/** * \file stereo_ovr.cpp * \brief CStereoOVR * \date 2013-06-25 22:22GMT * \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi) * CStereoOVR */ // NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Jan BOON (Kaetemi) // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // // Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules // is making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms // and conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole // combination. // // As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give // you permission to link this library with the Oculus SDK to produce // an executable, regardless of the license terms of the Oculus SDK, // and distribute linked combinations including the two, provided that // you also meet the terms and conditions of the license of the Oculus // SDK. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects // for all of the code used other than the Oculus SDK. If you modify // this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the // file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do // so, delete this exception statement from your version. #ifdef HAVE_LIBOVR_02 #include "std3d.h" #include "nel/3d/stereo_ovr.h" // STL includes #include // External includes #define OVR_NO_STDINT #include // NeL includes // #include #include "nel/3d/u_camera.h" #include "nel/3d/u_driver.h" #include "nel/3d/material.h" #include "nel/3d/texture_bloom.h" #include "nel/3d/texture_user.h" #include "nel/3d/driver_user.h" #include "nel/3d/u_texture.h" // Project includes using namespace std; // using namespace NLMISC; #ifdef DEBUG_NEW #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif namespace NL3D { extern const char *g_StereoOVR_fp40; extern const char *g_StereoOVR_arbfp1; extern const char *g_StereoOVR_ps_2_0; extern const char *g_StereoOVR_glsl330f; namespace { class CStereoOVRLog : public OVR::Log { public: CStereoOVRLog(unsigned logMask = OVR::LogMask_All) : OVR::Log(logMask) { } virtual void LogMessageVarg(OVR::LogMessageType messageType, const char* fmt, va_list argList) { if (NLMISC::INelContext::isContextInitialised()) { char buffer[MaxLogBufferMessageSize]; FormatLog(buffer, MaxLogBufferMessageSize, messageType, fmt, argList); if (IsDebugMessage(messageType)) NLMISC::INelContext::getInstance().getDebugLog()->displayNL("OVR: %s", buffer); else NLMISC::INelContext::getInstance().getInfoLog()->displayNL("OVR: %s", buffer); } } }; CStereoOVRLog *s_StereoOVRLog = NULL; OVR::Ptr s_DeviceManager; class CStereoOVRSystem { public: ~CStereoOVRSystem() { Release(); } void Init() { if (!s_StereoOVRLog) { nldebug("Initialize OVR"); s_StereoOVRLog = new CStereoOVRLog(); } if (!OVR::System::IsInitialized()) OVR::System::Init(s_StereoOVRLog); if (!s_DeviceManager) s_DeviceManager = OVR::DeviceManager::Create(); } void Release() { if (s_DeviceManager) { nldebug("Release OVR"); s_DeviceManager->Release(); } s_DeviceManager.Clear(); if (OVR::System::IsInitialized()) OVR::System::Destroy(); if (s_StereoOVRLog) nldebug("Release OVR Ok"); delete s_StereoOVRLog; s_StereoOVRLog = NULL; } }; CStereoOVRSystem s_StereoOVRSystem; sint s_DeviceCounter = 0; } class CStereoOVRDeviceHandle : public IStereoDeviceFactory { public: // fixme: virtual destructor??? OVR::DeviceEnumerator DeviceHandle; IStereoDisplay *createDevice() const { CStereoOVR *stereo = new CStereoOVR(this); if (stereo->isDeviceCreated()) return stereo; delete stereo; return NULL; } }; class CStereoOVRDevicePtr { public: OVR::Ptr HMDDevice; OVR::Ptr SensorDevice; OVR::SensorFusion SensorFusion; OVR::HMDInfo HMDInfo; }; CStereoOVR::CStereoOVR(const CStereoOVRDeviceHandle *handle) : m_Stage(0), m_SubStage(0), m_OrientationCached(false), m_Driver(NULL), m_SceneTexture(NULL), m_GUITexture(NULL), m_PixelProgram(NULL), m_EyePosition(0.0f, 0.09f, 