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const { xmlNodePtr node = CGroupScrollText::serialize( parentNode, type ); if( node == NULL ) return NULL; xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "type", BAD_CAST "html" ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "url", BAD_CAST _URL.c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "title_prefix", BAD_CAST _TitlePrefix.c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "error_color", BAD_CAST toString( ErrorColor ).c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "link_color", BAD_CAST toString( LinkColor ).c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "error_color_global_color", BAD_CAST toString( ErrorColorGlobalColor ).c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "link_color_global_color", BAD_CAST toString( LinkColorGlobalColor ).c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "text_color_global_color", BAD_CAST toString( TextColorGlobalColor ).c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "td_begin_space", BAD_CAST toString( TDBeginSpace ).c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "paragraph_begin_space", BAD_CAST toString( PBeginSpace ).c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "li_begin_space", BAD_CAST toString( LIBeginSpace ).c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "ul_begin_space", BAD_CAST toString( ULBeginSpace ).c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "ul_indent", BAD_CAST toString( ULIndent ).c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "multi_line_space_factor", BAD_CAST toString( LineSpaceFontFactor ).c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "form_text_area_group", BAD_CAST DefaultFormTextGroup.c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "form_select_group", BAD_CAST DefaultFormSelectGroup.c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "checkbox_bitmap_normal", BAD_CAST DefaultCheckBoxBitmapNormal.c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "checkbox_bitmap_pushed", BAD_CAST DefaultCheckBoxBitmapPushed.c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "checkbox_bitmap_over", BAD_CAST DefaultCheckBoxBitmapOver.c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "radiobutton_bitmap_normal", BAD_CAST DefaultRadioButtonBitmapNormal.c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "radiobutton_bitmap_pushed", BAD_CAST DefaultRadioButtonBitmapPushed.c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "radiobutton_bitmap_over", BAD_CAST DefaultRadioButtonBitmapOver.c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "background_bitmap_view", BAD_CAST DefaultBackgroundBitmapView.c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "home", BAD_CAST Home.c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "browse_next_time", BAD_CAST toString( _BrowseNextTime ).c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "browse_tree", BAD_CAST _BrowseTree.c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "browse_undo", BAD_CAST _BrowseUndoButton.c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "browse_redo", BAD_CAST _BrowseRedoButton.c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "browse_refresh", BAD_CAST _BrowseRefreshButton.c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "timeout", BAD_CAST toString( _TimeoutValue ).c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "browser_css_file", BAD_CAST _BrowserCssFile.c_str() ); return node; } // *************************************************************************** bool CGroupHTML::parse(xmlNodePtr cur,CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup) { nlassert( CWidgetManager::getInstance()->isClockMsgTarget(this)); if(!CGroupScrollText::parse(cur, parentGroup)) return false; // TestYoyo //nlinfo("** CGroupHTML parsed Ok: %x, %s, %s, uid%d", this, _Id.c_str(), typeid(this).name(), _GroupHtmlUID); CXMLAutoPtr ptr; // Get the url ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"url"); if (ptr) _URL = (const char*)ptr; // Bkup default for undo/redo _AskedUrl= _URL; ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"title_prefix"); if (ptr) _TitlePrefix = CI18N::get((const char*)ptr); // Parameters ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"error_color"); if (ptr) ErrorColor = convertColor(ptr); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"link_color"); if (ptr) LinkColor = convertColor(ptr); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"error_color_global_color"); if (ptr) ErrorColorGlobalColor = convertBool(ptr); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"link_color_global_color"); if (ptr) LinkColorGlobalColor = convertBool(ptr); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"text_color_global_color"); if (ptr) TextColorGlobalColor = convertBool(ptr); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"td_begin_space"); if (ptr) fromString((const char*)ptr, TDBeginSpace); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"paragraph_begin_space"); if (ptr) fromString((const char*)ptr, PBeginSpace); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"li_begin_space"); if (ptr) fromString((const char*)ptr, LIBeginSpace); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"ul_begin_space"); if (ptr) fromString((const char*)ptr, ULBeginSpace); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"ul_indent"); if (ptr) fromString((const char*)ptr, ULIndent); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"multi_line_space_factor"); if (ptr) fromString((const char*)ptr, LineSpaceFontFactor); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"form_text_group"); if (ptr) DefaultFormTextGroup = (const char*)(ptr); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"form_text_area_group"); if (ptr) DefaultFormTextAreaGroup = (const char*)(ptr); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"form_select_group"); if (ptr) DefaultFormSelectGroup = (const char*)(ptr); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"checkbox_bitmap_normal"); if (ptr) DefaultCheckBoxBitmapNormal = (const char*)(ptr); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"checkbox_bitmap_pushed"); if (ptr) DefaultCheckBoxBitmapPushed = (const char*)(ptr); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"checkbox_bitmap_over"); if (ptr) DefaultCheckBoxBitmapOver = (const char*)(ptr); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"radiobutton_bitmap_normal"); if (ptr) DefaultRadioButtonBitmapNormal = (const char*)(ptr); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"radiobutton_bitmap_pushed"); if (ptr) DefaultRadioButtonBitmapPushed = (const char*)(ptr); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"radiobutton_bitmap_over"); if (ptr) DefaultRadioButtonBitmapOver = (const char*)(ptr); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"background_bitmap_view"); if (ptr) DefaultBackgroundBitmapView = (const char*)(ptr); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"home"); if (ptr) Home = (const char*)(ptr); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"browse_next_time"); if (ptr) _BrowseNextTime = convertBool(ptr); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"browse_tree"); if(ptr) _BrowseTree = (const char*)ptr; ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"browse_undo"); if(ptr) _BrowseUndoButton= (const char*)ptr; ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"browse_redo"); if(ptr) _BrowseRedoButton = (const char*)ptr; ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"browse_refresh"); if(ptr) _BrowseRefreshButton = (const char*)ptr; ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"timeout"); if(ptr) fromString((const char*)ptr, _TimeoutValue); ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"browser_css_file"); if (ptr) { setProperty("browser_css_file", (const char *)ptr); } return true; } // *************************************************************************** bool CGroupHTML::handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor& eventDesc) { bool traited = false; if (eventDesc.getType() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptor::mouse) { const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse &mouseEvent = (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse &)eventDesc; if (mouseEvent.getEventTypeExtended() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse::mousewheel) { // Check if mouse wheel event was on any of multiline select box widgets // Must do this before CGroupScrollText for (uint i=0; i<_Forms.size() && !traited; i++) { for (uint j=0; j<_Forms[i].Entries.size() && !traited; j++) { if (_Forms[i].Entries[j].SelectBox) { if (_Forms[i].Entries[j].SelectBox->handleEvent(eventDesc)) { traited = true; break; } } } } } } if (!traited) traited = CGroupScrollText::handleEvent (eventDesc); if (eventDesc.getType() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptor::system) { const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorSystem &systemEvent = (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorSystem &) eventDesc; if (systemEvent.getEventTypeExtended() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptorSystem::clocktick) { // Handle now handle (); } if (systemEvent.getEventTypeExtended() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptorSystem::activecalledonparent) { if (!((NLGUI::CEventDescriptorActiveCalledOnParent &) systemEvent).getActive()) { // stop refresh when window gets hidden _NextRefreshTime = 0; } } } return traited; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::endParagraph() { _Paragraph = NULL; paragraphChange (); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::newParagraph(uint beginSpace) { // Add a new paragraph CGroupParagraph *newParagraph = new CGroupParagraph(CViewBase::TCtorParam()); newParagraph->setId(getCurrentGroup()->getId() + ":PARAGRAPH" + toString(getNextAutoIdSeq())); newParagraph->setResizeFromChildH(true); newParagraph->setMarginLeft(getIndent()); if (!_Style.Current.TextAlign.empty()) { if (_Style.Current.TextAlign == "left") newParagraph->setTextAlign(CGroupParagraph::AlignLeft); else if (_Style.Current.TextAlign == "center") newParagraph->setTextAlign(CGroupParagraph::AlignCenter); else if (_Style.Current.TextAlign == "right") newParagraph->setTextAlign(CGroupParagraph::AlignRight); else if (_Style.Current.TextAlign == "justify") newParagraph->setTextAlign(CGroupParagraph::AlignJustify); } // Add to the group addHtmlGroup (newParagraph, beginSpace); _Paragraph = newParagraph; paragraphChange (); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::browse(const char *url) { // modify undo/redo pushUrlUndoRedo(url); // do the browse, with no undo/redo doBrowse(url); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::refresh() { if (!_URL.empty()) doBrowse(_URL.c_str(), true); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::doBrowse(const char *url, bool force) { LOG_DL("(%s) Browsing URL : '%s'", _Id.c_str(), url); CUrlParser uri(url); if (!uri.hash.empty()) { // Anchor to scroll after page has loaded _UrlFragment = uri.hash; uri.inherit(_DocumentUrl); uri.hash.clear(); // compare urls and see if we only navigating to new anchor if (!force && _DocumentUrl == uri.toString()) { // scroll happens in updateCoords() invalidateCoords(); return; } } else _UrlFragment.clear(); // go _URL = uri.toString(); _BrowseNextTime = true; _WaitingForStylesheet = false; // if a BrowseTree is bound to us, try to select the node that opens this URL (auto-locate) if(!_BrowseTree.empty()) { CGroupTree *groupTree=dynamic_cast<CGroupTree*>(CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getElementFromId(_BrowseTree)); if(groupTree) { string nodeId= selectTreeNodeRecurs(groupTree->getRootNode(), url); // select the node if(!nodeId.empty()) { groupTree->selectNodeById(nodeId); } } } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::browseError (const char *msg) { releaseDownloads(); // Get the list group from CGroupScrollText removeContent(); newParagraph(0); CViewText *viewText = new CViewText ("", (string("Error : ")+msg).c_str()); viewText->setColor (ErrorColor); viewText->setModulateGlobalColor(ErrorColorGlobalColor); viewText->setMultiLine (true); getParagraph()->addChild (viewText); if(!_TitlePrefix.empty()) setTitle (_TitlePrefix); updateRefreshButton(); invalidateCoords(); } void CGroupHTML::browseErrorHtml(const std::string &html) { releaseDownloads(); removeContent(); renderHtmlString(html); updateRefreshButton(); invalidateCoords(); } // *************************************************************************** bool CGroupHTML::isBrowsing() { // do not show spinning cursor for image downloads (!Curls.empty()) return _BrowseNextTime || _PostNextTime || _RenderNextTime || _Browsing || _WaitingForStylesheet || _CurlWWW; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::updateCoords() { CGroupScrollText::updateCoords(); // all elements are in their correct place, tell scrollbar to scroll to anchor if (!_Browsing && !_UrlFragment.empty()) { doBrowseAnchor(_UrlFragment); _UrlFragment.clear(); } } // *************************************************************************** bool CGroupHTML::translateChar(u32char &output, u32char input, u32char lastCharParam) const { // Keep this char ? bool keep = true; // char is between table elements // TODO: only whitespace is handled, text is added to either TD, or after TABLE (should be before) bool tableWhitespace = getTable() && (_Cells.empty() || _Cells.back() == NULL); switch (input) { // Return / tab only in <PRE> mode case '\t': case '\n': { if (tableWhitespace) { keep = false; } else { // Get the last char u32char lastChar = lastCharParam; if (lastChar == 0) lastChar = getLastChar(); keep = ((lastChar != (u32char)' ') && (lastChar != 0)) || getPRE() || (_CurrentViewImage && (lastChar == 0)); if(!getPRE()) input = (u32char)' '; } } break; case ' ': { if (tableWhitespace) { keep = false; } else { // Get the last char u32char lastChar = lastCharParam; if (lastChar == 0) lastChar = getLastChar(); keep = ((lastChar != (u32char)' ') && (lastChar != (u32char)'\n') && (lastChar != 0)) || getPRE() || (_CurrentViewImage && (lastChar == 0)); } } break; case 0xd: keep = false; break; } if (keep) { output = input; } return keep; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::registerAnchor(CInterfaceElement* elm) { if (!_AnchorName.empty()) { for(uint32 i=0; i < _AnchorName.size(); ++i) { // filter out duplicates and register only first if (!_AnchorName[i].empty() && _Anchors.count(_AnchorName[i]) == 0) { _Anchors[_AnchorName[i]] = elm; } } _AnchorName.clear(); } } // *************************************************************************** bool CGroupHTML::isSameStyle(CViewLink *text, const CStyleParams &style) const { if (!text) return false; bool embolden = style.FontWeight >= FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD; bool sameShadow = style.TextShadow.Enabled && text->getShadow(); if (sameShadow && style.TextShadow.Enabled) { sint sx, sy; text->getShadowOffset(sx, sy); sameShadow = (style.TextShadow.Color == text->getShadowColor()); sameShadow = sameShadow && (style.TextShadow.Outline == text->getShadowOutline()); sameShadow = sameShadow && (style.TextShadow.X == sx) && (style.TextShadow.Y == sy); } // Compatible with current parameters ? return sameShadow && (style.TextColor == text->getColor()) && (style.FontFamily == text->getFontName()) && (style.FontSize == (uint)text->getFontSize()) && (style.Underlined == text->getUnderlined()) && (style.StrikeThrough == text->getStrikeThrough()) && (embolden == text->getEmbolden()) && (style.FontOblique == text->getOblique()) && (getLink() == text->Link) && (style.GlobalColor == text->getModulateGlobalColor()); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::newTextButton(const std::string &text, const std::string &tpl) { _CurrentViewLink = NULL; _CurrentViewImage = NULL; // Action handler parameters : "name=group_html_id|form=id_of_the_form|submit_button=button_name" string param = "name=" + this->_Id + "|url=" + getLink(); string name; if (!