<client_messages_description> <branch name="TARGET"> <leaf name="PARTY" /> <leaf name="INVENTORY" /> <leaf name="FOLLOW" sendto="AIS" format="" description="The client follows its target" /> <leaf name="NO_FOLLOW" sendto="AIS" format="" description="The client stop following its target" /> </branch> <branch name="CONNECTION"> <leaf name="USER_CHAR" /> <leaf name="NO_USER_CHAR" /> <leaf name="USER_CHARS" description="The EGS send existing characters of player to client" /> <leaf name="CREATE_CHAR" description="The client creates a character, type is $u32, and name is $s" /> <leaf name="SELECT_CHAR" /> <leaf name="DELETE_CHAR" sendto="EGS" format="u8" description="The client delete a character, slot of character is $u8" /> <leaf name="RENAME_CHAR" format="u8 s s" description="The client rename a character, $u8 : slot of character $s : name $s : surname" /> <leaf name="ENTER" sendto="EGS" format="" description="The client leave create/select interface and enter in game, at this point, the FE association uid = sid is made" /> <leaf name="READY" description="The client is ready to enter the world" /> <leaf name="TIME_DATE_SYNCHRO" description="The WOS send to client the tiem and date of server: server tick $u32 ryzom time $f ryzom day $u32" /> <leaf name="ASK_NAME" description="Ask server if a name is not already present" /> <leaf name="VALID_NAME" format="u8" description="Server answer yes or no the name is already affected for a player" /> <leaf name="CREATE_CHAR_ERROR" description="Server refuse character creation and fill and send to client a boolean structure with false for all parameters refused" /> <leaf name="RECONNECT" description="Client quits the game and returns to the select character menu" /> <leaf name="SERVER_RECONNECT_OK" description="Server acknowledges reconnection request" /> <leaf name="SHARD_ID" /> <leaf name="SERVER_QUIT_OK" description="EGS send a force quit command to client" /> <leaf name="SERVER_QUIT_ABORT" description="EGS send to client a msg to indicate a quit game command has been aborted" /> <leaf name="CLIENT_QUIT_REQUEST" sendto="EGS" format="b u32 u16" description="client want to quit" /> <leaf name="MAIL_AVAILABLE" /> <leaf name="GUILD_MESSAGE_AVAILABLE" /> <leaf name="PERMANENT_BAN" /> <leaf name="UNBAN" /> <leaf name="FAR_TP" description="EGS tells the client to connect elsewhere" /> <leaf name="RET_MAINLAND" description="client quits a ring session" /> </branch> <leaf name="DB_UPD_PLR" /> <leaf name="DB_UPD_INV" description="EGS sends an inventory update to the client" /> <branch name="DB_INIT"> <leaf name="PLR" /> <leaf name="INV" /> </branch> <branch name="DB_GROUP"> <leaf name="UPDATE_BANK" /> <leaf name="INIT_BANK" /> <leaf name="RESET_BANK" /> </branch> <leaf name="POSITION" sendto="GPMS" format="s32 s32 s32 f" usecycle="yes" description="the client moves to ($i32,$i32,$i32) with heading $f" /> <branch name="HARVEST"> <leaf name="DEPOSIT" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="the client shearch a deposit for harvest/digging (param = skill used)" /> <leaf name="CORPSE" /> <leaf name="INTERRUPT" /> <leaf name="CLOSE_TEMP_INVENTORY" description="the server force the client to close the temp inventory" /> </branch> <leaf name="TRAINING" sendto="EGS" format="" description="the client starts a training action" /> <branch name="JOB"> <leaf name="SET_JOB_STATUS" sendto="EGS" format="u8 u8" description="player want change one of his job status (job, status)" /> <leaf name="SWAP_JOB_STATUS" sendto="EGS" format="u8 u8" description="player want change one of his job status( job freezed, job actived)" /> </branch> <branch name="CASTING"> <leaf name="BEGIN" /> <leaf name="INTERRUPT" /> </branch> <branch name="FABER"> <leaf name="OPEN" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="CLOSE" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="EXECUTE" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="SET_NUM_ITEM" sendto="EGS" format="u8" /> <leaf name="START_CREATE" sendto="EGS" format="u32" /> <leaf name="START_REPAIR" sendto="EGS" format="u16 u16" /> <leaf name="START_REFINE" sendto="EGS" format="u16 u16" /> <leaf name="SET_MP_QUALITY" sendto="EGS" format="u8 u8" /> <leaf name="SET_MP_REFINE" sendto="EGS" format="u32 u8" /> <!-- <leaf name="ADD_MP" sendto="EGS" format="u16 u16 u16 u8"/> --> <!