// NeL - MMORPG Framework
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This source file has been modified by the following contributors:
// Copyright (C) 2014 Jan BOON (Kaetemi)
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
#ifndef NL_DRU_H
#define NL_DRU_H
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/common.h"
#include "nel/3d/driver.h"
#include "nel/3d/viewport.h"
#include "nel/misc/geom_ext.h"
#include "nel/misc/line.h"
#if defined (NL_COMP_MINGW)
# define NL3D_GL_DLL_NAME "libnel_drv_opengl_win"
# define NL3D_GLES_DLL_NAME "libnel_drv_opengles_win"
# define NL3D_D3D_DLL_NAME "libnel_drv_direct3d_win"
#elif defined (NL_OS_WINDOWS)
# define NL3D_GL_DLL_NAME "nel_drv_opengl_win"
# define NL3D_GLES_DLL_NAME "nel_drv_opengles_win"
# define NL3D_D3D_DLL_NAME "nel_drv_direct3d_win"
#elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX)
# define NL3D_GL_DLL_NAME "nel_drv_opengl"
# define NL3D_GLES_DLL_NAME "nel_drv_opengles"
# error "Unknown system"
namespace NL3D
/// Exception thrown by CDru::createGlDriver.
struct EDru : public NLMISC::Exception
EDru(const std::string &reason) : Exception(reason) {}
// OpenGL
struct EDruOpenglDriverNotFound : public EDru
EDruOpenglDriverNotFound() : EDru( NL3D_GL_DLL_NAME " not found" ) {}
struct EDruOpenglDriverCorrupted : public EDru
EDruOpenglDriverCorrupted() : EDru( "Can't get NL3D_createIDriverInstance from " NL3D_GL_DLL_NAME " (Bad dll?)" ) {}
struct EDruOpenglDriverOldVersion : public EDru
EDruOpenglDriverOldVersion() : EDru( NL3D_GL_DLL_NAME " is a too old version. Ask for a more recent file" ) {}
struct EDruOpenglDriverUnknownVersion : public EDru
EDruOpenglDriverUnknownVersion() : EDru( NL3D_GL_DLL_NAME " is more recent than the application" ) {}
struct EDruOpenglDriverCantCreateDriver : public EDru
EDruOpenglDriverCantCreateDriver() : EDru( NL3D_GL_DLL_NAME " can't create driver" ) {}
// OpenGL ES
struct EDruOpenglEsDriverNotFound : public EDru
EDruOpenglEsDriverNotFound() : EDru( NL3D_GLES_DLL_NAME " not found" ) {}
struct EDruOpenglEsDriverCorrupted : public EDru
EDruOpenglEsDriverCorrupted() : EDru( "Can't get NL3D_createIDriverInstance from " NL3D_GLES_DLL_NAME " (Bad dll?)" ) {}
struct EDruOpenglEsDriverOldVersion : public EDru
EDruOpenglEsDriverOldVersion() : EDru( NL3D_GLES_DLL_NAME " is a too old version. Ask for a more recent file" ) {}
struct EDruOpenglEsDriverUnknownVersion : public EDru
EDruOpenglEsDriverUnknownVersion() : EDru( NL3D_GLES_DLL_NAME " is more recent than the application" ) {}
struct EDruOpenglEsDriverCantCreateDriver : public EDru
EDruOpenglEsDriverCantCreateDriver() : EDru( NL3D_GLES_DLL_NAME " can't create driver" ) {}
// Direct3D
struct EDruDirect3dDriverNotFound : public EDru
EDruDirect3dDriverNotFound() : EDru( NL3D_D3D_DLL_NAME " not found" ) {}
struct EDruDirect3dDriverCorrupted : public EDru
EDruDirect3dDriverCorrupted() : EDru( "Can't get NL3D_createIDriverInstance from " NL3D_D3D_DLL_NAME " (Bad dll?)" ) {}
struct EDruDirect3dDriverOldVersion : public EDru
EDruDirect3dDriverOldVersion() : EDru( NL3D_D3D_DLL_NAME " is a too old version. Ask for a more recent file" ) {}
struct EDruDirect3dDriverUnknownVersion : public EDru
EDruDirect3dDriverUnknownVersion() : EDru( NL3D_D3D_DLL_NAME " is more recent than the application" ) {}
struct EDruDirect3dDriverCantCreateDriver : public EDru
EDruDirect3dDriverCantCreateDriver() : EDru( NL3D_D3D_DLL_NAME " can't create driver" ) {}
#endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS
/// The driver Utilities class of static.