_AnchorName.empty()) name = _AnchorName.back(); typedef pair<string, string> TTmplParam; vector<TTmplParam> tmplParams; tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("id", "")); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("onclick", "browse")); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("onclick_param", param)); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("active", "true")); CInterfaceGroup *buttonGroup = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getParser()->createGroupInstance(tpl, getId()+":"+name, tmplParams); if (!buttonGroup) { nlinfo("Text button template '%s' not found", tpl.c_str()); return; } buttonGroup->setId(getId()+":"+name); // Add the ctrl button CCtrlTextButton *ctrlButton = dynamic_cast<CCtrlTextButton*>(buttonGroup->getCtrl("button")); if (!ctrlButton) ctrlButton = dynamic_cast<CCtrlTextButton*>(buttonGroup->getCtrl("b")); if (!ctrlButton) { nlinfo("Text button template '%s' is missing :button or :b text element", tpl.c_str()); return; } ctrlButton->setModulateGlobalColorAll(false); // Translate the tooltip ctrlButton->setText(text); ctrlButton->setDefaultContextHelp(std::string(getLinkTitle())); // empty url / button disabled ctrlButton->setFrozen(*getLink() == '\0'); setTextButtonStyle(ctrlButton, _Style.Current); _Paragraph->addChild(buttonGroup); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::newTextLink(const std::string &text) { CViewLink *newLink = new CViewLink(CViewBase::TCtorParam()); if (getA()) { newLink->Link = getLink(); newLink->LinkTitle = getLinkTitle(); if (!newLink->Link.empty()) { newLink->setHTMLView (this); newLink->setActionOnLeftClick("browse"); newLink->setParamsOnLeftClick("name=" + getId() + "|url=" + newLink->Link); } } newLink->setText(text); newLink->setMultiLineSpace((uint)((float)(_Style.Current.FontSize)*LineSpaceFontFactor)); newLink->setMultiLine(true); newLink->setModulateGlobalColor(_Style.Current.GlobalColor); setTextStyle(newLink, _Style.Current); registerAnchor(newLink); if (getA() && !newLink->Link.empty()) getParagraph()->addChildLink(newLink); else getParagraph()->addChild(newLink); _CurrentViewLink = newLink; _CurrentViewImage = NULL; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::addString(const std::string &str) { string tmpStr = str; if (_Localize) { string _str = tmpStr; string::size_type p = _str.find('#'); if (p == string::npos) { tmpStr = CI18N::get(_str); } else { string cmd = _str.substr(0, p); string arg = _str.substr(p+1); if (cmd == "date") { uint year, month, day; sscanf(arg.c_str(), "%d/%d/%d", &year, &month, &day); tmpStr = CI18N::get( "uiMFIDate"); year += (year > 70 ? 1900 : 2000); strFindReplace(tmpStr, "%year", toString("%d", year) ); strFindReplace(tmpStr, "%month", CI18N::get(toString("uiMonth%02d", month)) ); strFindReplace(tmpStr, "%day", toString("%d", day) ); } else { tmpStr = arg; } } } // In title ? if (_Object) { _ObjectScript += tmpStr; } else if (_SelectOption) { if (!(_Forms.empty())) { if (!_Forms.back().Entries.empty()) { _SelectOptionStr += tmpStr; } } } else { // In a paragraph ? if (!_Paragraph) { newParagraph (0); paragraphChange (); } CStyleParams &style = _Style.Current; // Text added ? bool added = false; if (_CurrentViewLink) { bool skipLine = !_CurrentViewLink->getText().empty() && *(_CurrentViewLink->getText().rbegin()) == '\n'; if (!skipLine && isSameStyle(_CurrentViewLink, style)) { // Concat the text _CurrentViewLink->setText(_CurrentViewLink->getText()+tmpStr); _CurrentViewLink->invalidateContent(); added = true; } } // Not added ? if (!added) { if (getA() && string(getLinkClass()) == "ryzom-ui-button") newTextButton(tmpStr, DefaultButtonGroup); else newTextLink(tmpStr); } } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::addImage(const std::string &id, const std::string &img, bool reloadImg, const CStyleParams &style) { // In a paragraph ? if (!_Paragraph) { newParagraph (0); paragraphChange (); } // No more text in this text view _CurrentViewLink = NULL; // Not added ? CViewBitmap *newImage = new CViewBitmap (TCtorParam()); newImage->setId(id); addImageDownload(img, newImage, style, NormalImage); newImage->setRenderLayer(getRenderLayer()+1); getParagraph()->addChild(newImage); paragraphChange (); setImageSize(newImage, style); } // *************************************************************************** CInterfaceGroup *CGroupHTML::addTextArea(const std::string &templateName, const char *name, uint rows, uint cols, bool multiLine, const std::string &content, uint maxlength) { // In a paragraph ? if (!_Paragraph) { newParagraph (0); paragraphChange (); } // No more text in this text view _CurrentViewLink = NULL; CStyleParams &style = _Style.Current; { // override cols/rows values from style if (style.Width > 0) cols = style.Width / style.FontSize; if (style.Height > 0) rows = style.Height / style.FontSize; // Not added ? std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string> > templateParams; templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string> ("w", toString (cols*style.FontSize))); templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string> ("id", name)); templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string> ("prompt", "")); templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string> ("multiline", multiLine?"true":"false")); templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string> ("fontsize", toString (style.FontSize))); templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string> ("color", style.TextColor.toString())); if (style.FontWeight >= FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD) templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string> ("fontweight", "bold")); if (style.FontOblique) templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string> ("fontstyle", "oblique")); if (multiLine) templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string> ("multi_min_line", toString(rows))); templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string> ("want_return", multiLine?"true":"false")); templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string> ("onenter", "")); templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string> ("enter_recover_focus", "false")); if (maxlength > 0) templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string> ("max_num_chars", toString(maxlength))); templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string> ("shadow", toString(style.TextShadow.Enabled))); if (style.TextShadow.Enabled) { templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string> ("shadow_x", toString(style.TextShadow.X))); templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string> ("shadow_y", toString(style.TextShadow.Y))); templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string> ("shadow_color", style.TextShadow.Color.toString())); templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string> ("shadow_outline", toString(style.TextShadow.Outline))); } CInterfaceGroup *textArea = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getParser()->createGroupInstance (templateName.c_str(), getParagraph()->getId(), templateParams.empty()?NULL:&(templateParams[0]), (uint)templateParams.size()); // Group created ? if (textArea) { // Set the content CGroupEditBox *eb = dynamic_cast<CGroupEditBox*>(textArea->getGroup("eb")); if (eb) { eb->setInputString(decodeHTMLEntities(content)); if (style.hasStyle("background-color")) { CViewBitmap *bg = dynamic_cast<CViewBitmap*>(eb->getView("bg")); if (bg) { bg->setTexture("blank.tga"); bg->setColor(style.BackgroundColor); } } } textArea->invalidateCoords(); getParagraph()->addChild (textArea); paragraphChange (); return textArea; } } // Not group created return NULL; } // *************************************************************************** CDBGroupComboBox *CGroupHTML::addComboBox(const std::string &templateName, const char *name) { // In a paragraph ? if (!_Paragraph) { newParagraph (0); paragraphChange (); } { // Not added ? std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string> > templateParams; templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string> ("id", name)); CInterfaceGroup *group = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getParser()->createGroupInstance (templateName.c_str(), getParagraph()->getId(), templateParams.empty()?NULL:&(templateParams[0]), (uint)templateParams.size()); // Group created ? if (group) { // Set the content CDBGroupComboBox *cb = dynamic_cast<CDBGroupComboBox *>(group); if (!cb) { nlwarning("'%s' template has bad type, combo box expected", templateName.c_str()); delete cb; return NULL; } else { getParagraph()->addChild (cb); paragraphChange (); return cb; } } } // Not group created return NULL; } // *************************************************************************** CGroupMenu *CGroupHTML::addSelectBox(const std::string &templateName, const char *name) { // In a paragraph ? if (!_Paragraph) { newParagraph (0); paragraphChange (); } // Not added ? std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string> > templateParams; templateParams.push_back(std::pair<std::string,std::string> ("id", name)); CInterfaceGroup *group = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getParser()->createGroupInstance(templateName.c_str(), getParagraph()->getId(), &(templateParams[0]), (uint)templateParams.size()); // Group created ? if (group) { // Set the content CGroupMenu *sb = dynamic_cast<CGroupMenu *>(group); if (!sb) { nlwarning("'%s' template has bad type, CGroupMenu expected", templateName.c_str()); delete sb; return NULL; } else { getParagraph()->addChild (sb); paragraphChange (); return sb; } } // No group created return NULL; } // *************************************************************************** CCtrlButton *CGroupHTML::addButton(CCtrlButton::EType type, const std::string &name, const std::string &normalBitmap, const std::string &pushedBitmap, const std::string &overBitmap, const char *actionHandler, const char *actionHandlerParams, const std::string &tooltip, const CStyleParams &style) { // In a paragraph ? if (!_Paragraph) { newParagraph (0); paragraphChange (); } // Add the ctrl button CCtrlButton *ctrlButton = new CCtrlButton(TCtorParam()); if (!name.empty()) { ctrlButton->setId(name); } std::string normal; if (startsWith(normalBitmap, "data:image/")) { normal = decodeURIComponent(normalBitmap); } else { // Load only tga files.. (conversion in dds filename is done in the lookup procedure) normal = normalBitmap.empty()?"":CFile::getPath(normalBitmap) + CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(normalBitmap) + ".tga"; // if the image doesn't exist on local, we check in the cache if(!CPath::exists(normal)) { // search in the compressed texture CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance(); sint32 id = rVR.getTextureIdFromName(normal); if(id == -1) { normal = localImageName(normalBitmap); addImageDownload(normalBitmap, ctrlButton, style); } } } std::string pushed; if (startsWith(pushedBitmap, "data:image/")) { pushed = decodeURIComponent(pushedBitmap); } else { pushed = pushedBitmap.empty()?"":CFile::getPath(pushedBitmap) + CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(pushedBitmap) + ".tga"; // if the image doesn't exist on local, we check in the cache, don't download it because the "normal" will already setuped it if(!CPath::exists(pushed)) { // search in the compressed texture CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance(); sint32 id = rVR.getTextureIdFromName(pushed); if(id == -1) { pushed = localImageName(pushedBitmap); } } } std::string over; if (startsWith(overBitmap, "data:image/")) { over = decodeURIComponent(overBitmap); } else { over = overBitmap.empty()?"":CFile::getPath(overBitmap) + CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(overBitmap) + ".tga"; // schedule mouseover bitmap for download if its different from normal if (!over.empty() && !CPath::exists(over)) { if (overBitmap != normalBitmap) { over = localImageName(overBitmap); addImageDownload(overBitmap, ctrlButton, style, OverImage); } } } ctrlButton->setType (type); if (!normal.empty()) ctrlButton->setTexture (normal); if (!pushed.empty()) ctrlButton->setTexturePushed (pushed); if (!over.empty()) ctrlButton->setTextureOver (over); ctrlButton->setModulateGlobalColorAll (style.GlobalColor); ctrlButton->setActionOnLeftClick (actionHandler); ctrlButton->setParamsOnLeftClick (actionHandlerParams); // Translate the tooltip or display raw text (tooltip from webig) if (!tooltip.empty()) { if (CI18N::hasTranslation(tooltip)) { ctrlButton->setDefaultContextHelp(CI18N::get(tooltip)); //ctrlButton->setOnContextHelp(CI18N::get(tooltip).toString()); } else { ctrlButton->setDefaultContextHelp(tooltip); //ctrlButton->setOnContextHelp(string(tooltip)); } ctrlButton->setInstantContextHelp(true); ctrlButton->setToolTipParent(TTMouse); ctrlButton->setToolTipParentPosRef(Hotspot_TTAuto); ctrlButton->setToolTipPosRef(Hotspot_TTAuto); } getParagraph()->addChild (ctrlButton); paragraphChange (); setImageSize(ctrlButton, style); return ctrlButton; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::flushString() { _CurrentViewLink = NULL; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::clearContext() { _Paragraph = NULL; _PRE.clear(); _Indent.clear(); _LI = false; _UL.clear(); _DL.clear(); _A.clear(); _Link.clear(); _LinkTitle.clear(); _Tables.clear(); _Cells.clear(); _TR.clear(); _Forms.clear(); _FormOpen = false; _FormSubmit.clear(); _Groups.clear(); _Divs.clear(); _Anchors.clear(); _AnchorName.clear(); _CellParams.clear(); _Object = false; _Localize = false; _ReadingHeadTag = false; _IgnoreHeadTag = false; _IgnoreBaseUrlTag = false; _AutoIdSeq = 0; paragraphChange (); // clear the pointer to the current image download since all the button are deleted LOG_DL("Clear pointers to %d curls", Curls.size()); // remove image refs from downloads for(std::list<CDataDownload>::iterator it = Curls.begin(); it != Curls.end(); ++it) { it->imgs.clear(); } } // *************************************************************************** u32char CGroupHTML::getLastChar() const { if (_CurrentViewLink) { ::u32string str = CUtfStringView(_CurrentViewLink->getText()).toUtf32(); // FIXME: Optimize reverse UTF iteration if (!str.empty()) return str[str.length()-1]; } return 0; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::paragraphChange () { _CurrentViewLink = NULL; _CurrentViewImage = NULL; CGroupParagraph *paragraph = getParagraph(); if (paragraph) { // Number of child in this paragraph uint numChild = paragraph->getNumChildren(); if (numChild) { // Get the last child CViewBase *child = paragraph->getChild(numChild-1); // Is this a string view ? _CurrentViewLink = dynamic_cast<CViewLink*>(child); _CurrentViewImage = dynamic_cast<CViewBitmap*>(child); } } } // *************************************************************************** CInterfaceGroup *CGroupHTML::getCurrentGroup() { if (!_Cells.empty() && _Cells.back()) return _Cells.back()->Group; else return _GroupListAdaptor; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::addHtmlGroup (CInterfaceGroup *group, uint beginSpace) { if (!group) return; registerAnchor(group); if (!