-- <leaf name="REMOVE_MP" sendto="EGS" format="u8 u16"/> --> <leaf name="SET_TOOL" sendto="EGS" format="u16 u16" /> <leaf name="RESET_TOOL" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="INTERRUPT" /> </branch> <branch name="COMBAT"> <leaf name="ENGAGE" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="DISENGAGE" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="DEFAULT_ATTACK" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="ENGAGE_FAILED" /> <leaf name="VALIDATE_MELEE" sendto="EGS" format="u8" description="the client validate or invalidate the melee combat (check position and orientation), validation flag $u8" /> <leaf name="PARRY" sendto="EGS" format="" description="the client toggle chooses parry as his defense mode" /> <leaf name="DODGE" sendto="EGS" format="" description="the client toggle chooses dodge as his defense mode" /> <leaf name="PROTECTED_SLOT" sendto="EGS" format="u8" description="the client select a new slot to defend (or none)" /> <leaf name="FLYING_HP_DELTA" description="add a flying text to an entity (u32 entity, u32 rgba, s16 delta)" /> <leaf name="FLYING_TEXT_ISE" description="add a flying text to an entity (u32 entity, u32 rgba, u8 effect, s32 param)" /> <leaf name="FLYING_TEXT" description="add a flying text to an entity (u32 entity, u8 type)" /> </branch> <branch name="STRING"> <leaf name="TELL" sendto="IOS" format="s uc" description="the client sends a tell to the character $e : $s" /> <leaf name="FAR_TELL" description="the client receive a far tell from a player on another shard" /> <leaf name="CHAT" sendto="IOS" format="uc" description="the client sends the chat message : $s" /> <leaf name="CHAT_TEAM" sendto="IOS" format="uc" description="the client sends the chat message to his team: $s" /> <leaf name="ADD_DYN_STR" /> <leaf name="FILTER" sendto="IOS" format="u8" description="the client adds/removes the chat filter $u8" /> <leaf name="CHAT_MODE" sendto="IOS" format="u8 u64" description="the client selects the chat mode $u8 $64. second param is 0 or the dynamic chat Id (an eid)" /> <leaf name="CHAT2" description="a npc send a predef message to the client : $s" /> <leaf name="TELL2" description="a npc send a predef message to the client : $s" /> <leaf name="DYN_STRING" description="system send a dyn string to the client system chat: $u32" /> <leaf name="DYN_STRING_GROUP" description="system send a dyn string to the client gived group chat: $u32 $u16" /> <leaf name="AFK_TXT" sendto="IOS" format="uc" description="the client sets an afk custom text" /> </branch> <branch name="STUN"> <leaf name="STUN" /> <leaf name="WAKE_UP" /> </branch> <branch name="SENTENCE"> <leaf name="EXECUTE" sendto="EGS" format="u8 s32" /> <leaf name="CANCEL" sendto="EGS" format="s32 u8" /> <leaf name="CANCEL_CURRENT" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="CANCEL_ALL" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="CLEAR" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="MEMORIZE" /> <leaf name="FORGET" sendto="EGS" format="u8 s32" /> <leaf name="EVALUATE" /> <leaf name="ADD_BRICK" sendto="EGS" format="u16 u8 u8" description="the client add brick (family $u16/index $u8/slot u8) in sentence" /> <leaf name="REMOVE_BRICK" sendto="EGS" format="u8" /> <leaf name="START" /> <leaf name="STOP" /> </branch> <branch name="TEAM"> <leaf name="JOIN" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="LEAVE" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="INVITATION" /> <leaf name="JOIN_PROPOSAL" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <!--<leaf name="JOIN_PROPOSAL"/>--> <leaf name="JOIN_PROPOSAL_DECLINE" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="KICK" sendto="EGS" format="u8" /> <leaf name="SET_SUCCESSOR" sendto="EGS" format="u8" /> <!-- Sharing system --> <leaf name="SHARE_OPEN" format="" description="the server wants the share interface to be opened" /> <leaf name="SHARE_VALID_ITEM" sendto="EGS" format="u8 u8" description="the client wants an item or phrase (item/phrase index, session id)" /> <leaf name="SHARE_INVALID_ITEM" sendto="EGS" format="u8 u8" description="the client do not wants an item or phrase anymore (item/phrase index, session id)" /> <leaf name="SHARE_VALID" sendto="EGS" format="u8" description="the client wants to validate its selection (session id)" /> <leaf name="SHARE_INVALID" format="" description="the server invalidate the client selection" /> <leaf name="SHARE_CLOSE" format="" description="the server wants the share interface to be closed" /> <!-- Contact List --> <leaf name="CONTACT_INIT" format="" description="the server initialize the 2 contacts lists (net_manager.cpp to see the message format)" /> <leaf name="CONTACT_ADD" sendto="EGS" format="uc u8" description="the client wants to add a contact ($uc name $u8 list)" /> <leaf name="CONTACT_DEL" sendto="EGS" format="u32 u8" description="the client wants to delete a contact ($u32 contactId $u8 list)" /> <leaf name="CONTACT_MOVE" sendto="EGS" format="u32 u8" description="the client wants to move a contact from one list to the other ($u32 contactId $u8 listSrc)" /> <leaf name="CONTACT_CREATE" format="" description="the server create a contact" /> <leaf name="CONTACT_STATUS" format="" description="the server give the status of a contact" /> <leaf name="CONTACT_REMOVE" format="" description="the server removes a contact" /> </branch> <branch name="ITEM"> <leaf name="DROP" sendto="EGS" format="u16 u16 u16" /> <leaf name="PICK_UP" /> <!