// By default, use WIN displayer
WindowStyle = "WIN";

PathsNoRecurse	= 
	"data_leveldesign/leveldesign/Game_elem",			// for sheet_id.bin

// set to 0 if you want to use the admin system
DontUseAES = 1;
DontUseNS = 1;
DontUseTS = 1;

// where to save specific shard data (ie: player backup)
SaveFilesDirectory	= "";

NegFiltersDebug		+= { "NET", "ADMIN", "MIRROR", "NC", "PATH" };
NegFiltersInfo		+= { "NET", "SERVICE", "ADMIN", "MIRROR", "NC", "CF", "TimerManagerUpdate", "addSearchPath", "Executing command", "GUSNET" };
NegFiltersWarning	+= { "LNETL", "CT_LRC" };

FontName = "Lucida Console";
FontSize = 9;

// If the update loop is too slow, a thread will produce an assertion.
// By default, the value is set to 10 minutes.
// Set to 0 for no assertion.
UpdateAssertionThreadTimeout = 0;

DefaultMaxExpectedBlockSize = 200000000; // 200 M !
DefaultMaxSentBlockSize = 200000000; // 200 M !

// how to sleep between to network update
// 0 = pipe
// 1 = usleep
// 2 = nanosleep
// 3 = sched_yield
// 4 = nothing
UseYieldMethod = 0;

StartCommands += 

//	,"modulesAdd gushub 44748"
//	,"modulesAdd gusnet localhost:44748"

	,"modulesAdd gusnet"
	,"modulesAdd em"
//	,"modulesAdd ee enx ais egs ios"

Users +=

	,"sadge abc def"
	,"ravna uvwxyz"

DisplayedVariables += 
//	,"@SetEvent|emWinSetEvent"
	,"@View Installed Event|emPeek"
	,"@Unload Installed Event|emUnload"