// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This source file has been modified by the following contributors: // Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Laszlo KIS-ADAM (dfighter) // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdpch.h" #include "nel/gui/interface_group.h" #include "nel/gui/interface_property.h" #include "nel/gui/view_renderer.h" #include "nel/gui/widget_manager.h" #include "nel/gui/db_manager.h" #include "nel/gui/interface_link.h" #include "nel/misc/xml_auto_ptr.h" #include "nel/gui/lua_ihm.h" #include "nel/gui/lua_ihm.h" #include "nel/misc/mem_stream.h" // using namespace std; using namespace NLMISC; #ifdef DEBUG_NEW #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif namespace NLGUI { bool CInterfaceElement::editorMode = false; std::vector< CInterfaceElement::IDeletionWatcher* > CInterfaceElement::deletionWatchers; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CInterfaceElement::~CInterfaceElement() { if (_Links) // remove any link that point to that element { for(TLinkVect::iterator it = _Links->begin(); it != _Links->end(); ++it) { (*it)->removeTarget(this); } delete _Links; } if( editorMode ) { notifyDeletionWatchers(); if( _Parent != NULL ) _Parent->onWidgetDeleted( this ); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceElement::parseError(CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup, const char *reason) { string tmp = string("cannot parse view:")+getId()+", parent:"+parentGroup->getId(); nlinfo(tmp.c_str()); if (reason) nlinfo("reason : %s", reason); } void CInterfaceElement::setIdRecurse(const std::string &newID) { std::string baseId = _Parent ? _Parent->getId() : "ui"; setId(baseId + ":" + newID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::string CInterfaceElement::getShortId() const { std::string::size_type last = _Id.find_last_of(':'); if (last != std::string::npos) { return _Id.substr(last + 1); } return _Id; } std::string CInterfaceElement::stripId( const std::string &fullId ) { std::string id = fullId; std::string::size_type i = id.find_last_of( ':' ); if( i != std::string::npos ) id = id.substr( i + 1, id.size() - 1 ); return id; } std::string CInterfaceElement::getProperty( const std::string &name ) const { if( name == "id" ) { return stripId( getId() ); } else if( name == "active" ) { if( getActive() ) return "true"; else return "false"; } else if( name == "x" ) { return NLMISC::toString( getX() ); } else if( name == "y" ) { return NLMISC::toString( getY() ); } else if( name == "w" ) { return NLMISC::toString( getW() ); } else if( name == "h" ) { return NLMISC::toString( getH() ); } else if( name == "posref" ) { std::string posref; posref += HotSpotToString( getPosRef() ); return posref; } else if( name == "parentposref" ) { std::string parentPosRef; parentPosRef = HotSpotToString( getParentPosRef() ); return parentPosRef; } else if( name == "sizeref" ) { return getSizeRefAsString( _SizeRef, _SizeDivW, _SizeDivH ); } if( name == "posparent" ) { std::string pp; getPosParent( pp ); return pp; } else if( name == "sizeparent" ) { std::string sp; getSizeParent( sp ); return sp; } else if( name == "global_color" ) { return toString( _ModulateGlobalColor ); } else if( name == "render_layer" ) { return toString( _RenderLayer ); } else if( name == "avoid_resize_parent" ) { return toString( _AvoidResizeParent ); } else { nlwarning( "Invalid property '%s' queried for widget '%s'", name.c_str(), _Id.c_str() ); return ""; } } void CInterfaceElement::setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value ) { if( name == "id" ) { setIdRecurse( stripId( value ) ); return; } else if( name == "active" ) { bool b; if( fromString( value, b ) ) setActive( b ); return; } else if( name == "x" ) { sint32 x; if( fromString( value, x ) ) setX( x ); return; } else if( name == "y" ) { sint32 y; if( fromString( value, y ) ) setY( y ); return; } else if( name == "w" ) { sint32 w; if( fromString( value, w ) ) setW( w ); return; } else if( name == "h" ) { sint32 h; if( fromString( value, h ) ) setH( h ); return; } else if( name == "posref" ) { _PosRef = convertHotSpot( value.c_str() ); return; } else if( name == "parentposref" ) { _ParentPosRef = convertHotSpot( value.c_str() ); } else if( name == "sizeref" ) { parseSizeRef( value.c_str() ); return; } if( name == "posparent" ) { setPosParent( value ); return; } else if( name == "sizeparent" ) { setSizeParent( value ); return; } else if( name == "global_color" ) { bool b; if( fromString( value, b ) ) setModulateGlobalColor( b ); return; } else if( name == "render_layer" ) { sint8 l; if( fromString( value, l ) ) setRenderLayer( l ); return; } else if( name == "avoid_resize_parent" ) { bool b; if( fromString( value, b ) ) setAvoidResizeParent( b ); return; } else nlwarning( "Tried to set invalid property '%s' for widget '%s'", name.c_str(), _Id.c_str() ); } xmlNodePtr CInterfaceElement::serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const { xmlNodePtr node = xmlNewNode( NULL, BAD_CAST type ); if( node == NULL ) return NULL; xmlAddChild( parentNode, node ); xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "id", BAD_CAST stripId( getId() ).c_str() ); xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "active", BAD_CAST toString( _Active ).c_str() ); xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "x", BAD_CAST toString( _X ).c_str() ); xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "y", BAD_CAST toString( _Y ).c_str() ); xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "w", BAD_CAST toString( _W ).c_str() ); xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "h", BAD_CAST toString( _H ).c_str() ); xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "posref", BAD_CAST HotSpotCoupleToString( _ParentPosRef, _PosRef ).c_str() ); std::string pp; getPosParent( pp ); xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "posparent", BAD_CAST pp.c_str() ); xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "sizeref", BAD_CAST getSizeRefAsString().c_str() ); getSizeParent( pp ); xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "sizeparent", BAD_CAST pp.c_str() ); xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "global_color", BAD_CAST toString( _ModulateGlobalColor ).c_str() ); xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "render_layer", BAD_CAST toString( _RenderLayer ).c_str() ); xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "avoid_resize_parent", BAD_CAST toString( _AvoidResizeParent ).c_str() ); return node; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CInterfaceElement::parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup) { // parse the basic properties CXMLAutoPtr ptr((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"id" )); if (ptr) { if (parentGroup) { _Id = ( (CInterfaceElement*)parentGroup )->_Id; } else { _Id ="ui"; } _Id += ":"+ string((const char*)ptr); } else { nlinfo(" error no id in an element"); return false; } ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"active" ); _Active = true; if (ptr) { _Active = convertBool(ptr); } _Parent = parentGroup; // parse location. If these properties are not specified, set them to 0 ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"x" ); _X = 0; if (ptr) fromString((const char*)ptr, _X); ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"y" ); _Y = 0; if (ptr) fromString((const char*)ptr, _Y); ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"w" ); _W = 0; if (parentGroup != NULL) _W = parentGroup->getW(); if (ptr) fromString((const char*)ptr, _W); ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"h" ); _H = 0; if (parentGroup != NULL) _H = parentGroup->getH(); if (ptr) fromString((const char*)ptr, _H); // snapping // ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"snap" ); // _Snap = 1; // if (ptr) // fromString((const char*)ptr, _Snap); // if (_Snap <= 0) // { // parseError(parentGroup, "snap must be > 0" ); // return false; // } ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*) "posref" ); _ParentPosRef = Hotspot_BL; _PosRef = Hotspot_BL; if (ptr) { convertHotSpotCouple(ptr.getDatas(), _ParentPosRef, _PosRef); } ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"posparent" ); if (ptr) { parsePosParent( (const char*)ptr ); } ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"sizeparent" ); if (ptr) { parseSizeParent( (const char*)ptr ); } ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"sizeref"); _SizeRef = 0; _SizeDivW = 10; _SizeDivH = 10; if (ptr) { parseSizeRef(ptr.getDatas()); } // snapSize(); ptr= (char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"global_color"); if(ptr) { _ModulateGlobalColor= convertBool(ptr); } ptr= (char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"render_layer"); if(ptr) fromString((const char*)ptr, _RenderLayer); ptr= (char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"avoid_resize_parent"); if(ptr) _AvoidResizeParent= convertBool(ptr); return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceElement::setSizeRef(const std::string &sizeref) { parseSizeRef(sizeref.c_str()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::string CInterfaceElement::getSizeRefAsString() const { return getSizeRefAsString( _SizeRef, _SizeDivW, _SizeDivH ); } std::string CInterfaceElement::getSizeRefAsString( const