-- this is directly treated in messages to send to EGS --> <leaf name="PICK_UP_CLOSE" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="SWAP" sendto="EGS" format="u16 u16 u16 u16 u16 u16" /> <leaf name="ACTIVATE_SHEATH" sendto="EGS" format="u8" /> <leaf name="HARVEST" sendto="EGS" format="u16 u16" description="the client want harvest a founded Raw material(slot, quantity)" /> <leaf name="HARVEST_CLOSE" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="GIVE" sendto="EGS" format="u16 u16 u16" description="the client give an item to target (inventory, slot, quantity)" /> <leaf name="DESTROY" sendto="EGS" format="u16 u16 u16" usecycle="no" description="destroy the content of an inventory slot params : inventory, slot,quantity" /> <leaf name="EQUIP" sendto="EGS" format="u16 u16 u16" description="the client equip character (equiped inventory, equiped inventory slot, bag slot)" /> <leaf name="UNEQUIP" sendto="EGS" format="u16 u16" description="the client unequip character (equiped inventory, equiped inventory slot)" /> <leaf name="TEMP_TO_BAG" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="the client pick an item from temp inventory (temp inventory slot)" /> <leaf name="ALL_TEMP" sendto="EGS" format="" description="the client pick all items from temp inventory" /> <leaf name="NO_TEMP" sendto="EGS" format="" description="the client drop all items from temp inventory" /> <leaf name="ENCHANT" sendto="EGS" format="u8 u16" description="the client wants to enchant the right hand item with the current one (inventory, slot)" /> <leaf name="OPEN_ROOM_INVENTORY" sendto="" description="EGS wants to open the user inventory" /> <leaf name="CLOSE_ROOM_INVENTORY" sendto="" description="EGS wants to close the user inventory" /> <leaf name="USE_ITEM" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="client wants to use teleport in the specified bag slot or consume an item to trigger its effect" /> <leaf name="STOP_USE_XP_CAT" sendto="EGS" format="b" description="client wants to stop using xp catalyser" /> </branch> <branch name="TP"> <leaf name="RESPAWN" sendto="EGS" format="" description="teleport the player to his respawn point" /> <leaf name="BOT" sendto="EGS" format="s" description="teleport the player near the bot" /> <leaf name="WANTED" sendto="EGS" format="s32 s32 s32" /> <leaf name="DEST" /> <leaf name="DEST_WITH_SEASON" /> <leaf name="ACK" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="CORRECT" /> </branch> <branch name="DEATH"> <leaf name="RESPAWN_POINT" sendto="EGS" format="" description="server set the respawn points with a bool to know if the client needs to reset all known points first" /> <leaf name="ASK_RESPAWN" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="client wants to respawn somewhere (index of the respawn location wanted)" /> <leaf name="RESPAWN" sendto="EGS" format="" description="server teleport the client to the respawn point choosen" /> </branch> <branch name="ANIMALS"> <leaf name="BEAST" sendto="EGS" format="u8 u8" description="client send a beast order(beast u8, order u8)" /> <leaf name="MOUNT_ABORT" description="server refuse the client mount command" /> </branch> <!-- <branch name="TRADE"> <leaf name="NEXT_PAGE_ITEM" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="Client ask for the next trade page"/> <leaf name="NEXT_PAGE_MISSION" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="Client ask for the next mission page"/> <leaf name="NEXT_PAGE_MISSION_ITEM" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="Client ask for the next mission item page"/> <leaf name="BUY" sendto="EGS" format="u16 u8"/> <leaf name="CHOOSE_ITEM_AS_MISSION_REWARD" sendto="EGS" format="u8" description="client want to do a mission to get a specific item"/> <leaf name="QUERY_PRICE" sendto="EGS" format="u16 u8" description="Client ask the sell price of an item to current shopkeeper, first param is botchat session, second is index of item in the inventory"/> <leaf name="BUY_PRICE"/> <leaf name="SELL" sendto="EGS" format="u8 u8" description="Client sell item in bag and quantity"/> </branch> --> <branch name="EXCHANGE"> <leaf name="INVITATION" /> <leaf name="CLOSE_INVITATION" description="message sent to the client to force his invitation popup to close" /> <leaf name="PROPOSAL" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="ACCEPT_INVITATION" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="DECLINE_INVITATION" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="VALIDATE" sendto="EGS" format="u8" /> <leaf name="INVALIDATE" sendto="EGS" /> <leaf name="END" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="SEEDS" sendto="EGS" format="u64" /> <leaf name="ADD" sendto="EGS" format="u16 u16 u16" description="add an item from the bag(index_in_bag index_in_exchange quantity)" /> <leaf name="REMOVE" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="remove an item from the exchange" /> </branch> <branch name="DEBUG"> <leaf name="WHERE" sendto="EGS" format="" description="client ask server send his server position" /> <leaf name="WHO" sendto="EGS" format="s" description="client ask list of all clients connected to server" /> <leaf name="REPLY_WHERE" description="server send to client his server position" /> <leaf name="SERVICES" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="CMD" format="b s s s" description="the client wants to execute command : $b $s $s $s" /> <leaf name="PING" sendto="EGS" format="u32" description="the client send a ping with tick game time of emission" /> <leaf name="COUNTER" /> </branch> <!