// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This source file has been modified by the following contributors: // Copyright (C) 2012 Laszlo KIS-ADAM (dfighter) // Copyright (C) 2014 Matthew LAGOE (Botanic) // Copyright (C) 2020 Jan BOON (Kaetemi) // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdmisc.h" #include "nel/misc/path.h" #include "nel/misc/i18n.h" #include #ifdef NL_OS_MAC #include #endif using namespace std; #ifdef DEBUG_NEW #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif namespace NLMISC { CI18N::StrMapContainer CI18N::_StrMap; CI18N::StrMapContainer CI18N::_StrMapFallback; CI18N::StrMapContainer16 CI18N::_StrMap16; CI18N::StrMapContainer16 CI18N::_StrMapFallback16; bool CI18N::_StrMapLoaded = false; const ucstring CI18N::_NotTranslatedValue16(""); const std::string CI18N::_NotTranslatedValue(""); bool CI18N::_LanguagesNamesLoaded = false; string CI18N::_SelectedLanguageCode; CI18N::ILoadProxy *CI18N::_LoadProxy = 0; vector CI18N::_LanguageCodes; vector CI18N::_LanguageNames; std::string CI18N::_SystemLanguageCode; bool CI18N::noResolution = false; void CI18N::setLoadProxy(ILoadProxy *loadProxy) { _LoadProxy = loadProxy; } void CI18N::initLanguages() { if (!_LanguagesNamesLoaded) { _LanguageCodes.push_back("en"); _LanguageCodes.push_back("fr"); _LanguageCodes.push_back("de"); _LanguageCodes.push_back("ru"); _LanguageCodes.push_back("es"); _LanguageNames.push_back("English"); _LanguageNames.push_back("French"); _LanguageNames.push_back("German"); _LanguageNames.push_back("Russian"); _LanguageNames.push_back("Spanish"); _LanguagesNamesLoaded = true; } } const std::vector &CI18N::getLanguageNames() { initLanguages(); return _LanguageNames; } const std::vector &CI18N::getLanguageCodes() { initLanguages(); return _LanguageCodes; } void CI18N::load (const string &languageCode, const string &fallbackLanguageCode) { if (_StrMapLoaded) { _StrMap.clear(); _StrMap16.clear(); } else { _StrMapLoaded = true; } _SelectedLanguageCode = languageCode; loadFileIntoMap(languageCode + ".uxt", _StrMap, _StrMap16); _StrMapFallback.clear(); _StrMapFallback16.clear(); if(!fallbackLanguageCode.empty()) { loadFileIntoMap(fallbackLanguageCode + ".uxt", _StrMapFallback, _StrMapFallback16); } } bool CI18N::loadFileIntoMap(const string &fileName, StrMapContainer &destMap, StrMapContainer16 &destMap16) { ucstring text; // read in the text if (_LoadProxy) _LoadProxy->loadStringFile(fileName, text); else readTextFile(fileName, text); // remove any comment removeCComment(text); ucstring::const_iterator first(text.begin()), last(text.end()); string lastReadLabel("nothing"); while (first != last) { skipWhiteSpace(first, last); string label; ucstring ucs; if (!parseLabel(first, last, label)) { nlwarning("I18N: Error reading label field in %s. Stop reading after %s.", fileName.c_str(), lastReadLabel.c_str()); return false; } lastReadLabel = label; skipWhiteSpace(first, last); if (!parseMarkedString('[', ']', first, last, ucs)) { nlwarning("I18N: Error reading text for label %s in %s. Stop reading.", label.c_str(), fileName.c_str()); return false; } // ok, a line read. pair::iterator, bool> ret; ret = destMap16.insert(make_pair(label, ucs)); if (!ret.second) { nlwarning("I18N: Error in %s, the label %s exists twice !", fileName.c_str(), label.c_str()); } destMap.insert(make_pair(label, ucs.toUtf8())); skipWhiteSpace(first, last); } // a little check to ensure that the lang name has been set. StrMapContainer::iterator it(destMap.find("LanguageName")); if (it == destMap.end()) { nlwarning("I18N: In file %s, missing LanguageName translation (should be first in file)", fileName.c_str()); } nlassert(destMap.size() == destMap16.size()); return true; } void CI18N::loadFromFilename(const string &filename, bool reload) { StrMapContainer destMap; StrMapContainer16 destMap16; if (!loadFileIntoMap(filename, destMap, destMap16)) { return; } // merge with existing map for(StrMapContainer::iterator it = destMap.begin(); it != destMap.end(); ++it) { if (!reload) { if (_StrMap16.count(it->first)) { nlwarning("I18N: