<?php // Ryzom Core - MMORPG Framework <http://ryzom.dev/> // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. if (!isset($UTILS_PHP)) { // import HTTP_GET_VARS as _GET if _GET doesn't exist if (!isset($_GET) && isset($HTTP_GET_VARS)) $_GET = &$HTTP_GET_VARS; // import HTTP_POST_VARS as _GET if _POST doesn't exist if (!isset($_POST) && isset($HTTP_POST_VARS)) $_POST = &$HTTP_POST_VARS; $allowCookies = false; // import HTTP_POST_VARS as _GET if _POST doesn't exist if ($allowCookies && !isset($_COOKIE) && isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS)) $_COOKIE = &$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS; // ------------------------------------- // import HTTP param (from a GET or POST, or left if already set...) // ------------------------------------- function importParam($var, $secureValue = true) { if (!$secureValue && isset($GLOBALS[$var])) return; global $allowCookies, $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE; if (isset($_GET[$var])) $GLOBALS[$var] = $_GET[$var]; else if (isset($_POST[$var])) $GLOBALS[$var] = $_POST[$var]; else if ($allowCookies && isset($_COOKIE[$var])) $GLOBALS[$var] = $_COOKIE[$var]; else { //die("Missing arg '$var'"); unset($GLOBALS[$var]); } } // ------------------------------------- // export HTTP param, as if user sent var in a POST // ------------------------------------- function exportParam($var, $value) { global $_POST; $_POST[$var] = $value; } // always sent by client importParam('user_login'); importParam('shard'); importParam('session_cookie'); global $user_login; global $shard; global $session_cookie; if (isset($user_login)) { $user_login = trim($user_login); } if (isset($session_cookie)) { $session_cookie = stripslashes($session_cookie); } include_once('config.php'); $UTILS_PHP = 1; // ------------------------------------- // read an index // ------------------------------------- function read_index($file, &$header, &$array) { if (!file_exists($file)) { $header = ''; $array = array(); return; } $f = fopen($file, 'r'); // read header $header = fgets($f, 512); while (!feof($f)) { // get a new line $line = trim(fgets($f, 10240)); // check line is not empty if ($line == "") continue; // explode line $array[] = explode('%%', $line); } fclose($f); } // ------------------------------------- // write an index // ------------------------------------- function write_index($file, $header, &$array) { $f = fopen($file, 'w'); fwrite($f, str_pad(trim($header), 256)); fwrite($f, "\n"); if (count($array) > 0) { foreach ($array as $l) { fwrite($f, trim(join('%%', $l))); fwrite($f, "\n"); } } fclose($f); } // ------------------------------------- // write an index // ------------------------------------- function use_index($file) { if (!file_exists($file)) { $f = fopen($file, 'w'); update_next_index($f, 0); fclose($f); } } // ------------------------------------- // write an index // ------------------------------------- function read_next_index($f, &$index) { fseek($f, 0, SEEK_SET); $index = (int)fgets($f, 512); } // ------------------------------------- // write an index // ------------------------------------- function update_next_index($f, $index) { fseek($f, 0, SEEK_SET); fwrite($f, str_pad($index, 256)); fwrite($f, "\n"); } // ------------------------------------- // write an index // ------------------------------------- function append_to_index($f, $line) { fseek($f, 0, SEEK_END); fwrite($f, $line, 8192); fwrite($f, "\n"); } // ------------------------------------- // write html prolog // ------------------------------------- function write_prolog($f, $title) { fwrite($f, "<html><head><title>$title</title></head><body>\n"); } // ------------------------------------- // write html epilog // ------------------------------------- function write_epilog($f) { fwrite($f, "</body></html>\n"); } // ------------------------------------- // read template file // ------------------------------------- function read_template($file, &$template) { global $TEMPLATE_DIR; $filename = $TEMPLATE_DIR.'/'.$file; $f = fopen($filename, 'r'); $template = fread($f, filesize($filename)); fclose($f); } // ------------------------------------- // redirect // ------------------------------------- function redirect($url, $time=0) { echo "<html><head><title>Redirecting...