-- ****OUT OF DATE COMMANDS**** <branch name="CHEAT"> <leaf name="GOD" sendto="EGS" format="" description="the client want to be unkillable."/> <leaf name="CREATE_ITEM_IN_BAG" sendto="EGS" format="u32 u16 u16" description="the client ask to create item in hand sheetId (u32) , quantity (u16) and quality (u16)"/> <leaf name="XP" sendto="EGS" format="u32 s s" description="the client want gain some XP(u32) in skill(s) and speciality(s)."/> <leaf name="MONEY" sendto="EGS" format="s32 s32 s32 s32" description="the client ask to earn some money (s32)(s32)(s32)(s32)."/> <leaf name="LEARN_ALL_BRICKS" sendto="EGS" format="" description="the client ask to learn all bricks"/> <leaf name="SET_TIME" sendto="EGS" format="f" description="the client set RyzomTime f Time"/> <leaf name="SET_DAY" sendto="EGS" format="u32" description="the client set RyzomDay"/> <leaf name="CREATE_CHARACTER" sendto="EGS" format="s u32 u32 u32 u16" description="the client send create character commande ( s name, u32 race, u32 sex, u32 role and u16 level)."/> <leaf name="LEARN_BRICK" sendto="EGS" format="u32 u16" description="the client ask learn bricks for role (u32) at level(u16)"/> <leaf name="LEARN_ALL_FABER_PLANS" sendto="EGS" format="" description="the client want to learn all faber plans"/> <leaf name="ADMIN" sendto="" format="s s" description="the client asks EGS to execute the command $s with arg $s"/> </branch> --> <!-- Msg from Commands --> <branch name="COMMAND"> <leaf name="EMOTE" sendto="EGS" format="u32 u16" description="client send the emote (behaviour, phrase id) to play." /> <leaf name="CUSTOM_EMOTE" sendto="EGS" format="u32 uc" description="client send the custom emote (behaviour, custom text) to play." /> <leaf name="WHERE" sendto="EGS" format="" description="client send the where command" /> <leaf name="ADMIN" sendto="EGS" format="b s s" description="client asks EGS to execute the command $s with arg $s" /> <leaf name="ADMIN_OFFLINE" sendto="EGS" format="s s s" description="client asks EGS to execute on character $s (online or offline) the command $s with arg $s" /> <leaf name="REMOTE_ADMIN" sendto="EGS" format="u32 s" description="server send the client a remote command" /> <leaf name="REMOTE_ADMIN_ANSWER" sendto="EGS" format="u32 s s" description="client send the answer of the remote command" /> <leaf name="SIT" sendto="EGS" format="b" description="client send to the server the sitting state" /> <leaf name="AFK" sendto="EGS" format="b" description="AFK command is sent to EGS" /> <leaf name="RANDOM" sendto="EGS" format="s16 s16" description="client asks EGS to roll a dice and tell result around" /> <leaf name="GUILDMOTD" sendto="EGS" format="s" description="client asks EGS to set the guild message of the day" /> <leaf name="AUTOPACT" sendto="EGS" format="u8" description="client want set AUTOPACT to TRUE or FALSE" /> </branch> <!-- MP Exotic Price Evaluation (discontinued) --> <branch name="MP_EVAL"> <leaf name="SET_MP" sendto="EGS" format="u32" description="the client set the sheet id of the MP exotic brick knowledge to eval" /> <leaf name="SET_MP_LEVEL" sendto="EGS" format="u8" description="the client set the exact level of the MP to eval" /> <leaf name="SET_MARKET" sendto="EGS" format="u32" description="the client set the sheet id of the market knowledge 's brick" /> <leaf name="EXECUTE" sendto="EGS" format="" description="the client validate the evaluation" /> </branch> <!-- bot chat --> <branch name="BOTCHAT"> <leaf name="NEXT_PAGE_ITEM" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="Client ask for the next trade page" /> <leaf name="NEXT_PAGE_MISSION" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="Client ask for the next mission page" /> <!