_DivName.empty()) { group->setName(_DivName); _Groups.push_back(group); } group->setSizeRef(CInterfaceElement::width); // Compute begin space between paragraph and tables // * If first in group, no begin space // Pointer on the current paragraph (can be a table too) CGroupParagraph *p = dynamic_cast<CGroupParagraph*>(group); CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup = CGroupHTML::getCurrentGroup(); const std::vector<CInterfaceGroup*> &groups = parentGroup->getGroups (); group->setParent(parentGroup); group->setParentSize(parentGroup); if (groups.empty()) { group->setParentPos(parentGroup); group->setPosRef(Hotspot_TL); group->setParentPosRef(Hotspot_TL); beginSpace = 0; } else { // Last is a paragraph ? group->setParentPos(groups.back()); group->setPosRef(Hotspot_TL); group->setParentPosRef(Hotspot_BL); } // Set the begin space if (p) p->setTopSpace(beginSpace); else group->setY(-(sint32)beginSpace); parentGroup->addGroup (group); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::setContainerTitle (const std::string &title) { CInterfaceElement *parent = getParent(); if (parent) { if ((parent = parent->getParent())) { CGroupContainer *container = dynamic_cast<CGroupContainer*>(parent); if (container) { container->setTitle(title); } } } } void CGroupHTML::setTitle(const std::string &title) { if(_TitlePrefix.empty()) _TitleString = title; else _TitleString = _TitlePrefix + " - " + title; setContainerTitle(_TitleString); } std::string CGroupHTML::getTitle() const { return _TitleString; }; // *************************************************************************** bool CGroupHTML::lookupLocalFile (string &result, const char *url, bool isUrl) { result = url; string tmp; if (toLowerAscii(result).find("file:") == 0 && result.size() > 5) { result = result.substr(5, result.size()-5); } else if (result.find("://") != string::npos || result.find("//") == 0) { // http://, https://, etc or protocol-less url "//domain.com/image.png" return false; } tmp = CPath::lookup (CFile::getFilename(result), false, false, false); if (tmp.empty()) { // try to find in local directory tmp = CPath::lookup (result, false, false, true); } if (!tmp.empty()) { // Normalize the path if (isUrl) //result = "file:"+toLowerAscii(CPath::standardizePath (CPath::getFullPath (CFile::getPath(result)))+CFile::getFilename(result));*/ result = "file:/"+tmp; else result = tmp; return true; } else { // Is it a texture in the big texture ? if (CViewRenderer::getInstance()->getTextureIdFromName (result) >= 0) { return true; } else { // This is not a file in the CPath, let libwww open this URL result = url; return false; } } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::submitForm(uint button, sint32 x, sint32 y) { if (button >= _FormSubmit.size()) return; for(uint formId = 0; formId < _Forms.size(); formId++) { // case sensitive search (user id is lowecase, auto id is uppercase) if (_Forms[formId].id == _FormSubmit[button].form) { _PostNextTime = true; _PostFormId = formId; _PostFormAction = _FormSubmit[button].formAction; _PostFormSubmitType = _FormSubmit[button].type; _PostFormSubmitButton = _FormSubmit[button].name; _PostFormSubmitValue = _FormSubmit[button].value; _PostFormSubmitX = x; _PostFormSubmitY = y; return; } } nlwarning("Unable to find form '%s' to submit (button '%s')", _FormSubmit[button].form.c_str(), _FormSubmit[button].name.c_str()); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::setBackgroundColor (const CRGBA &bgcolor) { // Should have a child named bg CViewBase *view = getView (DefaultBackgroundBitmapView); if (view) { CViewBitmap *bitmap = dynamic_cast<CViewBitmap*> (view); if (bitmap) { // TODO: background color should have separate bitmap from background texture // Change the background color bitmap->setColor (bgcolor); bitmap->setModulateGlobalColor(false); } } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::setBackground (const string &bgtex, bool scale, bool tile) { // Should have a child named bg CViewBase *view = getView (DefaultBackgroundBitmapView); if (view) { CViewBitmap *bitmap = dynamic_cast<CViewBitmap*> (view); if (bitmap) { bitmap->setParentPosRef(Hotspot_TL); bitmap->setPosRef(Hotspot_TL); bitmap->setX(0); bitmap->setY(0); // FIXME: renders behind container background bitmap->setRenderLayer(-2); bitmap->setScale(scale); bitmap->setTile(tile); // clear size ref for non-scaled image or it does not show up if (scale || tile) bitmap->setSizeRef("wh"); else bitmap->setSizeRef(""); addImageDownload(bgtex, view, CStyleParams(), NormalImage, ""); } } } struct CButtonFreezer : public CInterfaceElementVisitor { virtual void visitCtrl(CCtrlBase *ctrl) { CCtrlBaseButton *textButt = dynamic_cast<CCtrlTextButton *>(ctrl); if (textButt) { textButt->setFrozen(true); } } }; // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::handle () { H_AUTO(RZ_Interface_Html_handle) const CWidgetManager::SInterfaceTimes × = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getInterfaceTimes(); // handle curl downloads checkDownloads(); // handle refresh timer if (_NextRefreshTime > 0 && _NextRefreshTime <= (times.thisFrameMs / 1000.0f) ) { // there might be valid uses for 0sec refresh, but two in a row is probably a mistake if (_NextRefreshTime - _LastRefreshTime >= 1.0) { _LastRefreshTime = _NextRefreshTime; doBrowse(_RefreshUrl.c_str()); } else nlwarning("Ignore second 0sec http-equiv refresh in a row (url '%s')", _URL.c_str()); _NextRefreshTime = 0; } if (_CurlWWW) { // still transfering html page if (_TimeoutValue != 0 && _ConnectingTimeout <= ( times.thisFrameMs / 1000.0f ) ) { browseError(("Connection timeout : "+_URL).c_str()); } } else if (_RenderNextTime) { _RenderNextTime = false; renderHtmlString(_DocumentHtml); } else if (_WaitingForStylesheet) { renderDocument(); } else if (_BrowseNextTime || _PostNextTime) { // Set timeout _ConnectingTimeout = ( times.thisFrameMs / 1000.0f ) + _TimeoutValue; // freeze form buttons CButtonFreezer freezer; this->visit(&freezer); // Home ? if (_URL == "home") _URL = home(); string finalUrl; bool isLocal = lookupLocalFile (finalUrl, _URL.c_str(), true); if (!isLocal && _URL.c_str()[0] == '/' && !options.webServer.empty()) finalUrl = options.webServer + finalUrl; // FIXME: In case options.webServer is empty(), can we defer browsing? -Kaetemi _URL = finalUrl; CUrlParser uri (_URL); _TrustedDomain = isTrustedDomain(uri.host); _DocumentDomain = uri.host; // file is probably from bnp (ingame help) if (isLocal) { doBrowseLocalFile(finalUrl); } else { SFormFields formfields; if (_PostNextTime) { buildHTTPPostParams(formfields); // _URL is set from form.Action finalUrl = _URL; } else { // Add custom get params from child classes addHTTPGetParams (finalUrl, _TrustedDomain); } doBrowseRemoteUrl(finalUrl, "", _PostNextTime, formfields); } _BrowseNextTime = false; _PostNextTime = false; } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::buildHTTPPostParams (SFormFields &formfields) { // Add text area text uint i; if (_PostFormId >= _Forms.size()) { nlwarning("(%s) invalid form index %d, _Forms %d", _Id.c_str(), _PostFormId, _Forms.size()); return; } // Ref the form CForm &form = _Forms[_PostFormId]; // button can override form action url (and methor, but we only do POST) _URL = _PostFormAction.empty() ? form.Action : _PostFormAction; CUrlParser uri(_URL); _TrustedDomain = isTrustedDomain(uri.host); _DocumentDomain = uri.host; for (i=0; i<form.Entries.size(); i++) { // Text area ? bool addEntry = false; string entryData; if (form.Entries[i].TextArea) { // Get the edit box view CInterfaceGroup *group = form.Entries[i].TextArea->getGroup ("eb"); if (group) { // Should be a CGroupEditBox CGroupEditBox *editBox = dynamic_cast<CGroupEditBox*>(group); if (editBox) { entryData = editBox->getViewText()->getText(); addEntry = true; } } } else if (form.Entries[i].Checkbox) { // todo handle unicode POST here if (form.Entries[i].Checkbox->getPushed ()) { entryData = form.Entries[i].Value; addEntry = true; } } else if (form.Entries[i].ComboBox) { CDBGroupComboBox *cb = form.Entries[i].ComboBox; entryData = form.Entries[i].SelectValues[cb->getSelection()]; addEntry = true; } else if (form.Entries[i].SelectBox) { CGroupMenu *sb = form.Entries[i].SelectBox; CGroupSubMenu *rootMenu = sb->getRootMenu(); if (rootMenu) { for(uint j=0; j<rootMenu->getNumLine(); ++j) { CInterfaceGroup *ig = rootMenu->getUserGroupLeft(j); if (ig) { CCtrlBaseButton *cb = dynamic_cast<CCtrlBaseButton *>(ig->getCtrl("b")); if (cb && cb->getPushed()) formfields.add(form.Entries[i].Name, form.Entries[i].SelectValues[j]); } } } } // This is a hidden value else { entryData = form.Entries[i].Value; addEntry = true; } // Add this entry if (addEntry) { formfields.add(form.Entries[i].Name, entryData); } } if (_PostFormSubmitType == "image") { // Add the button coordinates if (_PostFormSubmitButton.find_first_of("[") == string::npos) { formfields.add(_PostFormSubmitButton + "_x", NLMISC::toString(_PostFormSubmitX)); formfields.add(_PostFormSubmitButton + "_y", NLMISC::toString(_PostFormSubmitY)); } else { formfields.add(_PostFormSubmitButton, NLMISC::toString(_PostFormSubmitX)); formfields.add(_PostFormSubmitButton, NLMISC::toString(_PostFormSubmitY)); } } else formfields.add(_PostFormSubmitButton, _PostFormSubmitValue); // Add custom params from child classes addHTTPPostParams(formfields, _TrustedDomain); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::doBrowseLocalFile(const std::string &uri) { releaseDownloads(); updateRefreshButton(); std::string filename; if (toLowerAscii(uri).find("file:/") == 0) { filename = uri.substr(6, uri.size() - 6); } else { filename = uri; } LOG_DL("browse local file '%s'", filename.c_str()); _TrustedDomain = true; _DocumentDomain = "localhost"; CIFile in; if (in.open(filename)) { std::string html; while(!in.eof()) { char buf[1024]; in.getline(buf, 1024); html += std::string(buf) + "\n"; } in.close(); if (!renderHtmlString(html)) { browseError((string("Failed to parse html from file : ")+filename).c_str()); } } else { browseError((string("The page address is malformed : ")+filename).c_str()); } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::doBrowseRemoteUrl(std::string url, const std::string &referer, bool doPost, const SFormFields &formfields) { // stop all downloads from previous page releaseDownloads(); updateRefreshButton(); // Reset the title if(_TitlePrefix.empty()) setTitle (CI18N::get("uiPleaseWait")); else setTitle (_TitlePrefix + " - " + CI18N::get("uiPleaseWait")); url = upgradeInsecureUrl(url); LOG_DL("(%s) browse url (trusted=%s) '%s', referer='%s', post='%s', nb form values %d", _Id.c_str(), (_TrustedDomain ? "true" :"false"), url.c_str(), referer.c_str(), (doPost ? "true" : "false"), formfields.Values.size()); if (!MultiCurl) { browseError(string("Invalid MultCurl handle, loading url failed : "+url).c_str()); return; } CURL *curl = curl_easy_init(); if (!curl) { nlwarning("(%s) failed to create curl handle", _Id.c_str()); browseError(string("Failed to create cURL handle : " + url).c_str()); return; } // https:// if (toLowerAscii(url.substr(0, 8)) == "https://") { // if supported, use custom SSL context function to load certificates NLWEB::CCurlCertificates::useCertificates(curl); } // do not follow redirects, we have own handler curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0); // after redirect curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT, 1); // tell curl to use compression if possible (gzip, deflate) // leaving this empty allows all encodings that curl supports //curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING, ""); // limit curl to HTTP and HTTPS protocols only curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS, CURLPROTO_HTTP | CURLPROTO_HTTPS); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS, CURLPROTO_HTTP | CURLPROTO_HTTPS); // Destination curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str()); // User-Agent: std::string userAgent = options.appName + "/" + options.appVersion; curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, userAgent.c_str()); // Cookies sendCookies(curl, _DocumentDomain, _TrustedDomain); // Referer if (!referer.empty()) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_REFERER, referer.c_str()); LOG_DL("(%s) set referer '%s'", _Id.c_str(), referer.c_str()); } if (doPost) { // serialize form data and add it to curl std::string data; for(uint i=0; i<formfields.Values.size(); ++i) { char * escapedName = curl_easy_escape(curl, formfields.Values[i].name.c_str(), formfields.Values[i].name.size()); char * escapedValue = curl_easy_escape(curl, formfields.Values[i].value.c_str(), formfields.Values[i].value.size()); if (i>0) data += "&"; data += std::string(escapedName) + "=" + escapedValue; curl_free(escapedName); curl_free(escapedValue); } curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, data.size()); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS, data.c_str()); } else { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1); } // transfer handle _CurlWWW = new CCurlWWWData(curl, url); // set the language code used by the client std::vector<std::string> headers; headers.push_back("Accept-Language: "+options.languageCode); headers.push_back("Accept-Charset: utf-8"); _CurlWWW->sendHeaders(headers); // catch headers for redirect curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, NLGUI::curlHeaderCallback); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER, _CurlWWW); // catch body curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, NLGUI::curlDataCallback); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, _CurlWWW); #ifdef LOG_CURL_PROGRESS // progress callback curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION, NLGUI::curlProgressCallback); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_XFERINFODATA, _CurlWWW); #else // progress off curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1); #endif // curl_multi_add_handle(MultiCurl, curl); // start the transfer int NewRunningCurls = 0; curl_multi_perform(MultiCurl, &NewRunningCurls); RunningCurls++; _RedirectsRemaining = DEFAULT_RYZOM_REDIRECT_LIMIT; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlDownloadFinished(bool success, const std::string &error) { if (!success) { CUrlParser uri(_CurlWWW->Url); // potentially unwanted chars std::string url = _CurlWWW->Url; url = strFindReplaceAll(url, string("<"), string("%3C")); url = strFindReplaceAll(url, string(">"), string("%3E")); url = strFindReplaceAll(url, string("\""), string("%22")); url = strFindReplaceAll(url, string("'"), string("%27")); std::string err; err = "<html><head><title>cURL error</title></head><body>"; err += "<h1>Connection failed with cURL error</h1>"; err += error; err += "<hr>(" + uri.scheme + "://" + uri.host + ") <a href=\"" + url + "\">reload</a>"; err += "</body></html>"; browseErrorHtml(err); return; } // received content from remote std::string content = trim(_CurlWWW->Content); // save HSTS header from all requests regardless of HTTP code if (_CurlWWW->hasHSTSHeader()) { CUrlParser uri(_CurlWWW->Url); CStrictTransportSecurity::getInstance()->setFromHeader(uri.host, _CurlWWW->getHSTSHeader()); } receiveCookies(_CurlWWW->Request, _DocumentDomain, _TrustedDomain); long code; curl_easy_getinfo(_CurlWWW->Request, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &code); LOG_DL("(%s) web transfer '%p' completed with http code %d, url (len %d) '%s'", _Id.c_str(), _CurlWWW->Request, code, _CurlWWW->Url.size(), _CurlWWW->Url.c_str()); if ((code >= 301 && code <= 303) || code == 307 || code == 308) { if (_RedirectsRemaining < 0) { browseError(string("Redirect limit reached : " + _URL).c_str()); return; } // redirect, get the location and try browse again // we cant use curl redirection because 'addHTTPGetParams()' must be called on new destination std::string location(_CurlWWW->getLocationHeader()); if (location.empty()) { browseError(string("Request was redirected, but location was not set : "+_URL).c_str()); return; } LOG_DL("(%s) request (%d) redirected to (len %d) '%s'", _Id.c_str(), _RedirectsRemaining, location.size(), location.c_str()); location = getAbsoluteUrl(location); _PostNextTime = false; _RedirectsRemaining--; doBrowse(location.c_str()); } else if ( (code < 200 || code >= 300) ) { // catches 304 not modified, but html is not in cache anyway // if server did not send any error back if (content.empty()) { content = string("<html><head><title>ERROR</title></head><body><h1>Connection failed</h1><p>HTTP code '" + toString((sint32)code) + "'</p><p>URL '" + _CurlWWW->Url + "'</p></body></html>"); } } char *ch; std::string contentType; CURLcode res = curl_easy_getinfo(_CurlWWW->Request, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE, &ch); if (res == CURLE_OK && ch != NULL) { contentType = ch; } htmlDownloadFinished(content, contentType, code); // clear curl handler if (MultiCurl) { curl_multi_remove_handle(MultiCurl, _CurlWWW->Request); } delete _CurlWWW; _CurlWWW = NULL; // refresh button uses _CurlWWW. refresh button may stay disabled if // there is no css files to download and page is rendered before _CurlWWW is freed updateRefreshButton(); } void CGroupHTML::dataDownloadFinished(bool success, const std::string &error, CDataDownload &data) { fclose(data.fp); CUrlParser uri(data.url); if (!uri.host.empty()) { receiveCookies(data.data->Request, uri.host, isTrustedDomain(uri.host)); } long code = -1; curl_easy_getinfo(data.data->Request, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &code); LOG_DL("(%s) transfer '%p' completed with http code %d, url (len %d) '%s'", _Id.c_str(), data.data->Request, code, data.url.size(), data.url.c_str()); curl_multi_remove_handle(MultiCurl, data.data->Request); // save HSTS header from all requests regardless of HTTP code if (success) { if (data.data->hasHSTSHeader()) { CStrictTransportSecurity::getInstance()->setFromHeader(uri.host, data.data->getHSTSHeader()); } // 2XX success, 304 Not Modified if ((code >= 200 && code <= 204) || code == 304) { CHttpCacheObject obj; obj.Expires = data.data->getExpires(); obj.Etag = data.data->getEtag(); obj.LastModified = data.data->getLastModified(); CHttpCache::getInstance()->store(data.dest, obj); if (code == 304 && CFile::fileExists(data.tmpdest)) { CFile::deleteFile(data.tmpdest); } } else if ((code >= 301 && code <= 303) || code == 307 || code == 308) { if (data.redirects < DEFAULT_RYZOM_REDIRECT_LIMIT) { std::string location(data.data->getLocationHeader()); if (!location.empty()) { CUrlParser uri(location); if (!uri.isAbsolute()) { uri.inherit(data.url); location = uri.toString(); } // push same request in the front of the queue // cache filename is based of original url Curls.push_front(data); // clear old request state Curls.front().data = NULL; Curls.front().fp = NULL; Curls.front().url = location; Curls.front().redirects++; LOG_DL("Redirect '%s'", location.c_str()); // no finished callback called, so cleanup old temp if (CFile::fileExists(data.tmpdest)) { CFile::deleteFile(data.tmpdest); } return; } nlwarning("Redirected to empty url '%s'", data.url.c_str()); } else { nlwarning("Redirect limit reached for '%s'", data.url.c_str()); } } else { nlwarning("HTTP request failed with code [%d] for '%s'\n",code, data.url.c_str()); // 404, 500, etc if (CFile::fileExists(data.dest)) { CFile::deleteFile(data.dest); } } } else { nlwarning("DATA download failed '%s', error '%s'", data.url.c_str(), error.c_str()); } finishCurlDownload(data); } void CGroupHTML::htmlDownloadFinished(const std::string &content, const std::string &type, long code) { LOG_DL("(%s) HTML download finished, content length %d, type '%s', code %d", _Id.c_str(), content.size(), type.c_str(), code); // create <html> markup for image downloads if (type.find("image/") == 0 && !content.empty()) { try { std::string dest = localImageName(_URL); COFile out; out.open(dest); out.serialBuffer((uint8 *)(content.c_str()), content.size()); out.close(); LOG_DL("(%s) image saved to '%s', url '%s'", _Id.c_str(), dest.c_str(), _URL.c_str()); } catch(...) { } // create html code with image url inside and do the request again renderHtmlString("<html><head><title>"+_URL+"</title></head><body><img src=\"" + _URL + "\"></body></html>"); } else if (_TrustedDomain && type.find("text/lua") == 0) { setTitle(_TitleString); _LuaScript = "\nlocal __CURRENT_WINDOW__=\""+this->_Id+"\" \n"+content; CLuaManager::getInstance().executeLuaScript(_LuaScript, true); _LuaScript.clear(); // disable refresh button clearRefresh(); // disable redo into this url _AskedUrl.clear(); } else { // Sanitize downloaded HTML UTF-8 encoding, and render renderHtmlString(CUtfStringView(content).toUtf8(true)); } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::cssDownloadFinished(const std::string &url, const std::string &local) { for(std::vector<CHtmlParser::StyleLink>::iterator it = _StylesheetQueue.begin(); it != _StylesheetQueue.end(); ++it) { if (it->Url == url) { // read downloaded file into HtmlStyles if (CFile::fileExists(local) && it->Index < _HtmlStyles.size()) { CIFile in; if (in.open(local)) { if (!in.readAll(_HtmlStyles[it->Index])) { nlwarning("Failed to read downloaded css file(%s), url(%s)", local.c_str(), url.c_str()); } } } _StylesheetQueue.erase(it); break; } } } void CGroupHTML::renderDocument() { if (!Curls.empty() && !_StylesheetQueue.empty()) { // waiting for stylesheets to finish downloading return; } _WaitingForStylesheet = false; //TGameTime renderStart = CTime::getLocalTime(); // clear previous state and page beginBuild(); removeContent(); // process all <style> and <link rel=stylesheet> elements for(uint i = 0; i < _HtmlStyles.size(); ++i) { if (!_HtmlStyles[i].empty()) { _Style.parseStylesheet(_HtmlStyles[i]); } } _HtmlStyles.clear(); std::list<CHtmlElement>::iterator it = _HtmlDOM.Children.begin(); while(it != _HtmlDOM.Children.end()) { renderDOM(*it); ++it; } endBuild(); //TGameTime renderStop = CTime::getLocalTime(); //nlwarning("[%s] render: %.1fms (%s)\n", _Id.c_str(), (renderStop - renderStart), _URL.c_str()); } // *************************************************************************** bool CGroupHTML::renderHtmlString(const std::string &html) { bool success; // if we are already rendering, then queue up the next page if (_Browsing) { _DocumentHtml = html; _RenderNextTime = true; return true; } // _DocumentUrl = _URL; _DocumentHtml = html; _NextRefreshTime = 0; _RefreshUrl.clear(); if (trim(html).empty()) { // clear the page beginBuild(); // clear previous page and state removeContent(); endBuild(); success = false; } else { // browser.css resetCssStyle(); // start new rendering _HtmlDOM = CHtmlElement(CHtmlElement::NONE, "<root>"); _CurrentHTMLElement = NULL; success = parseHtml(html); if (success) { _WaitingForStylesheet = !_StylesheetQueue.empty(); renderDocument(); } else { std::string error = "ERROR: HTML parse failed."; error += toString("\nsize %d bytes", html.size()); error += toString("\n---start---\n%s\n---end---\n", html.c_str()); browseError(error.c_str()); } } return success; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::doBrowseAnchor(const std::string &anchor) { if (_Anchors.count(anchor) == 0) { return; } CInterfaceElement *pIE = _Anchors.find(anchor)->second; if (pIE) { // hotspot depends on vertical/horizontal scrollbar CCtrlScroll *pSB = getScrollBar(); if (pSB) { pSB->ensureVisible(pIE, Hotspot_Tx, Hotspot_Tx); } } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::draw () { CGroupScrollText::draw (); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::beginBuild () { _Browsing = true; } void CGroupHTML::endBuild () { // set the browser as complete _Browsing = false; updateRefreshButton(); // check that the title is set, or reset it (in the case the page // does not provide a title) if (_TitleString.empty()) { setTitle(_TitlePrefix); } invalidateCoords(); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::addHTTPGetParams (string &/* url */, bool /*trustedDomain*/) { } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::addHTTPPostParams (SFormFields &/* formfields */, bool /*trustedDomain*/) { } // *************************************************************************** string CGroupHTML::home () const { return Home; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::removeContent () { // Remove old document if (!_GroupListAdaptor) { _GroupListAdaptor = new CGroupListAdaptor(CViewBase::TCtorParam()); // deleted by the list _GroupListAdaptor->setId(getList()->getId() + ":GLA"); _GroupListAdaptor->setResizeFromChildH(true); getList()->addChild (_GroupListAdaptor, true); } // Group list adaptor not exist ? _GroupListAdaptor->clearGroups(); _GroupListAdaptor->clearControls(); _GroupListAdaptor->clearViews(); CWidgetManager::getInstance()->clearViewUnders(); CWidgetManager::getInstance()->clearCtrlsUnders(); // Clear all the context clearContext(); // Reset default background color setBackgroundColor (_BrowserStyle.Current.BackgroundColor); setBackground ("blank.tga", true, false); paragraphChange (); } // *************************************************************************** const std::string &CGroupHTML::selectTreeNodeRecurs(CGroupTree::SNode *node, const std::string &url) { static std::string emptyString; if(!node) { return emptyString; } // if this node match if(actionLaunchUrlRecurs(node->AHName, node->AHParams, url)) { return node->Id; } // fails => look into children else { for(uint i=0;i<node->Children.size();i++) { const string &childRes= selectTreeNodeRecurs(node->Children[i], url); if(!childRes.empty()) return childRes; } // none match... return emptyString; } } // *************************************************************************** bool CGroupHTML::actionLaunchUrlRecurs(const std::string &ah, const std::string ¶ms, const std::string &url) { // check if this action match if( (ah=="launch_help" || ah=="browse") && IActionHandler::getParam (params, "url") == url) { return true; } // can be a proc that contains launch_help/browse => look recurs else if(ah=="proc") { const std::string &procName= params; // look into this proc uint numActions= CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getParser()->getProcedureNumActions(procName); for(uint i=0;i<numActions;i++) { string procAh, procParams; if( CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getParser()->getProcedureAction(procName, i, procAh, procParams)) { // recurs proc if needed! if (actionLaunchUrlRecurs(procAh, procParams, url)) return true; } } } return false; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::clearRefresh() { _URL.clear(); updateRefreshButton(); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::clearUndoRedo() { // erase any undo/redo _BrowseUndo.clear(); _BrowseRedo.clear(); // update buttons validation updateUndoRedoButtons(); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::pushUrlUndoRedo(const std::string &url) { // if same url, no op if(url==_AskedUrl) return; // erase any redo, push undo, set current _BrowseRedo.clear(); if(!_AskedUrl.empty()) _BrowseUndo.push_back(_AskedUrl); _AskedUrl= url; // limit undo while(_BrowseUndo.size()>MaxUrlUndoRedo) _BrowseUndo.pop_front(); // update buttons validation updateUndoRedoButtons(); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::browseUndo() { if(_BrowseUndo.empty()) return; // push to redo, pop undo, and set current if (!_AskedUrl.empty()) _BrowseRedo.push_front(_AskedUrl); _AskedUrl= _BrowseUndo.back(); _BrowseUndo.pop_back(); // update buttons validation updateUndoRedoButtons(); // and then browse the undoed url, with no undo/redo doBrowse(_AskedUrl.c_str()); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::browseRedo() { if(_BrowseRedo.empty()) return; // push to undo, pop redo, and set current _BrowseUndo.push_back(_AskedUrl); _AskedUrl= _BrowseRedo.front(); _BrowseRedo.pop_front(); // update buttons validation updateUndoRedoButtons(); // and then browse the redoed url, with no undo/redo doBrowse(_AskedUrl.c_str()); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::updateUndoRedoButtons() { CCtrlBaseButton *butUndo= dynamic_cast<CCtrlBaseButton *>(CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getElementFromId(_BrowseUndoButton)); CCtrlBaseButton *butRedo= dynamic_cast<CCtrlBaseButton *>(CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getElementFromId(_BrowseRedoButton)); // gray according to list size if(butUndo) butUndo->setFrozen(_BrowseUndo.empty()); if(butRedo) butRedo->setFrozen(_BrowseRedo.empty()); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::updateRefreshButton() { CCtrlBaseButton *butRefresh = dynamic_cast<CCtrlBaseButton *>(CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getElementFromId(_BrowseRefreshButton)); if(butRefresh) { // connecting, rendering, or is missing url bool frozen = _CurlWWW || _Browsing || _URL.empty(); butRefresh->setFrozen(frozen); } } // *************************************************************************** NLMISC_REGISTER_OBJECT(CViewBase, CGroupHTMLInputOffset, std::string, "html_input_offset"); CGroupHTMLInputOffset::CGroupHTMLInputOffset(const TCtorParam ¶m) : CInterfaceGroup(param), Offset(0) { } xmlNodePtr CGroupHTMLInputOffset::serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const { xmlNodePtr node = CInterfaceGroup::serialize( parentNode, type ); if( node == NULL ) return NULL; xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "type", BAD_CAST "html_input_offset" ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "y_offset", BAD_CAST toString( Offset ).c_str() ); return node; } // *************************************************************************** bool CGroupHTMLInputOffset::parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup) { if (!CInterfaceGroup::parse(cur, parentGroup)) return false; CXMLAutoPtr ptr; // Get the url ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"y_offset"); if (ptr) fromString((const char*)ptr, Offset); return true; } // *************************************************************************** int CGroupHTML::luaParseHtml(CLuaState &ls) { const char *funcName = "parseHtml"; CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, funcName, 1); CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, funcName, 1, LUA_TSTRING); std::string html = ls.toString(1); parseHtml(html); return 0; } int CGroupHTML::luaClearRefresh(CLuaState &ls) { const char *funcName = "clearRefresh"; CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, funcName, 0); clearRefresh(); return 0; } int CGroupHTML::luaClearUndoRedo(CLuaState &ls) { const char *funcName = "clearUndoRedo"; CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, funcName, 0); clearUndoRedo(); return 0; } // *************************************************************************** int CGroupHTML::luaBrowse(CLuaState &ls) { const char *funcName = "browse"; CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, funcName, 1); CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, funcName, 1, LUA_TSTRING); browse(ls.toString(1)); return 0; } // *************************************************************************** int CGroupHTML::luaRefresh(CLuaState &ls) { const char *funcName = "refresh"; CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, funcName, 0); refresh(); return 0; } // *************************************************************************** int CGroupHTML::luaRemoveContent(CLuaState &ls) { const char *funcName = "removeContent"; CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, funcName, 0); removeContent(); return 0; } // *************************************************************************** int CGroupHTML::luaRenderHtml(CLuaState &ls) { const char *funcName = "renderHtml"; CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, funcName, 1); CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, funcName, 1, LUA_TSTRING); std::string html = ls.toString(1); // Always trust domain if rendered from lua _TrustedDomain = true; renderHtmlString(html); return 0; } // *************************************************************************** int CGroupHTML::luaSetBackground(CLuaState &ls) { const char *funcName = "setBackground"; CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, funcName, 3); CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, funcName, 1, LUA_TSTRING); CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, funcName, 2, LUA_TBOOLEAN); CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, funcName, 3, LUA_TBOOLEAN); std::string image = ls.toString(1); bool scale = ls.toBoolean(2); bool repeat = ls.toBoolean(3); setBackground(image, scale, repeat); return 0; } // *************************************************************************** int CGroupHTML::luaInsertText(CLuaState &ls) { const char *funcName = "insertText"; CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, funcName, 3); CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, funcName, 1, LUA_TSTRING); CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, funcName, 2, LUA_TSTRING); CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, funcName, 3, LUA_TBOOLEAN); string name = ls.toString(1); string text = ls.toString(2); if (!