0.15f), m_Scale(1.0f) { ++s_DeviceCounter; m_DevicePtr = new CStereoOVRDevicePtr(); OVR::DeviceEnumerator dh = handle->DeviceHandle; m_DevicePtr->HMDDevice = dh.CreateDevice(); if (m_DevicePtr->HMDDevice) { m_DevicePtr->HMDDevice->GetDeviceInfo(&m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo); nldebug("OVR: HScreenSize: %f, VScreenSize: %f", m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.HScreenSize, m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.VScreenSize); nldebug("OVR: VScreenCenter: %f", m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.VScreenCenter); nldebug("OVR: EyeToScreenDistance: %f", m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.EyeToScreenDistance); nldebug("OVR: LensSeparationDistance: %f", m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.LensSeparationDistance); nldebug("OVR: InterpupillaryDistance: %f", m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.InterpupillaryDistance); nldebug("OVR: HResolution: %i, VResolution: %i", m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.HResolution, m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.VResolution); nldebug("OVR: DistortionK[0]: %f, DistortionK[1]: %f", m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.DistortionK[0], m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.DistortionK[1]); nldebug("OVR: DistortionK[2]: %f, DistortionK[3]: %f", m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.DistortionK[2], m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.DistortionK[3]); //2013/06/26 05:31:51 DBG 17a0 snowballs_client.exe stereo_ovr.cpp 160 NL3D::CStereoOVR::CStereoOVR : OVR: HScreenSize: 0.149760, VScreenSize: 0.093600 //2013/06/26 05:31:51 DBG 17a0 snowballs_client.exe stereo_ovr.cpp 161 NL3D::CStereoOVR::CStereoOVR : OVR: VScreenCenter: 0.046800 //2013/06/26 05:31:51 DBG 17a0 snowballs_client.exe stereo_ovr.cpp 162 NL3D::CStereoOVR::CStereoOVR : OVR: EyeToScreenDistance: 0.041000 //2013/06/26 05:31:51 DBG 17a0 snowballs_client.exe stereo_ovr.cpp 163 NL3D::CStereoOVR::CStereoOVR : OVR: LensSeparationDistance: 0.063500 //2013/06/26 05:31:51 DBG 17a0 snowballs_client.exe stereo_ovr.cpp 164 NL3D::CStereoOVR::CStereoOVR : OVR: InterpupillaryDistance: 0.064000 //2013/06/26 05:31:51 DBG 17a0 snowballs_client.exe stereo_ovr.cpp 165 NL3D::CStereoOVR::CStereoOVR : OVR: HResolution: 1280, VResolution: 800 //2013/06/26 05:31:51 DBG 17a0 snowballs_client.exe stereo_ovr.cpp 166 NL3D::CStereoOVR::CStereoOVR : OVR: DistortionK[0]: 1.000000, DistortionK[1]: 0.220000 //2013/06/26 05:31:51 DBG 17a0 snowballs_client.exe stereo_ovr.cpp 167 NL3D::CStereoOVR::CStereoOVR : OVR: DistortionK[2]: 0.240000, DistortionK[3]: 0.000000 m_DevicePtr->SensorDevice = m_DevicePtr->HMDDevice->GetSensor(); m_DevicePtr->SensorFusion.AttachToSensor(m_DevicePtr->SensorDevice); m_DevicePtr->SensorFusion.SetGravityEnabled(true); m_DevicePtr->SensorFusion.SetPredictionEnabled(true); m_DevicePtr->SensorFusion.SetYawCorrectionEnabled(true); m_LeftViewport.init(0.f, 0.f, 0.5f, 1.0f); m_RightViewport.init(0.5f, 0.f, 0.5f, 1.0f); } } CStereoOVR::~CStereoOVR() { if (!m_BarrelMat.empty()) { m_BarrelMat.getObjectPtr()->setTexture(0, NULL); m_Driver->deleteMaterial(m_BarrelMat); } delete m_PixelProgram; m_PixelProgram = NULL; m_Driver = NULL; if (m_DevicePtr->SensorDevice) m_DevicePtr->SensorDevice->Release(); m_DevicePtr->SensorDevice.Clear(); if (m_DevicePtr->HMDDevice) m_DevicePtr->HMDDevice->Release(); m_DevicePtr->HMDDevice.Clear(); delete m_DevicePtr; m_DevicePtr = NULL; --s_DeviceCounter; } class CPixelProgramOVR : public CPixelProgram { public: struct COVRIndices { uint LensCenter; uint ScreenCenter; uint Scale; uint ScaleIn; uint HmdWarpParam; }; CPixelProgramOVR() { { CSource *source = new CSource(); source->Profile = glsl330f; source->Features.MaterialFlags = CProgramFeatures::TextureStages; source->setSourcePtr(g_StereoOVR_glsl330f); addSource(source); } { CSource *source = new CSource(); source->Profile = fp40; source->Features.MaterialFlags = CProgramFeatures::TextureStages; source->setSourcePtr(g_StereoOVR_fp40); source->ParamIndices["cLensCenter"] = 0; source->ParamIndices["cScreenCenter"] = 1; source->ParamIndices["cScale"] = 2; source->ParamIndices["cScaleIn"] = 3; source->ParamIndices["cHmdWarpParam"] = 4; addSource(source); } { CSource *source = new CSource(); source->Profile = arbfp1; source->Features.MaterialFlags = CProgramFeatures::TextureStages; source->setSourcePtr(g_StereoOVR_arbfp1); source->ParamIndices["cLensCenter"] = 0; source->ParamIndices["cScreenCenter"] = 1; source->ParamIndices["cScale"] = 2; source->ParamIndices["cScaleIn"] = 3; source->ParamIndices["cHmdWarpParam"] = 4; addSource(source); } { CSource *source = new CSource(); source->Profile = ps_2_0; source->Features.MaterialFlags = CProgramFeatures::TextureStages; source->setSourcePtr(g_StereoOVR_ps_2_0); source->ParamIndices["cLensCenter"] = 0; source->ParamIndices["cScreenCenter"] = 1; source->ParamIndices["cScale"] = 2; source->ParamIndices["cScaleIn"] = 3; source->ParamIndices["cHmdWarpParam"] = 4; addSource(source); } } virtual ~CPixelProgramOVR() { } virtual void buildInfo() { CPixelProgram::buildInfo(); m_OVRIndices.LensCenter = getUniformIndex("cLensCenter"); nlassert(m_OVRIndices.LensCenter != std::numeric_limits::max()); m_OVRIndices.ScreenCenter = getUniformIndex("cScreenCenter"); nlassert(m_OVRIndices.ScreenCenter != std::numeric_limits::max()); m_OVRIndices.Scale = getUniformIndex("cScale"); nlassert(m_OVRIndices.Scale != std::numeric_limits::max()); m_OVRIndices.ScaleIn = getUniformIndex("cScaleIn"); nlassert(m_OVRIndices.ScaleIn != std::numeric_limits::max()); m_OVRIndices.HmdWarpParam = getUniformIndex("cHmdWarpParam"); nlassert(m_OVRIndices.HmdWarpParam != std::numeric_limits::max()); } inline const COVRIndices &ovrIndices() { return m_OVRIndices; } private: COVRIndices m_OVRIndices; }; void CStereoOVR::setDriver(NL3D::UDriver *driver) { nlassert(!m_PixelProgram); NL3D::IDriver *drvInternal = (static_cast(driver))->getDriver(); if (drvInternal->supportBloomEffect() && drvInternal->supportNonPowerOfTwoTextures()) { m_PixelProgram = new CPixelProgramOVR(); if (!drvInternal->compilePixelProgram(m_PixelProgram)) { m_PixelProgram.kill(); } } if (m_PixelProgram) { m_Driver = driver; /*m_BarrelTex = new CTextureBloom(); // lol bloom m_BarrelTex->setRenderTarget(true); m_BarrelTex->setReleasable(false); m_BarrelTex->resize(m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.HResolution, m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.VResolution); m_BarrelTex->setFilterMode(ITexture::Linear, ITexture::LinearMipMapOff); m_BarrelTex->setWrapS(ITexture::Clamp); m_BarrelTex->setWrapT(ITexture::Clamp); drvInternal->setupTexture(*m_BarrelTex); m_BarrelTexU = new CTextureUser(m_BarrelTex);*/ m_BarrelMat = m_Driver->createMaterial(); m_BarrelMat.initUnlit(); m_BarrelMat.setColor(CRGBA::White); m_BarrelMat.setBlend (false); m_BarrelMat.setAlphaTest (false); NL3D::CMaterial *barrelMat = m_BarrelMat.getObjectPtr(); barrelMat->setShader(NL3D::CMaterial::Normal); barrelMat->setBlendFunc(CMaterial::one, CMaterial::zero); barrelMat->setZWrite(false); barrelMat->setZFunc(CMaterial::always); barrelMat->setDoubleSided(true); // barrelMat->setTexture(0, m_BarrelTex); m_BarrelQuadLeft.V0 = CVector(0.f, 0.f, 0.5f); m_BarrelQuadLeft.V1 = CVector(0.5f, 0.f, 0.5f); m_BarrelQuadLeft.V2 = CVector(0.5f, 1.f, 0.5f); m_BarrelQuadLeft.V3 = CVector(0.f, 1.f, 0.5f); m_BarrelQuadRight.V0 = CVector(0.5f, 0.f, 0.5f); m_BarrelQuadRight.V1 = CVector(1.f, 0.f, 0.5f); m_BarrelQuadRight.V2 = CVector(1.f, 1.f, 0.5f); m_BarrelQuadRight.V3 = CVector(0.5f, 1.f, 0.5f); // nlassert(!drvInternal->isTextureRectangle(m_BarrelTex)); // not