-- trade --> <leaf name="START_TRADE_ITEM" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="start bot chat trade item with the given session id" /> <leaf name="START_TRADE_TELEPORT" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="start bot chat trade teleport with the given session id" /> <leaf name="START_TRADE_FACTION" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="start bot chat trade of faction items with the given session id" /> <leaf name="START_TRADE_SKILL" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="start bot chat skills with the given session id" /> <leaf name="START_TRADE_PACT" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="start bot chat pacts with the given session id" /> <leaf name="START_TRADE_ACTION" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="start bot chat actions with the given session id" /> <leaf name="BUY" sendto="EGS" format="u16 u16" description="Client buy object. param1: index in list. Param2: quantity" /> <leaf name="SELL" sendto="EGS" format="u8 u8 u16 u32" description="Client sell item in: 1/ inventory id INVENTORIES::EInventory 2/ index 3/ quantity 4/ resale price" /> <leaf name="DESTROY_ITEM" sendto="EGS" format="u16 u16" description="Client destroy an item in sell store. param1: index in list. Param2: quantity" /> <leaf name="REFRESH_TRADE_LIST" sendto="EGS" format="" description="Client want refresh trade list from current Bot" /> <!-- trade filters --> <leaf name="SET_FILTERS" sendto="EGS" format="u32 u32 u32 u32 u8 u8 u8 u8" description="Client Set filter for trade list: 1/MinQuality 2/MaxQuality 3/MinPrice 4/MaxPrice 5/MinClass 6/MaxClass 7/ItemPart 8/ItemType, NoFilter = 0 ~0 0 ~0 0 0 RM_FABER_TYPE::Unknown values ITEM_TYPE::UNDEFINED" /> <!-- missions --> <leaf name="START_CHOOSE_MISSION" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="start bot chat mission choice with the given session id" /> <leaf name="START_DYNAMIC_MISSION" sendto="EGS" format="" description="start bot chat dynamic mission with the given session id" /> <leaf name="CONTINUE_MISSION" sendto="EGS" format="u8" description="the user completed the mission, with no gift required" /> <leaf name="VALIDATE_PLAYER_GIFT" sendto="EGS" format="" description="the user validate the gift he just made (server aknowledged the gift to be a valid one)" /> <leaf name="PICK_MISSION" sendto="EGS" format="u8" description="message sent when a mission is accepted (from the static mission list)" /> <leaf name="DM_CHOICE" sendto="EGS" format="u8 u8 u8" description="the three choices for dynamic mission selection" /> <leaf name="DM_ACCEPT" sendto="EGS" format="" description="accept current dynamic mission" /> <!-- news --> <leaf name="START_NEWS" sendto="EGS" format="" description="start bot chat new page" /> <!-- guild --> <leaf name="START_CREATE_GUILD" sendto="EGS" format="" description="start bot chat page to create a guild" /> <!-- the bot chat window has been closed --> <leaf name="END" sendto="EGS" format="" description="end chat with a bot sent to EGS" /> <leaf name="FORCE_END" description="force the end of the bot chat on the client side" /> <!-- duty related messages --> <leaf name="START_CHOOSE_DUTY" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="client ask EGS for duty list ( param is session id )" /> <leaf name="NEXT_PAGE_DUTY" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="client ask EGS for next duty page ( param is session id )" /> <leaf name="DUTY_APPLY" sendto="EGS" format="u8" description="client apply for a duty (param is the GLOBAL index of the duty)" /> <leaf name="DUTY_CANCEL_APPLY" sendto="EGS" format="" description="client cancel apply for a duty" /> <!-- guild options related messages --> <leaf name="START_TRADE_GUILD_OPTIONS" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="client ask EGS for guild option list ( param is session id )" /> <leaf name="BUY_GUILD_OPTION" sendto="EGS" format="u8" description="client buy a guild option (param is the GLOBAL index of the option)" /> <leaf name="START_GUILD_RESEARCH" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="client ask EGS for a guild research list ( param is session id )" /> <leaf name="DESTROY_BUILDING" sendto="EGS" format="" description="client destroy the building of his ZC" /> <leaf name="DYNCHAT_OPEN" description="server wants to dynamically chat with the client (Bot UID, Bot Name, Vector of DynString)" /> <leaf name="DYNCHAT_CLOSE" description="server wants to close dynamic chat (Bot UID)" /> <leaf name="DYNCHAT_SEND" sendto="EGS" format="u32 u8" description="client answer to the server dynamic dialog (Bot UID, Answer Nb)" /> </branch> <branch name="JOURNAL"> <leaf name="INIT_COMPLETED_MISSIONS" description="a vector of text ids is sent to init the mission journal (vector(uint32) )" /> <leaf name="UPDATE_COMPLETED_MISSIONS" description="a text id is sent to add a mission title to the mission journal (uint32)" /> <leaf name="MISSION_ABANDON" sendto="EGS" format="u8" description="the client wants to abandon a mission (mission same as in database)" /> <leaf name="GROUP_MISSION_ABANDON" sendto="EGS" format="u8" description="the client wants to abandon a team mission (mission same as in database)" /> <leaf name="ADD_COMPASS" description="EGS adds a compass target for no list missions. Params X, Y, name. If the client already has the name, the coords are replaced" /> <leaf name="ADD_COMPASS_BOT" description="Same for bots. Params X, Y, name, bot_datasetid" /> <leaf name="REMOVE_COMPASS" description="EGS adds a compass target for no list missions. Params name" /> <leaf name="REMOVE_COMPASS_BOT" description="Same for bots. Params name, bot_dataseetid" /> </branch> <!