// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdsound.h" #include "nel/sound/stream_source.h" // Project includes #include "nel/sound/driver/buffer.h" #include "nel/sound/audio_mixer_user.h" #include "nel/sound/stream_sound.h" #include "nel/sound/clustered_sound.h" // using namespace std; using namespace NLMISC; // #define NLSOUND_DEBUG_STREAM namespace NLSOUND { CStreamSource::CStreamSource(CStreamSound *streamSound, bool spawn, TSpawnEndCallback cb, void *cbUserParam, NL3D::CCluster *cluster, CGroupController *groupController) : CSourceCommon(streamSound, spawn, cb, cbUserParam, cluster, groupController), m_StreamSound(streamSound), m_Alpha(0.0f), m_Track(NULL), m_FreeBuffers(3), m_NextBuffer(0), m_LastSize(0), m_BytesPerSecond(0), m_WaitingForPlay(false), m_PitchInv(1.0f) { nlassert(m_StreamSound != 0); // get a local copy of the stream sound parameter m_Alpha = m_StreamSound->getAlpha();//m_Buffers m_PitchInv = 1.0f / _Pitch; // create the three buffer objects CAudioMixerUser *mixer = CAudioMixerUser::instance(); ISoundDriver *driver = mixer->getSoundDriver(); m_Buffers[0] = driver->createBuffer(); m_Buffers[0]->setStorageMode(IBuffer::StorageSoftware); m_Buffers[1] = driver->createBuffer(); m_Buffers[1]->setStorageMode(IBuffer::StorageSoftware); m_Buffers[2] = driver->createBuffer(); m_Buffers[2]->setStorageMode(IBuffer::StorageSoftware); } CStreamSource::~CStreamSource() { if (_Playing) stop(); if (m_Buffers[0] != NULL) { delete m_Buffers[0]; m_Buffers[0] = NULL; } if (m_Buffers[1] != NULL) { delete m_Buffers[1]; m_Buffers[1] = NULL; } if (m_Buffers[2] != NULL) { delete m_Buffers[2]; m_Buffers[2] = NULL; } } void CStreamSource::initPhysicalSource() { CAudioMixerUser *mixer = CAudioMixerUser::instance(); CTrack *track = mixer->getFreeTrack(this); if (track != NULL) { nlassert(track->hasPhysicalSource()); m_Track = track; getPhysicalSource()->setStreaming(true); } } void CStreamSource::releasePhysicalSource() { if (hasPhysicalSource()) { CAudioMixerUser *mixer = CAudioMixerUser::instance(); ISource *pSource = getPhysicalSource(); nlassert(pSource != NULL); // free the track pSource->stop(); pSource->setStreaming(false); if (mixer) mixer->freeTrack(m_Track); m_Track = NULL; } } uint32 CStreamSource::getTime() { CAutoMutex autoMutex(m_BufferMutex); if (hasPhysicalSource()) return getPhysicalSource()->getTime(); else return 0; } bool CStreamSource::isPlaying() { return _Playing; } /// Set looping on/off for future playbacks (default: off) void CStreamSource::setLooping(bool l) { CSourceCommon::setLooping(l); //CAutoMutex autoMutex(m_BufferMutex); // //CSourceCommon::setLooping(l); //if (hasPhysicalSource()) // getPhysicalSource()->setLooping(l); } CVector CStreamSource::getVirtualPos() const { if (getCluster() != 0) { // need to check the cluster status const CClusteredSound::CClusterSoundStatus *css = CAudioMixerUser::instance()->getClusteredSound()->getClusterSoundStatus(getCluster()); if (css != 0) { // there is some data here, update the virtual position of the sound. float dist = (css->Position - getPos()).norm(); CVector vpos(CAudioMixerUser::instance()->getListenPosVector() + css->Direction * (css->Dist + dist)); vpos = _Position * (1-css->PosAlpha) + vpos*(css->PosAlpha); return vpos; } } return getPos(); } void CStreamSource::play() { nlassert(!