class CDRU
/// Portable Function which create a GL Driver (using gl dll...).
static IDriver *createGlDriver();
/// Portable Function which create a GL ES Driver (using gl dll...).
static IDriver *createGlEsDriver();
/// Windows Function which create a Direct3d Driver.
static IDriver *createD3DDriver();
#endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS
/// \name 2D render.
// @{
/// Draw a bitmap 2D. Warning: this is slow...
static void drawBitmap (float x, float y, float width, float height, class ITexture& texture, IDriver& driver, CViewport viewport=CViewport(), bool blend=true);
/// Draw a line in 2D. Warning: this is slow...
static void drawLine (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, IDriver& driver, CRGBA col= CRGBA(255,255,255,255), CViewport viewport=CViewport());
/// Draw a Triangle in 2D. Warning: this is slow...
static void drawTriangle (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, IDriver& driver, CRGBA col, CViewport viewport);
/// Draw a Quad in 2D. Warning: this is slow...
static void drawQuad (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, IDriver& driver, CRGBA col, CViewport viewport);
* Draw a color Quad in 2D. Warning: this is slow...
* \param x0 is the x coordinate of the lower left corner.
* \param y0 is the y coordinate of the lower left corner.
* \param x1 is the x coordinate of the upper right corner.
* \param y1 is the y coordinate of the upper right corner.
* \param col0 is the color of the lower left corner.
* \param col0 is the color of the lower right corner.
* \param col0 is the color of the upper right corner.
* \param col0 is the color of the upper left corner.
* \param driver is the driver to use to render the quad.
* \param viewport is the viewport to use to render the quad.
static void drawQuad (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, CRGBA col0, CRGBA col1, CRGBA col2, CRGBA col3, IDriver& driver, CViewport viewport);
/// Draw a Quad in 2D. Warning: this is slow...
static void drawQuad (float xcenter, float ycenter, float radius, IDriver& driver, CRGBA col, CViewport viewport);
/// Draw a Quad in 2D. Warning: this is slow...
static void drawWiredQuad (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, IDriver& driver, CRGBA col, CViewport viewport);
/// Draw a Quad in 2D. Warning: this is slow...
static void drawWiredQuad (float xcenter, float ycenter, float radius, IDriver& driver, CRGBA col, CViewport viewport);
// @}
/// \name Easy render (2D or 3D).
/** Those render methods work in the current driver viewport/frustum/matrixes.
* Since no vertex sharing is performed, their use may be slower than direct use of VBuffer/PBlock etc...
* Also, A VBuffer and a PBlock is created, and copies are made from the list of primitives to the driver...
// @{
/// Draw the triangles, with Vertex and 1 UV. "mat" should not be a lighted material since no normal is computed.
static void drawTrianglesUnlit(const NLMISC::CTriangleUV *trilist, sint ntris, CMaterial &mat, IDriver& driver);
/// Draw the triangles, with Vertex and 1 UV. "mat" should not be a lighted material since no normal is computed.
static void drawTrianglesUnlit(const std::vector &trilist, CMaterial &mat, IDriver& driver);
/// Draw the Lines, with Vertex only. "mat" should not be a lighted material since no normal is computed.
static void drawLinesUnlit(const NLMISC::CLine *linelist, sint nlines, CMaterial &mat, IDriver& driver);
/// Draw the Lines, with Vertex only. "mat" should not be a lighted material since no normal is computed.
static void drawLinesUnlit(const std::vector &linelist, CMaterial &mat, IDriver& driver);
/// Draw one line in 3D only, with a specific color.
static void drawLine(const CVector &a, const CVector &b, CRGBA color, IDriver& driver);
/// Draw a wired box in 3D, with a specific color.
static void drawWiredBox(const CVector &corner, const CVector &vi, const CVector &vj, const CVector &vk, CRGBA color, IDriver& driver);
// @}
} // NL3D
#endif // NL_DRU_H
/* End of dru.h */