allowed m_BarrelQuadLeft.Uv0 = CUV(0.f, 0.f); m_BarrelQuadLeft.Uv1 = CUV(0.5f, 0.f); m_BarrelQuadLeft.Uv2 = CUV(0.5f, 1.f); m_BarrelQuadLeft.Uv3 = CUV(0.f, 1.f); m_BarrelQuadRight.Uv0 = CUV(0.5f, 0.f); m_BarrelQuadRight.Uv1 = CUV(1.f, 0.f); m_BarrelQuadRight.Uv2 = CUV(1.f, 1.f); m_BarrelQuadRight.Uv3 = CUV(0.5f, 1.f); } else { nlwarning("VR: No pixel program support"); } } bool CStereoOVR::getScreenResolution(uint &width, uint &height) { width = m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.HResolution; height = m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.VResolution; return true; } void CStereoOVR::initCamera(uint cid, const NL3D::UCamera *camera) { m_OriginalFrustum[cid] = camera->getFrustum(); float ar = (float)m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.HResolution / ((float)m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.VResolution * 2.0f); float fov = 2.0f * atanf((m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.HScreenSize * 0.5f * 0.5f) / (m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.EyeToScreenDistance)); //(float)NLMISC::Pi/2.f; // 2.0f * atanf(m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.VScreenSize / 2.0f * m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.EyeToScreenDistance); m_LeftFrustum[cid].initPerspective(fov, ar, camera->getFrustum().Near, camera->getFrustum().Far); m_RightFrustum[cid] = m_LeftFrustum[cid]; float viewCenter = m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.HScreenSize * 0.25f; float eyeProjectionShift = viewCenter - m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.LensSeparationDistance * 0.5f; // docs say LensSeparationDistance, why not InterpupillaryDistance? related to how the lenses work? float projectionCenterOffset = (eyeProjectionShift / (m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.HScreenSize * 0.5f)) * (m_LeftFrustum[cid].Right - m_LeftFrustum[cid].Left); // used logic for this one, but it ends up being the same as the one i made up nldebug("OVR: projectionCenterOffset = %f", projectionCenterOffset); m_LeftFrustum[cid].Left -= projectionCenterOffset; m_LeftFrustum[cid].Right -= projectionCenterOffset; m_RightFrustum[cid].Left += projectionCenterOffset; m_RightFrustum[cid].Right += projectionCenterOffset; // TODO: Clipping frustum should also take into account the IPD m_ClippingFrustum[cid] = m_LeftFrustum[cid]; m_ClippingFrustum[cid].Left = min(m_LeftFrustum[cid].Left, m_RightFrustum[cid].Left); m_ClippingFrustum[cid].Right = max(m_LeftFrustum[cid].Right, m_RightFrustum[cid].Right); } /// Get the frustum to use for clipping void CStereoOVR::getClippingFrustum(uint cid, NL3D::UCamera *camera) const { camera->setFrustum(m_ClippingFrustum[cid]); } /// Get the original frustum of the camera void CStereoOVR::getOriginalFrustum(uint cid, NL3D::UCamera *camera) const { camera->setFrustum(m_OriginalFrustum[cid]); } void CStereoOVR::updateCamera(uint cid, const NL3D::UCamera *camera) { if (camera->getFrustum().Near != m_LeftFrustum[cid].Near || camera->getFrustum().Far != m_LeftFrustum[cid].Far) CStereoOVR::initCamera(cid, camera); m_CameraMatrix[cid] = camera->getMatrix(); } bool CStereoOVR::nextPass() { // Do not allow weird stuff. uint32 width, height; m_Driver->getWindowSize(width, height); // nlassert(width == m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.HResolution); // nlassert(height == m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.VResolution); if (m_Driver->getPolygonMode() == UDriver::Filled) { switch (m_Stage) // Previous stage { case 0: m_Stage += 2; m_SubStage = 0; // stage 2: // draw interface 2d (onto render target) return true; case 2: ++m_Stage; m_SubStage = 0; // stage 3: // (initBloom) // clear buffer // draw scene left return true; case 3: ++m_Stage; m_SubStage = 0; // stage 4: // draw scene right return true; case 4: ++m_Stage; m_SubStage = 0; // stage 5: // (endBloom) // draw interface 3d left return true; case 5: ++m_Stage; m_SubStage = 0; // stage 6: // draw interface 3d right return true; /*case 6: ++m_Stage; m_SubStage = 0; // stage 7: // (endInterfacesDisplayBloom) // draw interface 2d left return true; case 7: ++m_Stage; m_SubStage = 0; // stage 8: // draw interface 2d right return true;*/ case 6: m_Stage = 0; m_SubStage = 0; // present m_OrientationCached = false; return false; } } else { switch (m_Stage) { case 0: ++m_Stage; m_SubStage = 0; return true; case 1: m_Stage = 0; m_SubStage = 0; return false; } } nlerror("Invalid stage"); m_Stage = 0; m_SubStage = 0; m_OrientationCached = false; return false; } const NL3D::CViewport &CStereoOVR::getCurrentViewport() const { if (m_Stage == 2) return m_RegularViewport; else if (m_Stage % 2) return m_LeftViewport; else return m_RightViewport; } const NL3D::CFrustum &CStereoOVR::getCurrentFrustum(uint cid) const { if (m_Stage == 2) return m_OriginalFrustum[cid]; else if (m_Stage % 2) return m_LeftFrustum[cid]; else return m_RightFrustum[cid]; } void CStereoOVR::getCurrentFrustum(uint cid, NL3D::UCamera *camera) const { if (m_Stage == 2) camera->setFrustum(m_OriginalFrustum[cid]); else if (m_Stage % 2) camera->setFrustum(m_LeftFrustum[cid]); else camera->setFrustum(m_RightFrustum[cid]); } void CStereoOVR::getCurrentMatrix(uint cid, NL3D::UCamera *camera) const { CMatrix translate; if (m_Stage == 2) { } else if (m_Stage % 2) translate.translate(CVector((m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.InterpupillaryDistance * m_Scale) * -0.5f, 0.f, 0.f)); else translate.translate(CVector((m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.InterpupillaryDistance * m_Scale) * 0.5f, 0.f, 0.f)); CMatrix mat = m_CameraMatrix[cid] * translate; if (camera->getTransformMode() == NL3D::UTransformable::RotQuat) { camera->setPos(mat.getPos()); camera->setRotQuat(mat.getRot()); } else { // camera->setTransformMode(NL3D::UTransformable::DirectMatrix); camera->setMatrix(mat); } } bool CStereoOVR::wantClear() { switch (m_Stage) { case 3: m_SubStage = 1; return true; } return m_Driver->getPolygonMode() != UDriver::Filled; } bool CStereoOVR::wantScene() { switch (m_Stage) { case 3: case 4: m_SubStage = 2; return true; } return m_Driver->getPolygonMode() != UDriver::Filled; } bool CStereoOVR::wantInterface3D() { switch (m_Stage) { case 5: case 6: m_SubStage = 3; return true; } return m_Driver->getPolygonMode() != UDriver::Filled; } bool CStereoOVR::wantInterface2D() { switch (m_Stage) { case 2: m_SubStage = 4; return true; } return m_Driver->getPolygonMode() != UDriver::Filled; } /// Returns non-NULL if a new render target was set bool CStereoOVR::beginRenderTarget() { // render target always set before driver clear // nlassert(m_SubStage <= 1); // Set GUI render target if (m_Driver && m_Stage == 2 && (m_Driver->getPolygonMode() == UDriver::Filled)) { nlassert(!m_GUITexture); uint32 width, height; m_Driver->getWindowSize(width, height); m_GUITexture = m_Driver->getRenderTargetManager().getRenderTarget(width, height, true, UTexture::RGBA8888); static_cast(m_Driver)->setRenderTarget(*m_GUITexture); m_Driver->clearBuffers(NLMISC::CRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0)); return true; } // Begin 3D scene render target if (m_Driver && m_Stage == 3 && (m_Driver->getPolygonMode() == UDriver::Filled)) { nlassert(!m_SceneTexture); uint32 width, height; m_Driver->getWindowSize(width, height); // Temporary limitation, TODO: scaling! m_SceneTexture = m_Driver->getRenderTargetManager().getRenderTarget(width, height); static_cast(m_Driver)->setRenderTarget(*m_SceneTexture); return true; } return false; } void CStereoOVR::setInterfaceMatrix(const NL3D::CMatrix &matrix) { m_InterfaceCameraMatrix = matrix; } void CStereoOVR::renderGUI() { /*CMatrix