sint32 &sizeRef, const sint32 &sizeDivW, sint32 const &sizeDivH ) const { std::string s; if( ( sizeRef & 1 ) != 0 ) { s += "w"; if( sizeDivW < 10 ) s += toString( sizeDivW ); } if( ( _SizeRef & 2 ) != 0 ) { s += "h"; if( sizeDivH < 10 ) s += toString( sizeDivH ); } return s; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceElement::parseSizeRef(const char *sizeRefStr) { parseSizeRef(sizeRefStr, _SizeRef, _SizeDivW, _SizeDivH); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceElement::parseSizeRef(const char *sizeRefStr, sint32 &sizeRef, sint32 &sizeDivW, sint32 &sizeDivH) { nlassert(sizeRefStr); sizeRef = 0; sizeDivW = 10; sizeDivH = 10; sint32 nWhat = 0; const char *seekPtr = sizeRefStr; while (*seekPtr != 0) { if ((*seekPtr=='w')||(*seekPtr=='W')) { sizeRef |= 1; nWhat = 1; } if ((*seekPtr=='h')||(*seekPtr=='H')) { sizeRef |= 2; nWhat = 2; } if ((*seekPtr>='1')&&(*seekPtr<='9')) { if (nWhat != 0) { if (nWhat == 1) sizeDivW = *seekPtr-'0'; if (nWhat == 2) sizeDivH = *seekPtr-'0'; } } ++seekPtr; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sint32 CInterfaceElement::getInnerWidth() const { return _WReal - _MarginLeft; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceElement::updateCoords() { _XReal = _X; _YReal = _Y; _WReal = getW(); _HReal = getH(); CInterfaceElement *el = NULL; // Modif Pos if (_ParentPos != NULL) el = _ParentPos; else el = _Parent; if (el == NULL) return; _XReal += el->_XReal; _YReal += el->_YReal; THotSpot hsParent = _ParentPosRef; if (hsParent & Hotspot_Mx) _YReal += el->_HReal/2; if (hsParent & Hotspot_Tx) _YReal += el->_HReal; if (hsParent & Hotspot_xM) _XReal += el->_WReal/2; if (hsParent & Hotspot_xR) _XReal += el->_WReal; // Modif Size if (_ParentSize != NULL) { el = _ParentSize; } else { if (_ParentPos != NULL) el = _ParentPos; else el = _Parent; } if (el == NULL) return; if (_SizeRef&1) _WReal += _SizeDivW * el->_WReal / 10; if (_SizeRef&2) _HReal += _SizeDivH * el->_HReal / 10; THotSpot hs = _PosRef; if (hs & Hotspot_Mx) _YReal -= _HReal/2; if (hs & Hotspot_Tx) _YReal -= _HReal; if (hs & Hotspot_xM) _XReal -= _WReal/2; if (hs & Hotspot_xR) _XReal -= _WReal; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceElement::getCorner(sint32 &px, sint32 &py, THotSpot hs) { px = _XReal; py = _YReal; if (hs & 1) px += _WReal; if (hs & 2) px += _WReal >> 1; if (hs & 8) py += _HReal; if (hs & 16) py += _HReal >> 1; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceElement::move (sint32 dx, sint32 dy) { _X += dx; _Y += dy; invalidateCoords(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /*void CInterfaceElement::resizeBR (sint32 sizeW, sint32 sizeH) { uint32 i = i / 0; THotSpot hs = _PosRef; sint32 dw = sizeW - _W; sint32 dh = sizeH - _H; sint32 snap = _Snap; nlassert(snap > 0); if (hs&8) // is top ? { sint32 newH = dh + _H; if (snap > 1) newH -= newH % snap; _H = newH; } if (hs&32) // is bottom ? { sint32 newH = dh + _H; if (snap > 1) newH -= newH % snap; _Y = _H - newH + _Y; _H = newH; } if (hs&1) // is right ? { sint32 newW = dw + _W; if (snap > 1) newW -= newW % snap; _X = newW - _W + _X; _W = newW; } if (hs&4) // is left ? { sint32 newW = dw + _W; if (snap > 1) newW -= newW % snap; _W = newW; } // DO NOT TREAT THE MIDDLE HOTSPOT CASE invalidateCoords(); }*/ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /*void CInterfaceElement::snapSize() { sint32 snap = _Snap; nlassert(snap > 0); if (snap > 1) { _W = _W - (_W % snap); _H = _H - (_H % snap); } }*/ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceElement::setW (sint32 w) { _W = w; // sint32 snap = _Snap; // nlassert(snap > 0); // if (snap > 1) // { // _W = _W - (_W % snap); // } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceElement::setH (sint32 h) { _H = h; // sint32 snap = _Snap; // nlassert(snap > 0); // if (snap > 1) // { // _H = _H - (_H % snap); // } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CInterfaceGroup* CInterfaceElement::getRootWindow () { if (_Parent == NULL) return NULL; if (_Parent->getParent() == NULL) return dynamic_cast(this); return _Parent->getRootWindow(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ uint CInterfaceElement::getParentDepth() const { uint depth= 0; CInterfaceGroup *parent= _Parent; while(parent!