Error in %s, the label %s exist twice !", filename.c_str(), it->first.c_str()); } } _StrMap16[it->first] = ucstring::makeFromUtf8(it->second); _StrMap[it->first] = it->second; } } const std::string &CI18N::get(const string &label) { if (noResolution) { return label; } if (label.empty()) { static const std::string empty; return empty; } StrMapContainer::iterator it(_StrMap.find(label)); if (it != _StrMap.end()) return it->second; static CHashSet missingStrings; if (missingStrings.find(label) == missingStrings.end()) { nlwarning("I18N: The string %s did not exist in language %s (display once)", label.c_str(), _SelectedLanguageCode.c_str()); missingStrings.insert(label); } // use the fall back language if it exists it = _StrMapFallback.find(label); if (it != _StrMapFallback.end()) return it->second; static std::string badString; badString = string(""; return badString; } const ucstring &CI18N::getAsUtf16 (const string &label) { if( noResolution ) { static ucstring labelString; labelString = label; return labelString; } if (label.empty()) { static const ucstring emptyString; return emptyString; } StrMapContainer16::iterator it(_StrMap16.find(label)); if (it != _StrMap16.end()) return it->second; static CHashSet missingStrings; if (missingStrings.find(label) == missingStrings.end()) { nlwarning("I18N: The string %s did not exist in language %s (display once)", label.c_str(), _SelectedLanguageCode.c_str()); missingStrings.insert(label); } // use the fall back language if it exists it = _StrMapFallback16.find(label); if (it != _StrMapFallback16.end()) return it->second; static ucstring badString; badString = ucstring(string(""); return badString; } bool CI18N::hasTranslation(const string &label) { if (label.empty()) return true; if(_StrMap.find(label) != _StrMap.end()) return true; // use the fall back language if it exists if (_StrMapFallback.find(label) != _StrMapFallback.end()) return true; return false; } std::string CI18N::getCurrentLanguageName () { return get("LanguageName"); } string CI18N::getCurrentLanguageCode () { return _SelectedLanguageCode; } bool CI18N::isLanguageCodeSupported(const std::string &lang) { initLanguages(); for (sint i = 0, ilen = _LanguageCodes.size(); i < ilen; ++i) { if (lang == _LanguageCodes[i]) return true; } return false; } std::string CI18N::getSystemLanguageCode () { if (!_SystemLanguageCode.empty()) return _SystemLanguageCode; #ifdef NL_OS_MAC // under OS X, locale is only defined in console, not in UI // so we need to use CoreFoundation API to retrieve it // get an array with all preferred languages CFArrayRef langs = CFLocaleCopyPreferredLanguages(); if (langs) { // get languages count sint languagesCount = CFArrayGetCount(langs); // process each language for (sint i = 0; i < languagesCount; ++i) { std::string lang; // get language CFString CFStringRef langCF = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(langs, i); if (langCF) { // get a C string from CFString const char *langStr = CFStringGetCStringPtr(langCF, kCFStringEncodingASCII); if (!langStr) { // get length of the CFString CFIndex length = CFStringGetLength(langCF); // allocate a temporary buffer to hold converted string char *tmp = new char[length+1]; // use alternative function to get a C string from CFString if (CFStringGetCString(langCF, tmp, length+1, kCFStringEncodingASCII)) { lang = std::string(tmp, length); } else { nlwarning("Unable to convert CFStringRef to string"); } delete [] tmp; } else { lang = std::string(langStr); } CFRelease(langCF); } if (!lang.empty()) { // fix language code if country is specified std::string::size_type pos = lang.find('-'); if (pos != std::string::npos) lang = lang.substr(0, pos); // only keep language code if supported by NeL if (isLanguageCodeSupported(lang)) { _SystemLanguageCode = lang; break; } } } // don't need languages array anymore CFRelease(langs); } #endif #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS // use user locale under Windows (since Vista) if (_SystemLanguageCode.empty()) { // GetUserDefaultLocaleName