-- String Manager related message --> <branch name="STRING_MANAGER"> <leaf name="SET_LANGUAGE" description="The client send the language code to use for this session." /> <leaf name="PHRASE_SEND" description="The IOS send the prepared phrase to the client." /> <leaf name="STRING_RQ" description="the client ask the string manager for an unknow string" /> <leaf name="STRING_RESP" description="The IOS return the requested string yo the client." /> <leaf name="RELOAD_CACHE" description="The IOS send it's initial cache time stamp or a new one at run time." /> </branch> <!-- Guilds related message --> <branch name="GUILD"> <leaf name="CREATE" sendto="EGS" format="uc u64 uc" description="client wants to create a guild (name of new guild, guild icon descriptor, description of the guild)" /> <leaf name="ABORT_CREATION" description="server forces the end of a guild create session" /> <leaf name="OPEN_GUILD_WINDOW" sendto="" format="" description="the client just entered a guild, EGS ask the client to open the guild window" /> <leaf name="INVITATION" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="ACCEPT_INVITATION" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="REFUSE_INVITATION" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <leaf name="JOIN_PROPOSAL" description="invitation sent to client (uint32 textId)" /> <leaf name="SET_GRADE" sendto="EGS" format="u16 u8 u8" description="client change a member grade p1 is the member, p2 is the grade ( see GUILD_GRADES enum ), p3 is the state counter" /> <leaf name="SET_LEADER" sendto="EGS" format="u16 u8" description="client leader in its guild wants to set the new leader specifying the name of the new leader p1 is the member, p2 is the state counter" /> <leaf name="KICK_MEMBER" sendto="EGS" format="u16 u8" description="client (lead,ho,of) wants to kick member specifying its index. Last param is the counter" /> <leaf name="TELEPORT" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="client wants to teleport somewhere in guild flats" /> <leaf name="ASCENSOR" description="Server requests the launch of ascensor interface" /> <leaf name="FIRST_ASCENSOR_PAGE" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="Client ask for the first ascensor page specifying the session id" /> <leaf name="NEXT_ASCENSOR_PAGE" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="Client ask for the next ascensor page specifying the session id" /> <leaf name="LEAVE_ASCENSOR" description="Server requests the closing of ascensor interface" /> <leaf name="QUIT" sendto="EGS" format="" description="Client wants to quit its guild" /> <!-- About the player --> <leaf name="SET_PLAYER_TITLE" sendto="EGS" format="u8" description="the client inform the server it has changed its character title (u8=new title(ECharacterTitle))" /> <leaf name="UPDATE_PLAYER_TITLE" description="the server update some reserved titles" /> <leaf name="USE_FEMALE_TITLES" format="b" description="The EGS sends to client whether female titles are used" /> <!-- guild inventory management --> <leaf name="PUT_MONEY" sendto="EGS" format="u64 u16" description="put money in guild warehouse" /> <leaf name="TAKE_MONEY" sendto="EGS" format="u64 u16" description="take money from guild warehouse" /> <leaf name="OPEN_INVENTORY" sendto="" format="" description="open the guild inventory" /> <leaf name="CLOSE_INVENTORY" sendto="" format="" description="close the guild inventory" /> </branch> <branch name="OUTPOST"> <leaf name="GIVEUP_OUTPOST" sendto="EGS" format="u32" description="Give up an outpost (outpostSHEET)" /> <!-- Select an outpost from a BotObject --> <leaf name="SELECT" sendto="EGS" format="u32" description="Select an outpost to display its state (outpostSHEET). = Fill OUTPOST_SELECTED DB" /> <leaf name="UNSELECT" sendto="EGS" format="" description="Unselect any outpost display" /> <!-- War declaration --> <leaf name="DECLARE_WAR_START" sendto="EGS" format="u32 u8" description="The User try to Declare War to the outpost (outpostSHEET, startHourForAttackPeriod)" /> <leaf name="DECLARE_WAR_ACK" description="The server answer to the client (bool ok, uint32 textId, uint32 resultStartAttackTime)" /> <leaf name="DECLARE_WAR_VALIDATE" sendto="EGS" format="u32 u8 u32" description="The user confirms its Declare war (outpostSHEET, startHourForAttackPeriod, resultStartAttackTimeForCheck). NB: still can fail = sysinfo" /> <!-- Defender Setup --> <leaf name="SET_DEF_PERIOD" sendto="EGS" format="u32 u8" description="The defender changes the defense period of one of its Outpost (outpostSHEET, start hour for defense period)" /> <!