=NULL) { parent= parent->getParent(); depth++; } return depth; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CInterfaceElement::isActiveThroughParents() const { if(!getActive()) return false; if(_Parent == NULL) return false; // is it the root window? if (_Parent->getParent() == NULL) // yes and getActive() is true => the element is visible! return true; else return _Parent->isActiveThroughParents(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceElement::relativeSInt64Read (CInterfaceProperty &rIP, const string &prop, const char *val, const string &defVal) { if (val == NULL) { rIP.readSInt64 (defVal.c_str(), _Id+":"+prop); } else { if ( isdigit(*val) || *val=='-') { rIP.readSInt64 (val, _Id+":"+prop); return; } sint32 decal = 0; if (val[0] == ':') decal = 1; if (NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(val+decal, false) != NULL) { rIP.readSInt64 (val+decal, _Id+":"+prop); return; } else { string sTmp; CInterfaceElement *pIEL = this; while (pIEL != NULL) { sTmp = pIEL->getId()+":"+string(val+decal); if (NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(sTmp, false) != NULL) { rIP.readSInt64 (sTmp.c_str(), _Id+":"+prop); return; } pIEL = pIEL->getParent(); } rIP.readSInt64 (val+decal, _Id+":"+prop); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceElement::relativeSInt32Read (CInterfaceProperty &rIP, const string &prop, const char *val, const string &defVal) { if (val == NULL) { rIP.readSInt32 (defVal.c_str(), _Id+":"+prop); } else { if ( isdigit(*val) || *val=='-') { rIP.readSInt32 (val, _Id+":"+prop); return; } sint32 decal = 0; if (val[0] == ':') decal = 1; if (NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(val+decal, false) != NULL) { rIP.readSInt32 (val+decal, _Id+":"+prop); return; } else { string sTmp; CInterfaceElement *pIEL = this; while (pIEL != NULL) { sTmp = pIEL->getId()+":"+string(val+decal); if (NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(sTmp, false) != NULL) { rIP.readSInt32 (sTmp.c_str(), _Id+":"+prop); return; } pIEL = pIEL->getParent(); } rIP.readSInt32 (val+decal, _Id+":"+prop); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceElement::relativeBoolRead (CInterfaceProperty &rIP, const string &prop, const char *val, const string &defVal) { if (val == NULL) { rIP.readBool (defVal.c_str(), _Id+":"+prop); } else { sint32 decal = 0; if (val[0] == ':') decal = 1; if (NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(val+decal, false) != NULL) { rIP.readBool (val+decal, _Id+":"+prop); return; } else { string sTmp; CInterfaceElement *pIEL = this; while (pIEL != NULL) { sTmp = pIEL->getId()+":"+string(val+decal); if (NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(sTmp, false) != NULL) { rIP.readBool (sTmp.c_str(), _Id+":"+prop); return; } pIEL = pIEL->getParent(); } rIP.readBool (val+decal, _Id+":"+prop); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceElement::relativeRGBARead(CInterfaceProperty &rIP,const std::string &prop,const char *val,const std::string &defVal) { if (val == NULL) { rIP.readRGBA (defVal.c_str(), _Id+":"+prop); } else { if ( isdigit(*val) || *val=='-') { rIP.readRGBA (val, _Id+":"+prop); return; } sint32 decal = 0; if (val[0] == ':') decal = 1; if (NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(val+decal, false) != NULL) { rIP.readRGBA (val+decal, _Id+":"+prop); return; } else { string sTmp; CInterfaceElement *pIEL = this; while (pIEL != NULL) { sTmp = pIEL->getId()+":"+string(val+decal); if (NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(sTmp, false) != NULL) { rIP.readRGBA (sTmp.c_str(), _Id+":"+prop); return; } pIEL = pIEL->getParent(); } rIP.readRGBA (val+decal, _Id+":"+prop); } } } std::string CInterfaceElement::HotSpotToString( THotSpot spot ) { switch( spot ) { case Hotspot_TL: return "TL"; case Hotspot_TM: return "TM"; case Hotspot_TR: return "TR"; case Hotspot_ML: return "ML"; case Hotspot_MM: return "MM"; case Hotspot_MR: return "MR"; case Hotspot_BL: return "BL"; case Hotspot_BM: return "BM"; case Hotspot_BR: return "BR"; default: break; } return ""; } std::string CInterfaceElement::HotSpotCoupleToString( THotSpot parentPosRef, THotSpot posRef ) { std::string hs; hs = HotSpotToString( parentPosRef ); hs += " "; hs += HotSpotToString( posRef ); return hs; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THotSpot CInterfaceElement::convertHotSpot (const char *ptr) { if ( !strnicmp(ptr,"TL",2) ) { return Hotspot_TL; } else if ( !strnicmp(ptr,"TM",2) ) { return Hotspot_TM; } else if ( !strnicmp(ptr,"TR",2) ) { return Hotspot_TR; } else if ( !strnicmp(ptr,"ML",2) ) { return Hotspot_ML; } else if ( !strnicmp(ptr,"MM",2) ) { return Hotspot_MM; } else if ( !strnicmp(ptr,"MR",2) ) { return Hotspot_MR; } else if ( !strnicmp(ptr,"BL",2) ) { return Hotspot_BL; } else if ( !strnicmp(ptr,"BM",2) ) { return Hotspot_BM; } else if ( !strnicmp(ptr,"BR",2) ) { return Hotspot_BR; } else return Hotspot_BL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceElement::convertHotSpotCouple (const char *ptr, THotSpot &parentPosRef, THotSpot &posRef) { nlassert(ptr); // *** first