_Forms.empty()) { for (uint i=0; i<_Forms.back().Entries.size(); i++) { if (_Forms.back().Entries[i].TextArea && _Forms.back().Entries[i].Name == name) { // Get the edit box view CInterfaceGroup *group = _Forms.back().Entries[i].TextArea->getGroup ("eb"); if (group) { // Should be a CGroupEditBox CGroupEditBox *editBox = dynamic_cast<CGroupEditBox*>(group); if (editBox) editBox->writeString(text, false, ls.toBoolean(3)); } } } } return 0; } // *************************************************************************** int CGroupHTML::luaAddString(CLuaState &ls) { const char *funcName = "addString"; CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, funcName, 1); CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, funcName, 1, LUA_TSTRING); addString(ls.toString(1)); return 0; } // *************************************************************************** int CGroupHTML::luaAddImage(CLuaState &ls) { const char *funcName = "addImage"; CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, funcName, 2); CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, funcName, 1, LUA_TSTRING); CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, funcName, 2, LUA_TBOOLEAN); if (!_Paragraph) { newParagraph(0); paragraphChange(); } CStyleParams style; style.GlobalColor = ls.toBoolean(2); string url = getLink(); if (!url.empty()) { string params = "name=" + getId() + "|url=" + getLink (); addButton(CCtrlButton::PushButton, "", ls.toString(1), ls.toString(1), "", "browse", params.c_str(), "", style); } else { addImage("", ls.toString(1), false, style); } return 0; } // *************************************************************************** int CGroupHTML::luaShowDiv(CLuaState &ls) { const char *funcName = "showDiv"; CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, funcName, 2); CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, funcName, 1, LUA_TSTRING); CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, funcName, 2, LUA_TBOOLEAN); if (!_Groups.empty()) { for (uint i=0; i<_Groups.size(); i++) { CInterfaceGroup *group = _Groups[i]; if (group->getName() == ls.toString(1)) { group->setActive(ls.toBoolean(2)); } } } return 0; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::setURL(const std::string &url) { browse(url.c_str()); } void CGroupHTML::setHTML(const std::string &html) { renderHtmlString(html); } void CGroupHTML::setHome(const std::string &home) { Home = home; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::parseStylesheetFile(const std::string &fname) { CIFile css; if (css.open(fname)) { uint32 remaining = css.getFileSize(); std::string content; try { while(!css.eof() && remaining > 0) { const uint BUF_SIZE = 4096; char buf[BUF_SIZE]; uint32 readJustNow = std::min(remaining, BUF_SIZE); css.serialBuffer((uint8 *)&buf, readJustNow); content.append(buf, readJustNow); remaining -= readJustNow; } _Style.parseStylesheet(content); } catch(const Exception &e) { nlwarning("exception while reading css file '%s'", e.what()); } } else { nlwarning("Stylesheet file '%s' not found (%s)", fname.c_str(), _URL.c_str()); } } // *************************************************************************** bool CGroupHTML::parseHtml(const std::string &htmlString) { CHtmlElement *parsedDOM; if (_CurrentHTMLElement == NULL) { // parse under <root> element (clean dom) parsedDOM = &_HtmlDOM; } else { // parse under currently rendered <lua> element parsedDOM = _CurrentHTMLElement; } std::vector<CHtmlParser::StyleLink> links; CHtmlParser parser; parser.getDOM(htmlString, *parsedDOM, _HtmlStyles, links); // <link> elements inserted from lua::parseHtml are ignored if (_CurrentHTMLElement == NULL && !links.empty()) { addStylesheetDownload(links); } else if (_CurrentHTMLElement != NULL) { // Called from active element (lua) // <style> order is not preserved as document is already being rendered for(uint i = 0; i < _HtmlStyles.size(); ++i) { if (!_HtmlStyles[i].empty()) { _Style.parseStylesheet(_HtmlStyles[i]); } } _HtmlStyles.clear(); } // this should rarely fail as first element should be <html> bool success = parsedDOM->Children.size() > 0; std::list<CHtmlElement>::iterator it = parsedDOM->Children.begin(); while(it != parsedDOM->Children.end()) { if (it->Type == CHtmlElement::ELEMENT_NODE && it->Value == "html") { // move newly parsed childs from <body> into siblings if (_CurrentHTMLElement) { std::list<CHtmlElement>::iterator it2 = it->Children.begin(); while(it2 != it->Children.end()) { if (it2->Type == CHtmlElement::ELEMENT_NODE && it2->Value == "body") { spliceFragment(it2); break; } ++it2; } // remove <html> fragment from current element child it = parsedDOM->Children.erase(it); } else { // remove link to <root> (html->parent == '<root>') or css selector matching will break it->parent = NULL; ++it; } continue; } // skip over other non-handled element ++it; } return success; } void CGroupHTML::spliceFragment(std::list<CHtmlElement>::iterator src) { if(!_CurrentHTMLElement->parent) { nlwarning("BUG: Current node is missing parent element. unable to splice fragment"); return; } // get the iterators for current element (<lua>) and next sibling std::list<CHtmlElement>::iterator currentElement; currentElement = std::find(_CurrentHTMLElement->parent->Children.begin(), _CurrentHTMLElement->parent->Children.end(), *_CurrentHTMLElement); if (currentElement == _CurrentHTMLElement->parent->Children.end()) { nlwarning("BUG: unable to find current element iterator from parent"); return; } // where fragment should be moved std::list<CHtmlElement>::iterator insertBefore; if (_CurrentHTMLNextSibling == NULL) { insertBefore = _CurrentHTMLElement->parent->Children.end(); } else { // get iterator for nextSibling insertBefore = std::find(_CurrentHTMLElement->parent->Children.begin(), _CurrentHTMLElement->parent->Children.end(), *_CurrentHTMLNextSibling); } _CurrentHTMLElement->parent->Children.splice(insertBefore, src->Children); // reindex moved elements CHtmlElement *prev = NULL; uint childIndex = _CurrentHTMLElement->childIndex; while(currentElement != _CurrentHTMLElement->parent->Children.end()) { if (currentElement->Type == CHtmlElement::ELEMENT_NODE) { if (prev != NULL) { currentElement->parent = _CurrentHTMLElement->parent; currentElement->childIndex = childIndex; currentElement->previousSibling = prev; prev->nextSibling = &(*currentElement); } childIndex++; prev = &(*currentElement); } ++currentElement; } } // *************************************************************************** inline bool isDigit(char c, uint base = 16) { if (c>='0' && c<='9') return true; if (base != 16) return false; if (c>='A' && c<='F') return true; if (c>='a' && c<='f') return true; return false; } // *************************************************************************** inline char convertHexDigit(char c) { if (c>='0' && c<='9') return c-'0'; if (c>='A' && c<='F') return c-'A'+10; if (c>='a' && c<='f') return c-'a'+10; return 0; } // *************************************************************************** std::string CGroupHTML::decodeHTMLEntities(const std::string &str) { std::string result; result.reserve(str.size() + (str.size() >> 2)); uint last, pos; for (uint i=0; i<str.length(); ++i) { // HTML entity if (str[i] == '&' && (str.length()-i) >= 4) { pos = i+1; // unicode character if (str[pos] == '#') { ++pos; // using decimal by default uint base = 10; // using hexadecimal if &#x if (str[pos] == 'x') { base = 16; ++pos; } // setup "last" to point at the first character following "&#x?[0-9a-f]+" for (last = pos; last < str.length(); ++last) if (!isDigit(str[last], base)) break; // make sure that at least 1 digit was found // and have the terminating ';' to complete the token: "&#x?[0-9a-f]+;" if (last == pos || str[last] != ';') { result += str[i]; continue; } u32char c = 0; // convert digits to unicode character while (pos < last) c = convertHexDigit(str[pos++]) + (c * u32char(base)); // append our new character to the result string CUtfStringView::append(result, c); // move 'i' forward to point at the ';' .. the for(...) will increment i to point to next char i = last; continue; } // special xml characters if (str.substr(i+1,5)=="quot;") { i+=5; result+='\"'; continue; } if (str.substr(i+1,4)=="amp;") { i+=4; result+='&'; continue; } if (str.substr(i+1,3)=="lt;") { i+=3; result+='<'; continue; } if (str.substr(i+1,3)=="gt;") { i+=3; result+='>'; continue; } } // all the special cases are catered for... treat this as a normal character result += str[i]; } return result; } // *************************************************************************** std::string CGroupHTML::getAbsoluteUrl(const std::string &url) { CUrlParser uri(url); if (uri.isAbsolute()) return url; uri.inherit(_URL); return uri.toString(); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::resetCssStyle() { _WaitingForStylesheet = false; _StylesheetQueue.clear(); _Style.reset(); _Style = _BrowserStyle; } // *************************************************************************** std::string CGroupHTML::HTMLOListElement::getListMarkerText() const { std::string ret; sint32 number = Value; if (Type == "disc") { // (ucchar)0x2219; ret = "\xe2\x88\x99 "; } else if (Type == "circle") { // (uchar)0x26AA; ret = "\xe2\x9a\xaa "; } else if (Type == "square") { // (ucchar)0x25AA; ret = "\xe2\x96\xaa "; } else if (Type == "a" || Type == "A") { // @see toAlphabeticOrNumeric in WebKit static const char lower[26] = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z' }; static const char upper[26] = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z' }; uint size = 26; if (number < 1) { ret = toString(number); } else { const char* digits = (Type == "A" ? upper : lower); while(number > 0) { --number; ret.insert(ret.begin(), digits[number % size]); number /= size; } } ret += ". "; } else if (Type == "i" || Type == "I") { // @see toRoman in WebKit static const char lower[7] = {'i', 'v', 'x', 'l', 'c', 'd', 'm'}; static const char upper[7] = {'I', 'V', 'X', 'L', 'C', 'D', 'M'}; if (number < 1 || number > 3999) { ret = toString(number); } else { const char* digits = (Type == "I" ? upper : lower); uint8 i, d=0; do { uint32 num = number % 10; if (num % 5 < 4) { for (i = num % 5; i > 0; i--) { ret.insert(ret.begin(), digits[d]); } } if (num >= 4 && num <= 8) { ret.insert(ret.begin(), digits[d + 1]); } if (num == 9) { ret.insert(ret.begin(), digits[d + 2]); } if (num % 5 == 4) { ret.insert(ret.begin(), digits[d]); } number /= 10; d += 2; } while (number > 0); if (Type == "I") { ret = toUpper(ret); } } ret += ". "; } else { ret = toString(Value) + ". "; } return ret; } void CGroupHTML::HTMLMeterElement::readValues(const CHtmlElement &elm) { if (!elm.hasAttribute("value") || !fromString(elm.getAttribute("value"), value)) value = 0.f; if (!elm.hasAttribute("min") || !fromString(elm.getAttribute("min"), min)) min = 0.f; if (!elm.hasAttribute("max") || !fromString(elm.getAttribute("max"), max)) max = 1.f; // ensure min < max if (max < min) std::swap(min, max); if (!elm.hasAttribute("low") || !fromString(elm.getAttribute("low"), low)) low = min; if (!elm.hasAttribute("high") || !fromString(elm.getAttribute("high"), high)) high = max; if (!elm.hasAttribute("optimum") || !fromString(elm.getAttribute("optimum"), optimum)) optimum = (max - min) / 2.f; // ensure low < high if (high < low) std::swap(low, high); if (low < min) low = min; if (high > max) high = max; } float CGroupHTML::HTMLMeterElement::getValueRatio() const { if (max <= min) return 0.f; return (value - min) / (max - min); } CGroupHTML::HTMLMeterElement::EValueRegion CGroupHTML::HTMLMeterElement::getValueRegion() const { if (optimum <= low) { // low region is optimum if (value <= low) return VALUE_OPTIMUM; else if (value <= high) return VALUE_SUB_OPTIMAL; return VALUE_EVEN_LESS_GOOD; } else if (optimum >= high) { // high region is optimum if (value >= high) return VALUE_OPTIMUM; else if (value >= low) return VALUE_SUB_OPTIMAL; return VALUE_EVEN_LESS_GOOD; } // middle region is optimum if (value >= low && value <= high) return VALUE_OPTIMUM; return VALUE_SUB_OPTIMAL; } NLMISC::CRGBA CGroupHTML::HTMLMeterElement::getBarColor(const CHtmlElement &elm, CCssStyle &style) const { // color meter (inactive) bar segment // firefox:: meter { background:none; background-color: #555; }, // webkit:: meter::-webkit-meter-bar { background:none; background-color: #555; } // webkit makes background color visible when padding is added CRGBA color(150, 150, 150, 255); // use webkit pseudo elements as thats easier than firefox pseudo classes // background-color is expected to be set from browser.css style.pushStyle(); style.applyStyle(elm.getPseudo(":-webkit-meter-bar")); if(style.hasStyle("background-color")) color = style.Current.BackgroundColor; style.popStyle(); return color; } NLMISC::CRGBA CGroupHTML::HTMLMeterElement::getValueColor(const CHtmlElement &elm, CCssStyle &style) const { // background-color is expected to be set from browser.css CRGBA color; style.pushStyle(); switch(getValueRegion()) { case VALUE_OPTIMUM: { style.applyStyle(elm.getPseudo(":-webkit-meter-optimum-value")); if (style.hasStyle("background-color")) color = style.Current.BackgroundColor; break; } case VALUE_SUB_OPTIMAL: { style.applyStyle(elm.getPseudo(":-webkit-meter-suboptimum-value")); if (style.hasStyle("background-color")) color = style.Current.BackgroundColor; break; } case VALUE_EVEN_LESS_GOOD: // fall through default: { style.applyStyle(elm.getPseudo(":-webkit-meter-even-less-good-value")); if (style.hasStyle("background-color")) color = style.Current.BackgroundColor; break; } }//switch style.popStyle(); return color; } // **************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::HTMLProgressElement::readValues(const CHtmlElement &elm) { if (!elm.hasAttribute("value") || !fromString(elm.getAttribute("value"), value)) value = 0.f; if (!elm.hasAttribute("max") || !fromString(elm.getAttribute("max"), max)) max = 1.f; if (value > max) value = max; } // **************************************************************************** float CGroupHTML::HTMLProgressElement::getValueRatio() const { if (max > 0.f) return value / max; return 0.f; } // **************************************************************************** NLMISC::CRGBA CGroupHTML::HTMLProgressElement::getBarColor(const CHtmlElement &elm, CCssStyle &style) const { CRGBA color; style.pushStyle(); style.applyStyle(elm.getPseudo(":-webkit-progress-bar")); if (style.hasStyle("background-color")) color = style.Current.BackgroundColor; style.popStyle(); return color; } // **************************************************************************** NLMISC::CRGBA CGroupHTML::HTMLProgressElement::getValueColor(const CHtmlElement &elm, CCssStyle &style) const { CRGBA color; style.pushStyle(); style.applyStyle(elm.getPseudo(":-webkit-progress-value")); if (style.hasStyle("background-color")) color = style.Current.BackgroundColor; style.popStyle(); return color; } // **************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::getCellsParameters(const CHtmlElement &elm, bool inherit) { CGroupHTML::CCellParams cellParams; if (!