mat; mat.translate(m_InterfaceCameraMatrix.getPos()); CVector dir = m_InterfaceCameraMatrix.getJ(); dir.z = 0; dir.normalize(); if (dir.y < 0) mat.rotateZ(float(NLMISC::Pi+asin(dir.x))); else mat.rotateZ(float(NLMISC::Pi+NLMISC::Pi-asin(dir.x))); m_Driver->setModelMatrix(mat);*/ m_Driver->setModelMatrix(m_InterfaceCameraMatrix); { NLMISC::CLine line(NLMISC::CVector(0, 5, 2), NLMISC::CVector(0, 5, 3)); NL3D::UMaterial mat = m_Driver->createMaterial(); mat.setZWrite(false); // mat.setZFunc(UMaterial::always); // Not nice! mat.setDoubleSided(true); mat.setColor(NLMISC::CRGBA::Red); mat.setBlend(false); m_Driver->drawLine(line, mat); m_Driver->deleteMaterial(mat); } { nlassert(m_GUITexture); NLMISC::CQuadUV quad; NL3D::UMaterial umat = m_Driver->createMaterial(); umat.initUnlit(); umat.setColor(NLMISC::CRGBA::White); umat.setDoubleSided(true); umat.setBlend(true); umat.setAlphaTest(false); NL3D::CMaterial *mat = umat.getObjectPtr(); mat->setShader(NL3D::CMaterial::Normal); mat->setBlendFunc(CMaterial::one, CMaterial::TBlend::invsrcalpha); mat->setZWrite(false); // mat->setZFunc(CMaterial::always); // Not nice mat->setDoubleSided(true); mat->setTexture(0, m_GUITexture->getITexture()); // user options float scale = 1.0f; float distance = 1.5f; float offcenter = 0.75f; float height = scale * distance * 2.0f; uint32 winw, winh; m_Driver->getWindowSize(winw, winh); float width = height * (float)winw / (float)winh; float bottom = -(height * 0.5f); float top = (height * 0.5f); NLMISC::CQuadUV quadUV; quadUV.V0 = CVector(-(width * 0.5f), distance, -(height * 0.5f)); quadUV.V1 = CVector((width * 0.5f), distance, -(height * 0.5f)); quadUV.V2 = CVector((width * 0.5f), distance, (height * 0.5f)); quadUV.V3 = CVector(-(width * 0.5f), distance, (height * 0.5f)); quadUV.Uv0 = CUV(0.f, 0.f); quadUV.Uv1 = CUV(1.f, 0.f); quadUV.Uv2 = CUV(1.f, 1.f); quadUV.Uv3 = CUV(0.f, 1.f); const uint nbQuads = 128; static CVertexBuffer vb; static CIndexBuffer ib; vb.setVertexFormat(CVertexBuffer::PositionFlag | CVertexBuffer::TexCoord0Flag); vb.setPreferredMemory(CVertexBuffer::RAMVolatile, false); vb.setNumVertices((nbQuads + 1) * 2); { CVertexBufferReadWrite vba; vb.lock(vba); float radius = distance + offcenter; float relWidth = width / radius; float quadWidth = relWidth / (float)nbQuads; for (uint i = 0; i < nbQuads + 1; ++i) { uint vi0 = i * 2; uint vi1 = vi0 + 1; float lineH = -(relWidth * 0.5f) + quadWidth * (float)i; float lineUV = (float)i / (float)(nbQuads); float left = sin(lineH) * radius; float forward = cos(lineH) * radius; vba.setVertexCoord(vi0, left, forward - offcenter, bottom); vba.setTexCoord(vi0, 0, lineUV, 0.0f); vba.setVertexCoord(vi1, left, forward - offcenter, top); vba.setTexCoord(vi1, 0, lineUV, 1.0f); } } ib.setFormat(NL_DEFAULT_INDEX_BUFFER_FORMAT); ib.setPreferredMemory(CIndexBuffer::RAMVolatile, false); ib.setNumIndexes(nbQuads * 6); { CIndexBufferReadWrite iba; ib.lock(iba); for (uint i = 0; i < nbQuads; ++i) { uint ti0 = i * 2; uint ti1 = ti0 + 1; uint bl = ti0; uint tl = ti0 + 1; uint br = ti0 + 2; uint tr = ti0 + 3; iba.setTri(ti0 * 3, bl, tl, br); iba.setTri(ti1 * 3, br, tl, tr); } } IDriver *driver = static_cast(m_Driver)->getDriver(); // m_Driver->setPolygonMode(UDriver::Line); driver->activeVertexBuffer(vb); driver->activeIndexBuffer(ib); driver->renderTriangles(*umat.getObjectPtr(), 0, nbQuads * 2); //renderRawQuads(umat, 0, 128); // m_Driver->setPolygonMode(UDriver::Filled); // m_Driver->drawQuad(quadUV, umat); m_Driver->deleteMaterial(umat); } } /// Returns true if a render target was fully drawn bool CStereoOVR::endRenderTarget() { // after rendering of course // nlassert(m_SubStage > 1); // End GUI render target if (m_Driver && m_Stage == 2 && (m_Driver->getPolygonMode() == UDriver::Filled)) { // End GUI render target nlassert(m_GUITexture); CTextureUser texNull; (static_cast(m_Driver))->setRenderTarget(texNull); } // End