<?php $SockTimeOut = 10; function debug($text) { // flush(); // echo $text; } class CMemStream { var $Buffer; var $InputStream; var $Pos; function CMemStream () { $this->InputStream = false; $this->Pos = 0; $this->Buffer = ""; debug("A : ".gettype($this->Buffer)."<br>"); } function setBuffer ($Buffer) { $this->InputStream = true; $this->Buffer = $Buffer; $this->Pos = 0; } function isReading () { return $this->InputStream; } function serialUInt8 (&$val) { if ($this->isReading()) { $val = ord($this->Buffer{$this->Pos++}); debug(sprintf ("read uint8 '%d'<br>\n", $val)); } else { debug("B".gettype($this->Buffer)."<br>"); debug(sprintf ("write uint8 Buffer size before = %u<br>\n", strlen($this->Buffer))); $this->Buffer = $this->Buffer . chr($val & 0xFF); $this->Pos++; debug("C".gettype($this->Buffer)."<br>"); debug(sprintf ("write uint8 '%d' %d<br>\n", $val, $this->Pos)); debug(sprintf ("write uint8 Buffer size after = %u<br>\n", strlen($this->Buffer))); } } function serialUInt32 (&$val) { if ($this->isReading()) { $val = ord($this->Buffer{$this->Pos++}); $val += ord($this->Buffer{$this->Pos++})*256; $val += ord($this->Buffer{$this->Pos++})*(double)256*256; $val += ord($this->Buffer{$this->Pos++})*(double)256*256*256; debug(sprintf ("read uint32 '%d'<br>\n", $val)); // var_dump($val); } else { debug("D".gettype($this->Buffer)."<br>"); $this->Buffer .= chr($val & 0xFF); $this->Buffer .= chr(($val>>8) & 0xFF); $this->Buffer .= chr(($val>>16) & 0xFF); $this->Buffer .= chr(($val>>24) & 0xFF); $this->Pos += 4; debug("E".gettype($this->Buffer)."<br>"); debug(sprintf ("write uint32 '%d' %d<br>\n", $val, $this->Pos)); } } function serialString (&$val) { if ($this->isReading()) { $this->serialUInt32($size); debug(sprintf ("read string : size = %u<br>\n", $size)); $val = substr ($this->Buffer, $this->Pos, $size); debug(sprintf ("read string '%s'<br>\n", $val)); $this->Pos += strlen($val); } else { $valLen = strlen($val); $this->serialUInt32($valLen); $this->Buffer .= $val; $this->Pos += $valLen; debug(sprintf ("write string '%s' %d<br>\n", $val, $this->Pos)); } } function serialEnum (&$val) { if ($this->isReading()) { $intValue = 0; $this->serialUInt32($intValue); $val->fromInt((int)$intValue); debug(sprintf ("read enum '%s'<br>\n", $val->toString())); } else { $intValue = $val->toInt(); $this->serialUInt32($intValue); debug(sprintf ("write enum '%s' %d<br>\n", $val->toString(), $this->Pos)); } } } class CMessage extends CMemStream { var $MsgName; function CMessage() { $this->CMemStream(); } function setName($name) { $this->MsgName = $name; } } class CCallbackClient { var $ConSock = false; var $MsgNum = 0; function connect($addr, $port, &$res) { global $SockTimeOut; debug(sprintf("Connect<br>")); $this->MsgNum = 0; $this->ConSock = fsockopen ($addr, $port, $errno, $errstr, $SockTimeOut); debug("H".gettype($this->ConSock)."<br>"); if (!$this->ConSock) { $res = "Can't connect to the callback server '$addr:$port' ($errno: $errstr)"; return false; } else { // set time out on the socket to 2 secondes stream_set_timeout($this->ConSock, $SockTimeOut); $res = ""; return true; } } function close() { if ($this->ConSock) { fclose($this->ConSock); debug(sprintf("Close<br>")); } else debug(sprintf("Already Closed !<br>")); } function sendMessage(&$message) { if (!$this->ConSock) { debug(sprintf ("Socket is not valid\n")); return false; } debug(sprintf ("sendMessage : message Buffer is '%d'<br>\n", $message->Pos)); debug(sprintf ("sendMessage : message Buffer is '%d'<br>\n", strlen($message->Buffer))); $hd = new CMemStream; debug(sprintf("SendMessage number %u<br>", $this->MsgNum)); $hd->serialUInt32 ($this->MsgNum); // number the packet $this->MsgNum += 1; debug(sprintf("After SendMessage, number %u<br>", $this->MsgNum)); $messageType = 0; $hd->serialUInt8 ($messageType); $hd->serialString ($message->MsgName); debug(sprintf ("sendMessage : header size is '%d'<br>\n", $hd->Pos)); // $sb .= $message->Buffer; $size = $hd->Pos + $message->Pos; $Buffer = (string) chr(($size>>24)&0xFF); $Buffer .= chr(($size>>16)&0xFF); $Buffer .= chr(($size>>8)&0xFF); $Buffer .= chr($size&0xFF); debug( "E".gettype($hd->Buffer)."<br>"); debug("F".gettype($message->Buffer)."<br>"); $Buffer .= (string) $hd->Buffer; $Buffer .= (string) $message->Buffer; debug("G".gettype($this->ConSock)."<br>"); if (!fwrite ($this->ConSock, $Buffer)) { debug(sprintf ("Error writing to socket\n")); return false; } debug(sprintf ("sent packet size '%d' (written size = %d) <br>\n", strlen($Buffer), $size)); fflush ($this->ConSock); return true; } function waitMessage() { if (!$this->ConSock) { debug(sprintf ("Socket is not valid\n")); return false; } $size = 0; $val = fread ($this->ConSock, 1); $info = stream_get_meta_data($this->ConSock); if ($info['timed_out']) { debug('Connection timed out!'); return false; } $size = ord($val) << 24; $val = fread ($this->ConSock, 1); $info = stream_get_meta_data($this->ConSock); if ($info['timed_out']) { debug('Connection timed out!'); return false; } $size = ord($val) << 16; $val = fread ($this->ConSock, 1); $info = stream_get_meta_data($this->ConSock); if ($info['timed_out']) { debug('Connection timed out!'); return false; } $size += ord($val) << 8; $val = fread ($this->ConSock, 1); $info = stream_get_meta_data($this->ConSock); if ($info['timed_out']) { debug('Connection timed out!'); return false; } $size += ord($val); debug(sprintf ("receive packet size '%d'<br>\n", $size)); $fake = fread ($this->ConSock, 5); $info = stream_get_meta_data($this->ConSock); if ($info['timed_out']) { debug('Connection timed out!'); return false; } $size -= 5; // remove the fake $Buffer = ""; while ($size > 0 && strlen($Buffer) != $size) { $Buffer .= fread ($this->ConSock, $size - strlen($Buffer)); $info = stream_get_meta_data($this->ConSock); if ($info['timed_out']) { debug('Connection timed out!'); return false; } } $msgin = new CMemStream; $msgin->setBuffer ($Buffer); // decode msg name $msgin->serialString($name); debug(sprintf("Message name = '%s'<BR>", $name)); $message = new CMessage; $message->setBuffer(substr($msgin->Buffer, $msgin->Pos)); $message->setName($name); debug(sprintf("In message name = '%s'<br>", $message->MsgName)); return $message; } } ?>