_Playing); bool play = false; CAudioMixerUser *mixer = CAudioMixerUser::instance(); { CAutoMutex autoMutex(m_BufferMutex); //if ((mixer->getListenPosVector() - _Position).sqrnorm() > m_StreamSound->getMaxDistance() * m_StreamSound->getMaxDistance()) if ((_RelativeMode ? getPos().sqrnorm() : (mixer->getListenPosVector() - getPos()).sqrnorm()) > m_StreamSound->getMaxDistance() * m_StreamSound->getMaxDistance()) { // Source is too far to play m_WaitingForPlay = false; if (_Spawn) { if (_SpawnEndCb != NULL) _SpawnEndCb(this, _CbUserParam); delete this; } #ifdef NLSOUND_DEBUG_STREAM nldebug("CStreamSource %p : play FAILED, source is too far away !", (CAudioMixerUser::IMixerEvent*)this); #endif return; } CAudioMixerUser *mixer = CAudioMixerUser::instance(); if (!hasPhysicalSource()) initPhysicalSource(); if (hasPhysicalSource()) { ISource *pSource = getPhysicalSource(); nlassert(pSource != NULL); uint nbS = m_NextBuffer; if (!m_NextBuffer && !m_FreeBuffers) nbS = 3; for (uint i = 0; i < nbS; ++i) pSource->submitStreamingBuffer(m_Buffers[i]); // pSource->setPos( _Position, false); pSource->setPos(getVirtualPos(), false); pSource->setMinMaxDistances(m_StreamSound->getMinDistance(), m_StreamSound->getMaxDistance(), false); if (!m_Buffers[0]->isStereo()) { setDirection(_Direction); // because there is a workaround inside pSource->setVelocity(_Velocity); } else { pSource->setDirection(NLMISC::CVector::I); pSource->setCone(float(Pi * 2), float(Pi * 2), 1.0f); pSource->setVelocity(NLMISC::CVector::Null); } pSource->setGain(getFinalGain()); pSource->setSourceRelativeMode(_RelativeMode); // pSource->setLooping(_Looping); pSource->setPitch(_Pitch); pSource->setAlpha(m_Alpha); // and play the sound nlassert(nbS); // must have buffered already! play = pSource->play(); // nldebug("CStreamSource %p : REAL play done", (CAudioMixerUser::IMixerEvent*)this); } else { if (_Priority == HighestPri) { // This sound is not discardable, add it in waiting playlist mixer->addSourceWaitingForPlay(this); m_WaitingForPlay = true; return; } else { // No source available, kill. m_WaitingForPlay = false; if (_Spawn) { if (_SpawnEndCb != NULL) _SpawnEndCb(this, _CbUserParam); delete this; } return; } } if (play) { CSourceCommon::play(); m_WaitingForPlay = false; #ifdef NLSOUND_DEBUG_STREAM // Dump source info nlwarning("--- DUMP SOURCE INFO ---"); nlwarning(" * getLooping: %s", getPhysicalSource()->getLooping() ? "YES" : "NO"); nlwarning(" * isPlaying: %s", getPhysicalSource()->isPlaying() ? "YES" : "NO"); nlwarning(" * isStopped: %s", getPhysicalSource()->isStopped() ? "YES" : "NO"); nlwarning(" * isPaused: %s", getPhysicalSource()->isPaused() ? "YES" : "NO"); nlwarning(" * getPos: %f, %f, %f", getPhysicalSource()->getPos().x, getPhysicalSource()->getPos().y, getPhysicalSource()->getPos().z); NLMISC::CVector v; getPhysicalSource()->getVelocity(v); nlwarning(" * getVelocity: %f, %f, %f", v.x, v.y, v.z); getPhysicalSource()->getDirection(v); nlwarning(" * getDirection: %f, %f, %f", v.x, v.y, v.z); nlwarning(" * getGain: %f", getPhysicalSource()->getGain()); nlwarning(" * getPitch: %f", getPhysicalSource()->getPitch()); nlwarning(" * getSourceRelativeMode: %s", getPhysicalSource()->getSourceRelativeMode() ? "YES" : "NO"); float a, b, c; getPhysicalSource()->getMinMaxDistances(a, b); nlwarning(" * getMinMaxDistances: %f, %f", a, b); getPhysicalSource()->getCone(a, b, c); nlwarning(" * getCone: %f, %f", a, b, c); nlwarning(" * getDirect: %s", getPhysicalSource()->getDirect() ? "YES" : "NO"); nlwarning(" * getDirectGain: %f", getPhysicalSource()->getDirectGain()); nlwarning(" * isDirectFilterEnabled: %s", getPhysicalSource()->isDirectFilterEnabled() ? "YES" : "NO"); nlwarning(" * getEffect: %s", getPhysicalSource()->getEffect() ? "YES" : "NO"); nlwarning(" * getEffectGain: %f", getPhysicalSource()->getEffectGain()); nlwarning(" * isEffectFilterEnabled: %s", getPhysicalSource()->isEffectFilterEnabled() ? "YES" : "NO"); #endif } } #ifdef NL_DEBUG nlassert(play); #else if (!play) nlwarning("Failed to play physical sound source. This is a serious error"); #endif } void CStreamSource::stopInt() { CAutoMutex autoMutex(m_BufferMutex); // nldebug("CStreamSource %p : stop", (CAudioMixerUser::IMixerEvent*)this); // nlassert(_Playing); if (m_WaitingForPlay) { nlassert(!_Playing); // cannot already be playing if waiting for play CAudioMixerUser *mixer = CAudioMixerUser::instance(); mixer->removeSourceWaitingForPlay(this); } if (!_Playing) { m_WaitingForPlay = false; return; } if (hasPhysicalSource()) releasePhysicalSource(); CSourceCommon::stop(); m_FreeBuffers = 3; m_NextBuffer = 0; m_WaitingForPlay = false; } /// Stop playing void CStreamSource::stop() { stopInt(); if (_Spawn) { if (_SpawnEndCb != NULL) _SpawnEndCb(this, _CbUserParam); delete this; } } void CStreamSource::setPos(const NLMISC::CVector& pos) { CAutoMutex autoMutex(m_BufferMutex); CSourceCommon::setPos(pos); if (hasPhysicalSource()) getPhysicalSource()->setPos(getVirtualPos()); } void CStreamSource::setVelocity(const NLMISC::CVector& vel) { CAutoMutex autoMutex(m_BufferMutex); CSourceCommon::setVelocity(vel); if (hasPhysicalSource()) getPhysicalSource()->setVelocity(vel); } /* * Set the direction vector (3D mode only, ignored in stereo mode) (default: (0,0,0) as non-directional) */ void CStreamSource::setDirection(const NLMISC::CVector& dir) { CAutoMutex autoMutex(m_BufferMutex); CSourceCommon::setDirection(dir); // Set the direction if (hasPhysicalSource()) { if (!m_Buffers[0]->isStereo()) { static bool coneset = false; if (dir.isNull()) // workaround // For what? { getPhysicalSource()->setCone(float(Pi * 2), float(Pi * 2), 1.0f); // because the direction with 0 is not enough for a non-directional source! getPhysicalSource()->setDirection(CVector::I); // Don't send a 0 vector, DSound will complain. Send (1,0,0), it's omnidirectional anyway. coneset = false; } else { // if (!coneset) { getPhysicalSource()->setCone(m_StreamSound->getConeInnerAngle(), m_StreamSound->getConeOuterAngle(), m_StreamSound->getConeOuterGain()); coneset = true; } getPhysicalSource()->setDirection(dir); } } } } void CStreamSource::updateFinalGain() { CAutoMutex autoMutex(m_BufferMutex); if (hasPhysicalSource()) getPhysicalSource()->setGain(getFinalGain()); } void CStreamSource::setPitch(float pitch) { CAutoMutex autoMutex(m_BufferMutex); m_PitchInv = 1.0f / pitch; CSourceCommon::setPitch(pitch); if (hasPhysicalSource()) getPhysicalSource()->setPitch(pitch); } void CStreamSource::setSourceRelativeMode(bool mode) { CAutoMutex autoMutex(m_BufferMutex); CSourceCommon::setSourceRelativeMode(mode); if (hasPhysicalSource()) getPhysicalSource()->setSourceRelativeMode(mode); } /// Set the sample format. (channels = 1, 2, ...; bitsPerSample = 8, 16; frequency = samples per second, 44100, ...) void CStreamSource::setFormat(uint8 channels, uint8 bitsPerSample, uint32 frequency) { nlassert(!