of 3D Interface pass left if (m_Driver && m_Stage == 5 && (m_Driver->getPolygonMode() == UDriver::Filled)) { // Render 2D GUI in 3D space, assume existing camera is OK renderGUI(); } // End of 3D Interface pass right if (m_Driver && m_Stage == 6 && (m_Driver->getPolygonMode() == UDriver::Filled)) { // Render 2D GUI in 3D space, assume existing camera is OK renderGUI(); // Recycle render target m_Driver->getRenderTargetManager().recycleRenderTarget(m_GUITexture); m_GUITexture = NULL; } // End 3D scene render target if (m_Driver && m_Stage == 6 && (m_Driver->getPolygonMode() == UDriver::Filled)) // set to 4 to turn off distortion of 2d gui { nlassert(m_SceneTexture); CTextureUser texNull; (static_cast(m_Driver))->setRenderTarget(texNull); bool fogEnabled = m_Driver->fogEnabled(); m_Driver->enableFog(false); m_Driver->setMatrixMode2D11(); CViewport vp = CViewport(); m_Driver->setViewport(vp); uint32 width, height; m_Driver->getWindowSize(width, height); NL3D::IDriver *drvInternal = (static_cast(m_Driver))->getDriver(); NL3D::CMaterial *barrelMat = m_BarrelMat.getObjectPtr(); barrelMat->setTexture(0, m_SceneTexture->getITexture()); drvInternal->activePixelProgram(m_PixelProgram); float w = float(m_BarrelQuadLeft.V1.x),// / float(width), h = float(m_BarrelQuadLeft.V2.y),// / float(height), x = float(m_BarrelQuadLeft.V0.x),/// / float(width), y = float(m_BarrelQuadLeft.V0.y);// / float(height); float lensOffset = m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.LensSeparationDistance * 0.5f; float lensShift = m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.HScreenSize * 0.25f - lensOffset; float lensViewportShift = 4.0f * lensShift / m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.HScreenSize; float lensCenterX = x + (w + lensViewportShift * 0.5f) * 0.5f; float lensCenterY = y + h * 0.5f; float screenCenterX = x + w * 0.5f; float screenCenterY = y + h * 0.5f; float scaleX = (w / 2); float scaleY = (h / 2); float scaleInX = (2 / w); float scaleInY = (2 / h); drvInternal->setUniform2f(IDriver::PixelProgram, m_PixelProgram->ovrIndices().LensCenter, lensCenterX, lensCenterY); drvInternal->setUniform2f(IDriver::PixelProgram, m_PixelProgram->ovrIndices().ScreenCenter, screenCenterX, screenCenterY); drvInternal->setUniform2f(IDriver::PixelProgram, m_PixelProgram->ovrIndices().Scale, scaleX, scaleY); drvInternal->setUniform2f(IDriver::PixelProgram, m_PixelProgram->ovrIndices().ScaleIn, scaleInX, scaleInY); drvInternal->setUniform4fv(IDriver::PixelProgram, m_PixelProgram->ovrIndices().HmdWarpParam, 1, m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.DistortionK); m_Driver->drawQuad(m_BarrelQuadLeft, m_BarrelMat); x = w; lensCenterX = x + (w - lensViewportShift * 0.5f) * 0.5f; screenCenterX = x + w * 0.5f; drvInternal->setUniform2f(IDriver::PixelProgram, m_PixelProgram->ovrIndices().LensCenter, lensCenterX, lensCenterY); drvInternal->setUniform2f(IDriver::PixelProgram, m_PixelProgram->ovrIndices().ScreenCenter, screenCenterX, screenCenterY); m_Driver->drawQuad(m_BarrelQuadRight, m_BarrelMat); drvInternal->activePixelProgram(NULL); m_Driver->enableFog(fogEnabled); // Recycle render target m_Driver->getRenderTargetManager().recycleRenderTarget(m_SceneTexture); m_SceneTexture = NULL; return true; } return false; } NLMISC::CQuat CStereoOVR::getOrientation() const { if (m_OrientationCached) return m_OrientationCache; OVR::Quatf quatovr = m_DevicePtr->SensorFusion.GetPredictedOrientation(); NLMISC::CMatrix coordsys; float csys[] = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, }; coordsys.set(csys); NLMISC::CMatrix matovr; matovr.setRot(NLMISC::CQuat(quatovr.x, quatovr.y, quatovr.z, quatovr.w)); NLMISC::CMatrix matr; matr.rotateX(NLMISC::Pi * 0.5f); // fix this properly... :) (note: removing this allows you to use rift while lying down) NLMISC::CMatrix