prototype typedef int (WINAPI* GetUserDefaultLocaleNamePtr)(LPWSTR lpLocaleName, int cchLocaleName); // get pointer on GetUserDefaultLocaleName, kernel32.dll is always in memory so no need to call LoadLibrary HMODULE hKernel32 = GetModuleHandleA("kernel32.dll"); if (hKernel32) { GetUserDefaultLocaleNamePtr nlGetUserDefaultLocaleName = (GetUserDefaultLocaleNamePtr)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "GetUserDefaultLocaleName"); // only use it if found if (nlGetUserDefaultLocaleName) { // get user locale wchar_t buffer[LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH]; sint res = nlGetUserDefaultLocaleName(buffer, LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH); // convert wide string to std::string std::string lang = wideToUtf8(buffer); // only keep 2 first characters if (lang.size() > 1) _SystemLanguageCode = lang.substr(0, 2); } } } #endif // use system locale (works under OS X, Linux and Windows) if (_SystemLanguageCode.empty()) { // get default locale char *locale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); if (locale) { std::string lang(locale); #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS // be sure supported languages are initialized initLanguages(); // locales names are different under Windows, for example: French_France.1252 for(uint i = 0; i < _LanguageNames.size(); ++i) { std::string name = _LanguageNames[i]; // so we compare the language name with the supported ones if (lang.compare(0, name.length(), name) == 0) { // found, so use its code _SystemLanguageCode = _LanguageCodes[i]; break; } } #else if (lang.size() > 1) { // only keep 2 first characters lang = NLMISC::toLowerAscii(lang).substr(0, 2); // language code supported? if (isLanguageCodeSupported(lang)) _SystemLanguageCode = lang; } #endif } } // english is default language if (_SystemLanguageCode.empty()) _SystemLanguageCode = "en"; return _SystemLanguageCode; } bool CI18N::setSystemLanguageCode (const std::string &languageCode) { // be sure supported languages are initialized initLanguages(); std::string lang = NLMISC::toLowerAscii(languageCode); // specified language is really a code (2 characters) if (lang.length() == 2) { // check if language code is supported for(uint i = 0; i < _LanguageCodes.size(); ++i) { std::string code = NLMISC::toLowerAscii(_LanguageCodes[i]); if (lang == code) { // found, so use it _SystemLanguageCode = lang; return true; } } } // specified language is something else else { // check if language name is supported for(uint i = 0; i < _LanguageNames.size(); ++i) { std::string name = NLMISC::toLowerAscii(_LanguageNames[i]); if (name == lang) { // found, so use its code _SystemLanguageCode = _LanguageCodes[i]; return true; } } } return false; } void CI18N::removeCComment(ucstring &commentedString) { ucstring temp; temp.reserve(commentedString.size()); ucstring::const_iterator first(commentedString.begin()), last(commentedString.end()); for (;first != last; ++first) { temp.push_back(*first); if (*first == '[') { // no comment inside string literal while (++first != last) { temp.push_back(*first); if (*first == ']') break; } } else if (*first == '/') { // start of comment ? ++first; if (first != last && *first == '/') { temp.resize(temp.size()-1); // one line comment, skip until end of line while (first != last && *first != '\n') ++first; } else if (first != last && *first == '*') { temp.resize(temp.size()-1); // start of multi line comment, skip until we found '*/' while (first != last && !(*first == '*' && (first+1) != last && *(first+1) == '/')) ++first; // skip the closing '/' if (first != last) ++first; } else { temp.push_back(*first); } } } commentedString.swap(temp); } void CI18N::skipWhiteSpace(ucstring::const_iterator &it, ucstring::const_iterator &last, ucstring *storeComments, bool newLineAsWhiteSpace) { while (it != last && ( (*it == 0xa && newLineAsWhiteSpace) || (*it == 0xd && newLineAsWhiteSpace) || *it == ' ' || *it == '\t' || (storeComments && *it == '/' && it+1 != last && *(it+1) == '/') || (storeComments && *it == '/' && it+1 != last && *(it+1) == '*') )) { if (storeComments && *it == '/' && it+1 != last && *(it+1) == '/') { // found a one line C comment. Store it until end of line. while (it != last && (*it != '\n' && *it != '\r')) storeComments->push_back(*it++); // store the final '\n' if (it != last) storeComments->push_back('\n'); } else if (storeComments && *it == '/' && it+1 != last && *(it+1) == '*') { // found a multi line C++ comment. store until we found the closing '*/' while (it != last && !