-- squads management --> <leaf name="SET_SQUAD" sendto="EGS" format="u32 u8 u8" description="Set a training squad in a slot (outpostSHEET, slot, squadNUMBER_IN_SQUAD_SHOP_DB)" /> <leaf name="SET_SQUAD_SPAWN" sendto="EGS" format="u32 u8 u8" description="Set spawn zone of a training squad (outpostSHEET, slot, spawn_index)" /> <leaf name="INSERT_SQUAD" sendto="EGS" format="u32 u8" description="Insert a (default) training squad BEFORE the slot (outpostSHEET, slot)" /> <leaf name="REMOVE_SQUAD" sendto="EGS" format="u32 u8" description="Remove a training squad in a slot (outpostSHEET, slot)" /> <leaf name="SET_SQUAD_CAPITAL" sendto="EGS" format="u32 u32" description="Set the War Capital of the outpost (outpostSHEET, money)" /> <!-- pvp and engagement --> <leaf name="CHOOSE_SIDE" description="participate or not in outpost, choose side if participate (b playerGuildInConflict, b playerGuildIsAttacker, u32 defNameId, u32 attNameId)" /> <leaf name="SIDE_CHOSEN" sendto="EGS" format="b u8" description="user chooses to participate or not in outpost conflict and on which side" /> <leaf name="BANISH_PLAYER" sendto="EGS" format="" description="user want to banish the player he's targeting" /> <leaf name="BANISH_GUILD" sendto="EGS" format="" description="user want to banish the guild of the player he's targeting" /> <!-- buildings management --> <leaf name="BUY_BUILDING" sendto="EGS" format="u8 u8 u8" description="Buy a new building (version, outpostnb, line)" /> <leaf name="DESTROY_BUILDING" sendto="EGS" format="u8 u8 u8 u8" description="Destroy a building (version, outpostnb, list, line)" /> </branch> <!-- SBricks related message --> <branch name="PHRASE"> <!-- if the dest known sentence is memorized on server (memorized or DefaultAction/NextAction) it should be unmemorized --> <leaf name="DELETE" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="the client delete a Known phrase" /> <leaf name="LEARN" /> <!-- "the client learn a phrase, replacing old one" (phraseId $u16 / phraseDesc $CSPhraseCom)--> <leaf name="MEMORIZE" /> <!-- "the client Memorize a known phrase (MemoryTypeId $u8/ MemorySlotId $u8/ PhraseId $u16/ Phrase Desc $CSPhraseCom)" --> <leaf name="FORGET" sendto="EGS" format="u8 u8" description="the client forget a Memorized phrase (MemoryTypeId / MemorySlotId)" /> <leaf name="EXECUTE" sendto="EGS" format="u8 u8" description="the client execute a Memorized phrase (MemoryTypeId / MemorySlotId)" /> <leaf name="EXECUTE_CYCLIC" sendto="EGS" format="u8 u8" description="the client execute set a cyclic Memorized phrase (MemoryTypeId / MemorySlotId)" /> <leaf name="EXECUTE_FABER" /> <!-- FaberPlanSheetId u32/ MemoryTypeId u8/ MemorySlotId u8 / vector<CItemFaberMsg> listOfMpSelectedForFaber --> <!-- Impulse ServerToClient --> <leaf name="DOWNLOAD" /> <!-- the server upload all Known Phrases and All Memorized Phrases to the client: vector<CSPhraseSlot> / vector<CSPhraseMemorySlot> --> <!-- BotChat --> <leaf name="BUY" sendto="EGS" format="u8 u16" description="the client buy a botChat phrase (indexInBotChat, phraseId)" /> <leaf name="CONFIRM_BUY" /> <!-- server To client: confirm the buy of phraseId (phraseId $u16 / ok $bool) --> <leaf name="BUY_SHEET" sendto="EGS" format="u32 u16" description="the client buy a botChat phrase (phrase SheetId, phraseId). Nb: can be a charac phrase" /> <!-- Link --> <leaf name="CANCEL_LINK" sendto="EGS" format="u8 u8" description="the client cancel a link $link_id/$counter" /> <!-- Cancel phrases --> <leaf name="CANCEL_TOP" sendto="EGS" format="" description="the client cancel it's top phrase" /> <leaf name="CANCEL_ALL" sendto="EGS" format="" description="the client cancel all its phrases" /> <leaf name="CRISTALIZE" sendto="EGS" format="u8 u8" description="the client cristalize a Memorized phrase (MemoryTypeId / MemorySlotId)" /> <leaf name="EXEC_CYCLIC_ACK" description="server send an ack on cyclic phrase execution :$b $u8" /> <leaf name="EXEC_NEXT_ACK" description="server send an ack on 'next' phrase execution :$b $u8" /> </branch> <branch name="ITEM_INFO"> <leaf name="GET" sendto="EGS" format="u16" description="the client ask for a special item info in a inventory slot: inventoryId(u8HIGH)/slotId(u8LOW)" /> <leaf name="SET" description="Server answer to the previous message. A CItemInfos class is filled" /> <leaf name="REFRESH_VERSION" description="Like set but contains only the version, no info required" /> </branch> <branch name="MISSION_PREREQ"> <leaf name="GET" sendto="EGS" format="u8" description="the client ask for prerequisit infos: slotId" /> <leaf name="SET" description="Server answer to the previous message. A CPrerequisitInfos class is filled" /> </branch> <branch name="MISSION"> <leaf name="ENTER_CRITICAL" sendto="EGS" format="b" description="client answer yes/no to enter request (bool)" /> <leaf name="ASK_ENTER_CRITICAL" description="EGS ask player if he wants to enter a mission critical part, player must answer wihtin 1 minute" /> <leaf