_CellParams.empty() && inherit) cellParams = _CellParams.back(); if (_Style.hasStyle("background-color")) cellParams.BgColor = _Style.Current.BackgroundColor; else if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("bgcolor")) scanHTMLColor(elm.getAttribute("bgcolor").c_str(), cellParams.BgColor); if (elm.hasAttribute("nowrap") || _Style.Current.WhiteSpace == "nowrap") cellParams.NoWrap = true; if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("l_margin")) fromString(elm.getAttribute("l_margin"), cellParams.LeftMargin); if (_Style.hasStyle("height")) cellParams.Height = _Style.Current.Height; else if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("height")) fromString(elm.getAttribute("height"), cellParams.Height); { std::string align; // having text-align on table/tr should not override td align attribute if (_Style.hasStyle("text-align")) align = _Style.Current.TextAlign; else if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("align")) align = toLowerAscii(elm.getAttribute("align")); if (align == "left") cellParams.Align = CGroupCell::Left; else if (align == "center") cellParams.Align = CGroupCell::Center; else if (align == "right") cellParams.Align = CGroupCell::Right; else if (align != "justify") align.clear(); // copy td align (can be empty) attribute back into css _Style.Current.TextAlign = align; } { std::string valign; if (_Style.hasStyle("vertical-align")) valign = _Style.Current.VerticalAlign; else if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("valign")) valign = toLowerAscii(elm.getAttribute("valign")); if (valign == "top") cellParams.VAlign = CGroupCell::Top; else if (valign == "middle") cellParams.VAlign = CGroupCell::Middle; else if (valign == "bottom") cellParams.VAlign = CGroupCell::Bottom; } _CellParams.push_back (cellParams); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::applyBackground(const CHtmlElement &elm) { bool root = elm.Value == "html" || elm.Value == "body"; // non-empty image if (_Style.hasStyle("background-image")) { bool repeat = _Style.checkStyle("background-repeat", "repeat"); bool scale = _Style.checkStyle("background-size", "100%"); std::string image = _Style.getStyle("background-image"); if (!image.empty()) { if (root) { setBackground (image, scale, repeat); } // TODO: else // default background color is transparent, so image does not show if (!_Style.hasStyle("background-color") || _Style.checkStyle("background-color", "transparent")) { _Style.applyStyle("background-color: #fff;"); } } } if (_Style.hasStyle("background-color")) { CRGBA bgColor = _Style.Current.BackgroundColor; scanHTMLColor(elm.getAttribute("bgcolor").c_str(), bgColor); if (root) { setBackgroundColor(bgColor); } // TODO: else } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::insertFormImageButton(const std::string &name, const std::string &tooltip, const std::string &src, const std::string &over, const std::string &formId, const std::string &action, uint32 minWidth, const std::string &templateName) { _FormSubmit.push_back(SFormSubmitButton(formId, name, "", "image", action)); // Action handler parameters std::string param = "name=" + getId() + "|button=" + toString(_FormSubmit.size()-1); // Add the ctrl button addButton (CCtrlButton::PushButton, name, src, src, over, "html_submit_form", param.c_str(), tooltip.c_str(), _Style.Current); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::insertFormTextButton(const std::string &name, const std::string &tooltip, const std::string &value, const std::string &formId, const std::string &formAction, uint32 minWidth, const std::string &templateName) { _FormSubmit.push_back(SFormSubmitButton(formId, name, value, "submit", formAction)); // Action handler parameters string param = "name=" + getId() + "|button=" + toString(_FormSubmit.size()-1); // Add the ctrl button if (!_Paragraph) { newParagraph (0); paragraphChange (); } string buttonTemplate(!templateName.empty() ? templateName : DefaultButtonGroup); typedef pair<string, string> TTmplParam; vector<TTmplParam> tmplParams; tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("id", name)); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("onclick", "html_submit_form")); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("onclick_param", param)); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("active", "true")); if (minWidth > 0) tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("wmin", toString(minWidth))); CInterfaceGroup *buttonGroup = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getParser()->createGroupInstance(buttonTemplate, _Paragraph->getId(), tmplParams); if (buttonGroup) { // Add the ctrl button CCtrlTextButton *ctrlButton = dynamic_cast<CCtrlTextButton*>(buttonGroup->getCtrl("button")); if (!ctrlButton) ctrlButton = dynamic_cast<CCtrlTextButton*>(buttonGroup->getCtrl("b")); if (ctrlButton) { ctrlButton->setModulateGlobalColorAll (_Style.Current.GlobalColor); // Translate the tooltip if (!tooltip.empty()) { if (CI18N::hasTranslation(tooltip)) { ctrlButton->setDefaultContextHelp(CI18N::get(tooltip)); } else { ctrlButton->setDefaultContextHelp(tooltip); } } ctrlButton->setText(value); setTextButtonStyle(ctrlButton, _Style.Current); } getParagraph()->addChild (buttonGroup); paragraphChange (); } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlA(const CHtmlElement &elm) { _A.push_back(true); _Link.push_back (""); _LinkTitle.push_back(""); _LinkClass.push_back(""); if (elm.hasClass("ryzom-ui-button")) _LinkClass.back() = "ryzom-ui-button"; // #fragment works with both ID and NAME so register both if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("name")) _AnchorName.push_back(elm.getAttribute("name")); if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("title")) _LinkTitle.back() = elm.getAttribute("title"); if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("href")) { string suri = elm.getAttribute("href"); if(suri.find("ah:") == 0) { if (_TrustedDomain) _Link.back() = suri; } else { // convert href from "?key=val" into "http://domain.com/?key=val" _Link.back() = getAbsoluteUrl(suri); } } renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); } void CGroupHTML::htmlAend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); popIfNotEmpty(_A); popIfNotEmpty(_Link); popIfNotEmpty(_LinkTitle); popIfNotEmpty(_LinkClass); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlBASE(const CHtmlElement &elm) { if (!_ReadingHeadTag || _IgnoreBaseUrlTag) return; if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("href")) { CUrlParser uri(elm.getAttribute("href")); if (uri.isAbsolute()) { _URL = uri.toString(); _IgnoreBaseUrlTag = true; } } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlBODY(const CHtmlElement &elm) { // override <body> (or <html>) css style attribute if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("bgcolor")) { _Style.applyStyle("background-color: " + elm.getAttribute("bgcolor")); } applyBackground(elm); renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlBR(const CHtmlElement &elm) { if (!_Paragraph || _Paragraph->getNumChildren() == 0) { addString("\n"); } else { endParagraph(); } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlBUTTON(const CHtmlElement &elm) { std::string name = elm.getAttribute("name"); std::string value = elm.getAttribute("value"); std::string formId = elm.getAttribute("form"); std::string formAction = elm.getAttribute("formaction"); std::string tooltip = elm.getAttribute("tooltip"); bool disabled = elm.hasAttribute("disabled"); if (formId.empty() && _FormOpen) { formId = _Forms.back().id; } if (!formAction.empty()) { formAction = getAbsoluteUrl(formAction); } _FormSubmit.push_back(SFormSubmitButton(formId, name, value, "text", formAction)); // Action handler parameters std::string param; if (!disabled) { if (elm.getAttribute("type") == "submit") { param = "ah:html_submit_form&name=" + getId() + "&button=" + toString(_FormSubmit.size()-1); } else { param = "ah:"; } } _A.push_back(true); _Link.push_back(param); _LinkTitle.push_back(tooltip); _LinkClass.push_back("ryzom-ui-button"); // TODO: this creates separate button element //renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); } void CGroupHTML::htmlBUTTONend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { // TODO: this creates separate button element //renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); popIfNotEmpty(_A); popIfNotEmpty(_Link); popIfNotEmpty(_LinkTitle); popIfNotEmpty(_LinkClass); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlDD(const CHtmlElement &elm) { if (_DL.empty()) return; // if there was no closing tag for <dt>, then remove <dt> style if (_DL.back().DT) { nlwarning("BUG: nested DT in DD"); _DL.back().DT = false; } if (_DL.back().DD) { nlwarning("BUG: nested DD in DD"); _DL.back().DD = false; popIfNotEmpty(_Indent); } _DL.back().DD = true; _Indent.push_back(getIndent() + ULIndent); if (!_LI) { _LI = true; newParagraph(ULBeginSpace); } else { newParagraph(LIBeginSpace); } renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); } void CGroupHTML::htmlDDend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { if (_DL.empty()) return; renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); // parser will process two DD in a row as nested when first DD is not closed if (_DL.back().DD) { _DL.back().DD = false; popIfNotEmpty(_Indent); } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlDIV(const CHtmlElement &elm) { _DivName = elm.getAttribute("name"); string instClass = elm.getAttribute("class"); // use generic template system if (_TrustedDomain && !instClass.empty() && instClass == "ryzom-ui-grouptemplate") { string style = elm.getAttribute("style"); string id = elm.getAttribute("id"); if (id.empty()) id = "DIV" + toString(getNextAutoIdSeq()); typedef pair<string, string> TTmplParam; vector<TTmplParam> tmplParams; string templateName; if (!style.empty()) { TStyle styles = parseStyle(style); TStyle::iterator it; for (it=styles.begin(); it != styles.end(); it++) { if ((*it).first == "template") templateName = (*it).second; else tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam((*it).first, (*it).second)); } } if (!templateName.empty()) { string parentId; bool haveParentDiv = getDiv() != NULL; if (haveParentDiv) parentId = getDiv()->getId(); else { if (!_Paragraph) newParagraph (0); parentId = _Paragraph->getId(); } CInterfaceGroup *inst = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getParser()->createGroupInstance(templateName, parentId, tmplParams); if (inst) { inst->setId(parentId+":"+id); inst->updateCoords(); if (haveParentDiv) { inst->setParent(getDiv()); inst->setParentSize(getDiv()); inst->setParentPos(getDiv()); inst->setPosRef(Hotspot_TL); inst->setParentPosRef(Hotspot_TL); getDiv()->addGroup(inst); } else { getParagraph()->addChild(inst); paragraphChange(); } _Divs.push_back(inst); } } } renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); } void CGroupHTML::htmlDIVend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); _DivName.clear(); popIfNotEmpty(_Divs); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlDL(const CHtmlElement &elm) { _DL.push_back(HTMLDListElement()); _LI = _DL.size() > 1 || !_UL.empty(); renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); } void CGroupHTML::htmlDLend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { if (_DL.empty()) return; renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); // unclosed DT if (_DL.back().DT) { nlwarning("BUG: unclosed DT in DL"); } // unclosed DD if (_DL.back().DD) { popIfNotEmpty(_Indent); nlwarning("BUG: unclosed DD in DL"); } popIfNotEmpty (_DL); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlDT(const CHtmlElement &elm) { if (_DL.empty()) return; // TODO: check if nested tags still happen and fix it in parser // : remove special handling for nesting and let it happen // html parser and libxml2 should prevent nested tags like these if (_DL.back().DD) { nlwarning("BUG: nested DD in DT"); _DL.back().DD = false; popIfNotEmpty(_Indent); } // html parser and libxml2 should prevent nested tags like these if (_DL.back().DT) { nlwarning("BUG: nested DT in DT"); } _DL.back().DT = true; if (!_LI) { _LI = true; newParagraph(ULBeginSpace); } else { newParagraph(LIBeginSpace); } renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); } void CGroupHTML::htmlDTend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { if (_DL.empty()) return; renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); _DL.back().DT = false; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlFONT(const CHtmlElement &elm) { if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("color")) { CRGBA color; if (scanHTMLColor(elm.getAttribute("color").c_str(), color)) _Style.Current.TextColor = color; } if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("size")) { uint fontsize; fromString(elm.getAttribute("size"), fontsize); _Style.Current.FontSize = fontsize; } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlFORM(const CHtmlElement &elm) { _FormOpen = true; // Build the form CGroupHTML::CForm form; // id check is case sensitive and auto id's are uppercase form.id = toLowerAscii(trim(elm.getAttribute("id"))); if (form.id.empty()) { form.id = toString("FORM%d", _Forms.size()); } // Get the action name if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("action")) { form.Action = getAbsoluteUrl(elm.getAttribute("action")); } else { form.Action = _URL; } _Forms.push_back(form); renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); } void CGroupHTML::htmlFORMend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { _FormOpen = false; renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlH(const CHtmlElement &elm) { newParagraph(PBeginSpace); renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); } void CGroupHTML::htmlHend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlHEAD(const CHtmlElement &elm) { _ReadingHeadTag = !_IgnoreHeadTag; _IgnoreHeadTag = true; } void CGroupHTML::htmlHEADend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { _ReadingHeadTag = false; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlHR(const CHtmlElement &elm) { CInterfaceGroup *sep = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getParser()->createGroupInstance("html_hr", "", NULL, 0); if (sep) { CViewBitmap *bitmap = dynamic_cast<CViewBitmap*>(sep->getView("hr")); if (bitmap) { bitmap->setColor(_Style.Current.TextColor); if (_Style.Current.Width > 0) { clamp(_Style.Current.Width, 1, 32000); bitmap->setW(_Style.Current.Width); bitmap->setSizeRef(CInterfaceElement::none); } if (_Style.Current.Height > 0) { clamp(_Style.Current.Height, 1, 1000); bitmap->setH(_Style.Current.Height); } } renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); addHtmlGroup(sep, 0); renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlHTML(const CHtmlElement &elm) { if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("style")) { _Style.applyStyle(elm.getAttribute("style")); } _Style.Root = _Style.Current; applyBackground(elm); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlI(const CHtmlElement &elm) { _Localize = true; renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); } void CGroupHTML::htmlIend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); _Localize = false; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlIMG(const CHtmlElement &elm) { std::string src = trim(elm.getAttribute("src")); if (src.empty()) { // no 'src' attribute, or empty return; } float tmpf; std::string id = elm.getAttribute("id"); if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("width")) getPercentage(_Style.Current.Width, tmpf, elm.getAttribute("width").c_str()); if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("height")) getPercentage(_Style.Current.Height, tmpf, elm.getAttribute("height").c_str()); // Get the global color name if (elm.hasAttribute("global_color")) _Style.Current.GlobalColor = true; // Tooltip // keep "alt" attribute for backward compatibility std::string tooltip = elm.getAttribute("alt"); // tooltip if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("title")) tooltip = elm.getAttribute("title"); // Mouse over image string overSrc = elm.getAttribute("data-over-src"); // inside a/button with valid url (ie, button is not disabled) string url = getLink(); if (getA() && !url.empty() && getParent() && getParent()->getParent()) { string params = "name=" + getId() + "|url=" + url; addButton(CCtrlButton::PushButton, id, src, src, overSrc, "browse", params.c_str(), tooltip, _Style.Current); } else if (!tooltip.empty() || !overSrc.empty()) { addButton(CCtrlButton::PushButton, id, src, src, overSrc, "", "", tooltip, _Style.Current); } else { // Get the option to reload (class==reload) bool reloadImg = false; if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("style")) { string styleString = elm.getAttribute("style"); TStyle styles = parseStyle(styleString); TStyle::iterator it; it = styles.find("reload"); if (it != styles.end() && (*it).second == "1") reloadImg = true; } addImage(id, elm.getAttribute("src"), reloadImg, _Style.Current); } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlINPUT(const CHtmlElement &elm) { if (_Forms.empty()) return; // read general property string id = elm.getAttribute("id"); // Widget template name (old) string templateName = elm.getAttribute("z_btn_tmpl"); // Input name is the new if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("z_input_tmpl")) templateName = elm.getAttribute("z_input_tmpl"); // Widget minimal width uint32 minWidth = 0; fromString(elm.getAttribute("z_input_width"), minWidth); // <input type="..."