(*it == '*' && it + 1 != last && *(it + 1) == '/')) { // don't put \r if (*it == '\r') { // skip it ++it; } else { storeComments->push_back(*it++); } } // store the final '*' if (it != last) storeComments->push_back(*it++); // store the final '/' if (it != last) storeComments->push_back(*it++); // and a new line. storeComments->push_back('\n'); } else { // just skip white space or don't store comments ++it; } } } bool CI18N::parseLabel(ucstring::const_iterator &it, ucstring::const_iterator &last, string &label) { ucstring::const_iterator rewind = it; label.erase(); // first char must be A-Za-z@_ if (it != last && ( (*it >= '0' && *it <= '9') || (*it >= 'A' && *it <= 'Z') || (*it >= 'a' && *it <= 'z') || (*it == '_') || (*it == '@') ) ) label.push_back(char(*it++)); else { it = rewind; return false; } // other char must be [0-9A-Za-z@_]* while (it != last && ( (*it >= '0' && *it <= '9') || (*it >= 'A' && *it <= 'Z') || (*it >= 'a' && *it <= 'z') || (*it == '_') || (*it == '@') ) ) label.push_back(char(*it++)); return true; } bool CI18N::parseMarkedString(ucchar openMark, ucchar closeMark, ucstring::const_iterator &it, ucstring::const_iterator &last, ucstring &result, uint32 *lineCounter, bool allowNewline) { result.erase(); // parse a string delimited by the specified opening and closing mark if (it != last && *it == openMark) { ++it; while (it != last && *it != closeMark && (allowNewline || *it != '\n')) { // ignore tab, new lines and line feed if (*it == openMark) { nlwarning("I18N: Found a non escaped openmark %c in a delimited string (Delimiters : '%c' - '%c')", char(openMark), char(openMark), char(closeMark)); return false; } if (*it == '\t' || (*it == '\n' && allowNewline) || *it == '\r') ++it; else if (*it == '\\' && it+1 != last && *(it+1) != '\\') { ++it; // this is an escape sequence ! switch(*it) { case 't': result.push_back('\t'); break; case 'n': result.push_back('\n'); break; case 'd': // insert a delete result.push_back(8); break; default: // escape the close mark ? if(*it == closeMark) result.push_back(closeMark); // escape the open mark ? else if(*it == openMark) result.push_back(openMark); else { nlwarning("I18N: Ignoring unknown escape code \\%c (char value : %u)", char(*it), *it); return false; } } ++it; } else if (*it == '\\' && it+1 != last && *(it+1) == '\\') { // escape the \ char ++it; result.push_back(*it); ++it; } else { if (*it == '\n' && lineCounter != NULL) // update line counter ++(*lineCounter); result.push_back(*it++); } } if (it == last || *it != closeMark) { nlwarning("I18N: Missing end of delimited string (Delimiters : '%c' - '%c')", char(openMark), char(closeMark)); return false; } else ++it; } else { nlwarning("I18N: Malformed or non existent delimited string (Delimiters : '%c' - '%c')", char(openMark), char(closeMark)); return false; } return true; } void CI18N::readTextFile(const string &filename, ucstring &result, bool fileLookup, bool preprocess, TLineFormat lineFmt, bool warnIfIncludesNotFound) { // create the read context TReadContext readContext; // call the inner function _readTextFile(filename, result, fileLookup, preprocess, lineFmt, warnIfIncludesNotFound, readContext); if (!readContext.IfStack.empty()) { nlwarning("Preprocess: Missing %u closing #endif after parsing %s", (uint)readContext.IfStack.size(), filename.c_str() ); } } bool CI18N::matchToken(const char* token, ucstring::const_iterator &it, ucstring::const_iterator end) { ucstring::const_iterator rewind = it; skipWhiteSpace(it, end, NULL, false); while (it != end && *token != 0 && *it == *token) { ++it; ++token; } if (*token == 0) { // we fund the token return true; } // not found it = rewind; return false; } void CI18N::skipLine(ucstring::const_iterator &it, ucstring::const_iterator end, uint32 &lineCounter) { while (it != end && *it != '\n') ++it; if (it != end) { ++lineCounter; ++it; } } void CI18N::_readTextFile(const string &filename, ucstring &result, bool fileLookup, bool preprocess, TLineFormat lineFmt, bool warnIfIncludesNotFound, TReadContext &readContext) { string fullName; if (fileLookup) fullName = CPath::lookup(filename, false,warnIfIncludesNotFound); else fullName = filename; if (fullName.empty()) return; // If ::lookup is used, the file can be in a bnp and CFile::fileExists fails. bool isInBnp = fullName.find('@') != string::npos; if (!isInBnp && !CFile::fileExists(fullName)) { nlwarning("CI18N::readTextFile : file '%s' does not exist, returning empty string", fullName.c_str()); return; } NLMISC::CIFile file(fullName); // Fast read all the text in binary mode. string text; text.resize(file.getFileSize()); if (file.getFileSize() > 0) file.serialBuffer((uint8*)(&text[0]), (uint)text.size()); // Transform the string in ucstring according to format header if (!text.empty()) readTextBuffer((uint8*)&text[0], (uint)text.size(), result); if (preprocess) { // a string to old the result of the preprocess ucstring final; // make rooms to reduce allocation cost final.reserve(raiseToNextPowerOf2((uint)result.size())); // parse the file, looking for preprocessor command. ucstring::const_iterator it(result.begin()), end(result.end()); // input line counter uint32 currentLine = 1; // set the current file and line info final += toString("#fileline \"%s\" %u\n", filename.c_str(), currentLine); while (it != end) { // remember the begin of the line ucstring::const_iterator beginOfLine = it; // advance in the line, looking for a preprocessor command skipWhiteSpace(it, end, NULL, false); if (it != end && *it == '#') { // skip the '#' symbol ++it; // we found a preprocessor command ! skipWhiteSpace(it, end, NULL, false); if (matchToken("include", it, end)) { if (readContext.IfStack.empty() || readContext.IfStack.back()) { // we have an include command skipWhiteSpace(it, end, NULL, false); // read the file name between quote ucstring str; breakable { if (!parseMarkedString(ucchar('\"'), ucchar('\"'), it, end, str, ¤tLine, false)) { nlwarning("Preprocess: In file %s(%u) : Error parsing include file command", filename.c_str(), currentLine); break; } else { // ok, read the subfile string subFilename = str.toString(); // check is file exist if (!CFile::fileExists(subFilename)) { // look for the file relative to current file subFilename = CFile::getPath(filename)+subFilename; if (!CFile::fileExists(subFilename)) { // the include file is not found, issue a warning nlwarning("Preprocess: In file %s(%u) : Cannot include file '%s'", filename.c_str(), currentLine, str.toString().c_str()); break; } } nlinfo("Preprocess: In file %s(%u) : Including '%s'", filename.c_str(), currentLine, subFilename.c_str()); ucstring inserted; _readTextFile(subFilename, inserted, fileLookup, preprocess, lineFmt, warnIfIncludesNotFound, readContext); final += inserted; } } // advance to next line skipLine(it, end, currentLine); // reset filename and line counter final += toString("#fileline \"%s\" %u\n", filename.c_str(), currentLine); } } else if (matchToken("optional", it, end)) { if (readContext.IfStack.empty() || readContext.IfStack.back()) { // we have an optional include command skipWhiteSpace(it, end, NULL, false); // read the file name between quote ucstring str; breakable { if (!parseMarkedString('\"', '\"', it, end, str, ¤tLine, false)) { nlwarning("Preprocess: In file %s(%u) : Error parsing optional file command", filename.c_str(), currentLine); break; } else { // ok, read the subfile string subFilename = str.toString(); // check is file exist if (!CFile::fileExists(subFilename)) { // look for the file relative to current file subFilename = CFile::getPath(filename)+subFilename; if (!CFile::fileExists(subFilename)) { // not found but optional, only emit a debug log // the include file is not found, issue a warning nldebug("Preprocess: In file %s(%u) : Cannot include optional file '%s'", filename.c_str(), currentLine, str.toString().c_str()); break; } } nlinfo("Preprocess: In file %s(%u) : Including optional '%s'", filename.c_str(), currentLine, subFilename.c_str()); ucstring inserted; _readTextFile(subFilename, inserted, fileLookup, preprocess, lineFmt, warnIfIncludesNotFound, readContext); final += inserted; } } // advance to next line skipLine(it, end, currentLine); // reset filename and line counter final += toString("#fileline \"%s\" %u\n", filename.c_str(), currentLine); } } else if (matchToken("define", it, end)) { if (readContext.IfStack.empty() || readContext.IfStack.back()) { skipWhiteSpace(it, end, NULL, false); string label; if (parseLabel(it, end, label)) { if (readContext.Defines.find(label) != readContext.Defines.end()) { nlinfo("Preprocess: In file %s(%u) : symbol '%s' already defined", filename.c_str(), currentLine, label.c_str()); } else { readContext.Defines.insert(label); } } else { nlwarning("Preprocess: In file %s(%u) : Error parsing #define command", filename.c_str(), currentLine); } // advance to next line skipLine(it, end, currentLine); // update filename and line number final += toString("#fileline \"%s\" %u\n", filename.c_str(), currentLine); } } else if (matchToken("ifdef", it, end)) { if (readContext.IfStack.empty() || readContext.IfStack.back()) { skipWhiteSpace(it, end, NULL, false); string label; if (parseLabel(it, end, label)) { if (readContext.Defines.find(label) != readContext.Defines.end()) { // symbol defined, push a true readContext.IfStack.push_back(true); } else { // symbol not defines, push a false readContext.IfStack.push_back(false); } } else { nlwarning("Preprocess: In file %s(%u) : Error parsing #ifdef command", filename.c_str(), currentLine); } // advance to next line skipLine(it, end, currentLine); // update filename and line number final += toString("#fileline \"%s\" %u\n", filename.c_str(), currentLine); } else { // just push to false readContext.IfStack.push_back(false); skipLine(it, end, currentLine); } } else if (matchToken("ifndef", it, end)) { if (readContext.IfStack.empty() || readContext.IfStack.back()) { skipWhiteSpace(it, end, NULL, false); string label; if (parseLabel(it, end, label)) { if (readContext.Defines.find(label) == readContext.Defines.end()) { // symbol defined, push a true readContext.IfStack.push_back(true); } else { // symbol not defines, push a false readContext.IfStack.push_back(false); } } else { nlwarning("Preprocess: In file %s(%u) : Error parsing #ifndef command", filename.c_str(), currentLine); } // advance to next line skipLine(it, end, currentLine); // update filename and line number final += toString("#fileline \"%s\" %u\n", filename.c_str(), currentLine); } else { // just push to false readContext.IfStack.push_back(false); skipLine(it, end, currentLine); } } else if (matchToken("endif", it, end)) { bool previous = false; if (readContext.IfStack.empty()) { nlwarning("Preprocess: In file %s(%u) : Error found '#endif' without matching #if", filename.c_str(), currentLine); } else { previous = readContext.IfStack.back(); readContext.IfStack.pop_back(); } skipLine(it, end, currentLine); if (!previous && (readContext.IfStack.empty() || readContext.IfStack.back())) { // end of ignored file part, restore the file and line number final += toString("#fileline \"%s\" %u\n", filename.c_str(), currentLine); } // update filename and line number // final += toString("#fileline \"%s\" %u\n", filename.c_str(), currentLine); } else { // unrecognized command, ignore line nlwarning("Preprocess: In file %s(%u) : Error unrecognized preprocessor command", filename.c_str(), currentLine); skipLine(it, end, currentLine); // update filename and line number final += toString("#fileline \"%s\" %u\n", filename.c_str(), currentLine); } } else { // normal line skipLine(it, end, currentLine); if (readContext.IfStack.empty() || readContext.IfStack.back()) { // copy the line to the final string final.append(beginOfLine, it); } } } // set the result with the preprocessed content result.swap(final); } // apply line delimiter conversion if needed if (lineFmt != LINE_FMT_NO_CARE) { if (lineFmt == LINE_FMT_LF) { // we only want \n // easy, just remove or replace any \r code string::size_type pos; string::size_type lastPos = 0; ucstring temp; // reserve some place to reduce re-allocation temp.reserve(result.size() +result.size()/10); // look for the first \r pos = result.find('\r'); while (pos != string::npos) { if (pos < result.size()-1 && result[pos+1] == '\n') { temp.append(result.begin()+lastPos, result.begin()+pos); pos += 1; } else { temp.append(result.begin()+lastPos, result.begin()+pos); temp[temp.size()-1] = '\n'; } lastPos = pos; // look for next \r pos = result.find('\r', pos); } // copy the rest temp.append(result.begin()+lastPos, result.end()); result.swap(temp); } else if (lineFmt == LINE_FMT_CRLF) { // need to replace simple '\n' or '\r' with a '\r\n' double string::size_type pos = 0; string::size_type lastPos = 0; ucstring temp; // reserve some place to reduce re-allocation temp.reserve(result.size() +result.size()/10); // first loop with the '\r' pos = result.find('\r', pos); while (pos != string::npos) { if (pos >= result.size()-1 || result[pos+1] != '\n') { temp.append(result.begin()+lastPos, result.begin()+pos+1); temp += '\n'; lastPos = pos+1; } // skip this char pos++; // look the next '\r' pos = result.find('\r', pos); } // copy the rest temp.append(result.begin()+lastPos, result.end()); result.swap(temp); temp.clear(); // second loop with the '\n' pos = 0; lastPos = 0; pos = result.find('\n', pos); while (pos != string::npos) { if (pos == 0 || result[pos-1] != '\r') { temp.append(result.begin()+lastPos, result.begin()+pos); temp += '\r'; temp += '\n'; lastPos = pos+1; } // skip this char pos++; pos = result.find('\n', pos); } // copy the rest temp.append(result.begin()+lastPos, result.end()); result.swap(temp); } } } void CI18N::readTextBuffer(uint8 *buffer, uint size, ucstring &result) { static uint8 utf16Header[] = { 0xffu, 0xfeu }; static uint8 utf16RevHeader[] = { 0xfeu, 0xffu }; static uint8 utf8Header[] = { 0xefu, 0xbbu, 0xbfu }; if (size>=3 && buffer[0]==utf8Header[0] && buffer[1]==utf8Header[1] && buffer[2]==utf8Header[2] ) { // remove utf8 header buffer+= 3; size-=3; string text((char*)buffer, size); result.fromUtf8(text); } else if (size>=2 && buffer[0]==utf16Header[0] && buffer[1]==utf16Header[1] ) { // remove utf16 header buffer+= 2; size-= 2; // check pair number of bytes nlassert((size & 1) == 0); // and do manual conversion uint16 *src = (uint16*)(buffer); result.resize(size/2); for (uint j=0; j=2 && buffer[0]==utf16RevHeader[0] && buffer[1]==utf16RevHeader[1] ) { // remove utf16 header buffer+= 2; size-= 2; // check pair number of bytes nlassert((size & 1) == 0); // and do manual conversion uint16 *src = (uint16*)(buffer); result.resize(size/2); uint j; for (j=0; j> (8-roll))) & 0xff); roll++; roll &= 0x7; } return hash; } // convert a hash value to a readable string string CI18N::hashToString(uint64 hash) { char temp[] = "0011223344556677"; sprintf(temp, "%08X%08X", (uint32)(hash & 0xffffffff), (uint32)(hash >> 32)); return string(temp); } // fast convert a hash value to a ucstring void CI18N::hashToUCString(uint64 hash, ucstring &dst) { static ucchar cvtTable[]= {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'}; dst.resize(16); for(sint i=15;i>=0;i--) { // Must decal dest of 8, cause of hashToString code (Little Endian) dst[(i+8)&15]= cvtTable[hash&15]; hash>>=4; } } // convert a readable string into a hash value. uint64 CI18N::stringToHash(const string &str) { nlassert(str.size() == 16); uint32 low, high; string sl, sh; sh = str.substr(0, 8); sl = str.substr(8, 8); sscanf(sh.c_str(), "%08X", &high); sscanf(sl.c_str(), "%08X", &low); uint64 hash; memcpy(&hash, &high, sizeof(high)); memcpy((uint32*)&hash + 1, &low, sizeof(low)); return hash; } } // namespace NLMISC