name="CLOSE_ENTER_CRITICAL" description="EGS tell client to close the 'enter critical' proposal window" /> <leaf name="WAKE" sendto="EGS" format="u8" description="client wakes up for mission $u8 (mission same as in database)" /> <leaf name="GROUP_WAKE" sendto="EGS" format="u8" description="client wakes up for group mission $u8 (mission same as in database)" /> </branch> <branch name="DUEL"> <leaf name="ASK" sendto="EGS" format="" description="client wants to duel its target" /> <leaf name="ACCEPT" sendto="EGS" format="" description="client accept a duel" /> <leaf name="REFUSE" sendto="EGS" format="" description="client refuses a duel" /> <leaf name="ABANDON" sendto="EGS" format="" description="client abandon a duel" /> <leaf name="INVITATION" description="invitation sent to client (uint32 textId)" /> <leaf name="CANCEL_INVITATION" description="cancel invitation popup (no param)" /> </branch> <branch name="PVP_CHALLENGE"> <leaf name="ASK" sendto="EGS" format="" description="client wants to duel its target" /> <leaf name="ACCEPT" sendto="EGS" format="" description="client accept a duel" /> <leaf name="REFUSE" sendto="EGS" format="" description="client refuses a duel" /> <leaf name="ABANDON" sendto="EGS" format="" description="client abandon a duel" /> <leaf name="INVITATION" description="invitation sent to client (uint32 textId)" /> <leaf name="CANCEL_INVITATION" description="cancel invitation popup (no param)" /> </branch> <!-- ****OUT OF DATE COMMANDS**** <branch name="PVP_VERSUS"> <leaf name="CLAN" sendto="EGS" format="u8" description="player choose a clan for this pvp zone, u8 = clan number, 0 = neutral, 1 clan 1, 2 clan 2" /> <leaf name="CHOOSE_CLAN" description="server ask to client choose a clan for pvp versus area where character enter: EGSPD::CPeople::TPeople clan1, clan2" /> </branch> --> <branch name="PVP"> <leaf name="PVP_TAG" sendto="EGS" format="u8" description="client want set PVP_TAG to TRUE or FALSE" /> <leaf name="SET_NEUTRAL_ALLEGIANCE" sendto="EGS" format="u8" description="client want set allegiance to neutral from indetermined status (u8 = PVP_CLAN::TPVPClan (game_share/pvp_clan.h))" /> <leaf name="SET_NEUTRAL_ALLEGIANCE_GUILD" sendto="EGS" format="u8" description="client want set allegiance to neutral from indetermined status for his GUILD (u8 = PVP_CLAN::TPVPClan (game_share/pvp_clan.h))" /> </branch> <branch name="PVP_FACTION"> <leaf name="PUSH_FACTION_WAR" format="u8 u8" description="a new faction war starts" /> <leaf name="POP_FACTION_WAR" format="u8 u8" description="a faction ends" /> <leaf name="FACTION_WARS" description="a faction ends" /> </branch> <branch name="ENCYCLOPEDIA"> <leaf name="UPDATE" description="server update the encyclopedia (see msg_encyclopedia.cpp in game_share for the message format)" /> <leaf name="INIT" description="server sends the whole encyclopedia to the client" /> </branch> <branch name="USER"> <leaf name="BARS" format="u8 s16 s16 s16 s16" description="server update the players Bars (fast message) $msgNumber $hp $sap $sta $focus" /> <leaf name="POPUP" format="u32 u32" description="server display an important info message on the client (u32 titleDynString u32 textDynString)" /> </branch> <branch name="EVENT"> <leaf name="SET_ITEM_CUSTOM_TEXT" sendto="EGS" format="u32 u32 uc" description="set the cursom of the item in inventory $inventory in slot $slot to $text" /> <leaf name="DUMMY" description="stupid server....." /> </branch> <branch name="TOTEM"> <leaf name="BUILD" sendto="EGS" format="" description="client has built a totem" /> <leaf name="DUMMY" description="stupid server....." /> </branch> <branch name="MODULE_GATEWAY"> <leaf name="FEOPEN" description="The fe gateway route is open" /> <leaf name="GATEWAY_MSG" description="the fe module gateway transport send a message to the client transport peer" /> <leaf name="FECLOSE" description="The fe gateway route is closed" /> </branch> <branch name="SEASON"> <leaf name="SET" /> <leaf name="DUMMY" description="stupid server....." /> </branch> <branch name="DM_GIFT"> <leaf name="BEGIN" sendto="EGS" format="" /> <!-- signal the server that a dm gift is about to occur with the current target --> <leaf name="VALIDATE" sendto="EGS" format="u32 u8 u32 u8 u32 u8 u32 u8 u32 u8 u32 u8 u32 u8 u32 u8" /> <!-- send 8 slots of the DM gift (u32 sheet, u8 quantity) --> </branch> <branch name="RING_MISSION"> <leaf name="MISSION_RING_SELECT" sendto="EGS" format="u32" description="client choose an action in ring mission (u8 = actionId)" /> <leaf name="DSS_DOWN" /> </branch> <branch name="NPC_ICON"> <leaf name="GET_DESC" description="client to server request" /> <leaf name="SET_DESC" description="server response" /> <leaf name="SVR_EVENT_MIS_AVL" description="server had an event that might change mission availability" /> <leaf name="SET_TIMER" description="server sets a new timer period" /> </branch> </client_messages_description>