hotspot // skip any space or tab while(*ptr=='\t' || *ptr==' ') ptr++; // convert first parentPosRef = convertHotSpot (ptr); // *** second hotspot // must be at least 2 letter and a space nlassert(strlen(ptr)>=3); ptr+=3; // skip any space or tab while(*ptr=='\t' || *ptr==' ') ptr++; // convert second posRef = convertHotSpot (ptr); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NLMISC::CRGBA CInterfaceElement::convertColor (const char *ptr) { return NLMISC::CRGBA::stringToRGBA(ptr); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CInterfaceElement::convertBool (const char *ptr) { std::string str = toLower(ptr); bool b = false; fromString( str, b ); return b; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NLMISC::CVector CInterfaceElement::convertVector (const char *ptr) { float x = 0.0f, y = 0.0f, z = 0.0f; sscanf (ptr, "%f %f %f", &x, &y, &z); return CVector(x,y,z); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceElement::convertPixelsOrRatio(const char *ptr, sint32 &pixels, float &ratio) { std::string value = ptr; if (!value.empty()) { if (value[value.size() - 1] == '%') { value.resize(value.size() - 1); fromString(value, ratio); ratio /= 100.f; clamp(ratio, 0.f, 1.f); } else { fromString(value, pixels); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceElement::addLink(CInterfaceLink *link) { nlassert(link != NULL); if (!_Links) { _Links = new TLinkVect; } TLinkSmartPtr linkPtr(link); TLinkVect::const_iterator it = std::find(_Links->begin(), _Links->end(), linkPtr); if (it != _Links->end()) { // Link already appened : this can be the case when a link has several targets property that belong to the same element, in this case, one single ptr in the vector is enough. // nlwarning("Link added twice"); } else { _Links->push_back(linkPtr); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceElement::removeLink(CInterfaceLink *link) { nlassert(link != NULL); if (!_Links) { nlwarning("No link added"); return; } TLinkVect::iterator it = std::find(_Links->begin(), _Links->end(), TLinkSmartPtr(link)); if (it == _Links->end()) { nlwarning("Unknown link"); return; } _Links->erase(it); // kill the smart ptr, maybe deleting the link. if (_Links->empty()) { delete _Links; _Links = NULL; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CInterfaceElement* CInterfaceElement::getMasterGroup() const { if(getParent()==NULL) return const_cast(this); else return getParent()->getMasterGroup(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CInterfaceGroup* CInterfaceElement::getParentContainer() { CInterfaceElement *parent = this; while (parent) { CInterfaceGroup *gc = dynamic_cast< CInterfaceGroup* >( parent ); if( ( gc != NULL ) && gc->isGroupContainer() ) return gc; parent = parent->getParent(); } return NULL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CInterfaceElement::isIn(sint x, sint y) const { return (x >= _XReal) && (x < (_XReal + _WReal))&& (y > _YReal) && (y <= (_YReal+ _HReal)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CInterfaceElement::isIn(sint x, sint y, uint width, uint height) const { return (x + (sint) width) >= _XReal && (y + (sint) height) > _YReal && x < (_XReal + _WReal) && y <= (_YReal + _HReal); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CInterfaceElement::isIn(const CInterfaceElement &other) const { return isIn(other._XReal, other._YReal, other._WReal, other._HReal); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceElement::setActive (bool state) { if (_Active != state) { _Active = state; invalidateCoords(); // force invalidate CViewText/CGroupTable inner elements invalidateContent(); } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceElement::invalidateCoords(uint8 numPass) { // Get the "Root Group" ie the 1st son of the master group of us (eg "ui:interface:rootgroup" ) CInterfaceGroup *parent= getParent(); // if our parent is NULL, then we are the master group (error!) if(parent==NULL) return; // if our grandfather is NULL, then our father is the Master Group => we are the "Root group" if(parent->getParent()==NULL) { parent= dynamic_cast(this); } else { // parent is the root group when is grandFather is NULL while( parent->getParent()->getParent()!