_Playing); m_Buffers[0]->setFormat(IBuffer::FormatPcm, channels, bitsPerSample, frequency); m_Buffers[1]->setFormat(IBuffer::FormatPcm, channels, bitsPerSample, frequency); m_Buffers[2]->setFormat(IBuffer::FormatPcm, channels, bitsPerSample, frequency); m_BytesPerSecond = ((uint)bitsPerSample * (uint)frequency * (uint)channels) / 8; } /// Return the sample format information. void CStreamSource::getFormat(uint8 &channels, uint8 &bitsPerSample, uint32 &frequency) const { IBuffer::TBufferFormat bufferFormat; m_Buffers[0]->getFormat(bufferFormat, channels, bitsPerSample, frequency); } void CStreamSource::updateAvailableBuffers() { if (hasPhysicalSource()) { m_FreeBuffers = 3 - getPhysicalSource()->countStreamingBuffers(); } } /// Get a writable pointer to the buffer of specified size. Use capacity to specify the required bytes. Returns NULL when all the buffer space is already filled. Call setFormat() first. uint8 *CStreamSource::lock(uint capacity) { CAutoMutex autoMutex(m_BufferMutex); updateAvailableBuffers(); if (m_FreeBuffers > 0) return m_Buffers[m_NextBuffer]->lock(capacity); return NULL; } /// Notify that you are done writing to the locked buffer, so it can be copied over to hardware if needed. Set size to the number of bytes actually written to the buffer. Returns true if ok. bool CStreamSource::unlock(uint size) { nlassert(m_FreeBuffers > 0); CAutoMutex autoMutex(m_BufferMutex); IBuffer *buffer = m_Buffers[m_NextBuffer]; bool result = buffer->unlock(size); if (size > 0) { ++m_NextBuffer; m_NextBuffer %= 3; --m_FreeBuffers; if (hasPhysicalSource()) { getPhysicalSource()->submitStreamingBuffer(buffer); } m_LastSize = size; } return result; } /// Get the recommended buffer size to use with lock()/unlock() void CStreamSource::getRecommendedBufferSize(uint &samples, uint &bytes) const { IBuffer::TBufferFormat bufferFormat; uint8 channels; uint8 bitsPerSample; uint32 frequency; m_Buffers[0]->getFormat(bufferFormat, channels, bitsPerSample, frequency); samples = frequency / 25; // 25 is a good value bytes = ((uint)bitsPerSample * samples * (uint)channels) / 8; } /// Get the recommended sleep time based on the size of the last submitted buffer and the available buffer space uint32 CStreamSource::getRecommendedSleepTime() const { if (m_FreeBuffers > 0) return 0; uint32 sleepTime = (uint32)((1000.0f * ((float)m_LastSize) / (float)m_BytesPerSecond) * m_PitchInv); clamp(sleepTime, (uint32)0, (uint32)80); return sleepTime; } /// Return if there are still buffers available for playback. bool CStreamSource::hasFilledBuffersAvailable() const { const_cast(this)->updateAvailableBuffers(); return m_FreeBuffers < 3; } void CStreamSource::preAllocate(uint capacity) { uint8 *b0 = m_Buffers[0]->lock(capacity); memset(b0, 0, capacity); m_Buffers[0]->unlock(capacity); uint8 *b1 = m_Buffers[1]->lock(capacity); memset(b1, 0, capacity); m_Buffers[1]->unlock(capacity); uint8 *b2 = m_Buffers[2]->lock(capacity); memset(b2, 0, capacity); m_Buffers[2]->unlock(capacity); } } /* namespace NLSOUND */ /* end of file */