matnel = matr * matovr * coordsys; NLMISC::CQuat finalquat = matnel.getRot(); m_OrientationCache = finalquat; m_OrientationCached = true; return finalquat; } /// Get GUI shift void CStereoOVR::getInterface2DShift(uint cid, float &x, float &y, float distance) const { #if 0 // todo: take into account m_EyePosition NLMISC::CVector vector = CVector(0.f, -distance, 0.f); NLMISC::CQuat rot = getOrientation(); rot.invert(); NLMISC::CMatrix mat; mat.rotate(rot); //if (m_Stage % 2) mat.translate(CVector(m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.InterpupillaryDistance * -0.5f, 0.f, 0.f)); //else mat.translate(CVector(m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.InterpupillaryDistance * 0.5f, 0.f, 0.f)); mat.translate(vector); CVector proj = CStereoOVR::getCurrentFrustum(cid).project(mat.getPos()); NLMISC::CVector ipd; if (m_Stage % 2) ipd = CVector(m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.InterpupillaryDistance * -0.5f, 0.f, 0.f); else ipd = CVector(m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.InterpupillaryDistance * 0.5f, 0.f, 0.f); CVector projipd = CStereoOVR::getCurrentFrustum(cid).project(vector + ipd); CVector projvec = CStereoOVR::getCurrentFrustum(cid).project(vector); x = (proj.x + projipd.x - projvec.x - 0.5f); y = (proj.y + projipd.y - projvec.y - 0.5f); #elif 1 // Alternative method // todo: take into account m_EyePosition NLMISC::CVector vec = CVector(0.f, -distance, 0.f); NLMISC::CVector ipd; if (m_Stage % 2) ipd = CVector((m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.InterpupillaryDistance * m_Scale) * -0.5f, 0.f, 0.f); else ipd = CVector((m_DevicePtr->HMDInfo.InterpupillaryDistance * m_Scale) * 0.5f, 0.f, 0.f); NLMISC::CQuat rot = getOrientation(); NLMISC::CQuat modrot = NLMISC::CQuat(CVector(0.f, 1.f, 0.f), NLMISC::Pi); rot = rot * modrot; float p = NLMISC::Pi + atan2f(2.0f * ((rot.x * rot.y) + (rot.z * rot.w)), 1.0f - 2.0f * ((rot.y * rot.y) + (rot.w * rot.w))); if (p > NLMISC::Pi) p -= NLMISC::Pi * 2.0f; float t = -atan2f(2.0f * ((rot.x * rot.w) + (rot.y * rot.z)), 1.0f - 2.0f * ((rot.z * rot.z) + (rot.w * rot.w)));// // asinf(2.0f * ((rot.x * rot.z) - (rot.w * rot.y))); CVector rotshift = CVector(p, 0.f, t) * -distance; CVector proj = CStereoOVR::getCurrentFrustum(cid).project(vec + ipd + rotshift); x = (proj.x - 0.5f); y = (proj.y - 0.5f); #endif } void CStereoOVR::setEyePosition(const NLMISC::CVector &v) { m_EyePosition = v; } const NLMISC::CVector &CStereoOVR::getEyePosition() const { return m_EyePosition; } void CStereoOVR::setScale(float s) { m_EyePosition = m_EyePosition * (s / m_Scale); m_Scale = s; } void CStereoOVR::listDevices(std::vector &devicesOut) { s_StereoOVRSystem.Init(); OVR::DeviceEnumerator devices = s_DeviceManager->EnumerateDevices(); uint id = 1; do { CStereoDeviceInfo deviceInfoOut; OVR::DeviceInfo deviceInfo; if (devices.IsAvailable()) { devices.GetDeviceInfo(&deviceInfo); CStereoOVRDeviceHandle *handle = new CStereoOVRDeviceHandle(); deviceInfoOut.Factory = static_cast(handle); handle->DeviceHandle = devices; deviceInfoOut.Class = CStereoDeviceInfo::StereoHMD; // 1; // OVR::HMDDevice deviceInfoOut.Library = CStereoDeviceInfo::OVR; // "Oculus SDK"; deviceInfoOut.Manufacturer = deviceInfo.Manufacturer; deviceInfoOut.ProductName = deviceInfo.ProductName; deviceInfoOut.AllowAuto = true; stringstream ser; ser << id; deviceInfoOut.Serial = ser.str(); // can't get the real serial from the sdk... devicesOut.push_back(deviceInfoOut); ++id; } } while (devices.Next()); } bool CStereoOVR::isLibraryInUse() { nlassert(s_DeviceCounter >= 0); return s_DeviceCounter > 0; } void CStereoOVR::releaseLibrary() { nlassert(s_DeviceCounter == 0); s_StereoOVRSystem.Release(); } bool CStereoOVR::isDeviceCreated() { return m_DevicePtr->HMDDevice != NULL; } } /* namespace NL3D */ #endif /* HAVE_LIBOVR */ /* end of file */