</title>\n"; echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='$time; URL=$url'>\n"; echo "</head>\n"; echo "<body></body></html>\n"; } // ------------------------------------- // convert to forum name // ------------------------------------- function convert_forum_name($str) { return ucfirst(strtr($str, '_', ' ')); } // ------------------------------------- // clean string // ------------------------------------- function clean_string($str) { return strtr($str, array("\n" => '', '%' => '\%')); } // ------------------------------------- // clean content // ------------------------------------- function clean_content($str) { return strtr($str, array("\n" => '\n', '%' => '\%')); } // ------------------------------------- // displayable string // ------------------------------------- function displayable_string($str) { return nl2br(htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($str), ENT_QUOTES)); } // ------------------------------------- // displayable string // ------------------------------------- function displayable_content($str) { return htmlspecialchars(stripcslashes($str), ENT_QUOTES); } // ------------------------------------- // displayable string // ------------------------------------- function displayable_date() { return "<i>date#".date("y/m/d")."</i> ".date("H:i"); } function matchParam($var, $param, &$value) { $plen = strlen($param); if (!strncmp($param, $var, $plen)) { $value = trim(substr($var, $plen)); return true; } return false; } function nameToFile($name) { $r = ''; for ($i=0; $i<strlen($name); ++$i) { if ($name[$i] == ' ') $r .= '_'; else if ($name[$i] == '%' || $name[$i] <= chr(32) || $name[$i] >= chr(127)) $r .= sprintf("%%%02x", ord($name[$i])); else $r .= $name[$i]; } return $r; } function nameToURL($name) { $r = ''; for ($i=0; $i<strlen($name); ++$i) { if ($name[$i] == ' ') $r .= '%20'; else $r .= $name[$i]; } return $r; } function nameFromURL($name) { return rawurldecode($name); } function fileToName($file) { $n = ''; for ($p=0; $p<strlen($file); ++$p) { if ($file[$p] == '%' && $file[$p+1] != '%') { $b = $file[++$p]; $b .= $file[++$p]; list($c) = sscanf($b, "%x"); $n .= chr($c); } else if ($file[$p] == '_') { $n .= ' '; } else { $n .= $file[$p]; } } return $n; } // ------------------------------------- // get user home directory // ------------------------------------- function get_user_dir($user, $shard) { if ($user == "" || $shard == "") die("INTERNAL ERROR CODE 1"); global $USERS_DIR; $user = nameToFile($user); return $USERS_DIR.'/'.strtolower($shard).'/'.substr(strtolower($user), 0, 2).'/'.strtolower($user).'/'; } // ------------------------------------- // build user home directory // ------------------------------------- function build_user_dir($user, $shard) { $dir = get_user_dir($user, $shard); $p = 0; while (!is_dir($dir)) { $p = strpos($dir, '/', $p+1); if ($p == 0) { die("INTERNAL ERROR CODE 3"); } else { $interm = substr($dir, 0, $p); if (!is_dir($interm)) { if (!mkdir($interm, 0777)) die("INTERNAL ERROR CODE 3"); } } } return $dir; } include_once('../login/config.php'); // ------------------------------------- // connect to DB server and select ring DB // ------------------------------------- function connect_to_ring_db() { global $DBHost, $DBPort, $RingDBUserName, $RingDBPassword, $RingDBName; $ringDb = mysqli_connect($DBHost, $RingDBUserName, $RingDBPassword, NULL, $DBPort) or die("can't connect to ring db @'".$DBHost."' with user '".$RingDBUserName."'"); mysqli_select_db($ringDb, $RingDBName) or die("can't select ring db: '$RingDBName' Host=$DBHost User=$RingDBUserName (not enough privilege?)"); return $ringDb; } // ------------------------------------- // user_login=character_name => ring_live.characters[user_login].guild_id // test ring_live.guilds[guild_id].guild_name == $forum // ------------------------------------- function check_character_belongs_to_guild($charName, $guildName) { $ringDb = connect_to_ring_db(); $res = mysqli_query($ringDb, "SELECT guilds.guild_name FROM guilds JOIN characters ON characters.guild_id=guilds.guild_id WHERE char_name='$charName'") or die("Can't query guild for $charName in DB"); $row = mysqli_fetch_row($res); if (!isset($row)) die("Guild not found for char $charName in DB"); if ($row[0] != $guildName) die("ACCESS DENIED: $charName is not a member of $guildName"); } $remote_addr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // if ($remote_addr == "" || $remote_addr == "") if (true) { importParam('internal_check'); global $internal_check; if ($internal_check) { echo "INTERNAL CHECK\n"; die("$internal_check:1"); } } /* * check user is valid */ // if ($user_login == "support" && ($remote_addr == "" || $remote_addr == "") || // $remote_addr == "" ) if (false) { echo "SUPPORT MODE!"; // do not check "support" email that come from rsweb //echo $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; //die(); importParam('translate_user_login'); global $translate_user_login; if (isset($translate_user_login)) $user_login = $translate_user_login; } else { // if (!strstr($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Ryzom')) // die("ERROR: Bad parameters"); $udir = get_user_dir($user_login, $shard); $ufile = $udir.'session'; if (is_dir($udir) && file_exists($ufile)) { $file = fopen($ufile, 'r'); if (!$file) die("ERROR: Not logged"); $server_cookie = trim(fgets($file, 1024)); if ($server_cookie != $session_cookie) die("ERROR: Authentication failed"); } else { die("ERROR: Directory not found: ".$udir); } } } ?>