=NULL ) { parent= parent->getParent(); } } // invalidate the "root group" if(parent) { uint8 &val= static_cast(parent)->_InvalidCoords; val= max(val, numPass); } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceElement::checkCoords() { } // *************************************************************************** bool CInterfaceElement::isSonOf(const CInterfaceElement *other) const { const CInterfaceElement *currElem = this; do { if (currElem == other) return true; currElem = currElem->_Parent; } while (currElem); return false; } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceElement::resetInvalidCoords() { _InvalidCoords= 0; } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceElement::updateAllLinks() { if (_Links) { for(TLinkVect::iterator it = _Links->begin(); it != _Links->end(); ++it) { (*it)->update(); } } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceElement::copyOptionFrom(const CInterfaceElement &other) { _Active = other._Active; _InvalidCoords = other._InvalidCoords; _XReal = other._XReal; _YReal = other._YReal; _WReal = other._WReal; _HReal = other._HReal; _X = other._X; _Y = other._Y; _XReal = other._XReal; _YReal = other._YReal; _PosRef = other._PosRef; _ParentPosRef = other._ParentPosRef; _SizeRef = other._SizeRef; _SizeDivW = other._SizeDivW; _SizeDivH = other._SizeDivH; _ModulateGlobalColor = other._ModulateGlobalColor; _RenderLayer = other._RenderLayer; } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceElement::center() { // center the pc CViewRenderer &vr = *CViewRenderer::getInstance(); uint32 sw, sh; vr.getScreenSize(sw, sh); setX(sw / 2 - getWReal() / 2); setY(sh / 2 + getHReal() / 2); } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceElement::renderWiredQuads(TRenderWired type, const std::string &uiFilter) { CCtrlBase *ctrlBase = dynamic_cast(this); CInterfaceGroup *groupBase = dynamic_cast(this); if ( ((type == RenderView) && (ctrlBase==NULL) && (groupBase==NULL)) || ((type == RenderCtrl) && (ctrlBase!=NULL) && (groupBase==NULL)) || ((type == RenderGroup) && (ctrlBase!=NULL) && (groupBase!=NULL))) { if (!_Active) return; // if there is an uiFilter, the end of _Id must match it if (!uiFilter.empty() && (uiFilter.size()>_Id.size() || _Id.compare(_Id.size()-uiFilter.size(),string::npos,uiFilter)!=0) ) return; CViewRenderer &vr = *CViewRenderer::getInstance(); vr.drawWiredQuad(_XReal, _YReal, _WReal, _HReal); drawHotSpot(_PosRef, CRGBA::Red); if (_Parent) _Parent->drawHotSpot(_ParentPosRef, CRGBA::Blue); } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceElement::drawHotSpot(THotSpot hs, CRGBA col) { const sint32 radius = 2; sint32 px, py; // if (hs & Hotspot_Bx) { py = _YReal + radius; } else if (hs & Hotspot_Mx) { py = _YReal + _HReal / 2; } else { py = _YReal + _HReal - radius; } // if (hs & Hotspot_xL) { px = _XReal + radius; } else if (hs & Hotspot_xM) { px = _XReal + _WReal / 2; } else { px = _XReal + _WReal - radius; } CViewRenderer &vr = *CViewRenderer::getInstance(); vr.drawFilledQuad(px - radius, py - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2, col); } void CInterfaceElement::drawHighlight() { CViewRenderer::getInstance()->drawWiredQuad( _XReal, _YReal, _WReal, _HReal ); } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceElement::invalidateContent() { CInterfaceElement *elm = this; while (elm) { // Call back elm->onInvalidateContent(); // Get the parent elm = elm->getParent(); } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceElement::visit(CInterfaceElementVisitor *visitor) { nlassert(visitor); visitor->visit(this); } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceElement::serialConfig(NLMISC::IStream &f) { if (f.isReading()) { throw NLMISC::ENewerStream(f); nlassert(0); } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceElement::onFrameUpdateWindowPos(sint dx, sint dy) { _XReal+= dx; _YReal+= dy; } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceElement::dummySet(sint32 /* value */) { nlwarning("Element can't be written."); } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceElement::dummySet(const std::string &/* value */) { nlwarning("Element can't be written."); } // *************************************************************************** int CInterfaceElement::luaUpdateCoords(CLuaState &ls) { CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, "updateCoords", 0); updateCoords(); return 0; } // *************************************************************************** int CInterfaceElement::luaInvalidateCoords(CLuaState &ls) { CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, "updateCoords", 0); invalidateCoords(); return 0; } // *************************************************************************** int CInterfaceElement::luaInvalidateContent(CLuaState &ls) { CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, "invalidateContent", 0); invalidateContent(); return 0; } // *************************************************************************** int CInterfaceElement::luaCenter(CLuaState &ls) { CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, "center", 0); center(); return 0; } // *************************************************************************** int CInterfaceElement::luaSetPosRef(CLuaState &ls) { CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, "setPosRef", 1); CLuaIHM::check(ls, ls.isString(1), "setPosRef() requires a string in param 1"); // get hotspot THotSpot newParentPosRef, newPosRef; convertHotSpotCouple(ls.toString(1), newParentPosRef, newPosRef); // if different from current, set,a nd invalidate coords if(newParentPosRef!