# # Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Jan BOON # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # This script attempts to repair bad hashes in translation files import os path = "R:\\leveldesign\\translation" def processUxt(wk, tl): print(tl) inComment = 0 inString = 0 lastIndex = "" lastHash = "" wkMap = {} with open(wk, "r") as f: for l in f: if l.startswith("\ufeff"): l = l[1:] if not inString and not inComment: s = l.split() if len(s) > 0: if not s[0].startswith("[") and not s[0].startswith("//") and not s[0].startswith("/*"): wkMap[s[0]] = { "index": lastIndex, "hash": lastHash } # print(s[0] + ", " + lastIndex + ", " + lastHash) if l.startswith("// HASH_VALUE") or l.startswith("// INDEX"): inString = 0 inComment = 0 if l.startswith("// HASH_VALUE"): lastHash = l.rstrip() if l.startswith("// INDEX"): lastIndex = l.rstrip() continue inString = inString + l.count("[") - l.count("\\[") - l.count("]") + l.count("\\]") inComment = inComment + l.count("/*") - l.count("*/") inComment = 0 inString = 0 reIndex = {} atIndex = 0 with open(tl, "r") as fr: with open(tl + ".new", "w") as fw: fw.write("\ufeff") for l in fr: if l.startswith("\ufeff"): l = l[1:] if not inString and not inComment: s = l.split() if len(s) > 0: if not s[0].startswith("[") and not s[0].startswith("//") and not s[0].startswith("/*") and s[0] in wkMap: if not wkMap[s[0]]["index"] in reIndex: reIndex[wkMap[s[0]]["index"]] = "// INDEX " + str(atIndex) atIndex = atIndex + 1 fw.write(reIndex[wkMap[s[0]]["index"]] + "\n") fw.write(wkMap[s[0]]["hash"] + "\n") if l.startswith("// HASH_VALUE") or l.startswith("// INDEX"): inString = 0 inComment = 0 continue fw.write(l) inString = inString + l.count("[") - l.count("\\[") - l.count("]") + l.count("\\]") inComment = inComment + l.count("/*") - l.count("*/") os.replace(tl + ".new", tl) #processUxt(path + "\\translated\\wk.uxt", path + "\\translated\\en.uxt") #processUxt(path + "\\translated\\wk.uxt", path + "\\translated\\es.uxt") #processUxt(path + "\\translated\\wk.uxt", path + "\\translated\\fr.uxt") #processUxt(path + "\\translated\\wk.uxt", path + "\\translated\\ru.uxt") #processUxt(path + "\\translated\\wk.uxt", path + "\\translated\\de.uxt") #processUxt(path + "\\translated\\r2_wk.uxt", path + "\\translated\\r2_en.uxt") #processUxt(path + "\\translated\\r2_wk.uxt", path + "\\translated\\r2_es.uxt") #processUxt(path + "\\translated\\r2_wk.uxt", path + "\\translated\\r2_fr.uxt") #processUxt(path + "\\translated\\r2_wk.uxt", path + "\\translated\\r2_ru.uxt") #processUxt(path + "\\translated\\r2_wk.uxt", path + "\\translated\\r2_de.uxt") #processUxt(path + "\\translated\\clause_wk.txt", path + "\\translated\\clause_en.txt") #processUxt(path + "\\translated\\clause_wk.txt", path + "\\translated\\clause_es.txt") #processUxt(path + "\\translated\\clause_wk.txt", path + "\\translated\\clause_fr.txt") #processUxt(path + "\\translated\\clause_wk.txt", path + "\\translated\\clause_ru.txt") #processUxt(path + "\\translated\\clause_wk.txt", path + "\\translated\\clause_de.txt") def processPhrase(wk, tl): print(tl) inComment = 0 inString = 0 inPhrase = 0 lastHash = "" wkMap = {} with open(wk, "r") as f: for l in f: if l.startswith("\ufeff"): l = l[1:] if not inString and not inComment: s = l.split() if len(s) > 0: if not s[0].startswith("[") and not s[0].startswith("//") and not s[0].startswith("/*") and not s[0].startswith("{") and len(lastHash) > 0: wkMap[s[0]] = { "hash": lastHash } lastHash = "" # print(s[0] + ", " + lastIndex + ", " + lastHash) if l.startswith("// HASH_VALUE"): inString = 0 inComment = 0 inPhrase = 0 lastHash = l.rstrip() continue inString = inString + l.count("[") - l.count("\\[") - l.count("]") + l.count("\\]") inPhrase = inString + l.count("{") - l.count("\\{") - l.count("}") + l.count("\\}") inComment = inComment + l.count("/*") - l.count("*/") inComment = 0 inString = 0 inPhrase = 0 with open(tl, "r") as fr: with open(tl + ".new", "w") as fw: fw.write("\ufeff") for l in fr: if l.startswith("\ufeff"): l = l[1:] if not inString and not inComment: s = l.split() if len(s) > 0: if not s[0].startswith("[") and not s[0].startswith("//") and not s[0].startswith("/*") and