> std::string type = trim(elm.getAttribute("type")); if (type.empty()) { // no 'type' attribute, or empty return; } // Global color flag if (elm.hasAttribute("global_color")) _Style.Current.GlobalColor = true; // Tooltip std::string tooltip = elm.getAttribute("alt"); if (type == "image") { string name = elm.getAttribute("name"); string src = elm.getAttribute("src"); string over = elm.getAttribute("data-over-src"); string formId = elm.getAttribute("form"); string formAction = elm.getAttribute("formaction"); if (formId.empty() && _FormOpen) { formId = _Forms.back().id; } insertFormImageButton(name, tooltip, src, over, formId, formAction, minWidth, templateName); } else if (type == "button" || type == "submit") { string name = elm.getAttribute("name"); string value = elm.getAttribute("value"); string formId = elm.getAttribute("form"); string formAction = elm.getAttribute("formaction"); if (formId.empty() && _FormOpen) { formId = _Forms.back().id; } insertFormTextButton(name, tooltip, value, formId, formAction, minWidth, templateName); } else if (type == "text") { // Get the string name string name = elm.getAttribute("name"); string ucValue = elm.getAttribute("value"); uint size = 20; uint maxlength = 1024; if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("size")) fromString(elm.getAttribute("size"), size); if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("maxlength")) fromString(elm.getAttribute("maxlength"), maxlength); // ryzom client used to have 'size' attribute in pixels, (12 == was default font size) if (_Style.hasStyle("-ryzom-input-size-px") && _Style.getStyle("-ryzom-input-size-px") == "true") size = size / 12; string textTemplate(!templateName.empty() ? templateName : DefaultFormTextGroup); // Add the editbox CInterfaceGroup *textArea = addTextArea (textTemplate, name.c_str (), 1, size, false, ucValue, maxlength); if (textArea) { // Add the text area to the form CGroupHTML::CForm::CEntry entry; entry.Name = name; entry.TextArea = textArea; _Forms.back().Entries.push_back (entry); } } else if (type == "checkbox" || type == "radio") { renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); CCtrlButton::EType btnType; string name = elm.getAttribute("name"); string normal = elm.getAttribute("src"); string pushed; string over; string ucValue = "on"; bool checked = elm.hasAttribute("checked"); // TODO: unknown if empty attribute should override or not if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("value")) ucValue = elm.getAttribute("value"); if (type == "radio") { btnType = CCtrlButton::RadioButton; normal = DefaultRadioButtonBitmapNormal; pushed = DefaultRadioButtonBitmapPushed; over = DefaultRadioButtonBitmapOver; } else { btnType = CCtrlButton::ToggleButton; normal = DefaultCheckBoxBitmapNormal; pushed = DefaultCheckBoxBitmapPushed; over = DefaultCheckBoxBitmapOver; } // Add the ctrl button CCtrlButton *checkbox = addButton (btnType, name, normal, pushed, over, "", "", tooltip, _Style.Current); if (checkbox) { if (btnType == CCtrlButton::RadioButton) { // override with 'id' because radio buttons share same name if (!id.empty()) checkbox->setId(id); // group together buttons with same name CForm &form = _Forms.back(); bool notfound = true; for (uint i=0; i<form.Entries.size(); i++) { if (form.Entries[i].Name == name && form.Entries[i].Checkbox->getType() == CCtrlButton::RadioButton) { checkbox->initRBRefFromRadioButton(form.Entries[i].Checkbox); notfound = false; break; } } if (notfound) { // this will start a new group (initRBRef() would take first button in group container otherwise) checkbox->initRBRefFromRadioButton(checkbox); } } checkbox->setPushed (checked); // Add the button to the form CGroupHTML::CForm::CEntry entry; entry.Name = name; entry.Value = decodeHTMLEntities(ucValue); entry.Checkbox = checkbox; _Forms.back().Entries.push_back (entry); } renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); } else if (type == "hidden") { if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("name")) { // Get the name string name = elm.getAttribute("name"); // Get the value string ucValue = elm.getAttribute("value"); // Add an entry CGroupHTML::CForm::CEntry entry; entry.Name = name; entry.Value = decodeHTMLEntities(ucValue); _Forms.back().Entries.push_back (entry); } } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlLI(const CHtmlElement &elm) { if (_UL.empty()) return; // UL, OL top margin if this is the first LI if (!_LI) { _LI = true; newParagraph(ULBeginSpace); } else { newParagraph(LIBeginSpace); } // OL list index can be overridden by <li value="1"> attribute if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("value")) fromString(elm.getAttribute("value"), _UL.back().Value); string str = _UL.back().getListMarkerText(); addString (str); // list-style-type: outside if (_CurrentViewLink) { getParagraph()->setFirstViewIndent(-_CurrentViewLink->getMaxUsedW()); } flushString (); // after marker renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); _UL.back().Value++; } void CGroupHTML::htmlLIend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlLUA(const CHtmlElement &elm) { // we receive an embeded lua script _ParsingLua = _TrustedDomain; // Only parse lua if TrustedDomain _LuaScript.clear(); } void CGroupHTML::htmlLUAend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { if (_ParsingLua && _TrustedDomain) { _ParsingLua = false; // execute the embeded lua script _LuaScript = "\nlocal __CURRENT_WINDOW__=\""+this->_Id+"\" \n"+_LuaScript; CLuaManager::getInstance().executeLuaScript(_LuaScript, true); } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlMETA(const CHtmlElement &elm) { if (!_ReadingHeadTag) return; std::string httpEquiv = elm.getAttribute("http-equiv"); std::string httpContent = elm.getAttribute("content"); if (httpEquiv.empty() || httpContent.empty()) { return; } // only first http-equiv="refresh" should be handled if (_RefreshUrl.empty() && httpEquiv == "refresh") { const CWidgetManager::SInterfaceTimes × = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getInterfaceTimes(); double timeSec = times.thisFrameMs / 1000.0f; string::size_type pos = httpContent.find_first_of(";"); if (pos == string::npos) { fromString(httpContent, _NextRefreshTime); _RefreshUrl = _URL; } else { fromString(httpContent.substr(0, pos), _NextRefreshTime); pos = toLowerAscii(httpContent).find("url="); if (pos != string::npos) _RefreshUrl = getAbsoluteUrl(httpContent.substr(pos + 4)); } _NextRefreshTime += timeSec; } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlMETER(const CHtmlElement &elm) { HTMLMeterElement meter; meter.readValues(elm); std::string id = "meter"; if (elm.hasAttribute("id")) id = elm.getAttribute("id"); // width: 5em, height: 1em uint32 width = _Style.Current.Width > -1 ? _Style.Current.Width : _Style.Current.FontSize * 5; uint32 height = _Style.Current.Height > -1 ? _Style.Current.Height : _Style.Current.FontSize; // FIXME: only using border-top uint32 border = _Style.Current.BorderTopWidth > -1 ? _Style.Current.BorderTopWidth : 0; uint barw = (uint) (width * meter.getValueRatio()); CRGBA bgColor = meter.getBarColor(elm, _Style); CRGBA valueColor = meter.getValueColor(elm, _Style); typedef pair<string, string> TTmplParam; vector<TTmplParam> tmplParams; tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("id", id)); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("active", "true")); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("w", toString(width))); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("h", toString(height))); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("border_x2", toString(border*2))); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("bgtexture", "blank.tga")); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("bgcolor", bgColor.toString())); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("value_w", toString(barw))); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("value_texture", "blank.tga")); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("value_color", valueColor.toString())); CInterfaceGroup *gr = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getParser()->createGroupInstance("html_meter", getParagraph()->getId(), &tmplParams[0], (uint)tmplParams.size()); if (gr) { renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); getParagraph()->addChild(gr); renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); // ignore any inner elements _IgnoreChildElements = true; } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlOBJECT(const CHtmlElement &elm) { _ObjectType = elm.getAttribute("type"); _ObjectData = elm.getAttribute("data"); _ObjectMD5Sum = elm.getAttribute("id"); _ObjectAction = elm.getAttribute("standby"); _Object = true; } void CGroupHTML::htmlOBJECTend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { if (!_TrustedDomain) return; if (_ObjectType=="application/ryzom-data") { if (!_ObjectData.empty()) { if (addBnpDownload(_ObjectData, _ObjectAction, _ObjectScript, _ObjectMD5Sum)) { CLuaManager::getInstance().executeLuaScript("\nlocal __ALLREADYDL__=true\n"+_ObjectScript, true); } _ObjectScript.clear(); } } _Object = false; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlOL(const CHtmlElement &elm) { sint32 start = 1; std::string type("1"); if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("start")) fromString(elm.getAttribute("start"), start); if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("type")) type = elm.getAttribute("type"); _UL.push_back(HTMLOListElement(start, type)); // if LI is already present _LI = _UL.size() > 1 || _DL.size() > 1; _Indent.push_back(getIndent() + ULIndent); renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); } void CGroupHTML::htmlOLend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { htmlULend(elm); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlOPTION(const CHtmlElement &elm) { _SelectOption = true; _SelectOptionStr.clear(); // Got one form ? if (_Forms.empty() || _Forms.back().Entries.empty()) return; _Forms.back().Entries.back().SelectValues.push_back(elm.getAttribute("value")); if (elm.hasAttribute("selected")) _Forms.back().Entries.back().InitialSelection = (sint)_Forms.back().Entries.back().SelectValues.size() - 1; if (elm.hasAttribute("disabled")) _Forms.back().Entries.back().sbOptionDisabled = (sint)_Forms.back().Entries.back().SelectValues.size() - 1; } void CGroupHTML::htmlOPTIONend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { if (_Forms.empty() || _Forms.back().Entries.empty()) return; // use option text as value if (!elm.hasAttribute("value")) { _Forms.back().Entries.back().SelectValues.back() = _SelectOptionStr; } // insert the parsed text into the select control CDBGroupComboBox *cb = _Forms.back().Entries.back().ComboBox; if (cb) { uint lineIndex = cb->getNumTexts(); cb->addText(_SelectOptionStr); if (_Forms.back().Entries.back().sbOptionDisabled == lineIndex) { cb->setGrayed(lineIndex, true); } } else { CGroupMenu *sb = _Forms.back().Entries.back().SelectBox; if (sb) { uint lineIndex = sb->getNumLine(); sb->addLine(_SelectOptionStr, "", ""); if (_Forms.back().Entries.back().sbOptionDisabled == lineIndex) { sb->setGrayedLine(lineIndex, true); } else { // create option line checkbox, CGroupMenu is taking ownership of the checbox CInterfaceGroup *ig = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getParser()->createGroupInstance("menu_checkbox", "", NULL, 0); if (ig) { CCtrlButton *cb = dynamic_cast<CCtrlButton *>(ig->getCtrl("b")); if (cb) { if (_Forms.back().Entries.back().sbMultiple) { cb->setType(CCtrlButton::ToggleButton); cb->setTexture(DefaultCheckBoxBitmapNormal); cb->setTexturePushed(DefaultCheckBoxBitmapPushed); cb->setTextureOver(DefaultCheckBoxBitmapOver); } else { cb->setType(CCtrlButton::RadioButton); cb->setTexture(DefaultRadioButtonBitmapNormal); cb->setTexturePushed(DefaultRadioButtonBitmapPushed); cb->setTextureOver(DefaultRadioButtonBitmapOver); if (_Forms.back().Entries.back().sbRBRef == NULL) _Forms.back().Entries.back().sbRBRef = cb; cb->initRBRefFromRadioButton(_Forms.back().Entries.back().sbRBRef); } cb->setPushed(_Forms.back().Entries.back().InitialSelection == lineIndex); sb->setUserGroupLeft(lineIndex, ig); } else { nlwarning("Failed to get 'b' element from 'menu_checkbox' template"); delete ig; } } } } } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlP(const CHtmlElement &elm) { newParagraph(PBeginSpace); renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); } void CGroupHTML::htmlPend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlPRE(const CHtmlElement &elm) { _PRE.push_back(true); newParagraph(0); renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); } void CGroupHTML::htmlPREend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); popIfNotEmpty(_PRE); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlPROGRESS(const CHtmlElement &elm) { HTMLProgressElement progress; progress.readValues(elm); std::string id = "progress"; if (elm.hasAttribute("id")) id = elm.getAttribute("id"); // width: 10em, height: 1em uint32 width = _Style.Current.Width > -1 ? _Style.Current.Width : _Style.Current.FontSize * 10; uint32 height = _Style.Current.Height > -1 ? _Style.Current.Height : _Style.Current.FontSize; // FIXME: only using border-top uint32 border = _Style.Current.BorderTopWidth > -1 ? _Style.Current.BorderTopWidth : 0; uint barw = (uint) (width * progress.getValueRatio()); CRGBA bgColor = progress.getBarColor(elm, _Style); CRGBA valueColor = progress.getValueColor(elm, _Style); typedef pair<string, string> TTmplParam; vector<TTmplParam> tmplParams; tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("id", id)); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("active", "true")); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("w", toString(width))); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("h", toString(height))); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("border_x2", toString(border*2))); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("bgtexture", "blank.tga")); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("bgcolor", bgColor.toString())); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("value_w", toString(barw))); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("value_texture", "blank.tga")); tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("value_color", valueColor.toString())); CInterfaceGroup *gr = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getParser()->createGroupInstance("html_progress", getParagraph()->getId(), &tmplParams[0], (uint)tmplParams.size()); if (gr) { renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); getParagraph()->addChild(gr); renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); // ignore any inner elements _IgnoreChildElements = true; } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlSCRIPT(const CHtmlElement &elm) { _IgnoreText = true; } void CGroupHTML::htmlSCRIPTend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { _IgnoreText = false; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlSELECT(const CHtmlElement &elm) { if (_Forms.empty()) return; // A select box string name = elm.getAttribute("name"); bool multiple = elm.hasAttribute("multiple"); sint32 size = 0; if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("size")) fromString(elm.getAttribute("size"), size); CGroupHTML::CForm::CEntry entry; entry.Name = name; entry.sbMultiple = multiple; if (size > 1 || multiple) { entry.InitialSelection = -1; CGroupMenu *sb = addSelectBox(DefaultFormSelectBoxMenuGroup, name.c_str()); if (sb) { if (size < 1) size = 4; if (_Style.Current.Width > -1) sb->setMinW(_Style.Current.Width); if (_Style.Current.Height > -1) sb->setMinH(_Style.Current.Height); sb->setMaxVisibleLine(size); sb->setFontSize(_Style.Current.FontSize, false); } entry.SelectBox = sb; } else { CDBGroupComboBox *cb = addComboBox(DefaultFormSelectGroup, name.c_str()); entry.ComboBox = cb; if (cb) { // create view text cb->updateCoords(); setTextStyle(cb->getViewText(), _Style.Current); } } _Forms.back().Entries.push_back (entry); } void CGroupHTML::htmlSELECTend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { _SelectOption = false; if (_Forms.empty() || _Forms.back().Entries.empty()) return; CDBGroupComboBox *cb = _Forms.back().Entries.back().ComboBox; if (cb) { cb->setSelectionNoTrigger(_Forms.back().Entries.back().InitialSelection); // TODO: magic padding cb->setW(cb->evalContentWidth() + 16); } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlSTYLE(const CHtmlElement &elm) { _IgnoreText = true; } void CGroupHTML::htmlSTYLEend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { _IgnoreText = false; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlTABLE(const CHtmlElement &elm) { // Get cells parameters getCellsParameters(elm, false); CGroupTable *table = new CGroupTable(TCtorParam()); table->BgColor = _CellParams.back().BgColor; if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("id")) table->setId(getCurrentGroup()->getId() + ":" + elm.getAttribute("id")); else table->setId(getCurrentGroup()->getId() + ":TABLE" + toString(getNextAutoIdSeq())); // TODO: border-spacing: 2em; { if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("cellspacing")) fromString(elm.getAttribute("cellspacing"), table->CellSpacing); // TODO: cssLength, horiz/vert values if (_Style.hasStyle("border-spacing")) fromString(_Style.getStyle("border-spacing"), table->CellSpacing); // overrides border-spacing if set to 'collapse' if (_Style.checkStyle("border-collapse", "collapse")) table->CellSpacing = 0; } if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("cellpadding")) fromString(elm.getAttribute("cellpadding"), table->CellPadding); if (_Style.hasStyle("width")) { // _Style.Width does not handle '%' unit currently if (_Style.Current.Width > 0) { table->ForceWidthMin = _Style.Current.Width; table->TableRatio = 0; } else { getPercentage (table->ForceWidthMin, table->TableRatio, _Style.getStyle("width").c_str()); } } else if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("width")) { getPercentage (table->ForceWidthMin, table->TableRatio, elm.getAttribute("width").c_str()); } // border from css or from attribute { uint32 borderWidth = 0; CRGBA borderColor = CRGBA::Transparent; if (elm.hasAttribute("border")) { std::string s = elm.getAttribute("border"); if (s.empty()) borderWidth = 1; else fromString(elm.getAttribute("border"), borderWidth); if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("bordercolor")) scanHTMLColor(elm.getAttribute("bordercolor").c_str(), borderColor); else borderColor = CRGBA(128, 128, 128, 255); table->CellBorder = (borderWidth > 0); table->Border->setWidth(borderWidth, borderWidth, borderWidth, borderWidth); table->Border->setColor(borderColor, borderColor, borderColor, borderColor); table->Border->setStyle(CSS_LINE_STYLE_OUTSET, CSS_LINE_STYLE_OUTSET, CSS_LINE_STYLE_OUTSET, CSS_LINE_STYLE_OUTSET); } else { table->CellBorder = false; } if (_Style.hasStyle("border-top-width")) table->Border->TopWidth = _Style.Current.BorderTopWidth; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-right-width")) table->Border->RightWidth = _Style.Current.BorderRightWidth; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-bottom-width")) table->Border->BottomWidth = _Style.Current.BorderBottomWidth; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-left-width")) table->Border->LeftWidth = _Style.Current.BorderLeftWidth; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-top-color")) table->Border->TopColor = _Style.Current.BorderTopColor; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-right-color")) table->Border->RightColor = _Style.Current.BorderRightColor; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-bottom-color")) table->Border->BottomColor = _Style.Current.BorderBottomColor; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-left-color")) table->Border->LeftColor = _Style.Current.BorderLeftColor; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-top-style")) table->Border->TopStyle = _Style.Current.BorderTopStyle; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-right-style")) table->Border->RightStyle = _Style.Current.BorderRightStyle; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-bottom-style")) table->Border->BottomStyle = _Style.Current.BorderBottomStyle; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-left-style")) table->Border->LeftStyle = _Style.Current.BorderLeftStyle; } if (_Style.hasStyle("background-image")) { if (_Style.checkStyle("background-repeat", "repeat")) table->setTextureTile(true); if (_Style.checkStyle("background-size", "100%")) table->setTextureScale(true); string image = _Style.getStyle("background-image"); addImageDownload(image, table, CStyleParams(), NormalImage, ""); } else { // will be set in addImageDownload if background-image exists table->setModulateGlobalColor(_Style.Current.GlobalColor); } table->setMarginLeft(getIndent()); addHtmlGroup (table, 0); renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); _Tables.push_back(table); // Add a cell pointer _Cells.push_back(NULL); _TR.push_back(false); _Indent.push_back(0); } void CGroupHTML::htmlTABLEend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { popIfNotEmpty(_CellParams); popIfNotEmpty(_TR); popIfNotEmpty(_Cells); popIfNotEmpty(_Tables); popIfNotEmpty(_Indent); renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlTD(const CHtmlElement &elm) { CRGBA rowColor = CRGBA::Transparent; // remember row color so we can blend it with cell color if (!_CellParams.empty()) rowColor = _CellParams.back().BgColor; // Get cells parameters getCellsParameters(elm, true); // if cell has own background,then it must be blended with row if (rowColor.A > 0 && (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("bgcolor") || _Style.hasStyle("background-color"))) { if (_CellParams.back().BgColor.A < 255) _CellParams.back().BgColor.blendFromui(rowColor, _CellParams.back().BgColor, _CellParams.back().BgColor.A); } if (elm.ID == HTML_TH) { if (!_Style.hasStyle("font-weight")) _Style.Current.FontWeight = FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD; // center if not specified otherwise. if (!elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("align") && !_Style.hasStyle("text-align")) _CellParams.back().Align = CGroupCell::Center; } CGroupTable *table = getTable(); if (!table) { // <td> appears to be outside <table> return; } if (_Cells.empty()) { // <table> not started return; } _Cells.back() = new CGroupCell(CViewBase::TCtorParam()); if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("id")) _Cells.back()->setId(table->getId() + ":" + elm.getAttribute("id")); else _Cells.back()->setId(table->getId() + ":TD" + toString(getNextAutoIdSeq())); // inner cell content _Cells.back()->Group->setId(_Cells.back()->getId() + ":CELL"); if (_Style.checkStyle("background-repeat", "repeat")) _Cells.back()->setTextureTile(true); if (_Style.checkStyle("background-size", "100%")) _Cells.back()->setTextureScale(true); if (_Style.hasStyle("background-image")) { string image = _Style.getStyle("background-image"); addImageDownload(image, _Cells.back(), CStyleParams(), NormalImage, ""); } else { // will be set in addImageDownload if background-image is set _Cells.back()->setModulateGlobalColor(_Style.Current.GlobalColor); } if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("colspan")) fromString(elm.getAttribute("colspan"), _Cells.back()->ColSpan); if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("rowspan")) fromString(elm.getAttribute("rowspan"), _Cells.back()->RowSpan); _Cells.back()->BgColor = _CellParams.back().BgColor; _Cells.back()->Align = _CellParams.back().Align; _Cells.back()->VAlign = _CellParams.back().VAlign; _Cells.back()->LeftMargin = _CellParams.back().LeftMargin; _Cells.back()->NoWrap = _CellParams.back().NoWrap; _Cells.back()->ColSpan = std::max(1, _Cells.back()->ColSpan); _Cells.back()->RowSpan = std::max(1, _Cells.back()->RowSpan); _Cells.back()->Height = _CellParams.back().Height; float temp; if (_Style.hasStyle("width")) { // _Style.Width does not handle '%' unit currently if (_Style.Current.Width > 0) { _Cells.back()->WidthWanted = _Style.Current.Width; _Cells.back()->TableRatio = 0; } else { getPercentage (_Cells.back()->WidthWanted, _Cells.back()->TableRatio, _Style.getStyle("width").c_str()); } } else if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("width")) { getPercentage (_Cells.back()->WidthWanted, _Cells.back()->TableRatio, elm.getAttribute("width").c_str()); } _Cells.back()->NewLine = getTR(); // border from <table border="1"> if (table->CellBorder) { _Cells.back()->Border->setWidth(1, 1, 1, 1); _Cells.back()->Border->setColor(table->Border->TopColor, table->Border->RightColor, table->Border->BottomColor, table->Border->LeftColor); _Cells.back()->Border->setStyle(CSS_LINE_STYLE_INSET, CSS_LINE_STYLE_INSET, CSS_LINE_STYLE_INSET, CSS_LINE_STYLE_INSET); } if (_Style.hasStyle("border-top-width")) _Cells.back()->Border->TopWidth = _Style.Current.BorderTopWidth; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-right-width")) _Cells.back()->Border->RightWidth = _Style.Current.BorderRightWidth; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-bottom-width")) _Cells.back()->Border->BottomWidth = _Style.Current.BorderBottomWidth; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-left-width")) _Cells.back()->Border->LeftWidth = _Style.Current.BorderLeftWidth; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-top-color")) _Cells.back()->Border->TopColor = _Style.Current.BorderTopColor; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-right-color")) _Cells.back()->Border->RightColor = _Style.Current.BorderRightColor; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-bottom-color")) _Cells.back()->Border->BottomColor = _Style.Current.BorderBottomColor; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-left-color")) _Cells.back()->Border->LeftColor = _Style.Current.BorderLeftColor; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-top-style")) _Cells.back()->Border->TopStyle = _Style.Current.BorderTopStyle; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-right-style")) _Cells.back()->Border->RightStyle = _Style.Current.BorderRightStyle; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-bottom-style")) _Cells.back()->Border->BottomStyle = _Style.Current.BorderBottomStyle; if (_Style.hasStyle("border-left-style")) _Cells.back()->Border->LeftStyle = _Style.Current.BorderLeftStyle; // padding from <table cellpadding="1"> if (table->CellPadding) { _Cells.back()->PaddingTop = table->CellPadding; _Cells.back()->PaddingRight = table->CellPadding; _Cells.back()->PaddingBottom = table->CellPadding; _Cells.back()->PaddingLeft = table->CellPadding; } if (_Style.hasStyle("padding-top")) _Cells.back()->PaddingTop = _Style.Current.PaddingTop; if (_Style.hasStyle("padding-right")) _Cells.back()->PaddingRight = _Style.Current.PaddingRight; if (_Style.hasStyle("padding-bottom")) _Cells.back()->PaddingBottom = _Style.Current.PaddingBottom; if (_Style.hasStyle("padding-left")) _Cells.back()->PaddingLeft = _Style.Current.PaddingLeft; table->addChild (_Cells.back()); // reusing indent pushed by table _Indent.back() = 0; newParagraph(TDBeginSpace); // indent is already 0, getParagraph()->setMarginLeft(0); // maybe setIndent(0) if LI is using one // Reset TR flag if (!_TR.empty()) _TR.back() = false; renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); } void CGroupHTML::htmlTDend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); popIfNotEmpty(_CellParams); if (!_Cells.empty()) _Cells.back() = NULL; } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlTEXTAREA(const CHtmlElement &elm) { _IgnoreChildElements = true; // TODO: allow textarea without form if (_Forms.empty()) return; // read general property string templateName; // Widget template name if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("z_input_tmpl")) templateName = elm.getAttribute("z_input_tmpl"); // Get the string name _TextAreaName.clear(); _TextAreaRow = 1; _TextAreaCols = 10; _TextAreaMaxLength = 1024; if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("name")) _TextAreaName = elm.getAttribute("name"); if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("rows")) fromString(elm.getAttribute("rows"), _TextAreaRow); if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("cols")) fromString(elm.getAttribute("cols"), _TextAreaCols); if (elm.hasNonEmptyAttribute("maxlength")) fromString(elm.getAttribute("maxlength"), _TextAreaMaxLength); _TextAreaTemplate = !templateName.empty() ? templateName : DefaultFormTextAreaGroup; std::string content = strFindReplaceAll(elm.serializeChilds(), std::string("\t"), std::string(" ")); content = strFindReplaceAll(content, std::string("\n"), std::string(" ")); CInterfaceGroup *textArea = addTextArea (_TextAreaTemplate, _TextAreaName.c_str (), _TextAreaRow, _TextAreaCols, true, content, _TextAreaMaxLength); if (textArea) { // Add the text area to the form CGroupHTML::CForm::CEntry entry; entry.Name = _TextAreaName; entry.TextArea = textArea; _Forms.back().Entries.push_back (entry); } } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlTH(const CHtmlElement &elm) { htmlTD(elm); } void CGroupHTML::htmlTHend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { htmlTDend(elm); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlTITLE(const CHtmlElement &elm) { _IgnoreChildElements = true; // TODO: only from <head> // if (!_ReadingHeadTag) return; // consume all child elements _TitleString = strFindReplaceAll(elm.serializeChilds(), std::string("\t"), std::string(" ")); _TitleString = strFindReplaceAll(_TitleString, std::string("\n"), std::string(" ")); setTitle(_TitleString); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlTR(const CHtmlElement &elm) { // prevent inheriting from table if (!_CellParams.empty()) { _CellParams.back().BgColor = CRGBA::Transparent; _CellParams.back().Height = 0; } // Get cells parameters getCellsParameters(elm, true); // TODO: this probably ends up in first cell renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); // Set TR flag if (!_TR.empty()) _TR.back() = true; } void CGroupHTML::htmlTRend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { // TODO: this probably ends up in last cell renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); popIfNotEmpty(_CellParams); } // *************************************************************************** void CGroupHTML::htmlUL(const CHtmlElement &elm) { if (_UL.empty()) _UL.push_back(HTMLOListElement(1, "disc")); else if (_UL.size() == 1) _UL.push_back(HTMLOListElement(1, "circle")); else _UL.push_back(HTMLOListElement(1, "square")); // if LI is already present _LI = _UL.size() > 1 || _DL.size() > 1; _Indent.push_back(getIndent() + ULIndent); renderPseudoElement(":before", elm); } void CGroupHTML::htmlULend(const CHtmlElement &elm) { if (_UL.empty()) return; renderPseudoElement(":after", elm); popIfNotEmpty(_UL); popIfNotEmpty(_Indent); } }