<?php require_once('../tools/validate_cookie.php'); include_once('../login/config.php'); include_once('../tools/domain_info.php'); include_once('join_session.php'); include_once('session_tools.php'); $domainId = -1; if (!validateCookie($userId, $domainId, $charId)) { echo "Invalid cookie !"; die(); } echo "edit_session : user id = '$userId', char = '$charId', domain = '$domainId'<br>"; $domainInfo = getDomainInfo($domainId); global $DBHost, $DBPort, $RingDBUserName, $RingDBPassword; $link = mysqli_connect($DBHost, $RingDBUserName, $RingDBPassword, NULL, $DBPort) or die ("Can't connect to database host:$DBHost user:$RingDBUserName"); mysqli_select_db($link, $domainInfo['ring_db_name']) or die ("Can't access to the db dbname:" . $domainInfo['ring_db_name']); // Find out if the character has an open editing session $query = "SELECT session_id, state "; $query .= " FROM sessions"; $query .= " WHERE (owner = '".$charId."')"; $query .= " AND (session_type = 'st_edit')"; $query .= " AND (NOT (state IN ('ss_closed', 'ss_locked')))"; $result = mysqli_query($link, $query) or die ("Can't execute the query: ".$query); $num = mysqli_num_rows($result); if ($num > 1) { echo "Error: more than one editing sessions for char".$charId; die; } $sessionId = 0; if ($num == 0) { // Not found => first, create an editing session for this character, start the session and invite himself $query = "SELECT char_name FROM characters WHERE char_id = $charId"; $result = mysqli_query($link, $query) or die ("Can't execute the query: ".$query); $num = mysqli_num_rows($result); $characterName = ""; if ($num > 0) { $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $characterName = $row['char_name']; } global $SessionId, $SessionToolsResult; planEditSession($charId, $domainId, "st_edit", $characterName, ""); if ($SessionToolsResult === false) die; startSession($charId, $domainId, $SessionId); if ($SessionToolsResult === false) die; $sessionId = $SessionId; } else { $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $sessionId = $row['session_id']; $state = $row['state']; echo "Found your session: $sessionId ($state)<br>"; if ($state == "ss_planned") { // First, start the session startSession($charId, $domainId, $sessionId); global $SessionId, $SessionToolsResult; if ($SessionToolsResult === false) die ("Failed to start the session"); $sessionId = $SessionId; echo "edit_session.php : the session have been started<br>"; } } // check that we character have a participation in the session and invite him if needed $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM session_participant WHERE session_id = $sessionId AND char_id = $charId"; $result = mysqli_query($link, $query) or die ("Can't execute the query: ".$query); $num = mysqli_num_rows($result); if ($num != 1) die ("Invalid result whil checking participation for char $charId in session $sessionId<br>"); $value = mysqli_fetch_row($result); if ($value[0] == 0) { // the character have not is own invitation ! echo "Missing participation for character $charId owner of session $sessionId, adding it<br>"; inviteOwnerInSession($charId, $domainId, $sessionId); } echo "edit_session.php : invitation ok<br>"; // Join the session joinSessionFromId($userId, $domainId, $sessionId);