<?php /* Copyright (C) 2009 Winch Gate Property Limited * * This file is part of ryzom_api. * ryzom_api is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * ryzom_api is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with ryzom_api. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ include_once(RYAPI_PATH.'server/guilds.php'); function ryzom_get_user_id($cid, $name, $creation_date) { $name = strtolower($name); $db = ryDB::getInstance('webig'); $dev_shard = ((isset($_SESSION['dev_shard']) && $_SESSION['dev_shard']) || (isset($_GET['shardid']) && $_GET['shardid'] == RYAPI_DEV_SHARDID))?1:0; if ($dev_shard) $_SESSION['dev_shard'] = 1; $charsWithSameName = $db->query('players', array('name' => $name, 'deleted' => 0, 'dev_shard' => $dev_shard)); foreach ($charsWithSameName as $charWithSameName) { // Another char with same name => delete it if (intval($cid) != intval($charWithSameName['cid'])) { $db->update('players', array('deleted' => 1), array('id' => $charWithSameName['id'])); } } $charProps = $db->querySingle('players', array('cid' => intval($cid), 'deleted' => 0, 'dev_shard' => $dev_shard)); // new char => create record if (!$charProps) { $charProps = array('name' => $name, 'cid' => $cid, 'creation_date' => $creation_date, 'deleted' => 0, 'dev_shard' => $dev_shard); $charProps['id'] = $db->insert('players', $charProps); if (!$charProps['id']) die('ryDb New Char Error'); } else { // char deleted and recreated => change to deleted if ($charProps['creation_date'] != $creation_date) { if (!$db->update('players', array('deleted' => 1), array('id' => $charProps['id']))) die('ryDb Delete char Error: '.$db->getErrors()); $charProps = array('name' => $name, 'cid' => $cid, 'creation_date' => $creation_date, 'deleted' => 0, 'dev_shard' => $dev_shard); if (!$charProps['id'] = $db->insert('players', $charProps)) die('ryDb New Char in Slot Error'); } else { // char renamed => update record if ($charProps['name'] != $name) if (!$db->update('players', array('name' => $name), array('id' => $charProps['id']))) die('ryDb Rename Char Error'); } } return $charProps['id']; } function ryzom_get_user_gender($id) { $db = ryDB::getInstance('webig'); $player = $db->querySingle('players', array('id' => $id)); if ($player) { if ($player['gender']) return intval($player['gender']); $cid = $player['cid']; $xml = @simplexml_load_file(RYAPI_PATH.'data/cache/players/public/'.substr($cid, strlen($cid)-1).'/'.$cid.'.xml'); if ($xml !== false) { $gender = (string)$xml->public->_gender; $db->update('players', array('gender' => intval($gender)+1), array('id' => $id)); return $gender+1; } } return false; } function ryzom_user_get_info($cid, $webprivs=false, $player_stats=false) { // User information global $_RYZOM_API_CONFIG; if (isset($_SESSION['dev_shard']) && $_SESSION['dev_shard']) $db = new ServerDatabase(RYAPI_NELDB_HOST, RYAPI_NELDB_LOGIN, RYAPI_NELDB_PASS, RYAPI_NELDB_RING_DEV); else $db = new ServerDatabase(RYAPI_NELDB_HOST, RYAPI_NELDB_LOGIN, RYAPI_NELDB_PASS, RYAPI_NELDB_RING); $sql = "SELECT char_name, race, civilisation, cult, guild_id, creation_date, last_played_date FROM characters WHERE char_id = $cid"; $result = $db->query($sql) or die('Could not query on ryzom_user_get_info'); $found = $db->num_rows($result) >= 1; if (!$found) return array('char_name' => _t('guest'), 'cid' => $cid, 'ERROR' => 'unknown_user', 'groups' => array('GUEST')); $row = $db->fetch_assoc($result); $db->free_result($result); if ($row) { $row['race'] = substr($row['race'], 2); $row['cult'] = substr($row['cult'], 2); $row['civ'] = substr($row['civilisation'], 2); if ($row['guild_id'] != '0') { $xml = @simplexml_load_file(ryzom_guild($row['guild_id'], false)); // $xml = false; if ($xml !== false) { $row['guild_icon'] = (string)$xml->icon; $row['guild_name'] = (string)$xml->name; $result = $xml->xpath("/guild/members/member[cid=$cid]"); while(list( , $item) = each($result)) $row['grade'] = (string)$item->grade; } else { $row['guild_name'] = 'UNKNOWN_GUILD_'.$row['guild_id']; // Unknow name (normal in yubo shard) } } } $uid = intval($cid / 16); $db = new ServerDatabase(RYAPI_NELDB_HOST, RYAPI_NELDB_LOGIN, RYAPI_NELDB_PASS, RYAPI_NELDB_NEL); $sql = "SELECT Privilege FROM user WHERE UId = $uid"; $result = $db->query($sql) or die("Could not query."); $priv_row = $db->fetch_row($result, MYSQLI_NUM); $priv = $priv_row[0]; $db->free_result($result); $groups = array(); $row['uid'] = $uid; $row['cid'] = $cid; $row['slot'] = $cid%16; if (strpos($priv, ':DEV:') !== false) { $groups[] = 'DEV'; $groups[] = 'SGM'; $groups[] = 'GM'; $groups[] = 'EM'; $groups[] = 'EG'; $groups[] = 'VG'; $groups[] = 'G'; } if (strpos($priv, ':SGM:') !== false) { $groups[] = 'SGM'; $groups[] = 'GM'; $groups[] = 'VG'; $groups[] = 'G'; } if (strpos($priv, ':GM:') !== false) { $groups[] = 'GM'; $groups[] = 'VG'; $groups[] = 'G'; } if (strpos($priv, ':VG:') !== false) { $groups[] = 'VG'; $groups[] = 'G'; } if (strpos($priv, ':G:') !== false) { $groups[] = 'G'; } if (strpos($priv, ':SEM:') !== false) { $groups[] = 'SEM'; $groups[] = 'EM'; $groups[] = 'EG'; } if (strpos($priv, ':EM:') !== false) { $groups[] = 'EM'; $groups[] = 'EG'; } if (strpos($priv, ':EG:') !== false) { $groups[] = 'EG'; } $groups[] = 'PLAYER'; if (isset($_SESSION['dev_shard']) && $_SESSION['dev_shard']) $groups[] = 'DEV_SHARD'; if ($webprivs) { $db = new ServerDatabase(RYAPI_WEBDB_HOST, RYAPI_WEBDB_LOGIN, RYAPI_WEBDB_PASS, 'webig'); $sql = 'SELECT web_privs FROM accounts WHERE uid = '.intval($cid/16); $result = $db->query($sql) or die("Could not query.".$db->get_error()); if ($result->num_rows == 0) $db->query('INSERT INTO accounts (`uid`, `web_privs`) VALUES ('.intval($cid/16).', \'\')') or die("Could not query.".$db->get_error()); $priv_row = $db->fetch_row($result, MYSQLI_NUM); $privs = $priv_row[0]; $db->free_result($result); $groups = array_merge($groups, explode(':', $privs)); } if ($player_stats) { include_once(RYAPI_PATH.'server/player_stats.php'); $row['fames'] = ryzom_player_fames_array($cid); } $row['groups'] = $groups; return $row; } ?>