not s[0].startswith("{") and s[0] in wkMap: fw.write(wkMap[s[0]]["hash"] + "\n") if l.startswith("// HASH_VALUE"): inString = 0 inComment = 0 inPhrase = 0 continue fw.write(l) inString = inString + l.count("[") - l.count("\\[") - l.count("]") + l.count("\\]") inPhrase = inString + l.count("{") - l.count("\\{") - l.count("}") + l.count("\\}") inComment = inComment + l.count("/*") - l.count("*/") os.replace(tl + ".new", tl) ##processPhrase(path + "\\translated\\phrase_en.txt", path + "\\translated\\phrase_en.txt") #processPhrase(path + "\\translated\\phrase_en.txt", path + "\\translated\\phrase_es.txt") #processPhrase(path + "\\translated\\phrase_en.txt", path + "\\translated\\phrase_fr.txt") #processPhrase(path + "\\translated\\phrase_en.txt", path + "\\translated\\phrase_ru.txt") #processPhrase(path + "\\translated\\phrase_en.txt", path + "\\translated\\phrase_de.txt") #processPhrase(path + "\\translated\\phrase_en.txt", path + "\\translated\\phrase_pt.txt") def processWords(ck, wk, tl): if not os.path.isfile(ck): return print(tl) wkMap = { } with open(wk, "r") as f: for l in f: if l.startswith("\ufeff"): l = l[1:] s = l.split("\t") if len(s) > 1 and len(s[0]) >= 16: wkMap[s[1]] = s[0] with open(tl, "r") as fr: with open(tl + ".new", "w") as fw: fw.write("\ufeff") for l in fr: if l.startswith("\ufeff"): l = l[1:] s = l.split("\t") if len(s) > 1: if s[1] in wkMap: h = wkMap[s[1]] l = h + l[len(s[0]):] elif s[0] != "*HASH_VALUE": l = "0000000000000000" + l[len(s[0]):] fw.write(l) os.replace(tl + ".new", tl) def processWordsDiff(wk, tl): if not os.path.isfile(wk): return print(tl) wkMap = { } with open(wk, "r") as f: for l in f: if l.startswith("\ufeff"): l = l[1:] s = l.split("\t") if len(s) > 2 and len(s[1]) >= 16: wkMap[s[2]] = s[1] with open(tl, "r") as fr: with open(tl + ".new", "w") as fw: fw.write("\ufeff") for l in fr: if l.startswith("\ufeff"): l = l[1:] s = l.split("\t") if len(s) > 1: if s[1] in wkMap: h = wkMap[s[1]] l = h + l[len(s[0]):] elif s[0] != "*HASH_VALUE": l = "0000000000000000" + l[len(s[0]):] fw.write(l) os.replace(tl + ".new", tl) def processWordsAll(name): #processWords(path + "\\translated\\" + name + "_wk.txt", path + "\\translated\\" + name + "_en.txt") processWordsDiff(path + "\\diff\\" + name + "_en_diff_60C8831C.txt", path + "\\translated\\" + name + "_en.txt") processWords(path + "\\diff\\" + name + "_es_diff_60C8831C.txt", path + "\\translated\\" + name + "_en.txt", path + "\\translated\\" + name + "_es.txt") processWords(path + "\\diff\\" + name + "_fr_diff_60C8831C.txt", path + "\\translated\\" + name + "_en.txt", path + "\\translated\\" + name + "_fr.txt") processWords(path + "\\diff\\" + name + "_ru_diff_60C8831C.txt", path + "\\translated\\" + name + "_en.txt", path + "\\translated\\" + name + "_ru.txt") processWords(path + "\\diff\\" + name + "_de_diff_60C8831C.txt", path + "\\translated\\" + name + "_en.txt", path + "\\translated\\" + name + "_de.txt") #processWordsDiff(path + "\\diff\\" + name + "_en_diff_60C8808A.txt", path + "\\translated\\" + name + "_en.txt") #processWordsDiff(path + "\\diff\\" + name + "_es_diff_60C8808A.txt", path + "\\translated\\" + name + "_es.txt") #processWordsDiff(path + "\\diff\\" + name + "_fr_diff_60C8808A.txt", path + "\\translated\\" + name + "_fr.txt") #processWordsDiff(path + "\\diff\\" + name + "_ru_diff_60C8808A.txt", path + "\\translated\\" + name + "_ru.txt") #processWordsDiff(path + "\\diff\\" + name + "_de_diff_60C8808A.txt", path + "\\translated\\" + name + "_de.txt") processWordsAll("bodypart_words") processWordsAll("career_words") processWordsAll("characteristic_words") processWordsAll("classificationtype_words") processWordsAll("creature_words") processWordsAll("damagetype_words") processWordsAll("ecosystem_words") processWordsAll("faction_words") processWordsAll("item_words") processWordsAll("job_words") processWordsAll("outpost_words") processWordsAll("place_words") processWordsAll("powertype_words") processWordsAll("race_words") processWordsAll("sbrick_words") processWordsAll("score_words") processWordsAll("skill_words") processWordsAll("sphrase_words") processWordsAll("title_words") #processWordsAll("damage_words")