# This script detects all external library paths # Useful for locating all dynamic libraries from common_config import * import os def FilterExternalDirs(libs): filterMap = { "assimp": "include/assimp/mesh.h", "boost": "include/boost/algorithm/algorithm.hpp", "curl": "include/curl/curl.h", "ffmpeg": "include/libavcodec/codec.h", "freetype2": "include/freetype2/ft2build.h", "gl": "include/GL/glcorearb.h", "gles": "include/GLES2/gl2.h", "iconv": "include/iconv.h", "libjpeg": "include/jpeglib.h", "libpng": "include/png.h", "libxml2": "include/libxml2/libxml/xmlreader.h", "lua": "include/lua.h", "luabind": "include/luabind/luabind.hpp", "mariadb": "include/mariadb/mysql.h", "msquic": "include/msquic.h", "ogg": "include/ogg/ogg.h", "openal": "include/AL/al.h", "openssl": "include/openssl/opensslconf.h", "protobuf": "include/google/protobuf/message.h", "qt5": "include/QtCore/QBuffer", "squish": "include/squish.h", "vorbis": "include/vorbis/codec.h", "zlib": "include/zlib.h" } res = [] for dir in FoundExternalDirs: for lib in libs: file = os.path.join(dir, filterMap[lib]) if os.path.isfile(file): res += [ dir ] break return res # The list of folders to potentially pass to CMake as PREFIX def FindPrefixPaths(externalDir): def DirHasAny(dir, includeSearch): for search in includeSearch: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, os.path.normcase(search))): return True return False tempExternal = {} # Headers to include includeSearch = [ "include/assimp/mesh.h", "include/boost/algorithm/algorithm.hpp", "include/curl/curl.h", "include/libavcodec/codec.h", "include/freetype2/ft2build.h", "include/GL/glcorearb.h", "include/GLES2/gl2.h", "include/iconv.h", "include/jpeglib.h", "include/png.h", "include/libxml2/libxml/xmlreader.h", "include/lua.h", "include/luabind/luabind.hpp", "include/mariadb/mysql.h", "include/msquic.h", "include/ogg/ogg.h", "include/AL/al.h", "include/openssl/opensslconf.h", "include/google/protobuf/message.h", "include/QtCore/QBuffer", "include/squish.h", "include/vorbis/codec.h", "include/zlib.h" ] # Only search one level deep if DirHasAny(externalDir, includeSearch): tempExternal[externalDir] = True for di in os.listdir(externalDir): if di.startswith("."): continue sdi = os.path.join(externalDir, di) if not os.path.isdir(sdi): continue if DirHasAny(sdi, includeSearch): tempExternal[sdi] = True res = [] for dir in tempExternal: res += [ dir ] return res # The list of folders to potentially pass into the Visual Studio debug PATH env var def FindBinPaths(prefixPaths): tempExternalBinaries = {} for dir in prefixPaths: for subDir in os.listdir(dir): if subDir.startswith("."): continue binDir = os.path.join(dir, subDir) if not os.path.isdir(binDir): continue for file in os.listdir(binDir): if not file.startswith(".") and (file.endswith(".exe") or file.endswith(".dll")): tempExternalBinaries[binDir] = True break res = [] for dir in tempExternalBinaries: res += [ dir ] return res def FindVSPrefixPaths(toolset, platform): # 2021q4_external_v143_x64 dirExt = "_external_" + toolset + "_" + platform found = [] for dir in os.listdir("C:\\"): if not dir.startswith(".") and dir.endswith(dirExt): found += [ dir ] found.sort(reverse = True) if len(found): return FindPrefixPaths(os.path.join("C:\\", found[0])) return [] def FindLuaVersion(prefixPaths): for dir in prefixPaths: luaHeader = os.path.join(dir, "include/lua.h") if os.path.isfile(luaHeader): fi = open(luaHeader) line = fi.readline() while line: if "LUA_VERSION_NUM" in line: fi.close() line = line.strip() syms = line.split() vers = syms[len(syms) - 1] return int(vers) line = fi.readline() fi.close() # TODO: For linux, if hunter, don't care, # otherwise, detect which lua version the system luabind depends on! return # end of file