=getParentPosRef() || newPosRef!=getPosRef()) { setParentPosRef(newParentPosRef); setPosRef(newPosRef); invalidateCoords(); } return 0; } // *************************************************************************** int CInterfaceElement::luaSetParentPos(CLuaState &ls) { CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, "setParentPos", 1); CInterfaceElement *ie = CLuaIHM::getUIOnStack(ls, 1); if(ie) { setParentPos(ie); } return 0; } // *************************************************************************** CInterfaceElement *CInterfaceElement::clone() { NLMISC::CMemStream dupStream; nlassert(!dupStream.isReading()); CInterfaceGroup *oldParent = _Parent; _Parent = NULL; CInterfaceElement *oldParentPos = _ParentPos; CInterfaceElement *oldParentSize = _ParentSize; if (_ParentPos == oldParent) _ParentPos = NULL; if (_ParentSize == oldParent) _ParentSize = NULL; CInterfaceElement *begunThisCloneWarHas = NULL; try { if (dupStream.isReading()) { dupStream.invert(); } CInterfaceElement *self = this; dupStream.serialPolyPtr(self); std::vector datas(dupStream.length()); std::copy(dupStream.buffer(), dupStream.buffer() + dupStream.length(), datas.begin()); dupStream.resetPtrTable(); dupStream.invert(); dupStream.fill(&datas[0], (uint32)datas.size()); dupStream.serialPolyPtr(begunThisCloneWarHas); } catch(const NLMISC::EStream &) { // no-op -> caller has to handle the failure because NULL will be returned } // _Parent = oldParent; _ParentPos = oldParentPos; _ParentSize = oldParentSize; // return begunThisCloneWarHas; } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceElement::serial(NLMISC::IStream &f) { f.serialPolyPtr(_Parent); f.serial(_Id); f.serial(_Active); f.serial(_InvalidCoords); f.serial(_XReal, _YReal, _WReal, _HReal); f.serial(_X, _Y, _W, _H); f.serialEnum(_PosRef); f.serialEnum(_ParentPosRef); _ParentPos.serialPolyPtr(f); f.serial(_SizeRef); f.serial(_SizeDivW, _SizeDivH); _ParentSize.serialPolyPtr(f); f.serial(_ModulateGlobalColor); f.serial(_RenderLayer); f.serial(_AvoidResizeParent); nlassert(_Links == NULL); // not supported } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceElement::serialAH(NLMISC::IStream &f, IActionHandler *&ah) { std::string ahName; if (f.isReading()) { f.serial(ahName); ah = CAHManager::getInstance()->getActionHandler(ahName); } else { ahName = CAHManager::getInstance()->getActionHandlerName(ah); f.serial(ahName); } } bool CInterfaceElement::isInGroup( CInterfaceGroup *group ) { CInterfaceGroup *parent = getParent(); while( parent != NULL ) { if( parent == group ) return true; else parent = parent->getParent(); } return false; } void CInterfaceElement::parsePosParent( const std::string &id ) { CInterfaceElement *p = getParent(); if( ( id == "parent" ) || ( id.empty() ) ) { setParentPos( p ); return; } std::string ppId; if( p != NULL ) ppId = p->getId() + ":" + id; else ppId = std::string( "ui:" ) + id; CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getParser()->addParentPositionAssociation( this, ppId ); } void CInterfaceElement::setPosParent( const std::string &id ) { // Parent or empty id simply means the group parent if( ( id == "parent" ) || ( id.empty() ) ) { setParentPos( getParent() ); return; } CInterfaceElement *pp = NULL; // Check if it's a short Id std::string::size_type idx = id.find( "ui:" ); if( idx == std::string::npos ) { // If it is, find the widget in the parent group and set as posparent CInterfaceGroup *p = getParent(); if( p != NULL ) { pp = p->findFromShortId( id ); } } else { // If it is not, find using the widgetmanager // TODO: refactor, shouldn't use a singleton pp = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getElementFromId( id ); } if( pp != NULL ) setParentPos( pp ); } void CInterfaceElement::getPosParent( std::string &id ) const { // If there's no pos parent set, then the parent group is the pos parent if( getParentPos() == NULL ) { id = "parent"; return; } // If pos parent and parent are the same then ofc the parent group is the pos parent... CInterfaceElement *p = getParent(); if( getParentPos() == p ) { id = "parent"; return; } // If parent is in the same group, use the short id p = getParentPos(); if( p->isInGroup( getParent() ) ) { id = p->getShortId(); return; } // Otherwise use the full id id = p->getId(); } void CInterfaceElement::parseSizeParent( const std::string &id ) { CInterfaceElement *p = getParent(); if( ( id == "parent" ) || ( id.empty() ) ) { setParentSize( p ); return; } std::string spId; if( p != NULL ) spId = p->getId() + ":" + id; else spId = std::string( "ui:" ) + id; CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getParser()->addParentSizeAssociation( this, spId ); } void CInterfaceElement::setSizeParent( const std::string &id ) { // Parent or empty id simply means the group parent if( ( id == "parent" ) || ( id.empty() ) ) { setParentSize( getParent() ); return; } CInterfaceElement *pp = NULL; // Check if it's a short Id std::string::size_type idx = id.find( "ui:" ); if( idx == std::string::npos ) { // If it is, find the widget in the parent group and set as posparent CInterfaceGroup *p = getParent(); if( p != NULL ) { pp = p->findFromShortId( id ); } } else { // If it is not, find using the widgetmanager // TODO: refactor, shouldn't use a singleton pp = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getElementFromId( id ); } if( pp != NULL ) setParentSize( pp ); } void CInterfaceElement::getSizeParent( std::string &id ) const { CInterfaceElement *p = getParentSize(); // If there's no parent set then the size parent is the parent if( p == NULL ) { id = "parent"; return; } // If the size parent is the same as the group parent, then the size parent is the parent ofc if( p == getParent() ) { id = "parent"; return; } // If the size parent is in the parent group, use the short Id if( p->isInGroup( getParent() ) ) { id = p->getShortId(); return; } // Otherwise use the full Id id = p->getId(); } void CInterfaceElement::registerDeletionWatcher( IDeletionWatcher *watcher ) { std::vector< IDeletionWatcher* >::iterator itr = std::find( deletionWatchers.begin(), deletionWatchers.end(), watcher ); // Already registered if( itr != deletionWatchers.end() ) return; deletionWatchers.push_back( watcher ); } void CInterfaceElement::unregisterDeletionWatcher( IDeletionWatcher *watcher ) { std::vector< IDeletionWatcher* >::iterator itr = std::find( deletionWatchers.begin(), deletionWatchers.end(), watcher ); // Not registered if( itr == deletionWatchers.end() ) return; deletionWatchers.erase( itr ); } void CInterfaceElement::notifyDeletionWatchers() { std::vector< IDeletionWatcher* >::iterator itr = deletionWatchers.begin(); while( itr != deletionWatchers.end() ) { (*itr)->onDeleted( _Id ); ++itr; } } void CInterfaceElement::getHSCoords( const THotSpot &hs, sint32 &x, sint32 &y ) const { x = _XReal; y = _YReal; if( ( hs & Hotspot_Mx ) != 0 ) y += _HReal / 2; else if( ( hs & Hotspot_Tx ) != 0 ) y += _HReal; if( ( hs & Hotspot_xM ) != 0 ) x += _WReal / 2; else if( ( hs & Hotspot_xR ) != 0 ) x += _WReal; } void CInterfaceElement::getClosestHotSpot( const CInterfaceElement *other, THotSpot &hs ) { /// Iterate over the following hotspots, calculate the distance and store the closest static THotSpot hslist[] = { Hotspot_BL, Hotspot_BR, Hotspot_MM, Hotspot_TL, Hotspot_TR }; int c = sizeof( hslist ) / sizeof( THotSpot ); int x,y,ox,oy,vx,vy; float d; float closestd = 9999999.0f; THotSpot closestHS = Hotspot_TR; for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { other->getHSCoords( hslist[ i ], ox, oy ); getHSCoords( hslist[ i ], x, y ); // Make a vector between the two hotspots vx = x - ox; vy = y - oy; // Calculate length d = sqrt( pow( vx, 2.0f ) + pow( vy, 2.0f ) ); // If these hotspots are the closest, store the hotspot if( d < closestd ) { closestd = d; closestHS = hslist[ i ]; } } hs = closestHS; } void CInterfaceElement::alignTo( CInterfaceElement *other ) { if( other == this ) return; // Check which hotspot is the closest THotSpot hs; other->getClosestHotSpot( this, hs ); // Get the hotspot coordinates sint32 x, y, ox, oy; getHSCoords( hs, x, y ); other->getHSCoords( hs, ox, oy ); // Calculate the difference between the hotspot we found and our current position, sint32 dx = ox - x; sint32 dy = oy - y; // This difference is our offset, so we remain in the same position setX( -1 * dx ); setY( -1 * dy ); setPosRef( hs ); setParentPosRef( hs ); invalidateCoords(); } void CInterfaceElement::onWidgetDeleted( CInterfaceElement *e ) { if( e == getParentPos() ) setParentPos( NULL ); if( e == getParentSize() ) setParentSize( NULL ); } CStringMapper* CStringShared::_UIStringMapper = NULL; void CStringShared::createStringMapper() { if( _UIStringMapper == NULL ) _UIStringMapper = CStringMapper::createLocalMapper(); } void CStringShared::deleteStringMapper() { delete _UIStringMapper; } }