1. Web-Based Translation Tool use ryzom translation pipeline, so you need to setup it first.

2. Change path/to/translation to your translation pipeline path in app/config/database.php

3. Add following VirtualHost config to your apache configuration.

<VirtualHost *:80>
  DocumentRoot /path/to/webtt
        <Directory /path/to/webtt>
                php_admin_value open_basedir none
                php_flag short_open_tag on
                php_value memory_limit 256M
                php_flag output_buffering on
  ServerName webtt.your.domain

4. Change permissions to tmp directory.

# chmod -R o+w webtt/app/tmp

5. Create MySQL database with default user and WebTT tables.

# mysql -uroot
GRANT ALL ON webtt2.* TO webtt@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'webtt77';
# cat db/webtt2.db | mysql -uwebtt -pwebtt77 webtt2

6. Go to http://webtt.your.domain and register new user for user access.

7. For administrator access, go to http://webtt.your.domain/admin and log in as admin/newpass